Only Christ (Colossians 2:3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Only Christ (Colossians 2:3)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Why is it only Christ?

Because of Satan, we sin, which is not believing in God, and that’s why we’re spiritually completely separated from God.  The problem you see in your life isn’t the real problem. Right now, the problem is that I don’t believe in God and I’m seized by Satan. 

We were created to be with God by God’s Word and power, but instead, we fell into this trap. Then he covers us in a frame with superstition, divination or fortune-telling, and religion. Satan takes people who are spiritually separated from God and plunges them into the trap of being centered on me, Because our thoughts are seized by Satan, I am held by greed and idolatry. I think I’m lacking something, so the real problem is my greed. What I have right now is plenty, but because you are seized by the devil, you always think you’re lacking something.

It’s not anybody’s fault, it comes from the fundamental spiritual problem, but the world does everything to try to solve mental problems.  Even if you treat a mental problem, that’s not a solution to the problem because the greed is already there. They have no choice but to be greedy because they’re already seized by Satan. It doesn’t matter how much money you have; you’ll never be satisfied because you have greed, you’re lost within the problem itself, and no matter how much you try to solve the problem, you cannot.

If you’re mentally oppressed enough, it will become a physical disease. If you’re seized by demons, you will have a disease no one can diagnose.  If we’re not within “only Christ,” then you’re bound to walk in these time schedules. I hope you will look at your parents and wonder where they are within this time schedule because even if they go to church, they’re here [in the trap, frame, and snare] because they don’t believe in Jesus Christ.

Humans are spiritual, so it doesn’t end with death; our spirit doesn’t die. It either goes to heaven or hell, there’s only two options.  If we were not spiritual beings, committing suicide would be the greatest solution.

Until the spiritual problem is resolved, it doesn’t matter how much you study. If you’re good at studying, that’s that, but it has nothing to do with this. Just because you have a lot of money, these problems won’t disappear. 

This is the world, because the fundamental problem isn’t solved in the world, these twelve problems will continue to repeat. 

We can never meet God no matter how much we try.

Why did we talk about only Christ this morning? We’ve been liberated from the problems, but we keep going back into the problems because we don’t yet have only Christ.  But for the people who have accepted Jesus Christ, John 1:12 says we have become children of God.  If you face a big problem, God is guiding you to a really big answer. Through Christ, you are a child of God, so we enjoy this. When we face a problem, we are excited to see God’s great solution, so a problem isn’t a problem for us. 

Being naked isn’t a problem, the problem isn’t a problem, but when God is with us, He gives us all the answers.  Without Christ, a problem is a problem and we shouldn’t go to church.  This is what it means for Christ to have finished all problems.

When we pray, we get answers, Acts 1:8, and it becomes our power to be witnesses until the ends of the earth. When you pray, you receive answers to do world evangelization.  When you pray at your school for world evangelization, then God will open your studies to do world evangelization.  If you don’t understand these words, …

It will never work because you’re already stuck in a frame of problems you cannot escape. When you face a problem, “I wonder how God will guide me,” but if you cannot enjoy this, you will face the same spiritual problem as your parents.  But it has already been finished for us in Christ and we go towards the blessing of salvation through Christ.

We now have a heavenly citizenship, Phil 3:20.  What does this mean?  Our physical citizenship is on this earth and we get our passports checked when we fly internationally. These are physical things but our spirit belongs in heaven and our spirit is a citizen of heaven. Our bodies are stuck here but we are connected to a spiritual God. That is the spiritual world.  If you know this, then everything will move from heaven, and when the works of heaven come upon you, the physical things you seek will follow you.

But if you don’t know this, you’ll speak with physical things, “Korea is like this, America is like that,” this is someone who hasn’t escaped from their 12 life problems.  We have enough blessings to do world evangelization.  I don’t study for myself, money, or success; I study for world evangelization.  I hope you will go to school while you hold onto this promise and pray.  Then, without a doubt, God will enable you to do world evangelization according to your studies, but if you lose hold of this promise, it doesn’t matter if things work out or not.

Our lives aren’t determined by that, but God will guide us with the status of spreading the gospel of Christ. If you have only Christ, all 12 problems are finished.  But if Christ becomes weak for you, Satan will seize you so you seem to be back in problems. He seizes you with lies, it’s not a problem at all, but I hope you will quickly go into Christ to find the answer to the problem that makes it not a problem.  The remnants must be the evangelists who hear this while they are young, who believe it and enjoy it and relay it. It doesn’t matter what your circumstances are, Christ has finished all problems.

Col. 2:3 says in Christ are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The reason why Moses ran out of the Egyptian palace was because he saw something greater. The reason Paul evangelized was because of Christ.  Being naked itself isn’t a problem, but we try everything to cover up our nakedness, but it doesn’t go away. Until God covers us so that a problem isn’t a problem, the problem won’t go away.  That’s why Christ completely saves us and is with us so that no problem in the world is a problem for us. 

We must go into the blessings of this throne of God. That was Joseph.  He held onto this covenant and went to Egypt and experienced God’s works transcending time and space.  When God’s blessings and power came upon Joseph’s field, everything changed, so why would slavery be a problem? Is it success to become a governor? So many people become governor and then kill themselves. They were fine until they became a governor, but then they killed themselves.

