Knowing the Image of God to Know People (Gen. 1:27-28)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Knowing the Image of God to Know People (Gen. 1:27-28)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The Triune God created us in God’s image. You can only do things within God’s Image.  We live communicating with God, we cannot be by ourselves.  We are those who live according to God’s will, that’s the Word and prayer.  The only way to communicate with God is through the Word of God and prayer.

We subdue the world, this is evangelism.  God is with us right now, unseen to our eyes, doing these three things. 

Outer appearances are connected with the inner content.  A person is made up of spirit, mind, and body, and you must see all three at once; however, by looking only at physical things, you cannot know their inner self. You only talk about them and live with them, looking at their outer appearances. They have an inner, diseased self. 

If you’re ignorant of the world, you’re ignorant of people.  In John 3:16, it says, “God so loved the world,” meaning God loved the people of the world.  Everything else in the world, like dogs and robots, move for people, so you must know people well.  If you don’t know people and you become a doctor or teacher or whatever your job is, people will hit you.  There’s no way for you to hear about people because the schools don’t teach you. The Bible teaches you about people and it would be great if the churches do that, but they do not.

If you cannot see someone’s spiritual or mental state, you’ll have a hard time at your job because you only look at them physically, but if you don’t know the state of a person’s spirit or mind, you do not know them at all. You’ll say things like, “They look fine but they’re so weird.” Everyone else says they’re fine but you interact with them and they’re completely crazy, it’s because of this spiritual state and we live together with them.

If you don’t know this, you’ll be taken in by it. If you do know this, you can help them and save them.  We don’t just say, “Let’s go save the world” like a motto.  If you’re going into battle, you say, “Let’s just win” without any content?  “Let’s just get married”? That’s not enough; you have to live together, how will you do that? You don’t know their spirit or soul at all, you don’t know their physical things, but it’s always so shocking to you.  Then when you look at your kids, it’s even more alarming, until your eyes are opened to see their spirit and soul.

You have to know people.  They have to be connected with God spiritually through the Word of God, prayer, and evangelism, but people faced a problem.  We were created to only live with God and rely on His strength, but we became the center of our own lives, “I don’t want to be God’s image anymore, I want to be myself,” those are Satan’s words.  In this age, everyone is saying, “I will do it, I will make my image.” You know the word, “image,” right?  It’s not reality, there’s a real object and the image of an object. We’re not the object; we’re the image of the object. God is the object, we are the essence, living for God, but the devil says, “That’s not God; you’re God. You’re not the image; you’re the main figure.”

Why do all our problems start from here? We break down the Word, prayer, and evangelism; we’re spiritually separated from God. Our spiritual state is completely influenced by Satan’s words so we live our lives for physical things. If we only look at someone’s physical actions, we’ll say, “This person is physically fine,” so we’re blinded.  Someone who has many ethics and morals may appear good, but on the inside, they are completely irrelevant to God.  They have just made it so they can never receive the gospel because they’re surrounded by morals and ethics.

Satan uses morals and ethics to make us believe we don’t need God. Even within the churches, morals and ethics are their goal. Live a good life, be just, be honest. That’s basic. Why do I have to go all the way to church to live a good and upright life? That’s basic.  Why do we have to go to a sermon to get these lessons?  This should be taught in daily life. Instead of the gospel, they talk about how to live a good life, but that’s like school. 

My church says, “Do not lie,” but even my dad told me that. People’s eyes change, looking for whether people are nice or not. We’re not able to see their spiritual state at all; we only look at whether they’re nice or not, so our eyes are completely closed.  What is “niceness”?  Is it nice from God’s perspective or from my perspective?  Are they nice from my perspective? No. The only way for them to be great from God’s perspective is the gospel.  But the perspective from which we look and speak is whether someone acts good or acts bad; those are human standards and that’s how we listen to the messages as well.

If the pastor says nice and correct words, we say the message is good, but if we do not, we say we don’t. You’re your own gospel but you have to listen to God’s message.  There are many people who can’t see the spiritual, mental state but can only see the outward appearance, but when you go out into the world, there are many people who act better than you. It’s impossible to share the gospel with such people.

