7 Journeys – 10 Mysteries, 10 Foundations, and 5 Assurances

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

7 Journeys – 10 Mysteries, 10 Foundations, and 5 Assurances

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

Even now, God is fulfilling the Word. It’s not the Word I desire, but it’s the Word God desires for me.  It’s not the word I desire to receive, but it’s what God desires to relay.  Whoever has the Triune God has this status and authority and can survive alone.

10 Mysteries


Spiritual Facts

If you cannot enjoy this, you don’t want to deal with weird people. Evangelism isn’t taking place because of coronavirus? Does God gives us illnesses because He has nothing better to do?  God works salvation.  Spiritually, God made it so that wherever we are, it doesn’t matter. He said He was complete and God works upon this person.  Why do I say to not use your brain? God is not someone we can ascertain by using our brain.

Opposite Side

We have to wait until their eyes are opened. Only those whose eyes are opened can see. The church isn’t a place where we make people do things, but it’s those who have received grace. Even as a pastor, I don’t do it unless I’ve received grace.  The Saturday’s business message training was given to the elders, but real training is when you know the value of what has been given, and you cast aside everything else. But if you don’t prioritize it, it’s nothing. 

Try to make money. You’ll see people making time and doing whatever they can to make money.  But God is actually testing their faith.  Is this a person who has faith or not? They pray for so much money, but they don’t want to be entrusted with serving. It’s only for those who know this blessing.  Earlier, a surgeon was here and has to be careful with their hands, but he was cleaning the church bathrooms.  We’re emphasizing the spiritual blessings, but people don’t know this so they think that serving the church is work.  Then, with this ideology, they cannot pass this test.  So, I tried to explain this. Do you think we can calculate what is our advantage or disadvantage?  It says to not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.


You always have to do the work where you’re in the field, you’re saving people, and you come to life with other people in the church.


Crises will come but they aren’t crises. Why do you need this? If there’s a crisis and you don’t know, it, it will be a problem. It may appear to be a crisis because it’s so large, but do not fall at that time; it’s an opportunity. 

No Competition

We don’t compete; we win with no competition. The fact that you’re competing means you don’t have God’s power. We can win without fighting because no matter how much we fight, actual winning is winning without fighting.  Do you know why nations keep buying weapons and not use them?  They want to declare, “We have this weapon so don’t attack us,” so everyone amasses weapons to avert war. But imagine if there is a war? Both sides will incur a loss, and that’s what happens. 

God says to win without competing because you’re going towards world evangelization.  I’m not trying to go for my own success, but I go to save people.  The path is different. I’m here to save people, then what do I have to do to save people? I must yield.  How could there be a competition?  God knows this and will work upon you.  There’s many remnants sitting here and you don’t know this so you have to keep competing, so you’ll die from success and your relationships will be messed up. It’s because you’ve remained in Genesis, 3, 6, and 11.

If you yield, you won’t fight, so God is going to give you everything. 

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation. 

Is what I’m doing “only”?  Is it related to only Christ? Then the answer of uniqueness that only I have will follow.  No one can follow as it’s unique. Re-creation, saving people


It’s the spiritual summit.  The student can rise beyond the teacher, then God’s work is going to appear for that person, and what follows is the skill and cultural summit.  The teacher’s knowledge is correct but you cannot listen to anything else because those are the words of people without God.  If one remnant knows this, they can change the spiritual environment of their workplace.

Desert, Wilderness

Wherever they go, they can have works arise.  You have to have this.  For me, it doesn’t matter what workplace I go to or where I go, but there’s a path in the wilderness.  In the wilderness, God does the work of the Triune God. 


Why is it important, why am I in America, why am I in school, why am I in this church? Then God’s answer will come, but if you do not question this, you’ll think in terms of yourself with incorrect thoughts.  These are the 10 mysteries. 

10 Foundations

God’s Absolute Sovereignty

God controls everything. God called you to be born in this age to be used in this age.  “I wish I were 10 years younger,” but did God do that? People keep talking words without God. Right now is the best time because that’s when God is going to use you. 

