Where Does the Source of Strength Come From? (Jer. 33:1-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Where Does the Source of Strength Come From? (Jer. 33:1-9)

Today’s title of the Healing Evangelism School is, “Where does the source of strength come from?”  


1. Continuation

Within the word “continuation,” there’s strength.  No matter how great someone is, if there’s no continuation, it just stops midway.  No matter how someone seems, if they have strength, that’s someone who can continue. 

Channel – Gospel

But there has to be someone who knows the channel from which the strength comes.  Right now, we have electricity, but where does it come from? It comes from the power plant, and it comes through the wires.  But if the wire is cut or discontinued, you can’t get electricity.  We are not ones who can create our own strength, but we are the ones who receive strength so we can shine the Light, and the one who can do this is the one who can continue.

Then, in order to continue, we have to have this channel, and the channel is the gospel.  The one who’s able to know and enjoy the gospel is the one who is able to receive strength and to continue their ministry. This is the key. I’m not the kind of person who flies around doing ministry.  The way I received my training, I was told that that wasn’t ministry. When people look at it, it may seem to be a very abundant ministry, but as time passes, you’ll see that everything that is not of God will disappear.  

The humanistic things you did seem to work out, but after time passes, it will all disappear.  So you massage something and it seems to be working out, but you have to wait and see.  But the one who is able to have and enjoy this strength will be able to continue, no matter how much time passes.

For me, when I started out, I didn’t put in any effort.  That’s not my style, why? Because I used to live like that as a unbeliever, so once I received the gospel. I just let all of that go.  So, when I hear about other people and their works or what happens to others, it has no reclevancc eto me, why? Because as time pases, time will tell, but what is important is whether that person receives that strength continuously because you need the energy for the Light to keep shining. 

You can’t misunderstand this to mean that you are the one who creates this strength, so it’s important for you to have this mystery where you can have this strength continuously, isn’t that correct? We are the creation who has to receive the strength, not making strength, then we can continue and God’s work arises in the midst of continuation.  That’s what’s important.  

1. Getting close to God is the source of strength (Jer. 33:2).

If you look at Jeremiah 33:2, it says the source of strength is the LORD who formed the earth. God is doing the work; it seems like I’m doing it, but I’m not. If God is doing that work, I have to go within that work.  The person who gets close to God is the one who can go inside His work.

(1) Paul (Phil. 4:13)

In Phil. 4:13, Paul says, “I can do everything through Him Who gives me strength.”  Paul did not confess this based on something he learned, but he said he can do everything through God who gives him strength. If I’m not within the One Who gives me power, I can do nothing on my own.  So, the source of strength I receive from God Who gives me power is the One who is able to give me strength to continue.  

If you look at Genesis 11, it says, “me, my strength, my things,” and they weren’t able to  continue and the Tower of Babel fell, but we have this habit of living life like that,  and we have this habit where we can’t bear it when no works arise, why? Because we think we have to do something, but it’s never like that. And we misunderstand about works arising. If works arise, we think something tremendous is happening, but such people cannot continue, why? Because it’s not within the One Who gives them strength, but it’s within something else.

Then later on, they will say, “I can’t do it,” why? Because they think they’re the ones who are to do it.  Paul was the evangelist of the age, the reason why he was able to continue was because he saw everything through the One who gives him  strength. It’s not about whether you can or cannot do it; if it’s God’s plan, it’s possible. If it’s God’s will, it’s possible; it’s only possible through God’s Word, it is possible only through the gospel, and then you’re able to challenge.

(2) David (2 Sam. 22:23).  

David confessed, “God is my strong fortress, and leads me to a perfect place.” God is my strong fortress; He is the One Who protects me. Because He is the One Who protects me, I will be able to receive guidance amidst all of that.  

Who was David? He was a great general and fought wars his entire life. Where did he gain the strength to continuously win these wars? Because God was his  strong fortress.  For those who succeed, there’s absolutely have a background of success, the ones who are able to have continuation have this background of continuation. So you have to see this. But you have this, unseen to the eyes.  

When you go out into the field with this, it seems like they don’t know, but you keep receiving strength. Without knowing this, you one day crumble, and because it’s God’s grace to know you can’t do it, one day you will crumble.  The most important thing for yourself is to go closer towards God.

Satan doesn’t stand still, he absolutely tries to crumble you. If you look in John 6, it says Satan is shooting flaming arrows at you. If you get shot by a flaming arrow, your body will burn out.  Then, how could you possibly do anything with your strength. 

