7 Journeys – 9 Settings, 10 Mysteries, and 10 Foundations

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

7 Journeys – 9 Settings, 10 Mysteries, and 10 Foundations

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The first three are these three upon me, the next three are those upon the field, and then it’s me, my church, and my field.  These are unprecedented, never repeated things.  The nine settings is about enjoying the Triune God in me, upon my field.

You have to see God’s time schedule well, otherwise you’re wasting your efforts. The ten mysteries are what you enjoy and are naturally revealed as you enjoy the status and authority of a child of God. 

Spiritual Facts

When I woke up this morning, I had concentrated prayer and went to church and this happened. The fact is I had biological issues.  See it spiritually, God could have stopped it but why did God allow this?  Why did Satan set up this snare or obstacle right here? Then I came to my senses because we ended early, there was a lot of time. “This is the time for concentration prayer,” so I started praying. This is a spiritual battle.

If you don’t see the spiritual facts, everything is right. “I haven’t heard this before!”  Maybe my body was too cold, but what’s the spiritual fact? The devil will use that oversight and disturb you. You have to see the spiritual facts, so God turned the message a little bit.  We had three newcomers today and they weren’t there during the first message, so God changed the message and gave it this way. You should always think about the spiritual facts.

If you don’t do this in America, you can’t survive. You look at things very rationally, and America looks at the truth behind the facts very well with intelligence agencies. They use the CIA and things like that to uncover hidden truths but they don’t have the spiritual facts.  Whether it’s the CIA or FBI, the entire nation doesn’t have spiritual facts, so they’re seized by Satan. They fight using correct words, and that’s why there are so many lawyers in America, and everyone is fighting, saying they’re correct. 

Harvard University is good at debating, and that’s one of their majors.  People who study this will debate very well.  There was a Korean who studied from Seoul National University, Harvard, and went to Stanford. They were able to keep up with the academics, but it was hard to debate. He debated undergraduates while as a graduate student, but the undergraduates were better than him. 

If you want to debate well, you have to debate many things.  You can’t just study a particular subject, even the topic of the debate. If you want to debate well, you have to read all these books pertaining to the subject. When he was a graduate student, the undergraduate students outperformed him. They’re good at seeing the facts and truth and debating, they cannot see the spiritual facts. The devil works to his heart’s content.

Opposite Side

I evangelize my apartment complex, and I pray for them and do evangelism camp there. What do you think about this?  Do you know whether works will take place?  The works take place outside of our church. This is all I can do, but as I do this, God already knows and works elsewhere. This is unconventional thinking.


Chinese people do this well, moving together, but Koreans are the worst, doing things alone. They cannot do things together so they cannot continue. It’s the same with your job, the whole company has to move together. The church creates synergy. It seems we’re not that great, but when we come together, we create an incredible sum of good.  You have to save wherever you go. You’re not stepping on people in competition, but saving them is the true victory.

Why do I keep trying to step on my competition so I can arise to the top? It’s because I don’t know the power of the omniscient, omnipotent Triune God.  God knows our state and circumstance, and God will circulate the economy. God blocks you if you use it for yourself, but God will give you more as you go for missions, evangelism, and saving lives, so God will have no choice but to give more.  Only then will you overcome your finances, it’s the same with missions and evangelism.

Before doing anything, God’s greatest desire and direction must become yours. If your entire life is set in that direction, it will naturally take place. It’s the same with the economy.  Power.  God will work with power: financial power and spiritual power and wisdom and physical power and manpower, social power. 

Crisis, No Competition, only, uniqueness, and re-creation. 


Nobody can help you, this is the truth.  In a place where nobody can help you, you save and help everybody.  These are the words, but it’s impossible to do any of this unless it’s the Triune God.


Ask, why did you come?  I’m not someone who moves based on those around me. You came here to receive God’s Word. Always ask. I’m not receiving training because there’s people around here, but if I’m here, I’m asking God why I’m here.  

10 Foundations

Today we’re talking about the 10 foundations to go into the spiritual world.

God’s Absolute Sovereignty (1 Chronicles 29:10-14)

Without acknowledging this, you cannot begin.

1 Chronicles 29:11.  Just believe in the absolute sovereignty that David confessed. Greatness, power, strength, authority all belong to God.  These things belong to God, not us.  God has to give us the victory for us to have victory.  Everything in heaven and on earth is God’s.  It doesn’t belong to me. He has just entrusted it to me, but just because I have nothing doesn’t mean anything. Everything is God’s. You have to acknowledge this first. If you don’t acknowledge that, you’ll listen to the words of people and end up rejecting God.

