Platform and God’s Goal (10 Platform)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Platform and God’s Goal (10 Platform)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

The title of today’s message is Platform and God’s Goal. And so today we will be talking about the 10 platforms. So before we talk about the 10 platforms, God created mankind and makind was created in the image of God in Genesis 2:27. We were created so that we are with God. And in Genesis 1:28 God gave us the blessing of conquering and ruling over everything. And this is the blessing making must receive. But the problem of Satan who you cannot see began before mankind was created. And Satan made it so that we disobey God and we are separated from God. Genesis 3:1-6. Genesis 3:1-14. Genesis 3:16-20. 

And Satan gives us the snare of being centered on me, physical things, and success in Genesis 3,6, and 11. And that’s when Satan captures people with the frame of mysticism, fortune telling, and religion. And within the 6 snares we are captured by Satan. And mankind has no choice but to worship idols in Exodus 20:4-5 and chase after their greed in Colossians 2:1. 

So worshiping Satan is idolatry and this presses down on our mental state. Matthew 11:28. And it reveals itself as a physical problem, these are problems that originate from the spiritual problem, and the problems of the heart in Acts 8:4-8. Hebrews 19:27, even when we die it is not the end. And in Matthew 27:25, this problem is passed down to the future generations. And in order to solve this problem, mankind goes to religion, to philosophy, and to science, but it doesn’t work. And in order to solve this problem, God sends Jesus Christ to this earth. 

Who is Christ? Christ is the person who did the roles of solving the three fundamental problems. And in 1 John 3:8, the Christ who has come to destroy Satan. And in Mark 10:45, he came as a random as the true priest who solves our sins. And in John 14:6, Jesus Christ comes as a true prophet who made the way to meet God. And he is Jesus. 

When you believe and accept Jesus Christ into your heart, that’s when you become a child of God. And God guides his children with his Holy Spirit. And God answers our prayers in acts 1:8. And this is the role God have to us. We have not received this identity through our own works and effort but we have been given this identity when we believe in Jesus Christ. And when we rosy the angels are mobilized in Hebrews 11:14 and Satan forces are broken down in Luke 10:19. And now we live with the citizenship of heaven, Philippians 3:20. 

And we do the work of world evangelism where we make disciples of all nations, Matthew 28:18-20, and this is the position God has given to us. People always asks “How do I pray?” And even if a person has lived a long walk of faith, they don’t know how to pray. They think they need to ask and request for something. So just enjoying this is prayer. So go through this and look at the word everyday. With the way of salvation in the bulletin just go through it every single day. That is prayer. Then what happens? 

Don’t try to solve your own problems, but enjoy this answer in Christ. There’s no other way to solve your problems. When you enjoy Jesus Christ and your blessing, then all these other things don’t matter.  Then you’ll be able to come out of adultery and loving money without your own effort.  When you enjoy the identity of being with Christ, you’re able to raise other people and raise the church.  You can help the weak church members and respect the servants of the Lord, and you’ll have no choice but to follow your faith.

This is only possible when you enjoy Christ and the blessing of the Throne of Heaven.  God has given you this blessing in order for you to save your region.  You will hold onto this as your power and blessing in order to save the 70 regions.  This is the introduction, hold onto it very well. I went over it because there are some new believers who don’t know this.

If someone asked you to do the way of salvation, you can just do it like this.  With the pulpit message, you can just go through the message and it’s not that complicated.  With the point you held onto from the pulpit, emphasize that and do the way of salvation. Enjoy this blessing and save your field. 

Prayer While Alone

Before we hold onto the platform and God’s goal for us, we first need to enjoy Christ and the power of the blessing of the Throne of Heaven.  You need to be able to enjoy this through prayer by yourself.  This isn’t something you can ask for help with, you need to be able to do this on your own. When you wake up in the morning, you must enjoy this by yourself. You must be able to do scheduled worship by yourself.

