The Perfect Tabernacle, Christ (Heb. 9:1-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Perfect Tabernacle, Christ (Heb. 9:1-12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. May the blessing of God’s Word fulfillment be upon all the families worshiping in the church, in their homes, and out of state.  The title of today’s message is, “The Perfect Tabernacle, Christ.” The content we read today may be difficult for those who don’t have the knowledge of this, however, there was a time, a long time ago, during the Wednesday messages, where we went through the Tabernacle in great detail.  

The point of today’s message is not necessarily to discuss the small details of the Tabernacle but the goal and the reason God gave it to us, and to share grace that way. What exactly is the perfect Tabernacle?  May you and I be victorious this week, holding onto the Word God has given us through the covenant.

Today, all across America, it is Halloween, and the culture of humans is not simply physical.  Without a doubt, in the background of the culture, something spiritual is hidden.  Halloween began in the Celtic islands, they began to decorate their homes with very frightening images to ward off evil spirits.  This tradition came over to America and changed into the culture of Halloween.

But the reason they started to observe this holiday is not to play.  It was one of the actions they took to protect themselves from evil demons and evil spirits attacking their family. However, especially on days like this, whether I know it or not, Satan is working very strongly.  If you don’t understand that, if you go to the East, there are all these sacrifices contained within ancestor worship, religions, animism, and shamanism.  All of these sacrifices and rituals are acts to ward off evil spirits and disasters.

Do people do these things because they’re bored? They do these things because there’s a real history behind it.  Then, when do you think this began?

1. Reason for giving the tabernacle

  1) Egypt

    (1) Me, Physical things, Success – Greed (Gen. 3,6,11)

As soon as Adam and Eve were separated from God because of their sin, they were enslaved by Satan, and that was the beginning of religion and idolatry.

    (2) Idolatry (Ex. 20:4, 1Cor. 10:20, Col. 3:5)

This is the same way the Israelites lived as slaves, even though they were children of God.  Egypt was the representative nation that served idols.  All human beings are bound to serve idols. What is the core of an idol, though?  You serve idols to fill your own greed.  Because we’re not satisfied with God alone, every human being is bound to worship idols.  In other words,we have to be completely okay with God alone, but we’re not.  So, the only thing people who are separated from God can do is to worship idols.

That’s what the Israelites did in Egypt.  Because they were separated from God, they were now their own god. They lived their entire lives using their knowledge and experiences and thoughts.  That’s a life of someone separated from God.  They personally think their life is going okay, but later on, they realize they’re not in control.

Because we’re supposed to live according to God’s will, but if we live however we want, the things we don’t want continue to happen. That’s what it means for you to enter into your fate and destiny.

    (3) Snare (Jn. 8:44)

Satan knows this and deceives us; he makes us think that the knowledge of the world is so great, so we live according to that standard.  Satan continues to deceive us into thinking that our lives will be okay if we have a lot of money and savings, but one day, you will be ensnared. 

John 8:44 says your father the devil is a liar and you want to carry out his desires according to your greed as well. Because we’re caught in Satan’s snare, we cannot escape.  The very first thing that happens is that we’re spiritually seized. The spiritual things are invisible but I cannot control myself for some reason, and this is revealed more through mental problems.  

We cannot control expression; we want to get out of it, but we cannot, and even if we take medication, it doesn’t help.  These mental problems continue to find us, and one day, this manifests as a problem in my physical life.  This problem will be big enough such that others will be able to see it, and that’s directly relayed to the future generations. The parents will leave behind their footsteps to the next generation. That’s the way the Israelites lived as slaves in Egypt for 430 years.

There’s only two options: are you going to live in America as a slave or as a conqueror?  Does that mean if you become the President, you’ll be a conquerer?  You’re still a slave.  You will live as a slave to success, a slave to material possessions, a slave to your own opinions and thoughts.  Who is the true conqueror? The one who is standing on the side of God, with the Word of God as their thoughts. 

The Israelites weren’t able to escape from Egypt. Don’t you think that if they created some kind of army or militia, they would be able to fight their way out? NEver.  If we send our children to better institutions so they have more knowledge, will they escape? Never.  Can we escape with the strength of making a lot of money? We would never be able to.

  2) Solution

Because we’re seized in a spiritual way, we cannot escape with the things we see, and that’s why we have to go according to God’s method.  There is no method of mankind, there’s nothing we could ever collectively do to escape.  Genesis 3:15, the offspring of the woman, Jesus Christ.

