Lifestyle of the Evangelist – 25 Hours

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyle of the Evangelist – 25 Hours

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

God is with me, so as I confess Christ, this is truly everything.  Of course, there’s no reason to shake as all problems are finished.  The gates of Hades can’t overcome you. Satan can attack but cannot overcome.  These are the answers regarding Christ.

If you don’t know Christ, you can’t know God. If you don’t know Christ, you cannot speak of God’s Kingdom and the Holy Spirit cannot come upon you. God’s Kingdom is about saving people. Why did Jesus speak of this for 40 days?  Within the gospel, God gives you the words of the Gospel. It is the words pertaining to Christ, the offspring of the woman, the ark, the city of refuge where murderers can be saved.  People were bitten by venomous snakes but they would be saved by looking at the bronze snake, in other words, the gospel.  The blood sacrifice, Immanuel.  Throughout the entire Bible, the gospel is mentioned.

There’s also the Word to relay the gospel.  Therefore, go to all nations and deliver this Word.  We call this our mission. Each church has a different mission.  From the beginning, God appointed Paul to testify of the gospel before the Jews, Gentiles and their kings, but Peter did not have this.

The life of an evangelist means it must be the answers of life that follow from these three “only’s”.  There are people who volunteer for their neighbor because the Bible says to love their neighbors, but evil unbelievers do that with their righteousness. They think their actions are good but God says it’s wicked because it’s for our own goodness, but we look at the external cover and say, “They look great.”  Someone may evangelize diligently, but without the working of the Holy Spirit, it will one day collapse.  If they do things recklessly without knowing God’s mission, they will face their limitation. 

Christ is the answer to everything and has finished everything, but only evangelizing diligently, they won’t give the answer that is the gospel.  Then they make themselves and others fall. It’s this life within the Triune God, this is the evangelist’s lifestyle and we must relay this to the next generations.  Even monks will evangelize, isn’t that right?  Salesmen also evangelize with their own products, so what is this “evangelism” talking about?  Is it a biblical evangelism or something else?

Biblical evangelism comes from three “only’s” but if evangelism comes from something else, it’s not biblical so you cannot resolve your own problems.  People must pray.  Why do we do this training? It’s not because we need to help people understand Jesus.  Our lives must be a life of a disciple and to raise disciples. This is the life of an evangelist.

If you do what you want, you will start and stop. But Paul was raising disciples even in prison, how? Because Paul was within this answer, God sent people to Paul and disciples must receive these things very accurately. If you give a very haphazard Christ, that’s not a disciple.  Christ must be perfect and complete; Christ is sufficient. That must go into them.  It’s not just the words of Christ going in, but the person saying these words must have this.  If the person who is speaking doesn’t have this answer, then of course they cannot relay that answer.

Rightful.  Of course, Jesus is the Christ. But let’s say Jesus Christ isn’t planted. It’s not about knowing, but every problem has been finished, and that must be in my heart, then you will necessarily receive answers. The answer of the Kingdom of God will come upon you, then God’s absolute plan is fulfilled.  What’s God’s absolute plan? The salvation of souls and raising disciples. We think we can do this, but we can’t; it must come as answers.  Remaining within this, the answers come naturally.

Without only Christ, I will rightfully have a necessary problem at the necessary time schedule. Instead of being imprinted with Christ, I’m imprinted with money, then at the necessary time I will face a problem, because that’s not the problem.  You yourselves must go into this answer and relay this to new believers.  If you have a job, are you doing your job for missions and evangelism, or are you doing missions and evangelism for your job? “Why is this person not changing?” this answer is rightful, and rightfully, you’ll face necessary problems.

If you do missions and evangelism to help your business, your business will face a problem.  Satan won’t leave you alone.  You must help people to enter into God’s unchanging plan.  People may think they can calculate and manipulate God by straddling both sides of the lines, but one day, the time schedule will come.  Because the fruits will appear according to what was imprinted and planted.  Christ finished everything but if you’re always worried and concerned, one day you will face a disease and you’ll relay this to all those around you.

