God Desires the Ministry of the Word (Hebrews 4:12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God Desires the Ministry of the Word (Hebrews 4:12)

The title of today’s message is, “God Desires the Ministry of the Word.”  The “ministry of the Word” means the Word is going into the field.  If the Word does not flow loudly into the field, only the words of man will be heard, the words that say, “You can do it.”  You can’t do it.  You’re afraid, that’s anxiety, and you just have all these useless things in the field.  But if God’s Word is proclaimed into the field through the one who has the covenant, then the curses and disasters in the field are bound.

God prepared those who are going to do this Word movement.  What kind of person can do this?  The Word of God has to come upon that person, first and foremost, then absolutely, the Word movement is going to be relayed to the field.  When you do the Word movement you have to see the evidence of everything else coming to life, like the economy and life, and these are the blessings God has given to us.  

Just as we just read, only the Word will heal us.  When this Word is related to the field, all those who are ill, sick, diseased, and afflicted will be healed, but it’s important that you relay the accurate Word, because the Spirit cannot come to life with the words of the law. When words of faith are relayed, that spirit comes to life and is healed.

For kids, they see the answer of their specialty and find their talent towards this, and God will move them in that direction in their field. The most important thing is that I experience this Word


1)God desires and prepares for us to do the ministry of the Word in our everyday lives and experience the power of His Word.

If the Word comes upon me, then I experience it, so the Word movement has to occur within me first.  

2) Life (Ac 2:17, 1Jn 2:28)

This Word has to be experienced within the field of our lives because God is moving and working upon our lives.  When you look at Acts 2:17, it says that in the Early Church, the young men will see visions.  These people are those who can do the Word movement.  Bible study is just knowing the wisdom, but the Word movement can’t occur with just Bible study.  But when I experience life, I can relay that.  

3.Know the world through God’s word (Revelation 1:3)

In Revelation 1:3, it says you will know what is in the future, and you’ll know these prophecies.  So, if you receive the Word accurately, you’re going to know the future.  But because you don’t see that God is relaying the future through the Word, you don’t know anything about the future.  Even the answers of the past are going to hurt, and in the present, you are going to receive answers.  Past, present, and future, everything and all answers are going to come from the Word.

If you receive the accurate words of the gospel, then this will absolutely happen.  But the words of the law will never take you there because you have this fundamental belief that you have to do something to earn it, so it has nothing to do with words of faith and because you’re trying to do something on your own accord, you’re not able to see the future, so right now, it’s a burden, why? Because when I don’t have the power to do it, it becomes a burden.  I have to believe in these words because it’s not something I can do with my own strength.

I hope you understand.

4)The word is God (John 1:1) 

The Word is God, John 1:1.  Can you see God? You can’t see God. How do you experience God? You experience Him through the Word.  How do my thoughts become God’s thoughts?  It is only through the Word.  

5. He created the whole world and reigns over it with His word (Hebrew 1:3) 

In Hebrews 1:3, it says that God created everything and sustains all things with the Word, so if you think about God, that’s the Word.  Even right now, God is giving you the Word inside all your incidents and problems, but if you look at your problem as a problem, then God is not there, so you absolutely have to confirm the problem within the Word.

Family, Individual

How do you experience the Word? It’s through family problems and individual problems.  It’s the same thing.  Regarding these problems, you have to experience the words of the gospel because family problems are actually the problems of the nation.  If you do not receive the answer considering this in the Gospel, then healing cannot arise, and you cannot save others.  So, just by studying the knowledge of the Bible, you yourselves cannot come to life, and you yourself cannot save others.  

The Bible talks about what the fundamental problem is, but I have to discover that in the midst of family problems, and individual problems in order for the gospel to become “My Gospel,” because upon that individual person, you are able to see the problems and give the answer.  The other person will find it so amazing, and if you do the Word movement accurately like this, then this is what is going to appear. But the majority of people probably just relay some kind of knowledge.

