Evangelism and Prayer (Acts 4:25-31 )

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Evangelism and Prayer (Acts 4:25-31 )

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us read Acts 4:25-31 responsively. The title of today’s healing evangelism school is “Evangelism and Prayer.” People who go to church are very afraid of evangelism. Evangelism is the act of breaking down the forces of Satan and sin, but if we are afraid of evangelism, what do you think is our spiritual state?  Without a doubt God doesn’t give us fear, so this is a problem. Nothing else is the problem, but this person’s spiritual state is afraid of God’s word. 

We are talking about evangelism today, and when evangelism becomes joyful, then your life will become joyful. We already received salvation. We have already received that guarantee and heaven is guaranteed. Then as we are living on this earth, how must we live and what must we live for? 

If you have misunderstandings regarding evangelism, then you will misunderstand God because evangelism is relaying Christ. And whenever Christ is being transmitted, God is with you. But if you’re afraid of that, that’s a pretty big problem. So I hope in this precious time of worship, evangelism will be deeply imprinted in your heart as the ultimate covenant, blessing, and joy.

Introduction – Me – Evangelism

What does it mean when we misunderstand evangelism? We keep on listing to God’s word centered on “me.” So we interpret evangelism based on me-centeredness, and evangelism is something I have to do.  Imagine how hard that is. That’s why we lose hold of this blessing of evangelism. 


Or we think about evangelism physically where we think it’s possible only when we’re in a higher position than others. That may be correct but that’s not evangelism. For the remnants, your studies will become an instrument for evangelism, but even at this time schedule, you can’t evangelize, but I think the reason we’re not able to evangelize is that we understand evangelism as this very difficult and burdensome task. And we think, “maybe if I succeed, I’ll evangelize,” but all of these are just my thoughts. 


We think if we are in a higher position than others, they will be persuaded by us, and we believe if we have a lot of things others will look at us and open up their hearts to receive the gospel from us, so you’re understanding evangelism completely centered on yourself. Evangelism is done by God. God opens the hearts of these people, and if that takes place we will be able to see the incredible blessings of life and evangelism. 

Prayer, Gospel

And because this isn’t something I do, I pray. We have misunderstandings about evangelism and prayer, and eventually, the gospel as well. In reality, how much are we misunderstanding the gospel? We misunderstand the gospel to the extent that evangelism is a burden to us.  Do you think that person is properly enjoying the gospel? No. Because they are centered on themselves they can’t enjoy the gospel and evangelism is a heavy burden to them. 

If these people started business do you think it will be aligned with God? No, because first and foremost I’m not aligned with the gospel and evangelism, then of course I’m not going to be aligned with prayer, either, so the business I’m doing will not be aligned with God either. So we’re just doing our business however we want. People who have skills can run a good business, but most people don’t have enough skills, so they can’t do well. 

The reason we live this kind of life over and over again is because of our misunderstanding regarding evangelism. Especially with the ministry I’ve seen, people who go to church are afraid of evangelizing because as they went to church for a long time, they are imprinted with the image that evangelism is only what special people do. As a result, they have this tremendous blessing before them, but they lose hold of it. 

Before you do anything else, you have to first be imprinted with the biblical blessings and meaning of evangelism inside your heart. In my thought, I don’t believe this person fully understands and enjoys and believes the gospel. That’s why everything is a heavy burden on them, their studies and their work, because they’re not able to enjoy the gospel well, yet. They’ve heard of the gospel so much and understand it, but they’re not able to enjoy it.  They know the gospel but they’re constantly centered on “me.” They know the gospel but because they are centered on me, they have no choice but to be centered on their studies and their work; they are bound to be centered on success. So evangelism, prayer, and the gospel is too difficult. They know it , but it’s not taking place in actuality.  And because people who go to church are not able to resolve this aspect, their life itself is hard.

1. Evangelism?

Then what is evangelism? We have to look at this biblically, what is God saying evangelism is, not based on what you experience or think.  Evangelism is enjoying and transmitting life. And because you don’t understand this, people keep looking for different methods. “Oh if I meet with this person, things take place well, or if I try this method, it takes place well.” it’s because you’re not able to enjoy life. Simply put, if a seed has life in it, plant it in the ground and it will bear a tree. As time passes, it’ll bear fruits.  What kind of method is there in that? If we have life inside of us, it’ll naturally be transmitted through us, but because we have this misunderstanding of life, we have to struggle and we give up saying, “it’s not working.” 

