Believing and Enjoying Jesus Who has Finished All Problems (John 19:30)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Believing and Enjoying Jesus Who has Finished All Problems (John 19:30)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We have to be able to actually, realistically experience that Jesus Christ finished all problems on the cross, John 19:30. If you want to effectively experience this, we have a lot of problems, we have so many problems, so what exactly did He finish?  The problems keep arising, but there is a real problem that leaves no choice but for future problems to repeat, and that’s the problem of our disbelief, it is the problem of Satan working.  Jesus Christ has finished that problem; therefore, believe!

There are some remnants who are sensitive to sound, so if someone speaks in a harsh tone at them, they can’t endure it. Do you think that person is weak in hearing? No, that’s them being seized by the devil.  They have become enslaved to sounds and the devil, then what do you think needs to happen?  We have to know the real problem to know what it means for it to be finished.  

Generally speaking, something that goes beyond the average spectrum of someone’s experience is a mental or spiritual problem. The sound itself isn’t the problem, but Satan works through that sound and they can’t endure it, they block their ears, then what are they supposed to do? Everything is finished. You have to know what the problem is to know what was finished, the Lord has finished it, so fight. It is not the sound itself, but it is the devil seizing you in that moment.  

You have to look at yourself very carefully too, “In this certain aspect, I think I may be a little more extreme than the average person,” that’s a spiritual problem, it’s possible we may be like that, however, if we cross some kind of threshold of the norm, then we’re spiritually seized.  Either you have to be aware of yourself being seized, or someone has to tell you, but you’ll have to fight because Christ has finished everything. 

If this isn’t relayed to the next generation, then everyone will remain seized. For example, people who are too extremely competitive, so they’re seized. You have to tell them about that. It’s not about the competition, but Satan is seizing them, then he completely enslaves you. Jesus has finished this, so you must fight against that. 

You’re able to see this most clearly through your family.  If you don’t relay this properly, then the word of God is simply that, it has nothing to do with me.  There are other remnants who may be spiritually down, even though they’re children of God. Why would they be down for no reason?  It’s this flow in their family line.  But the way this is revealed is different in each house, but the devil is holding onto them.  But according to that person and the family, the way this state is revealed will appear different.  But you have to give them the Word of God regarding that problem and give them the faith to fight it.

If you’re not able to see that in your family, then you cannot solve the problem of your family, then the Word of God is simply knowledge to you. Until the point that one person is able to realize the true family problem.  Your eyes will not open just because you go to training for a long time, it’s only knowledge, there are people who really know this by grace.  If that one person is in a family, they can cast out all the darkness in the family line. If one person knows, all they have to do is tell others, but our eyes are so blinded that they cannot say.

So we put this and that kind of medication wherever we can, but it’s not an answer. You must see this in your family, that’s how it becomes a mission home.  The problem of this one remnant is the problem with their parents, because whatever the parents went though, the children go through it spiritually as well.  This is not just something we should talk about socially, “You’re very competitive,” or, “Oh, this remnant has this kind of tendency,” that’s not a tendency, they’re spiritually seized and dragged around. 

Anybody can have a level of regression where they’re separated from God like Cain killed Abel, so everybody has some level of being hostile. However, if someone’s words and actions are always hostile, it means they are seized, then the person can’t do anything about it because they’re seized. Even if they want to stop, they can’t, they’re always going to be seized. What’s important is that someone around them gives them God’s Word, but there is no one who can give them this Word; they always have to suffer, then, until somebody appears who can tell them .

This can’t be solved by any other method, that’s why we say, “It is finished.” What is finished? You have to know what’s finished for you to see this answer.  If the kids only hear, “it is finished,” but they don’t know what’s finished, then they are just going to copy and follow you around, but they’re being dragged because they don’t know what is finished.  Someone may be living a poor life, but if they’re always poor their whole life, that’s a spiritual problem.  It doesn’t matter how much they struggle, that spiritual problem that leaves them no choice but to always lose money is following them, and you have to tell them about that.  This is nothing else.