The point is changing your state so it doesn’t matter and you’re not deceived by the lies of the world. Your studies aren’t lies but you’re deceived by things like this. Christ has finished all problems forever and He is working in us forever. I hope you will believe this and root deeply in faith.  He is guiding me forward not with my strength, but with the blessings and the power of the Throne of Heaven.

This is a truth, without a doubt, so root this deeply into your thoughts and hearts, then you will realize everything is inside of Christ. If you need money, God will pour that out. If you need to meet people, God will give you those meetings, so every single remnant should take on a role in church. During EM praise, you shouldn’t just sit quietly doing nothing, you should take a role.  Don’t leave all the older brothers and sisters to do it, but you guys should do it yourselves. This is how this takes form.

You shouldn’t just sit there and do nothing, instead of Esther reading the Bible verses, call a remnant to do it.  If you guys don’t do anything, the same people have to do the work and can’t do anything else.  Whether it’s EM worship or something else, we have to gather people into the Saturday evangelism systems. You take your kids who are hanging out with during the week and bring them in on Saturday. If you hold onto your kids your own, you can’t continue.  You have to quickly connect them to the system that allows them to have continuation to 70 regions.

Same thing with interpretation.  Quickly come interpret so she can rest and do other things. You guys can all do it, so do it.  It’s the same thing for Friday night worship. Come here, do praise, worship, and interpret. Do something, then what will happen?  Without even realizing it, you’ll go into the blessing of worship and your spiritual state will change.  But for people who are stuck in the 12 problems and fundamental problem, they can’t do it because it seems like a waste of time to them, they’re researching methods to help themselves, thinking of humanistic ways, but all answers are inside of Christ, inside the blessing of worship.

That’s why, all the remnants, starting with Chris and Carlos, take on a role. That’s how everyone can do more things.  If your thinking is so small, then your church will be small. From now on, every single person should take charge of one thing. Even people who are participating online should take on a role they can do online. That’s how you can do the 70 regions and beyond. But if you only know about yourself, you can’t do more than that.

Same for me, I have my limitations, Would it make sense if I interpreted for myself into English? Would I be able to do everything, even change the camera angle? That’s the system in the church, so you must think, “I must do something,” it looks hard but it’s God’s grace.  Now, the teachers, pray for each and every student and give them a task they can be good at.  When you praise, have people play instruments.  What’s the point of going to Boba time?  Go praise with us, even if you get Boba time, you’ll want it again and you’ll never be satisfied. But if you receive spiritual grace from God, you won’t even need boba.

God enables you to do this but you’re stuck in your unbelief, “I can’t.” This is true revival. If your thoughts are blocked, you can’t. Revival is helping others who are new to get plugged into the church.  Make it so that every person can do something, give each person a mission. You can do plenty of things. If you can’t do this here, then you can’t do this in the world, either. But if you have this blessing, you can do this in the world as well.

Practice in the church. You can also learn guitar because what’s the point of doing nothing during praise? Come up and play guitar. There are unbelievers taking drugs to play music, what else would you do?  At your age, you should learn how to play drums so you guys can play the guitar and drums, why? Because of worship. That’s how revival takes place. 

Our thoughts, our faith are revival.  Once you do this, the remnants will follow you, but if you say you cannot do this, the remnants who follow you will also not do anything.  So that’s why, Jacob, I hope you will teach guitar and drums to the remnants. 

But if you say, “I can’t do this or that,” you’re a foolish person. Just ask, “How can I give glory to God?” God will prepare everything so it will work out. God’s answers are all hidden in this.  I told Tiffany earlier, “All your coworkers at your job are there for evangelism.”  When you simply pray for the people in your field, your school, and job, God will create incidences.  God will make it so that through any problem, God will give you the answer.

I hope you will pray for your school fields, and at this time, God moves transcending time and space to fulfill that work.  When you go to your school, strange things will happen so that God can fulfill the gospel. God does this work through your studies.  Evangelism and your studies aren’t separate, but they go together with your job because God moves such that through your job, people gather and you give the answer to their problems. But if you don’t know this, you go to work and study, and even if these things take place, you think evangelism doesn’t work. 

But it’s bound to work. God moves everything through your work and studies, but you don’t know this, you lose hold of all of this, and you want to go somewhere to evangelize.  That’s why your field is never aligned. I hope you will pray for this.  The remnants at your school are from 237 nations and it’s all connected to your studies, that’s why we pray. Your studies, business, and evangelism are all connected.  These blessings are all within Christ.  That’s why for us, everything is contained within enjoying Christ and relaying Christ.

Whatever you’re thinking evangelism is, that’s not evangelism. If you get arrogant and say, “I evangelized,” that’s a problem. Your field coming to life is evangelism. Your business and studies are bound to come to life; that’s evangelism. But if you misunderstand evangelism, it will be a burden to you, then you’ll have to run somewhere else to evangelize.

God sent you to the field to give the answer to the field, and God is sending the remnants to the field to give the answer to the problems, but if we misunderstand Christ, we misunderstand everything. May you enjoy and relay this blessing.


Father God, we thank you. Bless the remnants. May they receive the evidence of only Christ and stand as witnesses. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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