The 10 Mysteries of the Gospel

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The 10 Mysteries of the Gospel

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

A friend talked to me about the trauma of his past, and he’s a psychologist.  “Pastors transcend psychology because trauma is spiritual. Humanistic psychology won’t solve anything, but you have issues you cannot resolve.” He told me, “I’ve read the Bible but it doesn’t talk about trauma,” but there are things in the Bible that even believers don’t know.  But if this is not revealed, even if they go to church, they have no answers or strength.  Today,  I hope the 10 mysteries of God, hidden in the Bible, will become yours.

There’s an absolute condition for these 10 mysteries.  If you don’t know what God is doing, then it’s irrelevant to you.  You can’t read the Bible with your training.  Military people look at the fortress of Jericho to try to assess how thick it was but that’s not the point. Those who study organizational leadership will study Moses’ leadership, but all these things were to relay the blood covenant.

God said many words but they all pertain to the gospel.  God the Son carries out the work of salvation. Even now, the power of the Holy Spirit works upon our prayers.  The one who is certain in this work can know and enjoy the 10 mysteries.

What does the Word of the Triune God have to do with me? Now I have the status as a child of God with the authority shown through me.  It doesn’t matter how much you study, but realize this all takes place through you.  The Triune God works through the authority. We see the 10 mysteries with this condition.  Otherwise you have to know this first.

The remnants in the Bible knew this accurately and knew who they were, so they accurately knew the authority of God would be revealed through them.  Even now, America and Egypt evangelization would take place through this.  It must be like this, like Joseph.

Alone, Independent

Your kids need to be independent. If remnants are lost in a place without a church, like Lois?  There’s churches in Chicago, but they’re far away.  But it won’t matter for kids who know the Triune God, otherwise you’ll die.  So you have the ability to be like Joseph, but you don’t know this mystery so you lose hold of the blessings. Simply put, you’re okay no matter where you are, why is that?  This is not mental training, but even if I’m all alone, the fulfillment of the Word is upon me.  If the remnants aren’t able to go like this, they work so hard but don’t know what they think.

If you send kids to a deserted place, they’ll die, but if they have the Triune God, the works of re-creation will take place.  If Satan is working, the works of God will break it down. If I lack the ability, God’s power will work upon me. The people who have the Triune God are okay no matter where they are. The church officer who has this will save the region; it won’t work with anything else. If you have the Triune God and nothing else, God is working. But you don’t know who you are. You say things like, “I don’t have strength, I can’t do it,” because you don’t believe.

You say you’re busy, everyone was busy, Joseph was a busy slave. He didn’t have a church nor time to go, but being within the Triune God is church. The works of the Triune God took place through Joseph, and this has to be planted in you and you’ll be okay no matter where you go. There’s the special forces and the general troops. General people cannot survive, they’re just civilians, but the special forces thrive no matter where they are.  They can make things happen even if no one else is there.

Those who have this will be successful in their business. God doesn’t work such that you evangelize with your business failing.  The Triune God all works at once. Evangelism and your power are separate things.  The five powers will follow you, but you don’t believe and you also don’t know.   But if you know this, you’re independent and alone to save others. 

Spiritual Facts

Remnants, think about this. We talked about the facts. Someone may have said something to me, and it may be a fact, but behind that, there’s a reason or motive.  That’s what you call the truth, so the things that happen are correctly the facts, but there’s also a truth behind the scenes.  So Some people look at that and get tricked because they’re not able to read the true motives or thoughts behind.  They say, “You’re talking right now but what is your goal? Do you really believe?”  You have to connect on the truth. 

Don’t just evangelize. You have to see what’s rooted in that person.  Everyone has something hidden inside, whatever is revealed isn’t it.  But it turns out there’s something deep and spiritual, and that’s what I wanted to tell you.  We don’t just evangelize and save people.  We need to be able to see the thing rooted in the family line that has invisibly been rooted and then we give him the answer.  You cannot give the answer from the spiritual facts.  It’s the same thing.  If you don’t know the spiritual facts, how can you know them? You don’t just do this.

If you keep investigating a person, see their family line to see how they will move in the future. That’s how you give the answer, and that’s biblical evangelism. It’s not researching methods, you must be able to see the spiritual facts. But we don’t see that in America. Everyone has Bible studies and studies in the seminary, but they never talk about Satan in church.  The churches keep saying non-biblical words like consequential sins, so how can you save people? 

