21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – One Heart

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – One Heart

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han


God, we thank You.  God, we pray that You will work with the evangelist’s lifestyles to become our imprint, root, and nature.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

What kind of lifestyle must an evangelist have?  There are many circumstances and problems we face in life, then how must we live in our lives?  There’s a problem of sin, Satan, and curses.  Nothing else is a problem. Every other problem stems from these problems.  It doesn’t matter how much you try to solve the resulting problems. If you don’t solve the fundamental problems, it’s useless. 

Only Christ (John 19:30)

It is finished, so my state has been changed with Christ, so it doesn’t matter how many problems come my way, I’m not longer shaken.  As I enjoy the Gospel, the spiritual Word, and evangelism, then everything is restored. Otherwise, I still live for myself, for physical things, and success.  Reach the conclusion, “This is everything I need,” then everything else are the physical answers that follow.

God already promised, “Lord, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  All he did was believe and confess this, then God said, “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah,” and everything is a blessing within this context.

If there’s a river in this region, everything in this region will come to life. If a person receives the spiritual blessing of Jesus Christ, everything turns into a blessing.  God will get rid of the problems. If I’m lacking, God covers over it. It does not change with my actions, that’s the external things that change, but the inner things will not change.  God has to give us grace to work upon us, then we are naturally changed. 

We don’t change because we try to change, but we are changed. Why? Because God is already doing His work through me. If I have too many weaknesses, He knows them and will take care of them, so that’s the first aspect of the life of the evangelist.  If you don’t know this aspect of the gospel, you’ll be religious and legalistic.

You received the gospel but you talk about yourself? It’s not about you, but you take place within the gospel, but religious and legalistic people are centered on themselves and cannot begin the life of the evangelist.  What follows is the kingdom of God. God changes curses into blessings with His word; God is everywhere with His Word, then what a huge blessing this is. God raises us to the position to do world evangelization.  We don’t do world evangelization but God changes us to do world evangelization. 

Heavenly Mandate

What did God command in Matthew 28?  Why did He command this? It means you can’t not relay this, so that’s why it’s called the Great Commission. This isn’t something optional, it’s God’s heavenly mandate that everyone must receive this through only Christ.

Your life is an accumulation of todays, so what’s important is today. Tomorrow hasn’t yet come, so it’s today, today’s calling, what I must do before God today. It’s very important. 

Once it becomes Monday, you have to ask, “Today.”  What is the calling that God desires for me today?  Today, at church, what is the calling God will give me? This is unprecedented and never repeated, so we gather to make a masterpiece of a lifetime.  God will reveal the talents of the remnants for this purpose.

God gave everyone talents, and God gives you the answer of specialization where you take the talent and develop it into a skill, that’s normal.  Abnormal means you don’t know what to do, it’s the same as saying God doesn’t exist.  Then, God has prepared your field to use your talent and specialization.

Continuously receive blessings. Christ is sufficient, complete, and everything.  You need nothing other than Christ, and that’s how you really know Christ. Do you not need anything else? Are you not going to eat? That’s not what this means, is it? It means you have to have the conclusion that everything comes from within Christ.  If you don’t understand these words, you won’t gather everything to one heart and everything becomes complicated, like your life and the work you’re doing.

Then, the gospel will be confusing and the disasters aren’t broken down. Everything is in Jesus Christ and everything comes from within Christ and everything is restored by relaying the gospel, come to this conclusion.

Acts 2:1

There was a time God predestined, all around the Bible, it talked about the time, it’s not when I want, but it’s the time God prepared. That’s the day of the Pentecost.  Why? Because this means it’s the working of the Holy Spirit.  So, God aligned it with this timing and gave them the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Why does God work on Sundays? Because that’s the time God has prepared. You must know this well.  They were all together in one place, meaning they had one heart. This is very important.  If a family has one heart, then disasters in that family will be broken down.  If the church gathers with one heart, then the darkness in the region is broken because God works. It’s important for the church to become one. If your body is one, you go in one direction. If you try to go but your legs say you can’t, then you can’t go and you can’t work.

If the church becomes one, then the work that God desires will come out. All the disasters in the region will be broken, how? Through God’s Word.  If you want to align your thoughts with mine, that’s a hobby or a club.  If there’s a ski club or scuba diving club, you can become one through that club, but the church is not an organization for hobbies. It’s not a family meeting either, but we are one with the words of Christ.  Then, the darkness is broken.

