A Life Dedicated to God (Romans 12:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

A Life Dedicated to God (Romans 12:1-3)

1.What is a life dedicated to God? 

Today we can see a life dedicated to God is offering our bodies to God.

(1)Offering our bodies to the work that God is most pleased with (Ro 12:1) 

-Mt 16:17-18, Mt 28:19, Eph 4:12 

It is the most precious and righteous treasure, living for God, and we’re saying to dedicate our lives for this work.  This is the most tremendous blessing, so we’re being used like this, but some people are being used very momentarily.  Others are used just for a moment within God’s time schedule, or some others are trapped in their destiny and are not used by God.  Because they’re entrapped their own destiny, they cannot be used.  

(2)Not being conformed to this world, but being transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom12:2) 

-1Jn 2:15-17

(3)Discerning the will of God (Ro 12:2) 

-Mt 6:33

But there are some others who are continuously used by God. But the most important thing is to be continuously used by God. It’s not that I prepared to be used continuously but God must look at you and see you as a person to be used. No matter how much you prepare, if you cannot be used by God, then you’ll not be used. In other words, people who are inside of the gospel will be used by God, but apart from the gospel you’ll not be used. If the start of the answer is not the gospel, then you can only be momentarily used by God.  But those who don’t understand what the gospel is, they will be trapped by their destiny. But those who live for the gospel will be continuously used by God.  

2. What must we do before we dedicate our lives to God? 

Mk 1:35, 14:32, Lk 6:12, Jn 6:15, Ex 33:11, Ps 5:3, 143:8

What must we do first before we dedicate our lives to God? What do we have to do?  Mark 1:35 says, very early in the morning. We just have to go inside the work God is doing.  People who do not pray cannot be used by God, why is that? Because they live according to their own thoughts. What does it mean to pray with incorrect thoughts? They are praying with their own desires which is a religious cycle. Prayer doesn’t take place; they  just live according to their thoughts and standards.  

It’s the same for Mark 14:32. Jesus said to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Before the great work Jesus did, He prayed.  However, the disciples could not pray.  Though they wanted to, they could not, why is that?  Because it was at a time period where prayer really didn’t take place.  It was at that time where they continuously lived for themselves, so prayer did not take place.  

Luke 6:12.  Jesus spent the night praying to God.  Jesus Christ is God, so why would He pray?  Jesus Christ is complete God and perfect man, so is He just putting on the act of praying?  If He prayed with the flesh of man, He couldn’t communicate with God, but people who pray can communicate with God.  Prayer is what overcomes our weakness and our physical flesh.

John 6:15.  Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force because of the miracles, withdrew again to a mountain.  When things arise, people tend to follow, and people who tend to follow after these things cannot be used by God.  If one tends to raise up a person saying, “You’re so great,” there’s a fundamental nature of them being God themselves, so they cannot.  That’s why Jesus Christ withdrew to the mountain and had this time alone.  This is a person who can be used by God.

Exodus 33:11.  The LORD would speak to Moses face to face.  Moses would pray to God and speak face to face as an answer to prayer.  So, it was a time where Moses was able to realistically talk to God.  So, because the LORD is a perfect being, He overcomes our weakness and makes us complete.  If prayer doesn’t take place, just communicate because our thoughts are like talking out loud.  Everything you see, feel, think, just make it communication, talking with God.  Then God will protect all the things we see, hear, and think.

If it is not protected, then you’ll only follow what you see, hear, and think.  As a result, you only follow your own judgments and thinking because that was the background in which you were raised, and that’s why, according to you it’s correct because of your experience and upbringing, so something is bound to not work out. You say it’s correct but it’s not working out, why? Because it is not matching with God.

Moses, being able to be used by God greatly, was in constant communication with God. We need this, first and foremost.