If you look at a person’s family line, you can see the pattern but they don’t know. Then what happens in the future is rightful, so give them the message in regards to that.  Once the message goes in, they will change.  We have to wait for the time schedule, because it’s the working of the Holy Spirit, not man. If you study psychology, you have to know this; otherwise you’ll starve.  Many people have PhDs, but God will enable you to know this, so you can fundamentally save and bless them.

There are so many shootings around, why is there no answer? Because it’s the fact. Why are they shooting guns? You can’t just look at that. “He was a veteran in a war and he saw college kids partying and got mad, so he shot at them.”  The truth is that he was still afflicted by trauma in Iraq, and that’s the truth, but there’s a spiritual fact behind it. Then you give the answer.

Without knowing this, how can you save people?  The spiritual environment of your region has to change, but your evangelism cannot change that.  There’s so much evangelization but because they’re just evangelizing without knowing the spiritual facts?  Train them while young; schools cannot teach this and it’s hard to see it, but we talk about demons and people think, “I guess they just talk about demons a lot,” but they don’t acknowledge or believe it either. I think the young adults ignore Satan as well.

Without knowing Satan, how can you change the field? It will take place in the future, but it’s a mystery. The spiritual facts. Joseph saw that.  Potiphar saw this, but Joseph saw behind their background and understood and overcame. If you don’t see this, you’ll get caught up in it. “Why are they this way?”  Let’s say even with pastors, there’s 100 pastors and they all say something different? Then they die. But if you know their background and why they’re saying that, you go past it. 

We know this person and their background so you can stay still when they spout nonsense, so you can make pasta… But if you talk about the facts and the truth?  Knowing the spiritual facts, you’ll realize the spiritual state makes it so that the person has to act that way. This is important, especially the remannts who must receive God grace for your spiritual eyes to open.

Opposite Side (Unconventional Thinking)

I used to evangelize to Hispanics in the past, but we had no one to nurture them. Then we have Senior Deaconess Song. She speaks Spanish so well, God works on the opposite side so it does work out.  Some people say it’s not working, but God is constantly working.  Maybe in the literal acceptance may work, but just the evidence coming upon me isn’t it.  If I’m here, breaking down the forces of darkness, and someone else is bringing them into church? That’s evangelism.

The people above me were moving furniture because they had bedbugs, and one day, we found them in my apartment, too, so then we reported that. “I think we have bedbugs,” so the bedbug people came.  They fumigated every floor above and below my apartment to get all of it at once, so the bedbugs cannot escape. It’s just like evangelism, it has to take place everywhere.  The darkness attacks all places simultaneously as well.

You think you’re okay? Your kid goes to school with spiritual problems and it will get transmitted to the other kids and teachers.  We think we’re okay because we go to church, but people get different diseases.  If you know this, you’ll realize why you need world evangelization. Why is it not just my church? Why isn’t it world evangelization?  Satan is going to crawl in through his weakpoints. That’s why world evangelization, that’s why oneness.  if you really knew this, you would have oneness.  But if you do not know this, and it’s your excuse.  We unite as regions and gather all at once to CRA.  People why don’t know this, the answers come from elsewhere.


This is God’s method and works; otherwise you’re just like a unbeliever.  The gospel is a blessing, but Satan deceives you into thinking that only parents’ need salvation our parent ill not able to do anything then Break down the money-grubbing mentality. You’re not there to make money; you are there to raise disciples.  I make disciples and establish the Kingdom of God; the rest doesn’t matter. Those are the disciples we must train. 

Why is America so blessed?  All we have to care about is our own country? America still funds a lot of countries. So, God must give more money to America. At the same time, we send out missionaries.

Crisis – Opportunity

None of that matters,  but why is this crisis an opportunity? It feels like a crisis, but it’s always a blessing. But I can say in particular that this is an opportunity, even right now, but it’s just that people say it’s a crisis.  Remember the Triune God is working even now, and within crises, He is doing His work.  Because everyone says it’s a crisis, I think it’s an opportunity. 

