The Reason to Stay Vigilant (Colossians 4:2-6)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Reason to Stay Vigilant (Colossians 4:2-6)

The message of today is The Reason to Stay Vigilant. What does it mean to remain vigilant?  We can sometimes interpret this physically, as if we’re awake or conscious. If we’re asleep, we don’t even know when someone enters the room. Even when a burglar enters our home and steals everything, we’re not aware, so we must always be awake as if we’re somewhere dangerous.

It’s the same thing spiritually, just because you’re opening your eyes doesn’t mean you’re vigilant.  Because the spiritual things are invisible to the eyes, if your spiritual eyes are opened, a lot of things will change, but what will happen if you’re not spiritually vigilant?  Everything’s going to be spiritually stolen from you, you have all the blessings but you’ll lose all of them. What happens when you lose the blessings? Then you’ll go into the same state as the nonbeliever.

Introduction – Me

The place you return to is being self-centered. If you lose hold of the spiritual things, your center goes back to yourself, and everything begins from here. You’ll look at everything based on your standards and abilities, and you’re going to end up looking at everything with what you’re imprinted in for a long time. Even if you don’t want to be like this, if you’re spiritually asleep, you’ll end up like this, so you’re very obsessed with your things.


If you lack something, you think of losing a lot of things, so you’re anxious and begin to shake insecurely.  

My Goal (Success)

You’re going to end up focused on these things.  If you fall asleep spiritually, it’s not that you’ll stay still, but you’ll go back to your me centered, physical centered and success centered.  It doesn’t matter even if you go to the church; if you’re not spiritually vigilant, you’ll go back to being centered on these things.  

We have to think very carefully about what it means to remain spiritually vigilant. You must not stay the same, you must always be spiritually working.  Even if you’re physically working very busily, if you’re not working spiritually you’ll go back to these centers.  If you’re spiritually asleep, you cannot overcome your limitations, but if you’re spiritually vigilant, you will see everything from God’s perspective, then really, anything is possible

If you fall asleep spiritually, automatically you’ll fall back into your self-centeredness.  You’ll see everything and think of everything that stems from your long-standing imprint, root, nature, and then you won’t be able to save yourself.  That’s why it’s very important to remain spiritually vigilant. What must be the beginning to spiritual vigilance?

Christ, God’s Kingdom (Word, Prayer) -> Holy Spirit

You must always begin with Christ who is the covenant, you must always be awake in this.  If that becomes your standard, then immediately you return to the Kingdom of Heaven, and that’s God’s things, in other words, the Word and Prayer. If you return to self-centeredness, you’re always seized by your things, and you’re completely seized and bound by your goals and your success.  

But if you return back to being centered on Christ, you return back to the kingdom of God, the things of God which are the blessings and background of God’s Word and prayer.  Then, you will head towards the filling of God’s Holy Spirit because we have to do world evangelization.  But if you fall spiritually asleep, then world evangelism has nothing to do with me, only when you come to your senses you’ll say, “Oh, this is right.”

This is very important.  Just because you go to church does not mean you’re spiritually awake, and it’s not even true just because you’re a pastor.  You have to actually go into the covenant of Christ to be spiritually awake, not me, but Christ, and by Christ, the Kingdom of God.  You must not have the kingdom of the world be your background; the Kingdom of God is your background and that’s why you hold onto the Word and pray, you hold onto the Word of world evangelization and pray, and it’s only possible by the filling of the holy spirit. 

This is the difference between heaven and hell. You’re not spiritually vigilant just because you’re a church officer. If you fall asleep spiritually, you’ll go towards being centered on me.  You’re not on the right side just because you’ve believed for a long time, we have to be spiritually vigilant in the covenant.  And immediately as soon as you go back to centred on yourself, you’re filled with worries, anxieties, concerns, and insecurities and that’s what happens even if you try not to.  All the imprint, root, nature I’ve lived with my entire life will seize me, so that’s why you must remain spiritually vigilant.

