Seeing and Enjoying the Accurate Word of God in my Life (Mark 3:13-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Seeing and Enjoying the Accurate Word of God in my Life (Mark 3:13-15)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

I believe that the works of Mark 3:13-15 have to be fulfilled in our lives in actuality.  Jesus Christ called the 12 disciples separately, and we must always remember that we did not receive salvation because we realized something on our own, but Jesus Christ has predestined from long ages past to give us salvation by His grace.  Religion is about me working hard or aligning something to go before the One Who is absolute.  We talked about this in the healing evangelism school, that if you’re not able to enjoy the gospel, Eve one will change into religiosity.  We think if we do something diligently or do something good, then blessings will result, but that is religion.

The Lord did not save me because I did something, but the Lord has predestined me and called me.  That beginning is very important.  If we don’t have that beginning, we’re bound to continue a religious life. People who live religious lives will create more religious people.  From the outside, it seems like they’re doing such great work and they’re working so diligently but there is a limitation.  

God has called me. I did not go to God, but I’m only able to be with God because He called me.  This is extremely important.  God raised the church, the church is not something that was created because I gritted my teeth to resolve to raise a church.  This is very important. If this is thrown off, everything else will also be askew.  Once God’s absolute sovereignty is taken down, it will only emphasize the sovereignty of humans and that’s the kingdom of Satan. You must always enjoy this, constantly.  

If you’re not able to enjoy this, then I will have no choice but to return to religiosity, then I will be oppressed by my own good works or actions. “Oh, but I didn’t do anything,” if you did accomplish something do you think you can go before God? You originally have nothing to yourself but because you haven’t accomplished anything, you can’t endure.  Because we have a religious nature, we think we have to do something to gain something, but most people are stuck in this.  The characteristic of most people who started going to church and stopped is because they began this way, and the characteristic of people who say that the gospel only talks about the same thing over and over again is that they’re religious.

God has called me, that’s how I’m able to receive His grace to go before Him in worship to receive His Word. You have to enjoy this almost shamelessly. God has called me, who has called me? God himself has called me. I didn’t go with my own efforts.  God raised the church, why is the church here? It’s because God has a plan here.  If you do not begin with this, you’re constantly bound to shake according to human methods and thoughts. 

God has sent me into this family, but if you don’t acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty to begin with , then you will think, ”Did God make a mistake? Should I not have been born into this family?”  A person used to live with both their mother and father, their mother overseas to make money, and their father began to live with another younger woman even though their mother was still sending them money from overseas.  Then, from the child’s perspective, imagine how much betrayal they felt from the father.  Until now, they still bear this resentment and are scarred by their father.  

Then, the mother returns to the native country and is living with their son. And even now, they’re still holding onto the hatred towards their father.  If I was born into this family, would you think it was a mistake?”  I said, “Tell me about your father’s background,” and everyone in that family has broken down that way, everyone in their family line is like that. This person has a genuine wrath and rage against their father, “But why do you think God allowed you to be born into this family? If you’re not able to see the light of God here then then you have to stay your whole life in darkness. The words of the Bible are the actual, realistic answers in your life, it’s not something you study.” 

Then I asked, “What about your mom?” The mother’s grandmother was a shaman, “Did your mother receive this spirit as well?”  “No, their mother did not, they twice rejected the opportunity to receive demon possession.” “Because you’re no longer living in your native country and you moved to another to make money, that’s how you guys found this gospel.  The mother went to another country to make money and the daughter followed along, and that’s his they came to the church, then that spirit that should’ve gone to the mother went into the child.  Your mother must be in a lot of pain.”  She responded, “Yes,” then I said, “ If that spirit went down to the mother and the mother received Jesus Christ then that spirit is relayed to your children, so quickly allow them to go into God’s word and worship.”

What am I talking about right now?  This person is not able to know the answer to their life, so they bear heavy burdens of their hatred towards their father and mother, so I told her about the spiritual things starting from Adam.  “Do you know why Adam’s sin came all the way down to us? It’s because the contract God made with one person, Adam, was actually a contract God made with all humanity, and before we hear that, we just think of it as some kind of theory but the spiritual state of Adam was relayd directly to you.  We call this the spiritual state that comes through Original Sin.