    (1) Blood of the lamb (Ex. 12:13)

Before he came, it was the blood of the lamb. The world doesn’t teach this to us, but God has given us only one way. God knows we’re complicated so He gave us only one way: we will escape from slavery when we apply the blood of the lamb on all sides of the door. 

    (2) Disasters (Ex. 12:13)

That means I can only be liberated from my sin if this lamb takes all my curses and disasters upon Himself. 

    (3) Pharaoh (Ex. 12:30-31)

Even though these people are fighting and revolting against Pharaoh, he doesn’t let them go.  Only when they apply the blood of the lamb does the Pharaoh surrender. It’s impossible with knowledge, it’s impossible no matter how good of a leader you are, it’s impossible with what you’ve learned as well, and if you try to do this with your righteous actions, it’s even less possible; if you try to do this with religion, it’s even less possible.  There’s no other method given to mankind; Jesus Himself is the method, and that’s the blood of the lamb in the Old Testament.

This doesn’t mean to just kill a lamb or an animal, it means that I should die but this animal died for me. This problem is only finished if Jesus Christ takes all the problems of my sin on the cross with him, dies, resurrects, and is with me in life. But your life is being destroyed because you think of this content as lowly and elementary.

  3) A tabernacle built by hand (Heb. 9:1)

Why does God tell us to build the Tabernacle?  Because the saved people of God must be with God.  God is seated in heaven, but the way He is with us on earth is through the sacrifices of worship, it’s the Tabernacle.  Humans must be with God and live according to God’s Word.  We need to live with God-given strength and power. We must follow God’s plan as we live.

But if you don’t have the mystery of being with God, in other words, the Tabernacle, then you’ll have to live the same way, according your thoughts, as in Egypt. If I live however I want, then I will for sure face things that I do not want.  America has freedom, but if you lose hold of one thing, you’ll lose all freedom. You have physical freedom but you have no spiritual freedom. Constantly, there’s something that seizes your thoughts. “I don’t want to do this, but my thoughts keep pushing me in that direction.” I cannot escape, so what must I do? That’s why God sent us the Christ. You must understand this for true peace and true freedom to come to you.

We’re going to explain the Tabernacle.  Let’s look at the illustration, this is the Tabernacle.  Outside, there’s the courtyard. The first structure on the left is the altar for burnt offerings.  The second small structure you see is the water basin with which they wash their hands. Then you see the big facility that looks like a house. That’s the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. 

Let’s look at this drawing a different way, it’s like this.  At first they open the doors on the east side of the Tabernacle to enter.  Then they take the animal and put their sins into it, sacrifice it, and burn it up.

Let’s look at the third illustration now.  This is taking a cross sectional view of the Tabernacle so you can see the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.  The Tabernacle is split into two sections, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.  The Holy Place is where the priests do their work, but the Holy of Holies is where God directly resides.  Between these two compartments or rooms, there’s a thick curtain to prevent people from entering. This is a representation of the throne of heaven as a kind of heaven on earth. 

    (1) Sanctuary – Consecrated bread, Lampstand, Altar of Incense (Heb. 9:2)

There are a lot of things and artifacts in here that represent the spiritual content.  When you first go into the Holy Place, there is the consecrated bread.  Then there are two piles of bread, six on each pile, representing the twelve tribes of Israel.  This is the bread the priest must change out every week on the Sabbath, so this bread represents the Word of God. It’s supposed to represent the Word of God given to us every week. These are the words about Jesus.

Then, there is the lampstand.  The tent inside is always dark, so whether it is night or day, this lampstand must also be lit.  This also represents Jesus Christ, Who has come to this world as the Light of the World.

Then there is also the altar of incense.  They light that incense and it represents prayer.  In Revelation 8, there is the story of the angels taking the incense of prayers to God.  Priests have to do this work every day, they must always prepare the oil so the light of the lampstand never runs out, and they must always have this incense burning because 24 hour prayer is necessary.

    (2) Most Holy Place – Presence of God (Heb. 9:3)

The High Priest goes past the Holy Place into the Holy of Holies once a year to give the atonement to forgive all the sins of Israel. First he has to sprinkle the blood of an ox for his own sins.  Then he has to sprinkle the blood of a goat to atone for all the sins of Israel.

