21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Necessary

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Necessary

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

If you have a disease, what are you going to do about it? Spiritually, concentrate on Christ.  If you face death, you’re going to die.  But if you want to live longer, even though it’s your time, that’s not biblical.

Only God’s Kingdom.

When you’ve finished everything in Christ, Christ becomes your Master.

Acts 1:3.

It’s not about when the kingdom is restored to Israel, but the Word becomes my Master.  Those who have the answer of Christ will follow the Word; they believe in God’s Word and look for the mission within God’s Word.


What must I do with my life? 

Transcending Time and Space

God works transcending time and space, so to do this, you need strength.

Only the Holy Spirit  

But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you’ll receive power to save the field and America. You can’t do anything without the Holy Spirit.  If you don’t have three fundamental things, you’ll be seized by problems. It doesn’t matter if you go to church or if you’re a pastor, but this is the problem of your life. There is no other problem in life. The minute you turn your gaze to something else, you’re going down the wrong path. 

Me – Scars

The problem is you’re centered on yourself and the scars come out but you blame the environment and other people.


You’re scarred as you meet with material-centered people, so you’re afflicted, caught up with your own motives. No one said anything to you, no one told you to feel this way, but you do it to yourself and fall into materialism, why? It means you’re tripping over your own motives, but you blame someone else, “That person is the problem.” That will never be solved no matter what.  You’ll be dragged around by the devil all your life. “This is my problem.”


You do everything for success, you came to America for success, and you invest everything towards success, and it’s frustrating, but you reap what you sow.  It’s because you didn’t plant Christ, but you  planted something else, then the masterpiece is what you’ve planted.  If you’re not changing on the inside but you diligently package the outside, nothing will change.

Quickly change to only Christ, let go of your motives, the only motive is Christ, otherwise Satan will not be finished; he continuously follows you, and you think it’s working out, but it’s not.  You’re under a misconception that something is working, but it won’t work out.  Be centered on only Christ and God’s Kingdom. If the Word of God doesn’t say anything, don’t say anything, but if it comes to you, go.  You draw up your own plans apart from the Word of God, you’re so hasty and impatient, you rush off on your own.  It’s a dream that the devil likes; it doesn’t break down the devil.

You say “only the Holy Spirit” but you’re kidding yourself. To have “only the Holy Spirit,” you must know the reason why you’ve been given the filling of the Holy Spirit. It’s so you can be the main figure for saving the world, but you write it down and don’t take it literally. When someone asks you for a prayer topic in a regional church, don’t say “filling of the Holy Spirit,” that’s your personal prayer topic.  At the very least, if someone asks for a prayer topic, give the prayer topics in the field for the filling of the Holy Spirit, but you ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit yourself.

Heavenly Mandate

Only Christ becomes your heavenly mandate. It is unchanging, we proclaim Christ; otherwise, everyone dies. Everyone lives in Satan, sin, and separation.


My calling comes today, something I must do today as my role in the church and the world, but you don’t think about that, you only think about world evangelization so you skip over today.  Your lifelong mission is an accumulation of many “todays,” but you don’t do anything today.  Let’s say Joseph went to Egypt as a slave, and he’s only holding onto Egypt evangelization. Many people are like that, he was just holding onto evangelizing Egypt and doesn’t care about what he has to do today, then people say he has a spiritual problem.

Then, Joseph has a spiritual problem, but what calling does God desire for you today?  He did the slave work of “today,” holding onto the Word of the covenant well. That’s the work he had to do today for world evangelization, but you throw that away and hold onto world evangelization, but what must I do today?  “I just laze around today holding onto the covenant of Egypt evangelization.”  His slavemasters criticize him and he says he’s holding onto the covenant of Egypt evangelization?  Don’t hang out with such people because you’ll be like them. They have no faith; they hold onto an abstract concept.

If students are falling asleep during their lectures because they only care about evangelizing the school, they must receive grace.  God gives you the mission for the week through the Word, and that’s your calling. After that turns into months and years, that turns into your mission.  Joseph wasn’t just lazing around every day, but it was an accumulation of “todays” that led to his mission.


When God raises the church, the church has a mission, so God raised up the church, and every single week, God gives the Word to fulfill the calling.  But the eternal heavenly mandate of Christ never changes.  This must take place for you to live the evangelist’s life.

What’s the characteristic of someone who can’t do this?  They hold onto Christ and the mission of world evangelization but they lose hold of their calling. Even the mission they hold onto is irrelevant of the church, they hold onto themselves.  They hold onto world evangelization from the headquarters without knowing what it means. People like this are extremely difficult, they cannot be stopped, “I’m going to do world evangelization,” they don’t know the church or God’s Word, and you will have more grace as you stay away from such people.