(3) Satan fiercely attacks us to prevent us from knowing God, because knowing God is our only lifeline

(4) Jer. 33:2.  What are the three attributes of God?

God gives us the word first, because according to His will, God works, so if you don’t have the covenant, you yourselves are going to do the work.  The reason why your business doesn’t succeed and there’s no continuation is because you try to do it on your  own, and even if it does work out, you do it with your own mental strength, then you have to do this  lifelong. It may seem as if it’s working out initially, but as time passes, you’re going to end up surrendering, because you cannot generate your own strength by yourself.  Will Satan stay still?  No, he absolutely will attack you. Whether it’s’ someone who does business or ministry, it’s all the same. It is the God Who does the work.

And it says “He who made’ in order to do His work, God is the one creating His own masterpiece,  and He’s the One Who fulfills it. He doesn’t just work, but He works within His work within the covenant, and that’s how we get closer to God through prayer. 

If I just have this strength, I can just do diligently for seven years.  God absolutely warned them but they ignored it because absolutely God gives them the word and fulfills it, and Noah who was the only one in that succeeded.  Every one thought amongst themselves they were succeeding but one day they crumbled; everything is like that.

(5) We must invest much personal time with God (Mk. 1:35)

Very early in the morning, before it was light, Jesus got up and went to a solitary place, and he prayed. People who can’t do this their ministry is hard and business is hard because what can you do with your own strength?  Because your strength comes from genesis 3, so instead of creating the masterpiece, you only do the things that destroy the masterpiece. Isn’t that correct? Because God is the one working, how can we go into that with our own strength?  Even if they started late, the more they do this, they are able to see the work God does. Is this person who is able to continue? You”ll see. Do they have this time?   Because if they don’t have this time, then absolutely they are going to crumble in the end, and one day, they are not going to be able to continue. But you can’t really quit your business, and you go crazy, and that’s why life is so difficult.

It’s the same thing with studies, you can not do it, but because it’s difficult,  won’t do it, and even if they do well, it’s by their own strength. But the ones who are able to do this are able to receive strength from God through prayer, and do this. Because studying is not their goal, it is just a  method for them to receive strength and it’s an instrument for them. And so when they go to school, they have to do this well. But because we make studies the end goal for them, the future generations are falling.  And initially, they might look like they are studying well, but later on, their lives will crumble, why is that? They crumble because they don’t have spiritual strength, so after they succeed, they have no choice but to do  drugs.  They go into the three organizations but have no choice but to be tempted. Why? Because there’s never been a time when they were able to see or experience this  way to receive strength. And so we have to prioritize correctly.

If you have the set, correct priority, you’re able to set this system for your life, then you’re going to constantly go into God’s power and wisdom. I might not be able to do anything else, but I’m able to do this. Why? Because now that i`ve tasted this, I have to do this. People who are alcoholics will always start their mornings by drinking, before their work.  There are people who will pour out an entire glass of soju and drink it on an empty stomach because that’s the only way we can work.  Priority.  For my daughter, I’m able to do this for her; I’ve never talked to her about her studies before. Because no matter how much you emphasize studying, the ones who’ll study will study, and the ones who’ll not will not. Isn’t that correct? Because you drop them off at school, and you put them in front of a teacher, and the ones who are going to study will study. But the real problem is, if she doesn’t learn the method of which she can see God’s power and wisdom, this is something that I constantly emphasize for her.  

And the other thing is, the attitude she has in front of an adult, these are the two things that I emphasize for her.  Why? Because she can’t have a rude attitude towards people, because she was created to receive strength from God, so she can love other people. But if she’s sitting there being rude to adults, and staring them up and down, it doesn’t matter how skilled she is, she is the one who’s going to fail, these two things I always teach her. Even when I pray for her, I pray she will love God and loves people.  Even after school programs, she doesn’t like it so I tell her not to do it, she doesn’t want to do it so what is there to force her to do? In exchange I tell her to do deep breathing prayer. And pray at school. And at first, she didn’t even respond to me. But when I said “I’ll buy this for you” then she responded. And now  she’s used to it and does it every day.  Isn’t that correct? Because I have received  a taste of this, have to be able to relay this to my children. These two things. 

 And after every worship, as I go home, I always have forum with them. Whether she received it as just a theory, or no matter what it is, “what did you receive?” Because what else can I do for her? “Do you have anything you need?” I’ll just take care of it. But if I don’t have the money for it, God didn’t give it to me because you don’t need that. So when a child looks at their parents, they’re going to be able to see what their parent’s priorities are.  