Regional Worship, With, Word, Mission

Through worship, you can receive the Word that will be fulfilled. Me, my church, and my field must be aligned with the field.  From this moment on, we hold onto God’s mission.  It must be through these things.  When you enjoy Christ and your identity, you will be able to see your mission.


What does it mean to have your conclusion in Christ?  “This person has come to a conclusion in Christ, that person hasn’t.”  In other words, is this Christ the solution to all problems? 

1. Acts 1:1

If Christ is the solution to all problems, a person’s words will have power.  If I’m enjoying Christ in my daily life, there may be times I’m at a loss, but is it really a loss?  Knowing it’s not a loss, you’ve come to a conclusion in Christ.  So, you’re not actually facing a loss within that problem because you already have all these amazing blessings given to you.  So, because you don’t know this amazing power and the blessing of the Throne of Heaven in Christ, even though you have Christ, you have no reason but to fight and have conflicts with people.

2. John 19:30

It is finished. What is finished? Why do you keep saying it’s finished?  In other words, the suffering I’m going through is not mine; it is finished. 

Way of Blessing

The way of blessing God prepared for you is finished. If your’e caught in a problem, it means it has not been finished. The problem being finished means I don’t hold onto the problem, but I find God’s plan within it. 

3. Sin, Satan, Hell

The fundamental problems of sin, Satan, and hell have been finished.  The fundamental problems of mankind have been finished, so I’m a child of God.  Even though I’m suffering in my problems, Christ is with me.  But if I don’t have that, I have no choice but to fall into those problems. 

Matthew 4:19

Then, how can I evangelize? There’s no method you can get from people.  Matt. 4:19, “follow Me and I’ll make you fishers of men,” just follow Jesus Christ, not people.  Then evangelism will take place. You must be mindful of this. Then, what is prayer?  It is aligning yourself in this direction. If you’re not aligned with this, then can you pray?  It is finished but you pray for it to be finished; is that aligned with God?  No.  Some church members don’t know how to pray, but you must know correctly so you can explain it to new believers.  But because you haven’t come to a conclusion in this, you become confused when you try to explain it. It’s finished, it’s not yours.  There’s God’s plan and blessing that you will receive separately. You need to pray for that.   

2. Acts 1:3 God’s Kingdom

1) Background

2) Territory (Army) 

3) King, Commander

3. Acts 1:8 Witness

 Witness- Prayer 

If you’re a child of God, you don’t need to ask for all these things.  So, instead of praying for the blessing of Christ, God’s Kingdom, and the Holy Spirit, people pray for something else.

We’ll look at the ten platforms today.

1. Platform

1) God’s Sovereignty

So the first thing, God’s absolute sovereignty. If you don’t restore God’s sovereignty then you can’t do anything. “Oh this happened, that happened.” God’s sovereignty. But in the church, we keep emphasizing the authority of mankind.  We keep talking about man’s sovereignty, “This happened because of this.”  God’s sovereignty.  Some church members gather these days and say, “If I had known this earlier, I would have joined,” but you wouldn’t have.  Before, your interests were somewhere else. So even though they continue to listen to the word, their interest was in something else, so they wouldn’t have come. So, even if Jesus came to do a lecture, that person’s state wouldn’t have changed and they wouldn’t have come, but for them, if someone lower than Jesus came to give a lecture, then it matches with them. But we don’t see it like that.  Instead, we blame others and make excuses, “Because I did or didn’t meet that person, this happened.”  So it’s wrong from the very beginning. God’s absolute sovereignty.  

I’m sorry to say this, but before this, if I had told you or we had a lot of trainings, such a person wouldn’t have come.  But God was actually doing the work of changing someone little by little, but we don’t see that, and it’s because we don’t believe in God’s absolute sovereignty. If we don’t believe this, it’s just nothing.  

2) Main Figure – Jesus Christ

The main figure of history is Jesus Christ.  So, we’re not just simply saying He is the main figure, but the main figure of the history of mankind is Jesus Christ. So, when you talk about your past, you must be able to see Jesus Christ within that.