Especially in the healing evangelism school, you must explain these reasons to the people you’re doing ministry with, and you have to remain in the covenant of Christ to to receive healing.  There’s no other way to receive healing, only when you go into the covenant of Christ will that healing begin, then immediately you will end up enjoying the kingdom of God and the blessings and background of the throne of God, and the word will be alive and you’ll hear it, and because the Word really comes into your life, you pray.  Then you’ll pray for the filling of the holy spirit because the core of God’s Word is world evangelization.  

There are three reasons why we must always devote ourselves to prayer and to be vigilant, and we’ll look at these three reason from the basis of Colossians 4:2-6

1. Three Reasons (Colossians 4:2-5)

1) Doors of Evangelism – Darakbang

The first reason to pray is to open the doors to evangelize. If you’re within the covenant, you will pray specifically for the doors of evangelism to open to spread this message.  We’re not just evangelizing, but there are specific doors.  It doesn’t take place passively because God is actively fulfilling world evangelism, so you pray for the doors of evangelism to open for the covenant.  If you remain passive, you’ll revert back to self-centredness and missions and evangelism will be irrelevant; you’ll be seized by your thoughts.

But if you remain in the covenant, then you will pray for doors of evangelism to open. There are doors to evangelize and that’s what you must pray for, and you pray for the doors of evangelism to be opened for the evangelists as well.  You don’t just evangelize anywhere, but there are absolutely doors, and you must go into the doors God has prepared. If you don’t know this, people will just run diligently, they hold onto this very lofty goal of evangelism and work very diligently.  Even though God is doing it, God will open up the doors through your prayers.  

You must pray for the field Darakbang to open in your field, this doesn’t take place passively. If you just stay still, you’re dead. You have to specifically pray for the Darakbang to open. A missionary in Africa shouldn’t be so passive.  Don’t you think they would pray for missions and evangelism to open in that region? You are all evangelists likewise.  Raise your hand if you pray for missions and evangelism to take place in your field? If you don’t have that prayer, then realize that you’ve been spiritually dead, because you pray for everything else and not this, so you’re dead.

It’s much faster, instead of asking to receive other things, just pray for the field. Why don’t you pray for the Darakbang movement? Because you’re self-centered and spiritually dead. You’re saved but you’re spiritually falling asleep. God is still doing evangelism now and we’re talking about our prayers going into that.  We pray for God to open the doors of evangelism to the 5000 unreached people groups.  

2) Mystery of Christ

The second reason is to proclaim the mystery of Christ. We pray for the doors to open so we can proclaim the mystery of Christ.  Those who have found their answer in Christ only must speak of this, we don’t need complicated things because Christ is sufficient. If you’re mixing in legalism, it’s because you don’t know Christ.   You think, “I have Christ but I want God to give me something else as well,” it’s because you don’t know Christ, Christ if God, Is God lacking? God is everything, so this is the mystery. 

You shouldn’t pray for doors of evangelism to open and do the works that close them.  From my experience, everybody fails. It took me a long time to realize this in Korea because there’s a lot of organizations similar to Darakbang so it’s hard for us to see.  We have this heart to go all in and then we go into the field, so these two organizations will be the same. It seems like a multilevel marketing scheme because we’re selling something to this person and that person sells something to other clients.  

So, there’s a lot of connections and networks of people, but all of those people fail, why?  Because Satan makes them fail.  They don’t do it for the glory of Jesus Christ, but they use it for their own motives and benefits, so they’re on their way to failure.  You do not do the darakbang movement to help your business, I’m telling you surely, that it will fail.  So, after you fail, don’t say, “Oh pastor was right,” but from the beginning turn yourself around.  The mystery of the gospel is so amazing; how would you exchange that for physical things?  It is to reveal the mystery of Christ.

3) Salt, Workers

We’re sprinkled around the world like salt like you’re seasoning meat, because the entire world is rotting, but the world will only stop rotting and come to life if you sprinkle the words of Christ which is the salt, very sporadically.  There’s more than one occasion in which someone will collapse so you must spread this with variety, you must save them.  