Then, what should you do for this person? Should we kill them or let them live? According to God’s absolute plan, help them to enter into the Triune God.  As you drive, you may hate people, some people cut you off aggressively, and I wouldn’t like it, and it’s possible they’re really busy.  Do you know what happens to people like this? They will get into a car accident.  Why?  Because you’ve lived your entire life like that.  Everybody needs to drive according to the order, but this person doesn’t respect the order. Right now, they may be able to get through, but one day, they will get into an accident.  If there are two people who think similarly, they will butt heads, then they will get into an accident without a doubt.  This will be the necessary result.

It’s possible I can benefit by deceiving people, but what would happen later on? Of course you’ll face problems. At first, this person is deceived and I won, and maybe I can trick others as well, but eventually the truth is revealed. At that point, I have to face judgment, but there are some people who think they’re okay as they deceive someone. If you achieve success without Christ, then the result of that imprint is bound to be revealed.  People may think they’re okay because it hasn’t been revealed, but the time schedule will come. He tells you not to do this.

Smart people in the world live this way, but we’re so deceitful.  We think our lives work out if we’re quick-footed with other people, but that’s not the case.  Should I talk about offering?  It’s possible we don’t give offering, I’m not talking at the level of whether we should give it or not. But it’s because we have an imprint regarding money.  It’s not as if we’re cursed for not giving offering, but there will be a necessary event that comes from this.  So, your momentary benefit is not a real benefit.  Without a doubt, your money contains God’s money, and if you steal from God, God will make you pay back multiple folds, and God will reveal that the money isn’t yours.

Incidents come according to what’s imprinted, if you say Jesus is everything and success is also everything, then as you live your life, it seems you’re achieving success.  But one day, because Christ isn’t everything, you’ll face a necessary incident. Grace means you know this. But people haven’t faced their incident so they think it’s okay. You must warn people of this.  Even if you don’t give worship, you may physically live. 

People have a sense of religiosity, “if you don’t give worship, you’ll face disasters,” but you don’t; in fact, your business may get even better. People have the misconception, “My life will work out even without worship,” but then one day, the time schedule comes.  You and I must not stand before people or before the world; we cannot have the lifestyle of the evangelist this way. It’s the same with your job.  If you’re deceiving people or you’re only worried of what they think of you, it will be revealed.  If you’re constantly living this way and one day you’re exposed, you’ll say, “Why are you picking on me now? Look at what I’ve done for this company,” but what’s already there is being revealed.  If you’re imprinted in something else, something else will be revealed.  Why is evangelism not taking place? Because you’re imprinted in something that prevents it from taking place. God is an accurate God, and this is what I’m saying.

One heart. It’s not two hearts, just one heart for Christ.  It’s only Christ, your heart doesn’t waver back and forth. Just one heart.  Whole heart. All in, all out.  Continuation. This is the only answer.  We’ve been talking about this for multiple years, I think it’s 5-6 years, we talk about the same thing.  If there’s any of you who want something else, you should stop coming. Why do we say the same thing? Because the Word of God is the same.  You cannot change the word of the Bible.  We’re just taking what’s in the Bible and everywhere we go with this, we go with the Word of God. We do not listen to these words, it’s the Word of God, even though the words may be the same.

However, the Word of God will change us as our imprint, root, and nature change.  All the other imprints we have will change.  Why do we have depression? It’s imprinted in us.  Why are my kids like this? It’s because that’s what’s imprinted.  It’s not because they met an incorrect friend, but they had no choice but to meet that friend.  Why am I continuously swindled?  Some people are never conned, because they have that imprint.