This Gospel is the answer, but why does it become knowledge?  Because they don’t understand what the individual and family problems are, so they can’t grasp the Gospel.  That individual is lost in the midst of the problems and can’t find the answer, so that problem you can see is what people get lost in.  But the problem you already see is something that’s manifested, but people are lost and wandering, thinking that problem is the actual problem.  

But you have to be able to relay through the Word that that problem is the problem of the spiritual fundamental problem. It’s not just rashly doing ministry, it’s not just about relaying the Word rashly, but through conversations, you have to at least understand the family background and their historical spiritual background.  If you yourselves, as an individual with your family problems, if you receive answers regarding that, you’ll be able to relay it. Then there’s nothing to it, it’s not about memorizing this or not, because they have received it as an answer that brought them life, it will continue to arise within them.

Then their eyes regarding their children are going to open.  But because their eyes aren’t open, they shake based on the problems they see with their eyes.  Then, if the individual and family problems become an answer, they will be able to relay this to others.  

1. 1.Way at you should first know before reading God’s word 

1) 2 Peter 1:21 “For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 

2 Peter 1:21 says, The man of God is not spoken by men. The prophecies were not spoken by men, but they were received by God and they wrote it down.  So, without the working and moving of the Holy Spirit, men cannot realize the word and relay it.  

2) The Bible cannot be comprehended with the thoughts of man (1 Corinthians 2:14) 

It says in 1 Cor. 2:14, The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit, because you have to be able to see it spiritually to be able to discern God’s Word if the accurate gospel enters into a person, they’re going to be able to know whether this is the law or religion, but why is it that people are unable to differentiate between the law, religion, and the gospel?  Because the words of the light of life have not shone into them, so they cannot discern, and it’s absolutely like this.  

So what’s important is, what words have I received, and what words am I relaying?  Then the life movement will continuously occur. Isn’t that correct? If there’s a renowned doctor, and he accurately diagnoses him, then the disease is pretty much cured. The problem is the diagnosis, we can’t diagnose so we throw the Word at them, but it’s irrelevant to them.  So, they don’t come to you because you are misdiagnosing them.  

The person before you is a patient, so they only know that they’re sick, but if you’re able to accurately diagnose them, then the sick person will know.  Then, continuously, you’ll be able to relay.  You’ll be able to diagnose them so accurately and they’ll say, “How do you know so accurately?” Isn’t that correct?  Because in the field, everyone is trapped in the problems from Genesis, but you’re not able to diagnose accurately.

What does this mean? It means that you haven’t been able to diagnose even your individual and family problems, so that’s why the parent is so important, because the parent is able to see the children’s, because the child is unable to know their problems, and you’re able to accurately relay this to them and you’re able to raise them up according to the Word. 

Isn’t it so simple? Why is it so difficult? It’s because you yourself haven’t discovered your problem, so you can’t discover the family problems, so it’s not a matter of bringing this person or that person, because you yourself haven’t discovered your individual problem, so it isn’t a matter of bringing this person or that person?  Until when? Until the person who knows what family problems have arisen in the family. It’s not about age, if you give the answer, they’re going to receive it, but that’s not possible.

But because it is not possible, you bring this person and that person to try to get help but it’s not about that.  So the Darakbang  reality is that people have this answer, but because they’re not able to diagnose their disease properly, they are unable to give the answer properly. Saying it in a different way, their spiritual eyes are not opened.  These problems are spiritual problems, but their spiritual eyes aren’t open. If they know this, then these problems will be the answer of life to them, then they’re going to relay this to everyone in the family.  And if their family opens their eyes, other families will open their eyes too. 

I don’t know if that’s how the time schedule works, but that’s how it tends to happen.

3) John 3:3,5 You must be born again 

In John 3:3-5, it says you have to be born again.  Unless you’re spiritually born again, you cannot spiritually receive these words. 

2.The reason we must always receive God’s Word

What is the reason we must always receive and hold onto God’s Word? 

1) Those who have not yet experienced God’s Word are like infants (Heb 5:13).