The harvest is ready but the workers are few and if there were workers, they don’t go out, absolutely, the workers are prepared, but because they’re spiritually falling asleep, they don’t go out. And when I say they don’t go out, they’re physically out in the world, but because they’re spiritually asleep they’re not aligned in this direction. It’s not something that takes place because you’re an assistant pastor.  It doesn’t matter even if someone’s a new believer, if they’re spiritually awake, God will use them. God does His work through the one who says, “I must do this.”

There are some people who evangelize but they mix in other things as well, as I said earlier, so the gospel isn’t everything to them. That person needs the gospel and other things, then you’re killing those other souls.  You have to give them proper salt, but instead you’re giving them salt mixed with dirt so you’re killing them, then the second point is, what is evangelism?

2. Evangelism

If you don’t understand the evangelism that God tells us through the Bible, then you have to decide what evangelism means on your own, and I realize there are a lot of people who do this.  There are many people who think of “evangelism” as persuading other people.  There are some people who judge themselves prematurely saying, “I’m not ready to evangelize yet,” but the basis for this thought is, “Even though I’ve listened to the word of God 20, 30 years, I’m still not ready.” They are continuously deceived by the spirit of deceit and they’re always being dragged behind.

But in the physical things, they’re really taking the forefront, but they’re really falling behind in this, and it’s not even as if their lives are working out at all. Because they’ve been called as evangelists but they’re not running at the forefront of it, their entire lives aren’t working out. Strangely enough, there are many people who say, “Even though I evangelize, it doesn’t work out, and I evangelize but nothing happens.”

From the beginning, all these people have something wrong. Evangelism is God’s only ministry, so it means these people do not know God.  God is doing this through people, yes, but it is under His absolute sovereignty that He does this ministry. An evangelist is someone who holds onto that covenant and goes into the Word.  

But if you’re saying, “It’s working or it’s not working,” it means God isn’t doing it, but you’re doing it.  In the beginning, you said, “let’s do this thing,” because you had a feel for it, but that doesn’t take you very far, because that person doesn’t know what God is doing right now, so that’s a person who lives irrelevant to God so they cannot have continuation, because even right now, God is doing world evangelization, the ministry of Jesus Christ, right now.  Evangelism is revealing my life, abundant with Christ’s life.

1) Life

Then first and foremost, I must be filled with the life of Christ. If I’m spiritually dead, I’m completely filled with my own thoughts and motives, then even if I do the acts of evangelism, it’s not going to work. It will never take place with what you’ve learned.  The life of Christ must be overflowing within me and then relayed to others.  That is the evidence God is doing the work through me.

If you’re filled with unbelief and you go out to evangelize, even if you do it, you will kill others. Then the next thing they’ll say is, “Pastor, I’m not overflowing with the Life, so it’s not time for me to go out yet.” But look at what these people move quickly towards. If something is a benefit to themselves, even if no one asked them to do it, they’ll be first in line because on the opposite side, if they’re not filled with life, they’re filled with death meaning they’re filled with themselves, so they’re very quick to look for their own benefit.  If something seems even a bit disadvantageous to them, they’re very quick to pick up on it even if they’re spiritually numb.  They never say any words that bring people to life, but their words of criticism will pour out of them even if no one teaches them.

So you must be awake first, and every single human being is like this. Even after evangelizing for 30 years, you can revert back to this, that’s humankind. If there was a law that said, “Someone who evangelized for 30 years will be good for the rest of their lives” the Early Church would still be going strong now. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been evangelizing, 30 or 40 years, you could be broken down in a moment. It’s evidence that you and I cannot do anything with our own abilities, you must always be in the reason, why I need life.

You feel it a lot, you’re not doing it with your own will or emotions. Paul said he was afraid he would be discarded by God, unused by God. You must not misunderstand evangelism.  When you say you receive a lot of training, it means you go into this life, then you’ll be filled with God and see the work God is doing.

