The High Priest of the New Covenant, Jesus Christ (Heb. 8:1-13) – Wednesday Night

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The High Priest of the New Covenant, Jesus Christ (Heb. 8:1-13) – Wednesday Night

Speaker Assistant Pastor Helen Lim | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Hello.  The pastor told me that he wouldn’t be able to come today, so he asked me to give the message, but I see that he is here today, so I was praying momentarily about what he wanted me to say, so I will speak about the field.  And while I was praying, and the answer God gave me is, I want to see how you are all holding onto the pulpit message.  So I said, “Yes, I understand,” and I am out here in obedience.  

Every Saturday when Pastor Park sends us the message for Sunday, I read the title first, and I hope you all remember.  The title of the pulpit message is, the High Priest of a New Covenant, Jesus Christ, from Hebrews 8:1-13.  Last week, we received the Word, “God’s Oath, Jesus Christ.”  

God’s Oath, Jesus Christ

I think people in my generation used to lie a lot, because while I was growing up, I heard the phrase, “Do you swear and pinky promise?” a lot.  Even at a young age, I would often cry because I wanted to live an upright life where I kept all the promises I made to my mom and the other adults in my life.  But when I heard about God’s Oath, it came to me as something absolute.  

God’s Oath is Jesus Christ, that itself is the covenant, right?  Every Saturday, around 9pm, Pastor Park uploads the pulpit message outline, and look with anticipation for that every week and I read the title, “The high priest of the new covenant Jesus Christ” and  I realized, “This is the message that will give me conclusion.”  

In the introduction, he said, “You have to understand the background in which the book of Hebrews was written.”  The Jewish people who had converted to Christianity thought it was too odd that Jesus Christ was supposed to be the High Priest when He wasn’t born in the tribe of Levi. I realized that, just as the Jewish people were not able to accept that Jesus Christ is the High Priest because He was from the tribe of Levi, I was able to accept Jesus Christ as the solution to all of my problems.  Then, our faith becomes one where John 19:30, where everything is finished, is not true.

Then, I realized the words of Galatians 2:20, that I have died on the cross and it is Christ who lives in me, is fulfilled even less.  Then, after listening to last week’s pulpit message, I reached the conclusion from this week’s pulpit message, that the words God is giving, is not only to the Hebrew people a long time ago, but the words of the new covenant, Jesus Christ, Who is given to us today.  

The conclusion is that if we don’t have the conclusion of Acts 1:1, 3, and 8, we can never have the perfect conclusion of the covenant.  If that’s not my imprint, root, nature, then I cannot taste Acts 1:14.  For me recently, Acts 1:14 has been applied in many ways.  During times of worship, I’m able to confirm Acts 1:14, they devoted themselves to prayer, and there’s nothing that remains other than one heart, whole heart, and continuation.  The characteristic of that time is that the spiritual lives are saved.

In this age, what do you think is the problem that people face, even while they’re young?  In today’s age, all the spiritual and mental problems have been revealed to such an extent that believers and unbelievers alike are able to acknowledge them.  In this day and age, if we’re not able to have only, uniqueness, and re-creation, one heart, whole heart, and only Jesus Christ, we aren’t able to confirm that Jesus Christ is always with us.

Lately, I’ve been praying and meditating on the Word. I’ve seen my own colors of Genesis 3 are coming out, and that’s what I call, “Going back to my father’s house in Ur of Chaldea.”  All week long, the leaders of regional churches take the Word of the pulpit and relay that Word in the field. And as we speak and listen to the words of God every day, there are new things that are imprinted, rooted, and natured in me every day.  

So, now I want to give you my own testimony and organize the pulpit message from the way of salvation. That’s the message we always take to the field and the Way of Salvation is so organized in our church bulletin.  

God – Man

I’m a children’s minister, so every time I give them this message, I put their names in it, I say, “God created you in His image, Genesis 1:27.”  

Genesis 1:27 Image (Spiritual Being) = Within us (Throne)

I know we’ve gone to so many trainings and we’ve heard this so many times that it seems beginner level, but the fact that we’re created in God’s image means that we’re created as spiritual beings.  It says He planted this inside of us. I’m just giving my testimony right now, I’m not giving the message, but in the past, I was thankful enough alone to realize I was made in God’s image but recently, I’ve been understanding that the blessings of the throne of heaven are within me.  Not only am I thankful to God but now I have no choice but to testify of this outside. 