Even if you don’t break down the darkness, it will be broken down on its own.  As the entirety of the church holds onto the faith God gave them, the darkness crumbles, and the Word movement arises and the life movement takes place.  But if this doesn’t take place, then things cannot follow.  That is why, when the Israelites were having the Exodus from Egypt, they put the blood on their doorposts as one.  Same with the Mizpah movement, all the Israelite community had to throw away their idols to come before God.  The disasters of the idols of Israel were broken, that’s when the remnant David arose.

We have our remnant conferences, we gather and the kids receive God’s Word. If too many people gather, it’s hard to become one, so only the ones who should come will come. It’s important that we become one. Discipleship isn’t about gathering many people, but those who should come will come.  Even if there’s only two people, they become one, and those who desire to become one with the Word of God will gather together, then the filling of the Holy Spirit will come and break down the forces of darkness in that place.  As we do that, the physical things are restored.

That’s why it’s very important to make everything into one heart. If the pastor tries to make everything one heart with ideologies, everyone has their own ideologies, like helping the less fortunate or a justice ideology, and if that ideology is being relayed through the Bible, then people become one with the ideology and not God’s Word, so one day the church will be broken and collapse. The family collapses and they all pray to Satan.

You cannot overcome with ideology, but every person has an ideology, an underlying, moving ideology.  We are not becoming one with that, but we are becoming one with God’s Word. As we continuously relay God’s Word, people have to gather, and that’s the true revival. Using God’s Word and mixing ideologies, even if they come, they will all leave, so people must gather by the working of the Holy Spirit.

For example, if someone uses the Word of God to give the prosperity ideology, then that church will be centered on prosperity, and one day, the devil will visit everyone.  Let’s say the pastor uses the Word of God to subtly imprint legalism. After time passes, everyone will be legalistic, and that’s when the devil will come in.  That’s not God’s Word movement, but that’s imprinting other things.

Some people are stingy or shrewd with their money, living an ascetic, but clean and upright life.  People who have an ideology, “We don’t need money,” but you deliver the Word of God with this ideology? But instead, you pretend like you’re so elevated, “I don’t need material things,” and this gets passed down.  So, you go out of your way to bike everywhere and the pastor drives a very bad car because he thinks he should live in honest poverty. It’s the Word of God, but other ideologies are creeping in, then one day, everyone will become one, but it’s different, and they will practice being one, but it will collapse.

The people who are able to distinguish the Word of God can recognize this, one heart. One heart.  The members of the Early Church had no capabilities but they had one heart with the Word of God, and that’s important. 

Isaiah 26:3

People who are steadfast in one heart, the unity where everyone is made into one. That’s the blessing, that’s the evangelist’s life. 

Matthew 17:8

You know the background story, it’s the Mount of Transfiguration, and they want to build tents for Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, but the voice of God came from heaven, “This is My Son Whom I love, listen to Him!” It means they were doing the same things they used to do in the Old Testament but when they opened their eyes, they saw only Jesus.  Everything is within the gospel, that’s how you do your studies and business too. 

But instead if you want to do the gospel plus your studies or something else, that’s hard.  You don’t understand those words, so you’ll ask, “When do we have time to evangelize or pray? We’re too busy

studying.” It means something of the gospel hasn’t yet gone into you, it’s rightful. Everything must come from the gospel because everything must come from Jesus and you enjoy that through faith and prayer.

You must have the evidence that everything will follow in the direction of evangelizing with the gospel. As you continuously do the gospel movement, the Temple Construction movement must naturally follow, isn’t that right?  The Temple Construction is for the 237 nations, healing, and summit, and this happens not just when we get a building. We start this right now, and as we do this, God gives us the answer according to the time schedule. That’s Joseph. 

While Joseph was following the covenant of God, he was elevated to the position of governor. What are we saying?  Do you think if you’re praying and struggling so hard to become governor, yes, you’re praying, but that’s an incorrect prayer. But you follow what God prepared for you?  This must be relayed through you.  But if you say correct words in a complicated way, you’re killing that soul.

Acts 1:14

They constantly joined together in prayer with the covenant, and they devoted themselves to prayer with this heart, meaning everyone who gathered had one heart in prayer, so the explosive works took place.  This is the church and the family.  Don’t worry about solving the problems, but God will take care of it. Don’t worry about your business or company; God will take care of it. If you’re trying to work diligently without the Word of God, unbelievers do that, because they give up when it’s hard.

