Faith and Answer of the Accurate Covenant (Heb. 11:8-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Faith and Answer of the Accurate Covenant (Heb. 11:8-12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  May the unprecedented great blessings of God be upon all the individuals worshiping in the church, in their homes, and especially out of state. Since last week, we’ve been sharing the word of God regarding faith from Heb. 11. Where do we get faith from? Every person lives their life believing in something. Because people are spiritual beings, we always have faith in something. If we don’t believe in something that is faith as well. It means you don’t believe in this, but you believe in something else instead. 

There are only two options: you either believe in God or you believe in yourself. You may not believe in the Triune God that Christians talk about, but you believe in yourself. Everybody lives their life with some kind of faith in something, and the works will happen according to your faith.  That’s how humans live differently from animals because we’re spiritual beings. The reason we work hard is because we believe we need to work hard to make money in order to live. 

Why do I believe in Jesus Christ? I need to have an accurate reason to believe in Jesus Christ in order for the works to follow accordingly. 

The title of today’s message is “Faith and Answer of the Accurate Covenant”, but only if you have the accurate covenant will you have the correct faith. When you go out into the field, how do people know God? They know their Christian neighbor and they think that’s how they know God. They look at how that Christian acts, and they think they know God now. But that’s not actually how you know God. You may know your next-door neighbor, but that’s not knowing God. 

What about people who say, “I used to believe and go to church, but I no longer believe or go to church.” Those people may know sermons but they don’t actually know God. In today’s worship, if the accurate covenant of God goes into you, then you will have the right faith and the actions will follow.

There are some of you who may be asking, “Many generations of my family are Christians and my parent is a church officer, so why are things not working out for me?” There are many people like that, especially pastor’s children. They don’t go to church anymore, or they go to church but they’re skeptical. Why? It’s because they think their scars regarding church and their father are actually scars regarding God. The Word of God never actually went into this person but they’re just making judgements about God based on their scars from their parents or from the church. Or let’s say, there’s a child whose parent is a church officer but when they look at their parents, they don’t believe.  It’s not that you look at your parents and don’t believe; it’s just that the Word of God never went into you.

There’s people who have so much Bible study and knowledge in their brains but it never went into them properly. Even if they have learned much about the Word of God, they only understand it from the foundation of their rationality and their experiences, so they don’t know it accurately. Or there are people who take their conviction as faith. “I’m gonna do this no matter what”, so they just put God on top of their conviction, and pretend that’s faith. 

1. Abraham’s faith

Everyone has some kind of conviction but what exactly is faith? Today’s passage says that Abraham was someone who received answers because of his faith, and because we believe in the same God as Abraham, we can receive that answer as well. God is His Word. If you saw Him in your dream, that’s just your dream, that’s not God. “Oh whenever I close my eyes and pray, I can feel God touching me,” that’s just your feelings, that’s not God. 

God is invisible so what can we express as a representation of God? God comes to us with His Word so no one can be deceived. That Word has to be accurate in order for your faith to be accurate, but [for many], the Word is not accurate. If you’re trying to launch a rocket into space, if you have one missing bolt, you cannot do it. You need to react to the Word of God exactly as it is, in order for you to receive the works of the Word of God.

But most people don’t know the Word accurately. They kinda know the Word of God, but they gloss over it haphazardly. Just how Adam and Eve received the incredible blessings of God, but they glossed over it, so they lost it. God said, “If you eat of this fruit of the tree of good and evil, you will surely die,” but they thought, “we might die.” It doesn’t matter how long they go to church; they cannot receive answers.

You have to turn the light switch on in order for the electricity to go through the bulb, it doesn’t matter what you try, you won’t get light otherwise. All you have to do is turn on the light switch, but instead you’re using all your strength and methods to do it, but that light won’t turn on. Then you say, “I worked so hard, I tried my best, but nothing’s working out, why am I not getting the light?” All you have to do is turn on the light switch, but this person is saying they’ve tried everything except turning on the switch. Then what exactly have they tried? They’ve tried everything in the world in the vicinity of the light switch.  Then later that person will say there is no God. but from the beginning they were wrong. Then they’ll go to some other religion.