Then, that person’s going to do world evangelization all by themselves, go to Africa all by themselves, they don’t even know the languages there, you’ll make your own language? They don’t make any sense. God raises up disciples region by region for world evangelization, and then God raises up the church we can do the work of continuation.  Then, as these churches combine their missions together, we go into the complete world evangelization.   That’s why God gives the Word.

“It’s so hard to hold onto the Word,” then you’re impatient, you should be hospitalized and join a new believer class and marinate in this for a few years.  You don’t have the answer of “only Christ,” so you say you’re not receiving any grace, but you are still holding onto world evangelization but it’s completely irrelevant to the message of the church, so your whole life collapses. If I collapse, all of my family will collapse as well.  When the people who don’t have the answer talk, they speak well so it seems they have the answer, but when those who have the answer start listening, they recognize such people who are misleading people, filled with their motives. 

The characteristic of someone without answers is that they cannot pray because they haven’t held onto world evangelization.  Because they are centered on themselves and don’t have the answer of only Christ, then they receive grace based on whether they liked it or not. I understand because humans are weak, but don’t fall into a misconception that says it isn’t working out.

Think about it again, is it really only Christ?  Without only Christ, you can’t go into world evangelization.  Christ has to be your everything for you to give your answer to everybody, so that’s world evangelization, but you haven’t come to this answer yet.  I’m sure you can still hold onto the term “world evangelization,” but it’s vague.

Then instead of God’s Word being your weekly standard, things fluctuate based on your emotions and thoughts; you don’t even know the church’s prayer topics. You think that worship life is just going to worship at church, and if there are church announcements, it’s irrelevant to you because you have your own goal.  “I will do world evangelization,” but God fulfills it through the announcements. It’s possible to live such a futile walk of faith.


Don’t you think that Christ is rightful?  Why am I facing this kind of life right now? Is it rightful? Why does her back hurt? Don’t you think it’s rightful? She doesn’t exercise, she just stands there, then of course, her back will hurt.  It’s not hurting because she’s standing for a long time, but she’s weak. You have to stay up all night for your work, it’s rightful. It’s amazing, because I exercise so I can stand for a long time. It’s rightful.

Depending on what goes in, the result is rightful.  If the Word of God doesn’t go into you, then rightfully, your life will not go according to God’s Word.  If you live in America but you’re centered on something else, you’ll reap that fruit.  I’m sorry to tell you this, but you’re going to hang your neck on disasters and Satan. 


Whatever you do rightfully will necessarily come.  Why did God give you a problem? Because it’s necessary.  God would not give you something unnecessary.  We must be necessary people.  An unnecessary person in a company would get kicked out fast, but they say they’re renowned on their own, but the company doesn’t need that person.

I once listened to a CEO’s lecture and he was a deacon at a church.  He wasn’t part of Samsung, but in this company, they were doing Human Resources. Let’s say there was a very qualified applicant, and of course, because they have skills, they pass tests with flying colors and say, “I will do my best and stay until the end,” but once they’re inside the company and they have tasks, they think they’re too good for those things, so they complain and grumble.

The company does not need such people, but I must be aligned with the company, isn’t that right?  If you think you’re so skilled and smart that you are above all these tasks, you’re not aligned with the company.  All the people around you graduated from lesser schools and you think, “Do I have to be with such people?” That’s not a person the company needs.

You must be someone the company wants.  Many businesses have mission statements saying who they are and who they work with, and that mission statement must fit with you. If you just have the skills and you take a test and go in, that company may not be aligned with you. Your skill level is not important. You’re unnecessary in that company.

It’s the same for the church, you must be a necessary person.  If there’s not a single place in the world that needs you, you must go quickly because you’re doing unnecessary things.  Necessary people are needed no matter where they go.  America must see you as a necessary person. God will make that happen. But because you’re not aligned with God, you’re unnecessary wherever you go. You’re a burden, nobody can say this, but nobody likes you, and that’s what happens.

You have to do the necessary work to be the necessary person.  That’s what happens when you follow the Word of the Kingdom of God.  Let’s look at the Bible.

Acts 17:6-9

They testified of Jesus Christ in the region of Thessalonica, and the entire region fell into an uproar. The necessary things were relayed, but they were imprisoned, but Jason had a lot of money, so they posted the bond and they let them go.  You have to say necessary words with necessary money, then God will use you for necessary things.  Isn’t that right? You shouldn’t spend money on things you do for yourself, but for evangelism and the proclamation of the gospel.

Genesis 39:3-5

Joseph was a necessary person in Potiphar’s house and did the necessary work, and God will work this way upon the one who holds onto God’s covenant. But if people aren’t able to do this, they create unnecessary work. People don’t like that, the company doesn’t like that.  “This person is truly necessary.” Look at Obadiah, he was serving King Ahab, and even though he believed in God, he was necessary.  Obadiah was needed by Elijah and the church as well.