If someone has a spirit of getting rich quick without lifting a finger, they will get swindled. How will you make money without laboring for it?  Whether you labor physically or mentally, you’ll get compensation, but you don’t want that.  Many kids think, “If I meet a sugar daddy, I’ll be good for the rest of my life,” and I don’t know if that’s from the parents or the culture. You’ll look to meet someone like that, then.  They’ll say things like, “You’ll never have to work another day for the rest of your life.” Nowadays, it’s not bad to work, but we’re swept up by that.  We’re bound to connect closely with that.  But most people think this sounds crazy, “How can I make money without working a single day?” Such people are crazy and that’s how you end relationships. 

If you look at your friends, they’re exactly the same as you, you can know yourself by looking at your friends because if you’re friends with them, you can get along with them.  You’re able to get along because both want to get rich quick without working for it.  Both are completely imprinted in being swindled, “If I meet the right person, my life will be set.” You’re already imprinted in being conned. That doesn’t exist.  It means all these other things change us this way.

Your imprint, root, and nature are important.  My father kept telling me since I was young, “Don’t expect help from anyone else; no one else can help you.”  My father said, “Don’t rely on your brothers, they have to take care of their own brothers.”  Even when I came to America, it was the same. I’m sorry to say, but I have no thoughts about living off of the church paycheck. If you think you’re living with the paycheck, you’re a slave. God provides for you.

I didn’t receive any help from anyone for 10 years, why? Because God gave manna and quail to the Israelites in the wilderness, so God will provide for me as well.  If God doesn’t give me manna and quail, then the Bible is just theoretical and unrealistic.  Anyone can do Bible study and study theology and talk, but it’s different to be a witness. No reason to rely on people; only the Jehovah God is my background.  God led me to the point where I lack nothing, it’s the same in America.

This is what I’ve experienced in this church. God knew we needed workers then God raised them up and brought them in according to God’s time schedule. No need to do this or that; that’s the God I know. Even in America, I don’t struggle with much, that’s how I was educated ever since I was young in my family.  So, there’s a reason God sent me to my family.  If you want to remain in the superpower nation, I became an assistant pastor in America after a few years of college ministry and doing an internship here.

However, there was a region where all these big names in Darakbang were gathered, and they kept attacking people, and they wouldn’t entrust field ministries to me.  The elder requested, “can you do a Darakbang meeting here?” I went on a Saturday and I think I did it for a year or two but they wanted me to leave the church.  One Deacon Kang was afflicted because an elder embezzled $10,000 and was barred from giving the representative prayer, and I lost sleep over this. 

Not because of the money we lost, but because of what the person said, “What kind of church is this?” This group was so not fitting with the church, it was a group blocking everyone else.  They kept slandering the pastor, and they were already so contentious, but one day, he and his wife left. I couldn’t sleep until the early morning and thought, “I have to go back to Korea; it’s so disgusting here, I can’t stay. Everyone here is so low level, this isn’t even a church,” and I thought I had to leave.

“If this is the level of the message, how would the members of the church stand? It’s not just the gospel, it’s mixed, so how could this be? Are there any good workers in Korea?” These thoughts spun around in my head until 3am. Then, God spoke, “Is the God in Korea different from the God in America? Why do you keep borrowing the strength of men?” That’s not a word I heard from the pulpit, but it’s the Word God gave me in the field.  That’s been the message He has fulfilled in my ministry until now.

If anyone wants to help from Korea, I say no.  “We can do camp at your church and dozens of people will come and have a revival,” but I said no.  A few leaders in RTS in Korea asked to open a regional church here, and all the pastors said “no.”  The reason I said no to Pastor Kim is because it would break down the structure of this region.  It might be good for me, but the pastors of the region could not become one, then.  That’s why if you look at the overall effect, it would be a loss.

The background that allowed me to say “no” is because there’s a work God doing here. The person got so offended and stopped talking to me, they don’t even greet me.  I can tell, these fools are full of ulterior motives, so because I cannot fulfill that, they stop talking to me. Their greed is unsatisfied so they refuse to talk to me.  If they wanted to come to evangelize, God would open the way.

