Everything is a Blessing for All People (Galatians 3:29-4:7)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Everything is a Blessing for All People (Galatians 3:29-4:7)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

20211003 EM Worship

My life is bound to follow what has been proclaimed through the Word.  Abraham is the model of this.  Abraham was a complete unbeliever, he did not live receiving God’s blessings or grace; he was under complete curses, and one day, God called Abraham out of the curses and darkness.  When God gives someone salvation, He first blesses them and calls them out.

Evangelists are people along the path of blessings because someone can only be saved if they have God’s grace.  “Leave Ur of the Chaldeans and go to the land I will show you.” It’s not just any land, but go to the land where Jesus Christ would be born.  Now you believe in Jesus Christ, so hold onto this and go forward.

Everyone is completely in spiritual darkness, they do things diligently without knowing what’s going on.  With faith, everything that belongs to God also belongs to His children. Because you don’t believe this, you always try to get free handouts.  But if you understand what this means, you will escape from yourself. It’s okay if you don’t understand, just keep sticking by this. God will work according to His time schedule, but if you don’t stick around, you won’t listen, then you’ll fall into your own thoughts and walk the path of darkness.

Then, we’re called God’s sons.  Why does the beach exist?  Think about it just a little.  God created the beach used for God and God’s glory, but people use beaches for people’s pleasure and fun, so nature is suffering and the Bible says the trees cry out in pain. That’s why sharks come and attack.  Why do fires happen in California? Yes, the trees rub against each other, but God is also moving that. It’s because, instead of being used by God and God’s glory, it’s used for human glory, so people fall into curses.

Why did God create your school? Is it so you can go to college? Sure, that may be correct because after graduating high school, you have to go to college, but because there are so many kids who think that way, there’s so much abuse and attacks happening inside the schools.  God created schools for His children and His glory, but because we do not use it for His purpose, the schools suffer, and people have spiritual problems there. 

It is normal for this chalk to be used for messages, but if instead it’s used for corruption, this chalk would suffer.  God gave you your body.  You have to keep it healthy for God’s purpose and use, but you use it however you want.  You don’t exercise, you just use your body however you want, it’s unhealthy. Even now, you are drinking boba, and I’ve warned you before, your teeth will rot, and you inhale sugar because it makes you feel good. 

If you go downstairs, there’s water; drink that.  But instead, you use all your money on things that kill your body.  We have water downstairs, water that’s so healthy. Drink that.  You should just gather the money you spent on boba and use it for God’s glory.  Then, Boba Time would close down, but they could use it for God’s glory, too. If you have to buy it, buy it for God’s glory, for example, buy one for me, but no one ever does.  It’s unhealthy when you buy things for yourself.  But buy it for me because I use my arm.  I can drink poison and it’s okay, but not you guys; you’ll get cavities, so I hope you will renew yourself.

Do you understand what I’m saying? What are you using this for? Then everything will turn into a blessing. What are you using your studies for? To go to college?  What will you do there? You have to get a job. What happens after you get married? You’ll have kids, what happens after you get kids? You have to raise them and send them to school, then what? It’s an endless cycle with no answers in life, but people live their lives without realizing they don’t have the answer.

The people who believe in Jesus Christ have this tremendous blessing so you can behave like the heir.  Quickly confirm who you are because Christ is within you.  Some kids don’t go to church because they don’t believe it, but they actually believe. They believe they are saved, then they’re children of God, and that’s all you believe, but you think it unbelievable because you hold onto unnecessary things.  I’m a child of God and God is with me.  If you’re able to believe that, that’s where power comes from.

Jesus life, Jesus power.  Jesus’ power never comes first, the power comes from the life.  I’m a child of God and have the authority that comes with being a child of God. You keep trying to head towards power and authority first but it’s not working.  For people like this, quickly turn back to Christ; you’re a child of God.

Religion is terrifying, kids have religiosity ever since they’re born, they think they have do to something.  They think, “in order for me to gain physical benefits and success, I have to do something,” so you’re enslaved. If life is within you, these blessings naturally come. We have to give the faith of the true blessings to the remnants, but they don’t have faith, so then they don’t have physical blessings and people say, “They don’t have faith.”  People shake when they don’t have physical blessings, “I can’t study, my parents keep fighting, I wish they would stop but they keep fighting.”

I met a Hispanic lady with her two sons in the elevator, and they live across from me, but I see how the lady is always afraid when she goes home, so that means she’s afraid of getting abused.  She’s very pretty, and if she came here, she’d be prettier than all of you.  But I saw her and she was so terrified and full of fear, but she had to go home because her kids were there. 

Later on, they separated, and from the moment the man stopped coming around, the woman’s face changed. She started to greet me, and she was a little oppressed earlier, but now she has a new man.  I saw that there was a specific male coming back and forth, I walked around the complex about 1.5 hours every day, so I meet them often. I don’t know if the man is embarrassed or whatever, but he avoids my gaze.  Sometimes that male brings his daughter to visit as well.  The girl who used to be physically abused really likes him, they smile and laugh, and he brought her some roses once, and she swooned.

Anyway, we met in the elevator and I thought, “Today is the day for evangelism.”  You’re enslaved by religion and legalism, but you need to do this with faith.  “Perhaps the reason God allowed me to meet this person is to evangelize to this person.”  So I told the man, “We’ve met a few times, right?” He said, “Yes,” and turned back around.  “You guys are a new family, right?” “… yes…”  I said, “Every time I walk around this complex, I pray to bless your family,” and his face completely changed. From that point on, both of their faces changed, and I thought maybe they don’t believe me, so I said, “I’m a pastor of a church,” so it became more believable, “May you receive God’s blessing.” 

