21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Mission

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Mission

Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us begin the 21 lifestyles of the evangelist.  Please work at this time so the word may become our imprint, root, and nature. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

This is the time schedule of God where we must be led well.  In the past, we used to think that if we can’t go in person, things wouldn’t work out, but now our thoughts have changed.  I also meet with individuals and families over zoom, even if they don’t come to church, and I hope you will utilize this a lot.  If you want to have a zoom meeting less than an hour, you can do that for free, but if you want to use the zoom account for longer than an hour, you have to pay money.  Right now, the church has a zoom account we can all use.

Then, as long as the times match up, even those from Korea can join our evangelism and missions movement, and you must know this as well.  If you yourselves go far away, then even while you’re far away, you can participate in worship through zoom. And we can meet together even if you’re in different states.  We live in this age, may you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit well.

Because this is the basic message, it will be good for many people to listen.  They think, it’s natural for a pastor to give a message like that, but how would a layperson deliver the message?  Then God’s plan is for anyone who receives the pulpit message to deliver that message.  These are the things we have to go and establish together, not alone.  I don’t know about your work zooms, but even if you don’t show your video, you can participate, and you can use the zoom account when doing the 1-on-1 Darakbang as well.

Right now, if you get the pulpit message framed by the way of salvation, and if it’s not being cut off, you’ll have an endless supply of messages to deliver to the field.  That was the 70 workers training, where they went through Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus. They trained people from the standpoint of Christ, it means the 70 worker training allows the laypeople of the church to give the messages themselves, and the blessing of all blessings is to continuously give the message from the pulpit, framing the pulpit message with the Way of Salvation, then God is going to continue to pour the message from the pulpit into your fields.

However, if you’re in a situation where you cannot relay the pulpit message to your fields, then no matter how much you try, it’s not going to work. The regional church falls into this category. There’s no excuse about not giving such a message because it’s too difficult.  You’ll be trained and know that as long as you receive the pulpit message, it will be given to the field.  Then, you can do this with 10 or 20 people.  You just give the word that is right, according to the audience’s state and region and field.

Anyone can do ministry, that’s what’s important. 

Changing yourself with Christ is the answer. If you don’t have the answer and you’re self-centered, you’ll confuse everyone.  My benefit is in material things, so people become centered on material things, the things you see with your eyes, and they lose hold of all the invisible things.  My success, “Pastor, why is success bad?” You need to do what God desires.  The thing God desires is not for my name to be exalted, but for the name of Jesus Christ to be exalted over all the earth.  Not, “I succeeded and Jesus did it,” but it’s proclaiming the gospel with missions and evangelism. This is the answer. 

With this answer, it’s the Kingdom of God. God’s kingdom is my mission.  Why does the church exist? To establish God’s kingdom. 

What does God need me to do right now, there?  That’s how you find God’s calling.  Where must you find your mission?  People who keep church-hopping don’t have a mission, so they say world evangelization but they’re just floating around.  My mission must go into the work that the church entrusted me to do.  Those who church hop have a mission to church hop without knowing what to do.  They heard about world evangelization from someone but that catch phrase is completely irrelevant to them.  God is doing world evangelization by combining all the churches together but what must I do for this church? If you don’t have this, you don’t have a mission.  If you don’t have a mission, there’s no reason for God to give you power. 

For those who don’t acclimate to life in the church, they will have difficulties in life as well because they’re confused, not knowing their mission.  But if you know your mission, God will give you the power to fulfill it, and that’s why God gives the message through this church, to fulfill that mission.  I’m sure this is not on you guys, but those who don’t know will look on the internet or YouTube to find things that please them. I’m not saying YouTube is bad, but that person is only doing that because they don’t know what God is doing in the church.  Because they don’t know the mission, they don’t know the reason they work or study, and then they just wander around physically without knowing their mission.

Where does their mission come from?  Do you think you’ll just hear a voice drop out of the sky saying, “Do this”? If God raises up a church, there’s a mission that God wants that church to do, and God has gathered together the people who are aligned with that mission.  The people who do not know the mission will come to church and receive the mission from God there, and that’s how God fulfills the plan for the people.

Calling refers to what I must do right now, that’s calling.  The Heavenly Mandate is overall, total. You proclaim Jesus Christ. Everyone has their role, we’re not doing world evangelization on our own, but God raises up churches.  There’s a mission God has given to this church for world evangelization.  That’s my mission for the rest of my life; the reason you don’t have a mission is because you church hop. If you serve one church for the rest of your life, of course you have a mission.