It’s already finished, so you help them fight with faith.  You can see this in the coworkers you’re close with in your job, or in your family, especially with people you’ve been with in church for a long time, and if talking about them will offend them, then you do it with prayer, and then you tell them the answer when the time schedule comes.  It’s easy for the members of the family to affect the scars of others, but all we have to do is stand as a witness and say, “As a parent, I have this kind of spiritual problem, this is how it has bothered me and this is how I solved it,” but instead of standing as a witness, you just talk about theory, then the kids get so oppressed by that.

Lately, there’s been a lot of cyberbullying where people harass one another online, and people will commit suicide becuase of cyberbullying. It’s not just online culture, it’s the inner state of man that’s coming out, and that can’t be solved. How can you solve it? Can you solve it by telling them not to do that? Some people feel they’re only okay if they’re abusing other people online. You must tell them, it’s a spiritual problem.  You’re being seized by Satan, you are being dragged and seized by Satan, that student is under a misconception from Satan, “I have to bully people online to feel better.”  That is not normal. If a person feels that they are only free on the inside if they’re harassing other people, then they’re being seized.  It’s not just the student, but the parents are the same, but the parents don’t know their own problem, so they’re not able to give the answer, and the family keeps going this way until they know.

The fact that Jesus Christ has finished everything means He has finished the problems of Satan, disbelief, and the curses and disasters that result from that.  We have to know the real problem in order to enjoy the answer to it.  Let’s say for example, there’s a student who grew up everyday since they were young, they were verbally harassed and abused by their father.  Every day, the father would get drunk and verbally harass, criticize, and abuse their child. Then what do you think would happen to the child?  They suffered like that from their own parents. Will they mature very well?  They’re always feeling oppressed, and Satan is going to work through the resentment and hatred they feel towards their Father.

But let’s say that this person never heard the gospel, that’s why we have to go there, that’s what it means to go, because these people haven’t had a chance to listen to their problem as well as the answer. You guys go to your field every day in your schools and jobs, but this person doesn’t reveal their problems to you.  But as you guys study and work with them, you’re able to see aspects that aren’t normal, that’s why you have to pray.

You’re going into your studies for this purpose.  Don’t go into your school to study, but go to your schools and your job to do this purpose, then God will open your spiritual eyes and give you His word because you have to give the accurate diagnosis to their problems through the Word.  That person has never heard this because their family doesn’t have the gospel.  God has placed these people around you.  

If you have this answer, God will keep opening these doors around you.  You guys are so seized by your Genesis 3 ideology, where you are so centered on yourself, physical things, and success, you think you have to do something big, but for the spiritual things, all you have to do is see it, and if you can’t see it, then pray.  When God brings the chance to you, you just give them the answer.  

It’s not about you doing anything; you just reveal God’s grace and give the answer, but you’re not able to do that.  Because you’re not able to do this, you’re afflicted by your studies and work, you’re a slave to the world, physical things, and Satan.  You have to be able to do this properly with the remnants in the church, and in order to do that, you have to find the answer yourself first. Otherwise, you’ll always be dragged around like a slave. You’ve already been liberated from the law, but you don’t know what your own problem is.  

There are some situations where people keep listening to the Word of God and these circumstances you’re unaware of are solved on their own, then the only thing you’ll be able to say to other people is, “Keep listening to God’s Word.”  The person who is supposed to be able to give the answer through God’s word is not able to give it, yes it’s good and important and most people are able to receive the grace of God and receive healing to their problems as they keep on listening to God’s Word, but for someone who receive grace to accurately diagnose the problem and finding the answers through the Word of God, they are able to give the Word as an answer more accurately than a minister.  

It’s possible that when you come to church, there may be people who are a bit abnormal, but if you’re not able to see them through the words of the spiritual gospel, but you see them through the social norms of life, you’ll hate them. If someone is below common sense, you just have to get common sense. If someone has not learned common sense and they don’t know it, then it’s not a spiritual thing so they can learn it, but if they have learned it, realize it’s a spiritual problem and pray for them.

