The Gospel of Christ is Sufficient (Gal. 1:1-10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Gospel of Christ is Sufficient (Gal. 1:1-10)

Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. I believe the confession we just made is the confession that delights Jesus Christ the most, and maybe there are some of you who don’t understand what it means, but it’s your grace to be able to say it without knowing what it means.  Because all your blessings are hidden within this confession, and if you know that, you’ll only hold onto this, but if you don’t know that, you’ll hold onto something else.  God promised us that everything is within Christ.  

Starting from today, we’re starting with Galatians.  Galatians was a scripture used by Martin Luther when he did the Protestant Reformation to address the problems of the present age.  The region of Galatia was actually a combination of multiple, different regions, including Iconium, Lystra, all the way to Antioch.  When the Apostle Paul first went into Galatia and created a regional church there, two years later, he was writing this letter, the Book of Galatians, to that church. 

It was a situation where false prophets had gone into the church and started spreading lies that you had to obey the law in order to receive salvation, thus destroying the church.  When I say the church was being destroyed, I mean the members of the church were being destroyed.  In other words, they were changing into a state where they were slaves, colonized by the world.

What is the message God wants to give us today through the Book of Galatians?  What is the gospel that America has, that is different from the gospel the Apostle Paul was preaching?  The thing I notice most about the environment of America is, no matter how much I agree with the gospel, if it’s an inconvenience or a burden to me, I will reject it.  If it’s not comfortable to me, it doesn’t matter how much this gospel was given from Heaven, I will reject it.  There are also other people who say that, yes, when people believe in the gospel, they should receive a lot of material possessions.  The gospel is the gospel, but they put something else in addition to the gospel.  

Then there are some people who attach behaviors and actions to the gospel, too, saying, “If you really have the gospel, you shouldn’t be acting like this.”  If the gospel is altered in this way, then mental problems will come at an accelerated rate.  We don’t avoid mental problems because we’re comfortable.  Depression will come to me as such an extreme case.  People are so complicated and I want to avoid them to get some peace, so I went to a quiet location, but one day, I had depression.  

There are other people who say, “Yes, it’s great to have the gospel, but you have to have money as well.  You can’t even speak without money,” then they’re going to have problems because of money.  There are other people who say, “Yes, the gospel is great, but you need to act better than that. I can’t be with you because you act so disgustingly.” Such a person may act very cleanly, but they will get mental problems and fall into addictions themselves because they haven’t received the proper gospel inside of them.

The gospel means, “Good News,” and the Good News is the work that Jesus Christ did.  In other words, Jesus Christ died on the cross on my behalf and then He resurrected, that’s the Good News.  I’m sure among you, there are some people who think in their heart right now, “How is that going to pay my bills or buy food?”  I’m sure there are some people who think, “If I talk about the cross, am I going to get money?”  I think there are also some people who are thinking in their heart, “I’ve seen people who go to church for a long time, and I’m a lot better than they are, at least in my actions,” it’s because they’ve never received the accurate gospel.

The reason Jesus Christ gave Himself to die on the cross on my behalf is not so that we will act better. If you watch your behavior, it’s enough with just a philosopher like Socrates.  If Jesus Christ had to come to die on the cross to make us rich, then we don’t have to go to the cross; we can just go to the CEO of a software company.  This is how much the gospel has never been properly relayed to us.  The reason Jesus Christ went as far as to die on the cross and resurrect is to save us from a spiritual problem.  

Why do people, who have a spirit, have spiritual problems?  It’s not because of any sin we committed, but the Original Sin from Adam and Eve has come all the way down to us.  This is not something we can escape by acting correctly, that’s not something that can be resolved by putting more money into it, and it cannot be resolved by going in the direction that makes me most comfortable, but that’s the environment of America, and that has come into the church and is perverting the gospel.  

The result is that we have no choice but to have shootings.  The result is that we have no choice but to be addicted to drugs, alcohol, and gambling, why is that?  Because our spirit has to be alive and healthy, but we cannot overcome it. Why?  Because the proper gospel hasn’t gone into our spirit.  

