God’s Word- The Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Word- The Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The title of today’s message is The Bible is God’s Word. Every kind of religion has some kind of text like a Bible, and it’s a record of all the content this religion embodies.  However, what is it that our Bible talks about?  The Bible consists of 66 books, 39 from the Old Testament and 27 from the New Testament.  It is something written through the Holy Spirit using the prophets and 40 authors.  These 40 prophets who authored the Bible have different backgrounds, education levels, and even come from different places.  

All of these 40 authors did not gather in one location at one time to discuss this, but all of them wrote this at different times. There’s a 1000 year gap between the authors. Moses wrote the Pentateuch and everything else in the Old Testament is written by people of different ages, but all of these words are all in alignment with one another.

All the content Moses wrote about as well as the prophets later on like Isaiah was written in all different ages but the content is all aligned.  How is that possible?  It is only possible because God the Holy Spirit inspired these authors across all the ages.  Because they lived in different ages, it would be impossible for them to all say the same thing unless they were inspired by the Holy Spirit, so this Word is the answer for those living in their respective ages, so that means God’s Word from thousands of years ago is still the answer for us today. That means God’s Word is eternal and it is the answer for everybody.

Yes, it’s true we should study and investigate the Bible, but this is not something we can understand with our knowledge alone. In other words, when you say, “I know this Word,” it’s not really knowing it. If you think that way, it’s actually a really big problem because when you say “I know this Word,” it means you know the meaning of the words and the text. However, if the Holy Spirit really moves me, I’ll make a different confession, “Wow, this Word is the answer.”

For people who are able to follow the stream of the Word, they will say, “Yes, this is right, this is the answer,” again and again.  Those who try to just learn this by logic, knowledge, or theory will say they know it’s true but they can’t enjoy it.  The word of God is not an answer for those people, and that’s why it’s impossible for them to relay God’s word to the field. They can do Bible study because they can communicate with their knowledge, but it’s through the form of a Bible study that we’re supposed to relay these words of the gospel of life from ourselves to other people.

But if they’re not able to do that, then these people’s spirits cannot come to life, and if we keep hearing those words of knowledge, we say it’s exhausting.  Then, our Bible study meetings fall apart because people say they don’t want to listen to this anymore.  They say things like, “I already know everything they’re saying, why are they repeating the same things to me?”  Yes, of course, through the working of the Holy Spirit and God’s time schedule, these people may change, but the real problem is “me.”  It means the Word of God has to become my spiritual answer by the inspiration of the Holy spirit, and that’s what it means for us to worship in spirit and in truth.

What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth? It means we worship with the words of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We do not worship with our brains. We’re able to understand the word of God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that’s how God’s Word that is an answer in the Old Testament is an answer for us today, and that Word becomes an answer again in the field of America where we live. This Word of life is what we call the Word.

 Then, what do you think is the most important central core of the Bible? OF course, it’s the content pertaining to Jesus Christ.  If Jesus Christ never came to the earth and only stayed by the throne of heaven, this would have nothing to do with us. However, Jesus Chrsit did come to earth, but what is it that He wanted to accomplish here? It’s God’s kingdom.  So, when Paul went from region to region, proclaiming the gospel, the things he testified is proving that Jesus is the Christ and things pertaining to the works of the Kingdom of God.  

As we are living in this world as saved children of God, we’re able to live with the blessings of God’s Kingdom, which means we can personally see God’s Word being fulfilled. When we call America a “nation” or “country,” what does that mean? A nation isn’t just a gathering of people; people don’t call that a nation.  There must be a leader who controls the nation.  There must be the people who are ruled by that leader.  They symbolize this sphere of influence with the geographical lab that they are located on, this is what we call a “kingdom” or “nation.”

America has its own land and sovereignty including the 50 states of America and certain territories.  There are people living in locations where they must follow the American law, and we call those Americans, and their president is Biden.  If another country were to come and attack this land, America wouldn’t stay still but they would defend the land. It’s the same for the Kingdom of GOd.  Without a doubt there’s a king and subjects and people and there’s a sphere of influence.

1. King- Christ

If there’s a kingdom of God, it means there’s a king. You can only become a citizen of the Kingdom of God if you believe that Jesus is the King.