Psalm 5:3.  “In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my request before you and wait in expectation. Having this time is the most precious and happiest moment.  In the morning, being able to communicate back and forth with God, and before living the day, you are already going with the answer.  Are we like unbelievers, living wherever life takes us? God has already determined our day and that’s why we finish everything with the beginning of the day.  The work you have to do, the people you have to meet, the things that will take place, all are finished in the morning.

If this doesn’t take place, then the person will always be busy. Because prayer doesn’t take place and they focus on experiences, nothing works out.  Is God lacking? Is that why He needs to hear my voice and I lay my requests before Him?

Psalm 143:8.  Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love.  This is very important.  Even though evening time is important, the most important time is early morning.  Making this system is my personal system in which I can have this walk with God internally. It’s not just because I’m a pastor that I come out to every early morning prayer. If it’s just me habitually coming out every morning, how difficult is that? I must really enjoy this.

The work you do that you’re forcing yourself to do, isn’t that the work of a slave? You must enjoy the work you do.  Not because of yourself, but because of God.  The method to enjoy that is early in the morning.  If this doesn’t take place, then you won’t be able to enjoy anything.  The state of being unable to enjoy having this communication with God, letting go of everything before Him, and having guidance for the day, you won’t be able to get anything done.  For those who are unable to do this in the early morning, set a time in the evening.  For people who commute to work, you should set the time of driving to and from your workplace and make that that time.  So, while you receive the answer in advance, go into the field to confirm.

3.Why is it necessary to do these things first? 

(1)1Pe 2:2 

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.  What happens if the person continues to be a child? Then they cannot be used.  They must be spiritually developed by prayer and God’s Word to become an adult vessel.

(2)Jn 15:4-5, 7

Remain in Me, I am the Vine and you are the branches. The branches must be attached to the vine to bear fruit.  If you remain in Me and My Words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it shall be given to you.  To be within Jesus Christ is prayer, because you’ve already received salvation.  You come to give worship on Sunday, then what happens?  Then, having this constant communication with God, 24 hours outside of this official meeting, isn’t that what communicating becomes?  That is why we need to have constant communication.

Every day, constant communication will restore your life. You coming to life means your work will come to life. If you do not come to life but the work you do comes to life, then that’s failure.  The fact that your work is going well despite the bad circumstances, isn’t that a problem in itself?  For that person, the business must fail in order for them to spiritually develop, and that’s why a business failing is a blessing in God’s eyes, because God is spirit, God wants to bless our spiritual state.  But our imprint, root, nature is in me, physical things, and success, so we cannot change our nature.

(3)1Pe 5:8-9, Eph 6:10, 13, 2Co 11:14 

Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion. The devil exists, and so, Satan attacks the one who disobeys.  People who live according to their own standards will face problems, so Satan attacks such people.

2 Cor 11:14 says a different spirit from the one you have received, so it’s difficult to discern. So we should be able to discern these things, but it comes to us as a different spirit, so we cannot easily discern.

(4)2Ti 2:15 

Be able to handle and discern the Word of Truth.  How will you be able to tell what the Word of Truth is?  You must be in the covenant to be able to discern. That’s why we continue to be deceived.  To have the Word of Truth means you’ll be able to discern even people.  You’ll be able to tell whether you should hold this person’s hand or to let go because God moves everything through His Word. God will tell us whether this will help towards world evangelization or not.  But if we do not have the standard of the word of truth, I will be led by my own experiences, and standard and I will not be able to discern.

(5)1Pe 1:23

The living and enduring Word of God.  The living Word of God must come upon us.  

(6)Isa 50:4

The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, this is all for the sake of being able to discern what the Word of Truth is.  If you do not have this work, you will have darkened eyes.  So, you have this great physical form, but you don’t have the spirit, so you’re not able to discern.  So, in Psalm 1:1, you don’t want to be in the seat of the evildoers, but you are in their seat.  So you do your best, really giving your all, but you’re in the path of the mocker.  Are people trying to go on the path of the wicked? It’s just that they don’t know.

(7)Mt 11:28 

Jesus says, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”  These are the reasons why you must devote your life to God and why you must pray.