When we talk about the proper gospel, why was the gospel given to us? It was given to us for the spiritual things, not to make money. Not to change the way that I act.  Our spirit must be saved.  As soon as humans are born, we are spiritually separated from God because of our Original Sin. From the moment we’re born, our spiritual identity is irrelevant to God.  Because we’re sinners like that, we’re constantly living in fear.  If you steal something from someone else, your heart will be racing, why? Because you’re a sinner.  

If you didn’t have that, you wouldn’t be trembling.  Someone who is a sinner, spiritually before God, because of Original Sin, will have fear in their hearts even if there’s nothing to fear. That’s why as soon as Adam left God, the first thing he felt was fear.  Even though it wasn’t a problem, they thought it was a problem so they tried to hide their private parts with leaves.  But when they were with God spiritually, they were never embarrassed about being naked.  But as soon as we’re born, we have fear inside of us.  

Satan knows our spiritual state and pulls us into our fate.  Knowing this, Jesus Christ died on the cross to save us from this, so the work of Jesus Christ is the work of saving us from Satan, sin, and hell, and He completed that by dying on the cross and resurrecting.  However, we keep attaching more things to the gospel we received from the Apostle Paul. If you start to attach more things to the gospel, Satan will be waiting for you to overtake you.  Because this is invisible, I’m going to be dragged in a direction, independent of my will. I will have no choice but to be seized and dragged by depression.  

Even if someone makes a lot of money, they cannot fill themselves.  It’s not something you can resolve, just by living and working hard. It’s not something you can resolve by working very hard and making a lot of money. There’s no way to solve this other than the cross of Jesus Christ. I have to fully acknowledge and believe that covenant within me to receive this Christ and this peace.  

1. According to the will of God (Gal. 1:4)

  1) Christ gave himself (Gal. 1:4)

    (1) For our sins (Gal. 1:4)

    (2) The present evil age (Gal. 1:4, Eph. 2:2-3)

Paul says this in Galatians 1:4, Christ came to rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our Father, and the will of our Father is to believe in the one He sent, Jesus Christ, so we can have eternal life.  What does it mean to live by God’s will?

    (3) Rescued us (Gal. 1:4)

    (4) To Christ be glory for every (Gal. 1:5)

You have been rescued from these things, then God’s will is to save other people from these things, and living according to God’s will is a Christian. What is this evil age?  Satan is controlling this world and he is moving it with something else, with the things you see with your eyes, with the logic of people. Invisibly, he burrows into you and steals away your spirit. You cannot block that with your skills or science, there’s no way you can purify your heart from this.  We can only start to change when Jesus Christ, who is God Himself, comes into our heart and we believe in Him.  

  2) Churches (Gal. 1:2)

    (1) From God and Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:3)

In Gal. 1:2-3, Paul says, “To the church in Galatia, brothers and sisters with me, grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.” “Our Father God.” There are a lot of religions who talk about God. Even unbelievers know God, but they cannot call God their Father.  Who is the only one who can call God their Father?  Only the people who have become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ can call God their Father.  

You can look at any other religion that talks about God; none of them can call Him Father. The god they follow is a god who is not their father, but for us, when we just say, “Father,” it is finished because we have a parent-child relationship now.  If we just say, “Father,” He says, “I know,” and He will work. Through who? Through Jesus Christ, we can call Him “Abba, Father.” I have a Bangladesh neighbor downstairs and their language also uses the word “Abba,” which we use in Korean. And there are a lot of other languages, for example, Indian languages also use “Abba,” and in English, we use “Papa,” which is similar as well.  The Bible says, “Abba, Father.” God is our Father, you know, right? And it’s finished because He is omniscient and omnipotent.  “Even if you don’t say anything, I know.” And we are okay with just this. That’s the kind of child of God I have become.  