2) Testimony

Sometimes we need our testimonies as well.  We need our gospel-centered testimony and the physical testimony of what happens when we receive the gospel.

3) Relay

Then we must relay God’s Word. Giving your testimony is simply to open the other person’s heart, but ultimately you have to go into God’s Word.  Some people ask me to give more examples in my sermons.  Nowadays I don’t really hear people tell me things like that anymore, I don’t know if it’s because they left the church or if they’re scared of me, but God didn’t give me a lot of these examples. He just told me to tell the Word a lot.  

That’s just the way God has led me until now. He didn’t give me a lot of philosophy or communist thoughts, so God has made me very appropriate to how I look, I just cut things apart with the Word of God, because first and foremost, if I speak in a very complicated way, it hurts my head.  “Why didn’t you just use one word to say that?” That’s just the limit of my brain.  

Sometimes, I think, “Why are you speaking so complicatedly? Why do you use words like ‘edit,’ ‘plan,’and design?” But there are some people who need it like that, because these are the things that are necessary for people who listen to their brains because they already know all these words, so why do you think he says the same things with different terms?  Because he’s saying you don’t know, he’s trying to change your imprint, root, nature again, because if he uses the same word twice, you close your heart because you think you know. 

For people like this, he changes his terms. He says world evangelization for 20, 30 years, then he changes it to 237.  For people who think they’re smart, they say, “Oh, 237,” but they’re just slow.  237 is the number of nations in the world, but most are like that. “I already know this message,” but you’re not rooted in it.  He’s trying to make you rooted and have the nature.  So most people get annoyed when he says the same terms over and over again. 

For people like me, I don’t mind if he  uses the same words over and over when he uses new words, I get upset.  “Does he think we’re stupid? He’s just saying the same things, why doesn’t he just say the same words” That’s me, I think we should just be direct with the Word of God. You have to understand that, and if you want to listen to other things then go to another church. If you want to listen to these words a lot, there’s a specific place for it.  You can look at it on google and there are specific websites for this.  But keep this in mind as you listen to the Word of God because the Word of God must go in for that person to be saved.

In order for the Word of God to come in, you may sometimes give testimonies to open their hearts, and sometimes you have to use examples as well to open their hearts.  But ultimately, as much as the Word has really hit your heart, that’s how much you’ll have answers. It doesn’t matter if something is funny or not, that just passes.  Ultimately the only thing that will remain in your life is when the Word of God really hits your heart and you become rooted in it, so imagine how important it is for you to relay the accurate, complete word of God.  

Matthew talks about the good field about how if a seed falls into good soil, it will bear fruit 30-, 60-, or 100-fold.  There are some people like this on Sunday, not everybody. It’s not about the person’s skill level, but that’s their field.  People who have a spiritual state where they’re ready to receive the word of God, that’s the good soil, and when the word of God goes into them, they will bear fruits of 30, 60, 100 times, that’s just innumerable. 

You must stake your life on worship on Sunday for you to bear fruit the rest of the week. Even if you don’t have visible fruits in your life for the week, your spiritual life will have fruit.  People who have a very hasty or impatient personality will say, “I didn’t see any fruit today, so I didn’t hold onto the Word of God.  You said it’ll be fulfilled but it wasn’t.”  That person is in the position of God, that person is arguing with God, saying, “God, do this and that.”  It’s God’s very subtle ministry.  

Whether you receive the Word or not, it may not seem to make a difference in your work.  In fact, if you don’t worship, you may not see a difference in your studies or work, or you might do better, but people will look at that and say, I’m fine without worship.  Little by little, they are dying.  Later on, they’ll go to the point of no return.  

The devil will anesthetize people without showing any signs.  Satan doesn’t kill people by showing signs of it, he does it very slowly, unnoticeably.  Sometimes, he makes it so that your work turns out even better, and then spiritually kills you, on the other hand, you received God’s Word and it seems nothing is really happening. If anything, sometimes your work may be even worse.  Does that mean your work should be better if you receive God’s Word? Nothing says that, it’s not in the Bible, that’s just something you made up on your own, that means you’re your own God, and that’s why you’re not that interested in God’s Word.  