One time, she got a C in math, so because she thought she was going to get in trouble, she said, “I did really well” if she did well, that”s great, but what are we going to do about the fact that she didn’t do well? It’s just what it is. It’s not like that’s going to prevent her from doing world evangelism. So priority. This is everything within family education. But if you plug in the worldly things as their first priority, then they’re going to be imprint rooted and natured in it, and then they’re going to bear the fruits of that. 

(6) Ezek. 22:30. “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.”

(7) If you have the right priority, you will see God’s abundant power, wisdom, and work.

(8) What did the believers of the Early Church do for Peter while he was imprisoned and guarded by 16 soldiers?

If you look at Acts 12, it says the Early Church prayed for Peter, then what’s going to happen when you pray? When you pray, God’s going to work, and when the Holy Spirit works, the heavenly armies of angels are mobilized. Do you think the angels are mobilized on their own? No, God has to give them a command. The holy spirit has to give them a sign to move, and when you pray, God will work.

(9) Lam. 2:19. “Arise, cry out in the night as the watches of the night begin, pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord.”

This means to pray at night because there are incidents throughout the day, and if you just let these things be, you’ll just go towards the imprinting rooted and nature of this. And if you just let it be, you’re going to bear the fruit of that. And if it becomes your nature, then that’s going to become your  destiny.  So you have to pour out everything before God.  If you pour out before God, God will respond to that.  So you have to do this act that changes all these things into the things of God instead of the things of the  world.  That is prayer.  

(10) Rom. 1:9.  “God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times.”

Paul says he constantly prays for the believers.  Don’t you do ministry? You always pray for those you are ministering to. When you pray, God will work. What kind of prayer is that? That is the prayer to save.  It’s not asking to receive something. Because of intercessory prayer, God will absolutely move and work.  Depending on whether a church does intercessory or not, their spiritual level is different. Because intercessory prayer is something you do for people.  When you’re able to see that, you see their spiritual level of the congregants and the church. But there are the childlike levels where they can’t do something like this,  then they will only receive the childlike answers.  

No matter how much they do, because their level is a childlike faith, they will receive answers accordingly.  But if you hold onto the church and your field and do intercessory prayer, because this is the level of your faith, that’s the answer that will come. 

So the leaders of all regions have to constantly pray for the regions. And this has to be your priority in order for you to align with God. But if that isn’t your priority and something else is your priority, then you’re not aligned with God. So if you go to church, it is possible, but if you go back to work, it isn’t possible, even though God is the one who does the work. And so in a state where your priority hasn;t changed no matter how properly you want to do things, you cannot. Only when you have the correct priorities, can you see how God is working. And even this takes time. It’s nice if they change in one time, but they don’t. Because from a young age, they grew up under physical parents, and teachings, so how can they all of sudden change? And even as people go to church, because they have a prosperity based faith, they are focused on the blessings, and physical things. So constantly they are not aligned with God. And because they are a child of God, once  in a while God will give them answers, but they are still not aligned with God. And one day, the time schedule will come where the gospel will be deeply rooted in that person. But until then, they are going to be imprinted in that gospel, and until they become rooted, there’s time that needs to pass.  It’s not “Why isn’t it working out?” but it’s a process of it working out. 

Isn’t that correct? Because the things of the past have been rooted inside of them, so just because they receive salvation doesn’t mean all of a sudden they will  change. Even though your spirit has to be receiving salvation, because of the things that have been imprinted in your mind and heart, it takes time to change. In other words, your thoughts and heart have to receive salvation. If your thought and heart is deeply rooted in Genesis 3:6-11 you have to exodus out of that, but we’re holding onto that. And that is why the healing of the thought, heart,and spirit. It means that we are seized at that moment, and we are unable to bring that out of us. And that is why we need time. And that is why everyday we have to do it infront of the word. 

So the ones who know this are able to wait, but the ones who cannot will say something and kill people, right? Because there’s also a cycle, just because it happened just once, it doesn’t mean anything is gone. There’s a cycle. “Oh that person fell again ” If they fell again, then just pray for them as they fall. Because if you just hold onto that, then God is going to work.  One day they will come back up again. But just because they came up again, there’s nothing for you to dance and oy about, because they are going to fall again. And they go back and forth, until eventually they arise. And they go to the  summit where they are healed, and from that moment on, they become ones who save. Because before that point, they weren’t prioritizing the salvation of souls, but  instead, doing the physical things, so how could they possibly proclaim the gospel? Initially you might be able to do it  a few times, but when the priority of the things we are rooted in changes, we are able to continuously do this, and that is why we need the church. Isn’t that correct? Because churches don’t have graduation, You have to go to college for four years, and the longest you go is for a PhD and it could be like 10 years. But for a church there’s no time, you have to go lifelong. You think you can do something quickly within a year, but you have to go lifelong. Why?  Because God is eternal, and our spirits are eternal, so eternally we have to be with God. It’s not that we are going to do things properly for one year and play physically for the rest of your life. 