We are told to imprint this, I grew up in the culture of many generations, and everyone in my generation says whether they are believers or unbelievers, they say blessings come from heaven.  They’re not saying these words from the Bible, but they say that rich people are also born from heaven.  If you throw away something small like a grain of rice, they’ll say you’ll be punished from heaven, too.  These are just cultural phrases. So for me, I used to believe that if I left any rice and threw it away, then I would get punished from heaven, and I beloved that as if they were words from the Bible.  But God has already placed that blessing of heaven inside of me when He created me.

Reason?  Word, Goal

Imagine how shocked I was.  What is the reason God gave us all this? Because God always has a reason and a goal, God wants to communicate with us through His Word. God gave us these blessings, so that we can communicate with him through his word and save and bless this world. God gave us this covenant and as soon as we had the Exodus out of Egypt, God gave us the tabernacle with the Holy place, it was the age of the Church.  

Ark of the Covenant, Tabernacle, Church = Worship

God gave us the age of the church, and now we’re receiving the blessing of worship. So, in the past, I used to think that if people said, “If you have victory in worship, you have victory in life; if you fail in worship, you fail in life,” and I just thought it was a slogan, but now that I realize height and depth, of these words I realize this blessing is ours.  I go beyond that and believe it is the greatest time of blessing where we receive God’s Word and glorify God.  In the past, people would just tell me to have quiet time, so I said, “Yes, okay fine,” and if I didn’t remember the Word of God, I would open the Bible randomly and think about the words I read.  But that wasn’t it.

Pulpit Message

We listen to God’s Word during worship time, and that’s why I held onto the words of the pulpit.  Because the pulpit message is the Word God gives us every single week, for us at this time, at this location, not to anyone else, and this is the Word God fulfills every single week.  So, I hold onto that pulpit message, I have today’s prayer, and I think about today’s evangelism with this Word as well.  Now, starting from Genesis 1:27, being created in God’s image, I have taken it out on how I hold onto the pulpit message, and I just want to tell you how I do this.

Genesis 1:28

“God blessed them,” Whom did God bless? It was the people God created in God’s image, and because this is my specific testimony, God is blessing me who was created in God’s image and  holding onto His pulpit message.  In the past, I used to just give the message of creation, Genesis 1 to the kids, “On day 1, He created this, and day 2, He created this,” but now I realized, after He created man, He said it was, “Very good.”  

Why did God say it was very good? Was it because God created it? No, as I was praying deeply, I realized that God was thinking of us, God was thinking of me when He said it was “very good.”  It’s to give all this to me, the pulpit message is what God wanted to give to me.

Genesis 2:7

It says after God created mankind out of the dirt, He breathed into us the breath of life.  Do you think He just spat the breath of life into us?  No, God loved us so much that He breathed His own breath of life into us and we became a living being.  Lately, as I’ve been thinking about the Way of Salvation, I realized, “This is the reason I need to stake my life for,” and as I meditate upon the pulpit message when I’m by myself, there’s nothing I feel other than true happiness and thanksgiving and because God has this plan, He put the plan to transcend time and space into his breath of life.


For me, this is spiritual strength.  If we don’t have the fundamental spiritual strength to begin with, it’s not even possible for us to pray for the five powers, we cannot even begin to look at the mental, physical, financial, and manpower that come after.  Lately in my regional churches, there are many people getting connected to us.  I think of that as my field, and there are a few people who, no matter what the weather is, rain or shine, they gather together and devote themselves to proclaiming the pulpit message into the region.  Because God loves this, it’s just like you can feel the earth shaking due to an earthquake, God is shaking the entire region.

Spiritual Strength

However, if they don’t have the spiritual strength, they are all saying words of fear, and today, someone made a confession that they’re suffering greatly even though she’s so young.  She’s so afraid that she’s losing sleep and her heart is racing. I said, “This is God’s time schedule.”  Because when God created us, He gave us the breath of life and gave us the breath of life, and he put into us the plan of the spiritual strength that transcends time and space.  