  1) Land of Mesopotamia (Ac. 7:2)

    (1) Your country, your people, your father’s household (Gen. 12:1, Ac. 7:3)

    (2) Idol Worship (Joshua 24:2)

There is no other way God works unless it is according to His Word. Abraham is the same as us.  The Bible tells us that Abraham’s family was in complete idolatry in Mesopotamia, the family didn’t serve God but they served demons and idols for their own benefit. If I were omniscient and omnipotent by myself, I don’t need to serve some other God. However, God created humans so we have to be in connection with Him, so as long as we are separated from God, we cannot live. If you don’t have any answers, I hope you will stand before the accurate word of God quickly. If you’re saying there is a repetitive problem in your family that isn’t solved, I hope you will stand before the accurate Word of God. 

    (3) For yourself (Ex. 20:4), Greed (Col. 3:5)

But there are so many people like this. If you ask them, they’ll say, “I’ve tried to believe,” but if you look closely, there’s nothing correct that they’ve received. People serve idols for their own benefit. If you believe in God, there’s no reason for you to serve idols and no reason to serve yourself.  People will only be complete if they believe in God. The principle is that through me, God will bring about His work. 

    (4) Cravings of our flesh, Desires of the heart (Eph. 2:3)

If that is not taking place, we’ll try to fill ourselves with other things, like in Eph. 2, but we’re never satisfied. We keep trying to gratify the cravings of our heart, but things aren’t working out the way we want. If the Word of God doesn’t go into you, you’ll become very stupid. There are only two options: will you trust in God or believe in yourself? If you believe in yourself, you’ll only live according to your abilities, then everything I can’t do with my abilities will be a problem I must live with. Whenever you face a spiritual problem or mental problem, the doctor nor you can solve it, so you’ll have to live with that problem for the rest of your life. That’s the result of living believing in yourself. Even if you have financial difficulties, you’re going to get trapped in that problem, but if you have faith in the accurate Word of God, nothing will be a problem to you. 

That’s how you can distinguish. If I believe in Jesus Christ, nothing can be a problem to me. But if that doesn’t come into me, even if I go to church, I’m just going to church. It doesn’t matter how many generations of Christian believers are in your family. For those generations, the Word should be getting more accurate but instead it’s getting more weak. 

  2) Spiritual state

    (1) Transgressions and sins – Death (Eph. 2:1)

It says in Eph. 2:1 that these people are dead in their sins. If your spirit is dead, you have no spiritual reaction to the spiritual Word of God. Even if the Word comes into you, it comes as knowledge or rationality, it has no effect on your spirit. It doesn’t matter how much a non-believer reads the Bible, it will not activate faith, but that person will say that they know. They might have studied it to know it with knowledge and rationality, but it has no effect on their spirit. 

    (2) Live following the ways of this world (Eph. 2:2)

In Eph. 2:2 it says these people lived their lives following the ways of the world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air. These people think they’re so smart, doing such a good job, but they’re actually being dragged around by the ruler of the kingdom of the air. The Devil has incredible wisdom and is able to drag you around so subtly that you won’t notice. 

    (3) By nature deserving of wrath (Eph. 2:3)

Satan drags you around with the thoughts and emotions he puts into you. You follow them, thinking they’re your thoughts and emotions, because the devil is invisible and that’s how we’re dragged around. The Bible says our lives become by nature objects of wrath. This is the state Abraham lived in for thousands of years in Ur of Chaldeans. 

  3) The God of glory appeared – Word (Ac. 7:2)

Then, in Acts 7:2, it says one day God’s glory was revealed to Abraham. God always reveals himself through the Word. he doesn’t reveal Himself in a physical form because then anyone could say they saw; He reveals Himself through the Word of God. Right now at this time, the Triune God is working upon you with His Word. God is spirit, so He is invisible. Stop asking Him to reveal Himself so that you would believe; that’s science, not belief. Science is about observing and testing your hypotheses, that’s observation, that’s not faith. God revealed Himself to Abraham and said, “Leave your father’s household.” It doesn’t mean you should leave from your father’s house; it means leave from the spiritual state of idolatry in your family line. 