If you just talk about Original Sin, nobody understands you.  You guys only understand original sin because you have gone to church for a long time, but people in the field do not know.  You have to reveal what original sin is with the actual aspects of their life in order for them to really understand it.  Do you know where the spiritual problems your mother and your father had? It comes from Adam.  The inner spiritual state is the exact same, but the way it’s manifested or revealed is through family problems and shamanism. Even right now it’s the exact same situation where your family is being destroyed. 

You can’t control your own money and that’s the stream of the spiritual flow. You haven’t started a family of your own, so you have to shape up. Even if it’s irrelevant to you, what do you think will happen to your children? Your children will be confused again in their identity.  If they’re confused, then your spiritual state and your husband’s spiritual state will be relayed to the kids.

I told her, “What’s important is not about who you meet, but at this time, you must stand before God and be led by His accurate Word.  When meet someone and make a family it’s because you like them in the beginning, when you like someone and get married to them it’s because you like their external shape, you like what they say, you like their actions, you marry someone because from your perspective, ‘I like the way they look, they think, and do things,’ but it’s impossible for you to know or see their spiritual state, how can you know that? Even now, how can you know if your spiritual eyes are closed?  That’s why you have to properly receive God’s word now because only Gods word can properly distinguish your spiritual state.”

The reason I come before you today is to give you the Word of God. Only when you realize the accurate word of God in your life, will you be liberated from the spiritual problems of your family, your depression, and your addictions. People don’t know why they face problems, they’re eagerly anticipating meet someone else new, but they still go down the same stream.  Then, is it going to be enough for me to go study the Bible? “Just open your Bible and gospel letter 1.” Is that enough?  The Word of God has to go into this person’s actual life.

I’ve met with this person twice now, and I told them during the second visit, and because the light is going in she knows why she’s in this situation.  Then I told her, “then you’re going to realize the reason why you’re in America, a brand new country.”  The person has to really open up and tell me everything in her heart in order for me to give the answer through the word of God. If someone has a patient and their head hurts but the doctor keeps giving them medication for their foot, that’s not right.  This person is dying from a migraine, but you give them medication for every other part of their body? Then they’ll experience side effects.  In other words, it will be better if you didn’t give them the medication to begin with.  They received it but they weren’t healed from it so they don’t like it even more later on.

You must have the accurate spiritual diagnosis to give them the Word of God as the answer.  You have to use the Bible to give them the actual answer of the background of the kingdom, the background of Satan , and family line.  God has protected you ever since you were young, before you were 9. At a young age, you came to a new country, something that most people don’t get to experience and God has protected you.

Even now, they are battling with depression, and they tried to give up their alcohol addiction, but because they get further from the word of God, they go back into their addictions.  Even for me, when I pass by people who are drinking alcohol, I remember my past.  If you go into a certain plaza there is a corner where there’s a bar, and when I look at it, I remember the feelings I used to have in the past when I used to drink. I know myself regarding alcohol. Most people just enjoy their alcohol, but I really staked my life on alcohol, and this means I was drinking to solve my life’s problems. When I first drank alcohol, I liked it, and it helped my problems, so I thought, “If I drink more of this, then it’ll solve my problems,” so I shared the same thoughts with this person, but that’s why we fall into addiction. 

It’s the same with drugs, it’s the same with gaming for the kids, it’s the same with everything. You must properly know the gospel, that’s what today’s Word means. Why did God call me? To be with me, you have to really enjoy this. When do you enjoy it? Yes, you enjoy this in the church, but you have to enjoy it outside of the church too. You must enjoy this 24 hours a day. I’m not saying you have to memorize this 24 hours a day, you have to enjoy the blessing of 24 hours. The fact that God is with me means I am not doing anything about it.  God is moving me forward as the Master of my life, but you’re not able to let yourself go, so you keep going back to alcohol, you’re bound to go back to your old ways.  

Because it’s so urgent, God is really interceding with your life to guide you, but if you don’t enjoy this, you’re going to go back to your religious life. You’re going to say, “I know everything but it’s not working in my life” it’s so obvious the answers are so easy but it’s still not working out so you look for answers elsewhere. You think you need the Word of God that is more height level, or you think you need a Word of God that is deeper.  Yes, even as you’re doing that, one day you will receive according to God’s time schedule, “Oh, even now the Lord is with me, and he is guiding me though my whole life,” but if someone is not able to enjoy this as the answer, they’re bound to fall into misconception.

