Believe in What God Promised through the Word (Matthew 28:18-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Believe in What God Promised through the Word (Matthew 28:18-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

What does “original sin” mean?  It’s disobedience, being separated from God’s Word.  Without a priest, we cannot solve our problem of original sin, so we need the High Priest, and you have to understand God’s Word you received today.

What happens if the problem of sin isn’t solved?  The spiritual problems in your family and continuous disasters cannot be resolved because they all come from original sin, then how can you restore this?  Only when the problem of sin is resolved, Satan is broken down. Jesus took all my sins and curses on the cross from me.  He overcame death and is with me now in the Holy Spirit as life.

It is finished, John 19:30. Christ lives in me, Gal. 2:20.  In the past, I lived with my own thoughts but now I follow God’s Word. I find God’s Word in my problems, so the problems aren’t problems.  If I have God’s Word, then there’s no problem, it is finished. If problems come my way, God gives me the answer through the Word and I continuously find the answers.  That’s my life’s journey.

If you don’t have God’s Word, the Word is God, John 1:1.

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because He finished all past, present, and future problems.  What happens if I have unbelief?  All I have to do is quickly hold onto the covenant and God’s Word.  You know what “repentance” is? If you do something wrong to someone, you have to admit, “I did something wrong, I won’t do it again.” But what’s worse is being separated from God’s Word.

God’s Word must be in my heart, not just my brain.  If the Word of God is in my brain and my heart is full of myself, then I’m separated from God, because the center of my God moves according to my values.  The Word of God must be the center of my heart, and that’s my walk of faith. 

In Matthew 28:18, God gave all authority in heaven and on earth to Jesus Christ.  Those who know this will break down the darkness in their school and homes, because He is with me right now with all authority in heaven and on earth. Then, why do you study?  My daughter studies all night long, why? She does homework because she has no choice; the teachers give it to her, but why does she have to do it?  Because she gets grades. That’s what the kids say, but why do we study?

What are we studying for?  To go and make disciples of all nations. You must go beyond and make disciples of the 237 nations.  That’s why you pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to be upon you.  Studies are hard, so the more difficult they are, pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to work upon you. You’re tired, aren’t you? That’s why you pray for Christ to be with you and to be filled with the working of the Holy Spirit.  When we pray, God works.  “God, work upon my studies with your power,” there’s a reason, because we have to save all 237 nations.

I asked earlier, “Do you see the future of your studies and your job?” You must be able to see it, how can you see the future?  All nations is the future. What more certain future is there than this? “What’s the future of my business?” You must see the future of all nations, that’s why you’re able to pray for the power of God. It’s not with my strength at all, with my strength, I could study, but I cannot do all these things, so you pray for the spirit of God to work upon you until your work is taken to all nations. Then God is going to work in all aspects related to you.

Pray for your school. If you’re close with some friends, that’s just your personality.  But because of me and through my prayer, I’m going to save everyone in my school and classes. That’s Joseph.  Joseph went to Egypt as a slave, but he saved everyone who was in slavery. He was just studying. “How can I save someone if I’m just studying?” While studying, he prayed for everyone around him, and that was the reason he went in as a slave. He went to save people, and you’re going to school to save people.

If you go to school to study, you have no reason to pray. Studying is just your reason, but God’s reason is to save the school. “How could I possibly save the school?” The One Who has all power and authority in heaven and on earth is with you forever, so you start with prayer.  Because Joseph prayed, the field of Potiphar’s house and the prison were changed as God worked.  Why? Because there was one person, Joseph, who believed in the covenant and prayed.

If you don’t have this strength, you’re going to be taken captive to the field, your studies, and your physical limitations.  Doing well is not the issue, later on you won’t have the strength to overcome. You won’t have the strength to overcome depression.  You’ve become so weak that you have no choice but to do drugs. That’s how you turn out.  You must be able to enjoy that strength with the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth.

