God Has Spoken to Us by His Son (Heb. 1:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God Has Spoken to Us by His Son (Heb. 1:1-3)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

God is invisible to our eyes. In the Old Testament, God revealed himself through the words of the prophets.

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I hope the blessing of Word fulfillment and answered prayers will be upon all the individuals and families worshipping in their homes, in the church building, and especially out of state. 

The title of today’s message is God Has Spoken To Us By His Son. So today, we are beginning the book of Hebrews, and we aren’t sure who the author is, but the audience is people who used to be Jews but now they are Christians, but they are shaking in faith. If you look in the Bible, you can tell the Christians of the age are very shaken, because they say things like “Do not listen to those who avoid gathering in worship a lot.” God is giving us His Word regarding this.

It is a situation that is similar to America today. The members of the church are shaking, and because of the coronavirus, worship is beginning to disappear. Even before the coronavirus, America was shaking in religion, because they said that religion is not the answer to life, and they all flocked to transcendental meditation. In the past, they relied on the answer of religion, but now they are saying that religion is not the answer. They’re trying to find the solution through their lives not through religion, but through transcendental meditation and the chi movement. There are even scholarly and scientific studies and data published about this. 

In this kind of age, the churches are continuing to close down. The members of the church are continuing to lose faith and people turn to something else. The harder the economy becomes, their faith towards God becomes weaker. The result of this is the accelerated increase of mental disorders and spiritual problems. In this age of disasters, what is the Word God is giving us? God is giving the answer to any student who is wondering “What should I do in the future?” 

1. God has spoken

  1) Through the prophets

In Heb 1:1, it says “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets.” God is invisible to our eyes. In the Old Testament, God revealed himself through the words of the prophets. A God that is not from His Word is just a god I’ve created from my imagination. Then what is the imaginary form of that God I’ve created? That is actually an evil spirit or demon, that is, Satan. 

God reveals Himself through His Word. How does He reveal Himself? In Gen. 1, human beings were created to be with God. It doesn’t matter how wise or skillful mankind is, they cannot live with that alone. Animals may be able to live like that. But human beings cannot live by their own abilities. Humans were created to live with God, inside the blessings of God. 

    (1) Authority of Sin, Satan, Hell

If that does not take place, that is the beginning of all problems of mankind. That’s what you call sin. The disobedience that caused us to separate from God is the beginning of all problems. When we are in sin, we don’t just live by ourselves, but we’re enslaved by the authority of Satan. So our background is Hell. The people who are going to go to Hell eternally are living a hellish life on Earth. 

    (2) Offspring of woman (Gen. 3:15)

That is why God gave us an answer to this through Moses’ Pentateuch. That is the original gospel, and the answer God gave us, the offspring of woman. Adam and Eve can only be restored when they hold onto the offspring of woman. “Offspring of woman” means that it is someone who is born, not of a marriage between a man and woman, but of a virgin and conceived by the Holy Spirit. So this offspring’s lineage is not of this Earth, but they come from the lineage of Heaven. 

This offspring of the woman is going to crush the head of Satan, in other words, He will crush Satan’s authority and the kingdom of Satan. If you don’t know who Satan is and what sin is, you won’t understand these words. We’re not just within sin; Satan works through that. So the offspring of woman has to come and take us out of that control. We must be liberated from the authority of Satan and sin, and you have to believe that. 

    (3) Ark (Gen. 6:14)

In Gen. 6, God explains Gen. 3:15 yet again. During that age, only Noah received God’s Word. God is explaining Jesus Christ through the ark. God gave the people the Ark as the solution to all the curses and disasters from the sin of the age of the Nephilim. But most people are wondering, “Why do I have to make an ark?” They don’t understand. In other words, they ask, “Why do I have to believe in Jesus?” They cannot understand, it’s because they don’t understand their own problem. 

All problems in the world begin from our thought that we don’t need God. That is the beginning of our suffering and all mental problems. That’s why doctors can’t do anything about mental illness; doctors themselves suffer from mental afflictions. We can’t find the source of that mental disease through science and medicine. It’s the same with Genesis 6 and the ark: “Why do we have to build the ark?” They don’t know what their problem is. 

They think life will just work out if they get married, have children, and have a happy life. Animals can live that way, but it doesn’t matter how hard a human tries to live that way, they won’t have happiness or peace in that. God has to be with me in my life, but there’s a problem preventing that.

