Meditation on God’s Word to Connect with God (Psalm 1:2)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Meditation on God’s Word to Connect with God (Psalm 1:2)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

What happens to the remnants who meditate? They meditate on the Word of God.  I am simply going into God’s Work, and that’s meditation. What happens if you don’t meditate on God, what happens if you do not pray? Ultimately you’ll be centered on me, physical things, and success, according to my thoughts and emotions and environment, my perspective and position.  That’s why you’re destroyed. You keep arguing over physical things you see because you’re disconnected from the invisible Throne of Heaven.  That’s why people race towards success, but one day, they fall. 

I don’t know what the remnants have inside of them right now.  You think success is a good thing, right?  Everyone in the world tells you success is good, and everyone is racing towards success.  Even when you come to church, you listen to the words with your imprints of success.  I’m not saying success is bad, but it should not be your center nor your goal. The three things God is doing must be the goals of my life.  Then, these things come to life by God’s power.  I come to life, the physical things follow me, and through this, success also follow. 

Therefore, the one who meditates on the Throne of Heaven is able to conquer these things.  There are people who enjoy this every day, that’s Daniel. He survived on his own, why? Because in all his circumstances, God gave His Word. In every problem and crisis, God gave the blessing of His Word.  The goal of discipleship, the kingdom of God, world evangelization, my studies and my life is aligned with this, then God has no choice but to work, and God continues to work in the remnants.

This is God’s promise.  We didn’t make it up, it’s in the Bible. We have salvation but some of us continue to live like unbelievers.  These people lose hold of these blessings.  Even though it’s in front of them, they do not know, then what happens?  They’re enslaved.  What slave do they become? They’re enslaved to themselves, seized by their own thoughts.  “Isn’t something better or prettier?” You live your life like this and are seized, you live your entire life racing towards success to accomplish your goals.  You’re ultimately enslaved by Satan.

You can only fight if you see something, but Satan works upon you unknowingly. You are shaken because you have no money, but it doesn’t matter because within God’s power is money and everything.  If I have any money, I give it all to offering, because I know God will give me more. I don’t even have to calculate. If there’s a New Year’s worship, it’s two days, and I give it all during those two days. I give it on the 31st and the 1st because it’s all worship.  Then there were some people sitting here on New Year’s so I bought them lunch and used my card, and God works again. That’s what it’s like for me, because I use it for what God needs and I know this.

God gave me everything I need. I don’t chase after physical things, God gives me everything I need. You have to know this to not be enslaved by this. If you go to church without knowing this, you’ll be quivering about money and trembling about saving money. We don’t need that.  If we have something, we just give it in faith, then God works again.  That’s how God circulates the economy. But if you’re just holding onto money because you want to save it up, you’re blocking circulation.

God wants to spread the economy around, but you hold onto it yourself. It’s the same with the gospel, God wants to spread it around but you’re holding onto it, so it’s a headache.  But God continuously refills those because everything belongs to God.  People don’t believe, so they work hard on physical things and don’t even do a good job.  They cannot succeed, but even if they do, they’re bound and dragged by their success so they can’t live.

So we meditate on this. What is meditation?  Meditating on God’s Word.  You’re not meditating on your feelings, if you meditate with your emotions, you’ll be seized by Satan. It is the accurate Word of God.  So, I digest it within me so that the Word of God is digested and accurately applied to your circumstances.  Even right now, Jesus is saving me and will continue the  works of salvation through me. 

These are the areas in which you must be rooted.  If your salvation is blocked off from you, then that’s not aligned with God.  That blessing of salvation has to be continuously spread to other people, and that’s why God gives you power, but you block it. God has to reveal your talents for you, but if you’re not aligned with God, God won’t give you the talents for yourself. God will make it so that you go out and use your talents for salvation, for the church to raise up the church.  You use the talents you have for the church.

Then, wherever you go, God follows you with power. I’m a witness of this.  I’m not just explaining something.  I’m a witness of things that I actually enjoy myself.  From your perspective, a pastor doesn’t need much money. A pastor is not a businessperson, I’m not a CEO, so God works in whatever I need.  So, we just transcend that altogether, because if we die, then we die. If I’m hungry, I’ll just die. If I get COVID, then I’ll just die. I got COVID but I didn’t die because I’m in God’s hands and God wants me to do more work.  Yes, I suffered and it would be better if I didn’t, but I grew spiritually. God is truly so accurate.

I was stuck at home with COVID and had to do ministry so I had to depend on the prayer that transcends time and space, and God enabled me to enjoy it because I couldn’t do anything.  God is confirming the deep blessings for us, even through our weaknesses, and that was last January.  After worship, I went for a visitation at a person’s house and gave worship there, but COVID was spreading through that apartment complex. Back then I didn’t care much for wearing a mask, and I went there every day. Every day was a battle and the person went to heaven but her parents seemed like they would also go.  So, I took my mask off to freely praise and to give the Word. 

Last year, we had the messages, and instead of going home afterwards, I went to the beach. My daughter wanted to sleep, and we don’t use weak words like that.  If she wanted to go home, I might have acted differently, but she wanted to sleep, so I brought her to the beach. When I go alone, I usually set up a chair and do deep breathing, and I would exercise on the sand and swim in the water.  The entire ocean is mine, there was no one else. Have you ever felt that way? I was the only one in the winter, everyone else was just watching. 

On New Year’s some kids came and swam as well, and I was supposed to come out of the water and put on my clothes and sit on the chair, but my daughter was sitting there.  So I exercised more and went back into the water, and then we went home.  Then, after 7pm, I started getting body aches and I started experiencing cold-like symptoms.  Then in the early morning, I was trying to conquer with prayer, and I still thought I could give the message the next day.  At 7am, I realized I couldn’t give the message at all, I couldn’t do this.

