3, 9, 3 and 1, 3, 8

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

3, 9, 3 and 1, 3, 8

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

God, we thank you. May the evangelist’s life be our imprint, root, and nature. May we have the lives that save the world.

Introduction – 3, 9, 3

A young adult asked, “What’s 3, 9, 3?” The first three is the Triune God.


3 life movements – Gen 1:27, 2:7, 2:18

3 Transcendences – Acts 1:1, 3, 8

We have to shine the light of the 237 nations in the field by transcending time and space through prayer, by the working of the Holy Spirit. The three life movements are within me, but the three transcendences are in the field, we also call that the watchtower.  It is sitting in a very high place to save people.  The three life movements are the platform. People don’t come to me because they see me, but the life within me, and they gather as the platform.   Whether it’s a church, regional church, or a Darakbang meeting, they enjoy life.  If they talk about anything other than life, it will be hard to gather.

3 Communications – Me, Church, Field

The Word of God from the Throne of Heaven must be aligned with me.  Enjoy this always, meaning, enjoying the life of the blessing of the Throne of Heaven in me.  Once you’re in the field, you can communicate with God and the field.

3 Ages

Pastor – Pulpit

The pastor can save about 100 people, but once the church is larger than 100 people, we must save the field with 70 workers.  There are these ages and time schedules. Then it’s the remnants and assistant pastors to save the future age.

Enjoy this always, 3, 9, 3.  Our church is in the time schedule of raising 70 workers. Already, just with the pastor’s efforts and strength, we have reached a limitation we cannot overcome. Each person is limited by what they can do, so the pastor must go in the direction of saving the field through the 70 workers, and the message to save the field must be relayed through the pulpit. Give the message to save the field, and what will happen in the future? It depends on how we raise the remnants.  I hope you will always remember, 3, 9, 3.

We’re constantly going in the stream of the message, and you have to meditate on this.  Church officers, if you do not have a time of holy meditation, you don’t have the time to save yourself or your field.  The Bible verses of the three life movements must be applied and mixed with my life. I have to pray to save people in the field through the 3 transcendences with the prayer transcending time and space.   I communicate with God in the field through the Word. Is the Word I receive at church being relayed and communicated in the field? 

In the field, you can hang out people according to how they look.  If someone doesn’t have God’s Word organized for them, they might as well be dead, but those who organize the message have God’s accurate message in them. Speak to Jews as if you’re a Jew; speak to Greeks as if you’re Greek.  For those who do not have the law, act as if you do not have the law, and for those who have the law, act as one with the law.  But, there is a message that saves.

If things get complicated for me, it makes my brain hurt.  Even when I pray, I don’t pray for more than a minute.  The people who like short prayers like me, but people who don’t will not receive grace.  Esther prays a long time. 

Some people cannot understand if you explain simply, you need to give details. Some people don’t understand no matter how many details you give. Some people listen to an entire lecture and only remember one thing. “God made this person like this so they can save people like this,” either way, there must be a message to save the field, a message that has the answer to save the field.

When we talk about the pulpit, it must be a pulpit that can save the field. That’s how the 70 disciples will take this field-saving message into the field.  If the pulpit is always very theological, it cannot save the field.  Even today’s message, if I wanted to go into theology, you would be exhausted. Do you know how legalistic people give messages? They would say things like, all the godless people and sexually immoral people and those who have bitter roots have to be cast out of the church, and they cut people down if they don’t meet the standard.  Then, nobody can keep up with that church. 

But for us, we save people like that.  Our sermons are completely different.  That’s the only way we can save people in the field, otherwise we will cut them out.  They would have said, “Look at this sexually immoral person! Expel them!” But we say, “Save them.”  The Bible says a bitter root causes chaos in the church, so we should cut it out, but instead, we have to save people like that, together.

If someone’s like Esau, you shouldn’t just point at them and say, “Have you still not figured it out?” Help them change their priorities. There’s a difference between a message that can save the field and a message that can kill the field.  Later on, what will the remnants become like?  The life you’re living right now is exactly the message you’ve received from the pulpit.  First, you enjoy freedom.  During EM, we talked about Ephesians 2 in a very vivid way.