As you keep on receiving God’s Word 1 week 2 week, that’s just really fearful, and when the Word of God gets rooted, just like a plant-bearing fruit, it takes time.  The fruit doesn’t appear out of nowhere, even a planted tree doesn’t appear suddenly.  There are certain trees that say, “You have to wait 5-7 years before it starts sprouting,” and everything is like that. If you’re nurturing a new believer, they won’t change suddenly or rapidly. You must not be deceived. Honestly, it may take some time before a person bears fruit.

Think about a person’s age, for example. Let’s say someone is in their 30s, that means for 30 years of their life, their imprint, root, nature was in Genesis 3 and then they received the gospel.  By God’s grace, they have received the gospel, however, the root and nature have captured their entire lives.  They receive grace but then they return to their old state that seems like they know, but they ask other questions, because what’s inside is really coming out, and that’s why we need the church because we establish them in the church. Everything is here, worship and training, and here we have the workers of prayer.

It’s hard to do this by yourself, if you’re trying to nurture people by yourself, that’s foolish.  Jesus never said that in the Bible. He says, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” meaning establish them in the church, and then you train them up, and you send them out again, that’s what the church does.  Christ is the head of the church and moves the church with the Holy Spirit. If you try to do something by yourself, that’s foolish. That person doesn’t know the church or evangelism or anything.

I’ve tried it all; you’ll never bear fruit.  It’s not that my heart was lacking or passion was lacking; it has nothing to do with that. God fulfills everything through His Church. As soon as I realized that, everything became easy because He makes me pray for all these individual souls. Do you think you could give a better message than the pastor? So we seat you in worship and put you in the New Believer’s Group and send you into training.  This is how each and every soul is raised up, then in the field, we put you in the regional churches, even as we do personal nurturing.  This is how these people mature.  Nothing else will ever mature them, no matter how diligently you try.

4) Ambassador

Evangelism is being the ambassador of Christ. That’s right, we are Christ’s ambassadors.  2 Corinthians 5:20 says that He has committed His message to us as ambassadors of Christ.  First, we are ambassadors of God’s Kingdom.  Our second job is our job in the world. Even if you just know this order of priorities well, you’re spiritually awake, but you’re not rooted that way, you’re rooted and your nature is that your physical work is your first priority.  When you listen to the words, you understand, but as soon as you go into the field, your first priority is your job. That’s normal because we haven’t been deeply rooted in God’s word yet, so that’s why we go into training. That’s why we hold onto God’s Word and pray.

The older you are, the more you have to do this because it’s not an easy thing to approve. Honestly, it would be easier for me to say it’s okay, but that’s not true.  If I say everything is fine, you’ll like hearing that, but you’re going to the field, and things are not going to be resolved. “I’m being moved by my roots and nature right now.” You’re an ambassador.

3. Content of the Gospel

We proclaim the gospel.  Romans 1:16 says the gospel gives salvation to all who believe.  Faith is not something you gain on your own; faith is given by God’s grace, so if anyone listens to messages on YouTube, please be careful because there are a lot of different churches and theologies that say faith and salvation are half our job and half God’s job.  There are a lot of denominations that say, “No matter how much grace God gives you, if a human rejects that, then you’re not saved” and we understand that much more easily because we’re so centered on people, but that will continuously kill our spirit. 

You don’t know theology. You just think this speaker or pastor is very good so you agree with them, but that’s just in your brain, human centered.  Then when you go into church and say God is doing everything completely, then you get spiritually confused. Salvation is God’s absolute ministry.  If we don’t do it, then God will use another method to do it.  He said, “If you don’t do this, I’ll move this to another family and you and your family will be cursed.”  That’s what Mordecai said to Esther, “If you don’t do this, God will use another method.”

