Believe! (Romans 9:1-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Believe! (Romans 9:1-14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Grace, Faith, Blessing

God’s grace comes upon us, and then we can believe in God’s Word.  The Israelites received the law and worship, but they did not receive the covenant of God.  Does that mean God’s promises disappeared? No, by God’s grace, it is continuously fulfilled. The physical descendants of Abraham are not his descendants.  The true descendants of Abraham, the seed of Abraham, are the children of Abraham who received the covenant in faith by His grace.

Jesus Christ

When you believe Jesus is the Christ, you go into the line of God’s covenant.  Before Christ came on earth, we needed to be Abraham’s physical descendants, but now that Christ has come, anyone who believes in Jesus is a child of God. Then, the people who truly believe that Jesus is the Christ will receive the biblical answers.

If you believe in Jesus Christ, the answers in the Bible are your future.  So, we don’t have to listen to the words of the world; our future is in the Bible. Even among churches, the Early Church is the church.  World evangelization took place through the Early Church, specifically through the church at Antioch. What is a good church?  A good church must go biblically.  The Bible doesn’t talk about the number of people who gathered at Antioch, but they were aligned with God’s Word, that’s important.

The promise given to Abraham is continuously given even today.  That’s why people who hold onto the 70 workers or disciples are within the line of the covenant, because God made it so that the covenant was relayed through the 70 disciples, and God prepared the remnants to relay the covenant to the world.  God will take care of such people. It’s okay if coronavirus comes or not. Yes, keep your masks on, if you don’t have a mask on, you’re too medically dumb so you’ll be taken in by that. Even if you have the covenant, you can catch a cold. The Bible doesn’t talk about things like that.

It doesn’t matter what happens to me, but if I have the covenant, the one who has authority in heaven and on earth is with me forever. People say they have depression and panic attacks, but none of that matters when I have this. If you believe that the one who has all authority in heaven and on earth is with me, it doesn’t matter.  All your environment must kneel before Jesus, and He is with me forever.  The ones who believe, enjoy, and testify of that, everything they touch is a blessing. 

But because we’re not able to believe in this, even if we go to church, there’s nothing for us.  Because we don’t believe in Jesus Christ, we work hard.  Back in the coronavirus, I still had to come and the interpreter came as well.  Then, Esther asked to come, too, and I gave the message to an empty church because everyone was afraid of death and the coronavirus, because we hadn’t experienced anything like this before. But the interpreter came and blessings came upon her. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re powerless or depressed when God’s power comes upon you and that power becomes yours.  “Pastor, you shouldn’t look for free handouts like that,” but God gives it to us for free because we cannot earn it by our strength.  That’s how God created humans to live.  You shouldn’t have too much of a conscience. You must find this believable, then you’ll receive the works of faith. Then, because of the remnant, the family comes alive.

For me, my family line is blessed because of me. It’s exactly as what God promised. I received the most blessings out of all my friends. My friends are getting ready to retire, I’m far from retirement.  Even looking at that, my friend is a director of Samsung and must retire before he reaches 60.  There’s the regional manager of the banks and the people supervising them, they all have to retire. Even right now, regional managers of banks have to retire. 

If we live to be 100 years old, it will be hard to be unemployed for 40 years. If you want to travel the world, you could do it once or twice, but it could get boring.  If you go to Sweden or Finland, they talk about how great it will be to die. The houses are so far apart on the mountains and it’s snowing so much, but they have the hot springs and receive government funding, they think, “What if I die?” and they kill themselves.

We have to experience heaven on earth, then from my perspective, nothing is a problem.  There may be a physical difference if you’re good at studying or not, but later on, that doesn’t amount to much.  But for those who have Christ, God will work upon them until the very end.  You have to actually enjoy this every day.  Christ is with me.  He has finished all the problems of my past and now Christ lives within me.

Galatians 2:20

Then, the problems of your family line and the streams of the Three Organizations will be irrelevant as I live as God leads me.  I experienced this, it doesn’t matter what the world says, because I used to live like that in the past. I lived like that, thinking it was right, but it’s not.  Now, I don’t even turn my head in that direction. I was like that. I don’t do that anymore.

Pastors gathered and asked to give a toast, and I said, “Don’t give it to me.”  I told them, “Don’t make me drink alcohol because if I drink now, you don’t know what I’m going to do.” I was so entrenched in living like that before, so now I don’t like it. I can do it, but if I do, I’d always used to black out.  But now, it’s nothing. 

Honestly speaking, I don’t like wearing clothes like this.  I wear clothes like this because church people say things, but I don’t even want to wear this or do my hair. My natural form is to live how I am, but then, people who come to church says, “The pastor looks like a country bumpkin.”  Then I started noticing that the members of the church were embarrassed of how I dressed.  So, because of that, I’m dressing like this for your benefit, but usually when I go out, I’m in my shorts and slippers. 