If a man and a woman get married, it’s natural that they should have the second generation as new life is born.  Do husbands and wives have to travel to China or Russia to learn how to make more children,  or do they have to go to Bangladesh to learn how to make children in a special temple?  This is how people are misunderstanding evangelism.  . If we have life, and when we enjoy life, then that life is bound to be relayed through us. But because we aren’t enjoying the life, our spiritual state is nearly dead so we are not able to transmit that life.

1) Life Movement

So first we must change our understanding of this word, “evangelism.” This is something that takes place naturally and rightfully . And the thing the devil hates the most is the life movement. if you run your business without knowing evangelism, it’s going to be hard, why? Because your direction isn’t aligned with God. Then you have to do things with your own skill. And when you look at yourself based on all the things you’ve experienced in your past, you can evaluate your level of ability. Then if you look at the way you’ve lived until now, you don’t even have to think about what’s going to happen in the future. So honestly speaking, if you understand evangelism, it means you have high intelligence.  “This is not something I do with my abilities; then God is bound to work upon my business for the sake of evangelism.”

2) Power Movement

This is the power movement.  If the life of Christ is inside of me, then the power of Christ is bound to be revealed. However, we don’t enjoy the life movement, and we think that evangelism is something we do, and that’s why it seems so difficult and burdensome. And honestly speaking, we don’t understand what prayer is. But because people keep emphasizing prayer without knowing how to enjoy this, we keep going towards unhealthy mysticism, and when you look at people like that, they pray so much so they do have works, like they heal diseases and things. But if you enjoy life, then the power is bound to be revealed. 

The other person who is centered on themselves in unhealthy mysticism must pray again. And it’s hard for anyone to be like that unless they have a very tenacious personality. And whenever there are any even with prayer, there are 1% of people who are extra tenacious. Even with prayer, there are people  who are very extreme about it, saying, “Do you do it or not?” everything else, they just lose. Everybody else, the majority just gives up, “We’re just going to live a normal life at a common level.” This is what happens if you don’t enjoy the life movement.

3) Blessing Movement

Evangelism is a blessing, and we’ve heard this so many times from pastors, but we don’t actually know why evangelism is a blessing. Even if you think about evangelism, that’s a blessing. Evangelism is something God is doing, so if we just think about evangelism, that in itself is a blessing. Even if you’re just concerned about evangelism, that’s a blessing. Even if you just begin evangelism, that’s a blessing. The process of evangelism and the result, everything about evangelism is a blessing. There’s nothing about evangelism that will ever fall on the ground. Everything else isn’t necessary, but just about evangelism, if you just research it or think about it, that’s a blessing. 

(1) Matthew 28:20

In Matthew 28:20, “Go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and surely I am with you always until the very end of the age” means there’s nothing for you to worry about anymore, that’s the blessing of evangelism, because Jesus told us to make disciples of all nations. And once you found the disciples, teach them to obey, and Jesus will be with until when? Until the very end of the age, always. That’s the greatest blessing

Mark 16:20

Mark 16:20, testify of this gospel everywhere. And heal those who are possessed by demons and diseased, the Lord Who is seated at the throne of heaven was with His disciples and confirmed His Word with signs.  Whatever work or studies you’re doing ,God must be with you and show you the signs to confirm. Blessings come from God, so if you’re not with God, you cannot be blessed.

Matthew 6:33 

“First seek His Kingdom and His righteousness” this is the blessing. But we say to this blessing, “This is too hard for us and we can’t do this, but that’s Satan’s masterpiece. Ask anyone who goes to church if they think evangelism is fun and none of them will have anything to say. And this is how much people are against the blessing of God being with them for all eternity; whose masterpiece is that? It is the devil’s masterpiece, and that’s why the churches are losing the gospel.

It means this person only cares about themselves receiving the gospel and not anyone else, and that’s why that person fails. Israel was made into a nation of priests, which means they are the connection between God and the rest of the world, but they are denying that. Why? They misunderstand the gospel, they think they receive the gospel by doing something well, and they reverted back to  legalism. We think God blesses us because we received and keep God’s Word well. But that’s not it. Did God call Abraham because of his personality or because of actions? All people are sinners, God just chose Abraham, because no matter what, He has to choose someone. Why is it Abraham? That’s God’s choice. Abraham just received God’s grace and was saved. “Through you, all peoples on earth will be blessed,” that’s the promise God is fulfilling.

The father of faith is Abraham and and Abraham’s faith is my faith today. So the gospe is relayed through me to all people. “I will make you into a source of blessings.” if we are with God, we have the source of blessings. God said “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I wil curse.” If we hold onto this covenant there’s no scars for us. 