3) Working of the Holy Spirit

It is not my power, but the working of the Holy Spirit.  

4) Word of the Bible

And now we follow after the authority of the Bible, the logo’s word. All of the words are written in the Bible.  So, whether you do the way of salvation or give the message, you need to have the evidence of the Bible backed up.  So, before there was a remnant who came up to do the Way of Salvation and didn’t give any Bible verses. I told them, “Why are you saying your words? You must give the Bible verses. These words are from the Bible, but you don’t write those, why are you saying your own words?” All our words have the authority of the Bible.

5) Church Member- Church 

I am the church, we are the church. Don’t love many; love your fellow church members.  Don’t love money; love the church instead.  I’m not sure how much people will understand or be moved by this, I want to take a poll, “Don’t love your business but love the church instead,” so you shouldn’t love business because it’s the physical things.  When did God say, “Love the physical things”? He said to love the church.  You don’t come to church to do your business, you come to church to do world evangelization, and you come to church to evangelize. Ultimately you raise the church.  

The greatest commandment is to love God and to love others.  Then what is the time schedule the church needs?  That’s the blessing.  If it’s Temple Construction, they will get that answer, but people who emphasize themselves will fall into Genesis 3. “I’m weak, I can’t do it,” so they can’t see God’s answers.  “Oh, because I’m so old,” do you not have children? The covenant you hold onto can be relayed to your child, but if you’re constantly within this unbelief, you have no choice but to continue to fall into poverty.

So, if you just wait, there are these tremendous blessings awaiting you, but you can’t see it. But those whose interest and love is the church will see this.  If you know the time schedule, you know God raises church members and the church to follow the time schedule.  

6) Missionary

You must have a mission while you live here.

7) Life ans Death 

The one who is in charge of all things is God.  So whether we live or die, whether we receive blessings or curses, it’s all within God’s hands. If you’re not sure within this, when you grow older, you’ll be afraid of death.  Satan will surely work through that. You need to listen very carefully. I’m not saying you won’t get sick because you believe, if you’re not sure of God who controls life or death, when you get a disease, Satan will use that. Then, instead of dying becuase of an illness, you’ll die becaus eyou’re captured by Satan, mentally, spiritually, and physically.  So, if you have a disease, you must surely be with the platform that God is in control of my life, so I must have the filling of the Holy Spirit to do my mission.

If you’re not sure within this, you have no choice but to travel. An incident occurred so there are fewer people coming to Early Morning prayer.  If you have that, you cannot go to Mark’s Upper Room.  Being persecuted and you run away?  The one who controls life and death is God. This must become your platform so you’re okay regardless of the situation. If a weird person comes to church and you can’t come because of that, how will you enter into Mark’s Upper Room? The person in charge of my life and death is God, so you must break that down with prayer, but instead people are running away, then how can you fight the spiritual battle? 

8) Judgement

When you die, there is judgment so we look towards the afterlife.  We live on this earth, looking forward to the afterlife prepared in heaven. 

9) Afterlife

10) Reward 

Surely, the evangelists have a reward.  

When this becomes my platform, that’s when Satan will be broken down. If you don’t believe in God’s sovereingty, you’ll have no choice but to shake.  Who is the main figure of my past, present, and future? It is Jesus Christ and I live with the working of the holy spirit.  That’s receiving the filling of the holy spirit.  

The authority is mine, all things are in relation to God.  You may say this or that, but what does the Bible say? If you don’t have the walk of faith, your platform has no choice but to shake, so that’s why God gave us the Bible.  You can’t just close the Bible and look for words that people are saying. Then, you won’t listen to the Word incorrectly. For example, if you don’t have the Bible verses here, will you not emphasize them or talk about them at all?  

2. God’s Goal

What is God’s goal? It is not my goal, but what is God’s goal?

1) John 3:16

We need to save people

2) Matthew 6:33

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Help them come out of the authority of Satan.  