No Competition

You go for the same things, so you compete, but God says He will make your name great. People wanted to make their name great in Gen. 11, but there’s no competition when God says He will do it. No competition in the church. At first I didn’t know this, because other churches have younger remnants, but there’s no competition.  God moves everything forward with His will, there’s no competition. Same with your business and the young adults working.  God is doing work through me, what do I complain about? 

God will continue to work, so what competition is there?  There’s no competition for those in the covenant, and that’s why they were always alone because the covenant stands alone. It doesn’t mean you only know about yourself.

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation

Today, Christ. There’s uniqueness that comes from that.  It’s not about having a lot of sermons, but we will have uniqueness in our church.  Some people just give Pastor Ryu’s messages, but people are ignorant of God and it’s foolish. In Korea, they experienced the war, but Americans have not.  I was an unbeliever in an unbeliever background. Even if you have “only,” it’s different for you and me. So every church and individual has their “only.”  But it creates this masterpiece. Some people receive “only” after shamanism, so what about someone who goes to school?

Summit – Spiritual, Skill, Culture

If you lack the skill or have bad products, no one will come. Your skill comes from your spiritual summit.  But if you’re a counselor without the spiritual summit, it’s useless.  Your skill won’t be able to change the culture, but you’ll be sucked into the culture.  If you don’t have the spiritual summit but you study your skill so much, no one will come. But if you’re the spiritual summit, it’s different. You go to the seat of the summit that changes the culture. If you’re not the spiritual summit, you can’t see.

Forget about changing the culture, you’ll move with the culture.  People say foolish things, “Evangelism doesn’t take place in America,” but that means Christ is dead and gone. Instead, you say that because you have the skill but you can’t change the culture.  But you dig in and you become like them, seized by the environment that says, “I can’t even bring up Jesus Christ.”

If you’re within the spiritual summit, everything changes.  Of course God naturally gives you the answer of the talent only you can do to save the culture of the world, and evangelism takes place this way.  Evangelism is not a simple thing. If you meet someone 1:1, that’s a form of evangelism, but everyone does that.  All heresies do that, even insurance companies do that.  Every organization in the world does their form of evangelism.  We can call that “evangelism,” but that’s not what I’m talking about. God is talking about biblical evangelism, the spiritual summit.  Then in this case or that case, you receive guidance. 

I used to hate living in apartments because I didn’t know how to talk to people. Characteristically we lower our eyes, why? Because I’m too scared to talk to them, so I just go with my eyes and pretend they’re not there.  It doesn’t matter if I’m a pastor: how do I change the culture? Spiritual summit.  “Hi.” It seems easy but it’s not. Now that I’m the spiritual summit, I say hi and talk to them. But if you have no spiritual strength, you can’t do that.

Go to your company and say hi to everyone.  People greet each other, or some ignore everyone else to do your work. You need spiritual strength.  Even if I’m a pastor, if I’m the same as someone else with a dark expression, it’s hard, but for you to work at your job, you need skill.  My skill is to say, “Hi,” and “I pray for you.” I say that without giving money.

Their hearts open, especially Hispanic people, because they have the nature of religion. When a Catholic person prays for them compared to when I pray for them, it’s different, whether demons or angels work.  The lady downstairs has a mental problem. When I exercise, she came out and asked if I paid my rent.  That was November 1.  So, I don’t pay the rent, my wife pays it, and I’m pretty sure she paid it.  Turns out my wife gave the rent on November 4.  Until then, she never talked to me. 

Cultural summit. We control the culture, not my facial expressions. You change the culture of America into the culture of God, how?  That’s why God changes me into the cultural summit. You make bread into delicious bread to save people.


They don’t have the wilderness mentality, because something already exists.  It’s the same for a pastor, if it’s a church they inherited, they are weak in this, so they are taken someplace to be rock-bottom to create something out of nothing.  That’s how that remnant will live in that field, otherwise they will try to fit themselves into something.  Even if there’s nothing and no one, it’s the wilderness, but you make a way. No one can help you but you go there. You must have this.


Ask and you’ll receive the answer.  Otherwise you’ll think with your own thoughts.  There’s no answer there.  I could have done an internship in LA, but why did God send me to Illinois? That’s how you will see the answer and reason of God, otherwise you’ll make your own judgments.  “I’m glad I’m moving away from my nagging mom.”  Just an example. Everyone finds their own reasons. “It’s so uncomfortable here.” Everyone finds their own reasons, but you have to ask God.

