Life of the Evangelist – Eternity

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Eternity

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

Father God, we thank You. May the life of the evangelist become my life.  May this be the beginning of seeing in advance.  There has to be something within us that leads to an inevitable action, but that which is within us must be within God.  God’s work has to come inside of me for me to act accordingly.  The life of the evangelist is an answer that has no choice but to come because the Word of Life has to come into me. 

When the Throne of Heaven comes upon me, that’s when this occurs.  But if it doesn’t come upon us, we can do the actions, but that’s what we call “mimicking.”  But if you mimic something, it’s because you’re doing something with your own strength, relying on yourself. But when the Throne of Heaven comes upon me, it automatically comes out.

Did Christ really finish all my problems, or are there some problems left?  Why are we talking about problems? If we didn’t have problems, why did Christ have to come? Christ did not come because we don’t have enough food to eat. Jesus Christ came because there’s a problem the world cannot solve, and that’s these three problems. But all problems come from these three problems, so Jesus Christ finished all these three problems, but many people don’t understand this, then what’s going to happen? It’s not the life of an evangelist, but it’s the life of an unbeliever or a religious person because it’s not finished for them; they have to finish it themselves.

It’s a spiritual problem that isn’t finished.  These problems manifest in a physical way but it’s these three problems that Jesus Christ finished. Then what about me?  Nothing can be a problem to me, why?

But instead of believing in the Word, they keep trying to assert themselves.   The word from the message should give them assurance.

The physical things are right, but no need to be centered on such things because Satan uses that.

You have already been freed from this, so confirm only Jesus Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit. The more you’re stuck within these things, the more conflicts you’ll have.  Even if you think it’s a problem, it’s not a problem. But for people within this, even if it seems like a problem, it’s not.  They have religion so they pray for problems to disappear very diligently, why? Because they have to solve their own problems, but their self-centeredness will never change.

One day, an answer comes to change this.  If you don’t pray holding onto this, you won’t even know you’re in the midst of this.  Christ finished all of this, so don’t go into this.  It’s finished, but we keep going into it, so that’s why problems are problems. They only know themselves.  They don’t care about other people’s circumstances. They just want to assert themselves.

Be church-centered, what does that mean? Be centered on worship. If you’re centered in your home, that’s wrong; you’ll suffer because you’re self-centered. You have to have success in worship to revive your homes, but that’s difficult in America because they have so much individualism.  It doesn’t matter about the church, it’s all about the individual, and that ideology is placed into the children at a young age.  Because I’m self-centered, I worship when I have time, and if I don’t, I won’t worship. If I understand it, I can believe it, but if I don’t I won’t.  That’s America.

What’s the central point of America?  You have the core American education system but something goes into every student. What is that?  It’s pragmatism.  You do whatever you’re capable of, according to your skills, so they get rid of all the things they can’t do, and they focus on what they can do.

In America, they just do what can be done, and that’s why science has no choice but to develop, why? Because those who aren’t like this can’t get the good scores to get into good colleges. Only the kids who can realistically take this are able to ascend, but when those people go to church, can they believe?  They look at the Bible but they only believe the parts they understand. But what do they understand?  Satan.  They know “Satan” and “demons” but do they believe it? 

Only Christ and God’s Kingdom. He talks about these two things.  Paul explained for two to three weeks about the Kingdom of God.  And after appearing to them for a period of 40 days, He spoke about the things pertaining to the kingdom of God, not Satan’s kingdom. Satan’s kingdom holds onto this world, so we have to know God’s kingdom, and this is the mission God has given to us. 

It’s all finished and the method is God’s Kingdom.  Then we become witnesses.

This has to become inside of me. Christ and this mission has to become mine. Prayer and the working of the Holy Spirit have to become mine.  You can’t parrot these words, this has to become an answer for you.  But people follow it as if they’re following a fad, but they themselves have no answer.  But when this becomes mine, anyone can live a biblical way.

“Why is my child like this?” Because what entered you is now in them.  When I look at my daughter, even the way she talks, I see it so perfectly, so whom shall I resent?  I just kept talking, so that’s why it went into her.  What has gone into her is coming out.

So, what does it mean to stand before God? That’s what is most proper.  If remnants like this go into the workplace, who can say anything? But this doesn’t happen to the remnants.  Just talk about Christ every time you meet, but you kill them. Then when you come to your senses just once, you say, “Let’s do evangelism camp,” so works can arise, but when you come back from that, you’ll talk bad about people again

When a dumb person meets a dumb person, they might get together, but one day they’ll start fighting. When they’re seized by demons, that’s what happens.  God gave this to us to save this kind of field.  If these words are too complicated, just hold onto God’s Word.  Those words may be correct but just look at God’s Word.  The evidence they have is like that, but when other people look at it, it might not be that way. 

People are divided because it doesn’t seem that “Only Christ” is the answer. 

Because people try to do something else to finish it, it won’t work out. 

What is the “only” in my life, what is “Only Christ” today, and what’s related to “only Christ” today?  If I don’t have my “only,” I’ll always compare myself to other people.