3) Matthew 24:14

This gospel must be preached to the whole world, and then the end will come.

4) 1 Peter 1:9

God’s goal is the salvation of your souls, so God’s goal for this week is to save souls. Who is the main figure and the center of saving souls? It is Jesus Christ. You need to end it with this and teach this.  Jesus Christ Who comes in me and is relayed must be finished with this. If Jesus Christ is established in you but you can’t relay Christ, it means you haven’t come to this conclusion because your goal in life isn’t Jesus Christ, it is something else, so you haven’t concluded in Christ. Then, pray for the filling of the holy spirit to do the work of Christ. Do your 3 today’s every day, listen to the Word every day.  This word being fulfilled is given by God, and you pray for it, and that’s today’s prayer.

3. Problem

Before evangelism, people face problems because their ambition is wrong, as it is a different ambition. So even if they evangelize, it doesn’t take place.  It’s because their ambition is Jesus Christ and saving souls, rather than something else. If your ambition is wrong, you have no choice but to use humanism and wrong methods.  If you take this ambition out, then the filling of the holy spirit is the method. But if you have this ambition, you have to look for ways to fulfill this.  

If you have the ambition of Matthew 4:19 of following after Jesus Christ, it will take place, but without this, you force yourself to do this.  If your ambition for studying is to save souls, you can see your vision and mission, but if your ambition is incorrect, you cannot see your vision and mission.  If your ambition is wrong, everything is wrong, and later on, even your days become wrong.  

So, what is the basic principle of evangelism?

4. Basic Principle

Just look to the Lord and follow Jesus Christ, then you’ll receive the filling of the holy spirit, and there’s no greater blessing than this and evangelism will take place because God must work upon your work to do evangelism.  You must follow with the conclusion of only Christ and receive only the filling of the holy spirit.  

What is training? Training is when we align our incorrect ambitions and goals to God.  If that doesn’t take place, then there’s something wrong with you.  God is doing world evangelization even now, but am I aligned with that?  Then, in order for me to be aligned with that, I must have made the conclusion in Christ. Because it isn’t finished with Christ, I have no choice but to fall into the 12 problems and I keep being deceived by all this.

I need to go within the blessings within Christ, then the works will just take place naturally.  But if I’m continuously in a problem, I shake and Christ is nowhere.  Why do we do this every day? So it becomes our imprint, root, nature.  So I did this message in 6-7 minutes, and depending on how this message becomes your nature, it can be longer. But from the beginning, recite it from memory, and as you do it, God will reveal something different to you.  

In the beginning, you may go into the field with this sheet of paper because it isn’t yours yet, so you apply this in your life and you can see God’s work, then you’re able to enjoy this.  Then even without this, because it’s rooted within me, I can explain it to everyone I meet.  Whoever I meet, wherever I start within this message, it’s possible, I can just relay it to them. So, it’s important for this to become mine.

We need to know it, but it also must become mine.  Then, it’s not just the order of it, but it naturally takes place. Do this every single day.  Then, the pulpit message and the messages will become more clear to you and you’ll be able to listen more clearly.  

5. Church members 

Within the church, there are many different types of church members.

1) No Gospel

Some come to church without the gospel; you must help them correctly.  That’s why the new believers training, we teach the basic message because we don’t know if they know it or not.

2) Believers

Some have received salvation

3) Desperate

Some are desperate who want to be loyal to this message

4) Committed Workers

Some are God’s committed workers, and within the church, there are these four types of chruch members.  The church needs to prepare to raise these four types, because there aren’t just committed workers who come.  Most people are just believers, they’re saved and go back and forth from church. Even among this group, some come without having received salvation.  There are some loyal workers who come to church because they’re desperate for the word. You must give them the Word sufficiently.