“Today’s worship is different from last week, why?” Ask and get the answer.  “Why is our senior pastor so foolish today? If my pastor was a bit better looking, it would be easier to look at him, but why is he like that?” But I’m the same way.  Ask God why, why it must be this person.  “Why do I have these parents?” It cannot be anyone else, you have to discover that to be thankful for your parents.  Children only remember bad things.

“Why did You send me to this family?” God says, “You have perfect parents.”  I don’t know what your parents did, but God allowed it.  “Oh, that’s why,” and you’re thankful. I didn’t like a lot of things, I was beaten up a lot, and my mom would get out of the way so I could get beat up more.  So, the reason I was beaten was because I made others do the chores. 

I always went to the mountains, because I needed strength to do world evangelization.  Rev. Ryu was impoverished and hungry and now he acknowledges God’s absolute plan.  Otherwise it’s a headache. If this person brings up an issue from the past, I pretend to listen.  I asked my daughter, “Why did God send you to this family? You need parents like us.”  I educated her this way.  I think my mom is the greatest and coolest person.  But maybe she heard this for the first time.  I told her I love her.  My daughter will never say this to me.  But God is changing me.

My mouth cannot say, “I love you,” I can’t even say it to my wife. “Why should I say it? You already know.”  “Done, done, done, you don’t have to keep saying it.”  My wife wanted our wedding anniversary to be Dec. 25th but Dec. 21st was the closest.  We don’t celebrate birthdays or anniversaries.  We do this once in awhile for our daughter because she should experience it at least once, but we don’t do it for each other. “It was the fifth anniversary,” no need for that; we got rid of that problem altogether.  “Don’t celebrate birthdays, because if you do, you have to celebrate everyone’s. Just celebrate Jesus’ birth.”  The church will do it, why?

Why did God make me live a religious life in the past? Why did God allow me to receive the gospel now? You must have this answer. “Why did God make me a pastor?” I don’t come from a line of pastors; I come from a line of demon-worshipers, but I’m now a pastor. It was strange to adapt.  It was a strange transition. I just ended up being a pastor without knowing what a pastor was.  I don’t even have regular believers in my family line.  Why?  

Why did God allow me to live so long in an unbelieving family before calling me to be a pastor?  Pastors who come from a line of pastors do not know the world.  The church is for the world.  There’s a reason God called me, a reason God allowed me to live as a nonbeliever and then to become a pastor.  Each person has their own reason. 

“Why didn’t God heal me faster?” There’s a reason. God knows the reason and is waiting for the time schedule, so it’s not about things not working out according to your time schedule.  One day, your time will come and you’ll escape. Even when you do your ministry, you must know this.  Because everyone has their own standard and time schedule, “I tried this but the problem isn’t resolved”?  I talked to Senior Deaconess Park, everyone around her was a pastor’s kid. Even in her hospital, everyone around her is a pastor’s kid, even her husband and the in-laws.  She’s among them, why?  You have to find the answer.  She’s different from others. She’s surrounded by pastor’s kids, and God wants her to have the answer regarding pastors’ kids. 

Pastors’ kids are different, and that’s why they have a separate retreat.  The way they acknowledge the church and their church scars are different.  Their fathers are pastors so they have scars because they’re forced to do things they don’t want to do. They’re different from ordinary churchgoers.  If they don’t want to go, they can’t stop because their father is a pastor.  If the members of the church don’t want to do the role, they can stop, because we can’t force them to do something, but the pastor’s kids take care of the blind spots.  But they do stuff even if they don’t believe.  Regular church goers don’t give offering when they leave, but pastors kids still have to give.  That’s your mission.

 If you don’t know this, then the gospel these people preach will not get along.  Many children are scarred and resentful of the church prior to receiving God’s Word, it’s the same with missionaries.  They have the influence on their children.  The answer of the gospel is the same, but the diagnosis is different for everybody.  Once she personally receives the answer, it’s different. And the answer will be different for her husband as well. 

Next week, we’ll continue to the seven journeys.


God we thank You. Allow the 10 mysteries to become mine, to be the mysteries to be relayed to the rest of the world. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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