    (3) Ark of the covenant – Stone tablets of the covenant, Jar of manna, Aaron’s budded staff (Heb. 9:4)

What is contained within the Holy of Holies?  There is the Ark of the Covenant, and upon the Ark are two seraphs.  Inside the ark are three things:  Aaron’s budded staff, the jar of manna, and the stone tablets. All these things represent Jesus Christ. It means there is no reason to do these things anymore because Christ has fulfilled the law of the Ten Commandments.  The budded staff of Aaron represents life that comes from death which represents Jesus’ resurrection.  Even now, through the High Priest Jesus Christ, we are continuously receiving the words of life, just as the jar of manna, which was the living Word of God from heaven.

    (4) Above the ark of the covenant – Atonement Plate (Heb. 9:5)

Atop this is the Atonement plate where they pour the blood of the animal. Then, God forgives, and that’s how God promised to meet with the Israelites, and where God said He would give us His Word.  

2. Reason for Sacrifice (Worship)

  1) God is with

    (1) Burnt Offering – Solve sin and curses

    (2) Priest – Lay their hands (Ex. 29:10,15,19)

    (3) Blessing of the covenant – God’s possession, Kingdom of priests, Royal priesthood (Ex. 20:5-6)

What’s the central core of this? The central core of this is being with God and receiving His Word.  “Can’t God just come to talk to us?” If you have sin, then God cannot be with you.  That’s how you live your life however you want.  But the moment you hold onto the covenant of God, that’s when God holds onto you and is with you.  God has given the incredible blessing of the Covenant to the Israelites. In Exodus 19:6-9, it says God will make the Israelites into His people.  Now, the people of Israel have become God’s people, it means God will take complete responsibility for them. The owner takes responsibility.  “I will make you into a kingdom of priests, a nation to declare this blessing. 

Being a nation of priests is even better than success; you must have the grace to understand this, because if you don’t, then you will live your life thinking the things you see with your eyes are everything. Then you’ll be enslaved by Egypt again.  If parents don’t know this, they will always have to enslave their children.  The “Kingdom of Priests” means that God has given me the blessing of relaying all of God’s blessings to the rest of the world.  Inside of this kingdom is contained success, money, glory, everything.  

We are made into a holy nation.  Though I go to my school or job to do the same thing as everyone else, I’m set apart because I am a holy nation with God. I’m not a person of curses, but I’m a person of blessings. I’m not someone who lives according to my thoughts, but according to my God-given Word.  Only at this point will you let go of your life.

Do you know why you’re so afraid and worried?  It’s because you’re not that great, but you think you are, so you hold onto yourself.  But you don’t even have an IQ of 500, but you trust in yourself?  But you don’t trust in God Who has an unlimited IQ?  This entire world belongs to God.  If you get to know God, then you’ll know the things of the Earth as well, but you keep trying to understand with worldly knowledge.  This is the blessing that is restored every time you worship. Inside this blessing, all blessings will follow. 

Marriage is also contained in this.  There’s no need for you to hold on so tightly to pull someone closely to you. If you’re holding onto God’s covenant, then He will attach someone to you.  There’s no reason for you to reach and strive for material things; they should follow you.  There’s no need for you to study so deeply and to try to understand knowledge; these things will be revealed to you. These are the things that happen because God intercedes for me. In the Old Testament, He does this with sacrifices, but in the New Testament, this is done through worship.  

  2) Daily burnt offering – Entrance to the tent of meeting (Ex. 29:38)

We explained about the altar of the burnt offering before, but they had to give this burnt offering every day. How did they give this burnt offering? Whenever the Israelites sinned by disobeying God’s law, they had to atone for that with the atonement sacrifice. They had to take a small lamb, only one year old, perfect and without blemish that they raised themselves, put all their sins and disasters into that animal, cut up all the joints and burn up all the flesh. This is the burnt sacrifice.

Every single time they do something the word of God’s law told them to not do, they had to receive atonement through the sacrifice.  The sin will only leave the person if the priest is there to have a prayer that will transfer the sin from the human to the animal. That’s the burnt sacrifice; they completely burnt it up.  In other words, Jesus Christ died on the cross completely, spilling his blood for us.  All the content of the Old Testament symbolizes Jesus Christ.