1) Isaiah 7:14

Jesus Christ was born in the New Testament, however he was prophesied in Isaiah 7:14 as IMmanuel.  The words of Isaiah came thousands of years before Jesus Christ was born on earth, so the people in that era were controlled by these words of Isaiah 7:14, then honestly it’s the same  back then as it is today.  Even though Jesus Christ is not on this earth, He is controlling over us, seated at the throne of heaven.  

2) Manger

Jesus Christ was born in a manger, in other words, he did not come as the image of a king, but he came in a very humble state.   Then all the people in the world vying to become king, to have the seat of success and to climb the ranks of hierarchy cannot come into this humble place.  Jesus Christ was born into a manger, so only the people who are truly led and following the inspiration of the Holy Spirit can follow Jesus.  

If Jesus Christ came born as a king then we can at least we could follow Him, but how can you follow someone that was born in an manger?  This was the method that completely cut off the people who were waiting in line to gain success in the world.  Only the people who are completely filled and inspired by the Holy Spirit can follow Jesus.

It’s the same thing today, I’m sorry to say this, but even today if someone comes to church and says, “I tried going to church but there was no one there that can help me,” I’m sorry to say, they have not received salvation. “Oh I tried going to church but it never helped my business,” that person has not received salvation because that person went to church with their own motives and were unable to hear God’s Word.  The only thing they hear is, “Why is the pastor repeating the same words over and over again?” They don’t hear those as words of life.

3) Isaiah 53:1-6

This Jesus Christ came to earth and exactly prophesied in Isaiah 53:1-6, He suffered.  If Jesus Christ had come to earth and was really ruling and subduing all of the people, then people would acknowledge him as a king, but he came as someone who suffered around someone who was a delicacy of the worldly king so no one believed Him.

4) 1 Corinthians 15:1-3

Jesus Christ died and resurrected.  There are many people in the world who were technically dead and came back to life, but we don’t call that a resurrection. The characteristic of a resurrection is that they must be living even now.  Let’s say there was a funeral and we’re about to bury the casket, but someone was living inside and they were banging to be let out.  Of course, they were pronounced dead at some point, we hear about this on the news a lot, but that person is going to die later.  

“Resurrected” means He has come back to life and is still alive now. He must die on the cross for my sins as the Christ. He has received all the curses and disasters that come from all mankind on this earth.  Sin cannot be resolved by a random person on earth who resolves, “I’m going to die for all the sins of mankind, electric chair and be electrocuted” Only the One without sin can resolve sin in this way.

5) Lord Judgment [John 20:31] Life

This Jesus Christ will come again as the Lord of Judgment, and this pertains to God the King.  John 20 :31 says, the entire Bible is written about Jesus Christ in order to give us life. You must have eternal life, if you don’t have life it means you’re dead, if somebody is dead, it doesn’t matter how many words you give them; they cannot understand.  If you’re separated from God because of spiritual disobedience to the Word, it means your spirit is dead, so it’s impossible to know GOd, then even if you research into the Bible, you can’t understand since the holy spirit doesn’t reveal it to you.

When will someone understand? One day, when the Holy Spirit works upon them, they will realize true life.  There are people who go to church without life.  It seems like they understand God’s Word but they don’t know it because they don’t have His life.  People who have this life will understand even without worldly knowledge, and that life is what’s relayed.  

The life being relayed means it can be relayed with your words, but it can also be relayed if there are no words. If someone gets married and they have children, that’s not something that they created with their studies, it’s a natural process.  If you have the life, then it’s natural for life to be relayed.  If you’re not able to enjoy this life, then you have to look for methods, “How can I do this?” 

The only method is to enjoy this life, and if you enjoy it, then it’s bound to be relayed. If you love and enjoy money, others will know that.  If you bear heavy burdens in the world, this will also be relayed to other people. If you receive life, then you have to enjoy it. Jesus Christ is our King.

2. People – Saints

The Bible is a written record regarding Jesus Christ Who is the King as well as the people who are under His reign.

1) John 1:12 – Child

Those who accept Him and believe in His name become children of God. You must absolutely let them know and give this to the remnants. If you just pass this on as information, “you’re children of God,” they can’t enjoy this.  Some people ask, “How can I become a child of God?” some people ask that even though they’ve listened to messages for years.  Of course, that’s their time schedule, so I just explained in a very detailed way.