4.How can we do the following 

We’re not talking about a method; but if you know the reason and the content, this will just naturally follow.

(1) How should we pray (Mk 1:35)? 

Very early in the morning, you have to communicate with God regarding all the things that are to take place that day.  You meet many people and communicate with them; why not have this time to communicate with God?  So, if you’re not able to communicate with God, you’re going to have to spend your life talking to people, living to make money.  No matter how much you work and give your all, you’re always going to be lacking.

(2)How should we meditate on the words (Jos 1:8)? 

The people who have gone through the Exodus and have definitely arrived in Canaan.  Saved people of God must definitely go towards world evangelization, holding onto the covenant. When you meet new believers and ask, “Do you know anything about evangelism and missions?”  But they really do know that, then you must relay that.  From the start, you must give new believers this direction.

If you don’t give them this direction, they’ll actually just wander.  You must give them this firm direction because you’re now a believer in God, this is your calling.  Whether they believe it or not, we have this mission to give to them.  When these new believers listen to the pulpit message, God will listen to them and go in that direction.

(3)How should we evangelize (2Ti 4:1-2)?

In the presence of God, preach the Word no matter what. This is the method of evangelism.  Whether the timing is right or not, just preach the Word of God.

(4)How should we nurture others (2Ti 2:2)? 

Entrust to reliable men.  The important thing is reliable men, people who can once again, preach the Word, and that’s the method to nurture them.

5.Who can do these things (Mt 4:19)? 

“Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, and it’s people who follow Jesus. From the beginning, Jesus said, “Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  Once you receive the gospel, you must let go of me-centered, physical-centered, and success-centered, instead, focus on only gospel, word, and evangelism. We don’t need people with skills, but we need people who follow after Jesus Christ. In other words, it’s one heart, whole heart, and continuation.  It’s these people.

People who aren’t able to evangelize do not have one heart, whole heart, continuation.  Why is that?  It’s because the people are living materially for themselves, so they are momentarily used for the flesh.  People who are entrapped in their destiny are used by Satan and cannot be used by God.  People who live for the gospel with an open heart and whole heart towards the gospel are people who are used by God.  

It doesn’t matter that this person did this thing or that thing, or whether the work takes place or not.  It looks like you’re doing it, but it’s not that. Rather, if you follow after God, God will make you fishers of men. Then, why is it not taking place for me?  Don’t just focus on the fact that it’s not working, but just focus on following Jesus Christ. Am I going within the flow of my God-given Word?  God opens the doors of evangelism and gives His Spirit to really open up people’s hearts.

Your businesses must be used for this.  The business I do has no relevance to God’s Word? That’s a curse, the fact that you’re doing it for your own ambition; that in itself is a curse. The work you do must be aligned with God.  If it doesn’t align with God, then God the protector cannot be with you.

6.The Lord is with those who do these things (Mt 28:20) 

God who has all authority in heaven and on earth for the sake of evangelizing to other people. When you pray, God is with you? It’s not that, but the fact is that in all the work you do, the blessing of the throne of heaven is there.  You’re a person to share the gospel to the entire world, so God will strengthen you. The work you do and your church ministry must all align with God. If it doesn’t take place, it means you’re not aligned with God and the work you do is not aligned with God.

The work I do is not aligning with missions and evangelism. It’s not that it’s not working out, but God is heading in that direction.  Everything is GOd’s, so why is God staying still? He grants you this blessing, the blessing of the throne of heaven.

(1)Spiritual blessings (Mt 16:18, Eph 2:1-3) 

The Lord is with those who do these things, what things and what works?  Matt 16:18, the spiritual blessings where the gates of Hades cannot overcome the church on the Rock.

(2)Physical blessings  (Mk 10:29-30)

“Those who are with Me will see 100-fold blessings.”  Not only spiritual blessings but also physical blessings, which is 10-fold or 100-fold as much. The maximum amount at the time was 100-fold, but if we speak about it today, it’s just a huge amount.  With this tremendous blessing, we should be able to raise up the temple, future generations for the sake of evangelism, but instead ,we’re living for the sake of eating and making money, so it’s useless. It must be aligned with God. 