What a huge blessing is that?  Later on, Joseph didn’t become governor for no reason, but he gave the answer to Pharaoh.  How did he have the answer? He just relayed what God gave him, why? To make disciples of all nations. God gives the answers to all the problems in the field to those who have faith in the covenant.  Even the king couldn’t find the answer. No renowned scholar could find the answer, but Joseph gave the answer to Egypt’s problem.

Why did it have to be Joseph? Because He was holding onto the covenant to save all nations and he believed it, so God did the work of saving all the nations. If you actually believe this, works take place. Believing itself is a work, because without a doubt, you’ll have the works of faith. The time schedule is with God, it could happen immediately or later on, but every day, every morning, you should think about this.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, you return to not believing in this, you return to being centered on physical things, and your thoughts come in, “How will I study and survive?” So you have to change yourself into this, that’s scheduled prayer. Things won’t work out if you don’t have this. It doesn’t matter how often you go to church because you’re not walking down the right path.

There’s a way that it will work out, it is by going into God’s Word, and it’s a spiritual battle.  Your nature wants to go out physically, but that’s the beginning of the spiritual battle of faith.  In order to have the proper morning, you have to win the spiritual battle the night before.  What happens if you study late at night that you can’t wake up in the morning and this goes on for years?  You’re going to hate life and hate studying, that’s what happens.  You have to study for 20 years, elementary, middle school, college, and even in higher education, you have 20 years of school, so that will drive you crazy, and with that, a third of your life is gone.   

Let’s say you live 20 years studying and 60 years getting old and dying.  If you don’t change your mode while you study as remnants, you’ll get a job later on and be dragged around by the physical world. Then once in awhile, you receive grace, but even that is hard.  At least, you have that grace to keep you alive.  If you live your walk of faith like this, you may have salvation and you’ll go to heaven, but your life is  miserable because the fear within us keeps getting bigger. 

Then, you come to the conclusion in your heart, “I want to believe in Jesus Christ,” and you received grace once or twice so you can’t forget about it, “But I don’t like the other church members, at first, I tried to pretend I believed, and so after some time, it was hard, so I thought the Bible was irrelevant.”  How can you change being stuck in this physical mode?  There is a very big incident that makes it so that you have no choice but to look at God. This is different for different people.

Last week, I told you about a Leukemia patient, he has bone marrow cancer where the blood is created, and from our perspective, we think we have to fix this quickly. Yes, that’s true, but that’s not up to us. It’s in the doctor’s hands, and the doctor can’t fix everything, because then the doctor would fix their own disease, but they cannot. Then, what is God’s plan?

You have spent way too long in a religious life, separated from God’s Word and the covenant, so this is a time for you to spiritually concentrate on the covenant.  Even if they go to church, they weren’t going into this mode, but they went in the physical, worldly mode.  That’s why when this one person got Leukemia, that entire family became so nervous.  First and foremost, that man’s daughter and son are nervous, and also the wife, and even his sister and brother, so everyone got scared.

I told them, “You have to deliver the accurate Word of God.  Heb. 4:12 says the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  The Word of God can heal the joints and marrow, what’s more important is the restoration of the proper faith in your soul and spirit. 

He’s hospitalized now, and he can only have one person visit him per day, so allow him to concentrate on the Word of God and the messages.  What must the family do? All of them must worship, facing God’s Word because either everyone in the family was living a religious life, or they’re all nonbelievers.  There’s a few people in that family who have received the gospel and can do this.

What is the Mizpah movement?  All the Israelite people let go of their idols and they concentrated on Jesus Christ, on God, and on worship.  Jacob went into the land of Canaan and was weak in the covenant, and God created the incident of Dinah’s sexual assault to have them go to Bethel. Why did God allow this to happen? So they could go to Bethel to worship. 

There was one condition to going up to Bethel to worship, they had to get rid of all the earrings and jewelry, because back then, it was a symbol of idolatry.  It means his children lost hold of the covenant and they were being lost to the world of idolatry and Jacob made the resolution to throw away all those idols.  This means, concentrate your heart only on worship. 