It’s very easy that, in our lives, we will judge them with legalism, “You’re both in an affair, good luck with that,” but we go with faith.  God already prepared the promise that I would bless whomever I meet. It may be this person today, and that’s what I told this man, but my daughter says to not talk to strangers because that’s not American culture, but this is biblical.  If you get sucked into American culture, you will go into curses.

Another neighbor has a cat, so I said, “Your cat is cute,” but my daughter said, “Why are you bothering people?” I told her, “This is how you make human relationships and open doors.”  But for her, her communication is cut off, her facial expression is always so stern and she doesn’t know her neighbors, but we must open these doors to communicate with and bless people. 

Why did I mention the cat? I said it was cute, so they really loved it, and I said, to open the door, “I’m a pastor, and every time I work out in the complex, I pray for all of them,” and there’s a Hispanic family, Muslims, and Mormons, and I pray for them.  Without a doubt, the Holy Spirit works and meets with me and I enjoy that with faith, then where do you think that faith comes from? It comes from God’s promise.  That promise is my inheritance.

If there’s a remnant going into a school holding onto that blessing, the school will be blessed through that remnant, but because the schools are filled with students who don’t have blessings, but they only have curses and disasters, the schools have curses and disasters.  Everyone there is going for themselves, for success and material things, and if you do well in school, you think it’s your effort. You’re only lying on the outside when you say, “Oh, God did it,” but inside, you think, “yeah I busted my butt for this.”  This isn’t good or bad; it must come from this blessing.

Then, as the darkness of the curses are broken and the blessing of life comes upon you, the physical blessings will be the rightful result. That’s why these things happened wherever Joseph went.  Once you become governor, that’s not the end, but all of Egypt would be blessed.  However, the devil prevents you from knowing this, so first and foremost, if the Word of God doesn’t go into you, then you don’t know the basis of your faith.  The devil blocks you from listening to God’s Word, you have to hold on so firmly to your own standards and goals. Does that mean you shouldn’t work hard? That’s not what I’m saying, but work hard holding onto this covenant, “All nations.”

Working and studying itself is hard work, just waking up and going in the morning is hard work, but you have to do it, otherwise you can’t go to school or go to work.  But if there’s one remnant who arises and knows this blessing, God will fulfill His covenant with that school through this one remnant.

Why do you get oppressed when your parents fight?  You don’t know who you are, “My parents will be blessed through me,” that one remnant will save their family line.  Yes, your words are correct, “My parents are like this or that, I got up and down a lot, but it doesn’t matter how good a person is.

Do you know who you are?  God is with you and God has promised to save America and your family line through you. It’s okay even if you fall because even if a child of God falls, their status lasts forever.  Some may think, “I’m a child of God; why do I still keep falling?” Until you go into being a child of God in faith, you think I have something to gain.  But just stand up with the blessing.  Everybody can fall into problems, and if you have diligence to try to solve your problem, it means nothing. 

God is with you in that problem, so you must think about it. Religious people tell you about the methods, to do this or that, so all the kids are dying. If religious people surround you, these kids will not come to life.  It’s okay even if someone is very young, so the Holy Spirit will work.

If there are any remnants among you who understand this, God will move; your family background doesn’t matter. I just have to leave behind the problems, meaning I have to see how God is guiding me, why? Because I’m a child of God.  Power comes from this faith, and that’s authority. It’s not that you gain strength or move with power, so God’s power is revealed.

Once it’s broken, you don’t have to be deceived anymore. These kids go crazy and need life, but instead, we give them theories. Until when? This will be suffering until you receive faith in the life, and that’s okay.  But unbelievers use everything for their benefit. God wants you to quickly use that and restore life.

We need to have a master who subdues everything, isn’t that right? Why are you so bound and seized by your studies? You don’t know what it means to study while you pray. You can’t do this with your brain, imagine how hard it is to study without a good brain? We tell each other to pray, but they say no. When will they understand?  One day, God gives me all these things.

If you don’t understand this, you’ll build an idol in your life.  Stop trying to solve that problem, first solve the problem of “who are you”?  Is there a problem in the family? God’s will is not to solve the problem, But through this, God is showing me who I am with respect to my problem.

There’s a bird that died at our house. One bird fell on the ground and the other bird doesn’t care, it just does its own thing. She told me this morning that the bird was feeling sick, “Just leave him, he’ll fly if he needs to,” but God allowed the bird to go according to God’s time schedule.  It doesn’t matter, just enjoy the blessing God gave you. Our life isn’t staked on that, you have a few dogs because you think the dogs will bring you comfort, or you look at the money in your bank account. Why do you think I’m trying to change the culture of disobedience.

Some people are really smart but can’t understand any words because this an only happen when the Holy Spirit reveals this to you.  So you just experience this now, how? everything is a blessing.    All nations, all people as you worship and study. Being good or smart can maintain the world but this can’t destroy Satan.  Just understand, it’s a blessing that you’re here. The spirit understands even as you fall asleep, may you enjoy this blessing.


Father God, we thank You.  Bless the remnants, and may they enjoy the blessing of the life 24 hours a day to save America and the world.  In the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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