Three weeks passed, and during that time, I had a lot of very deep spiritual experiences, not physical experiences. God gave me very deep grace for 3 weeks.  Yes, I was physically suffering, but because of the grace I received, I wanted to remain sick because I just lay there and prayed, listening to God’s Word. I couldn’t go anywhere else, I couldn’t even eat very well, but spiritually it was a time of concentration.   So for three weeks, God really took me out of commission and made me concentrate on the Mount of Olives.

Then rumors spread all throughout America.  The characteristic of humans is that the rumor gets worse as it spreads, “He got sick? He almost died from COVID. Just wear your mask.”  I got sick because I went into the cold water.  On the 28th, I told someone, “Don’t worry about it, just put on a mask.”

Meditation, this deep time. God allowed me to have a very deep time of concentration through the coronavirus, and this is how God led us through the rest of the year.  This year it will be the same.  For you, if you just have a time to enjoy deep meditation, then you will enjoy the Throne of Heaven and the blessings will take place. That’s meditation. You use meditation to enjoy the blessing of the Throne of Heaven through the Word because God continuously gives us His Word, just as how Abraham received the promise and it became more and more detailed.

Even when Abraham fell into disbelief, he had the gospel and covenant and missions and evangelism took place, and God worked upon Abraham in power.  What did Abraham do? All he did was build an altar for worship, meaning he had finished everything there, because he saw everything God would do through His Word.  If you’re confused, He comes back so you find it within the Word.  This is the blessing you must enjoy.

 Blessings come naturally but if you don’t enjoy it, you sit in the seat of mockers and perish.  This is what I do when I wake up in the morning, and I don’t even do this a lot. I just properly concentrate.  When this properly takes place in the morning, the daytime is easy. All you do is this and He works according to this. But those centered on something else cannot do this. But if you focus on the spiritual things, then me, physical things, and success will follow. That’s where your business and studies will be. 

It’s possible this may not take place easily.  I can acknowledge this with my brain but my heart doesn’t yet turn into that direction. You just need a little more time because we’ve been rooted and have the nature of me, physical things, and success for too long.  God will give you incidences to celebrate that time, too.  But ultimately, we must do the work of enjoying the blessing of the Triune God.

What will God do? God works according to our God-given word.  The 70 workers will arise, region by region. I’m not pulling them forward with my leadership because nothing is working if I do it without the Holy Spirit.  But I believe in God’s Word and God will work. Then one by one, they will rise up and raise up others to save the fields.  If you’re trying to convince or persuade someone, that’s the way businesspeople run in the world.

I see God working in my time schedule and I’m a witness.  I didn’t understand at first even though I listened to it, but my imprint, root, and nature was from these three other things, so the message couldn’t penetrate my heart. By God’s grace, I saw God was guiding me, little by little.  Before this, I knew I had to give a mission, but I didn’t know what, “Am I some sort of fortune teller? How can I know everyone’s fortune?”  But as time passed, God opened my eyes and I could continue, in other words, all the physical things changed into success.

For the remnants, hold into the Word God gave you and enjoy the blessing of meditating on the covenant. If you have disbelief, you’re at a loss. What’s the basis of your unbelief? You trust yourself and your experiences, but if you constantly have continuation, you’ll be changed.  Once you change, you’ll realize Abraham’s faith wasn’t great. He was just like one of us. Joseph’s faith was not great, he simply believed what God was doing and he went in as a slave so he couldn’t rely on anything else other than this. 

If you’re quarantined for three weeks, you can’t rely on anything else other than God.  So, nothing is a problem. Even if you go to prison. I’m not saying you should go to prison, but everywhere you’ve gone, you can experience this blessing of God, so there’s no reason to be nervous. God moves the universe, so if something is a problem, leave it alone, pray for them at night. “This person is talking so loud; shut their mouth.” Pray for God’s grace to be upon us.  Can anyone overcome the power of God?  It’s only their loss.

There’s nothing easier than living a walk of faith. If someone tells you to study and go to Harvard, it’s hard.  Studying is something you need to do but it’s our father’s don’t stop believing.  When good things happen, you can believe, but it’s only part because you don’t believe, so that’s why we need Gods’ grace and nothing is a problem.

I listened to God’s Word by God’s grace but I misinterpreted it. Enjoy being connected with the Throne of Heaven through God’s Word fulfillment, it is lacking.  Even if you don’t connect anything, God is doing something and working. Meditate, do you understand? Even right now, you should be praying, but it’s hard, I’m sure, because you’re concentrated about “me,” “my physical things,” and “my success.”

How can we raise up the remnants in the church as workers? Do they just work? Or do they go into the blessing of the Triune God?  The one who was able to go into it, it was okay for you?  Some remnants think, “If I remain here, I’ll be successful,” but that’s not it. It means everywhere you go, the work of salvation and power are upon you, and because these blessings are upon you, this is God’s works.  The mission.

One day, you’ll get depressed and leave. “My family and parents are so lacking,” but I hope you will enjoy this.  Enjoy this by yourself on Sundays.  If someone delays this, wait. No need to wait to a point of no reason. But if you’re not able to enjoy these things, they fall into trial as they cannot overcome these tests.  They work without enjoying the blessings of the Throne of Heaven?


God, we thank You.  Allow us to be the remnants who enjoy meditating on the law of God day and night.  May they be the remnants who testify of this in the fields and saves the 3 ages. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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