    (4) Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3)

In Gen. 11, it is the Tower of Babel, where people try to gather together to oppose God and see if they can make themselves as high as God. That is why God gave the curse of the Tower of Babel. That is why God gave Abram the covenant to leave Ur of the Chaldeans, to depart from the culture that says there’s no God, depart from the idolatry that believes that blessings come from idols. “I will give you the true blessings. I will make you the source of blessings, and through you, I will begin the blessing of all the rest of the world.” This is how the covenant of Gen. 3:15 is spreading increasingly through the rest of the ages. 

So if you don’t understand what Gen. 3:15 is, you can’t understand the entire Bible. Because you’re trying to understand God, but if you don’t understand Gen. 3:15, you cannot understand God. In other words, you’re working, but all the things not aligned with God are taking place. 

What happens if you’re not aligned with God?  If you’re not aligned with the owner of your company, that won’t be good. You shouldn’t be aligned with people, you need to be aligned with God. You’re not supposed to be aligned with your environment; you need to be aligned with God.  When you’re facing a problem, you shouldn’t adapt to the problem, you need to be aligned with God’s Word within the problem. How do I do that?  It is through God’s Word.

What is prayer? Prayer is not just asking to get things, that’s what people who worship demons do.  But we are children of God, and that means God takes care of everything for us. Prayer is us aligning to God’s Word. Prayer is not something you strain for. 

  2) Multiple aspects

    (1) Passover (Ex. 12:21-27)

God says that He revealed Himself through the prophets, at many times and in various ways. So this passage is saying that God revealed Jesus Christ, the covenant of Gen. 3:15 in various ways, such as through Ex. 12:21-27, through the Passover. While they were living as slaves in Egypt, they lost hold of the reason for why they need God. In other words, they lost hold of the reason why they need Genesis 3:15. 

What happens if you lose hold of that? Even if you are holding onto and using the Word of God, that’s still an idol. That’s why they were completely enslaved and colonized by Egypt.  But the Israelites are living as slaves without even realizing why they have to live as slaves. We ourselves are living with problems without understanding why we have problems. We are slaves as soon as we’re born.  

Why did they become slaves? We were living in ignorance, and as we lived, we faced suffering.  Why do we face suffering? We don’t know, we’re just living, thinking this is life. And one day, we face the ten disasters, but why are these happening? You won’t know with the studies of the world. God’s Word is only revealed in the Bible. He said, “Do not serve any other gods besides me.” If you don’t follow this commandment, He will bring curses to three to four generations. 

How can you escape from that?  Can you escape by amassing a large army?  Can you escape by going to an Ivy League school, or if you buy five or six houses?  People are under a misconception that these are the solutions because they don’t know the real problem.  Can you escape if you live a kind life? If you choose a religion and beg, can you escape? 

How can we escape? Can we escape if we get botox in our face, or with plastic surgery? People are thinking they can escape from their own life through plastic surgery. Because they don’t know the true problem, they’re using other methods. Can I escape if I marry a nice man, or if I raise good, smart kids? Because they don’t know the true problem, all their methods are incorrect. 

God has already given one method, and that is the covenant of Gen. 3:15. Slaughter the lamb and apply the blood to your doorposts. When they applied the blood of the lamb, the curses and disasters passed over them.  Why must it be the blood of the lamb? That is God’s method. God has to solve the problem for us correctly.  His method is Jesus Christ, the young Lamb. 

Unless America resides in the only unique answer of Jesus Christ, the Lamb’s blood, they will always be falling into spiritual, mental, and physical problems. The mental patients and mass shootings stemming from demon-possession will only increase. Because people don’t know the real problem, they think if we just get the right president, our problems will be solved, but this is incorrect. Because they don’t know the true problem, they think that if someone is scholarly or smart enough, they can solve the problem. Every single hero in the world has died without solving the problem of their own life. 

    (2) Pentecost (Ex. 34:22, Num. 28:26)

50 days after the Passover, in the wilderness, He talks about the Pentecost. So age by age, God is explaining Jesus Christ in various ways. On the day of the Pentecost, in Acts 2, the power of the Holy Spirit was poured upon the believers. The people of God live by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

We are not living by our own mental strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit. But people keep concentrating, thinking they are living by their physical strength, so they are suffering in their own mental problems. Why did that kid go crazy if they were so smart? Humans are not meant to live with their own mental strength. We are living with the mental strength that comes from the power the Holy Spirit gives us. 

