God Answers Our Sincere Prayers (Proverbs 15:8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God Answers Our Sincere Prayers (Proverbs 15:8)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The title of today of Healing Evangelism School is, God answers our sincere prayers. God answers. Only to his children. And even among the children, God answers the sincere prayers, because God is not the one of lies. Today’s introduction is God desires to bless his children. God himself is the one who desires to bless. That is why after God created human beings, the first thing he did was blessed them. God desires to bless his children and he does not want them to receive curses. Then what is the method God wishes to bless us through? 

The first point of the introduction says, our blessings or curses depends on our parents faith and prayers. We can see the example of Solomon is 1 Kings 11:1-2. King Solomon brought in the women of many different nations and loved them. Even though God specifically told them not to marry other gentile women. And maybe it was because with older age, Solomon lost his faith but he took in a lot of gentile women as his bride and in verse nine, God left Solomon. There were a lot of time when Solomon had good faith. But this is how Solomon spiritual state changed at the end of his days. 

And because of Solomon the disaster of splitting Israel north and south took place. These are the suffering the children receives because of the parents. You guys are also connected to the spiral state of your parents. And if you keep on going up your parent family line, you’ll be related to Adam and Eve. Our spatula things are connected above and below us. It’s not just you alone. If you keep on leaving God, your children will leave God. And the more you have faith towards God, the more you will relay those blessings to your children. 

But if you don’t know that spiritual mystery, then you think even if you lay about, you can raise your children properly, but that’s never the case. Because it is a fact that spiritual things are connected and we give and take away from others. Deuteronomy 21:5 also tells us that God blesses us through the minsters and the prayers of the servants of the LORD. God’s blessings are relayed to the members of the church through the prayers of the pastors. And the third way that God blesses is through the work of evangelism Mark 10: 29-3 says ,” Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel 30 will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields along with persecutions and in the age to come eternal life.”

Jesus replied that everyone that has given up on their houses, brothers, sisters, mother or father, children or property for Jesus sake, will revive hundred times blessings, but from the outside they will receive persecution. How great of God’s plan is world evangelism. Evangelism can overcome all of the most wicked sins. But because you guys don’t understand evangelism, you say, “Ok then I just have to evangelize” that is the incorrect conclusion. Evangelism is a total art. You just have to understand that everything is moving toward evangelism. If you don’t understand evangelism that way, you guys don’t understand evangelism from God’s word. 

With that meaning in mind, if you give up everything for the sake of evangelism, then you’ll receive persecution, but a hundred times blessings, and eternal life. And it also says in Matthew 7:7 the reason the disciples couldn’t receive answers to prayer was because they didn’t pray until the very end. Luke 18:1 as the parable and the widow, and the judge, she kept pleading with the judge until he received her prayers. Luke 11:15-13 talks about a hungry friend who begs to his friend in the middle of the night, at first his friend refuses, but after much pleading, any friend would let the man in. It is talking about the persistent of our prayers. 

If you continue praying, it means it has the truth in it. That’s why you’re able to continue. If a prayer doesn’t have the truth in it, then you will start and you’ll stop because you yourself are not sure. Even after coming before he answers, you give up on yourself, because it’s not truthful to you. Because it does not have the truth from the word of God, you’re going to end up giving up on yourself. 

There are prayers God doesn’t answer. What are these prayers? Today’s verse, Proverbs 13:8 says that the LORD detest the sacrifice of the wicked in other words, the LORD does not accept the prayers of those who lie. Because God is truth, he cannot answer lies. People can deceive each other with their lies and be fooled by that, that’s why you’re able to con and swindle people because you can trick them. But you cannot gain answers from God through lies. 

In James 4:3 even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong. You have the incorrect motives, that’s why God does not answer you. The devil laughs at people who prays like this, because it doesn’t receive answers. However, sincere prayer without a doubt God answers, but you fall into powerlessness because your prayers aren’t answered. Even if you want to do something about it you cannot. 