But why do I say this? There’s a work God needs to do in America, and that’s the God I believe in.  The time schedule is in God’s hands.  There’s never a reason for me to receive help. God may help me through someone else, but I never needed it myself.  If someone is moved by the Holy Spirit, I receive it, but otherwise I don’t seek it. That’s’ what a church officer must be.  “Can anyone help me?” God is your background, what help do you need?  God has entrusted this region to us, how could Korea help us? What do they know?

For two years, the pastors agreed that pastors from Korea can’t help, they would give a few lectures and leave. Can they understand America?  Can they understand the kids who grew up in American culture?  Their faces look the same, but would their lectures go into them? No.  Their faces look Korean but their insides are different.  They grew up in the superpower culture of America; they’re different, but if this old man did the same thing they did while in Korea, it would not go well.

All the pastors agreed, “It wouldn’t help at all for them to come here.”   What do you think God’s will is?  The God here is doing the evangelism movement here, so receive that answer. This is biblical, God entrusted this to me, so God is doing something with His power.  You must have assurance of this to not be shaken.  We need someone with faith in God. We don’t need some method or strategy; God is currently doing the evangelism movement and gives us the Word and works through the Holy Spirit for that work.  The one church officer who believes in that God can move the entire field.

It’s the same for the remnants.  Without relaying this to the remnants, they always have to get help.  That’s not a disciple.  “Stop asking me questions, receive answers from the Word. You can’t just have this as knowledge or theory, receive it through the pulpit, receive the answer from God.”  Because I said that, now they think they’re not allowed to ask questions. 

Throw away your reliance on people. If God gives you something through people, receive that.  But if you rely on people for everything, what will you do if the person is wrong? That’s an incorrect person. In fact, even if they do come to me to ask a question, they have to return to God. If they follow me and my spiritual state is bad, then their spiritual state is bad as well. 

“The answer comes from the pulpit, so find it. Find the answer in prayer.”  This is how you raise up the members of the church. People must conclude that all answers are found in worship.  My expressions are limited, I’m not saying you should figure everything out on your own, but have the assurance and faith that God can certainly do this.

Our church doesn’t have many international students.  I’m an international student, I’m not saying whether it’s good or bad, but if you want to do America evangelization, we must have disciples who grew up in and know America.  Some pastors say it’s impossible with kids born in America, he researched all the churches in America and concluded it was impossible. 

There was a report that said all the 2nd generation should have their separate church.   It said the English ministry should be segregated and fragmented, even for big churches.  Or, have a separate church for 2nd Generation Chinese, Hispanics, or Filipino, etc.  What’s the characteristic? They’re sandwiched between the field and their culture, so they experience that they don’t fit well with the older generation and they don’t fit well with the people in the field. That’s why there’s this data to start churches specifically for 2nd generation people. 

The fact that they’re 2nd generation means they experience different things.  They identify with their culture and being an American, but they’re limited from completely going into the American culture as well.  Because of that, the way to avoid the most affliction is to worship with most 2nd generation people.  That’s why a researcher said the 2nd generation cannot do American evangelization.

I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, but I understand through the data that this is the typical state of the kids.  But I’m sure if the perfect and complete gospel goes into them, everything will change.  Did Tim ever say anything about the 1st generation?  If the complete gospel goes in, that’s it; but if it’s a partial gospel, they have to segregate.  The churches in the Bible say the multiethnics got together and did world evangelization together. 

Everything I’ve mentioned earlier cannot be belittled, they really exist, but if the strength of the gospel really goes into us, it’s not a problem.  Earlier, Deaconess Song said the kids don’t greet the adults, so he made a poster telling people to greet each other.  He’s 60 years old with the strong Korean culture and found the kids to be so disrespectful.  In Korea, the culture of respect is so strong, that kids can’t even make eye contact with adults without the risk of being slapped.  However, in America, it’s a sign of respect as they give their undivided attention. 