    (3) Festival of Ingathering (Ex. 34:22)

Then he explains the Festival of Ingathering. They are putting their grain into storage, just as the children of God will go into the Kingdom of God, Heaven. Even as we live on Earth, it is a life where the kingdom of God is established on Earth. The Old Testament explains the Triune God through the Three Feasts, and the core center of that is Jesus Christ. If you don’t understand these words, you don’t understand the entire Bible. If you don’t understand these words, it doesn’t matter how diligently you live, you are not aligned with God.

  3) Multiple forms

   (1) Ark of the covenant (Ex. 25:22), Tabernacle (Ex. 25:8)

It says God revealed to them in multiple ways. After the Israelites left Egypt, He told them to build the Tabernacle, “and I will meet with you there,” and He told them to build the Ark of the Covenant. When you sprinkle the blood from the atonement plate onto the Ark of the Covenant, then God will reside there. He will atone all the curses, disasters, and sins. “I will give you My Word there.” This is how God represented Jesus Christ in the Exodus. 

   (2) Immanuel (Is. 7:14)

The way that God expressed Jesus Christ in the Age of Babylon is in Isa. 7:14: it is Immanuel. But people do not understand. They just study the Bible, but they don’t know the reason they need Immanuel. They do give worship, but they don’t know the reason why, so they were taken as captives. For 70 years, they lived as slaves; the Temple, their families, and their nation were all split apart. It’s not that they didn’t give worship, they were a nation of priests, of course they could worship, but they didn’t know why they had to worship.

What’s the reason we have to worship?  We live our walk of faith and go to church since we’re young, but why do we have to worship and believe in Jesus?  They went to church without a reason, then later on, when your head gets too big, you make decisions according to your thoughts. If you don’t understand Gen. 3:15, you don’t understand the Bible. 

You don’t believe in Jesus Christ just by hearing about him, you need to know why you believe in Him. If you don’t know the reason why, you won’t even know your problems, then you won’t be able to escape from your problems. Your problems, both visible and invisible, will seize you. The answer to all your problems is Gen. 3:15, the offspring of woman, Jesus Christ. You have to know the reason. 

Right now in America, why do people keep leaving the churches and going to transcendental meditation? Why do children receive an American education ever since they’re young and come to the conclusion, “I don’t need Jesus Christ, I need something else.” They were never relayed the reason of why they need Jesus Christ. 

2. God has spoken

  1) Through Jesus Christ

But God has been repeating this message in various ways since the prophets of the Old Testament. In Heb 1:2, it says “in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.” In the New Testament, God speaks by Jesus Christ. The Jews might have received the Word of the Old Testament as appropriate to their age, but when Jesus Christ, the main figure of Gen. 3:15, arrived, they rejected him. The words they held onto were the words of the actions of the law from the Old Testament.  Because they’re at least holding onto those words, they have physical blessings but spiritually, they are in disaster. 

After Jesus Christ called His disciples, he took them to the Mount of Transfiguration. They said, “Let us build three tents, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”  These people didn’t know who Jesus is.  They knew Jesus was the Messiah but they didn’t know what the Messiah is.  Jesus Christ is the true God, then why do we need Moses and Elijah? Why do we need the laws of Moses’ Pentateuch and the power of Elijah when everything is held within Jesus Christ? 

    (1) Listen to him (Mt. 17:5)

In Mt. 17:5, God says from heaven, “This is my Son, whom i love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” God speaks through His Son, Jesus, and the Words of Jesus are the Words of God.  When the Words of Jesus come into my heart, I receive answers to prayer and the fulfillment of God’s Word.

    (2) Only Jesus (Mt. 17:8)

Then, they saw only Jesus.  As you live your life in the world, you have to see only Jesus. How can you tell me not to see what I see? If you don’t understand what I mean, you have to keep on suffering. If I’m looking at a person, how am I supposed to see “Only Jesus?” I’ll explain that in a little bit.  

    (3) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

In Jn. 19:30, Jesus said “it is finished.” It’s not that he finished 99.9%, but he finished 100%, everything. Simply put, it means nothing in life is a problem anymore. Why is it a problem for me? It is only a problem because you believe in yourself, that you can do it. It’s a problem because you set a plan for your own life, but that plan isn’t taking place, but for the people who find the reason in Jesus Christ and live for Jesus Christ, nothing is a problem. 

What is the reason you are coming to church and living your walk of faith? Is it Jesus? What is the goal of your walk of faith?  What is the reason you live your walk of faith, is it Jesus?  If not, you have an incorrect frame. The beginning of your faith is Jesus and the goal is Jesus. And we start haphazardly, but our goal is wrong. Our goal isn’t Jesus, it’s something else. Then your life will not take place because it’s not aligned with God, and the Word of God isn’t going into you correctly. Because Jesus isn’t your goal. They didn’t see anyone but Jesus.