The reason you are powerless is because you aren’t connected to God. You fall into a lack of motivation because you aren’t receiving answers from God. God doesn’t answer the incorrect prayer and motives, it is a matter of our spiritual state. If we had the proper and the proper motives then of course God will answer but if you aren’t receiving answers then you have to see that there is something wrong with you but if without a doubt you are praying with the basis of the word of  God pray till the very end. Pray for temple construction, people who don’t believe in this don’t give prayer or offering because your heart only moves with what it considers valuable. So basically because we put our heart on places that are not with God. That is where a heart goes. 

For us God answers true and honest prayers because today’s verse says, “ The prayer of the upright pleases God”. That’s enough right prayer, the one I have faith in in the gospel of God‘s word because God‘s word reveals the righteousness of God and the righteousness of faith. In other words your motives are also upright and align with God’s motives. If you look at Acts 4:29 the members of the early church are receiving persecution but they didn’t pray for the persecution to stop instead they prayed, “ Give us your servants great boldness in preaching the word”. They have to go before prosecution. Imagine how afraid they are but they never prayed to stop the persecution. They prayed for God to give them the ability to proclaim the word of God promised that is why they had no choice but to receive answers. So the difference between if you have faith are not. 

What is blocking your answers and what is a problem for you? It may be true problem but that’s kind of a low level person.  If you have God‘s word you shouldn’t look at the problem. You should look at God‘s word because God works according to his word but you ultimately fall into the problem because you don’t have God‘s word. The only reason the problem will not be a problem it’s because the word is your answer so it’s not a problem anymore. 

You can only do the healing and evangelism movements if the members of the church are higher level. In other words the only way to heal someone is to allow them to come to God’s word but the person that saving  them don’t have God‘s word and because you talk at the same level as the person you’re trying to heal saying, “Try this try that”  Nothing is fitting do not be shaken by the circumstances or crisis.You should because you don’t see the word of god that is eternal and unchanging if you don’t see it you are bound to shake. This is what we call our sincere motives. This is extremely important.

In Matthew chapter 6:42 when Jesus is praying what does he pray  for? He say  “Stay alert so that I will not be taken into temptation he says my spirit is willing the mice flesh is weak and do not intervene with your own thoughts emotions or benefits when you pray” 

 Matthew 46:33 tells us,”To Seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness.” Stop putting your own personal self into your prayers but you keep on putting your personal things in prayers and it seems correct but it’s an incorrect motive. First seek God‘s kingdom and his righteousness only that we’re all other answers follow there are many people who live the wrong walk of faith but cannot do this. Every single time they face a problem they say, “ Pastor I have a problem please pray for me like this” and the pattern never changes. If you asked me to pray for you then what do you think I will pray for? I will say, “God take care of them according to your will.”

I didn’t receive a mission to become a pastor just to solve your problems. I became a pastor for God’s will. I’m not a Buddhist monk to give you guys intercessory prayers to solve your own problems. Then I have to pray for those prayers the rest of my life until I die. People who don’t have faith, they say, “Pastor of course you have to pray for our problems.” I’m not a monk. I’m a servant of the LORD the LORD has called to relay the truth. So if I pray, I pray that through your problems, you can see the will of God through those problems. People who have their walk of faith like this will be able to do evangelism because they’re the witnesses of the word. But the reason evangelism doesn’t take place is because, you look at the problem asking God to fix it, you’re living a religious life. People who don’t have faith, keep on praying for your problems, because that’s the extent of your faith right now. But as time passes, according to God’s grace, the word will come upon you. 

But because you’re more deeply rooted in yourself then the word of God, the problems seems big to you. The Bible says that God is controlling all things, all events, circumstances, crisis, people within his word. Then it is important for you to discover that word. Because God is fulfilling his word immediately. 