If you don’t know this, you’re working to the bone, but for whom? God is already working hard; our Father is already diligently moving the entire universe, so what gospel did you receive that you’re living working so hard, irrelevant to that?  One day, your heart will not move, one day your thoughts will be seized by something else, and your mind will be divided.  You start to have bipolar disorder. Sometimes you get panic attacks.  Why do these things happen so much? It’s because there are so many good things in America, but they hold onto these good things and attach them to the gospel.  Then the believers who go to church will change into slaves of the world.  

    (2) Grace (Gal. 1:3)

He says, “May you have grace and peace.” We must receive God’s grace. We can only understand God’s Word by His grace, and when we receive God’s grace, we can see our future as well. When God gives you His grace, you can see how the world operates, and you can see how the devil is working as well. I believe this is the time for that grace.  Grace is a present, a gift; you don’t earn it with diligence. This is a present the Father is giving to His children during this time of worship.

    (3) Peace (Gal. 1:3)

May you have peace. This peace comes from heaven.  When Jesus sent His disciples into the field to evangelize, He told them to ask if they had peace, because there’s no peace on earth. People try to be happy, but there’s no happiness.  Whatever people try so hard to make themselves happy cannot make their spirit happy.  Only true happiness is when Christ comes into us and gives us peace.  For Christians, God’s grace and peace come to us every time we worship.  

For us, it’s not about solving problems, but even if I face problems, I have peace because God’s plan is hidden in that problem.  You can tell if someone has the true gospel or a different gospel when you look at their reactions to problems and crises.  There are some people who argue when they face problems; that person knows Jesus Christ as John the Baptist. They judge and criticize.  He was criticizing King Herod for doing wrong things, then he was beheaded.  Even though this person has the gospel, instead of solving their problems with Jesus Christ, they charge towards it like John the Baptist.  

There are other people who have a gospel like Jeremiah where when they see people who are very wealthy, they hate it, and when they see someone who is really poor, their hearts go out to them.  When they look at pastors, they think, “You should always be poor,” but they as individuals drive great cars. “Why should a pastor have money?” they say.  Do you think a pastor is not a person? The reason they think that is because they have Jeremiah’s ideology, and if there’s someone less fortunate than them, they give so much to them. But if someone is stronger than them, they’ll fight against them. That is a Jeremiah ideology.  Even if they talk about Jesus Christ, when they face a problem, this is how they try to resolve it. This is a different gospel, this is not the gospel the Bible tells us about.  

What is the gospel the Bible tells us?  When we face a problem, we must look for God’s plan. We’re not trying to solve anything.  If you have a different gospel, you must try to solve something, but for us, it doesn’t matter what problem we face because God has the answer and we’re looking for God’s plan. 

You can see if you have the correct gospel by how you solve problems, this is how you can diagnose yourself.  Nothing is a problem for the Lord within me. We don’t even avoid problems. Why would you avoid problems? You’re avoiding problems because you have something else.  May you look at the problem holistically and look for God’s plan there.  That’s how you apply the gospel properly in your problems.  

If you run into a problem in the world, I’m sure a lot of people try to avoid that.  Or, are you like John the Baptist, rushing forward and challenging towards it? That’s not the gospel God gave us. The correct gospel, there is no other gospel.  You know it in your brain, but when you face a problem or situation, what you really have comes out.

The gospel is the solution to all problems because there is nothing that is a problem for Christ; it’s only a problem for me.  What does it mean for me to have the gospel?  The way to apply the proper gospel is to look at my Lord Who is within me and look for His plan and solution in all problems and circumstances.  

  3) Apostle Paul (Gal. 1:1)

    (1) Sent not from men (Gal. 1:1)

    (2) Sent not by a man (Gal. 1:1)

    (3) Sent by Christ and God (Gal. 1:1)

Apostle Paul is declaring the gospel, but there are people who are trying to discredit him saying, “He’s not a real apostle.”  The standard of an apostle was someone who was walking and learning with Jesus, and they had to be accredited to be an apostle, but Paul was never like that. So, a lot of people are trying to shake the gospel the Apostle Paul preached by discrediting his apostleship.  