Genesis 2:1-18 237 Light, Root

If you look at Genesis 2:1-18, God gave us the root that shines the light to the 237 nations. This is the message from the Tuesday, 237 discipleship training. If we start from Genesis 1:27-28, this is the message, and we’ve been given the light to shine to the 237 nations, and if we do not shine the light, then we have no choice but to go back into darkness, emptiness, and formlessness.  I take this step further, because I’m not giving a message right now, this is my personal testimony, but if we do not shine the light of the Word of God, we cannot begin to enjoy spiritual strength.  Without the Word of God, without the Word from the pulpit message, if I say I want to shine the light of the 237 nations, it’s all just empty talk.


God works everything centered on His Word; God’s covenant to us is His Word, and when human beings fall away from that, then we suffer. In Genesis 2:17, God gave us the Word to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Who do you think is the most jealous of our eternal blessing of living eternally in the Garden of Eden?  It is Satan.


He is spiritual, and he knows the spiritual things and knows what to take away from us from the Word of God. It’s the same thing today, if he takes the pulpit message away from us, he knows we’ll be in misery and failure for the rest of the week.  Because he knows the Word of God is what we need, Satan holds us from God’s Word.  

Genesis 3:4-5, Romans 3:23

Instead, we hold onto Satan’s words, and Satan’s words are from Genesis 3:4-5, “You can be like God,” it’s all about me.  We’re separated from God, and what do you think is the greatest suffering? It’s from being separated from God.  Because we don’t have the word of God inside of us, we are always spiritually thirsty,  we are impatient, we have fear, we have panic attacks even to the point where we may even throw up.  Only the Bible tells us that this is because of sin.

If you go out into the world, even if you receive grace on Sunday and say, “Thank You for the pulpit message,” but you go out into the world completely irrelevant to the Word of God, no one will call you a sinner.  It’s just that, by myself, I’m living a life separated from God’s Word in disbelief and in suffering and pity, a life of hell.  

You know exactly what’s going to happen immediately as soon as you lose hold of the Word of the pulpit, so if you want to live happily and peacefully, quickly stake your life on holding onto the covenantal pulpit.  There are four leaders of regional churches who go around giving the message, and we always put the message to the test.  I told them, “Don’t make this work; don’t make this your goal. You’re not trying to copy the pastor’s pulpit message exactly.  What’s important is that you’re taking your God-given Word on Sunday and relaying the evidence God has given in your every day life, but instead, you’re trying to copy the message exactly and out it on the way of salvation, so it’s hard and burdensome for you.”

The Word of God has to come inside of me and become imprinted for it to become my true prayer. Then, when that’s rooted into my heart, it doesn’t matter whom I meet in the field; as soon as I meet someone, that Word is naturally coming out of me.  If you just organize the Word so you can try to relay a message, you can’t relay it to anyone you meet unless you’re looking at your notes.  Then the pulpit message cannot work in a living way.  When I received the Word from the pulpit this way, it reminded me of Ezekiel 47, so I told all of them to read that chapter.  

If you read Ezekiel 47, it says, “The water of life flows from the temple and joins the rivers and bears fruit and life,” and Ezekiel said that when he was only knee deep, he could walk around, but he kept going until he was submerged in the water.  Just as God showed that vision to Ezekiel, I hope you, the members of the church, may be able to see and experience the importance of the covenantal pulpit message every time you worship.

John 8:44

So, people thought the sin and separation were caused by their own actions, but it was actually because of John 8:44, our father is the devil.  I say this basic message a lot to little children, and I ask them, “Raise your hand if there’s anyone who can solve these fundamental problems,” and I even offer a reward, but there’s not a single student who raises their hand to say they can solve these problems.  

6 States of Non-Believer  

If we’re able to show the answer to the people of the field accurately through the words of the pulpit message about what exactly happens when we’re separated from the word of God, which is the 6 states of the unbeliever, then there’s no one who wouldn’t be hooked on this.  Because we’re not able to solve the three fundamental problems, we have spiritual problems, mental problems, and physical problems. And even 20 years ago when we talked about mental and physical problems, people denied that, but now in this age, people have so many problems that everyone agrees.

