Meditation to Heal with God’s Word (Heb. 4:12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Meditation to Heal with God’s Word (Heb. 4:12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We receive faith from the Word.  If I listen to the Word accurately, I can change, but Satan says I can change myself. That’s Genesis 3, that you can change yourself if you’re God, if you eat from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Even today, Satan tells Americans, “If you do transcendental meditation you can receive incredible power. You can change yourself.” You will never be able to change. Only when the Word of God accurately comes upon me, I will change.

How can we change our studies? It’s not the studies we had before, you’ll see it differently from a changed perspective.  In the past, I used to see studying as something I forced myself to do, as an instrument for success, but now I see it differently.  Now, I’m able to see the studies through the Word of God as something I do with God’s strength with God’s goal.

The devil is invisible, but the devil prevents you from hearing God’s Word and confuses you so that if you’re not listening to God’s word, you cannot listen.  The Word is God.  Hebrews 4:12, the Word is a sword. If you go to the hospital, they have knives to cut out illnesses. The Word of God can cut out illnesses that presidents and doctors cannot heal.  Only when the Word of God goes into me will the diseases of my spirit and soul be healed.

The greatest disease is unbelief in God’s Word, but people are more delighted in the words of the world instead of the Bible. You may need worldly words but they do not help in healing your spirit and soul.  All your studies cannot heal your invisible diseases.  Only the Word of God can heal you and save you. 

John 20:31, the reason these are written is so that you may know that Jesus is the Christ and that by believing, you may have life in His name.  Matthew 16:16, Jesus is the Christ.  This life movement will bring about the works of re-creation.  If you look at the parking lot, they cover the ground with pavement or asphalt, but if you see closely, grass grows in the cracks in the asphalt.  If the seed of life is planted in the ground, it will come out through any tiny hole.  The life of Christ within me can save myself and the world.  When such a person studies, those studies will save, and that’s why it’s valuable.

If the Word doesn’t save me, I can’t save anything. The devil teaches you that you can have a high and amazing position, to be like God Himself, but God doesn’t say that.  There’s nothing stronger or higher than God.  We are the image of God, so when the life of God comes into us, we become strong as well.  Then, our lives become a life of meaning, of re-creation in all our work, so you should never be deceived. You’re listening to deceiving words through YouTube and other people, and if that goes into your heart, it will get stuck. It doesn’t matter whether those words are correct or not, this will change again with time.

Do you think the world is a cube or a sphere?  In the 1500, they said the earth was flat, and if there was someone who claimed the earth was round, they were executed, so everyone said the world was flat.  What about today?  The flat-earthers are wrong; the world is a sphere. It might be this or that, but it’s not that important.  Maybe if someone is a sailor, they may find it important because they would fall off the face of the earth, but it’s not the “right” person who comes to life.  It doesn’t matter if the earth is spherical or flat. You should stake your life on what’s important, the life of Christ. But some people waste their entire lives on this. 

When you have a conversation with someone, you argue about who is right or wrong, but you can’t save people with that, and it doesn’t matter. Only the Word of God can save people. Once you save people there, then whether the earth is like this or that, it’s secondary.  Marijuana is not illegal in California, however, the son of a governor official had it in California and tried to bring it into Korea, but he was arrested.

Here, he smoked weed, and because he’s Korean, he went back to Korea without thinking about it, but it’s illegal there so he was actually in a lot of trouble since he was the son of a government official. It was legal for him in California but in Korea, they looked at him like a criminal.  He only became a criminal when he went to Korea, and he was even on the news because he’s the son of a famous person, “This official educated his son incorrectly,” they criticized the government official, “How are you going to lead the nation if your son is like this?” It might be okay in California but not other places.

Sometimes things are legal in Korea but not California.  Someone tried to send some medicinal herbs from Korea, they are legal there, but you need a permit for that in America. You can fish however much you want in Korea, but you need a fishing license in California and they limit the size of the fish you can catch.  Anyone can do anything in Korea, so some Koreans come to America and fish without a license and get caught and have to pay a fine.  It’s just different standards, it’s not the truth, it won’t kill anyone, but these are things designed so we can live together.  