The way the devil tries to shake the church is by shaking the pastor.  “What’s wrong with his personality? Is he even educated?” Why does that matter? If you want to talk about a personality, you should go find a monk.  If you want to talk about education, then there’s a nun who spent her entire life studying in the forest, you should find her.  But it doesn’t matter in the gospel God gave us.  But this is how the devil takes things that are not the gospel and makes us waste our time to lose the gospel.  

Then you’ll be enslaved to America.  Satan is controlling all of America, and you cannot escape from that.  This is the life the Israelites lived in Egypt for 400 years.  They held onto something other than the gospel.  They lost hold of the covenant of the blood that God gave to Joseph and Abraham.  “We need money, we need the education of a superpower nation. I hear that if you go to worship the gods of the Egyptians, you will be very prosperous.”  So they’re educated, they’re making a lot of money in the superpower nation, but their spirit is dying.  The gospel God gave us, and the reason Jesus Christ died on the cross, was to save, heal, and strengthen our spirit, which is the most important part.  

2. Different Gospel (Gal. 1:6) 

  1) Desert the one who called you (Gal. 1:6) 

     (1) Different Gospel (Gal. 1:6) 

In Gal. 1:6, Paul says, “You have so quickly deserted this gospel,” in other words, you’ve become separated from God. If you chase after a different gospel, you are separating yourself from God.

     (2) Throw into confusion (Gal. 1:7) 

In Gal. 1:7, it says it is throwing people into confusion, they are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. Why does He say the gospel of Christ instead of just the gospel? He specifies the gospel of Christ because people are putting the legalism of Moses on top of the death on the cross and the resurrection.  What does the devil want the most? For only the gospel to not go into you.  He gives you money, he gives you success, he gives you everything so that you hold onto this and spiritually die completely. You’re going to work so hard and you’re not going to be able to feed yourself because of a disease. You work so hard all your life, then one day, you have to die and when you die, you’re afraid because the devil drags you.  You’ll have to go where you have to go.

But angels come for the people who believe in Jesus Christ, so they’re excited about it. Look at the difference at how Christians die. Because angels are coming to guide them into heaven, they greet death with a smile and joy.  It’s not only at their moment of death, but they live like this on earth, but look at the people who don’t believe in Jesus Christ. Even as they live on Earth, it’s a hellish existence, and when they die, they are dragged into Hell by the Devil, where they don’t want to go.  In the face of that, your diligence and all your good actions mean nothing.  

Only the people whose spirits are saved by the gospel of Christ can live this way. Then, does that mean we’re not going to have any money, skills, or anything else?  Everything is actually contained within this.  We’re talking about,  “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” (3 John 2). Our spirit must go well in order for everything else to go well. The reason we change that priority is because we have a different gospel. Because we’re living in the world, we’re more used to the things we see with our eyes. Because of that, we’re seized to the point where we cannot even control our own thoughts.  However, if my spirit is getting along well, then I will naturally bear fruit, like a tree planted by the water.  

     (3) Pervert the Gospel of Christ (Gal. 1:7) 

  2) Other than only the Gospel of Christ (Gal. 1:8) 

     (1) We (Gal. 1:8) 

     (2) Angel (Gal. 1:8) 

     (3) Curse (Gal. 1:8) 

In Gal. 1:8, Paul says, “Even if an angel from Heaven were to tell you a different gospel, then they will be under God’s curse.” 

  3) The Gospel preached to you 

     (1) Died to the law (Gal. 2:19) 

What is the gospel the Apostle Paul preached? It is in Gal. 2:19, we are dead to the law. Because of the law, we have sin, and because of sin, we are dead. But we have already died to that law, so don’t argue with the law.  Why are you shoving Moses’ law into this? When Christ died on the cross, I also died to that law.  When Christ was resurrected, I was also united in that resurrection. Why do you keep adding things to this gospel?  “If you have the gospel, you should be comfortable.” Who said you would be comfortable? Why do you add “plus alpha” to the gospel? The gospel is peace, but you can find comfort in the world. “I don’t want to be uncomfortable,” but the world is uncomfortable.  