    (1) Leave your country and your people (Ac. 7:3, Gen. 12:1)

People believe for so long but they still never escape, the darkness is still there. You shouldn’t misunderstand salvation. You receive salvation by God’s grace, it’s never by any of your own actions. Because we misunderstand that aspect of the Bible, we misunderstand salvation and we misunderstand our faith. If we could earn it by our own actions, we wouldn’t need God’s grace. God appeared before Abraham and poured His grace upon him. 

    (2) Listened to the gospel (Gal. 3:8)

Galatians 3:8 said Abraham heard of this gospel, God delivered this gospel to Abraham. By transmitting the covenant of Jesus Christ, the blood sacrifice, he escaped. God only gave us one promise: it’s not our hard work, it’s not our diligence, and it’s not even our personality. God says those are all dirty because we’re all sinners and fall short of God’s glory. You must receive the gospel in order for you to escape the problems of your family. Even if you go to church, the spiritual state of your family line will follow you around. 

You can only escape if the light of the Word of Jesus Christ shines upon that problem. Your spirit has received salvation but the thoughts and emotions of your heart are still rooted in disbelieving God. Our spirit was not saved by our abilities or our actions, but God gave us the free grace to say we are saved. However, the state of our life is relentlessly rooted in not believing in God, so we keep falling under misconceptions. “I think I’ve received salvation, but my life keeps going back to the idolatry of Ur of Chaldeans.” 

    (3) Go to the land I will show you (Ac. 7:3)

Once you’ve received salvation, God will absolutely show you, “Go to the land I will show you,” in Acts 7:3. This is our walk of faith. If I have been rescued, I should no longer live according to the thoughts of my past, I should go the path God has prepared for me.  Even before Abraham had faith in God, God made a promise with him.  He says, “Leave your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.” 

2. Abraham’s Faith

  1) God’s Promise- Start

    (1) Make you into a great nation (Gen 12:2) 

God is very accurate. Once your salvation has begun, He gives you an accurate destination, and in order to get to that destination, God gave Abraham five blessings. The reason the Word of God is not accurate for you is because you misunderstand salvation and the destination, so the entire process along the way will be wrong. People live their walk of faith for so long, but it’s not accurate. In Gen. 12:2 God promises to Abraham who was 75 years old, and Sarah who was 65 years old, that He will make them into a great nation, that is, a large number of people. God gives His Word completely regardless of their circumstances, but for sure, it will turn out according to the Word. 

    (2) Make your name great (Gen 12:2) 

In v. 2, God says He will make their name great. People live to make their own name great. In Genesis 11, the people built the Tower of Babel to raise their own name. My daughter says the same thing: when I pick her up from school, she says she doesn’t want to be seen with me because the kids call me monkey and it will damage he reputation, so I pretend like I don’t know her, because she doesn’t want me to damage her reputation.  She’s only 12 but she’s already worried about her reputation. She says if her dad comes, her standard will be lower.  Her spiritual eyes are still closed. Once her spiritual eyes are opened, she would brag about me, but maybe it’s because I go in shorts and slippers. It’s just because it’s comfortable. 

When she was in elementary school, she was so excited for me to pick her up, but now that she’s in middle school, she’s so embarrassed of me. When God says to Abraham, “I will make your name great,” it means, “I will make sure everybody knows your name.” Don’t you think that’s success? People try to elevate their own name, why do you think people get Nobel prizes? It’s because their name is exalted as they are awarded something. Or if something is humiliating, they try to not put their name on that, but if it’s really good, they want their name on that.  

God is saying He will do it for us, “Just go to the land I will show you.” the goal is so accurate, then along the way, “I will make your name great.” If you don’t know this, you’ll live a regrettable life where you’ll try to exalt your own name and make a name for yourself. “You will be a blessing.”  What happens if this comes into you accurately? You will change. There’s no need for you to beg around for blessings. God has made you a source of blessings, and He has called you a blessing. 

    (3) Source of blessing (Gen 12:2) 

Everything comes out of this blessing, and you’re this kind of person, but that word of God hasn’t gone into you yet, so you’re living a religious life. You keep trying to receive blessings through actions, almost like an adopted child. You’re so worried about what God thinks, you have to try to do something to try to earn something. Stop trying to do something because God has made you into a blessing. That’s God’s Word. If you believe in that, it reveals itself. So, our walk of faith is easy. If you don’t believe it, it’s hard. 