But when the Word of God comes into me, I come to life, re-created. “I’m a child of God,” when this comes to me as life, everything is finished. If I’m a child of God, who is my father?  Because I believe in Jesus Christ, I’m a child of God and I have tremendous power.  Nobody can harm the child of God because God protects me, guides me, and works upon me. When the word of God comes into you accurately, you will change. You can’t change with your studies or by what you can see; you change yourself with the Word of God’s life.  That’s healing.

You have no idea how important God’s Word is.  Until now, God’s Word has changed me; nobody has tried to. It was impossible for me to change myself, you have no idea how much I tried. We cannot change; that’s the conclusion. No action can change us.  No matter how well we try to think, we have our limitations. 

Do you have scars from your parents, teachers, friends, or about money or your studies?  Then what’s going to happen for the rest of your life? You’ll be dragged around by Satan.  There may be a lot of reasons for my scars, but the problems started from me.  I said this earlier, but almost all scars began because we can only think about ourselves.  We look at our parents from our perspectives, so their words and actions may be scarring to me. Because we’re only interpreting and looking at them from my perspective, it becomes a scar, but who are the people who aren’t scarred?  The person who is able to think from another person’s perspective.  If you think from the other person’s perspective, it may be different from your own thoughts, but we are not able to think like that. We’re so seized by our own thoughts, we’re not able to escape.

Even if you just thought once from the other person’s perspective, we would not be scarred. Think from the other person’s perspective, why are they saying these words?  Some people receive scars from the church.  It says in the Bible that you’re caught by your own motives.  It means you’re looking based on what you want, your own perspectives, so you get caught up by that. It means you have to change your viewpoint, otherwise you’ll be stuck in yourself.

Remnants, as you get older, you may get scarred, however, that scar is what Satan will use to drag you around for the rest of your life, Ephesians 4:27, and you’ll get stuck like that. Personally you’re right because you see from your perspective, but if you think about it a little bit from the other person’s perspective, it wouldn’t become a scar.  Even if you think from the other person’s perspective, you’ll see, “Oh, he’s going through something that left him no choice but to say that,” you wouldn’t be scarred.

Again, if we just pray, “What is God’s plan in this? What does God want me to hear?” You’ll receive answers. Some remnants are born into very poor families.  If that remnant compares their family to their friend’s family, they may ask, “Why is my family like this?” They only see from their perspective, “Why is my family not as wealthy as my friend’s parents?” If I think from that perspective and feel like I’m less than my friends because I’m poor, this will scar me.

Then if my friend is a millionaire, do I think that person is perfect?  Even if you just ask the question, “Why did God allow me to be born and grow up in a family like this?” You’ll receive accurate answers.  You have to ask the right question to get the right answer. You can ask whatever you want and God will answer accurately, but it may take you a longer time. If you keep asking God, “Why didn’t you give me millionaire parents?” If you keep asking God to change your parents into millionaires, you can’t receive answers. The fact that God allowed you to be born in this family is an answer.  Then, instead of seeing from your perspective, ask for God’s perspective, and God will answer. 

 Do you have any idea how scary scars can be?  If a parent has scars from poor parents, they will think, “I want to marry a millionaire wife,” so they have to be similar, but they’re not equal.  Then in order for him to become equal to her, he has to work really hard. Even if he doesn’t have the money, he has to rise to that level and get married.  He thought it was a great idea, but he discovers problems he’s never discovered in his life.  Because he never saw the problems that occur in the home of a millionaire. 

What does he say later on? “I met the wrong person.” It’s not that you met the wrong person; you met the right person, but your personal scar wasn’t healed so you’re dragged around by that for the rest of your life. I don’t know how long this will take, but you’ll be dragged around until you realize. It’s possible to discover this after you get married, or it may take many years, but healing begins right now. Do you have scars? It’s because your standards and perspectives are too strong.