The work the devil does is to throw everyone into chaos and confusion, but even there, the kingdom of God.  It can be like this or like that, why? Because I have peace; all you have to do is to walk in the direction of peace.  Don’t follow the direction of your comfort; follow the direction of peace. Because peace comes from Heaven. Do you have peace in your business? If not, then you’re doing something wrong.  Your business may go well but it’s not aligned with God’s direction. Then eventually you’re going to reach a limitation, you’ll have to surrender and leave.  Maybe not right now, you think you’re okay right now because you’re fine right now, but it’s already in progress. And when you get caught in God’s time schedule, you’re going to have to surrender completely.  Even right now, all you have to do is find peace through the correct gospel. That’s what God wants. 

     (2) Live for God (Gal. 2:19) 

     (3) With Christ- Death, Life, Faith (Gal. 2:20) 

Gal. 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and Christ lives in me.”  This is the faith I live with now. The gospel is simple, it is everything.  All treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in the gospel.  You talk about money, but money is in the gospel. But you say things like, “I have the gospel, why don’t I have money?” Because you shouldn’t get money. If you had money, you wouldn’t enjoy the gospel, so that’s why God isn’t giving you money, so that you can have Christ, so that you can truly enjoy the gospel and enjoy the peace of Christ in your heart.  

The fact that you’re debating whether you’re happy or not already means you don’t have peace. You can have money or not, “I have learned to be content whether in plenty or in want, I have learned to be content in all circumstances,” that is the gospel we’ve been given. If you need it, our Father God will take care of it, and if you don’t need it, you won’t get it. Do you believe in that?  We don’t, we don’t believe that, and that’s why we’re anxious. We don’t believe that, so we have a backup strategy.  We have a backup strategy because we’re afraid of what’s going to happen in the future.  

Do you think the gospel is so weak that you have to set up your own strategies? Do you think God is someone Who cannot take care of your future?  No.  The One Who is controlling and moving the entire universe with His Word is with me now.  I hope you will enjoy this gospel every day in prayer, especially when you face problems, because that’s when you really should enjoy it. Do not try to solve the problem, but find God’s plan within that problem. Then, when you find that answer, even if you have a problem, it will be irrelevant to you.

Not having the gospel means you’re always trying to resolve that problem, then you’ll have to solve the rest of your life on your own. Your problems will never end your whole life, but the  gospel we’ve been given makes problems relevant to us. When we face big problems, that’s God’s big plan, God’s big answer. This is the standard of someone who has and enjoys the proper and correct gospel.  Not only do we finish it there, but we tell the whole world about it.

Why are we ashamed of the gospel? Why are you embarrassed because of the gospel? It’s because you’re not confident in yourself. Whenever you face a problem, you become powerless and cowardly, and that blocks the gospel. For us, we only have two options. Are we going to save America with the gospel or be a slave to America? There’s only two options: will you spread the gospel in Egypt or will you be a slave to Egypt?  I hope you will diagnose yourself today, “Am I saving America today or am I a slave to America?” There’s no middle ground. Am I going int he direction of saving America, or am I going deep in the direction of slavery?

Do you think your success will save you?  People with money won’t give you a second look. Do you think you can save if you go to Harvard? People won’t even look at you. You cannot save people with the things of this world.  Heavenly peace, the grace from heaven, the freedom in my spirit.  Even if I am abused, there’s spiritual freedom.  Even if I’m chained down, it’s not about escaping that, but it’s about enjoying the peace in the gospel. That’s how you will save the field of America.

Otherwise, you’ll have to wander around your whole life because it’s uncomfortable to me, then the only place you can go is to the ocean by yourself. You’ll have to quit your job and be alone by yourself. Then later on, the noise of the ocean itself will make you uncomfortable. In reality, it’s not the ocean making you uncomfortable. All problems come because you don’t have peace in your spirit.  I hope that every single person without exception will receive the grace and peace of the gospel, and enjoy the True Jesus Christ. 