They cannot understand spiritual things even if you tell them about it because they’re seized by it, so that’s why you have to pray for them.  But if you’re not able to do that, and you only look at people based on their actions, morals and ethics, then the bible tells us to love one another, but we can only hate. We’re told to love one another, but we can only hate, and you are oppressed by your own legalism.  “Oh, the Bible tells us to love but all I have a share,” so the more you live your walk of faith, the more afflicted you become.

If you didn’t go to church at all, it would be better for you, because at least you can choose the people you hate, but you received the Word of God to love, then you’ll be doubly afflicted, trying to love. Because when you go to church, you receive the word of law, and the devil uses that to completely oppress you.  So, the more time passes, the more the person will become a downcast and their posture will be more oppressed, and they always have a hostile posture in their heart.  That person’s going crazy.  And they explode when they go back home because they can’t do that in the church.

It’s possible they may explode in the church, too, but that’s how they become. What don’t we know?  We are going to be caught in that same situation if we don’t know the problem of mankind that the Bible is trying to show us.  This is how we must be able to see your own field and family. You must not look at this person differently just because they are your child; you must see them accurately through the Word of God.  This is the suffering and grace that has been prepared for parents.

But if you just keep saying, “It’s okay, it’s okay,” it’s not okay.  The reason we are able to say it’s okay is because it’s within the grace of God’s Word.  Even if this student is not within the grace of God’s Word but they wander in the world, they may come back to God’s grace by the parent’s prayers, but the real problem I’m talking about is the field is ahead of you, but you’re not able to diagnose the problem or tell the answer.  Only the Bible and the church tells us this, but if you’re not able to find this, then there is nowhere to find the answer in the world. 

That’s what it means for the Israelites to have lost the gospel. If you’re not able to diagnose and give the answer, it means you’re stuck in legalism and religion, and that’s why Israel was always enslaved.  If you’re able to accurately diagnose a problem, give the answer and then do the word movement. It means you have this.  If you don’t know this, you’re going to ask questions like, “Do I have to evangelize legally?” Then it’s religious.  What’s so hard about giving someone directions?  “Where’s Wilshire?” Is it hard for you to tell them? “It’s over there.”you think it’s so hard. But instead, you’re asking, “What is this person saying?” You just say, “It’s over there,” does it take that much strength? Is it that difficult to give the answers to the strangers in your field?  It’s only hard because you look at things religiously.  Spiritually there is nothing that is difficult, only you are struggling.  

If the churches aren’t able to do this, they cannot block the disasters of the field.  So, look at yourself very carefully.  You’re so eagerly looking for ways to make money in your field so you cannot see the people.  You’re so interested and focused on how to make money that you’re not interested in the problems of the people next to you. Whatever you do in the world is useless; those are the methods of unbelievers, but the people of God look for something above that, and everything else takes place naturally.  

You are the spiritual king, prophet, and priest to save the people dying in the world, and everything has to follow that.  But instead of thinking that way, you’re wondering, “How can I live diligently to survive?” It means you’re a slave.  It means, “I don’t know who I am because I’m playing at the level of the earth even though  God called me to be the spiritual prophet, king, of the earth.” We think, “If I succeed, I can climb higher,” but that’s nonsense.  The further you do that the more you are enslaved.  

Being a child of God is an incredible thing.  You don’t achieve it by your own efforts or your actions.  It was given to us for free by God’s grace and goodness.  We are so used to trying to earn something with our own endeavors, so when we are given something for free, it’s not really easy to accept.

The reason God had no choice but to give it to us for free by grace was that human beings can never own it on their own.Children of God have authority, and if it is a problem with the devil, then we have the authority to overcome the devil, and the fact that you’re a child of God is by faith.  The devil keeps using your weaknesses as a channel to make you guys suffer, but if you just know the fact that this is the devil, then the devil will flee.  

But if the churches aren’t able to talk about the spiritual things and only talk about how to live a good life, then people who naturally live good lives will gather, but as soon as they return back home, it’s not true at all. Only the people who pretend to act well will gather, then the devil will raise them up and one day make them explode and he will destroy the church.