24 hours, why? Because God is with us, 24 hours.  Why is it 24 hours? Because God is with us for 24 hours and we enjoy it 24 hours, but if you don’t understand this, you can’t enjoy it.  He is with us for 24 hours and working upon us for 25 hours, this is the answer that comes upon me from the power of God. 

This word is something that will remain forever, a word that stands forever, just like God.   Even for us, we talk about the eternal possession and reward. God’s Word is eternal, so that’s why it says God is eternal. That eternity is mine.  The things that are not eternal are not mine those are just things that get used for eternal things; they are not mine and one should not hold onto it. But if you hold onto it as yours, it is not of God. What happens if you’re not aligned with God? You won’t receive answers.

I was talking to Fanny yesterday.  “You keep looking down on me because of my English, but if you keep doing that, you’re going to die.” I explained and my first reaction was, “I’m going to kill you,” but I can’t seem to say that.

Romans 16:27

If people try to take God’s glory, that’s what the devil does. Why do churches close their doors? They exalt mankind and do temple construction and exalt people.  Then what’s going to happen? God will make it so that that building will crumble.  The American Crystal Cathedral was purchased by the Catholics.  The church has to reveal the glory of God, but when they gave offering, they gathered the offering to exalt themselves.  But people are so good at that, why? Because they’re good at glorifying themselves.  People pour their money into things that are commemorated for eternity.

But God didn’t like that because God’s glory must be revealed as I disappear.  God has to give us the reward in heaven; why are we fighting over things on earth? That blessing must be given to future generations. God already knows but we try to steal God’s glory.  After the pastor gives the message, the people say they received grace, but if anything, I have no reason to be arrogant because nobody says they received grace.

Remnant teachers, be careful. I’m sure you’re not like that, but if you give a message once, your feelings might go up but be careful because Satan likes that. It’s the same as choir and praise. When you sing, you’re happy, but in comparison to other people, the devil comes in faster, and that’s why people who do music become possessed faster.  Why? They should be glorifying God but they receive the satisfaction of playing music. 

If they stand before thousands and play guitar and sing, people are clapping along, and they should glorify God, but they receive the glory. We don’t have a lot of people, but would you be happy with many people? That’s how Satan destroys you. Be careful if you’re someone like this. All glory goes to God, not just in words, but in reality.  That’s why in the sermon, if there’s no talk of Christ, it is not actually glorifying God.  Isn’t that correct? Only the righteousness and legalism of mankind gets passed down.

Even when they pray, they pray about their own righteousness and others’ wrongdoings, or their mistakes and become oppressed.  If these people do work, they will exalt themselves, why? Because legalism is judging everybody based on actions and Satan keeps following that person. When it seems that such people have risen, they crumble.

There’s a spiritual aspect, but truthfully, I don’t like standing in front.  Remnant University asked me to lecture one more time, and I told them, “Absolutely not.” I don’t like to go up front and there’s a reason. As an unbeliever, I was in front often because I had to drag people to do works. That’s how I lived. I was realistically a coward, but that’s how I lived.  But once I started believing, I enjoyed the fact that I didn’t have to do that anymore.

People keep fighting for positions, why? Because then, you can pull people along.  All the people on TV are popular because they’re standing before people.  So, when adults keep fighting over positions, that’s why.  If they don’t have this position, they lose their meaning of life.  Even doing this to that extent, it’s because it’s not finished.  There are so many people who want to do this, it’s the same as it not being finished for us.  Because it’s not finished for me, I express it strongly.

So, I avoid such things like an allergy. I hate revealing my name, why? Because all I have to do is just do it. But I hate being in front because I’ve had a taste of that. I lived like that as an unbeliever, and Satan controlled me that way.  The kids do everything on their own but I won’t introduce them to Pastor Ryu.  First and foremost receive grace from the pulpit message, and that’s what I do, why? Because that’s what I experienced.

I’m a witness of this. If children are going to stand, they need to stand before God. I could introduce them to so many people, but what is that?  Receive grace. If they receive grace, then according to the time schedule, whether they know it or not, they’ll do it, and that’s what will continue for a long time. Otherwise, don’t force it.

It’s not finished, they’re not completely satisfied with Christ.

Even right now, I don’t like to organize things and to turn things in. I’m good at doing it with talking, I hate writing and organizing and having it put together.  Even in the RU lectures, I said, “Just listen to the content.” What kind of person do I need next to me? It’s someone who can organize this and write things down.  I’ll do it if I’m told to do it, but I’m faster at judging and doing it with my brain.  “Give all these lecture materials.” “No.” It’s not aligned. I’m at the level of an evangelism school but I’m not at the level to lecture at RU.

I can pray and give offering. That’s what I will do because I don’t have the spiritual leisure to sit and organize my lectures.  I can do this, but I don’t have the leisure right now.  There was a pastoral training and they asked, “Don’t you have a handout?” “I never have handouts. What comes out is the handout.” Is that it?  Hallelujah okay. 