Jesus is the Christ, Jesus did the work of the Christ. Then when I compared it to how Biden does the role of the President, only then they understood.  If you keep on saying by your own standard that you understand John 1:12, it’s not going to get relayed into your field. When you listen to these words, you have to listen to it praying about your field, in order for the life to be relayed, but if you don’t have the goal of relaying this to your field, it’s a dead word, just a word you already know, so you’re just falling asleep and dozing off.  God is giving you this Word as the words of life to relay to those in the field.  

If you desire for Jesus Christ, your Lord and savior to come into your life as your God and Master, we call that “salvation.” To those who believed in His name, to those who received Him, He gave the right to become children of God. If you believe in that name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is with you.  Also, you can become a child of God if you accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and savior in your heart.  If someone says they believe and you say, “You’re not saved because you never did the acceptance prayer,” that’s not biblical.  What’s important is if they accurately understand and believe Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit is with them.  

We talk about this thing called “Acceptance” specifically to confirm it with them, but this is very important.  But if you look at a lot of children or a lot of elderly people, because they have a lot of similarities, when their environment shakes, they feel they’re not children of God, and it’s not that the lack faith; they do have some faith, but they say, “I don’t find God believable right now.,” Then what should you do? For those who know about John 1:12, you talk about this.  

=/= Religion

When we hear about being a child of God, we think it’s by our own goodness, so our lack of faith says, “Oh, I don’t have a lot of faith, or we haven’t done this enough,” but it’s all by God’s grace. You have to explain this perfect and complete Gospel to them and enjoy it yourself, this is your status.  It’s not something you earn.  Once you believe in Jesus Christ, you’re a child of God. As time passes, our faith shakes, “My child is shaking and they don’t believe a lot so they don’t want to come to church,” even though this is a child, that person is using religion. 

Religion is about going to some kind of church for a long time; human beings are naturally religious, when we face a problem, we don’t enjoy being a child of God, we keep on reverting to our religion, “Did I do something wrong? I need something more,” and because we go back to our religiosity, we teach others that we have to do something to gain more faith.  At that time, it’s important for you to deliver the complete and perfect gospel.

Everyone thinks they know what it means, but you don’t, it’s not about knowing it but you have to enjoy it but you can’t. You know it but you can’t enjoy it. When you face a problem, it’s impossible to enjoy it. Your status is irrelevant to your problems. If someone becomes my parent, they are my parent regardless of my problems.  Depending on this status, God gives you answers, but everyone continues to go back to religiosity.  You are the same, “It’s because I’m lacking and didnt’ do something in the morning,” it’s not about whether you do something or not; you’re a child of God.  

If you keep delivering to that student then they will be free from religion.  The one who knows this and enjoys this are able to relay this, but if someone only knows this but cannot enjoy it, then they cannot relay it, isn’t that right?  Through JEsus Christ, we’ve become children of God, and just because we do something wrong, that doesn’t mean we are no longer children of God.  But the devil keeps killing us with religiosity, “You don’t really believe!”  Yes, I do believe I just don’t have assurance but Satan makes you shake your identity as a child of God because of it.

It’s possible that we make mistakes, but does our status change? It does not.  If you become a child of God, there is a way God guides you, so you must quickly restore your status.  The one who is constantly enjoying this is able to relay this to others beside them.  But someone who just knows this as well is unable to relay this to someone who is religious.  But we really don’t know this so we keep thinking we have to prepare a lot of knowledge and things, and we look for things that are helpful.

It’s never like that, becoming a child of God is impossible with my efforts and strength, the faith is only given to people that God has given the grace top, but because we don’t gain it by our own abilities, we think it has no value. But we’re children of God, we cannot fail, the children of God don’t fail even if they do fail, they’re children of God.  This must be relayed to the next generation remnants because they’re being shaken.  They don’t come to church because they don’t believe they’re children of God.

If the parent is not able to enjoy being a child of God, they’ll say, “Fine, you can rest until you get faith,” they cannot relay life to their child, there are people in your field and family who are dying because of religion; they don’t know who they are.  They are so worried and concerned, they don’t know what to do about this, they feel burdened by guilt, and having a lot of Christians around them is not what’s important.  One person must truly enjoy being a child of God to relay this life to them, but in reality, everyone is dead; there’s no one who enjoys this. You can just say one Word to them, “You’re okay, you’re a child of God.”