In Hebrews 5:13, it says those who have not yet experienced God’s Word are like infants, so you must receive God’s Word to experience it.  You have received God’s Word by grace, but you haven’t experienced it.  You have to experience it, because the word has to be exercised as a real answer for this problem to be an answer. It’s important for you to hear the Word, but you have to experience the Words of Righteousness.  But you’re unable to relay that all problems have been finished on the cross, why? Because it’s not finished for you, so you can’t confidently relay it.  So, the complete gospel has to be relayed, but because it has not, the other person remains in their problems.  

We have to be able to relay this as a witness in confidence in order for the forces of darkness to be bound and for them to experience this, but someone who hasn’t experienced this will be spiritually an infant, they’re always focused on whether they’re upholding the laws and the religion, and they’re infantile and they’re trying to figure out how to solve their problems, so they have no choice but to use religion.

Everything is finished, it is finished.  All past, present, and future problems are finished. It’s all finished but we don’t know why it’s finished, so we’re unable to relay it.  “My pastor says it’s finished,” but something like that won’t result in the Word Movement coming to life.  For each person, God’s Word must be experienced, so that’s why everything is finished. 

Sin, Satan, hell, everything is finished. There are people who understand this, and for these people, it’s the time schedule to have this Word movement arise.  Because everything is finished, they’re able to follow God’s Word, because if it’s not finished, they have no reason to look at the Word, because they’re going to follow their own thoughts, so they’re not going to stake their lives on the word, why? Because it’s not finished, so their thoughts and strength have to enter in.  So, constantly, they’ll be deceived by the devil.

But it is finished. You are a child of God.  If you don’t understand this, you’re not going to have an answer on this earth.  God says you’re a child of God and everything is finished, but this doesn’t enter into you and you haven’t experienced it. No problem is a problem because you’re a child of God.  If you look at this accurately, you’ll be able to guide others into the Word, and that person is going to be able to do the Word movement.  Everything else is just a process along this time schedule. 

2) In the end, earnest living without the Word will be of no avail (Php 2:16)

In Philippians 2:16, it says that as soon as you labor outside of the word, everything is for nothing.  God is moving our lives with the Word, so if you’re living outside of the Word, then everything you do is of no avail.  Even worship, if you’re not doing it in the Word but you’re doing it with your own strength, then even that is to no avail. You’re just going diligently in a way that is irrelevant to the Word, then eventually you’re going to have to come back, and in order for you to turn back, there will be suffering. Because you have wandered far, in order for you to come back, it’s going to be difficult, but we consistently try to go far away so everyday we need God’s grace.

If we know who we are, we’re bound to stand before the Word.  But because we don’t know who we are, we are continuously leaving, and if we leave, it seems like work is happening, but such a person is even more problematic, because if you go hgh up the Tower of Babel and you fall, it hurts a lot.

Young adults think like this, “Even if I don’t receive the grace from the word, I can do the things I do very well,” so they only see narrow-minded things.  But the further you go, you’ll eventually fall and we don’t know at what age this will happen.  So let’s say you’re a young adult when you think this, it could be 40’s or 50’s when you fall?  Ultimately you will have to turn back because ultimately God works according to His Word, and that’s why daily, weekly, that’s the reason we must receive God’s Word.

But adults hold onto their own experiences more, I do ministry with them, and it seems like in worship, they say it’s correct, but then they go back to their own lives and become busy, they go diligently along their own way like they used to. There’s nothing to be done about that, that’s just their nature and how they’ve lived so far.  But amongst the people here, are there people who think this? 

Are there people here who think, “Even without the grace of the word, I can do my work well, and my children don’t cause any problems,” and they only look at things physically?  It’s not like that; it’s just that you don’t know.  It has to be within God’s grace, within His Word and answers, because that answer is the answer that will not crumble.  Everything else is in vain.

If you don’t experience this 100% right now, then eventually you will, but you have to open your eyes, because I’ve experienced this.  Even the Bible tells us this way.  So, as someone who has already experienced it, I’m sure you’ve experienced it, too, but I’m telling you, don’t do it this way.

3) Those who keep the Word experience God’s true love,realize His perfect power, and know that He is with them

1 John 2:5, “But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him”

4) The Word is the great weapon with which we can defeat the devil whose invisibility tries to stumble us (Eph 6:17).