The North American Businessperson Evangelism Conference said, “One person, one business, one region for your whole life.” I hope this is your stable mission.  There may be some situations where you have no choice but to move around, for example, if I move to Washington, I have to go to another church there, and when I have a job there, it means God is giving me a mission with a job there.  But as long as that’s not taking place, your job and mission go together.

That’s why moment by moment, I’m able to devote to my calling because it’s God’s plan.  The remnants have no sense about the church because they’ve never received this knowledge, they just want to go wherever is comfortable for them, and because they return back to their self-centeredness, they are stuck.  This is the place where God has sent you, and as you go there, the church and my life must be aligned.  The mission I have right now is to align my mission with the church mission. 

That’s why God works upon every work I do to fulfill the mission through the church. Right now, everything is online so it’s possible to have regional churches far away. We’ve come to an age where people living in different regions can be part of our church, and that church has a mission, so they can come even if they have a mission.

God allowed this mission because that mission is absolutely necessary and God fulfills this mission.  God raised Tracy here, calling people here because the mission to which God has called you is aligned with the mission God has given to the church. There’s no such thing as a coincidence when it comes to God, but you’re not going to know the missions given to the remnants, and you don’t know what mission you must give to the children, because all you know is about money and success, and it’s confusing the kids.  But if you do have the mission, you’ll relay that to the kids.

But we’re not able to do that.  The church is a gathering of individuals, and the fact that God has raised up the church means there’s a direction God has for the church, and it’s through the families and individuals connected to the church.  But if you talk about only success and money, it means you don’t have the mission.

Every church has its own role and mission and we combine together to do world evangelization.  So, if you’re definite in your mission, God will send you people who are in line with that, so the message from this church is aligned and we fulfill God’s mission.  If you don’t know that, yes you will receive grace and do this or that, but it’s disorderly, and I think that process is necessary as well, but today, when we’re talking about the mission, it’s important to remain within the mission God has given to the church. If you have this, you will see why God has given you the message from the church and it’s aligned with your mission.

Isaiah 6:13

The remnants are left behind to fulfill God’s mission.  If you look above, it says the trees may be cut down, laid waste, and burnt, but God will fulfill the mission through the remnants. If you have a mission, then it doesn’t matter, if you’re sharing the word you must share, why would you shake? People shake when they’re not sure about what to do.

Look at Paul, when he faced a great storm, he received his mission from angels, so the storms weren’t a problem. It’s about holding onto God’s mission again in the storm, and God confirms the mission again. 

Isaiah 43:12

Those who know the mission will not shake because God promised, “I will bring you guys back,” and those who hold onto this will not shake.

Luke 24:47-48

The unshaking message of salvation started from Jerusalem and is proclaimed to the ends of the earth, and you’re witnesses of these things. Your God-given mission is to proclaim this gospel, then what kind of role has God given to you within the church?  One church cannot save the 237 nations, so God raises churches region by region.  There’s this order of God’s mission so people can be witnesses to the ends of the earth.  It is the mission to be the witness to proclaim the gospel to the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached people groups in LA and the multiethnic groups here and those who return from here, and those within the church. Raise these people up so they can do the  multiethnic missions on their own.

God has hidden prepared people in the region, and the mission of the church is to find and raise these people. Senior Deaconess Jo has her daycare, and that’s also a very good place to give the gospel because the people are entrusting their children to her to do this, and the gospel goes into the kids and you can see their spiritual state and counsel with the parents, regardless if they are Christian or not.  The parents know, you’re not talking about the parents, you’re talking to the kids, but actually you’re talking about the parents. 

If you talk about the problems of the parents specifically, the parents will get offended, so talk about the kids’ problems and then the parents will know, and if you counsel with them and say, “This is how I pray in the name of Jesus Christ and I’ve seen these problems,” you can witness to the parents. Anyone can do that, pray for the kids and see their state.  Nonbeliever prayers are different from ours.  They may hate it if you tell them to come to church, but they love the blessings the most because they’re centered on themselves, money, and success.

“This kid sounds so great and I pray so that they will succeed,” parents will move their kids to the daycare that will grant success.  “These aspects will be very good for them,” it’s possible the parents are aware or not, but the parents will be interested because it’s related to their success, then they open their heart to you because it’s an opportunity to listen to the Word. That’s just one example.