And for the second point, there are a few Bible verses we must hold onto and pray. What  are the prayer that God desires and blesses? That’s what’s important. 1 John 5:14, says, if we ask anything according to his will, then he will hear us. All you have to realize is that being imprinted and rooted in the word of God is everything. Because that is happening, God will create your prayers. 1 John 3:2a says, we will receive from him whatever we ask, because we obey him in other words we obey his commands and words and do the things that please him. And that command is to love one another. 

The word of acid says that all of God’s law is if we love God we end up loving people. People who do that, every step they take is an answer. Even when you’re in your business, are you going to prioritize money or people? You have to follow God’s word. Because God works following his words. If there is something unfair happening, then simply let it take place, you’re only fighting with people because you’re trying to avoid unfair things. But if you’re holding onto God’s word and yielding everything, God will work. If you think that you have to use your own mouth to speak your own case, then the more you do that the more less it is. It might be momentarily satisfying but you have no answers to that. If you love one another, that means you forgive one another. It means you don’t oppose them. Then you’ll be the one who would be blessed and answers. If you handle all problems on your own, why would God answer you. 

You have to understand that everything in our walk of faith, comes down to being imprinted and rooted in God’s word. John 15:7 says, if you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you may ask whatever you want and it will be granted. So simply speaking, you have to be rooted in the word before you start your business. You’ve learned everything like a non believer. You’re so centered on yourself you think you just have to do it. But this is not only your business, it’s talking about every aspect of your life. Because you learned everything from the world,  it’s not aligned with God’s word. You believe in God, but in your life there’s no work of God, because that’s how you’ve learned, it’s the same with your studies, you think you just have to work diligently. But later on, your studies will be irrelevant to God. The word diligent is so great, but that’s not connected to God. 

But because you’ve been educated and raised by our parents like this, we work diligently and we have earnestness, but that’s irrelevant to God’s word. We need God’s answers, but because we don’t have God’s answers, we have to live with our own mental strength. That’s how people grow up, and that’s how they’re raised, and when they grow up, they get a house, they get a job, and if they become a pastor, that’s a headache. 

They don’t know why they don’t receive answers. It’s very simple. The word. God fulfills and answers according to his word. God is working now with his word. God is sustaining and moving all things with his word. So you must always be asking the question, what does God’s word say about this? For example, in all of your jobs, what does God say about this? That’s how you receive  answers. But instead of doing that, you’re just so used to worshipping at church. 

So there are a lot of people who don’t go to church at all, but some of the relatively better people, they are at least earnest in coming to church. And when they go into the world, they think they should live like a non believer working hard but you have to follow God’s word. Even for a person, you have to keep on putting God’s word into them, if you keep on putting your ideologies into them, their masterpiece will be very strange. 

As I was doing my ministry, there’s a lot of things I found frustrating and regrettable about parents. I ask occasionally about their children. And what are most of their replies? Let’s say if their kids are good at studying and they get a good job, the feeling I get from the parents is, “I’ve done a good job, this is enough.” I can’t say anything to them because that’s their parents state, I get a feeling from the parents that they’re very relieved and they feel that now I can leave my children to take care of their own life and manage. 

So there are church officers who are talking with the same ideologies that my non believer mother has. For me, even if I studied and did a good job, my life still doesn’t work out. And even if I was self sufficient, my mother never even told me to study, and when another mother asked her how I’m doing, she says “He does everything on his own, I didn’t have to tell him to do anything, he just studied on his own, he got a job on his own, he’s making money.” You guys are saying the same thing that my non believer mother says.

What I’m telling you is that, when I’m talking to the parents, I can’t get the feeling that their standard is whether their kids are in the word of God or not. Because the idea of following the word of God is not really inside of their lives, they don’t think it is important. Who cares if they’re self-sustaining and they have a secure job, they might end up like me. They don’t have the word of God. 