Some people get scarred because the pastor speaks too sternly.  They keep thinking from their perspective, that the pastor should speak softly and gently, but some people speak strongly, and others are annoyed when you speak too calmly.  But this is someone who embraces their own problems, but the root of that problem begins with “me.”  Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, but people are their own way, truth, and life.  Even as they go to church, they don’t receive the gospel as the truth; they think they are the truth and receive scars.

Let’s say, for example, she says something to me with malicious intent, then of course that would scar me because she did this with malicious intent, but what do you think God would say?  “Leave that person alone,” and God will curse that person because “Whoever blesses you, I will bless, and I will curse those who curse you.”  It’s a scar to me when I don’t believe in God’s Word. 

In the church, it may not matter, but there are people in the world who actively try to kill you. On the outside, their words seem so correct and true, but they’re full of deceit.  They’re dragged around by Satan’s lies.  That’s why you have to hold onto the words of truth, that’s the Word that saves me.  Without the word of God, you have no choice but to be dragged. That’s why life is so hard. “I’m scared of people and of meeting people, because everyone looks like they want to deceive and kill me.”  When the correct Word of God comes into me, I will be able to lead and save the world.

Even if you listen to today’s words well, you’ll be liberated from your scars.  We talk about scars and you understand it, but the devil loves it.  The person who talks about the scars may be right from their perspective, but that’s just their words; it’s not God’s Word. You have to receive your answer from God’s word. We listened to this Word, but can we listen continuously?  We’re studying, there’s no time to listen, even once we wake up in the morning. That’s why you need to take the Word of God and listen to it and meditate on it.

You shouldn’t pray holding onto nothing; pray with the Word of God.  The Word of God is God; God is everywhere because God controls everything, then how do we discover God?  You can discover God when you discover His Word in everything.  President Biden is in the White House, but how can we see him?  If the word President Biden speaks will influence California’s laws, we listen.  The words a person speaks determines a person. If this person speaks dishonest words, they’re dishonest people.

May the Word of God seize my entire soul and body. You can just keep words of people as reference but hold onto God’s Word; the words of the gospel.  The words of the law oppress you, reminding you of your sins. “Is this the best you can do?” Then you use the law to oppress this person, but without the law, you have no standard. No one knows what the standard of the law will be, you use the law to take them to the gospel to save them. 

We’re bound to be kept separated from God, but if you keep telling them that they’re separated from God, you can give them the answer.  “You left God, didn’t you? Should you really do that?” If you just leave it at that, you’re killing them. “You left God, didn’t you? Hold onto God’s Word.” That’s how to save them. Legalism is, “You left God, how could you do that? Act better, you’re a Christian,” there’s no answer there.  “Did you leave? Hold onto God’s Word.” If I’m more gentle, “You messed up, right? Try holding onto the Word, okay?” The personality doesn’t matter.

You are so used to the world being right or wrong, you’re used to rules like going on green and stopping on red. You break laws and pay fines, but that’s not how you save people. That’s just the order that was created so that you may live.  We cannot save with the law, so we save with the gospel.  There’s no way to satisfy God other than the gospel of the cross.  Paul held onto the gospel and came to life. The Word of God is the Word, but what’s important is the gospel.

Everything is finished; nothing is lacking. What happens when this really goes into you? Liberation. It’s a problem but it’s not a problem for me, because everything is already finished.  Some people are afraid of missions and evangelism, but God has prepared us for world evangelization and guides us forward.  Our remnants are worried about the future, but God has already prepared it. Some remnants worry, “Will I get married? Will I get a disease?” All of this is in God’s hands. If it’s finished, it’s finished.

But if we don’t believe in this, we’re trembling in case we get sick. The word of God hasn’t come into us yet, we go to church so we’ve heard of Jesus Christ but the complete gospel hasn’t gone in. If the complete gospel comes in, then it’s completely finished, why? Because the Triune God is with me forever. How does this feel to you?  The Triune God is with me forever, then will this be a problem for that person?  If something does seem like a problem to this person, it means this person hasn’t received the meaning of “eternal with.”  If God is with me, what could be a problem for my life? But how do I receive that?  When the words of God come to me internally, it’s finished, but it comes externally at this surface level.  But it’s not mine anymore—“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened.” We go and take up our cross and follow, so we just go to the cross, it’s a battle of faith where everything is finished.