You must be needed wherever you go. If you’re necessary, it’s evidence that you’re within God’s covenant and prayer, because if you don’t have that, you’ll have your own motives and you’ll make life harder for others. Even in your office, if you have your own motives, it will be hard. If you’ve gone into a company, first and foremost you must be necessary for the company.  If you keep exalting yourself and only pursuing your motives, that person is unnecessary.  AI would be preferred.

Don’t you think that AI would be better than a person? At least AI doesn’t complain, but this person makes everyone struggle because of their motives. They make their subordinates and superiors suffer, it’s always with the unnecessary things, not the things of the covenant.

Acts 1:3

Without a doubt, Jesus gave the absolutely necessary mission to the disciples.  Imagine how much work there was to do, but why did He speak only of this? You have to go to school and make money and go on trips, you have to dye your hair and diet, you have to look around for good food. Why did he not talk about any of that? Because those aren’t absolutely necessary. Those are things you do when you can do it according to the situation.

If you need yellow hair, ask for yellow hair.  If I need to have permed hair, I will get permed hair.  If everyone is wearing a Hawaiian hula skirt, then I’ll do that too.  But the only thing that is necessary are the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.  That’s what you must do.  You do everything except for this, it’s unnecessary.

Acts 2:1

They were all together in one place.  Just gathering is not what’s important, but they gathered together, holding onto God’s Word. They didn’t just gather on a vacation, but because they held onto Jesus’ words and gathered together, this was a necessary gathering.

You have to have truly necessary meetings.  We need to have the necessary meetings in the church as well. If you have unnecessary meetings and you waste time babbling, no one will want to go. We shouldn’t gather just because of one person to relieve stress, you shouldn’t be with people just because they give you joy.

Acts 6:7

The Word of God spread, meaning many people were concentrating on God’s Word and praying in faith.  So, the Lord kept increasing the number of disciples, why? Because they were doing the necessary work. We need the meeting that holds onto the covenant and prays, there’s nothing else to do; why would you do anything else?  What a waste of time and money! Is this absolutely necessary for me to do, or am I just going to a meeting unnecessarily?  That may be necessary for a person because they feel so empty, they need some kind of emotion from this meeting. For people like that, go to YouTube and keep listening to the pulpit message instead of wandering aimlessly.  What’s necessary, that’s important, otherwise we waste time on unnecessary things.

Acts 11:19

If you look in later verses, they relayed the word of God to the Greeks also, this was a necessary work. Do you think Stephen’s martyrdom was a mistake or an accident?  Was it something we wish didn’t happen? Does this mean Stephen has to keep living just for you? Are you sad about it? Do you wish you would live longer? “He was called away so young, what are we going to do?” It was necessary. You must quickly hold onto the plan that God needs even more, but if you hold onto this and you cry and miss them and it’s so sad, yes, you miss them, but you shed unnecessary tears.

Let’s say you’re asking, “How long is this coronavirus going to take?” And you make excuses based on COVID, it’s an unnecessary life. Even within COVID, be someone absolutely necessary for God to continue to pour out His grace upon you.

Acts 16:6-10

Paul is someone who went out with a mission to do world evangelization.  He went to the land of Troas where he was born, that is, present-day Turkey to preach the gospel, but this is why it doesn’t work when you do your evangelism camps; you must receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  God blocks that door so they don’t go, but Paul says, “But I know this place, it was where I was born,” and that’s why even though he was diligent and had a clear mission, nothing happened. 

Troas was not the right time schedule for God.  God prepared Macedonia and used the Holy Spirit to guide them there, so there’s no need to be stubborn about this location, but go to the region God sends. In that region, they didn’t have anything, but just because there are many people in a region, that doesn’t mean you should go there as God’s plan by default.  God will send you to empty places. Why must you gather around large numbers?  It’s just a gathering of saved people and they praise and praise and praise without knowing why they praise.

It’s possible the Holy Spirit wants you somewhere else.  This is not telling you to not gather; Christians must gather, but there’s a time schedule that the Holy Spirit desires.  If you really want to receive guidance, then God will guide you.  You thought it was just your thoughts, but when you get together with a bunch of people to forum, you’ll think, “Everyone thought the same thing.”

Everyone agreed that Macedonia was God’s will; Paul didn’t have to assert himself, because if everyone is aligned with the Holy Spirit, they will align with one another.  There was a time when someone misunderstood something and they wanted to move to this church, and some people volunteered to welcome them.  One person voted against it, “Don’t you think it’s God’s will if everyone unanimously agrees?” People who did the evangelism in Acts were led by the Holy Spirit, but this one person voted against this new member, “This is the number of people I want in my church, this is how I want my church to be.”