God’s Absolute Method

Jesus Christ

God’s Absolute Power

Holy Spirit.  Even for the ten mysteries, the Triune God must be the basis, but even though you say “God,” you have to know Jesus Christ properly to know God properly. 

God’s Absolute Guarantee

God’s Temple

God’s Plan

God has brought everyone here.  Why was Antioch Church raised in Antioch? It was where the port was. God doesn’t just make any superpower nation.  He made the superpower nation so that all the nations will go there.  That’s Rome, then through the Bible, you must know why you’re in America today.  There’s a difference between God sending you to South Dakota with nobody there and New York where there are thousands of peoples.  But people go to places with lower taxation, that’s someone who cannot relay the gospel as they do not know God’s work.  If God gives you a mission, go forward and do it. “California tax is too much,” then they leave? 

God’s Reign

God’s Providence

God’s Judgment

God’s Reward

When God comes again, our bodies are resurrected.  All the plastic surgery you do is useless.  Our bodies will be transcending time and space.  There’s no marriage there, it’s a new heaven and new earth with no sin, Satan, and hell. It means we live just like this.  But there’s no sin, suffering, or disasters.  It is always joyful, we’re always praising and worshiping God.  Then, does that mean we don’t eat? Even Jesus ate after resurrecting. We have a body so we’ll eat delicious meat and so we’re not just going to float around. 

As much as you did on this earth, that’s how much you’ll receive the reward in the new heaven and new earth.  During that time, the order might change, because according to the rewards in heaven, God will differentiate us.  Paul says, “I am racing towards the rewards in heaven.”  Ultimately a reward awaits us so Paul didn’t worry about making money and succeeding on this earth. It must be someone who knows this to serve the church. But because they don’t know this, they think the end is the end, so they live by their own calculations and laziness.  

Was Paul insane? He kept losing everything he had, he was imprisoned multiple times, why? Because he had to convey this gospel, but that wasn’t the end.  Because there’s a reward and treasure in heaven, so live for those. But because of this, people let go of everything else for the sake of the gospel.  But for people who don’t know this, they receive praise from other people, but that is their reward. You must know God. If people praise and glorify you, then your reward is gone.

“If I evangelize a lot, I may receive much praise!” Then that person is done. A real evangelist will evangelize regardless of whether people realize or not.  They don’t do it when people support; they just do it.  Then, if they evangelize, will they receive material blessings? Not necessarily, but we are racing towards the heavenly reward.  But this is something Satan cannot disturb.  If you’re thinking of serving the church while analyzing the conditions, you cannot.

5 Assurances

The devil will attack five areas so you have to have this assurance in five areas.

1. Assurance of Salvation (John 5:24)

2.  Assurance of Answers to Prayer (John 16:24)

Pray according to your faith.  Don’t pray based on what people say. Ultimately if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ then God will answer and you must have assurance.  “I prayed and received no answers.” It will come because according to God’s time schedule, God will give you the answers He needs.  “I just thought about it and received an immediate answer.”  That’s also rightful.  You experienced this, but God pours out grace to new believers.  “It is raining too much, can you end this rain?” The rain will end so the new believer can believe.  But later on, when they’re older, the mom will say, “You feed yourself.”  “God, will you turn that heater off?” God will say, “Do it yourself.”  “Split the Red Sea for me,” God will say, “Snap out of it.” This is the answer God has given.

Is God your servant to do your bidding? At first with babies, you have to do that. The mom has to take care of the baby, but when the baby is grown up, they’ll be disciplined. It’s not that answers haven’t arrived. “God, give me the answers to the test.” God is saying, “No, just study.”  Even if you don’t study, God may work upon you specially, and God will know, but you can’t make a habit out of this, because God won’t answer. Studying is the answer. Either way, if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God answers, but people shake. “Even if I pray, it won’t work out,” but no, if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, you will receive an answer.

