The High Priest of a New Covenant, Jesus Christ (Heb. 8:1-13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The High Priest of a New Covenant, Jesus Christ (Heb. 8:1-13)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I pray the great grace of God will be upon all the families worshiping in the church, in their homes, and especially out of state.  

Today’s scripture is from Hebrews 8:1-13 and the title of today’s message is, “The High Priest of a New Covenant, Jesus Christ.” You have to know the background and content of Hebrews 8, because if you know the background, the message will go into you.  If you don’t know the background, then the message will be incorrectly relayed, and you will not be aligned with the message God is giving.

The background of today’s scripture is that the people who used to be Jews and lived a long time in legalism have now converted to Christianity, they don’t understand the fact that the High Priest, Jesus Christ, forgave their sins.  Because the priest and high priest were supposed to come from the tribe of Levi, but Jesus Christ was born from the tribe of Judah, where the kings are supposed to come from, so it didn’t make sense to the Jews, and because of that, their faith was not able to mature beyond that of a child.

The perfect and complete gospel had been given to them, but the things that had been imprinted, rooted, natured in them for a long time, in other words, the law, was preventing them from enjoying it.  We were people who used to worship idols, and all peoples, other than the Israelite people, were idol worshipers.  It doesn’t fit with the message at all.  But what’s the thing we regard as greatest?  We say that humans are precious, we say that, “I’m the best,” that’s why we think money is everything, success is everything.  

In the midst of this, when they hear, “Jesus is everything,” they cannot accept it. These are the incorrect lies that have been imprinted in us for the longest time, just like the Jewish people were imprinted, and it stops us from enjoying the gospel.  We have been given the perfect and complete blessing, but we’re not able to enjoy it, and that’s the content of today’s message.

It’s not about finding what is perfect and complete; what is perfect and complete has already been given to us, but we’re not able to enjoy it because of our incorrect imprint, root, and nature.  These Hebrews were being tempted by the Jewish people from the church, and they say things like “Look the priest is still giving their sacrifices, and you guys are giving your worship with work,” but there’s more than that.  That’s the content of Hebrews.

1.  High Priest

  1) We have such (Heb. 8:1)

In Hebrews 8:1, the point is this, that we have a High Priest. It’s not that we don’t have a high priest, we do have one, but He is no longer slaughtering calves and lambs.  There is a true High Priest.  They were holding onto something counterfeit to wait for something that is real.  Just like how children have toy cars that they can practice with until they have their real cars, that’s how it was in the Old Testament.

    (1) In Heaven – The sanctuary, the true Tabernacle (Heb. 8:1-2)

    (2) Majesty (Heb. 8:1)

    (3) Right hand of the throne in heaven (Heb. 8:1)

Heb. 8:1-2 says He is seated right now at the throne of the Majesty in Heaven.  This Word is saying, everything we’ve learned from Moses is a shadow that represents the true thing, all the feasts, the Tabernacle, all the sacrifices, represent this truth. The High Priest you are talking about does exist, and right now,  He is seated at the right hand of the Throne of the majesty of Heaven.

The Throne of Heaven.  In the Old Testament, there was a Tabernacle, and that was meant to represent the Throne and the Holy of Holies.  The High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies to atone for the sins of the Israelites, and that was simply the form.  Now,the One who is the actualization of that form is seated at the right hand of the Majesty of Heaven. 

The “right hand of the Throne” does not mean he is physically seated at the right hand, but he is at the same level as God.  The Jewish people revolted against this.  Stephen started to confess that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, and the Jewish people stoned him because of that.  The Jewish people began to revolt against this message, “How could you claim that our Jehovah God is at the same level as Jesus?” But this True High Priest is seated at the right hand of the Throne now, it’s the real thing.

  2) Sat down (Heb. 8:1)

What does it mean that He is seated there?  

    (1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

The fact that He is seated there means He has finished the entire ministry of the cross and he is seated at the throne now. He finished everything in John 19:30. You have to believe this in order to really believe.  You have to believe this in order for you to believe in the God Who is seated at the right hand of the Throne of Heaven and is realistically working upon you right now.  

He has solved all the problems of our past, present, and future, but even as we go to church, we can’t acknowledge that. It’s quite unfortunate, then they don’t even know what Jesus has finished.  They keep asking questions like, “I still have financial problems; what problems did He finish?”