That’s the goal of the devil, to block worship.  Matthew 4, Satan’s greatest mission is to take glory away from God.  What do you think it means that the churches are closing down? Think about it very seriously. It’s not that it’s irrelevant to our church because that’s the state of America. That means this entire field is covered with people who could not find the answer in church.  Even if there’s one person in the field with this in their hearts, then God will keep giving him the Word to do His work. 

This isn’t something that we can reveal on our own effort; God reveals it by grace.  This isn’t something that we learn by practicing but it’s only by God’s grace.  God will open the eyes of those who desire to do His work; if He opens the eyes of someone who doesn’t, that’s a big problem, isn’t that right? If you teach a very good skill to a thief, they will use it to steal.  If you open the spiritual eyes of someone who’s only focused on success and ambition, then they will use it for their own greed, so God does not open their eyes. 

God only gives this to people who really want to save other people’s souls, that’s why it’s easy.  But instead of doing that, you think you earn it by efforts or training and skills of mankind, it will be so hard for you. Every person has spiritual problems, if they don’t, it means the bible is lying.

What was the Original Sin?  Kids say they don’t know Original Sin, but that’s not something they can understand with words, but you have to make it so that they experience it with their bones, they never met Adam. We never saw the corruption of Adam, then what is Original Sin and what does that have to do with me?  The spiritual problems of your father and mother came down to you, but it originated from Adam, isn’t that right?  That’s the explanation that allows the kids to really feel it in their bones.  

You yourself also have to look at yourself and your family through the problems with the biblical accurate lens to find the accurate answer and the gospel. If you are not able to find this answer, you will always be oppressed and scarred by your family, and the family will oppress the kids even more; it means they haven’t found the answer. The start of the gospel movement and Word movement is seeing the problem in your family, because that’s the problem of the world and God has given you that problem, and God is giving you the answer through the word.  That’s how the answer will go out through you as a witness to all directions.

We have our jobs that we meet people through as witnesses, it’s very important.  If you’re not able to understand , it may be because of your time schedule, but the devil is really blocking people’s ears, so that’s why we have to do intercessory prayer for them, otherwise the devil will come and find you and this person’s spiritual problems will be pointed towards you because we’re the body of Christ, so if a finger is in pain, the entire body is in pain. That person is not irrelevant to me because their spiritual problem will come to you. 

The problems of the field will come to you and go into your children.  That’s what it means that if you do not evangelize, then the harm of the field will come to you. Everything is connected like that. But if you don’t understand that, then you’re bound to continue wandering.  

If you live in America and say the problems of the field are irrelevant to you, then you’ll always be taken by them. Noah knew the problem of the field, and you know there’s no other answer other than the ark, so he always stood on the other side of the world. You must go into the Ark because one day, they will fall into disaster.  Because that was an age where they were completely seized by the spirit of the Nephilim, centered on physical things.  If Noah had not done the Ark movement, he would have died in the flood as well. If you do not do the word movement, it means you don’t have the answer, but if you do the Word movement, it is evidence you do have the answer.

It’s a little ironic, isn’t it? The Bible is very simple, there’s nothing complicated in it.  So, the people who really understand this properly are bound to pray for their field because they understand the problems of the field is a blessing for me, and it is the field God has given me to rule and subdue.  So, you must first begin praying for the field and your region.  Why do we pray?  Because Genesis 3 is here, people are separated from God and are completely seized; you must be able to see that through God’s Word in faith.  That’s why you must pray so that you can save the people whom God has prepared, that’s the normal way.

But what happens if you can’t do this?  It means you’re living in the state of an unbeliever, and the answer for this kind of Christian is the six states of the unbeliever. THey’re seized by the devil and their spiritual problems are not solved; they’re seized by their mental problems. Even though they’re a believer, they go through the exact same states.  There’s only one thing that’s different, that they have salvation.  Because they have salvation, their spirit is simply being tempted and deceived by the devil.  

But they still have their idols, so Satan still touches their spiritual problems and that’s why even after receiving salvation, mental problems continue to oppress, the family problems continue to arise, why? Because they don’t understand what Christ means.  If the reason why Christ is everything doesn’t begin from here, you’re bound to return to your self-centeredness, but if you return to Christ-centeredness, you become a child of God, and God will absolutely guide His children with His Word.