3. Assurance of Victory (1 Cor. 10:13)

You have to have this result.  “But God, I’m under so much temptation,” it’s okay you will prevail because when the devil tries to tempt you, God makes a way for you to come out of it. Your walk of faith shouldn’t be so feeble.  You will have victory. People used to say, “There are demon-possessed people in the field who hear things.” Who cares? We train people to give the message in the field, but these people only share the problems in the field. Just give them the answer.

People like this will go to kids and say “There are demons inside of you.” Give them the answer. Kids dream of demons, that’s a problem with no answers. People think there are demons everywhere.  They’re thinking they give the solution by pointing out the problems, but there’s no solution.  Such people don’t have the answer. It doesn’t matter if there are problems or not. Give them the assurance of victory.

If you go from town to town, why do you keep talking about problems?  The church isn’t a place that reveals problems without taking responsibility, but no matter how much Satan works, we have victory. We have the assurance of victory.

4. Assurance of Forgiveness of Sins (1 John 1:9)

When I was at work, there were people from various religious organizations and they always looked so oppressed.  I thought, “When you have religion, you live a very nice, oppressed life.”  They looked weak and powerless.  So, after I came to know Jesus Christ, I met with my friend, “It’s so nice to see you,” and when I told him that I was a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ, then he said, “I am, too,” but I realized he was a phony because we would drink so much and I never knew he was a Christian.  He’s so oppressed and so nice because he can’t even yell because that’s “sin.”  Demon-possessed people just sin and do whatever they want, but if the remnants don’t have assurance in this, whatever they do, they’ll be oppressed. You must have assurance in this, otherwise you’re going to keep getting pressed.  Satan’s going to use you, not for people, but that’s why the Lord had to come. 

The Christian faith seems laughable because people only ask for forgiveness from God, not from people. But I feel guilty and apologize to the congregation multiple times.  Other pastors say, “Why do you apologize? What about the pride of a pastor?” I respond, “What of it?  I apologize multiple times.”  They know I make mistakes and that I’m lacking, but if I stand here like I’m perfect, people will hate me.  They will think, “Who do you think you are?”

God made even the trashiest person a pastor. God made lowly people into pastors.  Then what will happen? They may make mistakes, and that’s when you go and apologize. Why can’t you say that?   “If you apologize, you can’t do your pastoral ministry”?  That’s silly.  I called up people to apologize and the elders were touched, “It’s okay pastor, don’t worry about it.”  Why? Because when I began this, I didn’t have previous experience, so I kept making mistakes, so I keep making mistakes. If you don’t apologize and you think God knows how sorry you are, that person doesn’t know.  Even me, I will apologize to my daughter many times when I mess up.  Then my daughter starts crying because these emotions are welling up. 

Because I’ve been an evangelist for a long time, it seems very strange to me because everyone is living inside this container, thinking they’re the bee’s knees. But when the outside world sees it, it’s nothing. That’s a church misaligned with the world. It’s like the president and all of the staff being in the White House, not knowing what the people are going through, playing in a bubble by themselves.  Then, the church perspective is not aligned with the world perspective at all, they don’t know what the world truly needs. 

The churches keep talking about whether there’s sin or not, but the world doesn’t even know sin.  So, they don’t have a sense for what the world knows.  So, even in the world, you have to do it. If you mess up, you have to apologize and move on.  Otherwise people will keep stepping on you.  Then if you say you’re a believer but you’re oppressed by guilt? The world doesn’t care if you believe or not. They will use it against you, “Just work properly.” They enjoy the Kingdom of God by themselves but it’s irrelevant to the rest of the world.

I experienced this a lot. When Christians made mistakes in front of me, I hated that.  They’ll make a mistake and instead of apologizing, they say they have faith and this and that.  The world doesn’t desire people like this. If you came to work, you must work well. That’s what the unbelievers want.  But while you’re doing that, you have to have something else because only then can you influence other people.  But if a person is saved, the unbelievers cannot stand that Christian. If you send them out into the world, they may be loved within the church, but they have no chance in the world. 