Then when we were in the old building on the 7th floor, they really liked it over there to play. But when we agreed to move to this building, they became upset.  Later on, they retorted, “If it was God’s will, wouldn’t we have unanimous agreement?” So, in my heart, I was thinking, “It’s better for you to not be part of this church since you’re not receiving God’s Word anyway.” 

We receive guidance together, but if someone doesn’t receive guidance, it’s like people who just gather.  There’s not a single person who is there to gather for their own purpose, and the way I know this is that a lot of pastors say things like, “I don’t like the feel of this place,” they like the old building because it was great for playing, there was a big table in the pastor’s room where they could sit around and sip tea. “I don’t like this new location,” but it was great for RU and world evangelization. 

We need to have a meeting for the covenant, but if they say, “I want a church like a family, I want to know the schools we attend,” but they don’t care about world evangelization, they hold onto the word however they want, irrespective of God’s will.  “I am the way, the truth, and the life, I am the gospel,” so these people wander around, moving from church to church. They can’t adapt anywhere because they think they’re their own gospel.

But they think of themselves.  Where do you think this came from? I looked at the person’s family background, they had 4-star generals in their family, so I could understand why they had no choice but to be that way, but that’s all.  I realized this person had no choice but to speak this way.

If you research into their background, you can see why they say the things they do.  Even their children are spoiled, why? Because they’re not being properly spiritually led, so even if you attach someone to them, it’s not going to work out.  “Only me and my convenience,” the family line is the same. We have to escape with the gospel, but they interpret and hold onto God’s Word according to their convenience, because even if we give the precious word of God to pigs, they will not understand, or they will manipulate it to their own benefit, so that’s why Jesus gave us this.

I keep praying for them even if they’re not a part of this church because my heart is sad for them, and I can see how this life will play out. Even now, they are smart within themselves.  It’s the darkness that has been holding onto the gospel for a very long time.  But I have no choice but to think that way, I need to have God’s grace.

Acts 19:21

They evangelized Macedonia and Europe, and he had to go to Rome. If they had done much more, it’s easy for them to say, “I’ll retire now and take a break,” but that’s not right. He received God’s Word, “I must see Rome also,” so there’s no retirement for evangelists.  There may be a formal retirement, for example, when you reach 65 years old, you get governmental aid. This is formal retirement, but there’s no retirement from the mission from God.

Yes, Pastors have a retirement age, do you think the pastor should still remain at the pulpit if they can’t remember anything and they’ve forgotten every little thing, they don’t have leg muscles and can’t see through their eyes. They stand with the Word of the Bible, and they can’t just use a monocle, so you must retire. If the pastor says, “I won’t retire so I will preach.”

Without the mission, the gospel, and the church, the older you get, the less you can do, so it will be a problem. What does it mean to age well?  Even if you’re old have the content to relay to the next generations.  Then the older you become, the more content you’ll have for world evangelization. But if you call your disciples to you and they say, “I don’t want to talk about that.”

“When they come to me, I receive peace,” because if you didn’t, they would not come to you, but when they come to you, you relieve their disbelief and anxiety. You say so many words, but that’s an unnecessary problem. But if our value drops, it means we fall into being an unnecessary person.

Romans 16:25-27

The gospel hidden from long ages past.  The gospel was prepared even before Creation.  Age by age, God reveals the gospel. This gospel existed from eternity past and eternity future.  God will save, and you must be used for this purpose and relay the gospel for this age.  If my life is not involved in testifying of the gospel revealed in this age, my life is unnecessary.

Are unnecessary people also necessary?  Yes, for physical things, but they are unnecessary for the spiritual mystery because there must be some who are unemployed and homeless for the govnerment to give them money. To get money, things must be traded.  Are you someone necessary in relaying the gospel?

Acts 1:8

But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power and be a witness until the ends of the earth.  You must be necessary, Jerusalem, Judea, to the ends of the earth. In order for this to happen, you must be a witness of the fact that you held onto Christ and God’s Word and prayed, and God worked.  That’s a necessary person within a company. Of course you must do the necessary work but you must also work with the Word.

God doesn’t do anything unnecessarily. If I keep following the Word and prayer, I will have the answer of meeting the people who are necessary.  Is temple construction necessary?  Then, God will attach the necessary people to do the necessary work.  But if it’s not necessary, no matter how much we try hard, God doesn’t work among unnecessary things. 

If this is the Temple Construction to save, raise up, and heal the 237 nations, then it is necessary in God’s eyes, then God will fill the need for the one who has the covenant. As time passes, we’ll see the evidence.  Once we have that evidence, there’s nothing else left to say.  Necessary.  May you be the ones like this.


God, we thank You.  We pray the Word of the evangelist’s life will become our imprint, root, and nature.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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