If you’re getting scarred by your superiors at work, it’s going to be hard; the world is always like that. That’s just how the world is. People are just like that, that’s just how it is. what does it mean you have the gospel? It means it doesn’t matter, it’s irrelevant to you.  I have been made into a source of blessings and God has called me for world evangelization so none of that matters, but because we are not able to restore this true gospel, our entire life becomes hard: our families are hard, work is hard, and church is hard too. 

If you want to talk about getting scars, do you have any idea how much I should have been scarred by each of you guys? That’s just how we are as humans. You guys lived in the world, do  have any ideas how many scars are inflicted even among close friends? Why? Because everybody only knows and thinks about themselves. That’s why we received scars, if you think about it from the other person’s perspective, we would escape from our scars quickly. But because we only think about ourselves, we’re thinking, trapped in that frame. 

The gospel is escaping from “me.” So if you don’t have th gospel, anywher you go, it will be hard. “Why did this person say that to me? They must have had some reason, don’t you think?”  I may not be able to understand it, even if they are unbelievers, if they can think to that extent, they will have good relationships with people, but we believe in God. If we think “why did God allow me to hear these words through that other person,” you can discover God’s plan. But you never think about God in that situation, you only look at things and hear things from your perspective, then you want to avoid this person. 

It’s hard to go to work because you want to avoid them. And let’s say it’s my supervisor or manager, and they’re always like this to me, so I hate looking at them. Then you have to leave your company because it’s too hard there. Then you have to go to another company, but if you go to another company, you’re going to see other human beings like that. In reality, the problem is you. If you just keep your problems and wander around, you’ll always see more problems.

What am I saying? You have to know this blessing of “with” to overcome. No reason to rely on people, there’s nothing to rely on anybody for, and people can try the best they can, but the best they can do is reject God, they say they’re great on their own, but the best thing they can do is rejecting and disbelieving God. Don’t rely on people, or trust them, don’t expect anything from people; have faith in the Christ inside of them.  You keep on getting disappointed by people because you have expectations of them, but the Christ inside of them will not disappoint you. That’s why we believe in Christ, the gospel, that’s why “first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness” if these words are applied to your business, you will receive incredible answers. In order for us to receive the power of evangelism, what do we need? 

(2) Acts 1:4-5

Acts 1:4-5, “Is it at this time You will restore the kingdom to Israel” it is not for you to know, what is your main? Do not wait for Jerusalem, but wait for the thing My Father has promised you. Wait for the Holy Spirit to come upon you. Why did Jesus promise us the filling of the Holy Spirit? To evangelize, what a blessing is that? But if you don’t know this, you’ll pray out of your diligence and that’s unhealthy mysticism. If anyth8ng, you might be praying for unnecessary things, full of hot air. You just pray for unnecessary things instead of what you should be praying for. 

Jesus told us to pray for evangelism to become witnesses, and then He will answer us, but we pray for unnecessary things, the unnecessary things are things God already knows. Don’t act like a Gentile, because God feeds and clothes the Gentiles as well as the grass and flowers and birds. But this is how far our misconception of prayer has gone. 

Why do we misunderstand prayer? It comes from our misunderstanding of evangelism and God’s word. On Friday, you guys should be excited to pray about missions and evangelism, but the devil has placed disbelief inside of you, that’s the true prayer that’s connected to me, but he makes it so that you don’t know that prayer. Satan makes us pray for unnecessary things that the Holy Spirit will never work on. What happens if the Holy Spirit works? God is working. And God’s work is perfect. There’s no need to ask anyone; why would you ask a person? God is working so perfectly. Of course I’m not saying we don’t need to talk to people; we can confirm we need human relationships. However, my center must go directly to God. We listen to the words of people to confirm. 

Acts 1:8 – Witness

Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be a witness” this is something that naturally takes place, and I have to remain within that life because He is promising to continue to give us evidence. Only when the Holy Spirit works upon me in fullness. Even if you pray once a day this work will take place because He promised to give us the filling of the Holy Spirit, why does he give us that? For evangelism. For someone who’s aligned with this, their prayer topic is correct. 

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pray for other things, that might just change based on the level of your faith. If someone doesn’t have faith in evangelism yet,we can’t tell them not to pray at all. That’s forcing them to live by their own thoughts. This prayer for world evangelization was given to the disciples three years after they started following Jesus, until that point, they were praying for different things.  Before that point, Jesus didn’t even talk to them about evangelism because they hadn’t understood the gospel. 