“How am I going to see Jesus when I’m running my business?” If Jesus is your goal, you will see Jesus. How am I going to see Jesus in my studies? If you’re studying for Jesus, of course you’ll see Jesus. That’s what I mean.  “I don’t see Jesus, I only see problems.” That’s because you’re living for yourself and you get stuck in problems.  

What’s gonna happen if you can’t solve those problems? You’ll struggle and strain and you’ll be oppressed, so you’ll have to try drugs, alcohol, or something. Or you think that if you take a vacation to some mountain, you’ll be able to relieve some stress, but that will never work because you don’t know the beginning of your problem, and this is because you don’t know the source of your problems. The beginning of your problems is you thinking you don’t need God. “Oh, I go to church, but I don’t need God”? Then who are you living your walk of faith for?  Then is your goal Jesus, or is it yourself?  Then, as you live your walk of faith, you’ll go down in incorrect path.  

When Jesus Christ becomes the goal of my life, the success and happiness of my life will naturally follow. If Jesus Christ is not my goal and I am my own goal, then even as I live my walk of faith, I will be a slave. Then one day, when you like something better outside the church, one day you’ll leave the church. Whenever you decide that transcendental meditation is better for you than the church, you will go.  When you decide that, moreso than worship, you’d rather learn from some successful person, you’ll leave, because the goal of your life is your success, so you’ll go in that direction and you won’t be aligned with God, and you’ll find a reason to leave church. Will that work?  The further you go into that direction, the deeper you’ll fall into your problems.  The beginning of that is that you don’t know what the problem of all mankind is, so Jesus Christ is not your answer. 

  2) With

    (1) Temple – Holy Spirit is with (1Cor. 3:16)

Now in this new age, in 1 Cor. 3:16, the Spirit of God has come inside us and we are God’s temple. Why does the Holy Spirit come into us? Is it just to help us out? He did not come into us to just help us out, but He has come into our life because he has completely bought our life with the price of the cross, and now he is our master. From His perspective, He is saying “I have taken care of everything, and I am with you, and now you just need to give your life up to God.” That is what is called faith. If you don’t have faith and you face a big problem, you can’t overcome.

Mental problems themselves are problems, so when they come to you, you can’t do anything about it.  You have to raise your kids but you don’t know what to do, because you don’t know the problem of your kids. You think you should follow these books, but the authors of these books can’t solve their own problems. 

Do you think that if someone becomes president, they’ve solved all problems of life? They can’t even solve the problems of their own family. They might be covering their problems, but unraveling them, you’ll see all these problems.  Do you think a psychologist can solve mental problems? They can’t even solve their own family’s problems. This is a problem only God can solve, and this is through only Jesus Christ. 

    (2) Immanuel (Mt. 1:23)

Now Jesus Christ is with me and with us through Immanuel.  You have to understand Immanuel. What happens if you don’t? You may graduate from Harvard and have all the skills to succeed, but you won’t be able to make blessings through people. That’s what the church does.  All people are okay, but I’ve never learned that. Jesus Christ teaches it to you with Immanuel, but if you don’t have that perspective, you’ll be looking from your own point of view. 

    (3) With all people, all things (Rom. 8:28)

Why is everyone okay? Because God is with this person too. “This person has a different style than me so I don’t even want to talk to them.” “The way this person talks is so low-level and isn’t my style, so I don’t want them to come to my church.” We have to know Immanuel, but we don’t. Immanuel is looking through the lens of God: all people are okay. You need to have this skill to be able to go into society. Without this ability, you get married and that’s why your life is hell. Because your spouse needs to be okay, but they’re not. But from your own point of view, you’re saying, “They’re not fitting with me.” Why should they fit with you? You should both be aligned to God. We are training our skill, in a worldly sense, within the church.

If you’re not able to do that, then all your future generations will avoid meeting people, especially in this contact-free age, but God has come to us through the blessing of Immanuel. You have to train your skills in this, in the church. Rm. 8:28 says that everything is okay because God fulfills His work through all things. “All things” means everything we’re doing, all the people you meet, all incidents. God is with every single thing, and He is carrying out His good purpose. 

