What Kind of Workers Does the Lord Use? (Matt. 16:13-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

What Kind of Workers Does the Lord Use? (Matt. 16:13-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park Interpreter Gospel Oh

The title is What Kind of Workers Does the Lord Use? So God uses each and every person, and there are times where non-believers are used physically as well, that’s why God allowed them to be on earth. But the workers we are talking about today are the workers that are used in the Bible. 

In other words, God uses the one who knows and acknowledges christ. They are those who have the answer of Christ. The question is, “Why is Christ necessary to me?” The reason is because from our birth we are separated from God, who? Myself. Through sin we were separated from God. And Satan having his control over me, I was born into this world. And this is the spiritual state of me, this is the state in which we cannot see. From our birth we had no choice but to live in me centeredness,physical centeredness, and success centeredness. 

And in this state of centeredness we receive education. This world’s culture is the spiritual me which is centered on the physical things. That is why we have no choice but to fall into superstition, mysticism, and diligence. Even without these things, we believe in ourselves.That’s why we are rightfully captured in the six states of satan. We are in a  state in which we have no choice but to worship idols because of our greed.  And there is no choice but for us to have mental and physical problems. And we also have the fear of death because of the fear of judgment. 

And we’re in this state where our future generation has no choice but to also suffer these problems. However, when we receive all sorts of education, we are within this state in me, physical, and success centeredness. Satan deceives us by disguising and wrapping ourselves in this state. And we fell into this deception so we don’t know who we truly are, and Satan puts on top of that, religion. And because we receive faith with a religious mindset, we are not able to escape from this. So we are rightfully caught into Satan’s snares, 


This is how everyone is when they’re born.  People go on living with the fact that we’ve lost hold of God and we’re living in a  state of curses.

Effort, Success, Knowledge, Good Works, Science, Philosophy

No matter how much effort, success, or knowledge you have, no matter how good someone is, they cannot escape from this. They cannot solve this with science or philosophy, why is that? Because people are born without knowing of the fact that we are spiritual beings, and the things that appear will appear physically.  While developing, we receive scars, and when scars are left alone, people are seized by evil spirits, unable to move. Some people who receive scars think, “I have to succeed.” Others fall into depression because of their scar. While some others may act aggressively trying to attack first.  

Aggressive people are actually weak because of their scars. Being aggressive and using harsh words just means, “Don’t touch my scars.”  People get married in this state, then what will happen to the family?

In order to solve this problem, God sent christ. He opened the way to meet God, and Christ came as the true priest to solve the sins, and Christ came as the king to crush satan. And that is the work Christ has done. Through his death and resurrection he carried out his works. 

Way (Prophet), Priest, King

Whoever believes in and accepts Jesus Christ, at that moment comes the spiritual identity, the child of God.

Child of God

A child of God can never be destroyed because the child of God is someone held on by God, but in the past, when you’re controlled by Satan, Satan attempts to deceive you.  Though we’re God’s children, Satan deceives us by saying we still have problems.  

Guidance of the Holy Spirit

The child of God will be guided by God’s Spirit.  Nomatter how much we fail, God will lead then, though they may be destroyed, God will lead them. God will lead me out of my failures.

Work of the Holy Spirit

Whenever we pray, the Holy Spirit works. We can never get rid of these traps. Satan makes us forget that we’ve received these blessings and we become centered on me, physical things, and success. Inside of Christ there are these spiritual blessings, but Satan makes us lose hold of these blessings. We fall into Satan’s deceit of Satan who keeps on lying to us and we fall into this centeredness. When we’re in Jesus Christ, we are children of God, and when we are God’s children, we are led by God’s Spirit and God will work in us through the Spirit.


When we pray holding onto God’s Word, God mobilizes His angels ahead of us.  


And in the name of Jesus Christ we have been given the authority to break down the forces of darkness.  Satan continues to deceive us so we can lose hold of these spiritual blessings.


Our background is not of this earth; our background is heaven and we receive all answers from heaven.  We have that blessing to do world evangelization to make disciples of all nations.  These are the blessings anyone can enjoy inside of Christ, but why are we unable to enjoy this? Because Satan will continue to work until Jesus Christ comes again.  Satan works by deceiving us into thinking we’re still trapped in this. When we look at reality, there’s a problem.  Facing reality, it looks like a problem. That’s what it means to be deceived by Satan. We have already been liberated from this. We must enjoy this through prayer and confession.

This spiritual state changes everything, and for such people, even though they face any kind of situation, it will never be a problem, because no matter how much Satan may try to deceive them, they cannot lose hold of these blessings.  Those who enjoy this covenant of this spiritual background will change the world.  Anyone inside of Christ has these spiritual blessings but they’re being taken away by Satan.