The Lord never told the disciples who didn’t even understand the cross, to evangelize. Only after they confirmed the meaning of the cross did they understand evangelism, and then the disciples who never prayed before began to pray. Before Jesus Christ was about to die on the cross, He asked His disciples to pray with Him, but they were unable to do so. It doesn’t matter how much you want to pray, your body simply cannot follow.  Once Jesus Christ came back, the disciples were falling asleep again; we can’t pray. Because our spiritual state is so oppressed, if we’re not able to enjoy the life of the gospel, then of course, we can’t pray. 

Acts 1:14 – 24 Hour

Verse 14 says they joined together constantly in prayer, this is 24 hours prayer, they held onto the covenant and they constantly concentrated on it.  Concentration cannot be overcome. If you concentrate then no matter what, you’ll receive strength. If you concentrate on drugs, you’ll receive the strength of drugs. If you concentrate on drinking, you’ll receive drunken power.  if you concentrate on gambling, you’ll receive the strength to gamble with other people, but all of these strengths are power to destroy our own life. 

They held onto only the gospel, only the covenant, and only the Holy Spirit and prayed, 24 hours. For people who restored this, everything is easy for them from then on. Concentrating on something means that something else doesn’t go in. Obsession is talking about concentrating on something that God doesn’t want, and that’s why we have divided minds and addictions.  However, if you concentrate on what God truly desires, then everything comes from that one thing. But we aren’t able to do this. We know it but we cannot do it, and that’s why we don’t have strength. This is very important. 

Acts 4:29, 31

In verse 29, and 31, they faced so much danger that they could not proclaim the gospel. Even if you received the covenant, your environment may be too dangerous for you to proclaim the gospel and evangelize. At that time, they prayed so that they may be able to speak the Word of God with great boldness. For people who don’t understand evangelism, they pray to ask God to take away the dangerous environment, even though God allowed that environment.  If you ask God to take it away, do you think that’s the correct prayer topic? That’s evidence that you don’t have the covenant.

Regardless if my circumstances are like this or that, if God has given me the mission for evangelism, I pray for God to give me the faith and strength to do that. That’s the covenant prayer, and in Acts 4:31, after they prayed, the whole place was filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the word of God boldly. The word of God isn’t trapped by the dangerous words of people. People might be afraid in those circumstances, but God is not afraid, that’s why they prayed for the filling of the holy spirit. Then, instead of anything else happening, they boldly testified of God’s Word.

2. Before Evangelizing

Before we evangelize what must take place? We need assurance. Assurance of what? 

1) Assurance (Acts 1:47)

God promised us. You need to have this assurance that the nation of Rome is full of idol worshipers and they will be destroyed; only the Kingdom of God lasts eternally. If we don’t have assurance in this, then you’re going to look at Rome, and be sucked up by the power of Rome, America is a very great nation with tremendous science. If you don’t know the end result, you’ll be sucked into America. That’s the stream that left the Israelites no choice but to get sucked into Egypt. You need to have the firm conclusion that any nation that doesn’t have the gospel and the kingdom of God is bound to be destroyed. Because any nation that is raised, centered on people, are bound to be destroyed, but the kingdom of God, centered on Christ, will stand eternally. You need to hold onto that conclusion and hold onto the mission you must fight for.  

You must have this assurance, but the churches don’t have this, I don’t know, maybe they’ve received Jesus and are saved, but they look at America and are so jealous of it.  Because of that, people immigrate to America. I’m not saying that’s bad. I’m saying that might be correct but you have to see the end result. You have to have the conclusion that in the end, anything that is not built centered on Christ will fall. Babylon was so much greater and stronger than Israel, but you must know the end result. That has no choice but to fall under the authority of Satan, curses, and disasters. As a result, I must hold onto the mission of establishing God’s Kingdom through only Jesus Christ. You must live in America with this mission. 

2) Direction (Acts 1:8)

The method is, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,” it cannot be by our power; it must be God’s, that’s why they pray. We say “we cannot do it,” of course we cannot, that’s why we pray.  Some people say, “I can’t do anything,” then I said, “You can die after not doing anything,” because they lost hold of this, Acts 1:8.  Because you can’t do it, that’s why you ask for God’s power to come upon you. 

There’s nothing you cannot do, if God entrusts you with something, you do it. That’s the successful person’s mindset.  Whatever the Lord gives me, I’ll do it because I’m not doing it with my own strength. That’s the people in the world too, even if they don’t have the gospel, if someone feels, “Hey, if I give this person a task, they’ll do it 100%,” then that person will be raised to success. But if you entrust a task to someone and they cannot complete it, then that person will fail. 

