Thrones, Rulers, Powers, Authorities – All Things (Colossians 1:16-17)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Thrones, Rulers, Powers, Authorities – All Things (Colossians 1:16-17)

There is an invisible world on this earth, there are heavenly angels and demons and all are created by God, and all the visible things were also created.

People who don’t know the spiritual things are under a misconception.  Everyone is racing towards thrones, powers, and authorities to succeed, but they think they earn everything through themselves and for themselves.

Let’s see how God controls the powerful nations.  The King of Babylon had a recurring, fascinating dream, and Daniel was able to receive the answer from God and interpreted for the king. In that dream, there was a very big idol.  I have a very elementary drawing skill, so please understand. 

Why explain the history of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome?  Because today, we live here.  Europe is not unified, and just like the Bible prophesied, they would be divided up. It says they would be unified, but they are actually divided.  The only unifying characteristic of Europe is that they oppose Christ.  But they are still divided, and just as the Bible said, the thrones, powers, rulers, and authorities are divided as stated in God’s Word.

You have to see how the age is aligned with God’s Word.  Some of you like President Trump but he’s not aligned with God, but presidents are raised up by God.  God raises people up and does His work through them.  But if he was only thinking about America like Trump was, that’s not right. If you’re only thinking about “me, my family, my church,” that’s not aligned with God, then God would break me down quickly because God’s Word is proclaimed to all nations and all people.

President Biden is uniting the whole world. It doesn’t matter at all if he believes in Christ, but God raised him up. God raises up His Throne to fulfill the Word and save people. God raised up all the kings and depending on how much you acknowledge this, your studies will be used well.  But if you don’t acknowledge this at all, you’ll be centered on people, on things like socialism and democracy.  All of you are listening to the words of people, and that frame was locked deep inside of you.

How are you going to look at the Bible? Luke 10:26, how do you read the law?  That’s the perspective with which you see God.  If you see God from an incorrect angle, you’ll see the world from an incorrect angle as well. That’s how all problems begin.  You’re reading the Bible, listening to messages, but every pastor says something different.  “How will I see God properly?” The Lord is telling us, how you read it is more important.

I’m sure you’re going to try to read the Bible and see God according to your personality, people who really feel strongly about justice, and everyone has a justice-oriented person in their family, that’s how they’ll perceive their Bible. Others are more calculative, looking for Biblical methods. Families who are diligently and hardworking will read their Bible in that way.  God is revealing Himself through the words of the Bible, but what’s more important is how you read it.

This is extremely important because what point of view do you see God? That’s what the Pharisees were missing.

You have to see why you believe in the gospel, is it so you can go to heaven, be happy, or receive power?  You don’t know spiritual things, of sin and the devil.  Elites use the power of demon-possession to develop technologies and control the economy and America.  If you only look at it from that point of view, you can only see the demons in Panama.  Isn’t America the same as Panama?  This is the greatest superpower nation. The demons in Panama won’t play the same way they play in America. Satan conquers America in a very high class, subtle way, using all our knowledge.

The longer you stay in America, the more you don’t know why we need Genesis 3:15.  We are separated from God, enslaved by Satan, so we cannot escape.  We cannot escape from hell. Do you believe in Jesus Christ for liberation from sin, Satan, and hell, or is it for another reason?  You received your salvation by God’s grace, irrelevant of your own efforts.  However, do you see your problems as God describes in the Bible, or do you see it as something else? If you don’t understand sin, Satan, and hell according to the Bible, then your motive will be incorrect.  You won’t acknowledge this, that all things are from God, for God.

You think you can accomplish with your own power.   You acknowledge all things are God’s, but you don’t really believe it. You don’t think your money belongs to God. You belong to God, your money belongs to God, then all your money and studies are for God, but you think you did it.  You only did it because God gave you the life and ability to do that, but do you acknowledge that?  If you don’t acknowledge that, you’ll follow the same problem in your family line. 

No human being can live, separated from God. If your thoughts are separated from God, then already the devil goes into you, and even before you go to an eternal hell, your hellish life has already started.  That’s why Christ, you’re living for Christ because all things were created for Christ. I myself am for Christ, the church also exists for the Lord.  This nation of America exists for the Lord.  Worship exists for the Lord because we glorify the Lord, then what about me?  I and the joy of my life is contained within this.

Depending on how quickly the remnants can recognize this, they can escape their family line or stay within this even if they go to church. Because you don’t acknowledge sin, Satan, and hell, you believe in Christ but it’s for a different goal.  My happiness and success are my goals, is that right?  Do you believe in Christ to be happy? The Bible never said that. There’s nothing that exists for me; it only exists for the Lord.  When we live like that, happiness follows, but we do not live for happiness.  The very subtle ideology of the demons have entered into the church and made the gospel very confusing, but the accurate, correct God must come into you for you to receive answers.

When the accurate, correct Word of God is imprinted in your heart, it will be connected to the correct prayer for you to receive answers.  If you think that an answer to prayer is, “I prayed to God because I needed something and I got it,” you may be right but every religion says that.  But I’m a child of God and God already knows all my needs, so I can pray like that but I don’t need to pray for the things I need. 

Then, what is prayer?  Holding onto God’s Word is prayer.  Why do you keep misunderstanding prayer?  Because you’re constantly centered on yourself and you try to get something like a beggar. You’re a child of God, you’re not a beggar, but because you misunderstand God’s Word, you do not pray. 

If you’re not aligned with God’s Word, becoming aligned is prayer.