You guys have to feel relieved and safe when your kids are holding onto and following the word of God, only then we can have real conversation. That’s the state we all have, and I realize, “Oh that’s how they raise their kids.” Imagine how physical the standards were imprinted, rooted, and natured into their kids. Because the physical standards are planted on their kids, that’s the result that will follow. So the spiritual state and the faith of the parents are directly imprinted in their children’s. 

It doesn’t matter what you guys say, whatever you talk about, I get a sense of what you’re centered on, and I can see what you’re imprinting in your children; I can see your entire family line.  Then, once I’m able to investigate the parents, I’m able to strategize how I can pray for and raise up the children.  Then I give the parents the Word of God as well so we can all be united together to follow God’s Word.

Parents who understand this will be able to quickly influence their children, and this is the church.  The church can be a gathering of families or a gathering like this, it’s not independent because the spiritual things are connected.

There are a lot of people doing ministry with kids, but don’t just meet with the kids; talk to their parents as well. It doesn’t matter how much you talk to the kids, you won’t see the answers, but if you talk to the parents, you can see the answers quickly because their parents’ state is the kid’s state.  Instead of asking, “Why are the kids like this?” speak to the parents and go together in God’s Word.

But it’s a little difficult for our student-teachers to talk to parents, so that’s when you have to receive God’s wisdom.  If you talk to a senior deaconess or deaconess about their children, what parent would keep their mouth shut?  You say, “Oh, I see that your kid is in this or that state,” and you tell that to the parents.  All parents, including myself, because it’s my kid, I can’t see them objectively.  Even the mother of a toad, no matter how ugly the toad is, will think their children are beautiful. Even for the ugliest animals, they find their own children to be beautiful, not other animals.  You have to have such a heart to raise the kids.

But when you speak to them objectively with the basis of God’s Word, you may not be aligned with their perspective.  Mostly when you talk about things that kids do things in the school or in the world, they say, “That’s not something my kid would do,” the kids act differently in front of their parents compared to being out in the world.  

The kids are really good at figuring out how they have to behave at home so they don’t get in trouble or get nagged at, and that they can get money.  The kids are really quick at realizing what their mom and dad like to see, because they have to survive in the house, then the kids are going to act in the house, adjusting to those behaviors, but if they go outside into the world where their parents are not, they will act differently.

When they go into the church, they’re able to quickly realize what kind of people the church officers want them to be as well.  For example, if the pastor is like me, the kids know they can’t try to talk back to me.  So they have to at least pretend to be obedient; they have no choice, they are weaker and must adjust themselves to survive, but if you look at things like that, you’ll be deceived.

How will you relay the Word of God to these kids? If you’re going to stand on the side of the law and talk to them as if you were a judge, you won’t be able to connect to the kids, but God gives wisdom to parents who pray.  If you keep shoving the Word of God into them, they’re not going to receive it.  You have to use the incidences that God brings up in your household to look at the incident from the perspective of God’s Word.  

The kids don’t have enough life experiences to accept and apply God’s Word like their parents, that’s why one by one, in the incidences happening outside of and inside the home, there is a way the children are looking at it, and you can explain it using God’s Word.  It’s especially important in the family because these are incidences that are actually taking place.  If a kid has the incorrect perspective about what’s happening, not only will they be scarred, but they will be scarred against their parents, too.  

In order for that incident to not be an incorrect imprint in the child, you have to explain it from God’s Word for it to be a blessing. If the parent doesn’t have the Word of God, they have their own judgment regarding this incident, and that’s what they will relay to the kids.  “Your dad is always like that,” “Your mom is always like that, like a monster. You have to understand her.” That’s not going to cut it. You have to accurately imprint the Word of God and relay it to your children for it to be imprinted and rooted in their lives, that’s what it means that the parents’ state will be directly relayed to the kids. 

The power of the Word has not been lost yet.  You can do it over the phone, you can call them to ask if anything has happened, and if anything has, you can nurture them with the Word of God.  But if you say, “I’m sure they’ll take care of it by themselves,” that’s not right.  Even if a kid is all grown up on their own, if they’re not rooted in the Word of God, then spiritually, they have no hope.  