From now to eternity, constantly with God. But if you are the one who says, “Lets just receive alot of training for 1 year, and then go play all we want” You don’t really know God, and it means you are deeply rooted in physical things. And after time passes one day a time will come where you are “Why was I like that” and that is normal. So the church needs to know this, and embrace them, wait for them, and pray for them. And that is why intercessory prayer is necessary. But if you don’t know this they are going to make a big mistake. And so when they see people they can’t leave them alone. And so when there’s a message, you only listen to the things that are successful, you never hear about the things that don’t work. But the things that don’t work out, are more numerous in number. 

So long time ago, there was Sungshil University, and pastor ryu gave a message there. And when we went, because we heard the word saying, “it will work out” they were just waiting for it to work out. And later on we asked, “ do you want to accept” and nobody raised their hands. Oh it’s like that for the evangelist as well. And because nobody raised their hands, he asked again, adn a few people raised their hands. But do you think every time they go kids are falling to the floor crying, and kneeling? Do you think that just because their talking about, every time they speak in front of large groups, a lot of people go flocking so evangelism always works out? Even the people who testified of this, say that eventually all those people disappear. 

Then you go to the Christian schools and the kids are crying or blubbering about, then you hear about the times when they go into the colleges and gather all the professors. And then you hear about how they went into this other region, and in one year, they were able to get 1,000, 3,000 I don’t really know the amount. What I’m trying to say is, yes those things do happen, but it’s not always like that. Because the messages that are given are testimonies of how it happened according to God’s work, but because we listen to that we think works happen every day, but it’s not like that.  The important thing is that the evangelist went and did this work every day. The works are according to God, he talks about the work, so we just think works always happen. So everybody has to understand the church properly, you have to understand people properly..  People who don’t change so quickly. Especially, the older they are, the more difficult it is to change.  So we’re not talking about changing priorities, there’s something that is deeply within them. So there’s nothing to be happy about, and there’s nothing to be worried about. If you look at yourself, you’ll be able to know. “Oh but if only..” There’s no way people can be like that. And so every person within the church, you have to think  of as precious.   Because if you were thinking about this as, “I’m going to get rewarded, I’m going to gain something.” Then you’re not aligned with God. 

(11) Col. 1:9-10.  

“Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you.” Why do you think they prayed? Because they are far apart after they give the gospel once, so they cannot meet. And that is why at every regional church, you have to pray for the people in the region.And the leaders who are in charge of the regions church have to always pray for the church members. Why? Because God said, “Go to all nations and proclaim the gospel.” And this is the work God does, but he does it through the people who pray. If you look at the other side of the building, there’s a club. This is a club that existed for 20 years. Only the owners were switching. And even Deacon Jay says, “Oh this club has been here for a while because when I was in college I used to go there.” And he’s over 50 so he is saying that it’s been around for 30 years. People would line up on Friday night, and they would have mohawks, and the girls would have piercings, and they would blast out music. But we were worshiping and praying, and one day they disappeared. Why did they disappear? Because they could not pay the rent. God works in a very ingue way. God works through the ones who pray, holding onto the covenant. Does that mean you have to be trapped in a room praying? No. God will move our hearts, and God will give us meetings. Or the Holy Spirit will give us the heart of inviting other people. And God is going to raise an incident in the family where even though they were not coming to church, one day they will come. 

And so when you hold onto the region in prayer, holding onto the covenant then one day God is going to work according to that covenant. 

(12) Psalm 23:1

1. The LORD is my Shepherd. 

Because he is my shepherd, I can entrust everything to Him, and you are letting go of  everything to Him. 

(13) Jer. 33:3 How to approach God

Call to Him. Call to me means yes, you are vocalizing something. When someone falls into the water, they call out for help because they’re looking for a lifeline. That’s how God wants you to call out to Him. It’s not really about vocalizing, but it’s to realize your answer is only in God. Others can’t do anything for you, but you absolutely have to find the answer within the Triune God.  