The question is, what kind of worker does God use?  Of course, it is one who knows Christ, but not just one who knows Christ, but one who knows they are within the spiritual identity and enjoys it.  However, we’re inside of Christ but we’re continually deceived by Satan? Then God cannot use such people. 

Let’s say someone evangelizes to a newcomer, but the question is, is the evangelist within Christ or outside of Christ? When you meet a newcomer, what must you accurately relay? It is Jesus Christ. You must teach them to enjoy these blessings inside of Jesus Christ.  However, if the one who cannot enjoy Jesus Christ evangelize to a newcomer, they have no choice but to relay things centered on me, physical things, and success.

That’s why a true disciple will not relay these things.  No matter how elite someone may be in the world, that person will bow down before Christ.  No matter how successful a person may be in the world, they must not lose hold of the blessings, and no matter how successful a person may be, if they don’t enjoy Christ, then they’re still stuck within these states. In other words, they’re stuck in suffering.  That’s why you cannot just judge people according to success; you must make them stand before Jesus Christ, before God.  

Successful people haven’t stood before God; they stand before people. In their heads, they always stand before people, and that’s why even in the church, they stand before people.  You must help these successful people to be able to stand before Christ. That’s what it means to save a person.  This person is so very tired, because they’re trapped in the sufferings of the world, but outwardly they seem successful.  But we don’t see their inner selves, and we just boast about their outward selves, so that’s just killing the person.


The workers God will use enjoy the blessing that God is with them.  If there’s something greater than God being with them, that person hasn’t accurately received christ. If the centers of me, physical, and success seem greater than Christ, then that person is completely controlled by Satan.  There’s nothing greater than “with,” than God being with me.  However, if someone holds onto something else other than “with,” then they’re trapped within these states.  Even when people sit here in the audience, if there’s someone who is golding onto something other than Christ,  then they are not out of this state.

Let’s say I have an economic windfall. What happens if I don’t have that blessing?  Let’s say this economic windfall seems greater than God being with me, then what happens when God takes that away?  That’s why the gospel must be accurately relayed.  If anything is more enjoyable than God being with me, I’m sorry to say this, but that person will fail because of that thing.

Let’s say for example there’s a dating couple, and they’re so happy, and they get married, and there’s the honeymoon phase. How delightful of a life are they living? But if that relationship is greater than God being with them, then those people will fail because of human relationship, that’s what I’m saying. Of course, it looks nice, but they are feeling good because of the other person, not that they’re enjoying Christ.  Later on, they will suffer because of the other person.  That’s why Satan makes it so that we don’t know the joy of being with God.

King Solomon married so many wives and had tremendous knowledge; however, King Solomon said it was all in vain.  He said, “Only God is Truth.”  So, only God being with me is Truth. I can’t believe in myself because I’m just flesh, and that’s why I keep failing when I look at myself. We must look at what’s true in ourselves and that is God.  Even right now, Satan is alive, trying to deceive us, and when we receive an illness, we are deceived, we look at our  diseases and we’re deceived.  Even though God is within us, we can’t see God, but we see the disease. We’re continuously trapped by the centers of me, physical things, and success.  

Even when I don’t have any money, I’m sick because of my lack of money, but God is with me. We keep losing hold of the fact that God is with me and we keep looking at ourselves.  King Solomon had so many things, yet he said it was all in vain. He had a lot of wealth, women,and knowledge, but he said, “only God is True.” That’s how Joseph conquered the whole world with this.

We may say we know the gospel but it may not be so. We may have the knowledge of the gospel, we may know the knowledge of the gospel, that is, the Way of salvation. We can know by saying Christ and the three roles, but if you know it like this, you will be destroyed.  The problems of mankind are spiritual, fundamental problems.  Christ has finished all problems. It’s not something to just say, “Christ is the answer to all problems.”  The answer of Christ solving all problems is God being with me; we must look at that.  Don’t look at the weak “me,” look at God.  

Joseph was a slave. Instead of looking at himself like a slave, he looked at God. Joseph was a slave but instead of looking at himself as a slave, he looked at God. Simply put, he realistically enjoyed these blessings.  He didn’t see and enjoy the physical things, Satan keeps trying to deceive us by making us look at the physical things.  But the reason why it’s okay before problems and diseases is because of the unchanging fact that God is with me.  Though Satan may try to attack us, he’s unable to.  This Must be accurately relayed to the newcomers for them to become disciples, but the important question is, who relayed the gospel?  Christ is Christ, but what kind of Christ is relayed?


1. Problem 

1) Elijah

In the introduction,  in our bible passage of Matthew 16:13-20, Jesus asked, “Why do you I am?” Some other said Elijah. 

2.  John the Baptist

Some other said John the Baptist. 

3. Jeremiah

Other said he’s like Jeramiah. 