It’s the same with God.  If God has entrusted you with something, He’s telling you to do it with God’s power, that’s why we do it, but because you cannot do it, you will receive God’s power, and and if you pray about this, you’ll have these amazing experiences. Because we cannot do it ourselves, God gives us His wisdom, so then we receive something irrelevant to our level. No matter how much we spin our brain we cannot think of this, but God gives me the wisdom.  You have to experience this so you never say, “I cannot do this” and if I hear someone say that, I say “fine, that’s how the jobs will treat you, and you’ll be the first one to get fired because you have no abilities.” That’s why people do whenever they can to accomplish things because they don’t want to hear that they don’t have abilities and end up getting fired. 

God gives us chances, God forgives us and gives us chances to challenge, but if you think you cannot do it, then you can’t do it.  You have to really pray with this faith.  For other things, I don’t know, but if this is something God has given me, I have to pray for the strength to do it. People who do a lot of different things, they can’t do even one thing properly. If God has entrusted me with one thing, then even through just this one thing, God can open up so many doors through this one thing, and if you pray about it, God is bound to give you his wisdom and knowledge. But if you don’t have this strength, then it feels like you’re going to face a lot of problems, so that’s why people use humanism.  They say “I can’t do this,” and that’s correct because no matter how much you calculate it, it’s impossible for you. That’s that person’s limitation, but if someone is praying, they receive God’s answers, and the answers will come so they can be a witness. 

If you go into other churches, they all fight to do the work. Because the churches don’t talk about evangelism, but instead, they say, “You have to treat God’s property well,” and if you go to other churches, they’re all so clean, there’s no dust, no leaking faucets.  Why do you leave red tape up there? This is the temple of God, why are we treating the roof the way that we do? This is the temple of God.  

This is correct. It isn’t wrong. Then there’s the story about a doctor in a church, so their hands are very precious, but they are cleaning the church’s bathroom so they can receive blessings. If someone loses hold of missions and evangelism, then they have to get all their blessings from inside the church. I’m not saying that’s wrong because this is God’s temple. And the Bible tells us to treat the temple of the church as precious as my own body, so we shouldn’t do things like this, we should clean it up so that anyone can like it.  

We do that because that’s the blessing.  We fight to do whatever God entrusted to me, but we don’t emphasize that a lot. I’m telling only people who have their eyes open to do it, and people who want to do it will keep doing it.  Before seeking to receive anything, they are joyful, doing God’s work.  If it wasn’t the Lord’s work, it would just be hard labor. But because this is the Lord’s work, the Lord is with me, then for this person, everything will work out well, physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

And we don’t talk about this a lot, we talk about evangelism, but people are burdened by evangelism, and they don’t do the things inside the church either, so we are not able to do either things. Try going to any of the churches around this area, all the pulpits will be pristine and so clean and they change out the flowers every week because this is the temple of God. People compete with one another to bring water to the pastor and to water the plants, people fight to work for the church, why? Because they want to devote to the temple of God. 

And even if we don’t go to that extent, we can live with that kind of sense.  We can at least be living at a level of common sense, and God will give you the wisdom and power to do it because it is the Lord’s work you must do. Do not be tested by this, okay? I’m only relaying this to you because one of the church members said this. I’m only telling you this because someone told me that there’s a doctor they know who would clean the church bathrooms and that’s so crazy because doctors must take care of their hands to perform surgeries.  And there’s other stories of presidents of companies helping the parking lot staff.  They’re doing that not because they’re bored, but because something has gone into them, they fight for that to work. 

3) Goal (Matthew 28:18)

What is the purpose? To make diocles. Matthew 28:18, it is God’s request to us. Then you can think very simply, “The disciples are there and I have to pray to make disciples,” you just do it simply like a new believer, but we keep on putting in our own thoughts, “I cannot do this,” that’s a lack of faith. “The disciples are there in the work I’m doing. Even though I cannot go far, in the boundaries of my life, in my everyday work, God prepared the disciples.”  A disciple is someone who follows Jesus Chrst as their everything. There’s nothing to overcomplicate, a disciple is just someone who follows Christ consistently.  Even if someone tries to tempt them from the side, a disciple will say only Christ, only the gospel, and follow. And not only they follow Christ, they relay Christ. That is someone we call a disciple, then who am I?  You’re either a disciple or someone who will become a disciple. Everybody has their time schedule. 