If you’re facing a certain incident in your family, God told us not to solve it, but the entire family must stand before God.  Otherwise, the entire family will suffer. That’s God’s plan.  Because the entire family is affected by this leukemia, the daughter-in-law is forcing the family to worship.  I told her, “You have to check in on this. If you’re just worshiping to have God solve this disease, that’s an idol.  It’s the exact same as going to a Buddhist temple, to beg for the disease to be healed.” 

The goal is to completely let go of all your idols as you lived, centered on yourself, to concentrate only on the Word of God and worship. If you’re still holding onto the idols in your heart but you have the form of worship, that’s not how the Holy Spirit works.  If only one person is able to properly go into this, God will work with power and authority upon your field and family line.  Even if you’re young, it’s okay if you have faith. 

Being old isn’t a qualification, if anything, there’s a higher possibility you can’t do this. If you don’t have faith, it won’t work, but because it’s done by faith, if you have faith, you can do it, and without a doubt, works will follow your faith.  If the Holy Spirit comes into your studies, it overcomes your being good or bad, and it will lead you in the direction of saving people, of saving the 237 nations.

If you want to pray for better grades, that’s just another religion or idolatry. The same with worshiping to heal a disease, we worship God regardless of our grades.  Regardless, you ask God to work upon you with the filling of the Holy Spirit, so that the Holy Spirit works upon your studies and you can save the 237 nations.

If your parents don’t believe, pray.  If the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth works, then without a doubt, everyone will kneel before God.  But instead of doing that, if you keep using humanistic methods, God will remain still.  You have to resolve everything through prayer and worship.  This takes no time or money, you can do this anywhere, and that’s why it was possible for Joseph, it was possible for Daniel in captivity,  it’s possible even for the Early Church that was persecuted and accused of being heretical, because the spiritual things transcend time and space.

When you guys pray right now, God works, transcending time and space.  But if you go into the physical mode, you won’t be able to believe that at all.  You’re only going to think with the things you see with your eyes.  Then you’re going to be completely seized by physical things, and Satan will play with you.

Even if you just receive grace during worship, then when you wake up and think about God’s Word? You’ll see that you’re changing.  Some people say you can’t pray, that’s because you’re trying to pray. Instead, just think about God’s Word because prayer is communicating with God. If you try to think without God’s Word, nothing will happen; if you stay with an empty mind, Satan will afflict you.  Always, God’s Word.

We have so many Bible verses in this week’s pulpit message, so meditate on those and pray about it. You do so many other things, you study useless things and worry, but you can’t do this. It’s because your nature is physical and that’s the reason you suffer, it’s the reason why we have problems that aren’t even problems.  When your studies become hard, you don’t have the strength to do it, so you just give up. Why?  Because you’re so weak.

Later on, what about your dream? You don’t even have a dream, even though it’s all here.  If you go into the grace of God’s Word, you can see the future.  Otherwise, the problem in your family cannot be solved.  Through me, one person, my school will be saved because of prayer.  For people who do not believe, all the things I’m saying are just noise, but for the people who believe in this, it is a complete answer. 

If you don’t believe in this, it just seems like noise to you.  But you believe your experiences and your thoughts, but you don’t believe in God. That’s the reason you’ll fail.  But for us, we hold onto the covenant that Jesus Christ finished all our problems of the past, present, and future. 

Are you sleepy?  Isn’t this repetitive? Either starve for lunch or eat a little. Can you not control this? “I’m always sleepy,” then don’t eat, or control yourself, or do some breathing under a tree.  You lack oxygen, you’re so sleepy and your brain gets confused.  Listen while you pray.  If you’re not able to listen and pray right now, there’s no prayer. You’re not working or praying right now, then there’s no way you can work and pray in the field.