When God reveals something, we’re under the impression that we discovered something, but that’s not true.  Some people use that opportunity to glorify God and themselves because that’s the difference between someone who has a fundamental of knowledge of God and what God is doing, compared to one who does not.

All things are within God word, so your studies must be aligned with God’s Word because God is with all things.  All the people you meet have to be within the fulfillment of God’s Word, but this is really hard to do. You go to church for a very long time, but you can’t do this.  You go to church for such a long time but you do not look from God’s perspective, you see it from yours.

“I don’t like this person because they don’t get along with me, that’s not my style,” and that’s why you always lose hold of all the blessings of Immanuel. Even after getting married, you’re not aligned with them, and that’s how far you take it.  You go far in your job and you don’t fit there, but when you immigrate to America, you don’t fit with those people.  Such a person does not fit with God.

It’s not that they don’t acknowledge God exists, but they do not believe God controls all things, so they always avoid people because they are afraid of people, but they think they’re so smart and high class. That’s what you call a mental problem, they’re going to lock themselves in a room and not come out, they’re afraid to bump into people, why?  It’s because they don’t have the knowledge and faith to believe that God is controlling all things with His Word, then when they go to church, they go thinking of that person.  The devil says, “Finally, this person has caught up.”  For such people, they might have a friend aligned with them at school, but in reality they have no one because no one is aligned.  Even when you’re married, you’re filled with the devil. You think you aren’t possessed by demons, but you’re filled with them.

That thinking itself is what happens when you don’t know God and God’s Word.  When you come to church, every person should be okay, because that’s a person whom God is with. It has nothing to do with me. God is inside of me and them and fulfills God’s will, then what about the unbelievers in the world? God works in all things, in all people. You have to acknowledge this for your human relationships to be healthy.

Hindu believers respect everything because they think God is in everything, and they transcend themselves because they see everything as from God, so they don’t disrespect authorities, but we say our authority belongs to us, and if we take it, we die. For Hindu believers, they think everything is God and they are externally happier than we are because everything belongs to them.  But for us, God is controlling and moving everything according to His Word.  That means that every word is how God is with you.

“Oh, I don’t like doing this kind of work,” why does that matter? You’re with God.  “Oh, I don’t really like this kind of person,” who cares? God allowed you to meet them, and God is with them.  You have to have this skill already before you graduate, otherwise you’re a slave to the world and Satan. First and foremost, you think money belongs to you so you’re a complete slave.  Do you really believe you control your own finances?  With this, you’ll be enslaved by money.  I’m speaking very specifically right now, you believe in a vague Christ.

Why do you study?  You believe in Christ, but why study? It’s very vague to you, but if you keep living this way, you’ll be enslaved by the world and Satan immediately.  So today, we’re receiving the Word that the throne, powers, rulers, and authorities were created for Christ in Christ.  I myself belong to the Lord, He bought me. God created the unbelievers He did not purchase. Do you acknowledge that?  From the moment you acknowledge that, the forces of darkness enslaving you until now will begin to leave. Is God with you in the scars of your past? You haven’t found God yet so you’re trapped by yourself and the devil is holding onto you.

Is God with you in that instance?  Even in a scarring incident? It became a scar because you didn’t acknowledge God, but if you do acknowledge God and the Word of God from within that incident, you will be liberated from your scars, but you don’t like thinking about your past, even though your past is a very important history for you.  My family was an important footstool for my life, but what will my family be like? “My family will be the one my family wasn’t, so I won’t marry a Korean person,  you’re under a misconception that marrying someone with blue eyes and blond hair will make your family different. You can dream like that but you have no knowledge of the Bible.

Even as you’re within the family and God’s Word, you believe in Jesus Christ but the goal of your marriage is somewhere else.  “I just don’t want to live like my parents.”  Ultimately when you make the ultimate decision, guys marry people like their mom and girls marry people like their dad because you’ve been used to a personality like that for decades and it’s fitting with you.  Whenever you make a decision, that’s what we always end up choosing. 

I’m not saying the family is a paradise, all problems begin in the family.  That’s why people hate their family because all problems are within the family.  If it how you acknowledge and believe in God, you will be healed of your scars and solve the family. 

I’ve shared a few words with you today.  This is the same content we heard this morning, but we went into more depth. I hope you will acknowledge God.  When I say, “acknowledge God,” it means to acknowledge He is within all things, then you’ll be liberated from all things, and you’ll be able to see how God is moving everything with His Word.  You can see that God is with all circumstances and problems.  He is with His Word, not with emotions and feelings, but with His Word.  God doesn’t reveal Himself with emotions or feelings, but with His Word, so that is why God is His Word.  Satan leads us astray from the Word.  If you don’t know the Word, you’ll be deceived by Satan without even realizing it.  

I hope you will have the answer of acknowledging God is with you in all your fields and studies, that person can become the leader of world evangelization.  Having leadership skill doesn’t make a leader.  People in the world teach about leadership, and even if you have leadership and approach the thrones and authorities, it won’t work. God is the true Leader, and a true leader follows God.  I have to follow God for people to follow God through me, and that’s a true leader.  If you don’t acknowledge God at all but you think you accomplish it through your ability, that’s wrong. I hope you will enjoy this blessing.

God, we thank You. Bless the remnants and please give them the faith so they can believe in the words of the gospel. You have told us that all things have been created through Christ for Christ.  We pray that we will be rooted in the prayer and align everything with Christ’s Word.  Allow our lives to be within the missions and evangelism that relays this word. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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