That’s why we receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and when we hold onto the Word and pray, God gives us His power. That’s our status. We enjoy these blessings and authority, the four, enjoy it with faith, but why are we unable to? It’s because we keep going back to ourselves, to Genesis 3, then you will live a religious life, you will be ensnared by the six snares.  That’s why you must always go in the direction of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.

We have the authority and power to do evangelism, it’s not done by human effort; God is doing His work through me, and that’s what it means that we have His authority.  We are citizens of God’s kingdom, so we have that background and enjoy it in faith. Not knowing it with our brain. You know it with your brain but you don’t believe nor enjoy it, so it doesn’t matter.  

There’s so many things to do for 24 hours, even if you just enjoy the seven blessings of being a child of God for 24 hours a day, your spirit will change.  If you’re not able to enjoy the seven blessings, then you’re going to constantly go into the 6 states of unbeliever.  There are some people who are under a misconception that they straddle the middle, that person is already in the 6 states of unbeliever.  They’re under the misconception that they’re okay because they have salvation, but there’s only two options.  That’s what it means to enjoy the status of a saved child of God for 24 hours.

Enjoy the authority, God has given us the authority to do world evangelization, and you must enjoy this with faith and prayer.  That’s conquering Canaan, that’s the covenant of world evangelization.  God will begin to give us that answer according to that covenant.  Physical answers must come from this in order for it to be real.  Anything that goes along well, aligned with Genesis 3, is not an answer. Then, the only answer you will receive is a future that will ensnare you and the six states of the unbeliever.  You succeed and do so well, but if it only results in being trapped in the six states of the unbeliever, that’s not really doing well.

You guys are doing your regional churches, but just do the basic message well.  You guys have the knowledge in your head and so you say, “Oh we already know this one” so you pass by and go to the next one,” but it’s the Word of God. Even if you have the basic message, and you’ll be able to accurately diagnose the problem of unbelievers and you’re able to accurately see the future, then what’s going to happen if you lose hold of the covenant? But instead you think of the basic message as a poster  you put on your childrens’ wall, but the basic message is not something related to levels. You must always enjoy the basic message every day.  It must always come every day from the basic message, not from the law.

If you say the message is difficult, isn’t that what’s strange?  You say that prayer is hard, but what’s so hard about seeing the world as the six states of an unbeliever and enjoying the seven blessings of a child of God?  If you’re not able to see the field, you just have to see it through the 12 life problems. How am I going to give the message to a new believer?  You just keep on giving them the word for their eyes to be opened and see the six states of the unbeliever and the seven blessings. 

The reason you can’t have continuation is because you only know it as a theory; if I were realistically enjoying it, then the life movement would continuously take place.  Just do the basic message properly.  It’s not the basics, but it’s impossible to know this without God’s grace. That’s what it means to be finished.  It is finished, so just properly enjoy the blessings of God. You’re deceived by the devil again because you’re not able to enjoy.

People who are naturally full of hot air or are up in the clouds cannot see something even if you give it to them, but just try enjoying this for yourself every day.  Even if you just enjoy that, then this how you enjoy prayer, the Word has been given to you, and every week, you receive the pulpit message, so you take the basic message and put the pulpit message on top because that’s the message of the church, and if you realistically enjoy this through prayer, you can continuously give this to the field.  

I think God is giving you this Word so you can enjoy this blessing in the field. If you’re standing next to someone full of hot air, that’s what will be relayed to you.  So, every single day, take the Word God gives you and write it down, read it, put it into your heart, and enjoy it.  We talk about the ten mysteries, but if you try to do it one by one you won’t be able to, but instead, you have a solid foundation in the basics, all those blessings follow naturally.  

So, let me give one example. Let’s say there’s a big worry happening this week.  One of the seven blessings of a believer is that I’m a child of God, I’m not just a child of God, but let’s say that you hold onto I am a child of God in the midst of this big, worrisome problem. “I’m a child of God, what kind of problem can this be for me?”  You must relay the words of life to this child of God in order for people to come to life, because I’m talking as a witness. But if you just memorize the seven blessings of an unbeliever, and you say you’re a child of God, then yes you are correct, but the spirit is not saved.  You’re just saying the same words over and over again.  It’s one of two options: either that person isn’t a child of God. or the person relaying the message is not enjoying it. 