4. Prophet

And some others said he is one of the prophets.  The disciples saw Christ but they knew Him as these things.  These disciples have met with Christ, but they considered Christ to be one of these people.  This is a state in which they have the blessings of Christ but they’re nota able to enjoy it.  So, before Christ, these four people have already arisen.  Whether you go to church or not, these four people are present.  People with this ideology if they relay Christ.  The person receives Christ from such a disciple. Only the gospel must be relayed, but the gospel is relayed in these four ways.

1) Elijah (Mysticism)

People who saw Jesus as Elijah are superstitious. There are people who are superstitious, and they’re just focused on superstition.  

2) John the Baptist (Justice)

And for people Christ as John the Baptist are people like me,  and they can’t bear injustice.  They received the gospel but they relay a Christ of justice.  They say, “I will raise this person as a disciple who is unjust,” so they relay this kind of gospel. They say Jesus is the Christ, but it’s all about being just because they consider Christ as John the Baptist.  

(Social Movement)

They look towards changing society for the better.  

3) Jeremiah (Philanthropy)

Jeremiah is philanthropic.  You take care of those who are not well. I was stuck in these states.  Philanthropy. If you look, there’s poor people and you have to help them.  They pour out their hearts for those in poverty and go against the rich.  There must be philanthropic works. As Christ cries out for the poor, but Christ didn’t come for philanthropy, but some do the works of Christ with a philanthropic perspective.  Those who become pastors with this kind of philanthropy get very frustrated.  Being a pastor means wearing shoddy clothes, however, they have everything they need because it’s philanthropy.  Before receiving the gospel, they had this kind of philanthropy, and if the gospel is relayed with a philanthropic background, then this disciples cannot be raised properly.

4) Prophet (Religion)

And those who saw Jessu as a prophet are just one of the religions.  If Jesus Christ is not only and unique, then this is just one of many religions. They say there are many paths up the mountain.

So there are some people who confess Jesus Christ as one of these things. A lot of people are stuck in this state but relay Christ from this state.  With newcomers as well, you’ll see they are in one of these four states and we must change that.  If we’re not able to change that, then that person is going to continue to be within that.  They’re not able to see the accurate gospel, but rather,they see it a little twisted.  

Specifically regarding pastors or church officers, they see them in a twisted way.  It’s because they received Christ but their nature continues to stay inside that,  so they think it’s correct but that’s not Christ.  That’s what Christ appears like to some people.


That becomes emotion, people see Christ as Elijah will gather together and people who speak righteous words will also gather together.  People who do philanthropic works will stick together, and people who just consider Christ as a religion will also gather.  God cannot use these types of people.  People cannot use people who confess Jesus Christ like that as one of these people.  

How important is it for the new believers to receive Christ?  That’s why, not just anyone can relay this message of Christ.  Only when the proper Christ is relayed to a newcomer can the newcomer be raised up.  The nature within the newcomer must be slowly changed with the gospel, so not everyone is tasked with this because they will just convey their own nature.

Let’s say the person who relays the gospel is good at attending Early Morning prayer and gives offering well, then the newcomer will follow, but let’s say the person who relayed the gospel just comes once in a while to church, then the newcomer will just follow. Then what happens later on?  Because the person wasn’t able to give offering one day, then a misunderstanding of money happens and  they fall into suffering because of money. There’s a portion of money we use for ourselves, but we’re not able to give offering to God, then what happens to that person’s future? That person faces suffering  because of money, why is that?  

There’s this standard of giving money to God out of enjoyment, but they’re unable to give that offering, so they focus on useless things and fall into them.  It’s like when we’re happy inside of Christ, Satan will not be able to move.  The Remnants study very hard, and you must study very hard, and we don’t have time. I know this very well, but what happens later on?  They’re oppressed because of their studies.  In other words, because they work, they are oppressed by their work.  Because it’s for Christ, it’s inside of Christ, and it’s of Christ, but that’s not taking place.  This is bound to happen because the center is not Christ, but it is myself, and that’s why Satan will oppress you.

So, it’s very important how you know and relay Christ.  Jesus answered them, “Then who do you say that I am?”  Jesus asked, “Who do you say that I am?” 


1. Experience

The one who relays and enjoys Christ will be able to experience Christ.

1) Matthew 28:20

God’s Word about making disciples will be fulfilled, and that’s what happens when you accept Christ, but that is not what I’m talking about. “Go  make disciples of all nations and I will be with you through eternity. That’s experience in the  field.  

Mark 16:20

When you relay the Word, God on the throne of heaven will work upon you to accurately relay the gospel.  

Acts 1:8

You will be My witnesses until the ends of the earth and I will be with you.

4) Acts 3:1-12

When Peter and John saw the crippeled beggar, they looked directly at him and Peter healed the beggar.

5) Acts 8:4-8

Phillip did God’s work and God worked through him and the angels of God were with him  

You must enjoy the fact that God is with me while you’re alone and in the field.

2. One who will be Used 

The person who will be used is the one who enjoys the gospel.

