Jesus Christ, the Master Who Gives Rest to My Softened Heart (Matthew 11:28-29)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Jesus Christ, the Master Who Gives Rest to My Softened Heart (Matthew 11:28-29)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Those who do not go to Jesus Christ are weary and burdened.  It’s not just about people who go to church, but Jesus Christ becomes their Master. It’s not that you disappear, but Jesus Christ becomes your master and you live by faith.  You must believe that God will use you and your studies for world evangelization.  Instead of saying that, you think you have to study, succeed, and fill your own roles so you don’t have rest.  The more you live like that, the less rest you have, then what? Then even if you’re successful and diligent, it’s not going to work.

Do you think you’ll have a lot of rest if you take a lot of vacations? You have no other method, you have to go to Christ and give up your entire life to Christ, living your life to follow the words of Christ, then the true words of Christ will come to me.  It’s very simple, but why is it so complicated? It’s complicated for you because you don’t want to make Jesus Christ your master.  Why do you worry? Because you don’t want to make Jesus Christ your master.

Why is it that, even though you go to church for a long time, but you still have problems?  It’s because Jesus Christ is not your Master.

Do you know what a heart of stone is?  Everything from your parents will come exactly unto you, and you try so hard to not be like that, but it doesn’t go away.  Today’s Bible verse in Hebrews 4 is the same, “Do not fall into the same trap as your ancestors as they wandered 40 years in the wilderness.”  You struggle so hard to live your life, just like your ancestors in the wilderness, so do not be shaken.  How could you not be shaken?  You have to go into His control.

“Please, may the Holy Spirit and the Lord God control my spirit and my heart.” If you believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit is within you, but the Holy Spirit is not your master; He is just a guest, so you pray so that the Holy Spirit may work as your complete Master, then your heart will begin to change. All your thoughts irrelevant to God’s Word will begin to change.  Even people who are not very smart, when they receive the working of God’s Holy Spirit, they will have be used.

Let’s say you’re really lazy and not smart and have no skills, then what are you going to do?  You’re going to be very far from jobs and money, then how will you survive? You’ll just live like that.  If this is the problem in your family line, then how much more do you need the Holy Spirit to work upon you? It doesn’t matter how much you try, you can’t change this, that’s why the Holy Spirit has to control my heart, my thoughts, my mind, and spirit.

When?  Right now, not tomorrow, but right now, pray.  How do you pray? Just pray right now, so that the Word takes complete control of you and fills your Spirit, then what will happen when I have the filling of the Holy Spirit?  I will continuously receive power to be God’s witness to the ends of the earth.  The more you’re lazy, powerless, and stupid, you need this.

People with abilities think they don’t need the Holy Spirit, then they just have to live by themselves, heavily burdened, thinking they need some kind of ability.  Can you overcome the coronavirus?  It’s obvious, you can’t overcome, so you have to quickly surrender. You keep thinking you can do something, can you control your own death? No, you could die tomorrow, but you’re under a misconception that you can do something. 

You don’t understand God gave you five talents. Some people say they don’t have skills, but you’re not powerless; do world evangelization with that one talent.  That’s why right now, pray at this time that the Holy Spirit may work fully upon my thoughts, heart, and spirit.

The more you’re like this, if you keep dozing off, you’ll be powerless forever.  If you’re lazy and not smart and you don’t have skills, you’ll live the rest of your lives that way. Even if you’re smart, you need the filling of the Holy Spirit, and that’s how you’ll go into the works of God.

Before each class, remember you’re a child of God because of Jesus Christ, and may the spirit of God work fully in me.  That’s how you enter into God’s control.  God, I pray the Holy Spirit will come upon me in power in all my work and all the people I meet.  That’s how the forces of darkness are broken and the self-centered environment will fall. This is the blessing for the remnants who pray in the field.

People who don’t have this can’t rest, they live by their own level, and they rely on their own lacking abilities instead of God’s power, so they say life is hard.  “I can’t do this,” of course you can’t; you can’t just go to church, but go with the power of the Holy Spirit.  You just have to go into God’s control. Help people to go into the work of God, but if you want to manipulate your meetings, of course you cannot, you don’t have the abilities. If you meet this person with your own thoughts, they become a heavy burden, then you need to go into the meetings where God’s spirit quickly works.  That’s the meeting with the work of God with the blessing of meeting. Then, without a doubt, you will see something. 

What’s the characteristic of people with spiritual problems? They are impatient and don’t wait for God’s time, but whether you’re lazy or impatient, it’s the same. “I prayed and it didn’t work,” but God has His timing.  God has a time schedule according to which the universe moves.  God knows all times, then you need to pray for the working of the Holy Spirit so that this person I meet becomes a blessing and a meeting for God’s will, for the Holy Spirit to work, and that’s how you go into God’s rest.

People who have abilities will trust their abilities and try hard, but people who don’t have abilities will trust in themselves, but they’re lazy and they cannot rest.  This way or that way, they live their lives with heavy burdens and are oppressed.  Going to work is hard, then what else are you going to do? Will you play all the time?  Try playing all the time, see if you gain any strength.  God didn’t create us to play, but there’s something God wants us to do. But if your thoughts are seized by Satan, you’ll think whatever you want.