Right now is the time, the spiritual battle. You have to win the spiritual battle right now for you to win tomorrow. Right now, you guys have to gain spiritual strength.  Then, you’re going to go into the field already having broken it down so you’ll be excited about tomorrow morning. But the devil will block worship, he makes you look down on worship.  People study even if no one tells them to, but you don’t care about worshiping.

This is possible, you can’t change overnight, but you’ll be falling asleep and realize why you’re falling asleep.  We have this blessing so I hope you will pray simply, “The Lord, with all authority in heaven and on earth, is with me forever.”  Then, there’s no problem, Satan and my weaknesses aren’t problem. The only condition is that I believe that the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth is with me, then God will work and all the disbelief in your region will be broken down.  I believe God will guide the environment according to the Word and the covenant.

Just pray for one minute, right now, at this time, holding onto God’s Word, pray.  May the filling of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, Who has all authority in heaven and on earth, work upon my thoughts, heart, spirit, and the weak parts of my body, because right now, Christ is working on my spirit, and anyone who prays can enjoy this. There’s no time as you meet with your friends; even before meeting with them, you have to pray for that.  You have to finish your studies through prayer, “May the Holy Spirit work upon my studies to save the 237 nations.” Knowing the spiritual things, the works arise transcending time and space.

If you pray for the studies to save the 237 nations, you’ll receive answers.  You won’t receive answers immediately, but God is bound to work in you to guide your studies to save the 237 nations. Just wait and see, no one can stop the one who prays.  It’s impossible to block the one who holds onto God’s Word and prays, but if you don’t, it means you’ve lost hold of God’s Word, you’re moving with your  own strength and you face limitations, so you give up. Then when you go into the world, it’s so hard, it’s hard to meet people and we can’t overcome people’s words.  Then when we get home, we’re so scared and seized by fear. 

But there’s nothing the One Who holds onto the covenant and prays cannot do, meaning God moves everything according to His promise.  We call that the remnant, that’s why we are sojourners.   That’s why we do this with 24 hour prayer, it’s not about second-by-second, but be aware of this and pray. If you forget about this, then just pray when you remember, because God works according to His promise.

You’re disgusted by school? Those who like studying will like school, but you don’t like it, and you like meeting with friends, but you hate studying, so you hate life.  Why would you live like that? “May the spirit of God work upon all my studies, my job, and my friends,” then even if I don’t like it, I overcome it. Enjoy this.

But you refuse to enjoy this, you live with your own strength, and so your life is so difficult. You live the same way I lived while I was a nonbeliever, there’s no difference.  If anything you Christians are lazier, because at least with nonbelievers, they stake their life on diligence and working hard.  But Christians have some vague belief, so they don’t go all into their studies, and they keep going because of God’s grace, but they’ll be devoured by the world.

You must be those who conquer the world completely with God’s Word.  Conquering is not about healing, but it’s about destroying the work of Satan, the enemy, and moving people into the Kingdom of heaven.  That is the conqueror, how? With the power of Jesus Christ.  Every time you remember this, pray, and the Holy Spirit works.  This accumulates into some incredible thing.

If you’re friends with President Biden, that would be amazing, but he doesn’t have authority in heaven and on earth. He may have American authority, but he can’t break down Satan. He can’t do anything against mobsters and gangsters; he can’t even overcome his own problems, but the authority in the name of Jesus Christ has power. 

You should enjoy this as soon as you wake up. Even if it’s hard at first, take the verse that gave you grace during the message, or listen to the message.  “How could I listen to the pulpit message again?” Don’t listen to it all at once, you can split it up into a few minutes every day, but the goal is to go into the spiritual things of God’s Word.”

Do not get impatient because it’s not working out at first, because it’s a process and it’s working. If you just do that, you’ll see change. I’m a witness of this.  That’s why I speak so strongly.  I’m really pleading with the professionals, stop using your IQ of 130, but go to the one who has all authority in heaven and on earth.  May you have victory.


Father God, thank You.  Bless the remnants.  God, we pray that You will bless them that they may remain as the conquerors.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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