In Pakistan, we were going through the book of Hebrews. So I was avoiding Hebrews as it was tied to Leviticus, but even at that conference, they asked, “Do you have any handouts?” “No,” I just did it.  That’s the kind of style I have. Maybe it’s because I’m a perfectionist, because I might have this aspect, “If I do it, I will do it correctly.” But I know myself, so I’ve calmed down.  I’ve lived like this to such an extent as an unbeliever, now I’ve calmed down.  Why? Because the only eternal thing is God and the only to receive

1 Thess. 2:9

Daniel 12:3

This is missions and evangelism.  So, the only eternal thing is to save the spirit.  If the world says you’re wise, then it’s only with worldly things, why? Because there are many worldly, wise people, but it’s not eternal. When you’re saving souls, it’s eternal.  God gave this to us to simply embrace.  When your studies are used for saving lives, that’s when it has meaning for you and it’s tied to eternity.  Because if you don’t study like this, it’s a life you’re living for yourself.  A life that doesn’t go into missions and evangelism is pretty much the same as a life lived for myself.

So you cannot be wise.  Isn’t that correct? People like Socrates are considered wise by the world, so you’re not wise and you live for yourself, so you have no choice but to be seized.  But if you’re living for missions and evangelism, that’s eternity.  That’s why it’s determined how long we’ll be here.  When you go into your workplace, in the time given to you, how will that be connected to missions and evangelism? That will be connected to eternity.

Let’s say you’ve been given a role in the church, it may be difficult or easy or cumbersome, isn’t that correct? We don’t have superpowers so it might be difficult.  But if what God gave me is tied to saving souls, it’s tied to eternity.  Then God is going to work upon that.  Only then can that person succeed.  That’s a person who is needed in America.  If they do what anyone can do, why would they need to do it? Anyone could do it. 

In Babylon, because nobody could do it, Daniel was recognized because he was the only one who could do it.  Daniel was used by four different kings, but why is that the case? Others could do it, but nobody could, why? He was smart.  God was working upon him with the things God gave him for the purpose of missions and evangelism.

It’s the same when you go out into the world.  God entrusted you with missions and evangelism and saving souls, so you can do it. It’s for saving souls, that’s eternal and it’s mine. It’s not a question of whether it’s easy or not. God knows it’s difficult and will work upon you in power. With that, I’m able to ascend. 

Maybe I give up. Of course, you may give up because it’s difficult, or you might give up because it’s not beneficial to you even if you do it.  You might give up because it’s something that won’t exalt your glory. That’s a person who is unnecessary in America, and they’re not needed by anyone.  In America, the person who is needed, regardless of race, is one who does what others cannot do, isn’t that correct? 

Who is needed? It’s a person like Obadiah.  If there were many like Obadiah, why would he be needed? Elijah and Elisha would have cut him off immediately, “Get out of here,” but he kept doing the things nobody else could do, so you must understand very well.  We’re not talking about how far you can get by working hard; anyone could do that, but with the things God desires, you go into the field of unbelievers, and you save lives so God will make it work out.

You must have this mystery, and that person is the only one who can do this, and that witness will raise disciples. If this is a theory, you won’t have disciples. They can understand with their head but someone who realistically doesn’t have this evidence cannot raise disciples.  They just end up making the same mistakes.

Matthew 10:41-42

The remnants must challenge towards Temple Construction. Just because you don’t have it right now doesn’t mean you won’t have it, because when the Holy Spirit works, you’ll get it.  The parents have to teach the remnants at a young age, God pours the blessings of finances because He has a reason to do it.  But because they’re remnants, they only know about spending money for what they eat and wear, so you must teach them at a young age.

In Korea, they save a lot, but they don’t save in America; it’s about eating and enjoying so you have to teach them all the more, because this is not something that disappears.  All of this will change.  There was an RU lecture, “There is no other reward; everything is finished in Jesus Christ.” Because we do it by God’s grace, but actually I think that’s completely wrong because God says there’s rewards. It talks about crowns and rewards.  It says people will also be shamed. 

There’s a shameful salvation, and that’s one where, even if you received salvation, you don’t do the work of God and you’re barely scraping by. Some people may be persecuted and even martyred, but God’s reward fits according to that.

Isaiah 40:8

If you stake your life on the Word, it won’t disappear but it will last for eternity. Why stake your lives on the words of other people?  For women, they get all twisted up by the man’s beautiful words, but why?  Women get all twisted up when they hear, “I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman like you,” but it’s because the woman is empty. They don’t have the Word so they follow after empty words like that and their lives crumble.  But if I say this strongly? The man is crazy.  Once or twice is fine, but the man is trying to move that woman with words because he’s not confident. He should only say it once in awhile, but God’s Word is eternal.

When someone who has the Word meets another who has the Word, then they come together and are able to live their lives in their work, family, and church.  It’s not a college thing. Coincidentally you gather all these people and there’s only one guy, so everyone focuses on one guy? The Word.  You have to go further than that and see further down the line.  I’m addressing Joyce right now.  She loves the world at her age, so she may misunderstand and think when she’s together, that’s everything, and when they break up, that’s the end of everything.

No, it’s about one who has the Word meeting another with the Word and they are guided by God. That’s evangelism as well, and works keep arising. If you don’t have the Word, then what will happen?

We talked about eternity today. I hope you have the life where you eternally glorify the eternal God.


Father God we thank You. May the life of the evangelist become my answer,  in the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

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