Why do you think this is happening to this person even though they’re a child of God?  They’re not enjoying this life. They keep talking about their own behaviors, environment, and circumstances; they keep saying they’re lacking something, but someone else next to them has to tell them “It’s okay, you’re a child of God,” then their spirit will gain strength.  Everyone needs spiritual strength for them to change their ways. For a liar to stop lying or for a stealer to stop stealing, they need to receive spiritual strength. If you say,  “Oh, you should stop doing that, you are a senior deaconess,” then why would Jesus Christ have to come?

John 1:12 is the answer but if you feel like it’s not, then you have to wander looking for answers. We have been given answers but we don’t feel like that’s the answer. If you become the child of a president, then as long as he’s in office, you have no problems in AMerica. But let’s say the child is always worried, even though they’re a child of God, “What if someone tries to break into m y house? What’s going to happen to my life next year?” even though they are the child of the president?  It’s because we don’t enjoy this our level is the same as an unbeliever.

We’re children of God. Even if we fall, we’re children of God because God will never leave His children alone. He takes responsibility over you and protects you and guides you until the very end, and there’s no one in the field who is able to enjoy this and tell others about it. If we talk about Jesus Christ and the three roles, then we know everything but we don’t enjoy it. We keep living a knowledge-based walk of faith, but we enjoy this.  

So, it’s tremendous for someone to accept. You have to know this meaning and really it for true acceptance to happen to this person, and someone who doesn’t really enjoy this may have acceptances take place, but that person who just accepted the gospel will only understand at the level of the person who relayed it to them. Because the person who is relaying the message is religious, they’ll say, “Now that you’ve accepted, you must live this religious life.”

Every answer and everything in life comes from John 1:12, but because this person is not able to enjoy this and give the answers, they are pushed into religious living, and that’s why the life movement is not taking place.  There are others who are under a misconception that the life movement isn’t taking place because they don’t have enough training.  They’re under the misconception, “How could someone like me who has not even received a lot of training and only go to church once a Sunday, do this life movement?”

Receiving training is to make you sure of John 1:12, and if you’re unsure of this, we make you certain again, because you have this status, there is authority that comes with the status, just as you have authority as the child of the president, but if you don’t know this, you’ll be lost and struggling in the field today.

“Life is so hard,” you have to wake up early in the morning and you slave away mentally and physically until the late evening, and you’re not even able to tell anyone what’s going on, even my daughter gets so much homework that it reminds me of the way I used to struggle in middle school.  This life of struggle has been imprinted in the kids since a young age.

What’s important is that someone must be able to deliver how these studies can be used for life.  As you keep having Darakbang meetings, they keep closing, right? There’s no method because you don’t enjoy John 1:12. You try changing people, but if you can’t enjoy this it’s not going to work again.  Then later on, you’re just going to end it by pointing your finger at someone lse, but they cannot change. You’ve never enjoyed this life and you’ve never relayed it either. 

If you keep relaying religion, the other person will be intimidated.  “You didn’t wake up in the morning and do this, did you?” After meeting twice or three times with that person, they won’t want to meet again. Quickly escape from your religion. If you think you’ve escaped, you’re mistaken; you go back to religion every day. Therefore, you have to enjoy life every day.  “Oh, I need the life everyday because I have religion every day,” in order for you to really enjoy this. 


That’s why we have the power and authority. That’s not a power that comes from me but it is given from God. You must always enjoy this.  When you face a problem, you are a child of God, standing before the problem.  But you and I go right back to religion, “I’m standing before this problem,” so you look for different methods, and if you can’t break through, you get worried, but if you enjoy your status, then a child of God is facing a problem, and this is an opportunity for God to reveal God’s power and authority through His Word. 


That’s authority. I tremble and shake whenever I face a problem, but because my status is a child of God, I’m able to transcend the problem.  If you do not deliver this life to someone who’s suffering from mental problems, they won’t want to meet with you.  Someone with mental problems will be even more oppressed if it’s not only the gospel, but shockingly, if you give them the pure gospel of life, they will like it.