Without understanding this, the kids have their own way of greeting, so you must try to understand them.  They may not bow but they greet.  Yes, it’s true the kids don’t greet you and they pretend they don’t even know you. That’s a Californian culture.  But the California culture is that people walk by each other.  Because this has become such a culture here, none of the Americans greet us back.  Why is that a problem? Why does it matter whether people bow so much or not?  I’m saying they don’t understand what must be understood. This is the characteristic of the 1st generation.

It’s impossible to understand all of this, that’s why we overcome all of it with the strength of the gospel.  The second generation should be thankful for the first generation for relaying the gospel, and the first generation should be thankful for the second generation that they relay the gospel.  These kids didn’t become like this overnight.  She’s a district attorney, even now, there’s so many things she doesn’t like.  That’s her job, and that’s the characteristic of her family line. It is not good or bad.  But she knows herself so she asks me, “Am I being too legalistic?” This is how we adjust ourselves with the gospel.   

The one who knows not only the gospel but also American culture can do world evangelization.  This is why you must also do your business. “Will anyone help me? Can I find an investor?” That’s a beggar. Only look at God, and if something comes your way, that’s great, but if not, it’s fine.  Then Satan trembles before this faith.  That’s what the evangelist said, he asked for pastors with faith to come to America, which means all the pastors come and don’t believe, even though the messages are so good, they don’t believe.  If you believe this, then I believe the works of faith will arise.

I discover the “only” I must do within the covenant, and this is not comparable to anyone else, but it is unique.  God created man you must remain within Christ for one person to play the unique role of one person.  If you are outside of Christ, you do everything for yourself and do not receive the answer of uniqueness.  This is re-creation.  God re-creates you.

Enjoy the way God created to communicate with you, 24 hours a day. Your work, life, ministires, and studies must take place within this. If this doesn’t take place, but you do 24 hours with something else, it will be difficult. What’s important is, where are you?  You must remain within communication with God, then you’ll realize God’s guidance and working.

Today is 25.  25 is the answer of uniqueness, it’s the answer of only God’s power.  25 is not possible by humans, it is only possible with God. If you want answers, it cannot come unless you’re standing still. The answers follow some condition that was met. If you enjoy the covenant, you will have covenantal answers follow.  God’s Kingdom comes to earth so the blessing of the throne comes to earth.

The Word itself is the answer, the Word comes to me, and that itself is the answer. Before you even talk about the things you see with your eyes, the Word is the answer. When I become a person like this first, everything else will be taken care of by God.  When David had his large vessel, God filled it. If our vessel isn’t prepared, then we’ll struggle.

Romans 16:26

It was hidden from long ages past but now revealed. This is what we call an answer.  What was hidden before is now revealed at this time schedule.  The Word of God, coming upon me as new, is an answer.  You can also see your physical lacking is an answer as well, but all such things follow after God’s Word, in other words, evangelism is also an answer.  The mystery of Christ being revealed now means the gospel is relayed. 

In the 2nd RCA message, the watchtower to see the empty places, the blind spots, and the golden fishing grounds. You have to see something from the top of the watchtower. Why would God make something for us to just watch?  God told us to go to the top because we can’t see anything from the ground level.  Look at those three fields and pray for God to work upon them because you do see them.  Then, when you wait, God’s answer will follow according to the time schedule.

The golden fishing grounds talks about places where people gather.  It’s good for evangelism when many people gather, or let’s say someone is running a business and uses that business to gather people as a golden fishing ground.  Paul went to the synagogues, lecture halls, and marketplaces because people gather there.  The watchtower means you go there and pray for God to work. 

Don’t just sit there, blank-mindedly, but pray and don’t show external signs, but pray.  Then according to God’s time schedule, answers will appear. It’s not just sitting there, blank-mindedly.  You need to be able to see your regional fields. If you can’t see this, you’re seeing something else.  But because you see something that isn’t aligned with God, then you can’t see anything.

