Life of the Evangelist – Calling

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Calling

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

It is most important that everything is finished.  Because it’s finished, you have to confirm this as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death.  But if you don’t believe it’s finished, then either you have to try to finish the valley of the shadow of death yourself, or you collapse.  In an evangelist’s lifestyle, the very first thing we have to know is the reason why everything is finished.

The problem comes because of being separated from God, because of sin. Sin didn’t begin with human beings, but it began with Satan and that went into people. All we have to do is brush him aside with faith, but we don’t have any faith so we’re seized, and that’s when we’re separated from God and lost in complete disaster.  If it’s not finished, you have to say this and that and other words to finish it yourself. You do it with a good heart as you try to finish it, but it’s not, so your life is exhausting. You have great intentions and good ideas, but you can’t recognize it, so it’s not finished for you.  If it is finished, you have to confirm how God has finished this. 

“Israelites, be still and see how the LORD will work upon us today,” it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything and stay still, but see how God is moving.  If that message doesn’t go into you, you’re diligently working but you’re exhausted. If other people look at you, they might be impressed by how diligently you work, but the devil knows you are easy prey. It is finished for Christians.  You trying to finish something yourself is religion. Once you begin like this, you’ll have the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is invisible, it’s not in a specific place, but because it’s invisible, it moves, transcending time and space. There’s no way to confirm it because it’s spiritual, and wherever God is, there the throne is as well.  Where is this? Is it beyond the clouds? We don’t know because it’s spiritual.  The Bible says, “Everywhere,” it transcends time and space. 

But it is revealed by the Word.  God is revealed to us through worship with His Word, and that’s the Kingdom of God.  God sends His angels to those who receive the word at that time. It’s impossible to understand, isn’t it?  Our thoughts fall back into thinking we have to do something, but how are angels moving as soon as I hold onto God’s Word?  I have to do something like pray, right? You don’t have to do anything. What is prayer? You’re thinking like a physical action, mumbling with your breath? Then you’re wrong.  The fact that the Word of God goes into you means you communicate with the Word of God, and the moment that happens, God sends His angels.

What else is prayer? It is communication with God, but because you don’t understand prayer, you don’t understand the Kingdom of God.  That’s what it means to stake your life on worship because God fulfills the Word given to me in the field.  God fulfills His Word in advance for your schools, fields, and businesses, so you’ll discover the reason to be thankful for all people and all work. When you face another problem, there’s another prayer topic, so I hope you will receive the answer and the Word. 

But if you don’t know about the Kingdom of God, you will move according to the temporary kingdom of this world and it doesn’t transcend time and space, but those who understand the Kingdom of God will know why they have to hold onto the Word of God before they go, as this is immediate communicate with God; you can’t communicate with God through anything else.  That is why, every time you worship, you must ask the question, “Why is God giving me this word today?” Because it could be the same Bible passage, but every pastor speaks of it differently according to different time schedules.

I meditate on it, and in the evening, I confirm with God that this is the God-given message.  That’s why even if you find good messages or lectures on YouTube, it’s useless because how could the message given to every church be the same? If you do that, it’s a headache for you, “I realized this,” and you’ll never receive answers that way. It’s the Word God has given to you.

When you receive God’s Word and say, “Yes, this is right,” God moves.  In the morning, you receive God’s word and confirm it and God moves, that’s why it’s God’s invisible kingdom, but God moves with His Word towards His Word.  God’s Kingdom is invisible, but the core is the Word.

Holy Spirit

Concentrate when it’s time to concentrate.  If you’re weak, you can’t come to your senses; because God’s Word isn’t coming into you, it’s all useless.  But we think with the ways of the world, “I have to do a lot for my life to go well,” but the kingdom of God transcends time and space, so the works take place.  Religious people think, “I have to do something to fulfill God’s Word,” but God fulfills it, so all you have to do is pray. 

But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, the works of saving lives will continue to happen.  You’ll save people, your work, through incidents and situations, it’s all the working of the Holy Spirit.  That’s the life of the evangelist.  It doesn’t matter if religious people go to church or not, they cannot save others. 

If you don’t have the calling, you receive salvation and you’ll do whatever you want, ruining how you live on earth.  You are continuously aging and growing so your field is also continuously changing, so the Word of God is changing according to your situation.  I was a young adult and I’m still the same person, but then I was in college, I went to seminary and became a pastor, and the Word was different in each period.  Then, even if a person just comes to church to attend compared to someone who’s listening as a teacher to relay the Word, their calling is different so they will receive the Word differently.

Isaiah 6:8.

