21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Only the Holy Spirit

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Only the Holy Spirit

20210822 Church Officer Training Message

What is the most happy life? It is a life where God is using me, because God is God, perfect and complete, and if I am used by God’s hands, that’s a perfectly happy life.  The really miserable person is one who is not used by God, meaning they’re being used by the devil.  An evangelist’s life is a life where you’re being used by God to relay God’s Word, but the devil is freaking out to prevent you from living this way, then who are the ones who are filled with demons?  The ones who freak out when you talk about evangelism are filled with demons. 

“Pastor, I don’t like things like missions and evangelism,” then what are they most happy about?  They are happy when they are playing and eating, and that’s when they’re filled with demons.  If you can’t live the lifestyle of an evangelist, you’ll be used by the devil.  That’s rightful, of course God has to use me.  God moves the entire universe, so He has to use me.

What’s a nonbeliever?  They use the things of the world, because we need animals, buildings, and people to maintain the physical world. Without an education, we can’t breathe, but everything is necessary.  But if the saved people of God cannot live the life of an evangelist, they will be used by the devil.

Then, how great of a blessing is the life of an evangelist?  It means your life is led by the Holy Spirit, and the Triune God works upon your life.  But look centered on this, who freaks out when you talk about evangelism? They’re okay when you talk about anything else, but when you talk about evangelism, they’re full of demons.  

If that’s the image of the church, that’s actually not a church.  Mature people want to live the life of an evangelist that is used by God. But until it becomes “only Christ,” you’ll continue to have problems and you’ll relay this problem to your kids and to other families. You must properly begin like this.  When we talk about Christ, it can only be the perfect answer for you when you know Christ.

Evangelism is giving the answer of only Christ to the problems of sin, Satan, and separation.  You think you know the answer vaguely but you don’t know the problem, and when you talk to other people, you can’t give them this answer. This means you’re personally still stuck in Satan, sin, and separation, and you’re not a witness of this answer, so you can’t give this answer.

Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  Blessed are you, but you are deceived because you don’t have the standard of truth.  Your life should be a rock, but you are shaken. You believe in Jesus Christ but you don’t have the answer and can’t give it to save your family.

The devil will keep using you until you find the answer. You’re living life without an answer, it doesn’t matter how many books you read, it’s not an answer, and it doesn’t matter how much you try to understand and forgive.  It doesn’t matter how much psychiatric help you get, it won’t work. The Word of God has to come in and be your answer.  “He’s still your dad, try to understand,” that’s not an answer. 

All these people are gathered in societies, what will happen? Until you come to this answer that my father’s problem is Satan, sin, and separation, I can’t solve that.  You go to church and keep hearing about Jesus Christ and do not know or can’t see Satan, sin, and separation, it will be terrible.  Some students are scarred from teachers or other students, so this friend takes their scars from their parents and relays it to their friends. Then it becomes a social problem. It’s not enough for me to be okay, I must give the answer to my kids so they aren’t scarred.

If you don’t understand this, let’s talk about the coronavirus.  Did it come from America? No, but we can’t sit still.  If you have the answer, you must give the answer so you won’t negatively influence others.  It is not irrelevant to you, so stop thinking that way.  People have their kids and it’s all connected. Ultimately those thoughts are my problems, and if I’m relaying the answer I have, the Apostle Paul said the same thing, “may I be accursed if I do not share the gospel.”

So when we see Afghanistan, it should affect us, but people think it’s irrelevant?  Why does God tell us about the prayer that transcends time and space? It’s just theory to you so you’re a bland Christian, and I saw a video where the Taliban was using machine guns to kill people, and I saw the bullets on the floor.  There was a pastor who posted this video, and I wanted to swear because there were a row of eight people who were shot. 

Does this stuff not happen in America? Do you remember September 11?  This problem will come to us, it’s not just about America, but the entire world is connected.  America, for over 20 years from President Bush, invested a lot of money into Afghanistan. You can’t just leave them alone, therefore, if we don’t do missions and evangelism, the disasters will come and reach you.