We race towards the evangelist’s reward. Why do we race towards only Christ?  Is it possible with the efforts or abilities of man? No. 

People who don’t understand John 19:30 will understand it physically. “It’s finished but why do I still have financial problems and scars?”  The message doesn’t make sense because the application doesn’t make sense.  Did Jesus Christ come to solve that scar and financial problem? Even before the scar and financial problem, your state was in sin, Satan, and hell.  But we keep adding the law.

If you’re falling asleep, when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God will work upon you.  But instead of teaching the kids, we teach other things, and we prevent them from praying, too.  When you go to school, you can pray once as you’re walking to school.  There are videos of Hispanic girls fighting at school. People who haven’t heard this gospel will get scared, “That doesn’t have anything to do with me.”  But the people who receive the gospel just have to pray in the name of Jesus Christ once, then God works. 

The result is going to be in God’s hands. Anyone can pray in the name of Jesus Christ as much as we want. We’re a nation of priests, but we make it different so we add something else, plus alpha.  “I didn’t go to seminary and receive training like you, and America is hard.” “Only Christ” hasn’t entered into you.  Only Christ is perfect.  We don’t receive anything by efforts and accomplishments of mankind. Even now, you can pray in the name of Jesus Christ regarding your problem, and God will give you an answer, but the reason you don’t pray is because you keep putting yourself. 

Of course, you can put yourself in, but it has to be Jesus Christ. I told my kid to pray for her school and to see what happens after three years.  Kids are getting scared. The longer you go to church, the heavier the name of Jesus becomes. If you don’t understand this, the more training you receive, the more you read the Bible, the more you must conclude it’s only Jesus Christ.  Otherwise you will pile up efforts of man. It may be okay for you but the next generation will die as they see the name of Jesus Christ is not enough for them.

At first it seems like things are working out, because they have their strength, but then the church will be burdened.  That’s why it’s only Christ. There’s no other words, no other name. It doesn’t matter how nicely you act. Only the name of Christ.  Apply this! In your problems, crises, and incidences, hold onto the name of Jesus Christ, but you don’t because it’s all about “me.” Why does that matter? The Holy Spirit will teach and remind you.

We talked about the nation of priests. Joyce is a nurse and will pray for people.  As she’s doing all her nurse duties, she can pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  That’s the remnant, the 70 disciples.  It doesn’t matter how young I am; I can do this in the name of Jesus Christ. That can save the field.  The curses and disasters must first be broken down in the name of Jesus Christ.  This is how easy Christ is, and this is how easily we can relay this to the kids, but the Early Church blocked the Greeks from entering.  They said, “Because I have the law given to me by God, everyone else is like animals, savages,” and that’s why Jesus Christ fulfilled the law.  You can’t have salvation through the law; only the cross of Jesus Christ gives salvation whether you’re Jewish or Gentile.  That’s why we’re in the process of raising up the body of Christ.

If you want to just make a living in the world, you can just do that, but we save people.  The hospital may treat people, but we save people. We must continue to give the way for people to come to life.  “Try praying in the name of Jesus Christ,” and when the Holy Spirit works, they receive power to change.

Who will give this answer, and how?  That’s the key.  We did Darakbang for so long and even now, there’s so much training, and as more time passes, the training must give us more life with Jesus Christ.  But the training seems burdensome, “Just another thing to remember.”  “You don’t know 3, 9, 3? You’re a beginner.”  But still, you may know all those things without the answer of only Christ.  There’s no 3, 9, 3 in the Bible.  But because he summarizes the Bible succinctly, it’s the Triune God.  It has to be relevant to me, my field, and governing the communication between me, the pulpit, and the field; I must be aligned with the pulpit and the Word of God.  Then there’s the three ages.