3. Evangelism

1) (Acts 4:1-4)

Satan and the devil fears evangelism the most. Acts 4:1-4 say, “The priests and the Sadducees were greatly disturbed by the gospel” they hated the most, everything else they will let be, they’ll say, “Play your guitar and sing praise,” and he’ll let you do Bible study amongst yourselves, and he’ll say, “Yeah, gather together and do some movements, just do not relay the gospel to unbelievers in the field, because if you relay the gospel, then the kingdom of Satan is continually destroyed, so do not do that.” 

What happens if you go hit the field with the gospel? Satan is bound to crumble, and if Satan is destroyed, then everything else is restored, but this is how Satan makes us misunderstand evangelism, “Oh it’s not for you, yet” Satan says, “You’re just a new believer so you have a long ways to go before you evangelize,” those are all the words of the devil. For me, I evangelized as soon as I believed in Jesus.  The gospel came to me as such a shock that I had no choice, that I had to relay this to other people and I had to pray for my family. family, that’s a normal way to think, it isn’t special. I was afraid to go to hell.

If I have received this tremendous and amazing gospel, and I know other people who haven’t received it yet, then the normal and typical way to think is, “I have to share this with them,” but that’s what Satan hates the most, Acts 4:7-12, he says “do not use the name of Jesus of Nazareth,” he lets you do anything else, but as soon as you say the name of Christ, Satan is shaking. The devil will leave you to run your business however you want because nonbelievers and everybody else does that anyways. But Satan is trembling and shaking before the business people who wants to relay Christ.  The businesspeople who hold onto the covenant of relaying Christ will destroy the economy of darkness and Satan, and you’ll receive the actual evidence.

Acts 3:22, the paralyzed man stood up. The healing is great too, but the real sign is that the healing was done by God in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, whose name was forbidden to talk about. And then the people of the world began to reject the people who relayed the Christ, how foolish is that? They are rebelling against Christ, if you disturb someone from proclaiming the gospel, then you’re disturbing Christ.  Your personal opinion is not important before the gospel; only the truth is important. An evangelist is someone who has the mission from God, then you shouldn’t disturb them, otherwise you’ll die. I’ve experienced this a bit. If you disturb the evangelist, God will not leave you alone, and if you keep disturbing the evangelist, God will call you away, I’ve seen this personally, but Rev. Ryu says the same thing. The reason is because it’s not the person, God does it because the gospel that saves lives is so important. That’s why gospel and evangelism is very important. 

There’s elders around me who pass away quickly, even though they’re not old. I wonder why God calls them. Did they go into the gospel movement? We can’t compare with the length of our lives of course, but it’s shocking because they weren’t over 70, so they passed away relatively quickly. I wondered why. I don’t know. But one thing I did think is that they aren’t people who were inside of the gospel movement. That was a church that was doing the gospel movement, but the individuals themselves did not know this blessing.  

Their position was an elder, so even without them realizing it, their words were disturbing the gospel.  if they are an everyday layperson, they just keep their mouths shut, but because they are an elder, they have to speak, but the words they were speaking were blocking the gospel, unbeknownst to them. And that’s just by hypothesis. And it’s even more clear if you look at my family, but either way you mustn’t disturb the gospel, you have no idea how important it is to relay this gospel.  If I talk about my father, you guys might get tested, and this is something I’m praying about. 

4. Temptation

The fourth point, prayer in times of temptation. They prayed to proclaim the gospel with boldness, regardless of danger. We are so weak so these circumstances that block the gospel may be really hard for us, but they didn’t pray for God to take it away because God permitted these. They asked God to work upon them with the Holy Spirit so they could relay the gospel boldly despite the circumstances. The result of the filling of the Holy Spirit, is they boldly testified God’s Word. That’s why prayer and evangelism are the most important things. If you don’t know evangelism, you’ll lose hold of prayer, and you’ll always be dragged around by the fears of the world and the devil will not leave you alone. So if you don’t know prayer, then you’ll always have to avoid problems; don’t you think that’s right? However, if you know the evangelism of the gospel and prayer, nothing will stop you because relaying the gospel is the work that God is doing. And the difference between your present reality and relaying the gospel is your prayer topic. The gospel must be relayed, but I’m in an environment or circumstance where I can’t do so, so that’s why I pray, and then the works of relaying the gospel will take place. May these blessings be in your life. 


God we thank you, may we have the proper understanding and enjoyment and testifying of prayer and evangelism. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen. 

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