3. Please God (Gal. 1:10)

  1) Please people (Gal. 1:10)

In Gal. 1:10, are we pleasing people or pleasing God? I can say words pleasing to you now.  If I say, “God will bless your business,” you’d love to hear that. “All your children will become very wealthy, all your children will succeed.” Those are words you want to hear, but the Bible never says words like that. Why do you say other words?  Talk about the gospel that strengthens your spirit, that saves this world.

    (1) People, material, organization center (Gen. 3,6,11)

There’s a pastor in Korea who had great revival and growth in his church, and he said this right before he passed away: he said he regretted it.  It was a church where a lot of very wealthy and very elite people gathered, and this pastor confessed, “I did my pastoral ministry incorrectly.”  These were words that elites and wealthy people loved to hear: success, education, discipline, that’s what he talked about in his messages, and people gathered, of course, and if he changed the content of his message, people would leave the church, so he had no choice but to keep doing this until the end, because he had to maintain his organization. 

So, this pastor regretted it and repented before he died, and after he passed away, his church fell apart.  One day, Satan will go into anything that is not the gospel and we have no choice. There is only hope in the gospel. Your material possessions you may need, but they are not your center. The Tower of Babel was all about “Us, let us gather our own power, our community, our family, our organization, our society,” that’s how you will all die.

    (2) Superstition, divination, religion (Ac. 13,16,19)

Certain people will only vote for presidents who will speak for the poor in their nations, why would you only speak for the poor? You should speak for everyone in your nation. That president isn’t aligned with God.  God loves all people, and if a leader has been given authority by God, that’s how they should do it.  If somebody is only choosing to pick their alumni, people who only graduated from their school, that’s not right.  They may say, “our nation, our country,” but what makes a nation? It’s just a line that was drawn. “My religion, what I believe,” we can’t escape from that.  We’re so seized by Satan that we have no choice but to be dragged around.

    (3) Satan, idolatry (greed), mental, physical, death, future generation problems (Jn. 8:44, Col. 

3:5, Mt. 11:28, Ac. 8:4-8, Heb. 9:27, Mt. 27:25)What is the thing that pleases God? People may not like to hear this.  There are some people who revolt against hearing that Jesus Christ finished all problems on the cross. Some people love hearing this as well, but why do people not like it? They start getting angry, saying, “I still have problems, what do you mean Jesus Christ finished it? Stop lying.” that’s someone who doesn’t believe. They believe in themselves, and as evidence God is alive and with me now, I am going to find God’s answer and plan within this problem. 

The more you try to solve your problem without the gospel, the more the devil loves it.  Just wait, God will give you His answer and plan.  Even though we have the gospel, why does our “self” come out instead?  This is the message God is giving us today.  

  2) Please God (Covenant)

    (1) Christ – It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

He has finished all problems and will be with you for all time with the authority of heaven and earth.  The One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth is with me for how long? Not for just a minute, but for eternity. Believing in that is the gospel. 

    (2) With (Mt. 28:20)

Then there’s no one who can block the plan of God, Who is with me. If your business and your life and your job are really used for God, there is no one who can block you. Joseph went in as a slave, but there was no one who could block God’s plan.  Even if you don’t try to succeed, success will follow you.  Even if you don’t try to seek honor, you will receive it. We’re not believing in Jesus to get those things. We are testifying the glory of the heavens to the whole world so that Christ is glorified, and that’s how the devil is broken down. 

“What have I done until now? I’ve done so much and served so much,” everything you did was by God’s grace, but you think you did it by yourself.  And instead of glorifying God, the devil steals all that glory.  

    (3) Power of the throne (Ac. 1:8)

Now I need to enjoy the power of the Triune God being with me.  The Holy Spirit, seated at the throne, is with me.  He’s not just with me, but He’s with me in power. He is with me with the power to save America.  In your business field, “May the Holy Spirit be with me to save this business.”  Are you being treated unfairly? “God, be with me with the power to overcome this unfairness.” You feel like you’re being treated so unfairly? “Allow me to overcome my bitterness and sadness.”  That God is with me.

Are you not able to overcome your personal relationships? “God, be with me with the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome.” I hope you will enjoy this right now in prayer. Not next week, but right now because God is alive right now, God is working right now. You have to come to life right now because your today is your future.   