    (2) Solved the problem of Sin, Satan, Hell

What are the real problems of mankind?  The true things are invisible. It is the problem of the sin that separated us from God, Satan, and Hell.  These are invisible, and because they’re invisible, people don’t know about them, and that’s why they keep talking about visible problems as problems.  Though they are correct, it’s not correct, and that’s why they keep living incorrect lives. It’s not a problem but they keep racing towards it as if it is.  But all the problems come from these three invisible, spiritual problems, and Jesus Christ finished all these problems once and for all through His death and resurrection.  That’s what it means, “It is finished,” He finished everything and is now seated at the right hand of the Throne of Heaven.  

    (3) Who serves (Heb. 8:2)

He is serving in the sanctuary now through intercessory prayers and gifts.  He has completely finished the ministry of the cross, He resurrected and is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven, and is with us now, helping us overcome our weaknesses. What happens if you don’t know this? Then you have to live at the level of the things of the earth.  If you don’t understand that, you’ll have to rely on pastors, ministers, and priests even today.  

For us, our High Priest is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven and is with us now as the Holy Spirit, and we must be completely satisfied with this.  The pastor is simply playing the role of relaying the Word, but wherever this one person goes, God follows with His works.

  3) Mediator of the covenant (Heb. 8:6)

In Heb. 8:6, it says Jesus is the mediator of the covenant.  In order for you to be a mediator, you have to understand both sides well.  You can only be the mediator of a wedding if you know both the groom and the bride.  In order to be this mediator, you have to know people as well as know God.  If you only know God and you don’t know people, you cannot be the mediator.  

    (1) True God (1 Tim. 2:5)

    (2) True Human (1Tim. 2:5)

That’s why Jesus Christ is the True God, and yet He came as a human being.  Only this Jesus could play the role of a mediator. Whatever you tell people is meaningless because Jesus directly tells our situation to God.  

    (3) Way, Truth, Life (Jn. 14:6)

He knows everything inside of us and says, “I am the Way, the Truth,and the Life,” there is no other way to go to God. All other words may be correct, but they’re incorrect because they’re not the truth. All other words cannot save life.  Only Jesus Christ, Who is the High Priest of the new covenant, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

2. New Covenant

  1) Old covenant (Heb. 8:9)

Then in today’s scripture, in Heb. 8:9, it talks about the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.  What does it mean by the “Old Covenant”?

    (1) Ten Commandments (Ex. 20:1-17)

The Old Testament spoken about in Heb. 8:8 and onward is talking about Ex. 20, where God gave the Ten Commandments as a covenant with His people.

    (2) If you keep the covenant (Ex. 19:5)

In Ex. 19:5, God says, “If you fully keep this covenant, the Ten Commandments, then you will be My disciples and You will be My people and all nations will be blessed through you.”  But there is the condition “If you keep this covenant,” but what happens if they didn’t keep it?  All those blessings would be taken away. That was the Old Covenant.  In reality, all these great blessings were hidden within this Old Covenant.

    (3) God’s possession (Ex. 19:5)

The fact that we are God’s treasured possession means we become His children. Everything you’re worried about should be finished as a child of God.  You’re only worried because you don’t know what it means to be a child of God. God completely takes care of His children, but in the Old Testament, there was a condition attached, “If you keep My covenant,” and because they were not able to keep it, they lost hold of all these blessings. The Covenant of the Old Testament, the Old Covenant, had a lot of conditions, it could not be complete. The Word is telling them this, because at the time, all the people were holding onto the priest, the Tabernacle of the Old Testament, but it’s imperfect, so throw it away.

    (4) A kingdom of priests (Ex. 19:6)

God says, “I’ll make you into a kingdom of priests,” and that is an incredible blessing. Inside of this is contained money, and everything, but we lose hold of all of that because we lose hold of the covenant.  What’s the Kingdom of Priests? In other words, it means you will play the mediator between God and the world, and that’s the work Jesus did and that’s the role God entrusted to the Israelites.  God is saying, “I will entrust the role that God Himself is doing, to the Israelites,” and we will do this work together. This complete blessing has been given to us.

1 Peter 2:9 says we are the spiritual kings, spiritual priests, and spiritual prophets. We are the spiritual kings who do not envy the kings of the world, because Satan bows before us. Satan doesn’t kneel before the kings of the world; if anything, Satan controls the kings of the world, but we are the spiritual kings who can give the answer to the kings of the world.