“I know this, but it’s not an answer to me, so I look for an answer elsewhere,” because they have a religious answer, but they keep looking for another method or manual.  People who have not found a method are still thirsty so they look for this method or that method, and they think they know God’s Word, and in reality they do know words, but what’s important is whether those words are answers to me. This Word of God must be an answer to every aspect of your life. If this doesn’t become the answer to your life, you’re bound to wander, looking for the answer, or you just give up entirely, saying, “oh the church is just saying they have the answers.”  

Now, because you’re a church officer, it’s not that you can vent about these things openly, sometimes you receive grace so you can’t just forgo your faith all together, you just live your life this way.  Then, your religiosity will be relayed to your children exactly, and you also have your expectations for your kids, you want your kids to move according to the Bible, but they’re not, you can’t even do it how would they? You’re living a religious life as well.  You are a Pharisee, so how could you raise someone else’s life?  When we ask a question all the kids answer the same answer because it’s the same.

But if they face a problem, they can’t enjoy. You should enjoy the problems because God is with you, but this isn’t an answer for them, and because they live without this answer, they live a religious life.  Those who don’t have this answer have diligence so they look for a lot of answers, they think if they hear a high class or deep words they think then it satiates their thirst for knowledge, but they will be thirsty again and confused, so when a church announces something they flock to that program. They go into a ShinCheonJi heresy, or no matter what someone says, they’re dragged along, and this is the reason. 

People who are a little more foolish will just accept it, “Life is life,” and they will be downtrodden.  But if the life is not relayed, then the church becomes a religious center.  That’s why even if you live in the field, you’re not able to give the answer of life.  Even today, there’s a broken window in our apartment, and they haven’t fixed it for 10 years.  The LA County came to investigate it, so that’s when they finally fixed it, but they didn’t fix every house; they only fixed the two that people complained about. Two Mexicans were working there and I had a stack of church bulletins, so I ripped off the cover that has the Way of Salvation in Spanish and Korean, and I went outside and said, “I have a present for you guys,” and I have them the way of salvation and he said, “I have to give this to my son.”

THe second person there was younger, I said, “Thank you for your hard work,” and I gave them a present. For Koreans, when someone gives us something that’s not money, they say, “Why are you giving this to me?” But the person looked at the way of salvation and they were so thankful. That’s their reaction at first, because the fact that someone is approaching them to give them some kind of gift of thanks, they are so moved by that.  Why is that?  The reason I gave them the Way of Salvation was because the context of life will be relayed to these gentlemen or their children.  I said, “God bless you.”  That’s the method I can use to bless the people in my field.

Yes, they came to our house to fix the window, but spiritually speaking, they were sent to an evangelist.  At the very least, I gave them the way and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest, and at the very least, the forces of darkness are broken down at that moment.  This is how you must conquer the field.  They just come to your house and you thank them rightfully. That’s the same thing as someone who is living in the kingdom of Satan.  This is just one example of the way we love our lives.  

If we’re constantly enjoying God being with us, we see everything through God’s plan, “Why did this person come here?”  We have a quail at home and we let it play outside sometimes and he makes a lot of noise, so the people in our complex get stressed.  I was outside my complex exercising and someone reached out to me from the second floor, “Please quiet your bird.”  There’s another person who reported my quail to the manager, so I was a little more careful, but animals must be free to play outside; they shouldn’t just be trapped inside the house, so I will do evangelism camp with this quail.

The loud noise of this quail will reveal all the people who have spiritual problems. It has already revealed three.  This quail is being so loud, but why is it that these three women, the two upstairs and one next door, complained about the quail?  Other people like the quail and some of them even like the quail and they give it a little pat.  But I know these three homes have families with spiritual problems.  

The two earlier are ones where they actually have a spiritual problem revealed, there’s another family where the husband cheated on her, he got into a car accident, so she is no longer able to use her legs she has to be pushed by a wheelchair and she can’t endure the quail’s noise.  Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you? I’m not talking about the quail, I’m not talking about these women. I’m asking, “Why did God allowed this incident to happen so we hear these words?”

Even as I look at their faces I know they have spiritual problems.  One of the kids is not going to school because they have spiritual problems but it’s through the incident of the quail that God is telling me to pray for them.  What does it mean that God is with us? It means you’re acknowledging that God is the master of every single incident. You know this but you don’t enjoy this, what happens if we don’t enjoy it?  If we don’t know this, we will live our lives based on the ways of the things we learn in the world based on our own experiences and level.  