In Ephesians 6:17, what is the great weapon against the devil? It is the Word because the Holy Spirit always goes along with the Word, and the Word is the weapon with which we attack.  In Hebrews 4:12, it is the weapon with which we can heal ourselves.  I listened to someone pray, and we’re not receiving the weapon from God and He’s attacking us, but we are attacking Satan. If we say God is striking us with the word, then we’re actually reversing the Word. We’re not saying we receive the strikes from the weapon, so I’m sure we’re talking about it like a surgical tool, something that is going to heal me.  

So in Hebrews 4:12, the Word will heal my entirety, my spirit, and my body.  Some people read that verse and some people see Eph. 6:17, “Take the Sword of the Spirit” and interpret it as God attacking us, but no we’re taking that sword. The Word of God we’re talking about in Ephesians and Hebrews is different; we’re talking about a different kind of sword. It’s not that we’re being attacked by the sword of the Spirit, so people are actually viciously pouring out the words of the Bible upon other people, but that’s not what we’re talking about. 

In order to validate their own vicious words, they’re talking about the words of the Bible, “Receive the words of the Spirit!” But that’s not what we’re talking about here.  The words we’re talking about here are the words with which we fight the devil.  But the sword entering into us in Hebrews is the double-edged sword that will heal us, it is like a surgical tool we will use.  It is a word that gives us life. So, we fight against the devil with the Word.

5) When you accept God’s Word with an open mind, the work of God will follow (Ac 2:17).

In Acts 2:17, if you accurately receive the Word, the Word will become fulfilled.  Isn’t that correct? Because of the incident of the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them, that was actually prophesied in Joel and it became fulfilled. If you receive the Sunday pulpit message, then the word you received will absolutely be fulfilled within the week in your field.  

That’s why we say we hold onto the Word and go into the field with prayer, because if the Word is poured into our thoughts, it’s poured into our spirit and hearts in prayer, so there should be any prayer without the Word, but we don’t even memorize the Word in our heads.  But our hearts contain those words in faith and that’s prayer, and God works according to His Word, and that’s why we receive the answers to our prayers.  

Whether you’re a student studying or a business person who is working this has to arise for you.  In the midst of your praying about the covenant, you have to be working.  But how do you work and pray at the same time?  You have to come to a place where you think this Word is everything in order for this to be possibleYou have to say that the word is everything, the covenant is everything, in order for the word and prayer to become one.  But if you’re unable to say that the Word is everything, then you’ll lose it anyway while you’re in the midst of working.  

If you have the faith that, within the Word and this covenant is everything, then your work and prayer and everything will follow, but if not, yet when you work, you’re going to think and decide and make judgments based on what you know, then that’s not separate.  So, the devil makes everything so confusing for you.  He says, “You have to work and study,” and this is correct, but it’s actually incorrect. Everything has to align within the covenant.  

What does it mean for things to work out?  It means that while you’re studying or working, within the covenant, God is going to make it so that it just works out for you. Then, the work where my spirit comes to life is the work that is done properly.  Then, that’s the work and studies connected to the work of missions and evangelism. 

But based on my experience, the time we’re alone is the most important time, the Early Morning time.  I don’t really know about anybody else, if something else has worked out for somebody, please tell me.  This is the best, but it doesn’t work out for everybody; you have to have this separate time.  It was that way for me, that time has to be your starting point.  If that isn’t your starting point, then your heart is already set on work and the spiritual things have crumbled.  So, because your work and studies are physical things, and your heart is going to the spiritual things you already lost, your prayers are only religious because you have not received strength from the spiritual things

People say the work is difficult, so ultimately they don’t know what the real problem is. The problem is a problem of a weakened spiritual state, but they misinterpret it through the physical things they see, so they’re not able to sincerely and accurately diagnose and give the answer to others.  That is why I’m emphasizing the early morning times, I’ve given up on the adults because it’s not in their nature to do it, but I’m telling the students, so, what it means for me to “Give up on Them” it means I’m not going to invest my hope in them, I used to have hope in them, but not I don’t have much hope in them. 

