My Identity (1 Peter 2:9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

My Identity (1 Peter 2:9)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

You are a spiritual king.  Although remnants learn from their teachers, they are the spiritual kings to go into the schools to break down the forces of darkness in the school. You have the role of saving people from the curses of sin and Satan.

Satan is just playing around with believers because they don’t believe in spiritual things.  They only believe in the knowledge they’ve received but they do not believe in spiritual things. They don’t believe in hell because they haven’t gone there; they don’t believe in God’s Word, they only believe when they acknowledge it in their head.  This is America, so they will be spiritually seized.  The evidence of this is that disasters will continue to rise. 

In the field, there are so many homeless people now, and people with mental illnesses continue to rise.  There are many people who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, and work. Why is that?  It’s because they have become ignorant of the spiritual things, so Satan plays around and uses them, so that’s why disasters continue to arise. 

They live in the background of hell and suffering. 

Who am I? I’m the spiritual king, priest, and prophet.  I save the 237 nations with this blessing.  This is actually shown in the word.  The Word is God and I believe in God. Not having the Word means you don’t believe in it, because that’s just something humans believe. Because it’s the Word of God, I believe in the Word and the works of re-creation will arise.  Because God has already created everything, but God is also re-creating the things He created.  This is also a tremendous blessing.  God will work in those who believe in this.

God doesn’t work upon those who just know this; He works upon those who believe in these three things.  God works through the people who believe in the Triune God, who work through the Word and the salvation.

You don’t have any power or plans, but you have God’s power and plans. You don’t need your own thoughts because you have God’s thoughts as your thoughts. These are yours. The things you have aren’t yours, but God’s things are yours and no one can take them away from you. Who can take away the things of God?  Can Satan? He cannot.  But when you have that as yours, no one is able to block it.

But people believe in the fake things.  They believe in the things they think about, not the things of God.  You need to have God’s Word, but people hold onto their own words and the words that people say.  God’s plan is to do the work of salvation to save the 237 nations, but people hold onto other people’s plans and make it theirs.  When you pray about these two things, God’s power will come upon you, but instead, people use their own plans and their own power.

I need to believe and hold onto my identity as the spiritual king, priest, and prophet, but instead I hold onto the physical things.  But those have already been finished on the cross. You are now the spiritual king, priest, and prophet, and the curses and disasters are completed.  Such people are the main figures, like Joseph was the main figure of Egypt.  Those who hold onto God’s things as theirs will become the main figures.

If they graduate from Harvard, they think they are the main figures, but don’t be deceived by what people say. Don’t ever be deceived by the circumstances of your family.  Don’t ever be deceived by what other people say, because all those things are killing you. This is the only way to save ourselves and the field.  This is why worship is so important, because at this time, curses and disasters flee.  Just because you study hard doesn’t mean the problems of your family line disappear. When you focus on worship, the problems of your family line disappear.  It won’t disappear because you work so hard.

This blessing is upon you guys.  You need to relay this to your friends because your friends do not know this and they are being deceived by what their parents say.  Their parents say, “You can’t do anything,” but if you listen to those words, you cannot.  God says you’re a royal priesthood and a holy nation. Your parents may compliment you, but don’t listen to that. You have to listen to the word, you are a royal priesthood and a holy nation. 

Take what your parents say into consideration but hold onto the Word. When you go to school, you listen to many words, but don’t hold onto them. Hold onto God’s Word, and those who hold onto the Word will receive God’s blessing.  God’s blessing is upon those who hold onto this Word of God.  That was Joseph, David, and Daniel.

Whom does God, Who transcends time and space, work upon?  He works upon those who hold to the covenant.  It’s okay if you can study well, but it’s okay if you do not.  Your life and identity won’t change because you can’t study. You must have this in your heart at all times.  I’m not telling you to do anything, but just have it in your heart.

When you go to school and have your books, write this on the cover.  You know the word you received on Sunday? Write that on the cover of your book or on your backpack and keep looking at it during class. When you keep looking at it, God will work because God’s things are your things. I’m the spiritual king.  I’m the spiritual priest and spiritual prophet.  God will fulfill the Word through those who have this Word.  The other things you hold onto are in vain because God only fulfills His Word.

It’s okay if you shake or are hindered, because one day, it will end.  You can’t do it by throwing a fit or crying.  It won’t be finished if you go to a party and play. You think it’s okay if you play, but you actually crumble down even more. When you play, you pray holding onto these things and God will work through the word, and that’s when your field changes.

Nothing is a problem because a problem cannot defeat a king.  How could your problem defeat the spiritual priest?  The spiritual priest already broke down the curses and disasters.  God’s work is being revealed through me as a spiritual priest and prophet so what could be a problem?  We have this great blessing but Satan deceives us with our environment and circumstances. You don’t have to do anything, just hold onto this and stay still.

When I say to stay still, don’t not study. Do your best on your homework, and do your best in everything. God will reveal the talents He has given to you.  So, that’s why it’s important to form specialty groups in church and talk to each other to see if they would be a good fit for that.  So, it would be nice if the church could connect the church officers to the remnants and this could be once a week or once a month. It’s very important because this is the opportunity to check your talent. 

For me, I can tell if a person has a talent or not; I can see it.  I can see if others have talents, but the remnants don’t know. We can do this matching once a month.  It can be a Saturday or Sunday where the kids are connected to a medical professional or lawyer.  God says He will be in their midst when two or three people gather.

It’s important to have confidence.

Don’t waste your time on futile things but go into the places connected with world evangelization.  For example, there’s one son who made music and participated in the orchestra, but when he got into college, he had to stop. The child used how to learn their brain to manipulate things, but that person will have difficulty in college because they can’t see God’s work, then their vessel cannot become big.  In their head, they’re only able to manipulate and use their brains.  With faith, the parents need to have faith as well, so it’s not just about handling the kids and giving them to the church. 

This isn’t everything, but God is guiding us and leading us within this, because our field must align with our identity.  The things we’re doing must be aligned with our identity for God to work.  If our work and God do not align, the Holy Spirit remains still.  It’s not the talent that God gave them, so they’re having a difficult time.  It’s actually the parents just nagging at them from behind.  If you’re able to do this, do ballet.  If you want to do ballet, your legs need to be like animal legs. Have you seen their legs? You can’t do ballet if you’re only able to do the splits. Have you seen ballerina feet? We have to match them within this grace. 

If the parents are trying to match their childhood to something they want, they have no standard.  God has given them to you so you can do world evangelization, but you’re shielding them.  God is calling us to be the spiritual king, priest, and prophet.  When you hold onto this, it will be fulfilled, and we have this kind of blessing.  God will work upon those who believe.  God doesn’t work upon those who know; He works upon those who believe.

You need to know before you believe, but you can’t just know it; you have to hold onto and believe it as your own. That was David.  Shepherding was aligned with God, so David was aligned with God even as a shepherd.  That’s when the blessing of the Throne of heaven had to come upon him, so it doesn’t’ matter how old you are. Moses was the youngest, and David was the youngest. It doesn’t matter about their age, but it’s about belief.  I hope you will enjoy this blessing.


God, we thank You.  May this blessing of the throne of heaven become mine. May I cling to and enjoy this identity in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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