    (4) The one who blesses – Bless, The one who curses – Curse (Gen 12:3) 

I will bless the ones who bless you and curse the ones who curse you. If you have this Word in your heart, then there’s no need for you to fight.  It doesn’t matter how much this person attacks me, because God will not leave them alone. There’s no need for you to fight with non-believers. If you go forward, holding onto the Word of God, and people keep trying to attack you and bother you, people will not leave you alone.  But if this Word of God does not go into you accurately, you have to go persuade and fight against them and life becomes so difficult.

    (5) All people will be blessed (Gen 12:3) 

 V. 3 says “all peoples will be blessed through you.” You need to have this posture, “Through me, all nations will be blessed,” but as a Christian, you’re doing everything to try to receive blessings for yourself. We must have the position where we’ve already received the blessings and we’re giving it to others, the Word of God has not come into us, so we live as slaves. We live exactly like religious people. How can I be blessed? It’s because we don’t know who we are. “I have made you into a source of blessings and all nations will be blessed through you.” When this Word of God comes into us, then we will have faith and the works of God will take place. 

  2) Word- Goal 

    (1) Followed the word (Gen 12:4) 

There is a goal for this Word. Gen. 12:4 says Abhraham followed the Lord regardless of his circumstances. The word of God will not fit your circumstances, so stop trying to understand the Word of God from your circumstances. You keep trying to interpret the Word of God with yourself as the base, but regardless of your circumstances, the Word of God is the Word of God, and Abraham followed that Word. We have to transcend our circumstances. 

    (2) Land I will show you – Goal (Gen 12:1) 

    (3) Land of Canaan – The land that Jesus Christ will come to 

He goes to the land God will show him, he doesn’t know the destination just yet, but it’s the land God will show him.  God says, “Hey, go this way,” and Abraham goes, not knowing where he’s going. As he is on his way, God gives him the very detailed Word as guidance. God is sending Abraham to the land of Canaan, the land where the Messiah will be born, and Abraham doesn’t know this, but God is leading him there. Later on, through Abraham’s physical descendants, Jesus Christ is born in Canaan. 

    (4) Gospel is proclaimed to all the nations 

If our life is irrelevant to Jesus, then our life is nothing. Even right now, God is raising up churches, guiding you, all for the sake of 237 nations. If all your work, your studies, and your role in the church is not used to testify the gospel of Jesus Christ, then you are irrelevant to God’s work. Even the food I cook for the church is a service I am devoting to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ. Even the offering I give is based on the covenant of world evangelization to save souls. The tithe I am giving is the covenant I am giving for the church and evangelists to do the work of God. The Temple Construction offering is also for the covenant of Christ, the Temple Construction that will proclaim this gospel.

God is moving and working in everything centered on His son, Jesus Christ. If your children are living a life irrelevant to Jesus Christ, then you have a wrong family education. Of course, you should help them physically, but this child has the absolute blessing of God, but if you don’t help them realize that, you’re cursing them. If the accurate Word of God goes into these children, then the talents and skills God has given them will be used to testify of God through their specialization.

   3) Life believing the word – Process 

    (1) Left even though he did not know where he was going (Heb 11:8)

Heb. 11:8 says that Abraham went even though he didn’t know where he was going. We don’t know where we’re going to go during the rest of the week. We have a repetitive pattern in our lives but we don’t know where things are going spiritually. God gives us His Word and makes us follow it. The sheep will hear the voice of the shepherd and follow it, they’re not trying to forage their own way through with their experiences, all such sheep will fail. Why? We’re only safe when we’re following the shepherd.

Let’s say, the sheep is thinking, “according to my knowledge and experiences, there’s a lot of water and grass here, so let’s go there” and let’s say it’s right, there’s a lot of water and grass and it’s great there, so you think you’ve succeeded. But what do you not know? You don’t know there are wolves there. One day, you gain everything but you’re swallowed by a wolf. That’s why we’re only safe when we are following the voice of the shepherd. 