So, stop nagging at them. When you talk to them, just ask them, “What are the things you struggle with, what problems are you facing?” Simply listen to them and pray about it later, and when you receive God’s Word, tell them, answer by answer.  This isn’t just in the family but there are incidents that take place in your job as well, and there are incidents that happen to people personally.  Then you have to give them the accurate answer from the word of God to that problem, if they accept it or not that’s up to them, but that’s the only way for them to live. You have to understand the field that way, and you come to the church to revive training in order for you to mature. Your personal self may be important too, but it’s not just about you receiving grace, you receive your grace on Sunday’s. There are some people who listen to all the headquarters messages on Saturday, and that’s great. 

But you have to be trained in the word to save other people. You keep on receiving the word of God and applying it to yourself personally but you can’t proclaiming it to other people. So if you have the field and you’re not able to see God’s word into it, you go into the training, and God is going to give you the answer through training. You guys are living your life because there’s a field you have to relay this too. The closest is your children. Are they not your kid anymore when they get married? They’re going to face more difficulties, they’re just simply not telling you about it. If you’re not spiritually ready, what can you do properly? They’re just simply not telling you. And it’s your responsibility to accurately relay God’s word after you pray about their problems. “Oh pastor,  they don’t listen to me anyways.” Why should they listen to their parents, they need to listen to God’s word. They’re not listening to you because you keep on speaking your own words and that’s not the truth, and it’s not even effective. Of course they won’t listen to you then. But if you give them the answer to their problems from the word of God, the Holy Spirit will work.  

Even if they don’t listen right now, the word is the answer, so that’s ultimately what will save them. And there are also vulnerable members in the church, that’s your field. You keep on praying for that person and taking interest in them. That person has such weak faith, they cannot receive God’s word directly. As you keep on looking at that person and praying for them, you give the answer from God’s word. The fact that the answer is always in the word of God, and anyone who wants to relay it, God will give them his word. 

And if you talk to your kids as if you’re a judge or a prosecutor, then you’re not connecting to them personally, you’re doing it in a mechanical way, and you should just say, “I was praying about what you were saying earlier, and this is the word God gave to me, so you should try praying about it like this, and let me know what happens.” Instead of just telling them to do it, just converse with them. “oh but the kids don’t want to converse with me.” They don’t want to converse with you because they already know everything you’re going to say. 

So instead of saying the same things you always used to, you have to really go into the field of the kids, stand in their shoes. And understand them and communicate with them. Children have their difficulties, immediately on their mind, the children have to worry about their studies and getting into college and if they’re young adults, they have to worry about their job. But if you let their difficulties be, that’s not an answer. I’m having difficulties with people, money. You have to pull these words out of your kids and you’re able to save them with the word of God and prayer. That’s the reason it’s important to maintain good relationships that are gospel centered. 

Your human relationship with the people of the field is also very important. And that’s the only reason success is important for this purpose. Because you open their hearts. If you’re a failure no one will come to you and open their hearts to you, they will always look down on you. That is why we challenge towards success for the sake of saving lives through the gospel. It’s not that failure will persecute you and say, “Please teach me the ways to fail.” Unless someone has completely  found their answer in the Gospel already, they’re not going to come looking for you. Because people look at people htmanisticly. And humans have this natural tendency to not talk to someone if they don’t like the way they dress. And a person will avoid talking to someone if they speak a little low class. That’s what it means that people will flock with people who’re similar to them. 

And what I’m saying is it’s important to align yourself to other people because people see people humanistically. I don’t need the law but the reason I act like I have the law is in order to save those who have the law. 

That is the true heavenly award. If you’re saying you have to align yourself to me otherwise and I’m not gonna talk to you then there is no award waiting for that person. I’m not sure why you talk so much about children. 

