Possess and Enjoy the Gospel (Romans 1:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Possess and Enjoy the Gospel (Romans 1:1-4)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Today in Romans we read about the good news.  What does the Bible say the gospel is?  Today, we read this.  Romans 1:1-2.

The sin existed before we were created, that’s why God promised the offspring of the woman, Gen. 3:15.  Through whom? The prophets.  What did God say through the prophets in the Old Testament?  In the flesh, He was a descendant of David, Jesus Christ our Lord.  You need to know this regarding the Old and New Testament.

What is this Jesus, Who has died and resurrected, have to do with me? If you don’t know, then you don’t die when you have a problem, and you have to live and solve your problem on your own. It’s very important.  You must not know this gospel in theory in your head, but you must apply and enjoy it in your life.  When a problem comes, I have died. I am living with Christ.  That’s when I can receive the answer to the problems. 

No matter how much you talk about the good news of the gospel within your life, if you don’t have the death and resurrection, you’re not able to enjoy it.  So you’re bothered and upset.  When can these problems be solved?  When will you no longer be bothered and upset?  It’s when you die to the problem.

What happens when you die? Then Christ must live. That’s why Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  It is finished.  Whatever problem comes, I have this power.  I have died and Christ now lives in me, so Christ is the One Who gives the answer and plan to the problem.  So, for those who are able to know and enjoy this gospel realistically, they are able to overcome and save Egypt. Those who know and believe in this gospel are the ones who will save America.

People can’t come out of their problems because they don’t know the real problem. Christ died for our real, fundamental problems, so Christ has a plan for those problems. That’s what it means to enjoy the gospel. When a problem comes, I am living.  That’s why even though I know the gospel, I’m not able to enjoy it or apply it.  It doesn’t matter how big or small a problem is, whatever environment you are in, you’ve died.  So, see God’s plan where I have died and Christ lives.

David enjoyed the gospel very well, “The LORD is my Shepherd.” What does that mean? I’m lacking, but I have died to that, and Christ lives in me. There’s nothing lacking for Christ, and he enjoyed that gospel.  If you understand the gospel incorrectly, you may face difficulties. You need to enjoy the gospel correctly.  This is something even little children can do.  If you’re not able to enjoy this gospel, you will fall into your problems.

You don’t know what you will be in the future; but you’ve died to that, and Christ will give you His Word regarding that.  So, enjoy the gospel.  If you only know the gospel and can’t enjoy it, then what happens?  All of you know what money is.  It’s different, having money versus knowing about money.  There’s a difference in having the gospel versus knowing about the gospel.

When you have money, you can use it when you need it.  Even though I know the problem, I can use this gospel in the face of problems.  Remnants say they know the gospel, and of course they must know, but they must have it, so that’s why we say to hold onto the gospel.  Constantly holding onto the gospel and enjoying it, this is prayer.

When a problem comes, you can use the gospel you have. When a difficult situation arises but you avoid it, you’re still living.  Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, if I’m living, I have to run away. But I’ve died to that, and there is a way to be victorious, because the LORD Who is with me will guide me through the valley of the shadow of death.

Those who know and enjoy the gospel will be used by God. If you know the gospel but can’t enjoy it, you’ll just fall into your problems. Later on, that results in a mental and physical problems and you have no choice but to crumble down as you face your limitations.  It doesn’t matter to Satan if you just know the problem.  You know it and you don’t have the gospel, this is how people live.  You have to know and possess the gospel, then evidence will arise.

What happens when you have evidence?  All problems are solved.  I hope all the remnants are able to understand this. If you can’t understand this, you have no choice but to fall into your problems and studies. Why are you constantly deceived by the problems in your studies? I’ve died on the cross.  We need to find God’s plan and guidance within our studies.  We’re lacking in our power, and that’s why we pray for the faith to receive the power of God, the power of the throne. 

I am lacking but Christ within me is not lacking, so I pray for the Spirit of Christ to come upon me, to what extent? To fill me so I can save America, and that’s what it means to enjoy the gospel. Pray at this time, you cannot do this with your power. Can you not do your studies?  Pray so you receive the spirit to overcome.  Do you have difficult relationships with your friends?  Pray so that God works and gives you the power to overcome your problems with your friends.

It’s not something that costs money; you can’t even buy this. This is only within the power of the gospel of Christ, and that’s how you save America.  Knowing the gospel and enjoying the gospel.  Pray a prayer of blessing upon your friends.  God gave us this authority, you have it, so use it.  Satan deceives us so we can’t use it.  If there’s a big problem you’re facing, there’s also a big answer. Why do you fall within the big problem? It’s because I’m living.

I have died on the cross, when a problem comes, I have died. Who am I? Christ lives within me.  I have died in the face of this problem and Christ lives within this problem, so I can discover God’s plan in this problem.  Apply and use this gospel.   Don’t just know about money, but possess it and use it.  Don’t just know about the gospel, possess and use the power of the gospel. Lord, give me the filling and power of Your Spirit so I can win over and overcome my school field, then God will completely fill you so that you’re able to overcome and save your field.

In whatever field you go to, pray so that God’s blessing comes upon you.  Then, disasters and Satan will be broken down, and that’s why God has called you as a source of blessings. You cannot do this with your own strength, no one else can do this except for you, and that’s why you’re called the Remnant. You cannot look at yourself. You have already died on the cross; don’t look at your skills, but look at the Christ Who has the skills within you. 

Although you are of no value, because you possess the power of the Throne of Heaven, that’s why you are blessed, to the extent that you can do world evangelization.  Joseph held onto this, his mother passed away and he was very upset.  He was very sad but he was able to hold onto the vision God gave him.  It was over.  He held onto it to the point where he could save Egypt and the surrounding nations, so Joseph was able to use this gospel wherever he went.  Although he went as a slave, it wasn’t a problem.

If you don’t understand this death and resurrection, you’ll ask, “Pastor, I have a problem; why do you say I don’t have a problem?” If you’ve died on the cross, then what kind of problem do you have?  Christ lives within you now and there’s a plan God has planned for you.  Then instead of being oppressed, you hold onto that answer. 

Joseph didn’t have any strength, but he prayed so God would give him the power to save Egypt.  That’s why Genesis 41:38, who can we find like this, one in whom is the spirit of God?  So that’s why Joseph was only this, only God’s power, and God blessed everything so Potiphar was blessed, and this work continues even now.  So wherever we go, whether it’s my business or field, and that’s why God has called you. 

You have to go to prison? Pray so that God’s blessing comes upon that prison. That’s your identity. Don’t listen to Satan. We have this kind of power. Remnants, you must remember this. Then you’ll be able to say, “Oh, this is how America evangelism will happen.  It’s possible to evangelize to the 237 nations.”  It can be done through one person who is able to pray like this.

Realistically have and enjoy this answer by scheduling a time.  Go into the field, and whatever you say, think, or hear, continuously pray about it.  Don’t just hear it as it is, because although it seems right, these are words that will kill your soul. I’ve already died to that. Christ now lives in me so I’m able to change everything into prayer. 

Besides God, there is no one else who can save.  If you believe and rely on other people, your spirit will die.  Although these are words you may physically need, your spirit will die.  That’s why you must change everything to prayer.  Don’t avoid people but bless everyone, and that’s why we have our missions fields.  It is not a place of slavery, it is our missions.

During the week, possess and enjoy the gospel.  


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