Are there any of you like this? Are there any of you who are confident in yourselves, not following God’s Word? Just wait, one day you’ll be devoured by a wolf. You’ll experience whether the Word of God is correct or not. A lot of non-believers say, “Do you believe in Jesus Christ because you’re so weak?” I was like that too. A long time ago, I went to a church and saw people crying and praying, and thought they were so pathetic and weak; why were they praying to something they can’t even see, instead of going out, working harder? I was thinking, “Why are you sitting there praying and crying? You should go work!” I couldn’t say this out loud, but on the inside, I thought to myself that they were so pathetic.  It means I lived with my own confidence.

When I saw those Christians, I was so critical of them. “Why don’t they just work harder and live according to their own abilities? But instead they’re just crying and begging there, it’s so uniftting.” But God is guiding us with His accurate Word. Heb. 4:12 says when the accurate Word goes into you, you will receive healing. It doesn’t matter what you do to your kids; the spiritual state of the father and mother go directly into the child and that has nothing to do with whether you graduate from Harvard. You may be able to work hard and get a Harvard degree, but that has nothing to do with your spiritual state. The spiritual stream of the mother and father is directly relayed to the child and it doesn’t matter if they get a Harvard degree. They must receive the spiritual stream of Jesus Christ and then you’ll be able to overcome the spiritual stream of the family line and you’re going to go into God’s masterpiece. 

    (2) Made his home in the promised land (Heb 11:9) 

By faith, he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country. He is simply following the Word of God, sitting there and living. For him personally, Abraham liked Ur of Chaldeans way better, but he followed the Word of God.

    (3) Like a stranger in a foreign country (Heb 11:9) 

As he was following and living there, everyone was different and the culture was different. He was a complete foreigner in the land. That is the way we’re living now. We live together with non-believers but we live as foreigners and sojourners, because these non-believers are living for themselves but we’re living for the covenant of God. We’re people who have already received blessings of life, but the non-believers are living to receive blessings, so we’re not going to fit. 

    (4) Isaac, Jacob – Relay to the future generations (Heb 11:9)

“Isaac and Jacob, heirs of the same promise” means he relayed this Word to the next generations.

3. God’s plan – Faith

  1) What Abraham was looking forward to – God’s kingdom

What was Abraham looking forward to in Heb. 11:10? He was looking forward to the city with foundations whose builder and architect is God. He was living, following the Word of God, and what was he looking forward to?  There is a husband and wife who were following the Word of God, but what was it they were looking towards?

    (1) God’s plan (Heb. 11:10)

    (2) Foundation (Heb. 11:10)

The city and foundation that that is built and planned by God.  They were just two, a husband and wife, but what are they sitting and dreaming about? 

    (3) God’s city (Heb. 11:10)

They were sitting there, already seeing in advance that through their next generations, there will be a city with people more numerous than the stars in the sky and more numerous than the sand on the sea.  It doesn’t matter for people who receive the accurate covenant of God because they sit there, believing in the covenant. That is the characteristic of people who believe. Right now they can’t see anything, but they live with the faith that it will happen according to God’s Word. 

  2) Faith is fulfilled

There is a time schedule where this faith is put into practice. 

    (1) Sarah cannot give birth (Heb. 11:11)

When Abraham was 100 years old, Sarah was 90 years old, and biologically she was unable to have children, but God enabled her to bear children. What does this mean? “Oh, does that mean I can have a kid at 90 as well?” If you understand it like that, you don’t have faith.  There are a lot of people who believe that. “I believe in the Bible! I can have a child in my 90s1”  Some pastors say, “Oh, the Red Sea split, so this river will also split.” Some pastors say that. But that’s not faith, that’s just your own reaction, freaking out. You’re just doing unnecessary things. God will fulfill the Word He has given to you exactly. Just as God worked upon Abraham, He will work upon me with the Word God has given me. When the Word of God comes into you during worship, this is the exact answer you will receive. Then she bore a child.

    (2) Enabled to bear children (Heb. 11:11)

    (3) One person – Descendants as numerous as the stars, sand (12)

It says, “So from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sands on the seashore.” 

  3) Accurate promise – Faith

So what is the accurate promise God has given to us today?