Evangelism is truly the greatest blessing.  It is the greatest blessing because the triune God is concentrating on this evangelism movement.  If you don’t know this, you’re going to waste your time thinking, “Am I making enough money? Are things taking place or not?” How could you compare yourself to unbelievers?  A nonbeliever is someone running their business in the field, centered on themselves.  It’s all for their success, but for us, we’re focused on only Christ, only the Kingdom of God, only the filling of the holy spirit, and going into saving others and just as all interest was on Joseph, God’s interest is on the one who has only Christ.

Our standards aren’t based on whether things are working out or not; that’s not what the Bible says.  We transcend our circumstance to think of only the kingdom of God, only the covenant, that’s it.  You guys keep listening to messages but you’ll be confused because of physical things.  Even as you listen to the Word of God, you’re not going to be accepting it as holy, you’re thinking, “This is how I will succeed in my business,” and this is how your motives creep in.  

Even if you receive strength, it’s not for the spiritual things you’re only strengthen with the physical things, If you listen to the business and industry message and only have motives on physical things, then you can listen to it a hundred times and you’ll never so change, because you’re completely spiritually dead, you’re focused on “me,” “my things,” and “my success,” then can you listen to the word of God properly?

“Oh God is going to give me the answer of uniqueness with his word in my field.” why? Because Christ is only, and in this business field, I’m the only one holding onto the covenant, then I receive the answer of uniqueness, but the way you receive the Word of God is, “This is how my business will take off,” but it doesn’t work and that’s why you begin to shake because the word of a God isn’t your standard, your businesses is your standard.  

Imagine how easy it is for Satan to play with people like that, he beats you half to death “Look at what’s taking place for you.”  Whether I fail or succeed, it is only Christ, but you don’t have “only.”  Whether you’re a slave, it’s Christ; whether you’re a governor, it’s Christ, but as soon as you’re a slave you say, “Oh maybe it isn’t right.” 

There are many people like that, and on the inside, you’ll be conflicted. Those who are a bit more tenacious than others will listen to the end, because they lived their entire life tenaciously, and God will wait until that stubbornness is broken down until you go into “only.”  Then, the answer of uniqueness that only God can give you in the field will come, and that’s the answer we receive as we see re-creation. It doesn’t matter if your business takes place or not; 

I don’t know why you keep listening to the Word of God with the motive of whether your business is working well or not.  If that’s what you want, it’s better for you to go to a temple, receive a prayer from a monk, and receive the filling of an evil spirit to do this work, that’d be better, you just have to realize you’re not receiving funded mental healing and this is how long your deep imprint, root, nature have been set. 

You have to really immerse yourself; you have no idea how entrenched you are in this. Even the fact that you realize how soaked you are in this is by God’s grace. If you don’t know how entrenched you are then that’s not God’s  grace because you think, “If I do this, this will work,” you’re filled with the strength of being filled with your own motives, so you think, “It’s going to work, it’s going to work,” you’re filled with the strength of filled with your motives, and you think, “Oh it’s going to work,” and in the end you’ll fail. 

What’s going to happen if you’re like this to a new believer? At first they like it because you’re fulfilling their physical motives, but later on, they die.

1) Romans 3:23

Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned; there is not a single righteous person, that means no one’s life is working out. All people have this imprint, root, nature so they have no choice but to be self-centered.

2) Romans 6:23

Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death, it’s spiritual death. Because you’re spitballs dead, you have no choice but to live centred on me, my things, and my success. 

3) Hebrews 9:27

There is absolutely judgment after death. When you die, it’s not the end. Your physical body disappears but your spiritual body does not disappear, but people centered on themselves and their things think that death is the end.  That’s why they say, “I’m just going to go hardcore while I’m alive and then die.”  Human beings are eternal beings but they think they have a limited lifespan, so that’s why they’re not aligned. Then imagine how hasty and stressed out they are.  Human beings are naturally eternal beings, but they think their lives are limited to 80 years, so imagine how hasty and busy they must feel.