I hate styling my hair, it’s easier to wear a hat.  You know, where you go when nothing matters to you?  I don’t want to change my car but people keep telling me to get a new one. I can keep using this car for five years so it doesn’t matter to me. It means if Christ is within me, I can go without caring about anything.  The hair is thinning on the back of my head, so the hair salon gave me some product, but I don’t put it in. It just goes by, irrelevant to me. 

It means I didn’t try to take on these things, but they’re just given to me, regardless.  It’s not about the suit and the hair, but because I’m dead and God is living in me, something else is pushing me forward.  What am I going to do? All I can believe in is America evangelization, Temple Construction, and raising the remnants.  I’m the only one who believes it, other pastors say it’s working or not, but even if nothing is happening, it’s working for me. 

Isaac isn’t here yet but Isaac will come.  You can do whatever you want, but I’ll do this. For me, Rev. Ryu could do this or that but I enjoy God’s covenantal blessing in this field. Am I wrong? That’s biblical. Did Jesus go to Mark’s Upper Room? No, He ascended into heaven, but He was with them through the Holy Spirit. 

When Paul was doing his ministry, the Apostle Peter wasn’t with him. Paul never saw Jesus’ ministry; only the other disciples saw Jesus’ ministry, but Paul’s ministry was greater because he believed this. Paul’s ministry in the Bible was exactly as what Jesus did. How?  Because God was with Paul through the Holy Spirit.  So, we don’t have to say whether we need things or not.  It’s the same Holy Spirit, so the same works will take place.  It’s just that every region has a time schedule.  As you’re enjoying this, one day God’s time schedule comes, and you’ll realize, “Oh, God is working.”

Then you testify of it.  But people don’t testify this so they lose hold of the blessings, and they go into another stream. Not the spiritual stream, but the physical, visible stream.  Not God’s plan for world evangelization but the plan for worldly success, and that’s why it’s not working. Christ has already liberated you from this, that’s why for people who have Christ, the Word of God will come to them.

Power = filling of the Holy Spirit, working of the Holy Spirit

Some people don’t understand this, they think they have to study and be at their job instead of worship, so they cannot be transcending time and space.   God is transcending time and space, working right now in your families, job, and school.  “Pastor, I have to go to my job to run my business; how can I do that here?” I’m sure that person doesn’t believe Jesus Christ is within them either.  That person probably doesn’t believe that God works transcending time and space.  That’s why their body and mind are so exhausted because they have to do everything with their brain.

But for those who believe, this seat is a blessing. Hold to the covenant and pray and God begins to work. When you go to the field, God works again and you enjoy it again there. So you’re not trying to meddle with your business to do something, but even prior to doing something, God works in advance.  It’s the same with America evangelization. You have to be in the mystery of God working. It’s possible even now, even with COVID. 

Gospelization is possible even in a situation where they could only worship in catacombs. It’s possible even if you’re on a deserted island.  The remnants who had this mystery.  I told the mother of a student, it’s a spiritual thing. The night before worship, the devil works upon their heart.  I asked, “Do you know that? If you’re aware of it, it’s finished. What happens if you don’t know that? You’ll keep doing something with your words, but you cannot break down the darkness in your family line with your words.”  The one who knows this spiritual mystery must know this and pray for this.

The devil also knows this, so in God’s time schedule, it will be broken down. This person will have a thought to worship and will begin to worship. Until that point, Satan will disturb them. In their heart, they want to worship, but it’s seized by something else.  One person in the family has to know this to do family evangelization.  There needs to be a church officer who knows this in the region for the darkness seizing the region to break.

But if you don’t know the spiritual things, you do everything with your body and say, “It’s hard, it’s working; it’s not working.”  The Three Organizations control the world through transcendental meditation.  They work transcending time and space then what are we going to do?  They run their businesses with that strength. They’re flying in the heavens as we walk on the ground. The remnant and church officer who knows this.

The Throne of Heaven is within me, because everything is controlled from the Throne.  You can go anywhere and the light is established, what does this mean? I’m talking about spiritual things. If you take out all the spiritual content and take out the text, everyone is spiritually dry.  Look at those who are really skilled. Even if it appears they’re playing, they’re not. Ask successful people, are they really playing?  They might seem to be, but they’re actually working but others don’t see that. That’s the mystery.

They look like they’re just reading a newspaper, but they’re actually doing business.  But people who don’t know that will read the newspaper and run their business separately.  That’s why it doesn’t work out.