    (1) Only Christ, God’s kingdom, Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:1,3,8)

Jesus is the Christ. This has to come to you accurately. There are people who keep repetitively chanting, “Jesus is the Christ,” without knowing what it means. They’re just doing what they used to before, with ritualistic chants or prayer beads. Jesus is the Christ. Christ is the role that solves all the problems of our life, sin, Satan, and Hell. In other words, all our life problems have been finished on the cross. Only when that comes into you will all your problems be irrelevant to you. You’ve heard of Jesus so much, but the accurate Word has not come into you yet.

You’ve heard of Jesus so much, but the meaning of Christ hasn’t gone into you yet.  Even right now, in Latin America, there are a lot of people named Jesus. “Yeah, I know Jesus, I have a lot of Hispanic friends named Jesus, so I know Jesus,” but I need to know Jesus is the Christ.  Then, what is the Christ? Jesus Christ is the one who solved the fundamental problems of mankind that we could never solve on our own: sin, Satan, and hell.”

“Oh, everyone knows that if they go to church.” but what does that mean? It means that all of the problems of your life are finished.  How is it that all my problems are finished if I have problems with my children, my house, and my money? Only when this Word goes into you accurately will those problems become irrelevant to you.  

Where do all these problems begin? From not believing in God, which is sin, and Satan. All the thoughts you have are seizing you. Even as you’re sitting here, there are thoughts that creep into your head and you’re seized by them. You’re seized by thoughts of what you have to do next week. But Jesus Christ has finished it, and He is guiding you forward in a very detailed way, specifically through the Word.

When that Christ comes into you very accurately, that problem will not be a problem. But if that does not come into you, you go to church and you listen to the Word of God, but it’s not accurate, then you’re gonna pray, “God, please get rid of my problems.” Jesus Christ has finished all the problems, but you’re sitting here praying, “Please don’t bring me problems,” then you’re revealing that Jesus Christ isn’t an answer for you yet. The problems are actually irrelevant to you; you need to change the topic of your prayer. “Allow me to proclaim the gospel to all nations.” Otherwise, you’ll live in America and become a slave to money and giving rides to your kids. Of course, you have to do that, but your life shouldn’t end with giving rides to your kids back and forth. The Word of God that is bound to conquer everything must come into me for me to live as a conqueror. 

God has made me into a source of blessings, and wherever the source of blessings go, the entire line will be blessed. If this doesn’t go into you when you go to church, you’ll have to go back and forth, looking for blessings, and you’ll have to do a lot of things to receive welfare from the government. Why is that? Because the Word of God hasn’t gone into you properly. I should be someone who is blessing America and the government, but instead I’m looking for blessings?  I’m going to my company and trying to receive whatever blessings from them?  God has called me into a position where I should be able to bless my boss, but it’s been entirely switched and upside-down

If you heard it this way and think you believe, then you don’t actually believe. Everything in your life is buried in this blessing of being a source of blessings to bless everything in this world, including your studies, your business, and your whole life.

Only God’s Kingdom. We are living for God’s Kingdom, for the Kingdom of Christ to come into this Earth for world evangelization. It’s the same as Abraham’s promise. God says don’t do it by your strength so He gives you the power of the Holy Spirit and that’s why we pray. Then we’re excited to pray.  You have your roles in the church, but if you don’t have the covenant, it will become a burden to you. But people with the covenant realize this role is performed by God’s power so they pray. 

It’s the same with your job and your studies in the world, you’ll never pray about it because you think it’s your work, and it’s because  the Word of God hasn’t gone into that person yet, but they think they do believe. But God is saying, “You don’t believe. You may have received salvation, but you don’t actually believe.” Then one day, when you don’t receive answers, you’re going to leave. 

America is filled with people like that. Because America is a land that is built on Christianity, people have their hearts open to it, but people don’t see it as an answer. What do they believe instead?  Nothing. They have religion inside of them so they don’t believe properly. 