The fact that we are spiritual priests means we block all the curses and disasters of the world. These blessings have been given to us, but we still squabble over money and success; we’re always seeking after rubbish like my pride, my position, my location.  If you lose hold of these blessings, you have no choice but to live worse off than an unbeliever.  If the US Ambassador is sent to Europe, then the ambassador’s needs are all contained within his role.  If I’m an ambassador of Jesus Christ and I’m doing the work that God Himself is doing, then within all these things are money, success, healing, and everything, and God is making it so that those who have ulterior motives cannot understand.

If someone is only interested in things that will help them make money or bring them success, they have no interest in being an ambassador of Christ.  There weren’t many people in the Old Testament who were able to understand this, but all the people who held onto the incorrect blessings fell.  You must hold onto the true blessings. The true blessings are invisible to your eyes, however, if you hold onto the true blessings, everything else will follow.  Just as when you become the President, everything follows. If you have been called as the spiritual ambassador, the spiritual priest, everything will follow.

Paul didn’t know this, but even when he went to church, he thought the knowledge and success of the world was everything, and once he found this truth in Jesus Christ, he considered all other things as rubbish because all he needed was Jesus.  Within Jesus are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

    (5) A holy nation (Ex. 19:6)

In Romans 8:32, God asked, “If I have given you My Son, wouldn’t I give you all things as well?” You are a holy nation.  “Holy nation” means that even though there are many people who look like you and go to the same school and live the same way, you are set apart.  

  2) Failure of the old covenant

    (1) Israel did not remain in the covenant (Heb. 8:9)

    (2) God turned away from them (Heb. 8:9)

    (3) Israel did not have the strength to follow

These were all the blessings given to the Israelites, but Hebrews 8:9 says, they lost hold of these blessings because they were not able to keep the covenant. Simply put, Moses came down with the 10 Commandments, but when he came down, all the Israelites were participating in idolatry, so even if God writes His commands in stone, we cannot keep them. That’s why God promises to give us a New and Complete Covenant. 

  3) New covenant (Heb. 8:8)

    (1) Record the word in my thoughts, heart (Heb. 8:10)

    (2) Relationship between God and His people (Heb. 8:10, 1 Pt. 2:9)

This is the covenant in Hebrews 8:10 that God Himself will put into our minds and write on our hearts. It’s not enough to put it down on stone, but He needs to write it directly on our hearts.  God is telling us not to neglect or forsake the true things for the fake things, and we are the same.  We keep talking about what kind of people we are, but only when you’re within Christ is everything restored.

Who am I? I’m one who will never be destroyed before Christ. Your face is very unique.  Are you confident in your face?  My daughter wants to get her ears pierced. She’s in middle school. “Are you not confident in your face?” and she was speechless.  I told her, “even if you don’t pierce your ears, the children of God should be able to finish everything with the light that shines from their face.”  From that point on, you have the freedom to accessorize with earrings or not, it’s an option for you, but you have to have the confidence of a child of God; it doesn’t matter if your ears are pierced or not.  If you need it one day, you put it in, and if you don’t, you take it out, but you have to finish everything from the light from your face. 

“You’re not finishing with the nose job you got, but you have to finish it with the light.” I went to Korea and all their faces look the same, even the angle of their jawline is the same.  If you look at the young adults in Koreatown, it’s so hard to tell them apart, because they all got plastic surgery, their noses are all the same, and it’s a wonder how that is so. It’s not a matter of telling them to do it or not. If you have the luxury, you can do it, but the problem is that if you think you can create yourself by doing things like this, that’s not right. You must have the confidence of a child of God, and from that point on, it doesn’t matter if you restructure your jawline or not, it doesn’t matter at all if you dye your hair yellow or blue, but if you feel the need to do that, that’s the problem.

In Korea, even men will get plastic surgery.  There’s some people who feel they are too short, so they get surgeries on their knees to elevate themselves a few centimeters. I don’t understand; if anything, I wish I were shorter. I’ve heard a lot of terrible things about my face.  Last week, a pastor said, “Pastor Park, do people outside ever look at you and think you’re a pastor?” I said, “No they don’t, but I actually like it that people don’t recognize that I’m a pastor, because if I were to look holy and people were to know that I’m a pastor, they wouldn’t converse freely with me, but they say anything that’s on their heart.” So there are many people who say, “There’s a pastor who doesn’t look like a pastor but he’s very good.”