Think about it, if your kids are just going to grow up and make an average amount of money, and you don’t have to live like that.  Why? Because even unbelievers live like that.  But what we’re talking about is doing the Word movement in America, so we can’t just do that.  So, what kind of standard am I talking with? It’s the standard by which our students and lay leaders are going to do the Word movement in our fields.  That’s why in the morning, if your spiritual state is not set up, then what are you going to talk about, the Word movement? It’s only going to be the physical movement, and if the future generations do that, there won’t be a future. 

If you want to do American evangelization, you have to be able to go to all areas and give the Word, but the future generations aren’t able to do that and they’re going to fall into all sorts of problems.  Why? Because in the Bible, the Israeliets suffered under Egyptian slavery for 430 years, but they didn’t even know the foundational reason of why. They were people of God, but they didn’t know why they were suffering, so through Moses, they received the word of applying the blood, what does that mean?

It means your spiritual state is one that has left God, you have lost hold of the covenant and you have nothing right now. Hurry and hold to the blood covenant until you understand this, and from that moment on, the Word movement will occur.

You cannot not understand this.   If you just pretend to understand this, only the religious movement or the law movement is going to arise.  But my faith is that one day, you will understand. Because even for me, someone who doesn’t deserve this at all, I was able to receive God’s grace, and because I know it’s not by our skills but God’s strength, I know God’s grace will come upon you.

3. God’s Word that appears in your life

1)Three characteristic of HIs Word (1Pe 1:23)

In 1 Peter 1:23, it says the Word has three characteristics because we’ve been born again, right? So it makes us born again.  The Word is alive, it is not dead, Bible study is not the living Word, but it is only words of knowledge. It is the same “Word,” but why is one the Living Word, and why is the other just knowledge?  Is that correct? They’re both the Word of the Bible, but what makes it the words of a living worship and the words of a Bible study? If that word comes upon me as life, then it comes upon me as words of life, and if you’re relaying that, it becomes the words of the life movement, but if you just Relay the knowledge you know, then it just becomes Bible study.

So it has to be the word of life, why? Because the Word is alive and moving.  But since the other person has a spirit, the spirit is relayed, and this Word is always there.  It is enduring, it means the Word of God is constantly being given to us, and it’s always there.  Because the Word of life is always there, I just hold onto it and I relay it, this is the most important point.

But why does it not work out? It’s not that the Word is dead, but the Word is not aligned to me. There’s a characteristic for those who are able to do the word movement.  So, no matter how much you do the Word movement, if there’s no life that comes out of it, it means it is the ministry of death, it’s not actually death you’re relaying, it’s just that it’s not life, you’re just giving knowledge.  But when God gives me the words of life, it’s because there’s someone who has to receive it through me, and God gives me grace and the experience so I can relay this to others.  

That means, every day, every week, He is working.  Sometimes, there are times when the pulpit message is not really aligned with the field.  Then, you hold onto the pulpit message as your standard, yes, but you also receive a separate Word regaining the field as well, why? Because the Word is always there, and the Holy Spirit is constantly making you realize God’s Word. It is this person who is able to do the life movement.

It is not something you can just know, because God is constantly giving us the Word. So, what is it connected to? Ultimately it is connected to our faith, you have to have the faith that God is giving you the Word in order for you to receive the Word, you see this fall. No matter where you are, it’s okay, why? Because God is constantly working upon you with His Word. 

If this doesn’t work out what’s going to happen? You’re not able to do your ministry.  You only bring people who are doing well already, and that’s evidence that you do not have the Word.  If God really gave you this ministry, then God is going to constantly give you the word pertaining to that ministry.  So, then what is there to be afraid of? God is constantly giving you the Word, but because this isn’t working out for you, the ministry isn’t working out for you, so that’s pretty regrettable, but if you have faith that God is giving you the Word, you absolutely have to experience this.  