It’s a battle of concentration. People are bound to concentrate on something.  They’re bound to concentrate on such things because their spiritual state is separated from God. You cannot heal them with good words. If someone is a thief, they concentrate on stealing, they have no choice but to go in that direction because they’re spiritually separated from God.  Then, how can they be healed?  If I have a time of meditating, I’m concentrating on the Word of God, then I escape. At first, you don’t go deeply very well, but as we keep holding onto God’s Word, we may start with one minute, and even then, it might be hard, but if you’re able to concentrate on the word of God, your brain will first come to life.

This is my testimony.  If the word of God doesn’t come into us, we cannot concentrate, and instead, we’re always obsessed about something. Obsession cannot take us the proper way; obsession only takes us into disease. Once we get too obsessed, we get addicted to it.  But if we concentrate on God’s Word instead, it may take a little time, but God restores and heals us. I’ve never exercised regularly, even if I wanted to. But at some point, I was able to do it, not because I resolved in my heart. Based on my spiritual state, I received spiritual strength to continue. That’s what I’m talking about.  

Physical things are restored through spiritual strength according to God’s time schedule.  I did 200 pushups on the roof. I used to do 50, but now I do two sets of 100.  Some of you may be thinking, “Why are you talking about pushups during the message?” If you don’t exercise, your back will get curved as you get older.  If your muscles are weaker, your bones and joints will hurt. Kids can’t feel this, I didn’t feel this in the past, either. I just thought I’d live like this, but after I reached 50, my body changed.  The other pastors said it too, “I started feeling it when I turned 50,” so even in my 40s, I didn’t mind, but I started exercising in my 50s.

What am I talking about? I receive healing through concentration on God’s Word and receive spiritual strength through different things.  If anything, while you’re trying to concentrate, you’re thinking about dramas and videos. People who are scarred will think of their scars, and to forget about that, they obsess over other things, and we avoid other people because we think they will give us a scar. Satan makes it so that you cannot receive the important guidance of God.

Try meditating on God’s Word and see everything restored. God comes into me with His Word, and the words of re-creation takes place.  Then the Word of God comes in.  Even if someone just says something to me in passing, I’ll worry about it all day long, “Why did they say that?” Instead of meditating on God’s Word. “If they don’t like me, they’re really bad people.” How do you think the devil solves this?  The devil maeks us suffer our whole life, biut I don’t know that myself because the devil is invisible, “I enjoy this.”  People who are self-centered need to think of others, yo have to lie the church lifefor your family life to be healthier. 

But people who live a good church life will also live a good social life, too.  You don’t have to work, the work itself isn’t hard, but the people are hard because you don’t have the Word of God. There were people in genesis 6, trying to move into a one day, they face disasters.   Did Noah fail? Everyone else was busy buying houses and getting married.

God will make everything follow   Normal people can exercise. God gives me what I need, the strength to exercise regulatory, so meditate on God’s Word. What does “meditate” mean? There’s a cow grazing on grass, so it has to chew and grind the grace between his teeth and it becomes an edible powder.  Why grind thin? Makes it easier.

Why do we listen to God’s Word? Because it’s very hard.  Then you receive God’s Word and grind on it.  “God, why did you give me these words?  You need a time to meditate, a time for the working of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit helps us because the Holy Spirit relays the world.  Every single day, the Word of God will change you every single day, do you understand?  Whoever does or not, that’s up to you;.

The way to save your spirit is the Word of God. If you don’t have time, hold onto one word or phrase from the message and close your eyes.  After your lunch period, hold onto the word you received and keep your eyes closed, and when you come back from school, then the Holy Spirit won’t leave you alone. You think you can realize something by thinking a lot on your own, but that’s legalism.


God, we thank You. Bless the remnants, and may the works of re-creation take place in our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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