After you eat, you’re sleepy, right? If you don’t want to fall asleep, eat a little less.  If someone is about to go take a test and they know they get sleepy after eating a lot, then they eat less.  For people falling asleep right now, either don’t eat lunch, or just eat a little, for the sake of worship.  For the spiritual things.  Sacrifice your physical things.  Stop wasting your money on stupid things.

How big of a blessing is this?  Your school is a blessing.  The teachers at your school have studied for decades just so they can teach you.  Your principal has been doing this job their whole life to teach you, and the government prepared the facility for you.  All you do is sit there, so as you sit there, pray for the working of the Holy Spirit, and then everyone around you will be a target for evangelism in the gospel.

There is a present-day Joseph as well.  Joseph went in as a slave at a young age, just as you go to school at a young age, and there will be people to receive the Holy Spirit there.  I’m not judging based on your faces, even if he’s falling asleep right now, when the Holy Spirit comes upon them, He will be used by God.  Other kids like my daughter is a pastor’s kid, you think they know everything but they know nothing.  Unless the Holy Spirit works, it’s impossible to understand.

I hope you guys will realize that even your parents may not understand at all.  You guys have to understand by the working of the Holy Spirit.  That’s why you must pray for the Holy Spirit to work upon you.  Dr. Aena works in many hospitals, and it’s hard to preach the gospel there, so I told her to just pray because the Holy Spirit just works, and when it works like in Acts 2, the people who have been prepared to receive the gospel will come to you.  If you don’t, then that’s a big problem, but the hospital is not a place where the doctor can talk freely, but you stay still where people can meet you, and you pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Then you pray for the Holy Spirit to work in every person you meet, then what will happen? God will take care of everything in your work.

If through me, there’s a prayer for this person, then without a doubt, God will work according to the time schedule.  Joseph was doing that, then later on, he could proclaim the gospel to everyone.  Joseph was not in a top position, but even though he was a slave, even unbelievers saw he was one in whom is the spirit of God. Then, even if you’re a doctor in the field, you’re still a missionary, and it’s a miracle if you can understand these words.

“Today’s Word is very short and I must relay this to my friend.”  Because the Word goes in, people change, and your seat becomes a seat for missions.  I cannot go out personally, but I’m able to do missions through other people.  People gather here, so it’s my field for missions and evangelism.  For you, wherever you’re working, that is your field of missions and evangelism.  “What if I don’t have anybody, and I’m by myself?” For such people, go wherever you’re led.   

Remnants, choose a job where many people gather.  What are some jobs in which you work alone?  There’s unemployment; every job is connected with other people but there are some people who just sit still, but they are flocking to a person because they have the skill that can help others.  Even if we’re running the same business, there’s a business where everyone always flocks to them.  If someone’s product is cheap but also good, many will flock to them.  But let’s say someone is doing the same business but the things are overpriced and not good, people will yell at them and no one will buy it. 

You have to make your talent into a specialization so that people come.  Because they come to you, you can do the role of missions, otherwise you’ll have to go to places with many people, and your lives may hurt, but you have to go anyway and that’s God’s plan; if you just stay still, no one will come to you. That’s why, if you develop your specialization, people are bound to come. 

Because God gave you a talent, you do have the answer of specialization, and you must always keep this in mind.  “I don’t know what I have to do,” just listen to God’s word and pray.  “What should I do for world evangelization?” If you just wait, God will reveal it to you in His time schedule, but if you don’t go into the stream of God’s Word, you will keep getting confused about the relationship between you and God.  Because God gave you the talent for world evangelization to save lives, you must hold onto His Word to discover it, and if you don’t remain within that flow, you’re only going to think about how to succeed and survive; that’s not going to work.

You’ll always be confused, after graduating from college, getting a job, you’ll still be confused as you’re not aligned with God, so you conclude, “This is not for me,” and that’s how your life becomes so insecure.  But for you guys, no matter what, you must remain within God’s Word and the path of world evangelization. 

How can you make many people gather to you? That’s your specialization, that’s your skill, and that’s why you study, you study for the gospel.  Without this, study is exhausting, you study every day and you want to play but you have to do this, then how difficult is this?  That’s you bearing your own burdens.  But if you understand that this is God’s opportunity to show you world evangelization, you can pray. Is prayer hard?  You’re confused, trying to live your life for yourself.

If Jesus is the Master of my life, and my goal is world evangelization, it’s very simple.  Then as soon as you wake up in the morning, every day for the glory of God, may the filling of the Holy Spirit be upon me.  People who aren’t smart keep praying for the filling of the Holy Spirit. People who fail no matter what they try, keep praying for the filling of the Holy Spirit, because you have to quickly understand that you can’t do this with your own strength. Even if you have your own standards and abilities, it will be difficult. 

Always pray for the working and filling of the Holy Spirit to save your region and to do world evangelization.  That was Joseph and David.  He never tried to be the king, but God raised him to that spot.  Being king isn’t what’s important, but you have to be the king to prepare for Temple Construction. If you want to do world evangelization, God must place you in that position, and God takes care of that. 