Pray for Temple Construction.  The first thing imprinted is, “It’s so hard for me.” So, you receive answers according to what’s imprinted.  But God is telling you to do this because He has tremendous blessings for you, but instead you say, “I’m so lacking, I can’t do this,” so you receive the answer of not being able to do it.  For the people who say, “I can do it,” They hold onto the covenant and pray for it, so God will bless them with all finances.  God gives to those who have the covenant, who have faith, and that’s why the grace of faith is so very important.  

(3)Answers to prayer (Mt 6:33) 

All these things shall be given to you as well, and this includes all the religious prayers and your desires. Even those will be given to you. It’s saying that, even if you don’t have any physical prayers, God will grant you all that.  Even if you don’t worry about your children, you don’t have to worry because God will take responsibility.  That’s why God will take responsibility for people who align with God’s Word. 

Those who do not believe will have the result of unbelief; those who believe will have the results of belief.  If you believe, even in the midst of circumstances where you cannot believe, you have to believe. Joshua sent the 12 spies to the land of Canaan, and it was the state where they were very lacking, so the 10 spies saw that and said, “We just cannot do this.”  The lives they led were just apart from the covenant, and this was the result of their lack of faith. Physically speaking, they weren’t able to do anything, they said, “We cannot do this.”

But the 2 spies didn’t just abruptly say this confession, but rather, they lived their life within the covenant and that solved their unbelief. According to their faith, God worked and gave the answers.  So, it’s nice to be able to work diligently, but that’s just a thought of unbelievers but rather you just have to firmly hold onto God’s covenant, and God will really work to support you.  It just can’t take place until God gives you the Word, but if God gives you the Word, just firmly hold to that and pray.

I heard that a new believer is looking at purchasing land for Temple Construction, but no matter how much they look around, they cannot see it.  I told them, “Maybe it’s not the time schedule yet.”  So, I just thought to myself, “Why are you just looking for land?” the new believers must have a good faith, because he’s thinking, “Oh I have to buy the land, I have to build this temple.” But just keep an eye out for this new believer because the results will take place according to faith, and it’s not just a person saying it, but God is giving them this desire, so I’m saying to keep a lookout on this person to see how God will work.  It’s very important for you to receive grace and hold onto the message God has given.

7. Pray about sharing the things you have heard with others

The important thing is, it should not stop with me.  If it stops with me, I cannot be used because I’m self-centered.  So, the Israelites at first had tremendous blessings but eventually, it turned out that they could not be used by God because they fell into self-centeredness, “my family and my culture.”  So, God could not use these people.  

God called the Israelites as a land of priests so everything could be united with God, but their hearts were turned towards themselves, so they cannot be used by God. So when you receive the Word, make sure you share what you’ve heard and received to people around you. Even before you act, make prayers for other people so God will work inside them.  A bunch of new believers stopped receiving grace themselves, so they are saying, “We will never share this grace with other people.”  God cannot use such people. You must absolutely set up a plan with those around you and your family.  That’s why God has called you as a watchman.

So, God called me as the first in my family to believe; there’s no other reason to call me but as a watchman so I can share it with them.  The definition of a watchman is to never sleep but to keep praying for that individual. Without losing hold of this mission, then some situation may arise, and it’s not that you did something incorrectly, but God called you with this mission to save your family background.  It’s not that it stops with your family, but you save the entire region.

These are the people in constant communication with God.  The business these people do is with God, but if it’s not aligned with God, no matter how big or successful the business is, it cannot be used by God.

The life dedicated to God.  Recall this message, and I hope you will be people who live for the gospel.


Dear Father God, thank You. Lord, I pray that this time may be the time where we start with the gospel, with evangelism and missions, and with raising the church. May prayer take place for this work. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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