Is there a problem with that? What is it that could possibly be a problem? I’m a child of God, everything is finished.  If someone is a child of a president, as long as the president is in office, there’s no problem.  That’s my status. We believe this and enjoy it.  When you face a problem, don’t look at the problem but restore your identity as a child of God, then God will give you the answer and open the way in the problem.  

If there’s any reason to fight, then a child of God should not fight because God will take care of it Himself.  There’s no reason for a child of God to get so afflicted or even commit suicide because of their studies, a child of God should be supported by God.  What kind of prince would ever commit suicide because they’re not good at studying?  Studying well has nothing to do with a prince. Even if this prince is not good at studying at all, they will still become the king, so you can enjoy this kind of shamelessly.

If you’re too modest or too self-conscious, it’s hard to enjoy the Word.  If you hurt someone with your words, then simply apologize to them, restore your identity as a child of God, and enjoy the blessings again, but if you’re so afflicted, “I shouldn’t have said that, how am I going to look at them again,” then it’s going to be hard for you to live. We are lacking, so that’s why we were made into children of God, it means we are now living by God’s will; I cannot live by myself.

    (3) New command – Love one another (Jn. 13:34)

    (4) Royal priesthood, prophet (1 Pt. 2:9)

God is saying, “I will give you a new command,” and that’s John 13:34.  It’s still the Ten Commandments, but it’s simplified to “love God and love people.”  How can we love God and love people? You can only love other people if you confirm the love God gave to you by finishing all of your problems on the cross. If I’m still stuck in my own problems, I cannot give my interest or attention to someone else. I have to receive God’s love that finished all my problems on the cross in order for me to be able to love anyone else.

God has given us the perfect blessing, and though He is seated at the throne of heaven, He is working right now. What is the work He is doing? He is doing the intercessory prayer that helps our weaknesses, and even now, He is doing the salvation ministry, and it’s a blessing if I go into that.  If you don’t know this but you live diligently, then you’re working diligently on your own.  You may be satisfied with your life, but you have nothing to do with God. Later on, when your life is finished, you’ll have nothing left. You competed so much, but you have no medal to show for it, because only the diligence that goes into the work God is doing is correct diligence.

3. Holy Spirit

  1) Spirit of truth (Jn. 14:17)

    (1) Within me (Jn. 14:7, Gal. 2:20)

God says He will record this new covenant into our hearts, and how is He going to do that? By giving us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. You must not understand the Holy Spirit incorrectly. If you keep on leaning towards the direction of “The Holy Spirit gives me gifts,” that’s not aligned with God.  There are some religions that describe the Holy Spirit as some kind of energy or Qi, but that’s wrong as well. 

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, what does this mean? Jesus Christ says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” and this means the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus, He is the spirit of our Father God.  What is the work of the Holy Spirit?  

    (2) Teach you all things (Jn. 14:26)

    (3) Remind you of everything I have said to you (Jn. 14:26)

He plays the role of living inside of us and reminding and teaching us the words of Jesus Christ in our thoughts and our hearts, so there’s no reason for you to cling to people so much, because the spirit of Truth, the spirit of Jesus Christ is living within me and teaching me all things. If you’re confused with questions about the future, God says He will show you everything, He will teach you with His Word. So there’s no need to ask people, there’s no reason to go to a fortune teller.  There’s no reason to go searching for a prophet, the Bible says it all. “You will go and make disciples of all nations,” that’s your future, and yet you neglect it and look for a prophet or fortune teller to ask them.  God has already recorded the future in the Bible, then the Holy Spirit comes into us and confirms it as well. 

Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ, and the Holy Spirit lives within me,” that is the new “me.”  The school you graduated from, the color of your skin, the location of your house may be parts of you, but it’s not the true “you.” if you make a misjudgment about who you are, then you will make a misjudgement about all things. Christ living in you is the new “you,” and that’s where healing begins, but if you are not right with this, then everything else will be wrong as well.  You may be aligned with the world, but you will never be aligned with God. But if you have the accurate beginning in this, you will constantly be aligned with God’s Word. 

So it doesn’t matter how bleak your face looks because Christ is with me. And I am living by His skill and ability, I’m living by His plan. But if someone is very humble and has a high sense of conscience, they don’t accept this easily, they say “I still have to do something, don’t I?” No one told you not to, but I’m saying to do this along with the work God is doing, do the work that fulfills God’s plan. Stake your life on the work that God is doing.