That’s why we pray for God’s Kingdom to be established. We can’t go but we pray a prayer that transcends time and space. You don’t pray because you don’t think it can go that far.  “Can I possibly do anything?” You have disbelief.  Do you think God gives you the Word for no reason?  These are the problems for your future generations, and it won’t end there.  There’s the delta variant but there will be more in the future as well, and if they run out of Greek letters, they’ll use the Chinese alphabet.

This isn’t about “America first,” but God tells us to go out and proclaim the gospel. Now, because the age is moving so fast, it’s coming closer, so churches that haven’t realized this will close their doors. Christians who don’t know this mystery have no reason for God to empower them. God makes them powerless because even if they had power, they would do useless things and go into unnecessary directions. If you’re going to help demons, God should take away your power. Quickly come to your senses.

We have Joyce and Tracy here, “I’m okay because I’m young,” stop being foolish.  When some people went out to do missions, there were some students who were maybe 17 or 19 years old, but as soon as they graduated from Harvard, they had to go to Korea and died there. That was their life, Korea chopped off the heads of all the missionaries to Korea.  But the son who received the gospel through the beheaded missionary went to America.  That gospel was relayed to someone and that darkness was broken in Korea.  It’s the same today.  If the gospel isn’t proclaimed now, the darkness will come attack us as a masterpiece.

Jesus Christ controls the Kingdom of God, and if Christ comes here, that’s the kingdom, and if people continue to gather and spread this, then the Kingdom of God expands.  When you pray, angels are mobilized transcending time and space, but you cannot see the work Satan is doing unless you have the standard of God’s Word.

Because the heavenly hosts are moving, the spiritual battle takes place and the forces of darkness are broken, even in Afghanistan. Do you pray about these things?  You see so much going on in the world and you don’t have any prayer topics?  That’s my problem, it’s the problem for my children and the world. That’s why we pray and you must remain vigilant and not fall asleep.

God’s Kingdom.  Holy Spirit.  I can only move and change the field when I’m changed by the Spirit of God.  In 2 Kings, Elisha asked for a double portion of spirit to overcome the nation of Aram. If he didn’t have to fight against Aram but he just wanted enough money to eat, he wouldn’t need a double portion of Spirit.  Elisha saw the kingdom of Aram and Satan and realized he needed a double portion of the Holy Spirit to do this. 

Genesis 41:38, Pharaoh said, “Who can we find who is filled with the spirit of God like this man, Joseph?” Do you think God gave the filling of the Holy Spirit to Joseph so he could be a good slave and get promoted? He had to break down the darkness. He couldn’t do it with his power, but that’s how the gospel will be relayed.

Filling of the Holy Spirit, you can’t enjoy this because every point of your life is wrong. Why use a ballistic missile in your workplace? Would you use that missile to kill a fly or a fish? God won’t let you use a missile for that.  If God gives you a missile, He wants you to use it to break down the forces of darkness, but it’s not to catch a fish. Why use a missile for your business?  We have to see other things. That’s why you pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit and working of the Holy Spirit.  Unless you see the age, you can’t even have this prayer.  Even as you pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, you want to succeed or study well. It doesn’t matter how much you pray, God won’t give it to you. Why would God give you a missile so you can do a good job? God gives you spiritual power to break down the power of Satan, the enemy.

If you see what you need to see, everything would be an answer, but most people live their walk of faith without seeing the answer.  People know the doctrine of Jesus Christ, Kingdom of God, and Holy Spirit, but they can’t explain this to others. Paul could explain this, Acts 17 and 18 proved using the scriptures why Jesus had to be the Christ. The Jews used the knowledge from the Old Testament, so Paul used the scriptures, but you have to also be able to explain to Gentiles about Christ.  For the Triune God to be your answer, you have to be able to explain this to Gentiles.

Kids have prayer topics, “Let me see spiritual things,” and I think that’s good, but I tell you in advance, even if you saw it, you wouldn’t see it.  Low level people think Satan only works in shaman houses, because they only think demon possession happens if a person is flipping around and goes crazy.  Satan rules over mankind, why do you think it’s only mental illness?  Satan is in your family but you never see that.  Satan’s within your children but you don’t see it, so that’s why it’s not being solved. You only think Satan lives in shaman houses and people have mental problems, wandering around, so that’s why it’s hard and you can’t see it. The answer is there but you don’t see the problem so you don’t use the answer. 