1) The One Who Knows Jesus Christ 

The one who accurately knows Jesus Christ.  To know Christ doesn’t mean you know him by yourself,  but the Father God at the throne of heaven must know me. When I say, “I know someone,” it doesn’t mean I just know that person, but who doesn’t know the president Joe Biden?  However, President Joe Biden must know me. I know Joe Biden, but that doesn’t mean that I will know him,  Joe Biden must know me in order for me to actually know him. 

I confess Jesus Christ but Jesus Christ must know me.  The confession of Matthew 16:16, Simon peter answered, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God,” God knew that confession,  so what great blessings were poured upon him? Jesus said, “I will raise my church on this rock,” so God will carry out the works of missions and evangelism  through this person,and on this rock I will build my church.  When you know God and when God knows you, that’s when your life will be a rock.  The church will be raised, the church is not just a building but people will be raised up. This is the work God does through His people. 


And the gates of Hades will not be able to overcome you. No matter your failures, the gates of Hades will never overcome you because the Christ inside of me is perfect. God is with me and I know God.  People may be lacking, but the gates of Hades cannot overcome me.  These kinds of people.

Keys to Heaven

These are the answers to prayer.  If your prayers aren’t answered, you must think about it.  Do I really know christ? Or am i misconfuse Christ as one of these four people? IF you’re holding onto Christ as one of these four people, then these four things will come upon you. But when you accurately know and relay Jesus Christ, then these blessings will be poured out upon you.  If the church knows Christ as one of these four people, they wouldn’t be able to carry out the works of world evangelization.  Then it becomes the future generation of one of these four natures.  So, this is very important.  Rather than having new things, it’s about accurately knowing and receiving. Then God will eventually use that one person.  We must  receive training, but it’s about one person who receives the accurate thing.  These people, though they might run away, God will bring them back to this answer. People are weak, however, God will continuously and God will bring them back to the stream of evangelism and missions.

And to what extent must you bring a new believer? The very first thing is Christ. You must teach them, the accurate christ outside of these four natures, If you’re not able to get rid of these four aspects, then they will only receive answers regarding these aspects.  They must know Christ of the Bible but the person keeps knowing christ as one of these four aspects. What Happens if Christ is Being unjust? Then they will always get into  complication.  

If another keeps seeking Christ of  mysticism, then they will not be satisfied with only worship, but they have to do something. They are having their walk of faith, but one day, mysticism comes upon them, in other words, they went up to a prayer place to praise, but one day their illness is healed, and their standard because the fact that, “I was healed while praying under this tree,” and that person will not be satisfied by only worship,they have to continuously go up to that prayer place. It’s very scary. 

And there’s so many people like this. So christ asks, “Who do you say I am?” and the One Who confesses, “you are the christ the son of the living God,” Jesus will have the answer of how blessed you are.  However, if you hold onto Christ as one of these four people, Christ will not say that you are blessed  So, if we know Christ is one of these four people, we will continuously be  burdened, even though we know Christ, but we’ll be burdened and weary, so we must know this and enjoy this, and from the beginning, just enjoy the accurate gospel to the newcomer.

3. Blessing

Lastly, the blessing to relay the accurate gospel.  What’s the blessing to relay the gospel?  It is that you are seeking only God’s kingdom and righteousness, and you just only want to relay the accurate gospel, but everything is following, but people who do not have the gospel would rather have one of these four people, it does not follow, and that’s why this becomes a heavy burden. And that’s why we must stand before Christ, “Do I really know Christ?’

Where is my state at?  I have nothing to hide and I’m seeing that I’m living these two aspects.  A person must be just but the fact that they are not able to contain it is something else. People who are into religion, if someone proclaims “Only christ.” they’re saying, “Christ is just the same anyway.” What does not take place is evangelism.  Definitely Satan is broken down through Christ, but it isn’t being broken down?  It’s because they themselves don’t know christ.  So they try to receive answers, but they cannot. People who are into mysticism will have mysticitic answers. People who are really into justice will always have conflicts.  So, it seems to work out, but if it is only Christ, then these things can happen.  

So when we meet a newcomer, don’t just relay the knowledge but rather understand what the newcomer has, and just relay the accurate word. And that’s why not anyone can be sticked to a newcomer.  

There’s a newcomer message. There’s a messenger. There’s a person who help newcomers one on one. 

What kind of workers does God use? The one who can have the biblical confession of “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.” In other words, rhe ine who can confess that everything is within Christ, and there’s nothing greater than being with God. That’s when Satan is broken down, that’s when evangelism has no choice but to take place, and when prayers will be answered. I pray you may enjoy these blessings. 


Dear Father God, thank you. Let us become one of the workers you will use, and let us really be able to guide the newcomers to non-believers to new-believers, and let the believers have the righteous moment, and let the next generation become the generation who knows Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

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