Jesus Christ really has finished everything and I must enjoy this out in my field. There must be communication between me, my church, and field.  Then the church officers and remnants must unite, but the greatest thing is only Christ Who finished all problems.  But we fall into problems and don’t give the answer.  “You did this and that,” but only Christ is the answer in the church.

Let’s use her as an example.  I don’t like her, every time she interprets, she’s late.  She’s never done that, it’s just an example. In the past, I used to give examples of my family, and now there’s nothing left to say about them; now it’s you. She’s always late.  How are we going to change her?  Should we start yelling at her to make her chance with a stern tone? That’s how legalism goes in.  But the reason she’s late isn’t just that she’s late, but her spiritual state is one where she’s late.  We meet people in the family and the church. How can we change her? Pray for her in the name of Jesus Christ.   Then, she can try praying in the name of Jesus Christ.   

Only the gospel can save people, but if you don’t know this gospel, you may endure this a few times, but after that, you have to really explode at her. If the law goes in, it stings and she feels guilty and sorry for falling short, but can she change herself? No.  This is the laziness that comes from her spiritual state, it’s powerlessness.  But if you know this, you can say, “Try praying this in the name of Jesus Christ, it’s a spiritual problem. God is bound to work in the name of Jesus Christ without a doubt, this is the key to solve all problems.”

Then you have to keep giving her this liberating gospel where it’s not your effort, but Christ does it.  Then, because I keep giving her the gospel, it’s easy and light, it strengthens her and brings her to life.  Until that point, she tried to pray in the name of Jesus Christ regarding her problem, but let’s say someone starts saying this about it. Then faith is relayed and God begins to work.

The time period for the results to show is according to God’s time schedule. It’s not up to us. The Kingdom of Israel being established is not for us to know. Her actions changing to be more firm isn’t for us to know. Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and God’s time schedule.  Change the spiritual state, then as time passes, she’ll come to life and help others as well.

But if we’re not able to do that and we mix the gospel, it’s going to be hard.  She can’t do hard things so she gives it to someone else, she can’t do it on her own.  The kids born in America are even worse at doing things.  However, the gospel is easy and light.  That must be given in the field and pulpit.  This is finished, nothing else to attach. 

God’s Kingdom.  There’s a Kingdom of Satan, by the name of Jesus Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God is established.  Your eyes must be opened to see the field for the remnants to conclude they must save their field by the working of the Holy Spirit.  This is the reason God gave us our talents and job.  But people don’t relay the Holy Spirit, so people get confused. 

If I just want to eat and survive, I can do that, but it’s possibly only by the Holy Spirit, so that’s why we pray.  But if you learn incorrectly, that you only pray when you need or want something, you’re bound to live a religious life. But if it is by the Holy Spirit that the demons are cast out, the Kingdom of God has come upon you.  It’s not possible by anything else; only by the power of the Holy Spirit will the doors of Acts 2 be opened.

The three transcendences means it’s only possible by Christ.  You  must have communication in the field, me and the pulpit, and the pulpit and my field. That’s how I’m connected and come to life. This is the antenna that connects.  That’s how the Word is relayed to the field.

Acts 1:8, 5 Powers, 5 Time Schedule, 5 Doors.  Something other than the gospel has gone into this person a lot, but the more time passes, it gets easier for those who have the gospel of Jesus Christ.  When the Holy Spirit works, He will give the five powers and bring the five time schedules and open the five doors.  You can do it with human efforts and persistence, but you can’t continue.  You have to go into the power where God continuously is working.  If something isn’t working, you must find the reason why.   

God is working even now, but so many things that aren’t the gospel are within me.  The real issue is, am I someone with the accurate covenant or not?  The Early Church was in an environment where it was easily only Christ, because they only had two options: stake their whole life for only Christ, or live a religious life, so only the people who came to the conclusion of “only” would stake their lives.  But today, their reason isn’t like that, because anyone can come in the name of Jesus Christ and it’s confusing. So it takes a long time, but the members of the Early Church crossed this threshold in that hostile environment.