If anything, if you’re a Buddhist believing in reincarnation, you’ll have more leisure.  People who believe in Hinduism will feel more happiness and leisure because they have more time than a believer, because even if they die, they become reincarnated, even though it’s a lie. But people who are straight nonbelievers, imagine how impatient and hasty they are? They can’t endure even if a small thing happens, and if that happens again and again, they commit suicide.

4) Romans 5:8

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. It’s not Christ died, it’s that Christ died on our behalf. The One Who had no sin died on behalf of my sin. All of my sin, and the curses and disasters resulting from my sin, have been taken from me on my behalf.  There’s a difference between Jesus Christ just dying on the cross and Jesus Christ dying on the cross for my sin, that’s me speaking from a sinner’s perspective.  I’m not just an observer, it means that when he dies for my sins, that means that the cross is mine, and this is very important.  

You have to confirm this every day. In His death, the Lord received all the curses and disasters I should have received. We had no chance of escaping from Satan’s authority, but people don’t even talk about Satan when talking about the gospel.  The Bible absolutely talks about the kingdom of Satan, and we have to talk about the gospel that allows us to overcome this authority, but they don’t talk about it.  Because people only emphasize, “your sins are forgiven; your sins are forgiven,” without even realizing that Satan exists, 

Satan continues to work and people think it’s because they did something wrong, they think, “I’m not able to live according to God’s Word,” they keep turning it to be centered on themselves, so they bear the burden of the sins by themselves and cry a lot and bow their heads because they’re sinners, but these are the same people who, if some benefit catches their eyes, they cannot sit still either.

The authority of Satan has been broken for us; however, Satan is controlling the entire world with his authority and he has a lot of authority and strength over us.  He completely seizes my thoughts. Whenever we have unbelief in our thoughts, Satan seizes our thoughts.  You have to help them know this to fight against their unbelief.

5) Ephesians 2:8-9

We have been saved by God’s grace. We have to receive grace in order to have faith.

6) John 1:12

Those who accept and believe in Jesus Christ have the right to become children of God.  He has now become your status and authority.  The devil will always try to attack you based on your actions and limitations, “I don’t have spiritual strength,” that’s right, but it’s also wrong.  By Jesus Christ, I’ve become a child of God.  Satan works to make your standards based on yourself.  Satan seizes me so I keep going back to my self-centeredness, and whenever that takes place, you have to overturn those thoughts and thinking I have become a child of God through Jesus Christ.

Without turning that around, you’ll be seized by your self-centeredness, and at that point, you have to go however Satan messes you “Oh, that’s so right, lately I have no spiritual strength and I’m not even receiving any grace,” you’re making excuses and you’re being seized by Satan with no chance of escaping because all these words are correct.  

Satan makes you revert back to your self-centeredness,  thinking,” Oh I have never evangelized once, I have no hope for the future either” and “Oh, I did evangelize well in the past,” but that wasn’t evangelism. You just told your next-door neighbor to come to church.  If you evangelized in the past, then you’d still be evangelizing today.  

“I am a child of God,” everything must begin from that you have authority, you have the authority to pray, It’s not about my prayer, but whenever I pray, God works transcending time and space. Every day, you must begin with I am a child of God, it’s not something we repeat to elementary students to teach it to them.  How important is your identity? Because your status is a child of God, of course you have the right to pray, “That’s right, it’s not about my actions, I’ve become a child of God through Jesus Christ and now that I am a child of God whenever I pray, God will work.” 

You must always begin there because Satan is always deceiving you, “That’s why I can’t do this and that.” He’s deceiving you with everything.  “Whether it’s like this or that, I’m a child of God,” because the only standard is by Jesus Christ.  Even now when I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, it’s not my strength, but it’s the authority of Jesus Christ that breaks down darkness, when you take that into the field, Satan will try to make that confuse you, so that you have so much diligence and you’re busy, but you don’t know this. 

7) Rev. 3:20

Even now, Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart, waiting for you to open the door and let Him in.  Shamans and fortune-tellers are demon-possessed, but believers have the Holy Spirit within us, so we can’t do whatever we want but the Holy Spirit seizes me, and you have to plant this into them and plant this into yourself every day, absolutely.  The omniscient God is with me and inside of me but if you don’t know this, you’ll always be self-centered, so imagine how much that pleases the devil?