Moment by moment, the Word changes and my calling is different.  Right now, our church is holding onto the prayer topic of temple construction, but it’s not the same for every church. This is just one example.  The time schedule of our church right now is to raise up the disciples among the remnants and the multiethnic people, so that word becomes my calling.  If you don’t know this, then a believer is a believer, but you’ll wander around, not knowing what to do.  You’ll be full of doctrine, and you know everything, and when someone asks you to pray, you do an amazing job because you know all the doctrine, but you have no calling; you haven’t finished anything with Jesus Christ, then you’re such a headache.

It’s better if you stay still but you can’t, because there’s something you have to save.  Then, that person will be difficult whether they’re in a family or a job, and people say, “I wish they would just close their mouths.” Their words never save people, but they burden, oppress, and kill people. You have to say the words that are correct according to the time schedule.  We are given the Word according to the time schedule; if you wait, it’s going to be useless, because God gives the answers according to the time schedule.

Acts 9:15

Apostle Paul was called during this time schedule, not before.  Because Apostle Paul was in God’s time schedule, this is why Ananias received the calling through this Word. It’s not before, it’s not after; it’s right now.  Calling, what I have to do right now is from God’s Word.  If the time passes, it’s useless.  The train has already passed but you’re waving your hands in the back. 

This is the time schedule to train the multiethnic people, so God gives the Word appropriate to that.  Even Nomin from Mongolia has to go into training.  I told her to come to the young adult trainings, there’s a YouTube link and a forum link because time after time, there’s a message and calling from God that God desires to give you.

People who don’t know their calling will hold onto the same message they heard when they received salvation, they keep really just digesting the Word and receiving the same grace they received back then. What that means is, that person isn’t really going to church, but they’re just going by themselves, holding onto the grace they had a long time ago.  Do you understand the church now, this way? If you don’t, then you have a lot of spiritual problems.  Moment by moment, the church is giving the calling from God, but if you don’t know that, you don’t know your calling.

Acts 14:22

This word is from the Old Testament pertaining to David.  God picked up David through Samuel, why at that time?  Because God has His plan and called David at this time.  Samuel is a prophet, so he received the Word of God and ran that errand, so there are people who receive that Word of God as a calling.  That timing was aligned between God and David.  I hope you’ll understand. 

If you don’t understand this, your entire life has a time schedule but you won’t be aligned.  When God called David, David had to say yes, but what if he said, “Maybe next time”?  If God made a time schedule to call David, then either he has to break David’s legs so he comes along or to create a big incident so he has no choice.  The heavenly mandate never changes, it is only Christ, but the calling depends on the time schedule.

Your age is different, the time schedule of the church is different.  Calling. 

Acts 20:24

Paul confesses he stakes his life.  Many people were chasing after Paul to take his life, and these are not the words Paul created for himself, but it’s the Word God continuously gave to him. It’s different, moment by moment.  There’s a time where you stake your life. If you stake your life in a time schedule where you don’t have to stake your life, it’s unnecessary.

Philippians 3:7

In the past, Paul had many gains for himself, and he lived for those gains. Because he hadn’t discovered Christ yet, he thought this was his benefit, but now, he considered them loss for the sake of Christ, in other words, he will hold onto only Christ.  In the past, he didn’t know Christ so he held onto something very foolish, thinking this was the benefit of Christ. I’m not telling the students to let go of their studies and hold onto only Christ, but I’m telling them that Christ is the reason for their studies.  Paul realized this, so that’s why everything was a loss for him, but it’s different for the students.  They study for Christ. 

If you don’t study for Christ, everything becomes a loss.  It might be helpful for feeding yourself but it won’t help your spirit, and that fear will never leave.  You’ll always be a slave to Satan.  I hope you will understand the Word of God well.

Philippians 3:8

This great knowledge is all rubbish.  Of course, Paul needed his worldly knowledge, if we don’t need worldly knowledge, there’s no reason for schools and no reason for God to raise Paul up.  If you’re very ignorant, you can’t do anything, you can’t be a CPA or entrusted with anything.  I can’t play cello, do you think I could try by shaking the bow?  That’s how you learn, but I consider this rubbish, why? Because the knowledge of knowing Christ is greatest.  The fact that everything is contained within Jesus Christ means that everything is for Christ.  The failures of my past are a benefit for Christ, and without Christ, all these things become things I should discard.  But instead, everything exists for Christ. 