    (1) Meet God (Ex. 29:42)

    (2) God speaks (Ex. 29:42)

    (3) God dwells among the Israelites, be their God (Ex. 29:45)

    (4) Brought them out of Egypt to be with them (Ex. 29:46)

In other words, they are doing Ex. 29:45, so that the Israelites may be with God and God may be with the Israelites.  In Ex. 29:46, God says it’s so that He may dwell among them and they may know who brought them also out of Egypt. Why? Because as soon as worship ends, we turn around and go back to our “me-centered” life.  We are giving this burnt sacrifice so that every time we give this offering, we will remember the LORD God Who brought us out of Egypt. “And you must give the sacrifices so that you may know that I am God.”  We don’t worship and give sacrifices because God is lacking and needing something, but it’s God’s way of being with us and blessing us.  

  3) Not the perfect tabernacle

    (1) Illustration for the present time (Heb. 9:9)

    (2) Ceremonial washings (Heb. 9:10)

    (3) Not able to clear the conscience (Heb. 9:10)

However, if you look at Heb. 9:9, it says the Tabernacle and the sacrifices of the Old Testament are imperfect.  They may be able to resolve the actions and transgressions we see, but the darkness within our hearts cannot be fixed. These sacrifices may be able to atone for the behaviors where I broke the law of God’s Word, but the sacrifices cannot touch the sin that is always creeping up inside of me.  That problem can only be solved when the perfect and complete Jesus Christ comes to earth.  

Jesus Christ is the only One Who can clear our inner conscience.  That’s why Jesus Christ Who is the new covenant says He will come into us as the Holy Spirit and put the Word of God into our thoughts and heart directly.  Why is it that the Jewish people believe in Jesus Christ, but they still hold onto the priests and sacrifices of the Old Testament? It means that the gospel has not been rooted into them, it keeps getting blocked.  This gospel gives us peace and freedom, but we’re always shaking in anxiety.  

When this gospel comes into us, we’re bound to see the future, but if this gospel is blocked, we’re not able to see the future.  The gospel is the Alpha and Omega, it is the truth, the gospel is everything. Christ is everything, God is everything. How dare you challenge that with the knowledge of man? That’s the masterpiece of Satan.

People who are strong in the world think they are strong; people who are smart in the world think they are smart, but God is laughing at them from heaven.  Who created all of the universe, the ocean, the heavens and the earth, but if there is ever a human who boasts of their knowledge, don’t joke with me.  Everything is contained within Christ, and that Christ is with us as the Holy Spirit. Every time you come to worship, this is restored, and this is how Jesus Christ is the perfect Tabernacle.

3. Perfect tabernacle

  1) High priest – Christ (Heb. 9:11)

    (1) Eternal redemption (Heb. 9:12)

    (2) Entered the Most Holy Place once for all (Heb. 9:12)

    (3) Immanuel (Is. 7:14)

    (4) Holy Spirit – With, temple (1 Cor. 3:16)

Christ came not through the manmade Tabernacle, but through the perfect Tabernacle. He has finished all problems on the cross, because every single problem in the world comes from sin, Satan, and the background of hell. The problems we know about are problems we see. Let’s say the most invisible problem we have may be mental problems. A little more visible problem would be financial, maybe more severe would be disease. God doesn’t talk about those problems. The most fundamental problem: “You are separated from Me, and because you are separated from Me, the devil is trampling over you and dragging you around.  The only way to solve this is the blood of Jesus Christ.”  

Every time you worship, you must confirm that it is truly finished, because we revert to our physical nature without even realizing it. We make judgments about today’s problems based on the things we’ve experienced. It’s so hard to turn my thoughts to “what is God’s plan in allowing this problem?”, but instead we think, “What can I do about this problem?”  God knew we would be like this, so He gave us the Holy Spirit directly and made us into the Temple, so we don’t need the Old Testament Temple and the priests. 

Jesus Christ is the High Priest, we’re able to go into the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies and be with God ourselves. Because of the one incident of Jesus Christ, the blessing of the throne of Heaven is inside of me.  The One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth is inside of me, then why do I rely on myself?  I don’t have authority.  The only authority we have is when someone gives us a position, but we don’t have the authority to break down the devil.

If someone is a little stronger than me, I cannot fight them, and if they flock towards me, it’s even harder to fight with them.  However, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me through Jesus Christ, and He is within me forever.  That’s the blessing of the throne of heaven.  We lose hold of that entirely and only look for blessings we can see with our eyes.  That’s how the devil deceives us.