If you’re not set in this, you’ll constantly move according to the standards of people, and because they haven’t received these answers, they will move according to people. 

2. Coming before the Word of God is coming before the Lord, and is the source of strength (Jer 33:1)

(1)2Ti 3:16-17

All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so He will change our lifestyle.

(2) Heb 4:12-13

Only the word that enters into your heart is going to change you because everything else that doesn’t come from God’s answers is going to disappear.  Up until that point, you’ve only lived for the things you eat and excrete, so all the energy you spent was for physical things, but only the Word of God that enters into me will remain as an answer. Look at everything else, the things you’ve eaten are gone, all the time you slept is gone, and all your clothes are gone.  Your work is gone, and everything will pass, but if you live when yo using, it’s stupid.  But the Word of God that has entered into me will remain as the answer. Everything else will disappear.  

It’s the end of 2021, but you have to think, what remains in you?  Realistically, what is left? Nothing; everything you have is used and then discarded.  Did you buy a new car? You’ll have to switch it out later.  Did you put gas in?  It will disappear and you’ll have to put new gas in.  Did you cut your hair, now your hair is gone.  Did you dye your hair because your original hair color will come back one day.  Nothing remains, but what remains?  Only the Word of God that God has given to you will remain as an answer.  The life you’ve lived in 2021, the only thing that remains is this.  “Oh, but I amassed this much money,” it will disappear one day 

Don’t hold onto the things that keep disappearing, but hold onto the answers He has given and will give. It’s the same for the church.  After all the worship and everything, what remains? The Word. Where does the Word remain? Upon the spirits of those who received the Word. For the people to whom the Word did not enter, they will live physically and disappear. But to those whom the word has entered, they will become new creations. We’re not talking about some philosophy.  If you’ve lived 40 years, even your skin will become wrinkled over time.  All the makeup, botox and surgery will disappear as time passes, but only God’s Word that has come to you as an answer will remain in eternity.  

(3) Isaiah 40:8

God’s word stands forever.  The grass withers and flowers fall, so any beautiful thing that humans see will disappear; only the Word they held onto willr emain, and the things we relay to the future generations will remain.  What should we look for? We have to go towards the proclamation of the Word.  

Even look at the funeral services. Next week, there won’t even be a funeral service, they’ll forego it.  Last week, I did regional church with someone from Burbank, and it’s a young couple, but one day, the husband passed away and they went to church and had a successful business, the husband was only 53 years old and suddenly died of a heart attack.  So they were working so hard to revive their business in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.  But when this happened, they stopped to ask, “What is there to life?”

The wife told me, “I should have told him about how to cast aside the burdens of life.”  And I said, “This was the message you have to convey,” and in this case, there was an 80 year old person and everyone around them was dying, and they were caught in this fear.  This person was Catholic and helped everyone around them, but they had this fear of death.  It doesn’t matter if they’re Catholic or Christian, but you have to give them the answer regarding the fear of death. There’s nothing to say, “You have to go to church,” because they’re already going, and if they come, it’s just a religious lifestyle. The gospel is to be able to give the answer to that person.  

There is a way in which you can’t die. If you’re afraid of dying, there’s a way for you to not die.  There’s a way to eternally not die.  So, you proclaim the gospel and then they said they proclaimed the gospel.  Then they were able to experience being with God, and more of a confirmation, they asked to keep meeting continuously. 

Giving the gospel is very easy, but because you don’t know this, you’ve numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and try to explain something, but the explanations are only during training; in the field, you have to give the answer that’s specific to the person’s problems.  In Hollywood, a director of the Church of Scientology and this person had so much wrath and fury coming out of them.  Because he was the director, would it work if we said, “Believe in Jesus Christ”?  No, you have to give the answer regarding his wrath.  “There is a way for you to get rid of this wrath, and if you know why you’re so wrathful?”  You have to give him the answer.

You can’t go and give such awkward things, “Do I have to talk to them about the six states of the unbeliever?  Or the seven blessings of the believer?  You have to be able to give them the answer regarding that person’s ;problems.  Do you think it’s answer just because you fill up a white board? It’s not an answer. Then, you think they’re going to come and open up to you, you have to have a relationship where you can.  If it’s a relationship where they cannot open up to you, then this is an incorrect relationship that you have.  No matter how much I’m holding onto the gospel, if you’re not revealing the gospel to them, you cannot give them the answer.  That’s why we serve them, in order for us to give them the answer as we maintain our relationship with them.