Matthew 18:18 talks about praying together. On Friday night people gather together and pray  that’s the only way for everyone to live. The thing is that it is hard for Korean people to do, they just think they could do everything on their own. Then occasionally one person will come. Let’s say there are the individuals that come and make a name for themselves family like are hard to come by.When you gather to pray you realize your prayers are so much more effective because we have to go together. Yes, you do have to have your personal prayer as well but you have to be able to gather together to pray with the other church members. If you wanna do regional and 237 Nations evangelization like it was promised in Acts 1:14.

John 14:14 Jesus says ask for anything in my name and I will do it. 

The third point is what we must do and pray to receive answers from God. You need to have a time where you can honestly look at yourself and that is called scheduled prayer. Scheduled prayer is not what you call just mechanically praying. You have to have a time where you regularly look back at yourself and see whether you are following the word of God otherwise you will just flow down in life. So it is extremely important to have a time where you can just see yourself in front of  God’s word and ask who am I and where am I going if you receive the word on Sunday take notes. All successful people take notes. Do you know they leave notes?  In a moment they will receive an idea for a business and they need to record their own voice because sometimes that are driving and they can’t write down. Some people who are very artistic will draw it out through sketching or writing because moment by moment you are stuck by inspiration. 

For them, all these ideas are connected with masterpieces and money, but if they leave it alone in their brain, nothing happens.  The same thing with Rev. Ryu says he never wears a shirt without a pocket because, as he’s always in prayer, he has to write down the answers God gives him.  In other words, you need a notebook for prayer.  Nowadays we have our prayer journals and there’s a reason for those too.  If you look at the beginning stages of the movement, they used the word “prayer journal,” then as the evangelism 

camps went on, people got confused about whether it’s a personal prayer notebook so they just published one from the headquarters, “This is the Prayer Journal,” but what’s important is that you take the Word you have received, you make it into your prayer topic, and you keep on doing this.

Remnants have to do this as well, write down the Word you received that week. The prayer journals aren’t made for just adults, but they are made for children as well, so we have to write things down and pray to see how God is working.

Reason – Highest (Faith), Lowest (Heart)

There is a reason why we must live.  For us, our faith will take us to the greatest place.  Faith will get better and better as we go, but our heart must be in the very lowest place.  If your heart becomes arrogant, you’re no longer usable. That’s the person Satan loves the most. Your heart must always be in the very lowest place and your faith must go to the highest place. What about our life?

Best Location (Lifestyle) Fact

To the greatest place, in other words, to be very factual.  When you talk to people, you realize they’re full of a lot of hot air, and especially if they’re full of scars, they try to cover themselves, but if you end up trying to bluff about yourself, you can’t see the facts, so we can’t do our work; we have to see everything very factually. 

Life itself is reality; you don’t have money but if you pretend and lie that you do have money, that’s not aligned with your life. If you don’t have any money, you have to live appropriately, but if you don’t have money and you pretend like you do, that’s not right; it’s not aligned. Our lives must be very factual.

Sincere Prayer

Therefore, let us pray a sincere prayer. There’s no better way to receive answers than this, just as you are. If you have a terrible personality, then in that state, don’t try to fool yourself thinking you aren’t, otherwise you can’t receive answers; you have to go as you are before God. If you don’t pray this kind of prayer during your scheduled time, you’re going to get depression.  That’s what happens when your emotions are inaccurate and you’re pretending it’s something else.

If you give everything to God exactly as it is, you wouldn’t have things like depression.  If you don’t have abilities, you can confess to God, “I don’t have any power right now, I’m such an arrogant person,” then you go before God and acknowledge that you’re arrogant and align yourself with God’s word, but you’re deceiving yourself without even realizing what you’re doing. You’re going into this unknown, foolish place. 

You have to be real about yourself and real before God, and may you have the blessing of enjoying this and relaying this to your children and field.


God, we thank You.  God, Who answers our sincere prayers, allow us to have a sincere, scheduled time of prayer where we can look at ourselves in reality.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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