Every day, we meet people and do the works of life, and even if I’m not working, I constantly have thoughts.  What is the Word of God I am enjoying in this situation? That’s the Word of a awitnesss throughout the week, and when I give this Word, that person will come to life.  But if it’s not that Word God has given you but instead word of knowledge then God will work on this person because of urgent need, but it will not have continuation.  

Therefore, don’t make it complicated, but just enjoy the basic message and pulpit message and God will attach people who receive it from you. That’s the work God does. If God does not attach people to you, then keep enjoying it by yourself, but without a doubt, you’ll end up relaying it to your family and elsewhere. That’s the Life movement, the Word movement, the evangelism movement.  The reason it’s called the evangelism movement is because you’re delivering the word to save unbelievers and there are many people who need salvation.  The reason we call it the word movement is because there are a lot of people in the field who are suffering from religious and legalistic words, so you give them the words of life to revive them.

The basic message is something you must always have, constantly. It’s not something you just learn and pass over.  You start with that basic message as that foundation, and you follow the word of the pulpit message, because the pulpit message will change according to the time schedule of the church.  But the basics is something I must always constantly have, and I must always start from there.  That’s how this Word will constantly root down, that’s what it means.

It’s all easy for you guys to understand what I’m saying, right? This is where we must stand as witnesses. Then it’s not a lot of words, it’s the simple Word of God.  There are some people who try to look for elegant, high class, or deep words, but people who are spiritually afflicted try to deeply look into the Word, but it’s not about that. The Word of God is God Himself, God Himself is deep and wide and high, so God works in a way that is right for everybody.  

God has called me as someone who will do the Word Movement, and God has raised me up in the field as a very high class spiritual prophet, priest, and king to do His work, then we must begin every single day with the most basic thing.  Then, as you take that forward, when you face problems or circumstances in your field, the Word of God becomes an answer.  Without a doubt, God will give you a meeting, God will attach someone destined to receive this Word from you, just like Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch. But if you’re not able to do that, God will make it so that the people who are prepared and need the word will avoid you and He will only give you the meetings of Genesis 3 people meeting Genesis 3, then all you’ll have are physical meetings and that’s why it’s so exhausting , adn the more you work, the more exhausting it is.  

If people are working and receive grace, then they receive strength, and if you do the life movement in your field, God gives you strength, so working in the field is no longer difficult . You received grace before, right? And you receive strength, and it doesn’t matter if you are okay, you should do that in your field; don’t do anything else.  But instead, you’re always saying that the field is so hard, and I can’t wake up Early in the morning, it’s repetitive.  

May you break through the Genesis 3 cycle.  You have to break that cycle to go into God’s cycle.  If you don’t break that cycle, you’ll stay in that system forever.  Does it take money? Just take an Uber. Is a $5 Uber expensive? I’m sure it will cost more money later on, so you’re going to have things that take more money, so change your thoughts.  If you give someone a ride, don’t take money from them, just call an Uber, God has prepared the economy of light for you to do that.  Then, God will continue to give you answers so you can continuously do His work. 

Therefore, do not be oppressed by your environment, but hold to the covenant of God and overcome. Come here in the early morning, receive strength, restore your foundations, go out into the world and as your experience receives strength, you’ll keep on doing it.  But I’m sure there are some exceptions where some people can only do this at home, but most people can’t do it, so wake up, break your thoughts and come here.  Otherwise, the stream of your family line will be relayed to your children.

Don’t care about what I think, if I say something a lot, don’t worry about what the pastor thinks about you. I’m not trying to force you to do something so we can have more members, I’m expressing it this way because I’ve experienced it myself and I realize there is no other way than this, so experience it in your own family. First, the devil will prevent you from waking up and to do this, the devil will make you waste your previous evening. You must change this lifestyle, but if you are trying to do something without changing that lifestyle first, you’ve already lost, what are you going to do?  You have to change that state of the non-believer and the Genesis 3, 6, and 11 running through your family line.