How would your environment, circumstances, or problems ever be a problem?  Christ Who has all authority in heaven and on earth is inside of me, so everything must kneel before Him. We are restoring this blessing through faith.  Those who have faith will continuously receive the works of faith, then it’s impossible to brag about yourself, because there’s nothing to boast of.  

The One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth and the blessing of the throne of Heaven is within me.  It’s okay if I fail, it’s okay no matter what happens.  Will failure overcome Jesus Christ?  Even failure must kneel before Jesus Christ.  What does it mean that He is inside of me?  It means that He is inside of me with the mystery of life, it means God is with me in my incidents and problems. When He is with me, He is not just standing still, He opens the way, in other words, He gives us the method, He allows us to know His plan.  God knows I’m weak and He gives me strength. This is the blessing that comes upon us during worship. 

  2) Worship

    (1) Worship in spirit and truth (Jn. 4:23)

    (2) Blessing of the throne of heaven (Mt. 28:18-20)

    (3) Filling, working of the Holy Spirit – Transcend time and space (Ac. 1:8)

    (4) Light will come upon all places (Ac. 1:3)

Then in John 4:23, it says that the New Testament is the time for us to worship in spirit and in truth. No longer do we have to slaughter goats and calves and have a priest. There’s no need for that, because Jesus opened up the way.  We don’t need people; the Lord is inside of me, He is with us as the Holy Spirit, teaching us and reminding us of all things. We must ask Him, and He tells us more surely during times of worship.

What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth? Don’t worship with your brain or actions.  Rely on the Holy Spirit within you. I have died on the cross, and now the life of Jesus Christ inside of me is how I worship.  Truth is the words of Jesus Christ. Every time you worship the strength of God’s Holy Spirit comes upon you. It’s a time for the spiritual strength to overcome the rest of the week to come upon you. There are some people who receive this blessing every single time they worship. It’s the time for God’s Word to come upon us. If God’s Word doesn’t come upon us, we have to live with our own words.  If the Word of God doesn’t come upon you, you’ll have to live with the physical knowledge you’ve learned through books. Those words may be physically true, but spiritually, they are nothing.  This is worship.

That’s why, after the Israelites Exodused from Egypt, God gave them the Tabernacle and said, “I will be with you through worship.” It’s not just that, but He placed the Tabernacle at the very central location among the 12 tribes. Your family is not first; the Tabernacle, in other words the church, is first. People who only think about themselves will not understand, “Of course my family is important,” that’s how they think, but that family will block God’s grace. That family can only be secure if they receive God’s blessing.

Therefore, what is first? The family or the church?  Is family first or is worship first?  Of course, it’s God and worship first.  

  3) Personalization

    (1) Image of God (Gen. 1:27)

    (2) God’s breath of life (Gen. 2:7)

    (3) Conquer (Gen. 2:1-18, Heb. 4:12)

In Genesis, God created all the Garden of Eden, created Adam to entrust and take care of it, and then He made the family.  “Oh, then pastor, does that mean I should neglect my family and only work in the church?” I’ve never said that.  I’m saying that worship and God’s blessings are a priority, and those blessings will push into your family and your job.  But if you’re trying to do something with your family or your job or studies with your own knowledge and your own skills, then you’ll be enslaved.

Especially in America, you must be careful. The demon is digging into people with individualism, everything is about “me” and “my family,” but the reason God gave you a family is for God, but if your family is centered on people, that’s why it collapses.  Young adults must understand this well.  Why do you have a family?  Is it so you can love each other? That’s why your love is broken; it’s an incorrect love.  But it’s about having a family where the love of God is continuously upon them.

A business and studies where the blessing of God is continuously poured upon them, but if worship is broken, then your studies and business will all be broken. God promised us these blessings, He gave us the perfect and complete blessings.  Romans 8:32 says that He has given everything within Christ and through worship, according to God’s time schedule, He continues to open this up even more.

“But it’s so hard to worship,” then you don’t have to come. You say it’s hard to come. What is faith? Your faith overcomes.  Your life will change depending on what is number one for you. May you have the grace to understand.  

People in the world are always talking about how important they, their family, material things are, but God already knows how important those things are.  God is the One Who created all those things, but we’re not able to understand that.  God is the One Who must bless our lives, our families, and our jobs.  That’s why the One Who has all authority over Heaven and Earth is with me for all eternity. Though I am weak, the One Who has all authority over Heaven and Earth is strong.  Even though I may fall short and make mistakes all the time, the Christ within me cannot overcome my mistakes.