1 Chronicles 29:12.  Both wealth and honor come from God. If you want to become great, that’s in God’s hands.  1 Chronicles 29:14. Temple construction from everything God gave to them. So it belongs to the Lord, and because God gave it to me, now I can give to God. Absolute sovereignty.  Many people don’t acknowledge this.  They keep trying to go outside of this, listening to the standards of people, “But still…” if you don’t acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty, your scars cannot heal.

I received salvation when I was 29 years old, and I believe if God didn’t touch me before that point, I couldn’t be healed. I received salvation from long ages past. It’s simply that the salvation was revealed at age 29, but I was always in God’s hands.  But if this happened while I was an unbeliever, not going to church? It doesn’t matter.  I acknowledge this about God otherwise my scars cannot be healed. It doesn’t matter if I’m a believer or not. Everything happens under God’s absolute sovereignty.

Without acknowledging this, you’ll keep using the word “if.”  That’s a failure.  There’s no “if” for God. For God, it simply is.  God gave you your talent, your parents, your school, and you have to recognize that.  Without this, you think maybe God made a mistake, then your faith is broken.  If you ask questions, “Why isn’t my child more like that child?” your life is ruined. God didn’t give you that child because He made a mistake. 

Why did God allow all this? Acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty then you can hear God’s Word.  Remnants, you must have this.  If you charge forward with the American education, it will be hard for you because you’re trying to understand invisible things with visible things.  But if you’re always talking about things you see, you won’t be able to understand invisible things.

God’s Absolute Method – Jesus Christ

Without Christ, the darkness isn’t broken down, but people hear without understanding, but one day, their ears will open.  It’s better for you to constantly hear this and see.

God’s Absolute Power – Holy Spirit

John 14 and 1 Corinthians 3.  How wise is the intelligence of man?  Triune God, you enjoy the 10 mysteries and your stepping stone is the Triune God. 

God’s Guarantee – Bible (Heb. 4:12-13)

Only God’s Word.  If there’s anything confusing you, the Word of God gives you the accurate answer, then how should you run your business? Find it in God’s Word. How should you study? Find God’s Word, but you hear it like this.  When we use the word, “How?” You’ll look for physical methods, but the Bible transcends that.  You have to study and do your business with God’s method.  It’s talking about your studies going into the work God is doing. That’s God’s method, and the Bible is our guarantee.  You have to approach everything from within God’s Word.  That’s why God gives us His Word during worship.

God’s Temple  (Me / Church)

You have to find the answer in God’s Word. Jesus Christ brings the disciples together in Mark’s Upper Room, and that’s the Early Church.  That individual, 1 Cor. 3:16, is the temple, and these individuals gathered together. But if people are centered on themselves, they make a church centered on Genesis 3.  Then why does it matter? It’s all about “me.” They’re strong in their self-centeredness and say, “Great, I’m glad I don’t have to go to church because I didn’t like mingling with them anyway; I’ll make my own church.”

God made the church.  Some people say they don’t need the church, there was a time like that, but God raised the church.  In the Old Testament, it was the Temple and before that was the Tabernacle.  America is so individualistic so they understand the individual temple, but the gathering church is cut off.  God works when a bunch of people gather together, doing God’s work, so all their power is lost as they cannot do missions and evangelism. These individuals have to gather together, but they do other things and have to close their doors.  We have to gather together to do missions and evangelism, but they gather to build a tower, so one day God will destroy them. They keep breaking apart, that’s what’s happening in LA.

The average church does temple construction and the church breaks apart because they promised, “If you give offering, God will bless you,” but they weren’t blessed. They gave all this offering because they thought God would give them money in the end.  We give money with faith. You’re not giving it because you want something in return.  Already, God has prepared a reward from the Throne of Heaven. If this faith doesn’t go into you, the more time passes, the harder it will be.  Kids look at this and get tested.   

Creating a program quickly isn’t the issue, because if you do it haphazardly, it will fall. Satan will destroy the church and everything is done, so this is so important. The church is full of people who don’t get along with me, but that’s the church.  You have to understand the church well to understand society.  For people who don’t get along with society, they don’t go to church because they lack the strength to commingle.  They’re so severely seized by Satan and individuality and egoism.  That’s why the churches aren’t formed. This is the devil’s work.