You have to be in the stream of testifying this, then everything is finished.  What’s important is you don’t become too full of yourself, it’s according to God’s time schedule.  If a remnant like this arises in America, the devil cannot do anything. Before that point, no matter what we do, the devil ignores you because you can’t last.  The devil knows you’re trying hard and being diligent and knows when you’ll be exhausted and fall.  The devil also knows if you’re going into the true gospel and enjoying the power to truly testify.

The devil fears this and flees because he knows, and that’s why the gospel is proclaimed. That’s what it means for things to naturally work out. Everything else is optional.  We can put a chair here or there, it doesn’t matter.  Do you like it better? It doesn’t matter, because it has nothing to do with this; that’s just the intro and this is the main.  But if you’re enjoying the main, you can do all things.  The issue is that you don’t know this mystery so you argue whether it should be here or there.

If your eyes aren’t opened to see this, you’ll see physically and everything is a problem.  Who has a problem? The school should be blessed because of me.  But people are trying to live their lives for schooling and education, they think their life is for school.  The school should be blessed because of me to do world evangelization. 

Am I wrong? It’s hard to relate.  For people who studied so diligently, they think, “What about me, then?” God gave you the strength to work, God gave you five talents.  If God gave you five talents, use all of them. Everything is of God. Anything wrong with that? Does that offend you? Are you going to change it?  “Pastor I spent so many sleepless nights to play golf and get into Harvard, you can’t turn my life upside down with these words.”  That’s why people stand blind before Jesus Christ and none of this faith will stand. 

The people who say, “I worked so hard and did everything I could to earn this, no one should receive anything for free,” if we stand before Jesus Christ, then poor, the rich, they’re all the same.  Those in the hierarchy, those who are educated, won’t like Jesus.  So at first it’s the stupid people, because they’ve been oppressed and have nothing, so they love this, but if you don’t have the content, it’s nothing.  Later on, when the educated and successful people realized, “Everything I’ve lived for is futile and the gospel is truly everything,” then God will heal them. I’m not saying socialism and communism are the same, but everyone is the same before God.  It’s just that God uses people differently depending on what has been given to them. That’s why we call each other brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you know this, there’s no inequality or discrimination.  What is there to discriminate about?  If someone is good or bad at English, no reason to look down on that. God uses everybody differently to testify of the gospel.  No matter what, if you’re within this line, God will follow you around to bless you.  If I were the president, maybe you’d listen to every word I’m saying, but I haven’t physically accomplished anything, so you might look down on me. But God is giving grace to someone else right now and they can believe because God gives them grace. That’s what the Bible tells us about. 

God called those blessed people into the Early Church so you shouldn’t listen to lies.  You can keep the words of the world as reference, but if you listen like this, it’s a lie.  Every morning when you wake up in the morning, pray for the transcending time and space.  “I’m a child of God, and God, bless this school.  God, work with your Holy Spirit during my study time.” Just pray like that, even if that’s all you pray for, God begins to work invisibly and God blesses that person.

No one does this, but the one who does will remain.  However, that school will be spiritually blessed because of that remnant.  You should pray so that the teachers are blessed because of you.  Any remnants who listen to these words and put them into practice will experience this. The Holy Spirit knows how impatient you are, so He will work depending on your personality.

We don’t go for the gospel to exalt our name, but we proclaim the gospel, then even if we never talk about success, God has to do it for us. That’s the blessing of uniqueness.  Nurses are nurses, but they’re not all the same. You’re not a nurse who only heals the physical things.  But when you go into the field, you’ll see the words don’t fit with the environment and you’ll doubt.

Try praying like this, God gives you evidence.  The dream of the remnants is here to stay, enjoy this blessing right now.  You’ve been in church a long time, and you’ll be blessed all the more because you have that much time when you’re concentrating on this.  But what happens if you’re at church for a long time without any of this? You’ll not change.

I keep giving this word and moment by moment, I enjoy this. In the past, I had to force myself to do it.  But I’m holding to the covenant and praying because God will work according to His covenant for America and world evangelization. That’s why I’m telling you as a witness of God’s power.  Nothing is an accident.  You have been put in this church and Christ is your master and I’m a child of God. Because you don’t believe in that, it’s hard and you can’t start on Monday.

The remnant teachers are doing Darakbang meetings right now.  Don’t just end the meetings but have meditation prayer for 5 minutes.  Because we received messages and we’re training on how to pray so we can do that with others.  Do the meditation prayer with them, with the verses. I lead prayer school to teach you how to teach other pray, especially for kids.  Hold onto God’s Word and meditate deeply, then this child will stay.

You have to have meditation prayer to have continuous prayer. Enjoy and testify of this blessing.


God we thank You for putting us in the line of having and testifying of the gospel. Allow us to have the blessing of the covenant through prayer, and may our fields be filled with the transcending time and space to save the 237 nations. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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