    (4) Field – Meetings, thoughts, feelings, hear (Ps. 103:20-22)

May the Holy Spirit bless every single thing that I will do for the rest of the week, including my business, my studies, and everyone I meet. When? Right now, we need to finish it right now even before we even start the next week. The prayer transcends time and space.  If you can’t do that, you can’t save America.  Where doors of evangelism to El Salvador are opening, one of their relatives is cursing them because they’re a witch doctor.  So this disciple is seeing this humanlike figure, and it fills them with so much fear.  Even witch doctors can do that.  

That’s why we’re able to pray that the blessings of God will be upon that person so they can receive the gospel. That’s what it means for you to love your enemy. That’s what it means to turn the other cheek when you’re struck on the face, because that’s how great the power of the gospel you have is. 

The gospel makes you okay even if you’re hard pressed on all sides and hung upside down. The gospel that makes you okay even when you’re treated unfairly, why is that? You’re not forcing yourself to endure it. When the Lord gives you grace and peace, it won’t matter to you.  David was chased to death by King Saul for ten years, and he had this strength.  We want to evangelize America with this gospel. There’s no other gospel, and if you preach a different gospel, God’s curse is upon you.  Because everything is finished with the gospel, if you attach anything else to this gospel or mix it, that’s a great curse.

Christ is the solution to all problems, and as evidence of that, when you face a problem, wait. Don’t just wait, but wait while praying, then without a doubt, God will give you His answer. He reveals God’s plan. But what’s religion? You have to beg and do all sorts of things to solve your problems.  God gave you this problem, why would you ask him to take it away? Then, who is God?  This is within God’s sovereignty. If something is unfair to you, God made it like that. What is God’s plan here?  Finding that is enjoying the gospel.  

You cannot overcome the field of America, then, “God, be with me with the power to overcome America.  May God work and bless the work I’m doing as well. May God bless all the people I’m associated with, all my coworkers.” This is the reason God called us. He didn’t call you to fight with people about this, He didn’t give you this so you can argue that the laws of America are right or wrong.

Save them, save them with the blessings of God, then the work you’re doing is your mission field.  If you have a big business, that’s your mission field, and that’s why you bless the people who come. Because other than you, there’s no one who can bless people; everyone else is trying to pervert the gospel. Bless their children and their family.

Sometimes you can’t discipline them with a switch, God, bless them. Because God gave us that right. The American President doesn’t bless us; we bless the president.  Jacob went and blessed the Pharaoh of Egypt, and that’s why God has sent you into the field as a source of blessing, “And all nations will be blessed through you.” This is the great entity you are, and Satan has completely thwarted that.  “You don’t have money,” or if you do have money, Satan says, “Now, you don’t need the gospel,” Satan is constantly working like this. 

  3) Please God

    (1) Save me

    (2) Save the church

    (3) Save the field

May everyone without exception save themselves, the church, and the field with only the gospel.  


1. Sufficient with the Gospel of Christ

2. Enjoy the spiritual blessings of Christ

3. Save me, church, field…


Let us bless and pray with the Word God has given us.  Bless your fields, “may the work of God’s blessings be upon my field,” and especially, bless your enemy.  If there’s anything unfair in your life, bless it, and as you live the rest of your life, you’ll see how God works. Let us pray.  

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You. We thank You for the grace of giving us this perfect gospel through the early church and the mission to deliver this gospel to the fields.  The devil, controlling this world, is deceiving us even now to pervert this gospel. We pray that you will give us the evidence to overcome all problems with this gospel.  We believe You will give us the evidence of success, physical things, and our personal change being found within the gospel.  We pray that You will bless the offering we have given you so the economy of light may be upon it.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  We pray the true gospel will be planted in her heart.  We pray that you will bless her so that the gospel will be relayed through her to her whole family.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all of the people of God, all the multi-ethnic peoples, and the remnants who desire to fully enjoy the perfect gospel and testify of this with evidence as a witness, be upon their businesses, studies, and fields, be with us now and forevermore always, amen.


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