Why do we do Temple Construction? Because we’re not going to gather outside.  We may occasionally have outdoor worship, but some people say they’re going to meet every day outdoors? They can’t. We need a temple and it’s God’s desire, a place to give worship.  As we said, everything belongs to God. If you really know the need for this, God is bound to work as God receives our worship, and the blessings of the Throne of Heaven come during worship.

So it’s not a waste because after I die, this will be left behind for the next generation.  It’s this church, may you utilize all your talents for the church.  If you don’t understand the church, you’ll raise your blood pressure running worldly errands, and that’s why God rests upon this person instead of working.  Love it as if it were your own body because we are the body of Christ.  Do you think she’s ugly? Am I more beautiful? Then I should serve her instead of saying she sucks. That’s the church.

Am I educated? Is she uneducated? I serve to save the church.  If I learned a lot and others are uneducated, I should serve.  God gave me talents and grace so I can raise others, and I can take this into the world to save people. If people don’t understand the church, they keep fighting. If they don’t understand these words, then they cannot understand success.  If someone is boasting of themselves, no one will follow them.  “I’m a CEO, I serve my employees.”  This needs to start from the church.  Then that person serves their employees, then the way they pay their employees will be different. There are companies like that, let’s say you’re the president, it’s different. You serve.

If the wrong people are elevated, it’s a big problem. They aren’t spreading evangelism, they spread hell. People should acknowledge that you’re great no matter where you go.  “Wow, they’re so talented and educated and use it all to serve people,” so they have no choice but to like you. If I’m educated and she’s less educated, but I exude arrogance? I may not do it to her face but I do it in a backhanded way. That’s the devil, exalting yourself.  There’s no cross of Christ there, and that’s why the church becomes a playground for the devil.

This church is everything.  No one teaches you this, beyond what your parents teach you, but the church education is truly tremendous. Everything is contained within the church, there’s leadership and social etiquette, everything. That’s why you go into the world to serve them.  Whatever the Lord has given to you, pour it out to save others, then God is bound to continuously work, “Then I will make your name great,” because you have to go and serve people from all nations.

If you look down on the church, then your life will crumble. To do evangelism, you must know the church.  Those who evangelize aren’t those who know evangelism.  I’m not saying that they’re wrong for evangelizing, but those who do not say those words will pull more people. That’s God’s method, not us doing it. That’s God’s method.

If you see someone strange in the church, the person might not even get it, but they evangelize so well. Some people quietly serve the church and leave. They don’t make noise, they support from behind the scenes.  Of course, you can see some people serving, but even the people who succeed in the world have this level of understanding. They don’t learn from the church, but they have something that enables them to succeed. They do everything without anyone telling them to do so. We must learn this in the church, it’s very important. 

I never went to church, so I’m someone who is used to the methods and organization of the world. One day I came to the church and my eyes opened.  Especially the second generation, immigrants who don’t have a church, you must know this.  I’m not telling you to not move back and forth, but you must know what church is. Yes you can worship there, but you must know what the church is. Kids who grow up properly in the church do well in the world, too. It’s very important. I just tell them to do it.  I’ve never once said that to the church officers because they’re so self-centered, “Why should I do it? You do it.”

We don’t raise young adults that way. You do it when someone says to do it.  I’m not talking about a commanding style. Would the pastor say useless things? It’s God’s will, so do it.  We don’t need words, “It’s hard”?  Do you want to suffer cancer for a few years and struggle?  We are training you so you can save people no matter where you go, without making noise. 

Do you know how they’re educated? What happens if they’re not taught this? People only work based on how much they’re paid. You are to do missions and evangelism.  Your time is up? Without this, we may have salvation and go to church, but we cannot overcome the world.  At first, I was scared of what they might think because if I said something wrong, they might run away. I stayed quiet and they received God’s grace continuously.

I told her to join the financial department. I got rid of our CPA and told her to do it, and I told her to make the elementary messages and focus on interpreting. I’m sure it’s hard, but she also has her job, then should she not work for the church? The church is necessary for world evangelization, so they say yes no matter what. “I don’t know if I can do this,” then that’s a headache.  If the CEO sees that, you’re the first to get fired. “This person has no power.” But we have God, so we pray and challenge towards it, so the church is not a simple thing.  We’re talking a lot about the church today.  That’s how important it is.