You have to hold onto the Word God is giving you through the week, and you have to go in the direction of the headquarters messages.  Absolutely, God is going to give you a very accurate Word regarding your field, and you have to choose these kinds of people to send out to do Darakbang meetings. Otherwise, you’ll always have to ask group members to bring other people because you yourself do not have the confidence, it means you do not have the faith.  

Because you don’t have the faith God has already given you the covenant and the Word, you shake even with your own problems.  If you’re able to do this, then you’re able to see the 10 mysteries and the 7 journeys.  What’s the first step? It’s independence, why are doing it? It’s not because you’re strong witted, it’s because He’s giving you strength. So you’re not looking at the problem, but you’re looking at the spiritual things behind the problem. So the answer isn’t prepared within this, but God has actually prepared the answer on the opposite side, and you receive the answers connected with the 10 mysteries.

Constantly remember, you have to have the basics of the pulpit message and you have to constantly remember that God is pouring out the Word into you, why? Because He’s giving you the accurate Word that you’re going to give to the person who will receive it through you.  There’s a field, but if you’re not interested in the field, you’re actually saying you’re not interested in the relationship between you and God, and that’s the reason why the Israelites were doomed.  

God called them to be the priestly nation, to relay his word, but they were not interested in that but they were only interested in the blessings God had in store for them, so God had to curse them.  It’s actually something so simple, but because we’re so wrapped up in Genesis 3 of ourselves, we cannot see the field.  But if you’re holding onto the field as your goal, then we’re going to become unified in this, because you have this workplace as your field.  Then, that means there’s someone there who will receive the Word through you.

Then there’s the family field and the school field.  To the extent you’re not always by yourself or living by yourself , then there’s always going to be a field, and that means regarding that field God will constantly give me His grace, and it’s for the person who prioritizes this.  God does not give his grace to the person that prioritizes their own work, God does not give this grace to those who are centered on themselves.  

This field has been given to me, and if you hold onto this word as the region God has entrusted to you, regarding that region and that field, God is going to give you the time schedule and the plans and works regarding that place.

2)When you gain deep knowledge of the Word, what do you find concerning Satan, sin, and failure (John 8:32)? 

In John 8:32, it says the Word makes you free, because the words of the gospel are the words that set us free from sin, Satan, and disasters.  When the people who are demon-possessed received these words, they were able to come out of that problem through the words of the gospel.  For people who are bound in mental illness for a long time ,they receive the words of the gospel and are able to be liberated from it.  The people who are bound by disasters, the people who suffer under undiagnosed illnesses and don’t even know why, they receive the Word of the gospel and become liberated from this.

3)Five areas of healing from the word (Heb 4:12) 

The soul and spirit, the joints and marrow, and the thoughts and attitude of the heart are healed, so it’s saying that only the words of the gospel can heal and make you come to life. Even the things of poverty the word has to enter you for you to be healed.  Even powerlessness, you’ll only be healed if the words of the gospel enter into you.  The illnesses that continuously are within the family, the 

words of the gospel have to go into you for you to receive life, so have this life movement within your field.

4. Application

Why does it not come to life? Because you have no faith.  Because they did not have faith about Canaan and were only worried about what to eat or drink, they were wandering within the wilderness and suffered, and they needed to have faith in regards to this; it was not an excuse. Going into Canaan was not about the method; it was about faith, because of American Evangelization and regional evangelization you need someone who has faith, it’s not about skill because, what do we need? Your English skills?

1)What is the Word that is being given to me now?

2)Who is my greatest enemy, and how do I defeat him?

Moses said, “I can’t speak well,” so he attached someone who can speak well, “I can’t do this because I’m poor,” then God will attach people to you who will give you money to do that work. “I can’t do this because I don’t have time,” but you’re wasting your time on useless things. If you have a lot of time, you’ll do useless things, but God is someone Who is complete. He has already prepared everything to do the word movement and he is fulfilling everything through me.

What do we need? We need faith regarding the covenant, faith is not action, it is about believing, then the answers regarding this are going to come and bind to your life.


God, we thank You. May Your Word movement come to life.  May your words be proclaimed in our fields and not the words of mankind. May the ones with the covenant hold to the covenant and hold onto Canaan and arise. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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