So I told them, “Either I’ll sell this quail to the pet store or I’ll eat it,” and I brought the quail inside very quickly because I had to give the gospel to these people. Do you understand why God allowed this incident to happen?  It’s not about asking, “Why is this person picking a fight with me?” It’s about, “Why is God allowing this incident to happen?”  

The second thing Jesus said is to send them out to preach. As God is with us, He moves every single thing for the goal of evangelism.  All incidences, all meetings are moved by God in the direction of evangelism. That’s in the Word, there is a goal, Jesus didn’t call you so you can get a Nobel prize, Jesus didn’t call you to be acknowledged by tiger people, Jesus didn’t call you to give you a lot of cash all of a sudden. Jesus didn’t call you because you can live a long life by believing in Him.  He will be with you and He sends you out to preach.

The fact that God is sending them out to preach means that God is with them and prepared everything for them already, but we don’t believe this nor enjoy it.  Instead, we live our lives only believing in our own experience, and plans and our own emotions, so we live a religious life, and the reason Jesus called us is irrelevant to our lives.God has called me because there are people who will be evangelized. Jesus said He has sent us out into the world, therefore, if you follow the word of God, you will have the works of God, but instead of following God’s Word, we follow our thoughts.  

As soon as we wake up in the morning, we must hold onto the word of God and follow after if, but if we don’t follow God’s Word, you’re going to try your best, but that’s just your best effort.  God is with you, and the reason God has sent you is to preach.  Jesus didn’t send you out so you can live your best life by trying hard. Jesus didn’t send you out into the world so you can confess that the world is hard.

Jesus sent us out into the world because without a doubt, there are people prepared to receive this. You must realistically enjoy it, believe it and then go out.  But when we talk about this, everyone says, “I know.”  no matter how much training, we say, “We know,” but they don’t believe it, they don’t enjoy it, so they live lives of unbelievers irrelevant to the word of God. They say they believe in Jesus Christ and go to church, but they can’t enjoy the gospel, they’re loving a religious life, do we just leave them be? Do we just leave them alone because they say they go to church? 

We have to heal them, they’re diseased, they’re diseased by religion.  God is with them, but it is just knowledge or theory to them, so they are still centered on themselves and their own diligence, and every time this person goes to work, their boss is a churchgoer, but everything the boss does is humanism, and legal things, so they get so defensive.  This person themself is so confused they aren’t able to see the answer in the church but then they look at another church officer in another church that is worse off than an unbeliever?  Then imagine how concerned this person must be.  This person is so conflicted because they’re upright, if they were more questionable in character, they would get along with the boss, but they can’t.  But there’s nobody out in the field that is giving the newer through the word of God that allows this person to enjoy this problem in the field.

God is with them but they can’t enjoy it.  So, whenever they face a problem, they have no choice but to worry and struggle and have concerns because they have to fix their own life.  That person is in the fashion industry, which is of course really fast paced, you really have to go all in with your diligence, their life is completely irrelevant to evangelism.  But if there’s one person who really believes and enjoys that God is with them, then God will work and guide them. Then you’ll be able to confirm that God has truly prepared all of your business and people in order to fulfill His Word.

When people go to church for a long time, they say they know, but they don’t believe; they’ve all become Pharisees.  Pharisees didn’t just exist 2000 years ago, they exist in the churches today, they’re so legalistic, they set up a time and when someone comes to church they attack them with the law; nothing they do is relevant to evangelism. If anything, they might give missions offering, but evangelism and missions are essentially the same: it’s about delivering life, whether it’s here or in another country, so they just give missions offering, but we have to enjoy and experience that God has actually sent us into the field to evangelize there. We must really enjoy and believe this, then God will work according to His Word.

From that point on, our eyes will open to see that, “I didn’t know this before, but there are people in the world prepared to receive salvation.”  Whether these people are going to church now or they stopped, there are people who will receive healing, and God will show you the fact that there are also people prepared to declare this gospel, like you.  This is the reason God has sent us into our jobs.  But if you don’t believe in and enjoy this, you have no choice but to live according to your faith that day, maybe if you’re lucky that day you make a lot of money and if you’re not you don’t, you’re completely enslaved to Satan, the environment, and people.