This is how we’ve become; you must be able to see their mental and spiritual state.  We have a problem in our spirit and soul.  If you believe in Jesus Christ you have salvation. It’s irrelevant to my intelligence; God gave it by grace, I did not earn it. It was entirely by God’s grace that I received salvation, but this person’s life will be hard, because when God called us for salvation, God guides us perfectly until we are taken into heaven. That’s why this problem is finished. This problem has to go into you; otherwise, you’ll be afraid when you face the Red Sea again, and you’ll worry about the Red Sea, “Will I drown or will I live?  If you say, “It’s not finished until I see that it’s finished,” that’s a headache.

“Should we go to Canaan or not?” From the moment you accepted Jesus, Canaan conquest takes place. God takes care of everything until the end, but this complete gospel hasn’t come into us, so we have to keep accomplishing something by the strength of man.  There’s a difference between someone who keeps enjoying by faith. They can pass through, knowing God is doing it, and the remnants who can do world evangelization are sitting here.

“We have to do something in order to do something,” but that’s why you’re afflicted.  “We’ll try and see,” you’ll have to try it yourself? It won’t work; you have to believe.  The 12 spies went into the land of Canaan and 12 of them said we could never conquer Canaan.  They had the faith. God prepared Canaan conquest perfectly and guides people towards it.  We’re not able to enjoy these blessings so the people doing transcendental meditation.   

You must know transcendental meditation and the people. Money flows through.  If you don’t know this flow, how can you do business?  You make money but which way is your life headed?  Our brains are overexerted. The kids use their brains 24 hours on their phones, then there’s an incredible amount of data being put into your brain, so your brain. Now, our brains can’t rest so we have brain problems.

The Bible already told us the answer and people fight using transcendental meditation to concentrate your thoughts on breathing and out. Holding your breath, you exhale for a long time so you don’t think about anything else.   Sometimes they play music and have you concentrate, but that’s the beginner level. Everything has levels. Exercise also has levels; everything is the same.  When you play soccer, For people who don’t know, it seems you just play for fun. You haven’t gotten to the right level.

Matthew 12:44

The person may appear to have peace, so they will empty themselves again.  From the perspective of a person, all my scars come from external thoughts so I want to get rid of all of them, but from a demon’s perspective, he leaves his house and comes back because it’s all clean and put into order.  They are easily controlled. If you don’t have greed, that won’t block the demons; you need Christ.  Demons seven times stronger will appear and come back.  That’s transcendental meditation. 

The beginner practicing transcendental meditation cannot.  Someone was handing out transcendental meditation pamphlets everywhere.  The goal is for people to think they are god.  But from our perspective, they are participants with demons.  They felt like they met with God but that’s our demon-power speaking, “How long have you been in ?” He sat there telling people about transcendental meditation but I wanted to tell him that I meditate with God ‘s word.  I have true peace ad power. 

Why can I say this to this person?   The one who sees churches closing down and Satan breaking windows.  All religions.  Jehovah’s witnesses, Mormons, it doesn’t matter; but religion wasn’t an answer for them. God They would rather get a free answer, then what are the parents do.  People suffer and go to church and say it’s not great, so they leave. 

A man came to me and said, “I didn’t receive any healing from church, but I went to a mind-control healing place and got the answer,” but I replied, “You may not have an answer now, but find me later.”  But this person found the answer from another organization and ridicules them, but in Korea, if there’s a poor family, the kids become maids to wealthier families.  He rode a bike down a hill and hit a kid the same age.  The kid couldn’t recover even though he came to this place to make money.

One time he was skipping rocks on the Han River, and a kid just popped up and got hit in the eye.  The kid was rich and they solved the problems with money.  Do you think the church can? They talk about whether you’ve sinned today.  What is the complete gospel?  All my problems are finished, all my scars.  But if it’s a half-gospel, people will go crazy -because you’re telling them they have to take care of his problems.  Do you think there’s 1 or 2 people like this? They’re all around us.