You don’t even know what demons are, demons are corrupted angels, you have to know the Biblical knowledge that explains what demons and angels are.  Sometimes I tell my daughter to meditate on the Word and she’ll say, “My stomach hurts.”  “Why is it that you stomach hurts all of a sudden?” “You have to pray, there’s a demon.  Do you know there’s a demon in your stomach?”  She’s perfectly fine, but all of a sudden when she has to meditate on the Word, she’s hurting all of a sudden. 

How do you know if Satan is working or not?  Use God’s word as the standard.  If you aren’t interpreting things based on God’s Word, it’s better for people to remain quiet because you’re only going to teach something incorrect to other people. It’s important for you to teach accurately with the Biblical word. If you don’t know the truth of the Word of God, how will you know what’s true or false, whether demons are working or not?  Do you think it’s only a demon if someone starts foaming at the mouth? You’re ignorant of demons so you’re taken in.

Some people freak out when talking about evangelism, “Stop, I’m so oppressed,” they’re oppressed by demons.  They do everything else except evangelize because they’re filled with demons.  You only see the ones in mental hospitals and shaman houses, but he works on each person, and what is that work? He makes it so you cannot relay the Truth of God’s Word and proclaim Christ.  He allows everything else, but if you talk about evangelism, he freaks out. 

What about for you?  When the pastor talks about missions and evangelism, do you feel good, or do you revolt against that? A demon has seized you for many generations in your family line, and evangelism isn’t something you can resolve, “Let’s do this,” but all problems stem from Satan, sin, and separation, so that’s why I have to give the answer of only Christ.

Instead of doing this, you feel good and say, “I have to evangelize,” you’re just supporting your own emotions. “Evangelism” means you have the problem and answer to life. You see that all mankind is stuck in Satan, sin, and separation, and that’s why I need Christ and why I must relay this. You call this evangelism, but Satan stops you from doing this.  Are you going to study? Satan won’t stop you because he doesn’t care if you study or not. If anything, Satan wants you to study hard.  Does it matter if your business is taking off? Satan wants to bring you up to break you down later on.

Satan stops you from doing only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit.  Satan makes this weak and vague so you don’t trust God, and he makes the church dysfunctional. Even if you scream the name of the Triune God, if you don’t know why you need the Triune God, it’s all useless. Satan blinds all of us and makes us useless.

Zechariah 4:6

It’s not possible by our strength.  It is only possible by the power of God.  They came back from Babylonian captivity and couldn’t build the temple, so people began to fight and there was resentment. God gave the answer, “It’s not possible by man’s strength; it is only possible by the strength and the spirit of the Lord.” It’s only possible when God works.

1 Cor 3:16

says the one who has Jesus Christ will also have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them.  How can we receive the Holy Spirit to change someone into the Kingdom of God?  It’s impossible unless it’s the power of God.  Why should the church gather? What must we establish in our region? Speaking well? It’s not enough to speak well, there are many who speak well on YouTube, many great lecturers on YouTube.  But it means the spirit of God isn’t working, why? There’s no reason for it to work because that’s not where the central focus is. 

If you pray, you must acknowledge that missions and evangelism are impossible unless the spirit of God is working.  That’s why the members of the Early Church gathered together in one heart to pray about this. Evangelism was important but they waited for the filling of the Holy Spirit and when the Holy Spirit came, God attached people to them, and that’s how they gave the answer through God’s Word.  They left the church and went from region to region to do God’s work.  Some people went to Samaria, others to Antioch, these were the continuous works taking place.

For those who have reached the answer of only Christ, for those who know the Kingdom of God and the churches, it’s not about the building. This used to be a bank and now it’s a church but that’s just the building. Later on if we move out, it becomes something else, but it’s a church when God’s people gather, so wherever we go, that’s the church and God reigns there from the Throne of Heaven.  When you take God’s Word and pray, God moves His angels and spreads God’s Kingdom.