That’s how you have to conquer this region.  In the apartments, I’m always the first person to greet people, why? Because otherwise, when would there be an opportunity for people to share their problems with me?  Everybody knows in my apartment that I’m a pastor, why? Because everyone greets me when I meet them and I introduce myself as a pastor. Whenever I’m exercising, I hold onto these people and pray.

Now, because I’m the first person to greet everyone else, even Hispanics will greet me.  There’s a person on the second floor with a kind of mental illness, and they live with their doctor sister, and we always talk, why? Because one day, they will come to me and talk about their problems and I will give them the answer.  

If it’s a situation where we only met once, then yes I can give the Way of Salvation, but if it’s over many meetings, I maintain this relationship for the sake of the gospel.  But first and foremost, I’m a pastor, what will happen if I don’t want to meet people?  There’s a young couple who moved in next to me, and I would greet them, but they wouldn’t greet me, and I was very stressed because of that, I was frustrated.

“I will pretend to not know them,” then they brought over a dog from Korea one day, and I asked, “How old is your dog?” Starting from that point, I started talking to them again because by that time, I also had a dog, but we returned our dog after a week, but every time we meet, we can talk about dogs, why? Because even this person who did not greet me back, started greeting me too, why?  People will come to me and tell me about their problems and I will give them the answer, so you talking about the dog every day and greeting them every day is evangelism camp.  While I work with them downstairs and pray with them every day, that’s evangelism camp.

We think we don’t have to do these things and just go to a place and do evangelism, but it’s not like that, because first of all, you have to really conquer human relationships.  What does it mean to conquer? It means you’ll go and greet them first.  Isn’t that correct? Just because they don’t know me, if I say, “I don’t know you,” that’s the end of it.

For the sake of the gospel, I say, “How are you doing?” I don’t want to do that, either, but I greet them and say hi.  Sometimes I say, “I’m a church pastor, I pray for your family,” and that’s what I say to them, because that’s camp.  If I were embarrassed, I wouldn’t be able to say anything, but what’s there to be embarrassed about? I’m the one … so even religious hispanic people, if I tell them that I’m a pastor, they open their hearts to me, one by one.

While I’m in this region, I do evangelism camp, and one day, God will give the time schedule, because we’ve been able to maintain this relationship for a long time.  Answer. You must give them the answer. You have to know the problem to give the answer. You’re not just waiting, but when the time’s right, you give the answer.  It’s not about whether they’re Christian, Catholic, or Mormon; you’re giving them the answer, then they’re going to follow.

Just like when you go fishing, and the fish gets hooked, it will follow. Then you go and subdue and conquer everywhere you go.  So, there are all these locations you go besides the marketplaces, and you have to hold onto those places and pray for them. When you go to the restaurant, you say the food is so delicious and when you tell them this, they are happy because these are the words they want to hear. 

“You’re working so diligently,” In the past, I was never like that; in the past, I was judgmental and trying to break down other people, but now even if the food don’t taste good, I say it tastes good because that person has to open up to me, and then the person next to me will introduce me as the pastor.  Why do I do this? I’m not some kind of food critic, but I do it so that one day, I can give the gospel.  There are so many customers who say, “Is this it?  Let’s try to haggle for prices,” but why would you do something that takes energy from them? You have to give energy to them and to tell them their food is delicious for them to receive strength.  

There are people who do things anti-evangelism, “Can’t you give me one more of this?” Why can’t you say that?  This is only one life you have to live, so why not give the happiness virus?  Because perchance, this is the opportunity you take.  There’s more but we have to end it here.


God, we thank You.  Where does our Source of Strength come from? Let our lives be one where we always go towards You and Your Word. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

(4) Matt 5:17-18

(5) Psalm 119:97 “Oh how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.”

(6) You cannot expect change if you do bible study with a feeling of being chased (Cornelius, the eunuch, David). 

(7)What happens if you invest in meditation and prayer (Jos 1:8)? 

(8) Ps 119:25 “Oh how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.” 

(9) Ps 119:35 “Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.”

(10) Ps 119:47 “For I delight in your commands because I love them.” 

3. What happens if you get closer to God?

(1) Jeremiah 33:3 You will realize great and unsearchable things you did not know and receive unexpected grace.

(2) Jer. 33:6 Power of healing

(3) Jer 33:7 Power of restoration 

(4) Jer 33:8 Blessing of forgiveness 

(5) Jer 33:9 Blessing of a witness 

4. Application

(1)The reasons for David’s success and failure 

(2)The reason for Joseph’s success 

(3)The reason why the Early Church changed the world (Ac 1:14, 2:42)

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