We know these words, “Child of God,” but what’s not taking place is that we’re not enjoying these words. If someone enjoyed these words and relayed them, it becomes life. The reason why people have mental problems is because they’re so oppressed and burdened.  

This week we had the RU classes, and Pastor Park came, and his family is very elite.  His father worked in a bank and his mother also had a very good job.  This pastor grew up in the UK with a very good education ever since he was young.  He was always sitting upright. He went to preside in ICSC and he was sitting so straight like this, it means that’s how he was disciplined in his home.  

Sitting upright is a good thing, but he’s upright in everything, so he’s oppressed in everything. He’s someone who can’t just open a refrigerator by himself, he has to ask, “Can I open the refrigerator and drink water?” His life is so rooted in being upright and proper all the time, and it’s such a good thing that deserves a compliment, but can someone really live like that?

If such a person makes a mistake, imagine how oppressed they are by themselves.For example, let’s say one day he opened the fridge and ate something out of it without asking, and that’s fine it doesn’t really matter, but they are so burdened by their guilt and oppression.  But if someone says, “You’re a child of God,” those who have a religious style will oppress others with this religion or gospel. You have to relay this, “It’s okay, you’re a child of God.”

They went to church ever since they were little. I don’t know if they ever heard the word Child Of God before but they’ve never met someone who enjoyed it, so nothing can fix them. Nothing else you put into this child can change them; life must go in, it can’t be changed with their efforts; it must be given by God. From our perspective, it is that their spirit is strengthened and there is freedom.  The one who is able to constantly enjoy and relay these words is a minister.  Everything else may seem to be working at first, but later on, it closes down, and as long as that person doesn’t stop going to church, their religious nature will not change.

3. Enemy – Kingdom of Satan

If there’s a Kingdom of God on this earth, it means there’s another kingdom as well.  If you live your life without knowing about the kingdom of Satan, you’ll be incredibly deceived.  Yes it’s true that if you’re in the kingdom of God there’s life and peace but what happens if you dont know there’s an enemy? Will you be able to forgive another person? You cannot, because you don’t know there’s an opponent. You look at the way that person acts in the church and it really makes their blood boil, will you be able to forgive them?  You have to know that Satan exists and that this person truly has spiritual problems in order for you to be able to forgive them. If there’s a kingdom of God, it means there’s an opposing kingdom against which we must fight. THat’s why we use the word “Satan.” If someone ever tells you to stop talking about Satan, it’s the same as saying, “I don’t want to see the enemy or the opponent.”

1) Genesis 3:15

In Genesis 3:15, the fact that the offspring of women will crush the head of the devil means that He has already overcome and He is victorious.  

2) Genesis 2:17. 3:16-20

By the devil’s temptation, human beings that were told to never eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, sinned and disobeyed God in Genesis 3.  You must not stray to the left or the right. “Why is Satan the problem? The people sinned.”  Those words are correct, but if you look down on Satan, SAtan will devour you one day. On the other hand, if you say that humans have no fault and Satan did everything, then that person will never receive healing.  Satan tempted you; who else did he tempt? You have to acknowledge this correctly.

Satan absolutely exists and without a doubt, he tempts humans, that’s a fact, but I’m also taken in by that.  Isn’t that right? That’s why we need Christ.  If we become children of God, Satan’s authority is broken because Jesus Christ came. However, the children of God are deceived.  Satan deceives us with our nature from Genesis 3.  All the people who sit in this world are looking at me as if you already know everything I’m saying, but if you think like that, you’ll never have the life movement. I’m not saying this for you guys right now, but you have to sit here with the goal of relaying this message to the people in your dying field who have never heard this for the Holy Spirit to work now.  But you only say, “I already know this,” this is all about me, it’s religion, getting caught in Genesis 3.

I know this, but am I enjoying this? I know Satan, but am I fighting against him? How do we fight against Satan? With faith.  1 Peter 5:7-8 says that Satan goes into those who have worries and concerns. Worries mess. You have disbelief, if you have faith, he leaves.  Satan is completely the king, controlling over unbelievers, so that’s why we use the prayer of authority in the field.  There’s no need to use the prayer of authority for us because we already have the power to cast out Satan, but the people of the world are completely enslaved, and that’s what it means in Mark 3:15 that we’ve been given the authority to cast out demons. 