You have to enjoy.  If you have the incorrect beginning, then even if you just receive God’s Word, it becomes a burden to you, they talk about evangelism but they don’t believe. I wish they would just leave me alone and stop talking about evangelism. I wanta church that will fill me with a lot of knowledge and give me fairy tales and catharsis like when I watch a movie, but they come to this church and they only talk about evangelism,” so it’s not an answer to them. If they just stick around later on it’ll work but spiritual problems are the problem, because God does this, God gives His grace in His time.  So sticking around is grace.  

Because God worked with His grace and his Holy Spirit according to his time schedule, the knowledge you only used to see theories is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit.  The evangelism you’ve heard about, one day, your spiritual eyes will be opened, you’ll know that God prepared everything already for me, and has guided me and is with me, and this is the reason why He has called me and given me His Word, and to have authority to cast out demons.” You aren’t able to see this because you don’t have assurance..

Some people talk about the first two verses with a lot of confidence and wish we wouldn’t talk about the third verse, because when I even talk about the authority to cast out demons, the person I’m talking with will not like me, then just don’t talk about it. Really, just utilize the authority to cast out demons, but you dont’ believe these words, so I told you earlier, all this economy is used for the economy of darkness.

All your clients, and partners, and customers are seized by darkness. You have to change them to be children of God in God’s Kingdom.  That’s the reason for which you’ve been given authority and power.  Then, God prepares everything in the field, like he did in the land of Canaan and then sends us out. In Genesis 1:27-28, God blessed them, so God has prepared the blessings in the field.  You have the authority that changes everything into God’s grace, 

There may be many reasons your body is in pain, but if you’re not using it for God and his plans, but your pleasure instead, it’s rightful that you’re in pain. If the reason you have your job is for your own goal and desire, isn’t it rightful you are suffering because of your job?  When you utilize your body and everything in your life for God’s purpose, everything will turn into a blessing.  All we have to do is turn back to God’s word but we keep on going back to our thoughts. 

Even in the field, every person you meet is seized by Satan if they don’t have Jesus Christ, but your eyes don’t see that.  “Pastor, they’re an unbeliever but their personality is much better than mine,” that’s true but the problem is you’re not able to see their spiritual problem.  2 Corinthians 4:4 says the god of this age blinds the hearts of those who do not believe so they cannot believe in the gospel. 

Once you believe, then the Holy Spirit is with you, but the thoughts and hearts of the unbelievers is blinded by darkness so that they can’t even see the glory of the gospel.  Why am I in the field?  To break down the darkness that’s seizing them.  If believers have faith, then the darkness flees because it is an entity of deception. If someone is under the authority of Satan, you must break it down for them. That’s what we’ve been given.

If I tell you this, you already know it, and if I write this down, everyone says, “Pastor, I already know,” but if it’s not an answer for you you’ll look for the answer somewhere else, and you’ll keep looking for the answers from places that are not the answer, that is a religious life.  Then your life itself will fail.  You can’t enjoy the blessings of evangelism in the field, and before you evangelize, you can enjoy the answer of God being with you, and even before the blessings of God being with you, you can’t acknowledge God has called you, so you’re not able to receive this answer of changing all the economy of darkness in the field. 

Do you know where you’re lost instead?  “Even if I do this, will I make any money?” You’re still stuck in yourself.  You have to think about this well.  Yes, it’s important for you to listen to a lot of the Word of God, but the word God has already given to you is the ones you already know.  Is it really an answer to me? Do I really believe it?  She knows someone making money for the devil, then this person is a child of the devil making money for the devil, then what must I do? This person is seized by the devil, then we have to break this down, and we’ve been given that auroity.  Then later on, we have to change it so that she uses this money for the Kingdom of God.  

But you guys only think about it this way with your own gospel, “If I change this person, will they use their money for me?” You keep manipulating your mind, you’re calculating with God.  God will take care of what He must.  God will take care of what he needs too, whatever is our God will take care of it, and if you do what He wants, then He will take care of our needs.  God sent you out into the field to save everybody, so you’re scared, you avoid it, and you’re a slave to Satan, but we conquer. God sent us to conquer everything controlled by the kingdom of Satan; we destroy satan’s kingdom .