People who don’t understand this will ask such elementary level questions, like “If God is doing everything, then does it mean we just stay still and not do anything?” I didn’t understand this at all as an unbeliever. I thought if you were diligent and worked hard and had a strong sense of morality and conscience, things would work out, but that’s not true. I protested a lot, too, because if I saw someone do something incorrect, I had to tell them about it.  There was a police officer who was standing still as a bystander, and I went to rebuke the police officer, saying, “Why are you just observing this?” Of course, when I went to the military, I had to complain about my superiors as well.

I used to think this kind of life was correct, and though it may be correct from an individual’s perspective, it isn’t right with God.  Now that I believe in Jesus Christ, my nature keeps disappearing. “Wow, it’s no longer me, but God who is with me, God gives me His Word in advance and guides me by fulfilling the Word throughout the week.”  I didn’t understand what these words meant.  People used to say, “You just hold onto the word on Sunday and confirm it in the field,” but I wondered, “What am I confirming?” I didn’t understand these words at all.  

People said, “If you receive the Word on Sunday, you confirm it in the field,” but I couldn’t confirm anything. Why was I not able to do this? Because I was not aligned with the work God wanted to do.  God is still doing the work of world evangelization and salvation ministry, but my interest was elsewhere, because I only desired to make money and succeed, so when I went into the field, I thought, “my money and success isn’t changing, what am I confirming?” 

Then Sunday worship was at the level of, “If I receive grace, I like it, but if I don’t, then oh well,” but God gives you His Word in advance for the week, and in every aspect of your life, God is guiding you, fulfilling His Word, but how will you look at that, from what standard? The standard is not whether you’re making more money or becoming more successful or getting things you like. God is fulfilling your field according to the Word of God based on the standard of saving people.  If you are within that, then you will confirm that the Word of the covenant is fulfilled in your field all week long. It doesn’t matter even if you don’t understand because one day, you will, because God will work according to His grace and time schedule.  

    (4) No fear, gives peace (Jn. 14:27)

John 14:27 says when the Holy Spirit comes upon me, He will cast out fear and give us peace.  Fear doesn’t go away. Hebrews 2:14-15 says that all people live as slaves to Satan under the fear of death, and that will never, ever disappear.  However, when the Holy Spirit comes into us and gives us the Word, then the fear goes away, and we have peace instead. This peace does not come from this world, this peace is not man-made, it is a peace that was given to us by God as a blessing from the Throne of heaven, that’s when our addictions and mental problems will end.

Until this point, I’m sorry to say, but even if you do fix those problems, it’s not the end. You may have stopped this problem, but there will be another one.  That’s why each household is different, some have drug addictions, or compulsive stealing, or compulsive lying for others.  Even though it may look different, it’s the same.  If the Spirit of Christ doesn’t go into you and give you peace, people are bound to live in any of these different forms.  

Though we need the help of doctors, doctors cannot give us peace.  It must be the doctor that can give the peace of Jesus Christ in order for that doctor to be right in God’s eyes. All you have jobs because they are physically necessary, but it must be the role that is able to really save other people in order for it to be right with God, then it doesn’t matter what that job is, because I’m able to enjoy that peace and to give the answer of peace to others.

People aren’t able to make eye contact with others because of fear. We are not afraid because of the coronavirus, but the fear that was already inside of us is revealed because of the pandemic; the fear was always there, and before the peace comes into us, we constantly carry around this fear.  Only when we meet some kind of incident will that fear be revealed in a visible way.

We say it’s because of COVID, but that’s not true. That’s how we live our lives, though. The fear is the problem.  How do you fix fear? There’s no way to fix fear other than the peace of Christ.  This blessing has been given to us, then why do we lose hold of it and hold onto something else instead?  That’s what He is saying.  The perfect and complete God is seated at the right hand of the Throne of heaven and is with us now as the Holy Spirit and Life. 

  2) Filling of the Holy Spirit

Peace.  He gives us the filling of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit lives within us, but the filling of the Holy Spirit means the Holy Spirit is completely controlling my thoughts, heart, and spirit entirely.  From that point on, it’s no longer me, but we’re being dragged around by the Holy Spirit.  