God is the One who gives you your specialization and develops it until you are number one.

Obadiah.  Obadiah also directly hides 100 prophets, in our terms, he was doing the Mission Home and the regional churches, but you are not moved by that, right? It is because you have a heart of stone, and you’re not moved by it.  When we talk about movies, you’re so excited. When we talk about boys and girls, you’re so excited, and that’s normal, and when we talk about the secrets to success, your eyes are like laser beams and your dopamine levels are elevated, but talking about this is boring to you.  May your heart be softened, and the more you are like this, pray. 

“God, I cannot do anything, so may the Holy Spirit come upon me,” because if you don’t do that, you’re going to be a slave from Monday onward, and the only thing that sparks your interest is your money and success. It’s so frustrating that I have to say something like this to make you focus.  It would be great if we could keep going and you can follow, but from my perspective, it seems like you’re apathetic and forced to sit here.  Wake up your spirit and do not be seized by the devil. Start focusing now so you don’t have to bear heavy burdens one day. You have to win right now, and if you win right now, you win tomorrow. But losing here, you’ll lose in the same state tomorrow.  Your brain is established but your body is the same, it’s the same as what’s flowed down your family line, and you can connect with your family members.

But the word of God must be connected to you and connect you to your family. This is the spiritual battle; it’s not fought out there, but it’s here.  You go into this, it’s very frustrating.  Rev. Ryu will say the disciples will leave, so he keeps going, because he’s not a pastor, he’s an evangelist. But a pastor cannot be like that.  If someone is falling behind, you wake them up and say let’s go together, so sometimes it sounds like nagging.  Rev. Ryu doesn’t nag because the disciples just follow; he doesn’t do pastoral ministry, he does evangelism ministry, and you listen to that because he doesn’t nag and he says nice things, and he says, “Those who understand will get it.”

“But there’s so much nagging in church, the pastor says this and that,” and when you go home, your parents are nagging.  Other parents don’t nag at you, so you like your friends’ parents better because they don’t nag at you, but Rev. Ryu brings the people who fulfill that goal.

If you’re an outcast, if you’re unnecessary in your company and in the church, people don’t even know whether you’re there or not, could you live your life like that? No.  Elijah knew Obadiah and prayed for him, Elisha also prayed for Obadiah, why? Because he was someone necessary in God’s work. The work that person is doing is absolutely necessary for missions and evangelism. You shouldn’t be unnecessary, you must be necessary and that’s the working of the Holy Spirit.  If you’re always trying to get free handouts, America doesn’t like that, and they’ll say, “Either quickly leave or get your citizenship because you’re unnecessary.”

Right now, many citizenship applications are rejected, and there are many, because they have to report the citizen’s finances, so it’s easier to reject them, and they also fine the person for the benefits they’ve received from the country until now.  People look for citizenship because it is their benefit, but now, people reject their citizenship because they have to report all their finances internationally. Don’t be like that.

Be someone whom America needs, whom your employer needs. If you’re always talking about problems and you can’t solve them, who is the person who is necessary?  America needs someone who can solve American problems. How can you be like this? You must receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. There’s nothing too big for God, even if you can’t do it, God can do it.  Obadiah was a layperson but the remnants must dream to become like Obadiah and imagine becoming like him.  It’s okay, even if it seems not right for you, it doesn’t matter. Just dream about Obadiah so you may become someone like him.

If anything, you dream about something else, and that’s wrong. It’s easy to pray, right?  “Work upon me with the Holy Spirit, that my specialization and studies may be needed in America.  God please work upon me with the Holy Spirit to be someone completely necessary for world evangelization.  It is God’s will, so you must listen to God’s Word very carefully. When the Word of God goes into you correctly, it’s okay.

That’s why it’s okay no matter what, even if no one is praying for you. I don’t have a prayer background because I was a nonbeliever, I had no background. If anything, I’m used to talking to people who didn’t talk to me.  “My parents don’t pray for me,” you’re full of it. One person can change the family line.  God will give you the evidence according to your field so people will look at you and drop their jaws. 

First and foremost, God will give you the evidence so that people will realize, “This is what happens to someone who believes in Jesus Christ,” and God will give you the evidence to work in your field.

All you have to do is pray, to enjoy God’s Word and pray.  “Look at your parents and family line, you can’t do it.”  Others say, “You can do it,” do what? You’re going in the wrong direction, misaligned from God.  Then you must follow with your dreams.  I hope you may be like Obadiah, someone necessary in the world and the church.  “I will not be powerless,” then without a doubt, God is bound to work because that is His Word, and such people are okay even when there’s nothing above them. 

Look at Joseph.  I can tell by your eyes opening, it’s very good.  If you’re just sitting here, the Holy Spirit is working, so just receive it.  Just like the senior deaconess, don’t focus the kids to listen to you, but if you don’t care if the remnants are listening or not, God gives grace to the remnants then God will strengthen your life so you can raise the remnants.  Quickly escape from yourself.


God, we thank you.  Bless the remnants.  Ay they be the necessary church members like Obadiah who will save the church, field, and the world.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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