People Outside of God’s Covenant  

Lately when I counsel with remnants I tell them of the present reality of the age, and a lot of the students are so unfortunate.  When I give the Way of Salvation, I always put the six states of the unbelievers, “People outside of God’s covenant.”  There was a remnant I spoke with who felt so bad for kids nowadays because not even the adults, teachers, or parents know what they’re going through.  I asked what that is they said they have severe depression, they have powerlessness and aren’t able to concentrate, but that’s actually not the problem. Those are the problems we see with our eyes, that everybody knows.

There’s something invisible deep within our hearts, and because this is so unknown, it’s very severe and serious; it goes beyond counseling.  In the past, if I had a family problem, I would go to a close friend and it felt momentarily as if the problem were resolved, Or we would look for someone older than me, so we would seek a mentor, but that doesn’t work.  If you try to counsel these students about the severity of their problems, they say, “It’s okay, I don’t care, I’m going to die soon anyway,” so they don’t care about their problem.

I felt so bad as I listened to these remnants, and I thought, “These remnants have a covenant of death.”  But what we’ve been given is the New Covenant of the High Priest, Jesus Christ.  Pastor Park says, “No one can fight against someone who’s willing to stake their life on something,” and if this covenant of Jesus Christ, who is the High Priest, does not get relayed to the next generation who is our spiritual inheritance, no one can overcome this problem.

Whose fault is this?  Is it the responsibility of the President? No. Is it the responsibility of the church?  The only issue is, what is the accurate covenant being relayed to the church, what is going into me, what is being relayed through me?  I want to summarize it like this because I’m running out of time, but if you don’t hold onto the pulpit message, then forget about thinking about, “I’m going to receive answers to prayers, I’m going to save my familyline, I’m going to do evangelism andI’m going to have answers to prayer.”  Don’t even think about Matthew 6:33.  I’m able to speak so strongly because it’s my personal experience; I’m giving a testimony of my personal experience right now.

Hebrews 8:9-10 

You have all been given the pulpit message, so I won’t go through all of it with you, but apply it to the pulpit message.  For me, I especially held onto Hebrews 8:9-10.  This is the Word I’m holding onto and shouting all week.  “They did not remain faithful to my covenant.”  I want to emphasize that they who did not remain faithful to God’s covenant are they who did not remain faithful to God’s pulpit message. Then, He turns away from them, declares the LORD.

Turned Away  

I held onto ,”He will turn away from them,” and then what happens?  Even if you work yourself to death from the early evening until the late evening to study and make money, if God doesn’t take care of you and protect you, it will all flow out of you.  A lot of people are shocked when I say I’m 81 years old, but the only thing I do is I remain within God’s covenant through the pulpit message, then no matter what happens to my life, God has to heal me.  

The reason God is allowing us to hear these words right now, right here, is because, as I said earlier, the economy of light is given to us from heaven.  I’m so happy and thankful that we’re the church that is able to pray for Temple Construction, holding onto the blessings from the throne of heaven as well as the spiritual strength that transcends time and space.

I told the teachers to tell their remnants and all the properly they are ministering with about the tithe.  If you don’t tell someone else the way to receive blessings, that’s your fault, because those people are going to go out into the world and work so hard to gain blessings in the world, but it’s all so futile.  First and foremost, I must become a disciple myself, and the way to do that is not just by praying, “I hope I become a disciple,” but by holding onto the pulpit message and seeing how it is fulfilled in my life, whether I’m victorious, or whether I fail. It is holding onto the pulpit message covenant that makes me a disciple.  

That’s the way to become a person to whom God will send disciples. Then, God will follow you around and promise to bless you.  That was King David and Joseph. Otherwise, God will follow you around to take away all the blessings you’ve gained already.  If I’m not remaining within the new covenant of the High Priest Jesus Christ, God will follow me and take away the blessings I already have, and that was King Saul.

In order to save us from the six states of the unbeliever, it says in Hebrews 8:3, “Every high priest is appointed to give both gifts and sacrifices and so it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer.”  What is it that Christ offered? Jesus Christ died on the cross, went down to hell, and resurrected to solve these 3 fundamental problems and poured the life of the Holy Spirit upon us.  When we went through the book of John in our church, I was so fascinated, because whenever Jesus speaks anything, he is always expressing it in oneness with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.  