You learn this and then you are sent out into the world. If you do not learn this and you look at everything in the world from the perspective of your knowledge, you’ll see something very big happen on the news and think “oh this is a big problem, we’re all doomed.” Within that, God is there and He has a plan.  Then, it doesn’t matter how big or little a thing is, you will do it before God. Whatever you see on the news, you can acknowledge that God is fulfilling His Word.

Does it matter if our president is Christian? Why does it matter? It doesn’t matter at all. “Is that president aligned with God?” God is moving the entire world. Donald Trump was all about blocking out other nations from the US and building up barriers, but Biden is about opening the nation to others, so Biden is more aligned with God. If you’re working and trying to rip off money from other people, that’s not aligned with God.  If your fundamental thought is not aligned to God, everything you do will be entangled.

God wants everyone to live. Then your viewpoint and your frame has to be aligned with that in order for your work and studies to be aligned with God. “Through my studies, I am saving this person.” That is why, even before you work, you must be aligned with God. In other words, it’s not aligned with God’s work, so God cannot intercede and you have to solve everything on your own and it’s not going to work. Even if it does work, it’s not really working, and that would mean God is dead. 

  3) Mission

    (1) Disciple of all nations (Mt. 28:19-20)

God does all things to fulfill His good purpose. What is the Word that God gave to us through Jesus Christ? Go and make disciples of all nations. It doesn’t matter if you agree with this or not, it is God’s Word. Prayer is not praying according to your thoughts, but prayer is when you align the Word of God with your life. If my studies are not aligned with making disciples of all nations, then prayer is aligning my studies as such. Prayer is aligning my business with the work of Jesus Christ; prayer isn’t asking for God to bless and help your business succeed.

    (2) Healing (Mk. 16:15-18)

People who are diseased and oppressed, suffering from mental illnesses or demon possession can’t get help from doctors or hospitals. There are diseases hospitals can heal, but how could a hospital treat demon-possession?  If someone is possessed by a demon and it results in a physical disease, how could the hospital treat that? This can only be treated by the words of Jesus Christ, and if the church doesn’t know that, these patients will only increase. 

The reason I’m living in America is to be aligned with these words of Jesus. If you’re aligned, the answers come because God is moving according to His Word.  You shouldn’t misunderstand God, thinking of God as some demonic entity. Do you think you can keep begging and complaining to God? That’s what we do with people. God never changes His Word. 

    (3) Filling of the Holy Spirit – Strength (Ac. 1:8, Lk. 24:49)

Be filled with the Holy Spirit. You cannot do this with your own strength. Am I saying you shouldn’t exercise? No, but it isn’t enough to train your concentration, you must be filled by God’s spirit and that’s how your mental and physical health will be normalized.  Receive the filling of the Holy Spirit through faith. Pray for the Holy Spirit of God to control your life, your thoughts, your entire body. 

You have to do that every day. The bigger the work you are doing, the more you need God’s power.  The weaker you are, the more you need His strength. Just kneel before Him for 5 minutes. If you concentrate on His Word, you will receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. Tune your impatience and anger will fade away because those are characteristics of spiritual problems. In your haste and anger, you cannot hold onto God’s Word because the timing is off. 

    (4) Lamb (Jn. 21:15-18)

In Jn. 21, Jesus says “feed my lambs.” Your work needs to be aligned to this, to His Word. I need to be aligned to God, but why do I keep asking for God to align to me? If a kid is crying, their parent might align themselves to them a few times, but if the kid makes a habit of this, the kid will get beaten up because that’s the incorrect way.  God’s Word is the correct way.

3. Jesus Christ

  1) Heir of all things, Creator (Heb 1:2)

    (1) All creation belongs to Jesus Christ 

The third point today is who is Jesus Christ? Heb 1:3 He is appointed heir of all things, through whom God made the universe, He is the Creator. The fact that Jesus Christ is the heir means he has inherited all things that belong to him. To whom do you belong? Are you your own? That’s why you’re not aligned.  Are your things, your business yours? That is why you aren’t aligned. 

    (2) All things for Jesus (Col. 1:16)

Col. 1:16 says that all things were created by him for him. “All things.” That includes me. 

    (3) All things created through Jesus (Col. 1:17)

Jesus Christ created me and I was created for Him. So, what is the goal for you to believe in Jesus? Why do you believe in Jesus?  What is the goal you are living for? When that is aligned with God for you, then you’ll see that God is alive. I hope that you will get rid of all the incorrect motives in your life and align yourself to Jesus Christ’s Word.  