But you have to arm yourself with the Word of God, because when you go out into the world, you don’t see it with your eyes but there’s a lot of things happening.  If your spiritual eyes are not opened to see this, you will always have to be calculating and using your humanism“How will I grow this person and get my own benefit?” You will never think about whether this person is someone I will evangelize to.  The darkness is completely holding onto your business and your family, and the world is a place that will never move according to God’s Word.

We’ve been given the authority to break that down, from the moment and the day it’s broken, people will react to the gospel.  God moves everything for that purpose, according to his word, and if you’re within that you don’t need to worry about any aspect of your life; He’ll take care of it.  You have to enjoy this true answer. Anything you accomplish with your own diligence is an answer that even unbelievers receive.  

Religious people say, “I have to believe and work really hard to accomplish something,” that’s religion. I’m not telling you not to work hard. I’m not telling you to go to your job to play around. Yes, of course you have to try, but you need to go there, following the spiritual flow and the spiritual motive and goal. It seems as if you’re working, but God is fulfilling his will through the work of the covenant.  It becomes a work that really evangelizes.  Then I will become a missionary that doe the work that breaks down the forces of darkness.  

Then, the answers that come from your business and studies are real answers that don’t break down. Everything else that comes is a result of how hard you work, just like unbelievers.  We talked about this last week, too, but giving my daughter a ride every day is really hard.  Starting from this year, I’ve been giving her rides back and forth to school. I realize I am going to spend the rest of my life this way. Yes, giving my daughter rides is ministry but that’s not enough.  Of course, there’s a blessing of God for raising the remnants, but I’m not living my life just so I can give rides all day.  That’s what unbelievers do, but every time I give her a ride to school, I talk to her about prayer.  

I even gave her a reward, “If you pray 10 times, then I’ll give you a reward but if you are rude to me in the house then it’ll go down to a 0” and so that’s happened a few times. “If you just study all night long and go to school, you can’t maintain that because humans have limitations,” so I told her, “Breathe deeply,” and she was extreme, doing what she thought was deep breathing, but I said, “If you do that 10 times, I’ll buy you one thing that you want.” She doesn’t want to do it, but if I tell her I’ll buy her something,she does it 10 times. I ask her, “not when you’re with me do you do deep breathing?” At first she did it 1 time but now she says she does it twice, and now, she’s just following after because her dad is nagging her to do it, but as she does this, one day she will experience it and at that point she will understand what prayer is.  

When she comes back home, she gets really mad and I’m scared to say anything in case it stresses out my daughter.  Pastor Ahn says to me that there’s only one thing I can’t budge before, and it’s my daughter, and the reason I’m so scared of my daughter is because I don’t want her to become like me, so I said on the way back home, “Are you going to  work on homework?” She said, “Yes,” then I said, “Right now, pray that God will work with the filling of the holy spirit on your homework, so you can use it for world evangelization. If you pray that prayer while doing deep breathing 10 times, I’ll buy you a present.”

She is in Junior high now, so she follows when I say I’ll buy her something. My life shouldn’t be about just giving a ride, so while I’m giving her a ride,  I need to give her the words of life. I shouldn’t be giving her words like religion like“Just memorize the Bible,” then only those who could do it would do it.  Memorizing Bible verses is important but I think she’s in an urgent situation right now. She’s a child of God so I have to teach her how to pray, but she’s so much like me that whenever I tell her to do something, she does the opposite.

So I changed my strategy, “Who in America prays like you do at your age?” My wife was listening and she said, “There’s a lot,”and I said, “I’ll give you the evidence that there’s not a lot” if a pastor’s wife isn’t even teaching their kids, if the parent doesn’t know, they can’t teach. If the pastor wife isn’t teaching the kids then the average Church goer can’t and I told her, “You have a unique benefit  is an advantage of every other person in America, which is doing deep breathing prayer,” but she was flattered as she was complimented, so I realized that’s how you teach her. 

Why do I say this? The Word of God is the Word of God but that word must be realistically moving in my actual life where I’m raising and training  the remnants. But if I call her in front of me and say, “Hey, did you do your prayer journal this morning?” I put a lot in her brain so I’m her real life. She is not applying God’s Word.  We have to actually confirm that the Word of God is working in our actual life, in order for us to experience and believe, otherwise it’ll be empty knowledge.  Yes, we do receive a lot of training, but the one who receives it and believes is what is important.  Then, if you really believe, do you really believe?  Even if you’re old, it doesn’t matter. You’re not worried even if you are retired because his word of God will exist even if you are dead, He is with you forever.  Even if you retire from your job, because the word of God will always be with you. 