Some are committed workers.  You need to also raise them correctly.  That’s why on Sunday, we have the evangelist’s lifestyle training for these committed workers. We’re giving the message to the committed workers with the 62 lifepoints of the evangelists.  Some are desperate for the Word, but believers don’t come.  Some people don’t even know we have this kind of training, so we must teach them, “We have trainings at church,” and if you’re in the field, guide people so they come to these trainings.  For loyal workers, they’re desperate for the word so they can come to the 1pm class. 

6. What is the Lifestyle of the Evangelist?

1) Word – Not Emphasizing Myself 

It is someone who follows the Word, not emphasizing themselves.  A person who emphasizes themselves cannot live the life of an evangelist; they live their own lives.

2) Serve

Evangelists serve but others want to receive something, to become a leader to be served, but they can never live the lifestyle of an evangelist.  A pastor shouldn’t have the goal of being served; they should serve instead. If someone gives it to them, it’s okay, but that isn’t their goal.

3) Abandoned Ones

We have received everything, so we throw away unnecessary things.  But some people try to obtain all these things instead of throwing it away. They hold onto these things. I have these great 7 blessings God gave me through Christ but I try to obtain physical things.  The evangelist is one who throws things away. It’s okay if you give everything away because you’ll still have your blessings.

4) Commissioned Workers

We are commissioned workers of the field.  Just as I have been sent by my father, I have sent you.

5) Cross – Death, Victory

We must bear the cross and follow after Jesus Christ.  The cross is death, we need to lay down our lives and follow. Then we have the victory of resurrection.  If I don’t lay down my life, I cannot be victorious. Those in Mark’s Upper Room laid down their lives and followed into victory.  If there’s a strange person acting wildly, will you be able to be victorious?  If something happened in LA and you run away because you think your life is in danger, will you be able to be victorious?  So, there are many mentally ill people who cause a ruckus, but you must not be afraid of death and enjoy the victory within Christ.

Carnegie said this, “A wise wife is one who 100% obeys and serves their husband.” Women may not like this, then they will be controlled 100%.  I try to exert myself so I have no choice but to be controlled. If I die, I can be victorious. Evangelists do not assert themselves; they follow the Word. Why assert yourself when God gives you the Word through the pulpit?  There’s no reason to assert yourself.  You’re not trying to be served; instead, you’re serving.

Jesus shows us by washing the feet of His disciples.  I’m not living my walk of faith to receive something, but instead, I throw that away.  When you fish, you don’t gather all the fish, but you throw away unnecessary ones.  Keep the ones that are needed. We are sent out.  

This is the message I wanted to share with you today. Right now, we’re continuously doing the healing evangelism school but I’m gearing it towards the ministers, and I’m going to be doing the Way of Salvation often.  The reason I’m doing this is because all the trainings don’t cover this, and even if it’s just on YouTube, you can listen to it well. 

The leaders of the field are also giving the Word with the Way of Salvation along with the pulpit message, so I thought about having this form. I’m doing this again so you may have the prayer of enjoying Christ.  This evangelism movement must be simple and easy.  If it’s complicated, it will not be passed down from you.  It’s only complicated for you and other people will not be able to understand. 

So, the message that everyone can take part in, and the point God has given through the pulpit message.  Anyone can do this, there’s nothing hard about it. If you keep doing it, you will have the imprint, root, nature, and you can relay this.  So, I’m just simply going over the way of salvation to also explain about the pulpit message.

I went through it like this, I do it every day, I don’t do it in this specific way, but I do it every day.  Whenever I think of Christ, I do this constantly because it’s my nature.  I hope you’re able to enjoy this and make it your own. You can’t be too submissive or assertive. Just let go of everything, because within Christ are all these blessings.  Within Christ, your finances and work will follow.  Then, you will receive the blessing of loving your brothers and also raising the church.  Even if you’re constantly within adultery, if you’re within this message, adultery will break down as well.  If you’re constantly within Christ, then you will receive the power in order to go together with other church members who are in suffering and pain.  

This is not my strength but it’s possible through the power of the throne.


Father God, we thank You.  through this healing evangelism school, may the works arise and the 70 disciples arise. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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