Even as Jesus was saying His own words, they were the same words as the Holy Spirit and God the Father, and I realized that the Triune God is truly so accurate.  So, the conclusion I came to from this pulpit message is that Jesus Christ, the High Priest of the New Covenant is truly the perfect and complete covenant, and this is what I received from last week’s and this week’s pulpit message is that the scripture passage from the Bible has everything concluded.  Therefore, no matter what it is you’re doing, whether we’re doing Holy Wind or something else, our only way is to testify of Jesus Christ Who is the perfect, complete, and eternal High Priest of the New Covenant.  We are actualizing the blessings of the Temple Construction that will save the 237 nations and do the ministry of healing and raising disciples to the summit.  


The way for me to actualize that is by teaching even little children about tithing.  This week, I told the teachers to make piggy banks for the students and to decorate it very prettily and write, “Temple Construction” on it.  It doesn’t even take a dollar, and the adults should do this as well.  You may laugh about it, but we’re told that our children look at us from behind, that we are their models. Let us have this Word movement that will share this accurate covenant to the empty places in every region.

So for me, I’m someone who thinks I receive a lot of grace when my heart starts racing from God’s Word, but after we read through Hebrews 1, starting from Hebrews 3, my heart wouldn’t stop racing when I read the word of God, and I would worry about this a lot even until 2am, because I’d have to give the message the next day at lunch, and I would wonder if I should just go to sleep.  

The next day during lunchtime, my granddaughter came up to me and told me, “Grandma, you should watch Squid Game,” and told my son to give me the Netflix password so I could watch it.  Of course, my son was angry with her, “Do you know what kind of show ‘Squid Game’ is? How could you recommend that your grandmother watch it?” How she responded is, “It’s okay, Dad, because when Grandma watches it, she’s going to receive a message from it so she should watch it.”  

I was desperate at 2:30am, so I watched a 30-minute summary of squid games to see what kind of message I could receive.  I grew up back in the days when we would enjoy playing, “Red Light, Green Light,” in the playground with all our friends, and it was our source of camaraderie and joy.  But then when I saw the summary of Squid Games, it looked like I was seeing a summary of John 8:44 where something that was so joyful and beautiful turned into something so murderous and sinister.  

“He is a murderer from the beginning,” and if we lose hold of the covenant of the pulpit message, then I will know exactly by what I will be murdered and enslaved by throughout the week, so I was so eager for the pulpit message and I was thinking, “I wonder what kind of message God will give us tomorrow.”  I saw the image of the beautiful creation of mankind exactly on the screen, deceived by Satan, telling us we can be our own God, so he leads us down the path of death and destruction and I saw it so clearly in Squid Game.  I was so happy by myself, giving thanks to God, I was so thankful that we have a pulpit message that declares only Jesus Christ.  

If you guys lived until my age, you would understand how beautiful and delightful “Red Light, Green Light” was, it was so fun, and I loved it so much, but how did they turn something so beautiful and delightful into death and darkness?  Let us pray.


God, we thank You so much.  We thank You for guiding us so we may speak only of Jesus Christ Who is the High Priest of the New Covenant.  Lord, we pray that You will work so that the words of the pulpit may flow through all the dying 50 states of America.  We pray that You will give us the spiritual strength through these words to work to save all the people from the youngest children to the elderly.  We pray that You will guide us so that that spiritual strength will be connected to our prayers and our evangelism.  We pray for all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

When you listen to the message, you have to listen to it through the background of the messenger. If you don’t understand the background of the messenger, it’s possible to misunderstand the message.  It’s the same with the Bible, you have to understand the accurate message of the age in order for the accurate message to go into you.  When the messenger gave the message today, you have to understand what background they matured under to understand why they’re giving the message they are.  

She grew up for a very long time in a Christian family background, and the assistant pastor’s mother was an assistant pastor as well.  She came to America early and served all the American churches; she really has tried everything.  She received the grace of the gospel; however, she lived most of her entire life completely blind to the spiritual things, and she gives the message with this background.  

She loved the gospel so much she spent a long time receiving training in Korea, and she went evangelizing as much as she could, but she personally realized there was something still missing.  She is giving her message from the background of the answers she received, which is the importance of the   stream of the pulpit message.

People who wandered the same way she did would understand.  People who don’t understand will continue to wander, and I’m sorry to say this, but they have to wander even more.  That’s this background with which she speaks, and this is how I received this message today.  