The hospital is difficult, and it’s hard to worship, she’s no standard nurse, she has to mediate between the patient and doctor, so it’s difficult. With just your average way of thinking, it’s impossible to do your job. It’s similar as a pastor, she has to mediate so she’s a kind of pastor, and she hears complaints everywhere, the doctors don’t understand so she has to explain it, and I’m sure there are many different doctors, those who don’t even care about patients, only caring about money, so there’s no such thing as herself, because she has to adjust herself.

Why do you think God allowed this to happen?  I’m in a position where I’m able to facilitate between doctors and patients, what’s my mission? To bless them.  You see patients and the doctors’ spiritual states and pray for them, and that becomes your mission.  God continuously gives you power because if that person collapses, you can’t do work, so God will work with great interest through the Holy Spirit because that’s the missions field.  That’s one aspect of fulfilling regional evangelization. God will give you grace in worship for that work because we can’t do it.

She’s similar to me, she’s very sensitive, and the characteristic of sensitive people is that, they want to do things very meticulously and it’s hard to listen to many words, she has a very upright personality so she has to endure others doing a sloppy job.  It’s hard for her to cut corners, because that kind of character and job may be able to do her work well, but she needs the filling of the Holy Spirit and strength.  Pray every moment for the filling of the Holy Spirit to receive wisdom.  That’s your missions.

We may think it’s our missions field that is difficult, but open your eyes and see this is the channel to proclaim the gospel, and this is your strength.  “Today, I have to communicate this to do the doctor,” then you’re going to go crazy, then you’ll face many difficulties by yourself. No one can understand your suffering, not your daughter or yourself, it’s just you.  Then, when you see God’s mission, your reason is no longer yourself, but it is to save others.

Then what about your life? You pray to save people, “I’m going there to make a living but God sends me there as a missionary and God continuously blesses me,” that’s the kind of people we are.  That’s why, even if there’s a special person in the church, we put their prayers up so we can pray for them altogether.  Those who have tasted that have put up more prayer topics.  Dr. Aena says to pray for her daughter and son because she sees how their children are changing, and she’s so amazed.  She didn’t say anything, and she thought it wasn’t going to work, but her children’s names are the first names on the intercessory prayer list, so everyone prays for her.  Even those who just pray for the first few will always pray for their family.

“My kid who never used to leave the house is getting a job and even came to church, and sure he was falling asleep but it was a miracle he came out at all.”  Her daughter graduated from college and had good grades, but it was possible she couldn’t even study.  They even graduated college and they have pictures of how they’re living, and it’s fascinating, but she doesn’t know what that is.  I told her, “If you keep praying for the works in the hospital, works will take place in your son and daughter just as it was like with your mom and God will fulfill everything.”

There is no retirement.  Nonbelievers retire, but believers don’t.  There’s a doctor who’s harsh to his patients and I told him to be more gentle, and I asked, “How could you treat them like that?” He was shocked, no one ever told him that before, he thought about being a doctor just like the ones in Korea, but he’s in America, so the doctors have to treat them according to their business, it’s not like it was in the old days of Korea, “You must listen to me, I’m a doctor,” but you have to treat them nicely to get more patients.  He retired recently, and he gave his patients to another doctor and I think, he does have a lot of skill and is meticulous in his job, so he’s very sweet, but we do this until the end of our lives.  This is the skill of a doctor.

 When Lois gets her PhD, she can continue until she’s trembling in her old age.  Esther Park has five offices open where she can give psychiatric counseling, so if she can’t go into a firm, she can make her own branches.  I’m saying, if you realize God’s mission, there’s no such thing as retirement, it’s not difficult, but it’s all a process for God’s mission to claim the heavenly prize.  If this mission goes into you, it will gently go into your children as well, and if it goes in they will be liberated from themselves and a person’s posture will change.

Instead of being enslaved to America, they will save America.  I am the present-day Joseph, and that’s aligned with God’s word.

Acts 1:8

But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, it is talking about the filling of the Holy Spirit.  That’s how the power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus will come upon me.  There’s a different between the Holy Spirit being with you and the working of the Holy Spirit upon you.  Don’t just accept the Holy Spirit, but go into the control of the Holy Spirit through the filling of the Holy Spirit, why? Because in order to fulfill God’s mission, you need this power. 

That’s why you pray for it, moment by moment, pray for it.  As you’re in the hospital, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill your thoughts and for the Holy Spirit to be upon the patients and doctors you meet.  That’s the mission of all missions, and as you stay in that place, you see God’s plan.  If someone relays their personal problems, give them the answer through the Bible, and because you’re not able to do that,


God, we thank You.  We pray the 21 lifestyles of the evangelist will be our answer, and may this be the life that is practically able to enjoy these answers.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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