You only say, “Give me, give me, give me,” but the Kingdom of God isn’t expanded, then the working of the Holy Spirit won’t happen for you; you will have the work of evil spirits. If the Holy Spirit isn’t working, you’ll have evil spirits, but you must know why the Triune God must be your answer.  Without this answer, how would you live your life? You’ll live powerlessly, and what will happen? You’ll be a slave to the demon of the world, even though God gave you the authority to cast it out.

You don’t have a reason to pray because you don’t evangelize, then you cannot overcome the demons of America.  If you want to overcome Aram, you have to realize why they needed a double portion of the Holy Spirit 2 Kings 2:9-11.  On Friday, I was asked to give a message to 100 missionaries in South America. Why does the Holy Spirit have to work? So a poor nation can get money?  It’s impossible for the Holy Spirit to work unless the kingdom of Satan is broken down, and we pray for the kingdom to take place.

Stop praying for your illnesses and sickness, but pray for the Kingdom of God in the region.  You live your walk of faith in a place that doesn’t have the answer, but if you knew the answer, it would be easy.  The darkness will not be broken unless it’s the working of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t break down Satan through your prayers, then the forces of Satan aren’t broken down in your region.  Then, logically speaking, it doesn’t make sense.  If you just pray once, what are you going to do for the rest of your life? “I have to go to vacations on the beach.” Everywhere you go, break down the forces of darkness.  Do this on the plane, as you watch the news, wherever you are.  The one who knows the reason why the filling of the Holy Spirit is necessary wherever you go is the one who has the evangelist’s lifestyle.

You must know the reason why God must give you a missile and where you will use it, and break it down. You ask for a missile for you business and that’s why nothing happens.  Just do your work; why do you need help for that? Do it so the darkness is bound and the spirit of darkness is broken in your business. Break down the forces of darkness using the economy to break God’s Kingdom.

If your central point is wrong, God won’t work because you don’t know the Word.  You’re just using your own thoughts, “Wouldn’t it be like that?” That’s just your thoughts.  Let’s say the president of the United States had a nuclear briefcase to detonate the bomb, he needs someone else to confirm.  Russia also had this, and in the past, there were missiles could have been coming towards America during the Cuban missile crisis, and it would have led to a lot of destruction.  But the Russian general received a report about missiles going towards Russia, but that general realized if he shot back, America would shoot even more, and he thought, “If America really wanted to shoot missiles, wouldn’t they shoot more than five?” So he left it alone. If he acted, there would be nuclear war.

Would you use a missile on a snail or a fish?  Do you think God would give you the filling of the Holy Spirit so you can raise your grades a little bit?  But you’re asking to use it without knowing why you must use it, so you don’t see any works.  The Holy Spirit has to work for the life movement to take place and to break down the darkness.  God gives you the answer this way, do you understand? 

“The blessing of the throne is always with me but it’s irrelevant to my life.” You use the things of heaven to gain earthly things, so things don’t fit.  Only the people who are not only going to run their business, but use their business for missions will understand this. What does it mean to have business missions? It means those who understand business missions will have the filling of the Holy Spirit.  But you see a lot of people gathering for the business missions message but they just want blessings for their business.  The title is “business missions,” so you gather to do missions, but it’s incorrect to receive blessings for your business.  Missions are impossible unless the Holy Spirit comes upon you.  My business goes into the work of God that goes beyond my power for the sake of missions.

It’s not just your business, it’s also your studies.  Your studies have to go into saving the world for the Holy Spirit to work upon it.  The church also has to go into this for the Holy Spirit to work in the church.  When people in the regional church pray for the region, that’s when the Holy Spirit works in the region.  Why would the Holy Spirit work in a regional church full of gossip? If it has nothing to do with spreading the gospel, why would God give a nuclear missile? God would say, “Figure out whatever you want, it doesn’t matter what you do,” you don’t need the Holy Spirit to play, just don’t do missions and evangelism.  You do your regional Bible studies and play.

Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, people can’t come to life unless it’s by the power of the Holy Spirit. I keep saying the same things, but those who have ears will understand. It must be succinct to be effective.  I hope you will receive the grace God has given you and put it into practice, because you can change the flow of the whole church through this, and if the flow of the church changes, the flow of the region will change.


God we thank You. May the evangelist’s life be our lives.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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