When you fall into the deep ocean, you don’t need your own strength anymore because you’ll be swept along by the current. If the water is only coming up to your ankle, then you can make a decision about whether you can go in or come out, but if you’re submerged in the water, then you just go. Just like this, the Holy Spirit completely seizes my thoughts, heart, and spirit, and my thoughts will be dragged around by the decisions of God.

    (1) Spiritual strength (Ac. 1:8)

    (2) Mental, physical, financial, manpower – Strength that follows

    (3) Witness to the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)

In other words, by spiritual strength, wisdom will follow; that’s what it means to be dragged around.  “Dragged around” doesn’t mean we’re being forcefully dragged around, but everything is contained within this. Some people say, “Don’t believe in Jesus Christ too deeply otherwise you’ll turn weird,” and yeah, maybe they have seen some weird people, but when the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, completely fills me, then the mental, physical, financial, and manpower will follow, why? In order to be a witness to the ends of the earth.

This is what I do the most, “God, give me the filling of the Holy Spirit to be a witness to the ends of the earth.”  My IQ is not very high, it’s not even 150, then God gives me wisdom and we’re led with that wisdom. Even though I shouldn’t brag about it, I’m getting healthier and healthier.  I’m in my late 50s, but if I tell people my age, they’re surprised, why? Because I was always sensitive and full of worries.

When I was in the military, I was exhausted, I made my own life miserable because of my own personality and style, that’s just how I lived.  However, once I learned the gospel and enjoyed Jesus Christ, I kept receiving strength to overcome that. I’m too negative, even when I look at my wife, I look at the critical things first, but that’s slowly changing, because if I look at everything critically, I’m not aligned with God, and that’s not right.  Because I’m so critical, even when I’m given something good, I don’t know that it’s good.

That’s my personality style, and this kind of personality is very hard. That’s my father’s style, and my father passed away in his 70s, living such a hard life. Nowadays, everyone lives beyond 80.  He was born in 1931, and he should have lived for a long time, but he died early, and that’s my whole family, but when the gospel came into me, my DNA changed.  I’m someone who should ordinarily be very sensitive, worrying in advance about things that will happen in the future, but it went away. My style is, when someone disagrees with me, I have to fight until the very end until I win, but that’s going away. Even now, I have a little bit left, so if possible, I try not to argue, because I’m a headache. But because God gives me grace, I’m changing as a person.

  3) Working of the Holy Spirit 

    (1) Demons driven out and kingdom of God established (Mt. 12:28)

    (2) Works that transcend time and space

Whenever you pray, the Holy Spirit works, transcending time and space.  Without directly going into the field, without waiting a day or a week, God is working right now in the field with the Holy Spirit.  Right now, at this time, when you hold onto the Word of God and pray, God is working in advance for the rest of the week. When the Triune God works, it means He is moving His heavenly hosts of angels.  When God says, “Go,” they go, why? Because they must fulfill God’s Word, therefore whenever you hold onto God’s Word and pray, God is already working, transcending time and space, then when you go to your field on Monday, you’re able to confirm that God has fulfilled His Word in advance.

    (3) All nations – Light (Ac. 2:9-11, Mt. 28:18-20)

But I said this earlier, because you have so many motives for money and success, you cannot see it. If you just change this, you’ll be able to confirm. These are the blessings we’ve been given, we’ve been given the blessing to shine the light to save the 237 nations of the world. We would have to take a plane to go, but when we’re praying at this seat, holding onto the covenant, God works, and undoubtedly, this answer will come to us as an answer.

These are the blessings God has given us, but what happens when we lose hold of these blessings? You’ll live at the level of an unbeliever, and even though unbelievers stake their lives so diligently, we cannot follow. But if you’re able to enjoy the blessings God has given you, unbelievers cannot compete with you. You’re able to organize everything even as you’re seated. 

Today, right now, unbelievers have to work as well, but for you, when you sit and worship, God works ahead of you, and that’s worship.  These are the blessings we can enjoy to our heart’s content.  After worship ends and you go home, enjoy this there as well; enjoy this in your professional field, because He is seated at the throne of heaven and He is also within me, fulfilling His work through me.  May you and I enjoy and testify these blessings throughout the week.  


1. Petition for me right now from the throne of heaven

2. Comes through the Holy Spirit and guides, works

3. Work that saves all nations


I believe that today, when we pray holding onto the Word God gave us, He will work in advance in our fields, transcending time and space.  Let us pray together.

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