4. Gospel

You have to help those who haven’t heard the gospel.

1) Ephesians 2:1

We were dead and brought to life

2) John 3:3

It talks about our rebirth.

3) 1 John 5:11-12

We have a new life in the Son.  So, the first thing Satan blocks is that he will stop you from bringing people to church and stop you from coming to church because the church is a place for worship, so no matter what he will lock your worship. If you know this, you break it down.  Without a doubt, there are people in your family who will stop you from worshiping because that’s the work the devil does.

The second thing the devil does is, even if you go to the church, he will stop you from listening to the gospel.If you’ve already come to church, he can’t do anything about that, but the gospel has to go into you properly in order for you to receive salvation but when you go into the field you don’t know whether you have salvation or not because the gospel hasn’t gone into you properly.  

Third, if you receive salvation, Satan will say, “Stop there, now you just need to receive grace.” There is someone preventing you from receiving God’s grace. No matter what his method is, whether he’s using believers next to you or the pastor, he will stop you from receiving God’s grace, then if you receive grace, he’ll say, “Stop there, just end it at you receiving grace,” he’ll make it so you never evangelize.  Satan blocks these four steps.

Where are you stuck? Satan blocks you there, so break it down.  Receiving grace is not the end now Satan is working to stop you from evangelizing, that’s how Satan oppresses your life. You have to break it down.  There’s incredible blessings in evangelism. Your business itself is evangelism but he makes you end it with receiving grace. You have to make it so that these people can mature by God’s Word.  We talked about this earlier, establishing the church and receiving training. 

5. What is the way to fulfill the greatest work and blessing of God?

It is to pray for a specific person that they may receive the gospel.  There are even people who are running Darakbang meetings but they don’t do this.  Because that individual also doesn’t have a heart for evangelism, they’re not telling people in their Darakbang meetings to evangelize to others. If anything, they train their ministry group to end it with receiving grace, because that’s the level of the minister themselves.  You have to break through that.

“Let’s pray together about the targets of evangelism,” that’s Darakbang.  Darakbang is something created at a set time and location so you can receive the complete, absolute gospel of Christ, and then pray to evangelize to the people in your region, so if you’re doing a regional church but you don’t have people you want to evangelize to, that’s not a regional church. The people who go to church already have salvation, that’s just a forum group or small group, not a Darakbang, you’re just meeting with each other.  Without a doubt, you must have prayer topics to save the unbelievers in the region.

That’s why evangelism isn’t taking place because you’re not even doing that.  If you do it, God will work.  It’s important for one leader of the Darakbang to see this, otherwise, it becomes a corrupt meeting where you’re playing with each other. If you want to do that, just receive grace from church.  So yes, it is important for you to worship but if you don’t have the heart and prayer to evangelize and save the people in your region, you’re not a Darakbang.

Secondly, you must pray for workers because without a doubt, there are workers in that region you must evangelize to. But whenever we tell you guys to pray, instead of praying for missions and evangelism, you pray, “May my kids’ field trip go well,” that’s not Darakbang, your heart is not going in the direction God wants for missions and evangelism. The only thing you do is bring people from other churches here, and if that person already has salvation, it doesn’t matter what church they go to. All of you have evangelism doors.

There are people whose eyes are opened to see and pray for the ministry of the Word to take place in all the church leaders and departments.  If there are 50 or 100 people in the church, all of them are doors of evangelism, and as you keep on praying for those people, God will keep on opening doors.  This is the reason to remain vigilant, to open my eyes to evangelize, what are you going to do then?  To boldly proclaim the mystery of Christ.  You have to keep spreading this Word of Christ as salt to prevent rotting.


God, we thank You.  Allow us to remain vigilant and open our eyes to evangelism, and may it be Darakbangs and regional churches that do evangelism in every field. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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