This authority to cast out demons can be used forever.  This is the unique thing you can, no President or lawyer can do it. Then everywhere you go becomes your evangelism field.  If you live your walk of faith without knowing this , it’s hard. If you have this kind of job then that is your mission field for evangelism, if you go there, then that’s your field.  But if you can’t enjoy this, then it’s so hard.  This must be relayed to the remnants.  

Even if they don’t understand it, if you enjoy what’s real, the real thing will be relayed to them, but if you relay something fake to you, it cannot be relayed to them, then you’re going to make them into the same state as you. But someone who’s able to really enjoy this and truly relay this, the life movement will truly take place.  I believe you will enjoy this blessing with grace.  God will do it because that’s the reason God has called us, so believe this and go out.

With the Word we’ve received from God today, we must first restore the gospel as life and enjoy it.  May you restore the faith to believe that God has prepared people in your field to receive salvation, to be healed, and to stand as disciples.  Even today, may you utilize the authority and prayer that breaks down the darkness controlling your field, your family and your job.  Let us pray at this time, holding onto this Word, and realistically enjoy the answers as life.

Our second prayer, pray for the Word God will give us this Lord’s day.  It is not a Sunday where we receive a Bible study, but it is a time where God gives us the living Word in advance and he guides you according to his word, so God gives us the Word in advance and guides us according to the Word. If you lose hold of Sunday, then everything is destroyed too, that is why we must pray for the Word.  “God, we pray that You will pour upon us through the servant’s lips the Word that will be fulfilled in my life, the Word that will save me.”

If you don’t like the tie I’m wearing, then just give me a tie as a present that you like better.  If you don’t like the suit I’m wearing, then you should buy me one you like better, but what’s important is that the word of God is properly relayed.  If you don’t like the way I look, maybe you can pray for me to get botox, but what’s important is that the accurate Word is relayed.  But no matter what, my personality doesn’t change. Paul and Peter’s characteristics never changed, so I hope you’ll not be expecting that, that is how God created  us, we shouldn’t be overstepping God’s boundaries. You have to receive just as we are in order for you to have faith.

The goal of God’s Word is to relay the word that God desires and God needs for us to receive. There are some pastors who only talk about the gospel, but then that’s not allowing God to lead, they’re only speaking for themselves, then no matter what, it is the word that God needs us to receive, and for us the faith to believe that.  That’s why on Saturday we have to prepare our hearts to be like a fertile field, like our old church. On Saturday, we are attaching ourselves to Jesus so that our heart becomes a fertile field, so that when the word of God is strong we will have fruits of 30, 60, 100 times throughout the week. So let’s pray for Sunday.  

Lately, another thing we’ve been praying for is Alexandra. She has incredible musical talent, she hasn’t reacted to the choir, so maybe we can set up some sort of stage, and regardless of what form it takes, what’s important is for the word to go into her, so I’ve been praying for that. Either way, the talent of that  music needs to be used for the glory of God, but if it’s used for the world, you will be seized by Satan, so please pray for that.  So then, no matter what, Alex’s beautiful voice will be used to give glory to God and cast out Satan, and that’s how we conquer. Satan won’t allow her to do that, so we have to fight the spiritual battle and bind the forces of darkness that would rather make this beautiful talented voice for the darkness rather than God’s Kingdom.  

If we just stay, praying for things like this, God will work upon our business. We think it’s irrelevant, but just do it and God will take care of your business. Today as we do intercessory prayer, God will touch your business and your family, but you don’t know this, so you try to pack up everything and leave quickly, but if you do the things God desires , God will work upon your work, and God knows my situation.  This is the faith we must have as we enjoy the blessings of worship.  So let us pray for the Sunday message, for the choir, and for Alex.

There was a prayer journal message this week that talked about prayer, so all we have to do is take the Word exactly and go.  It doesn’t matter who proclaimed the Word, but it was given to me, so I just follow the Word God gave me.  So after the benediction, we’ll have the church and personal prayers and then go home.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the mutliethcni people, and the remnants, be upon those who want to enjoy and believe that Jesus Christ has called us to be with us, to send us out to preach, and to cast out all the demons in all our studies and businesses, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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