I’m not speaking about the Sunday message because I’m the pastor, but in order to give one message, we struggle the entire week.  Even if she’s giving one message, she’s losing sleep over it, she stays up until the early morning and even watched Squid Games. That’s what a messenger is, it’s impossible to just stand her and give a  message.  It’s impossible for us to give the message until God gives us the assurance that this is truly the message he wants to deliver and we ourselves suffer. It means we are not delivering the message as theory; without a doubt, God has to give the message that is appropriate with this church’s time schedule and the field. 

There are people who receive this message, and those are the ones who receive God’s grace.  But there are also those who live the way the assistant pastor did in the past, and it will take more time for such people.  Because God is alive right now and guides us with His Word, if He feels distant to us, it means we’re holding onto something else.  They personally think they know everything but their hearts are holding onto something else, and it takes a lot of time before they recognize it for themselves.  

Last week, I told you guys, you shouldn’t look at me and compare me to Pastor Ryu, that’s a very big misunderstanding because it means you’re receiving the message while looking at a person. The people who receive the message while looking at a person will not receive the fulfillment of the pulpit message in their life, and it means the evangelism movement will not take place in their field, because I can only relay the Word to the field if God gives me the word through the pulpit. This was God’s method through the Early Church.  That’s not something you understand with your brain, but you understand based on your spiritual state and God’s time schedule. 

I’m giving this extra explanation because she spoke about the pulpit message.  I want to emphasize, because she already spoke about how much she suffered.  If I told it to you, it might be hard for you to believe, but she gave her testimony, that a messenger will suffer and toil if a message isn’t given to them by God.  So, the best way to train someone is to have them give the message.  Every month, we have the remnant teachers give a message, and before the coronavirus pandemic, we had the teachers give the message during EM.  These are the ways to expedite growth.  

There’s the blessing you’ve received, but people don’t know there’s a blessing you relay.  Because people are so stuck in Genesis 3, living centered on themselves, they only think about the blessings they’ve received, but the blessing of “giving” is huge.  Even among you guys today, I’m sure not all of you guys are like this, but if anyone is listening to this message with the heart of wanting to relay this to somebody else, then God will give you the grace and blessing  that goes beyond you. 

I think 99.9% of people will feel one of four ways deep in their hearts.  The first is people who say, “Wow, the Assistant Pastor is giving the message?  Forget about receiving grace today.” The second group of people are the regional church leaders who receive the message with a lot of grace and the third group of people are wondering, “I wonder what grace God will give me today,” and the fourth group of people will receive answers and blessings wherever they are. That will all change depending on the spiritual state and the center with which you look to God during worship.

If someone thinks, “Oh, the Assistant Pastor is speaking today, we can forget about receiving grace,” that’s the person’s spiritual state, they believe in that themselves, they are living their walk of faith with their own thoughts. It wouldn’t satisfy this person even if Jesus Christ came to this earth because they already have their own belief.  But if someone is always wondering, “What grace will God give me today? What is the covenant God is pouring into my field?” Then God will pour His grace and covenant upon these people endlessly. I’ll stop speaking now so I don’t end up giving a message or nagging, but all of us were created with the grace of receiving God’s covenant and ruling over and subduing the earth, but the devil makes us lose hold of that.

Let us pray at this time for this region.  One way of evangelizing is to tell them directly with your words by relaying the message, but another way of evangelism that predates that is by working through the Holy Spirit by your prayers.  People who believe that when you pray, the Holy Spirit realistically and actually works, will find joy in prayer, but people who don’t believe in this will find prayer tedious, “Do we really have to?” that’s that person’s spiritual state. 

At this time, let’s pray for regional evangelization because I believe when we pray, God works at this time, transcending time and space with the working of the holy spirit.  I believe at this time, the demons are cast out and the forces of darkness are broken as the Kingdom of Heaven is established. Do you believe this? There is no other message. If you believe this, prayer is delightful and everything ends there.  May the Holy Spirit of God work at this time upon your region, your family, your studies, and your company.  Even if I don’t speak to them directly, may the Holy Spirit work upon them in advance. Let us pray.

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of god, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire to hold onto and testify of Jesus Christ, the High Priest of the New Covenant, upon all the multiethnics, the remnants, upon all their businesses and studies, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.


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