Instead of telling them the answer, make them become part of the church. People who suffered on Saturday, because they’re so afflicted…. If someone has problems and you tell them to succeed, it’s ludicrous, so churches give something else instead of the gospel and people leave.  Then, people say this out in public, meaning the gospel has never got into anyone.  They have never received the gospel and they need the gospel to come to life.  People avoid others who have mental problems or are affected but because we have to recommend them.  

Relay the gospel to save the field, otherwise you’ll be afraid your entire life. The day God calls you is the day you die, but everyone is afraid; everyone dies.  Those who are resigned to death will not care about that.   On the cross, all problems have been finished for us, the people who have this with faith are those for whom the world is not worthy, but we are stuck on the world because we try to survive.

If people have a guarantee, their fear disappears. Who is not afraid of death? We overcome because we have faith; otherwise we’ll be dragged around by the fear of death in the wilderness.  Then, all the people of faith in the Bible and us become very distant.  “The real answers I’ve received are actually more than that.”  They talked about answers received prior to and after COVID, and there are greater answers no one knows about. 

“In the past, we used to have 120 employees, but now we have 60.”  Now the profit is even bigger because there are fewer employee costs.  God works things out.  The people who used to cost the most are now gone, and the numbers are so accurate because it’s God.  I told them, people really don’t believe so God has to raise up a representative.  I’m not saying everyone doesn’t believe, but many have unbelief so God raises them as witnesses. God prepared everything.  Don’t you think the important point is whether God’s covenant is within these people or not? They held onto it even as unbelievers.  The Temple Construction and Remnants. God completely changed them through COVID.

They said rent alone is a million dollars a year, so it’s impossible for people. God has to move, “This is what must be done,” and they do it. So they gather Temple Construction offering, “Pastor Park, I cannot give every week so we are gathering it.”  They walk around, looking for property.  They don’t tell me this personally.  “Let’s go to a building that is already built,” but this is the evidence of the Word being in that person.  Some people do not have the Word of God and they just pretend, but others have this in the field. 

The time schedule of God.  One day, they received the message of Gaius, and now every Saturday they provide food, and this is only possible when God’s Word has gone into them.  They experienced God taking everything away from them. They worked their entire lives and lost everything, and that’s human life.  Everything we’ve worked for, for decades was gone in an instant, and it would be okay if they were at fault, but it wasn’t, but once they received the gospel, God changed them.

Then, without a doubt, we must relay this to the next generation.  Everyone gives theoretical messages but we need actual witnesses.  In every region, there are witnesses.  If a crisis is really an opportunity, they’re new believers and don’t know God’s Word much, but everyone in Koreatown knows who they are. There’s rumors even in Orange County about how different they are.  They never have to tell people to go to church, they themselves are evangelists.  People come just seeing how they changed.  Now everyone in LA knows about it, they say it’s finished but it’s not. Why is that?

The church is doing world evangelization, so there must be a witness who arises to testify. The remnants must look at this and follow. God does this according to His time schedule in each region, and I’m only saying this to you because they said it’s okay to talk about it. They personally know God’s work and their family knows as well.  In the past, I never really thought about getting material answers and looked down on that, I said, “If anything, material blessings are rightful, but they faced the brink of death. 

It strengthens me as a pastor because we have a witness who arises.  “You have to have your business completely fail to have you realize the Word,” but they know. God gives that grace to know. It’s the same thing.  The pastoral ministry is like a business, it’s just that the world doesn’t see it that way. Why do you think we gather? This is the path I’ve lived, I can tell whether businesspeople will suffer a lot or not. It’s because of God’s grace, but God also allowed me to endure such things. That’s how God raised me as the Lord’s servant to give the message. 

Young adults, don’t suffer in marriage but prepare spiritually now.  Don’t joke about love right now; you just like them, but one day you won’t like them, then you’ll get a divorce. “We love each other and will go to the end,” one day you won’t love each other. Hold onto the thing that doesn’t change, which is God.  But if you say, “You like each other, so get married,” but everything is contained within God’s covenant. May you be the remnants who enjoy this answer.

Prayer God we thank You. Please work upon us so we enjoy this in world evangelization, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.6

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