Philippians 3:9

It’s not about knowing Christ with your knowledge, but it is by faith.  In the past, Paul used to consider himself righteous because of the actions based on the law, but this was a misconception. I have become righteous by my faith in Christ. The only righteous one is the one who believes in Christ.  The one who is living a righteous life is the one living their life believing in Christ. This is from God’s and Satan’s perspective, but it’s different from a person’s perspective, because people think righteousness comes from righteous acts. Romans 3:10 says no one is righteous, then what is this righteousness people talk about?  They invented something and called it “righteous.”

Philippians 3:10-11

Jesus’ death and resurrection come through faith but the kids hear this as knowledge, but one day it will come in faith. It’s invisible but they believe in the fact that Jesus is alive, and from that point, the walk of faith begins.

Philippians 3:12

This means Paul didn’t do anything, there wasn’t a determination, “I have to live like this,” but the plan is to simply follow the plan God gave him.  What will happen in the future to the church? We’re just following the words of Christ.  I shouldn’t plan or determine our future. Apostle Paul enjoyed that, “I’m racing to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of him.

Philippians 3:13

He says he didn’t achieve this, but he forgets what is behind and strains towards what is ahead, why? Because God continues to lead Paul forward.

Philippians 3:14

There is a prize, what is this prize?  It means there’s a goal, what’s the goal?  The goal is to win the prize in heaven for Christ Jesus.  That’s what I’m racing towards.  Racing towards this means I’m racing.  Paul is not living his life directionless.  He races his life, not for the things of the earth, but for the things of heaven. It doesn’t matter what anyone says, I’m not telling you guys to not listen to anything.  Then, you’re not going to have any relationships. Why would we have an entire major called “Communication”? If you don’t listen to the Word, you don’t have to listen to the news or traffic signals, but that’s not what I mean. Listen, but you go forward, undeterred, because your goal is determined. You race towards the prize, and that’s final.

Then, whether you fall into tests or trials on this earth, it means you seek the things of the earth. If you live to exalt yourself on the earth, then Christ is no reward in heaven, you’ve already received your prize on earth to exalt your own pride and reputation.  Because you’re actually doing everything for getting acknowledgment from people.  Whether people acknowledge you or not, just go.  Otherwise you’ll say, “This is unfair, why don’t they recognize anything? This is unjust,” because your goal is for the earth, then the devil is waiting around like a roaring lion, looking to devour you.

Whether someone acknowledges or recognizes me is irrelevant, but God knows and I race towards that. There’s no need to be worried about what people think, but I go in the direction God leads me.  Those who disagree will stay on the side of Satan, and those who live for the things of God will stand on the side of the Kingdom of God.  So keep their words as reference but stay on the path you will go, otherwise you’ll never be able to overcome the enemy, the devil, but that’s your goal and you’re caught up in that.

That’s why the Bible says to be careful, but you put your destination as heaven, you’re going to pour everything while on earth and then go.  But if you don’t know this, you’ll keep trying to get something from the earth, but there’s nothing.

Philippians 3:15

People don’t think in the same way, but you keep going until your life is done.  Moses didn’t even have a disease. Paul was beheaded.  That’s the end, because we race towards the goal in heaven.  Whether you die from a car accident, a heart attack, or your breathing stops, you die, but people are so afflicted as they worry about how they will die. It’s not up to you, it’s up to God, but either way, our lives will end once. For now, put your GPS destination to heaven, then there will be a lot of things, you’ll compare yourself to other people and say you’ve done so much, but stand before God and relay this to the next generation.

 If there’s nothing for you to do, pray. Pray together with others, and you don’t have to make a big show of it, but just pray because we have to pray for the church. Either way, it’s not like you’re sleeping out in the cold.  You have to wake up early and pray.  Are you afraid because there are African Americans who are beating the Asian people? That’s martyrdom; are you afraid of that? Then are you afraid of that otherwise?  But if you’re going to live your life this, it’s going to be nothing or everything.

Pray for the region, but instead of holding onto our prayer topics, we think what we must give up.  That’s why we’re enslaved by the world.  We will die eventually, whether it’s like this or that, isn’t that right?  Die while praying, then that will be a reward for your life.  If there’s nothing else for you to do, you should have evangelism.  People say zoom is hard, but why? Isn’t it actually better, if you don’t have the strength or ability to go, you can do it on Zoom?   Forum with the Word of God.

You do this for God in heaven, and there’s much to do. Praying for the remnants is something we must do. Pray for the multiethnic people like Tracy and David Abrams.  You say you have nothing to do? It’s because you haven’t given up the things of the earth, but thinking of the things of heaven. I hope your thoughts will remain before God’s word.


God, we thank You. Allow the Evangelists’ life be our life, and may we be the strong weapon, obedient to Jesus Christ.   


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