“Pastor, what does that even mean?” I hope you just pray about it because I can’t persuade you about this. I’m not a college professor who can teach this; the Holy Spirit must give you grace.  Let go of your life, but why are you not able to? You don’t believe. You feel like the One Who is with you is lacking. But David confessed, “I lack nothing.”  The only reason David was able to be the greatest king was because he believed in the greatest God. He believed in God when he was lacking.  “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” a crisis where people have no choice but to commit suicide, he still believed.

We’re not blindly believing in something that doesn’t exist, we believe in what God has promised. It’s a problem to me, but Christ is inside me and within me, so it’s not a problem with Christ–that’s our walk of faith. God doesn’t bless us because we do something well, but it’s because of Christ that God works.  That’s our walk of faith.  It is not your righteousness, but it is the righteousness of Christ. 

God makes it so we can never boast of humans.  If you’re already bragging or boasting of yourself or think highly of yourself, you’re at an elementary level.  Someone who has a lot of faith may not say something directly to your face, but they’re laughing at you. Of course, they won’t say it to your face, but they have to wait for you because if someone is really big, they won’t say those words to someone else. If you’re a big person, you’ll say the words that reflect belief in God. That’s worship.

The worries you’re worried about aren’t worries; the future you’re thinking about is not right, the more perfect future has been prepared for you. The level of your thinking is the level of the earth, but the level of God has been prepared for you. It’s a level that not even the President can follow. God gives this to you during worship, He has made us into the Temple Himself so that He is directly with us.

We have no idea how thankful we must be.  When we pray, He gives us strength.  At this time, when we worship and pray, God is going to work on every aspect of my life, transcending tie and space with the Holy Spirit.  When you go there, you’ll see the evidence of the works.  You’re living on the earth at the level of the heavens. What happens if you don’t know this? You’ll have to live so diligently at the level of the world.  The level you’re at is pedestrian, even if you’re flying in space with rocket ships.  But the devil completely seizes your level by making you focus on the earth.

You only think about yourself, everything you know is right, what I’ve experienced is everything. If I like it, I like it. There’s something else that’s good that God likes, but I think if I like it, it’s good. God says everything is okay but I disagree.”  You have to resolve that. The things of God must be mine so that God’s future becomes my future and God’s blessings become my blessings, so that God’s wisdom becomes mine.  You enjoy this during every worship, every prayer.

God is not petty or frugal with us.  God is always perfect and complete. The one who is perfect and complete is with me, and when we pray, the Holy Spirit completely works. “Oh, but that person is so blah,” but if you pray, God will work.  If you don’t know this, you’ll have to persuade them, and if they don’t follow along or agree, you get stressed.  Don’t do that, just pray for God to work according to God’s will and God’s time schedule.  That’s how you change your entire job.

What does it mean to change that? It means you change it so that it goes according to God’s plan. We have to change the plan of America so that the plan of America goes into God’s plan.  We cannot do that, so that’s why God promised to be with us and gave us the promise of prayer.  As we pray, God promised to give us all the material things, the glory, and whatever strength we need.  These are the blessings God gave us.  

We have to personalize this, still.  You understand the blessings when you’re in church, but as soon as you go outside the church doors, you have to have the personalization that allows you to continue to enjoy these blessings, so that when you go outside you hold onto God’s covenant.  If you don’t go into God’s covenant, you’ll live by your thoughts again.  All day long, you’ll have to rely on your own strength again.  

Even though your IQ is not 500, you’ll have to live with the plans of your brain.  However, if you hold onto God’s covenant and pray, God will fulfill the works one by one, and that’s how God’s masterpiece is revealed through my life.  That’s the history of the leaders of the Bible, and this is the blessing God has allowed for us.  Even though the Old Testament Tabernacle was imperfect, God does this work through the Tabernacle.  For us, God has done this through worship, and when we go out into the field, we have a living worship where God does do this.


1. The perfect Christ

2. Power of the Holy Spirit

3. Kingdom of God comes upon the field


May you enjoy and testify of this blessing to others throughout the week. Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us.  When you pray holding onto God’s promises, God will work transcending time and space through the Holy Spirit.  


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