This is different, God has to work, you have to find people who will be one in the gospel in the company and that’s the mystery for the company to not fall. If we’re working diligently with the efforts of mankind and the Tower of Babel, the individuals are broken and we go into a spiritual state where we can no longer work.  Even if you’re too good at your job, you’ll get kicked out.  That’s what happens if you don’t have God, they will be afraid you’ll overtake them.  But here, they say “You’re so good, we really need you.”  The Holy Spirit must work regardless of us. 

God raised the apostles so you must trust God.  The apostles aren’t secure but the Word is perfect, then they listened to and held onto the Word God gave them, and they had fellowship with this.  Words of the pastor don’t have any substance, it can be tainted with ideologies, but God’s Word is Truth.  Pastors aren’t apostles, but they are ones who relay the Word of God.  Therefore, you must listen to God’s Word; you must not listen to anything else.

The only remnant field I have is my daughter, and when I give examples of my daughter, that’s not the truth.  The point of me talking about my daughter is to help you understand, but if you misunderstand, that’s to your loss. I would have misunderstood in the past.  I would think, “Why is the pastor talking about his family? Does he not have anything better to talk about than him losing weight?” That’s what I would’ve heard in the past, but that’s not the truth.

Even through this lackluster person, you’re listening to the Word of God.  You have to listen to God’s voice for that to be a promise you can share with others.  So, they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and prayer.  You do Bible study in your regional churches and share the Word you received, but some people don’t understand God’s Word, so they keep their mouths shut, and it’s okay. If God has given you a Word, they receive and relay it and fellowship with it.

Because we’re doing everything online, you might not have bread, so break your own bread, but I ask for prayer topics from people, and some people don’t have any, but these people devoted themselves to prayer, why? Because you think there’s nothing to pray about. It’s not to pray for yourself, but you must pray to save those in your field.  “Please pray for these people in my field,” they devoted themselves to prayer.  Just do it, then the Holy Spirit will work.  As you’re sharing God’s Word and praying, the Holy Spirit works.

May you renew.  Without sharing prayer topics, they don’t know what’s going on. They have no Word that God has given to them. As you share the Word God gave, the Holy Spirit works.  Then we pray for it, and pray for the region.  A new believer came to church and they met some new believer in the field and prayed for that person and we shared all this together.  The woman was Oksana, and perhaps she’s Russian or Mongolian, so I said, “Yes, that’s what the pastor does, so you can have a family for evangelism.”

Do you have a prayer topic? “Pray for this person at my job or my family,” there’s so many prayer topics, so when you pray, the Holy Spirit works again. The standard is not people but the Word works through people.  I’m talking about the system where the forces of darkness are broken in the field and the life movement takes place. 

After every message, you should also share forum. Don’t make it long if possible, just share the Word God gave you. Don’t force people, just those who can do it should do it.  But if no one takes the lead, no one else will do it.  Take the Word you received from worship and pray about it and share it in the field is Darakbang and that’s how the kingdom of Satan will be broken in your field and God’s Kingdom will be established. As you do your work, the Holy Spirit will work so you can meet them.

One day, as you’re doing that simply, people will open their hearts and share their problems.  This is the Darakbang movement in the field because there are people who are prepared for salvation in their field.  Otherwise, it’s just a small group, a gathering of people who want to comfort each other. 

The Word of God must go in, of course, prayer, and you need faith in the covenant.  There are those doing regional churches, but if you have the Word of God and prayer, but you don’t meet in the field, you need to believe that God has prepared people to receive healing in your field. That’s how these prayer topics come out and God works in His time schedule.  If God doesn’t work for 100 years, God’s plan is disconnected from me.  That’s just a club or hobby where people gather. It just happens to be a Christian organization or club for Christians. 

Sure, doing that is better than not doing that, because you can receive personal strength, but that’s not Darakbang.  God has a plan for your field, but when you have that and gather in the field, God will bring about visible works.  Then, every single Sunday, God pours His Word into these people because this is the message that must be delivered in the field.  Someone cut off from the evangelism field is just a church-building believer because their life is disconnected from their field. 

However, we evangelists who are destined to save the field are going to go into the Word, prayer, and evangelism with one heart. You must gather with one heart to save the region, and that’s what the members of the Early Church did, to be witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, until the ends of the earth. It’s very important. If you lose hold of that, you may gather but you’ll be missing some things, and you don’t have evangelism so it’s just the works of disbelief because you don’t have faith. Things completely change based on who’s leading and in the direction and the type of faith.


God, we thank You. Please allow us to have the blessing of one heart, whole heart, and continuation.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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