Only people who gave their lives for only Christ could gather. That’s how they held onto the mission of establishing God’s Kingdom.  Paul didn’t know this, and he heard about this from Ananias, part of Mark’s Upper Room.  Paul met Jesus Christ in his legalism and collapsed, but he had never heard of the Kingdom of God.  He heard about this from a layperson.  This is what Paul continuously did.  The method is not himself; it is the Holy Spirit.  Every Darakbang he attended, he testified of the Kingdom of God.  For people with Only Christ, it’s possible no matter where they go.

This is very important, only Christ.  The Greeks had their own legalism, so you have to relay only Christ.  The Jewish people had their legalism and only Jesus Christ goes into them so the rest can take place.  Peter said, “Only Christ,” but the legalism was mixed in. Then, that’s why he started criticizing people who ate with Gentiles, because that’s against the Jewish law. He’s still remaining in legalism so Paul says something about that.

Even though he was the first disciple to follow Jesus so sincerely, Peter’s legalism never left.  That’s why Peter is not mentioned much in the latter half of the Bible, because he’s mixed with legalism and cannot be the model.  Paul’s epistles weren’t included because he’s an excellent writer, but he had this important message to relay, and all he talked about was only Christ. If you add something else, that’s why people fight.  “Only Christ!” “But you also have to circumcise and keep the feasts!” So God continued to say this to Paul because our nature remains even after the gospel. 

That’s why if the church talks about something other than Christ, it may fit with us, it may be moving, it may even be inspirational, and you can talk about something else but it will collapse in the end. If you’re inspiring people, it seems people are gathering but they all leave because nothing can deceive the devil.

The number of people isn’t important, but how long can you go? I have this nature where I’m unable to live an upright life, but I want to, even as an unbeliever, I tried to live within a frame. That structure is a good thing, but I’m disappointed in myself, and I judge those who can’t go in.  Can you save people with this rigid structure? That’s just what I learned: you have to act in this clean and upright way, but this cannot save anyone. Everything is within Christ.  God gives you things one by one according to the time schedule.  That’s why instead of talking about the structure or organization, it may seem like it’s taking longer, but is it life?

If you keep talking about the frame, you’ll tell people to fix themselves.  Later on, they try to act to the frame, but they revert to their old nature in the world. Then, when they go home, their children are there.  It must be only Christ, and I must come to life in Christ, but because only Christ is invisible, it’s a foreign concept, but we’re fast at understanding structures. We seem so good but as time passes, we keep dying inside.  That’s why people do transcendental meditation. That’s why.

Only Christ. If church officers don’t understand, the remnants have no hope. The remnants must grow up with good things now.  You can gather with many people in the world like Boy Scouts, that’s not the issue, but without only Christ, it all falls. Some people with a little tenacity will endure a little, and package themselves, but they’ll die. 

Christ should be the easiest name for us. Everyone needs Christ, then we can change gear.  You can change it yourself.   The field must be established with the Word. This is God.  People who emphasize their efforts and goodness have to pack more. The more time passes, if you don’t relay this, those who can’t handle it cannot come close. We may distract them, “You’re doing a great job.”

You and I are lacking because no one is perfect other than Christ, but if your thoughts go towards this a little bit, it’s possible only by the Holy Spirit.  How can you change Egypt? It’s only powerful when the Holy Spirit.  The future generations, talent, specialization, field are all within “only.” Otherwise it’s a curse and even if things aren’t going well, it doesn’t matter.  “What happens if I’m like Job and I lose everything?” “Why are you?” They package themselves so what did I tell them? When God gives you a test, He doesn’t give you something more than what you can handle, and they are kicked out.  If you say, “Try going to church harder, maybe it will work?” The law isn’t the answer; you have to give them faith regarding God to finish it.

Why would God want to do this to harm us? You need to know the answer whether you’re in church or the field.  If you receive strength, they’re bound to come.


God, we thank You. We pray You will work with the 21 lifestyles of the evangelist until it becomes our imprint, root, and nature.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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