3) Mark 3:15

“I already know this all” but it’s not really yours, and since it’s not really yours you don’t use it.  The forces of darkness have been broken in the field I rode for your business and relationships to take place. You already know this? You don’t, but you think you do and that’s why your field isn’t being changed. If you really believe this, you’re bound to utilize this authority and the darkness will break in your field. 

If you have a knife, you should use it; if you’ve been given a gun, you should utilize it, you just hold onto it, if you’re not able to utilize it, you’re going to be taken in.  

Even now, do you believe your business is irrelevant to demons? And that’s why you’re being taken in by the economy of darkness and demons.  You guys are supposed to conquer with the economy of light but everything’s stolen by the economy of darkness and demons. You think you know this but you have to utilize this authority to steal everything back. You must break down the forces of darkness that keep you stuck in poverty.

Enjoy this. You aren’t enjoying this but you say you already know. “Pastor, why do you keep repeating the same things we already know?” You have to enjoy this and relay it to the field, otherwise, that person will be seized.

4) John 8:44

Why do people suffer?  John 8:44 says we suffer because we’re under Satan’s authority; we are Satan’s children, so this must quickly change. You think you’ve escaped from this, haven’t you? You only think of that theoretically and you’re sitting there thinking, “I already know this,” right? If you really have escaped then you should enjoy being a child of God, but you don’t enjoy it; you just think you know it.

It’s not about knowing, if you have escaped from Satan’s authority, you have to enjoy that authority and power.  Unbelievers are being directly controlled or influenced by the forces of Satan, and if you know this then your eyes will be different, then you’ll know what you must do. Your eyes must be opened to see this. You just look at this person as a person but you never see them spiritually, so you’re taken in by it.  The devil uses this person to deceive you, so you must pray for this person because they must be freed from the authority of the devil. You have to use the authority so that this person cannot be used by the devil, that’s what it means to conquer and subdue.

But you don’t know this so you try to live a modest life, making sales and meeting people, that’s why you’re taken in, the devil will use everyone around you to make you fall into the economy of darkness.  Your eyes must be opened to see this for you to have the proper business, studies, and social life. If your eyes are opened to see this, imagine what a blessing it is to meet people, but that person is spiritually seized and God sent that person to me.  Whether this person comes to you as a client or customer, God has given them to you so you can bless them. That person must be blessed for the way they spend their money to be a blessing.

Everything is within this, including your business ministry.  But you don’t know any of this, so you keep reverting back to your religious nature, where you think you have to do something diligently, you pray begging for blessings, and you think you should come to church more, it’s like any other religion.  Jesus Christ has already claimed victory over all of this.  As we read in Mark 3:15, Jesus Christ already gave us the authority to cast out demons.

5) Victory Matthew 10:1

In Matthew 10:1 when he sends you out into the field to drive out demons, He has given you that authority in your business and your studies.  Jesus never sent them to receive some training, Jesus is saying He has sent you to your professional field, and students have been sent to their school fields. He gave you authority and sent you there. This isn’t just a book for Bible studies.  God gave us this Word to show us who people are and what’s going on in our fields, and that’s why we must utilize our authority and power.

How can a Christian have victory in the world if they don’t know this?  They think, “If I try diligently, then maybe something will happen at first,” but is that victory? Even unbelievers live like that, that came from your diligence, but it’s not the true answer God gives. Isn’t that right? Even unbelievers work hard with their own efforts, and yes, we can call those “answers,” but they’re not the true answers.

The true answer is the answer that comes as the kingdom of darkness is broken.  The kingdom of darkness is broken and God works directly and you receive the economy of light?  That economy is the answer.

So if we go back to the title, the Bible is God’s Word and it’s revealed to us by the moving of the Holy Spirit.  Why am I speaking so passionately about being a child of God and salvation?  Because all of you are sitting here, looking at me like you already know all this, so there are a lot of Pharisees who are listening.  You have no emotional reaction, but you know this with your brain as knowledge, so I’m telling you to revert from being a Pharisee to being a Christian.  “I’m a child of God.  I can never fail.  Even if I fall, God is holding onto me, so it doesn’t matter.” When you enjoy this and relay this to other people, then people all around you will come to life.  


God, we thank You.  Thank You for calling us as your children and allow us to realistically enjoy our status and authority. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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