You may have a job, and there’s a blind spot in the workplace or in the church.  As you go to church, there’s blind spots where the gospel hasn’t gone in, then what must you do? You see it and pray for God to work.  If you don’t understand what these words mean, it’s impossible to understand the Three Organizations; they do their work possessed by evil spirits.  You’ll think, “This is what they say.”

If you go to China, they have Taoists.  How much are they filled with evil spirits? Even Koreans will find Taoists, what do they do?  They control other people through prayers. You’ve never seen that, then can you understand these words?  But the Three Organizations are currently doing that work.   Knowing this, God told us to be the watchtowers to do this work.  One converted to Christianity and said he used to go to the Taoists to win back his customers from his competitors.  Then the religious leader started praying.

It’s not just prayer, he makes it so the demons work upon that person to completely change their heart.  Ultimately, all the business did go back to this person, then they gave a percentage of that profit to the Taoist.  It’s not just any Taoist, he’s a famous one, one who is completely filled with evil spirits.  I didn’t see this in Korea but it’s in the superpower nations.  Even in Korea, if someone is properly possessed by evil spirits, they’ll do this.

For 3 or 3.5 years, I went to shaman houses every day, and there are levels among shamans.  Some shamans get money and read from a book; others give a fortune by demonic power. What do strong demons do? When a client comes, the client becomes demon possessed.  If someone is weakly possessed, they’ll give a fortune and receive money, but the strong shamans will make their clients possessed as a lifetime customer.  They move in the spiritual world and there are works that follow.

If we don’t know this and we go to church and do many things, we lose hold of many things.  When they first came to church, we went with Deaconess Oh and Jo on Olympic, and the lady told us about the entire history.  I asked her, “How can we know that you’re real?” She said very confidently, “If I put a curse on your foot, I can make you come to me and you’ll be my man.” These people are currently working, transcending time and space, then how can we save America?  If anything, you’ll be influenced by the Three Organizations. You don’t even know this is taking place.

With such a low level, America evangelization will be so hard. You may be able to evangelize in Korea, but it’s hard to do it properly in Korea as well.  The Three Organizations do this work every single night.  They’re not doing it by breaking chicken bones and spilling blood; it’s not such a dirty job like shamans. They do it very subtly at a high, intellectual level, so people don’t realize this, but it’s all the same.  The way they make movies is with the help of demons.  Do you think that movie isn’t influencing anyone? It spiritually influences everything.  The devil uses this one creator to influence the entire world, spiritually.

It’s the same with music and books.  If you read a book and its ideology comes into you, it will make you commit suicide.  A gangster movie came out in Korea, and all the kids wanted to become gangsters.  This is the extent of media influence.  Some directly influence others through prayer.  For us, we’re a church, but if we’re a church completely ignorant of spiritual things, we must close our doors.

On 5th and Vermont, there’s a mosque.  They gather and scatter around, what happens? Some churches closed down because of the pastor’s sexual immorality, and they prayed so the church closes down and becomes a mosque.  What are we doing?  We need to distinguish if we’re a church or not, if we’re a Christian or not. There are thousands and maybe even more, gathering in the mosque. Are there only Muslims there? 

Many religions, including Buddhism and others, and they spread the works of demons, then what do you think is happening? These works arise but Christians don’t know the spiritual mystery so they’re attacked. The Bible isn’t just words or for studies, it’s all spiritual.  God is working now through the Holy Spirit.  Whenever I pray, God’s works realistically take place.  The one who knows this is the watchtower.  That’s how you can spiritually conquer the region, that’s what I’m saying.  We’ll end 25 with this answer.


God, we thank You.  May the evangelist’s lifestyle be the answer for us.  Allow us to see the answer of 25 hours while enjoying Immanuel 25 hours.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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