One time, there was a retreat and one kid was running up and down the hallways at night.  The evaluator said, “How can they do this? They have to listen to the messages!” So I yelled at that person because they don’t know what the world needs. They are not prepared for this world.  Go out into the real world and have the kids run around late at night, see what happens.  People will call the police. 

If you go out into the world and not do your work, you’ll get fired. People can’t differentiate.  Every retreat, there’s a gathering of people afterwards.  I know what the world does, so I could speak boldly about this.  The staff members used to receive waived fees and I said, “They all must be the same. Why raise the kids in such a way that they will be defeated in the world?” Raise them to be like this.

When you raise your kids, raise them so they can follow after the world.  But people have this notion, “They can act however they want in the church,” but they’re more harsh in the world.  When I yelled at them about the world, all these leaders were quiet because they didn’t know about the world themselves.  But such young adults do the work of the assistant pastors. They serve the church so much but are only paid $100, and they buy me lunch with that, do you know why?  I tell them to receive answers in the field.

God is going to answer you, that’s what I’m saying.  Regular people have to receive answers in the field.  Serving the church is rightful, I’ve never told the church lay leaders to do anything.  If I told them to do something, they’d be tested, but if you’re like this, you’ll be dragged by the world instead of dragging the world. You have to be able to serve to be a leader.  What kind of leader can you be if you’re protecting your own things?

Remnants, do this at church. I’m telling you to receive the blessing to save the world. The kids cannot save the world if the church just does everything for them.  Then, we have to send them out into the world in a way that God blesses them in the field. That’s what I think. 

I have never said anything about honorariums because I’m a servant of the Lord, why would I talk to people about it?  I’m a servant of the Lord, but is it a pastor’s thing to do to talk about wages? I’m a servant whom God has called and I’m going to receive the rewards from heaven.  If I don’t have the pride and faith in this, I’m going to have fake humility.  I know that if the congregation members don’t do this for me, then the outside world will do this for me, so nothing is a problem for me.

You have to be humble before people but not worry about what they think.  I raise the kids confidently as Christians, not so they can do whatever they want.  One time, when I received my permanent residency, people said, “You should buy us a meal,” but I responded, “I’ll buy you a meal, but not for this.”  This is the pride of a child of God.

If Joseph or Daniel or the Early Church persisted without this, they would die. Faith is real.  Pride comes from real faith, it doesn’t materialize from out of nowhere. All of you must have the pride that comes from real faith. The region I live in must be blessed through me, and you have to have pride about that.  Because otherwise, you’ll have the beggar mentality, “Can someone help me? Is there something I can receive?”

Look at Joseph, he was a slave but didn’t think like a slave.  “Because of me, Potiphar’s household is blessed.” “But Pastor, if you’re a slave, you work hard.” Those are the words of unbelievers, so we’re talking about this faith.  If you don’t have forgiveness of sins, Satan will oppress you, and that’s what we’re talking about.  Church members will come and look at me the wrong way and I can say, “yeah, I said something wrong, so what?” No need to be oppressed by guilt.

“Did I mess up by saying this thing?” Satan will keep plowing into me with guilt.  While I’m talking to my wife, I’ll be even more oppressed.  Pastors shouldn’t be like this.  “What of it? I’m this kind of person, and that’s why I need Jesus Christ right now.  Only then will Satan flee.” Then you renew yourself. I’ve apologized to my wife so many times that I don’t say I’m sorry anymore.  I tell her, “The past ‘me’ is gone, so I have no reason to be apologetic as I’ve said so many apologies in the past.”  I’m a child of God, relaying God’s Word.  There must be many people oppressed by guilt.

 5. Assurance of Guidance

We’ll have the nine streams and flows that change the flow of the world.


Father God, we thank You. May the seven journeys be our answer and have the walk of faith to save the world. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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