God’s Plan

You go here and there and move around?  It’s possible that if work takes place during an evangelism camp, we may commission someone to be stationed there, but that’s not aligned with our church’s time schedule.  He wants to come back but I told him to stop, but we can’t communicate because the time schedule of our churches are different. 

God’s Rule (Psalm 139:1-8)

God’s Providence

Everybody dies once, and once we die, there’s judgment.  Many people nowadays die from heart attacks.  Heart attacks are independent of age, even young people can go. While we’re alive, it’s God’s providence. Stop saying tomorrow, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. 

God’s Judgment (Luke 16:19-31)

God’s Reward (Matthew 10:40-42)

Even the food I serve for missionaries will have a reward. One thing to be aware of, if you work towards your own benefit, you have already gotten your reward. Make it so that the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing because God will remember and it will all be rewarded in heaven by God.  No need to seek more. If people naturally acknowledge you, it’s fine, I give messages and sometimes I give examples of my family to help you understand. Because of that, I have no choice but to speak about myself. Even with offering, we give with every worship. If I participate in the first worship and second worship, I offer during both. It’s all to God and God will work ahead of me.

I do it with faith for missions, evangelism, world evangelization, and temple construction. I don’t do it before people, by calculating. There’s no need to wonder about being lazy. Do it for the reward in heaven. It’s absolutely there, it’s been promised. That’s how you become a proper Christian.  Otherwise you become worse than an unbeliever because you’re always exalting yourself.  I know too well about being an unbeliever, I kept exalting myself because no one else would recognize me.  But if God exists, you don’t have to fight for yourself. One day, God will raise you up, so there’s no need to fight for yourself.

Do it quietly. When time comes, God will work. If you should be in the back, go there. If you should be in the front, go there. No need to fight over positions. I purposely didn’t give her a position because they can’t do anything right, so just do one thing.  If I’m a pastor, I just have to properly give the message, not doing many things.  Just do one thing properly.  It has to be a benefit to others.  Do it before God.   

When we first started the church, we lacked many things.  Every year I heard, “Pastor, I can’t come to this church anymore.” A year after we started the church, someone came to me and said their final goodbyes. I felt bad in a worldly way.  They ended up not leaving, but the message for me was, I’m not counting on people. If you do your pastoral ministry and look at this and that in the world, you’ll ultimately die because if the church shakes, then the pastor has to shake, because the pastor is trying to raise up the church.

This continued for 8-9 years.  God kept saying, “Don’t look at those things. Stand before God and do it for the kingdom of God.” That was kind of comforting but not really.  Is it not the case for you? You get betrayed and hurt by your relationships, then do you have to be beaten up every time? At that time, God gives you His message.  I’m not telling you this example so you know my story.  If you’re a wage laborer, it’s easier but when you gather the people, it’s really hard. 

These are the ways God allowed me to see the Word very firmly. From that point on, those words stopped coming.  I’m sure I do hear rumors, but it doesn’t matter. It means I’m not influenced by things like that because I receive the Word from headquarters.  Then what happened?  These people got put in jail and if they were caught more than twice, they were executed, so they lived in terror without faith. Were these people different from us? It’s only possible if you see something from heaven that allows you to overcome that, but you can’t do it with the things on earth.

If pastors do ministry looking at he earthly numbers, you cannot overcome. You can only overcome with the biblical truth Paul saw.  You did not raise your child for yourself, but you raised them for God, so you must raise them, looking heavenward.  My mother’s in her 80s, my grandma is over 100, but they’re very childish.  Even if they’re old, my grandma still talks to my mom as if she were a kid, regardless of how old she is.  I asked my mom, “How is grandma doing?” because if her mother lives long, it’s a higher probability that she lives long.

Don’t expect anything from people. Nobody.  You just raise children by God’s grace. Nobody. When I raise them, I raise them before God. My reward is in heaven, I don’t rely on my kids. That’s what I’m saying.  Now that I believe in Jesus Christ, I realize that all the cool and classy things are here.  In the world, I tried to learn things from books, but it’s not in those books no matter how much I look.  So, if you just properly put the Bible into these kids, they will become great individuals and popular.

These are our God-given blessings, all we have to do is open our eyes and receive answers through the Word and prayer. Then, as much as your eyes are open, you can relay this to others. May you enjoy this blessing.


God, we thank You. May the 7 journeys of the evangelist be our life answer.  We pray that the 10 mysteries and10 foundations will be our life answers. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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