    (2) Every morning – Thoughts, Day – What you see, Night – Word (Healing)

Even though we receive God’s Word on Sunday, as soon as we wake up in the morning, we’ll be filled with our thoughts, not God’s Word. Then we’ll live our lives in the rest of the day, dragged by our own thoughts.  We receive the Word of God on the Lord’s Day, but regardless of that, as soon as you wake up in the morning, you’re seized by your own thoughts. Kids are immediately thinking about their studies, and working people will think about their jobs, how they must work that day. You’ll think, “I don’t want to look at this person today, what do I do?” 

They receive the grace of God on Sundays, but on Monday, they fail. As soon as the thought comes into your brain, change it into God’s Word. If someone’s face pops up into your head, pray for that person. Because God has called you as a source of blessings, and that word must come into your thoughts.  Make it so that that person is blessed through you. That’s the Word of God. You know the Word of God with your brain but you’re not actually changing, then you’ll live your life irrelevant to God’s Word.

    (3) Church officer – Save the church, field (Lk. 10:1)

There are people who forget their daily schedule. They always forget what they have to do because they don’t have this time in the morning. But that’s not how successful people live. As soon as they get up, they think in advance about everyone they will meet and all the work they have to do. Then they pray for God to work upon those things. That’s what every successful person does.

What’s the characteristic of someone who can’t succeed? They don’t think. They just go with the flow. What happens if the President or the CEO is like that? Their business will fail. Successful people have a structure for their success. That’s in the morning. Think about all the people you have to meet and the work you have to do, and pray for them with God’s plan, pray so that that person can receive the blessing of God. 

But instead of doing that, you keep on strategizing, “How can I make more money?” Or in your thoughts, you keep fighting against that person, thinking “how can I press this person under me? How can I twist my words to benefit myself the most?” There’s no Word of God there, that’s why you have to change your thoughts to God’s Word.

In the daytime everything you hear and see will drag you around again.  There was a kid who asked me, “Pastor, what do you think when a pretty woman passes by? I have a lot of thoughts, so what do you think?” I said, “I think the same as you, do you think I’m different from you?”  There’s only one difference, I change that thought into God’s Word. “If there are really beautiful women, I pray they will become disciples of God. 

What about ugly people? If you just say they’re very ugly, you’ll be dragged around by your thoughts.  I pray they will become a disciple to save other people? What about low-level people? You pray for them to save other low-level people. That’s God’s Word.  Everyone feels things, but changes it into God’s Word. What happens if this person keeps attacking and fighting me? Just leave them alone, because God has promised He will take care of them. I just give them blessings, then one day they will disappear. Why should I waste my energy fighting them? There’s no need to do that.  Live according to God’s Word.

What about the evening? Take everything that happened during the day and have a time of meditation to root down into God’s Word. Many things happen throughout the day. If you just let that go, that becomes your whole life. “Remember that time the person glared at you and all the emotions you felt?”  But if you let yourself stay at that, your life will be dragged in a way, irrelevant to God’s Word. You need to have a time to confirm all of that within God’s Word and really root down.  That’s why you need healing. It’s not just blindly believing, but when we go into the field, there are people we meet, there are things we see and feel when alone. These are all things that drag us away, regardless of our faith. That’s what you all have to change. 

Instead of trying to do that, just pray to God. Instead of saying, “It’s hard,” pray to God, saying “it’s hard.” You should not leave your thoughts as you are. Especially women, or people who are emotional when it’s raining. There are people who are so moved emotionally by songs. They live lives completely irrelevant to God’s Word. You shouldn’t fall into those things, hold onto God’s Word firmly as the Word that God will use to control your life.

    (4) Future generation – Save the world (Mt. 28:19)

Lk. 10:1 is about the church officers, God sent 72 people ahead of them to evangelize in the field. If you hold onto this covenant, the works of saving people will take place. For the next generation, hold onto the covenant of Mt. 28:19, making disciples of all nations. That’s why God has allowed you to speak English since birth. God can save people of all nations using English, and if you hold onto the covenant, God will give you the works accordingly. May you and I have victory this week.


1. Me -> God’s word

2. My things -> God’s plan (Evangelism, missions)

3. Us, our strength -> God’s power


Let us pray together according to the Word God gave us. Even if it’s just one word, that is the accurate Word that gets imprinted in me in faith, then you can look forward to it.  Then the answers will absolutely come. Let us pray. 


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