“Pastor, you keep telling me to receive grace and do something.”  May you do it with God’s grace. If someone wants to be breastfed like that, you must give them this food. Breaking all of this becomes the beginning to changing your spiritual state and family line. It’s hard to continue, isn’t it? The devil will never leave you to continue this, but you’re always going to get caught in your field and you won’t be able to overcome your problems, you won’t be able to overcome the fundamental problems on your own, so you’ll cycle through your own problems. 

I’m going to tell you guys for 10 more years, because people can’t change in just one year.  This is the same thing I’ve heard ever since I believed in Jesus Christ, and it changes according to God’s time schedule.  If you don’t agree with this word, you’ll hear it as the same words over and over again.  Even so, if I keep saying these words, then according to God’s time schedule, a day will come when you understand. Enjoy this blessing.


Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us.  Don’t try to go far, but in your family, the people above you, below you, and beside you. If someone is slightly abnormal, that’s the work of darkness; it’s not because of the flaws of your family line, that’s the spiritual problems.  You have to shine the light with prayer, and if you really know this, may you pray for that aspect.

The church, because families gather together to form the church, and the region in which you live have the same problems in your family.  The way that it’s revealed is different, but the inside is the same.  I said this and a new believer understood me, “Yes, it is all the same.” Once you understand it, it’s finished.  Your family problem is the same.  May you be a witness.

Our second prayer topic, if you don’t know the problem of your family line, pray, “Please, God, show me my family’s problems.  It’s not something to be embarrassed about. There are people who have been training for 30 years who still don’t know.  That’s not given to you based on your position or your religious longevity, but it is given according to God’s time schedule and grace.  It’s not about thinking with your knowledge, “Oh, this is your problem,” but once you change you’ll be able to see this spiritually, “God, the problem of my family and family line are the problems of the nation. God, show me the problem,” until when? Until you open your eyes. Don’t pray for anything else, but this is the reason you must save your family and your region.  Let us pray together.  

Tomorrow at 1pm, there will be the North America Youth Evangelism Institute, and that’s once per month, so please allow the Middle and Junior High students to receive guidance to attend and pray. I hope you will also pray for the Young Adult Evangelism School.  

Someone from New Jersey gave me a call, they came to LA and they asked for the address of the church, so I told them, so this mom called me and told me her son used to live in New York and New Jersey, and is now moved to LA, I told her to pray and be led.  I’m telling you this so that the young adults will hear. Whenever a new person comes, you are the mascots of the church, so please be very Christian and welcoming. 

There are also some people who don’t like it when people flock to them too much, but then for those people, even though they say they don’t then when people give them too much attention and hassle them, if no one gives them attention, they will upset about that too, so just do the standard and common sensible things for them, because they don’t know us. So pray. 

Let’s pray for the Sunday Message as well, that God not only gives us the message that’ll be fulfilled in my life but in my family and field as well.  God is bound to give you those words because you are the one who will save this region.  If I’m not someone who is destined to save this field, then God doesn’t have to give me that grace because He has already saved me. Let us pray together.

We have RU classes also starting this week, and it’s always 1pm-5pm except Wednesday when it’s 3pm-5pm, and Pastor Heo Il says, Antioch Mission Church church officers can attend for free, even though it’s $150.  This person is giving us this grace because this is the person God is sending to save America, so please pray for that.  So, we’ll pray for RU, our missions fields, we’ll have our benediction, church prayer, individual prayer, and then we’ll head home.

God, we thank you.  We thank You for Jesus Christ Who finished all problems on the cross and is with us as a blessing. Allow our spiritual states to hold onto the word of God 24 hours and to go with God and His Word.  May we have the heart to save our families, the region, and the 237 nations.  We believe You will work according to the promise that you will send us as the witnesses until the ends of the earth.

Now may the grace of our lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, the remnants, their studies, their jobs, their ministries, to those who desire to do the work of God, holding onto the covenant, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen


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