Everything is for the Lord, but it’s hard to understand that.  “I study diligently, I work hard, I sleep late to work. How is this God’s?” The Bible is telling us that it belongs to God. But you’re suffering because you think it belongs to you. You always worry about money because you think it belongs to you. You need to quickly align yourself to God’s Word. If this is how you raise your kids, then you are killing your kids. If you think they’re doing well with this kind of thinking, they are dying.

To whom does the church belong to?  The kids say, “The pastor,” but it is not the pastor’s; it is God’s.  Whom do children belong to?  “My life belongs to my mom, because my mom does whatever she wants with my life.” To whom do the schools belong?  “The schools belong to the teachers because they do whatever they want with it.” No, they all belong to God. God has bought my life, and we are living for God.  Your business does not belong to you; it belongs to God, and aligning yourself with God means do everything according to God’s Word. 

    (4) I belong to Jesus Christ (Rom. 1:6)

Some people who go to church think “All these things belong to me, but I was able to gain more because God listened to my prayers.” That’s the same as demon worshippers, this is how the people of the world think. If you go to Navajo, they beg to the mountains because there is a god of the mountains that protects their tribe. Go to Korea, there are mothers who are begging in their kitchens, all so that their children will be healthy and their grandkids may be successful. It’s the same as transcendental meditation and all the religions, and you’re doing the same thing in the church. It is not aligned with God at all.

If you’re not aligned with God and you keep praying, you might receive answers, but until you change, it won’t be right. My life itself belongs to God, you have to acknowledge that in order for you to be aligned with God’s Word. Whether you live or die, it is all for Jesus Christ. If you die, you go to Heaven. If you live, you live for Jesus Christ. Life is so simple, but you’re always so concerned because it’s not so simple, and you think your life is your own. 

There are songs in the world that say “My life belongs to me.” That’s how you die. How stupid is that? You must give your life entirely to God to live at God’s level.  If you face a problem, give it entirely to God, and within that problem, you’ll see that blessing. No problem is your own.  If you give it to God, then within that problem, you’ll see God’s blessing.

I think the most unsolvable problem for us is our family or our kids. You need to give them up to God. Does that mean they’ll be fixed quicker? Leave them to do whatever He wants to do. If you want it fixed faster, it’s already evidence that you haven’t given it up to God. You have to completely give them over. It doesn’t matter if the problem gets fixed or not, if they fail or succeed, because living for myself is living for Jesus. I hope all the students will understand. 

  2) Sustaining all things by His word (Heb. 1:3)

Heb 1:3 says that he is sustaining all things through the power of the Word. Students must understand this very well.  This entire world was created by God’s Word. The entire universe is moving even now according to His Word. As time passes, scientists are discovering parts of that. The scientists aren’t the ones discovering it, but God is revealing it to them. Everything is moving according to the works of God, and God is revealing it to the scientists to discover the laws of nature.  

    (1) Move all things by His word

Since the beginning, everything has been moving according to the principles of God’s Word. The fact that Jesus is sustaining everything through God’s Word means that even your business and studies are moving according to God’s Word. You have to do everything according to God’s Word to follow it.  If you don’t know God’s Word, you don’t know God. Even if you believe in Jesus Christ and receive salvation, the way you live is not aligned with God because God is moving everything according to the principle of His Word. 

    (2) Works of the world fulfilled by and nature is maintained by His word

So whenever you hold onto the Word of God and pray, you will see God’s work. If you don’t know the Word or the problem, then pray and God will show you the answer to that problem through His Word. Everything in the world takes place according to His Word. 

  3) Sat at the right hand of God (Heb. 1:3)

    (1) Meaning of the victorious in battle

In Heb 1:3, it says that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. This doesn’t mean he is literally sitting at God’s right hand, but there is a meaning behind it. In the Roman Empire, whenever a general was successful at war, he would be seated at the right hand of the emperor. It means he is victorious. The fact that Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of God means he has been victorious over Satan, sin, and hell, and we are also within that. 

    (2) Me – Sit with Him in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)

Eph. 2:6 says we have also been raised to be seated with Christ. Because now Jesus Christ and I have been united. I am living on this Earth as a victor. 

    (3) I have overcome the world (Jn. 16:33)

Jn. 6:33 says “I have overcome the world.” If you have that faith that Jesus Christ has already overcome the works of Satan, the forces of darkness, all mental illness, your depression and bipolar disorder, Jesus has overcome. We believe that, and that is how we go, already having won the battle. In the future, it doesn’t matter how many industrial revolutions we have, we have already overcome. 


1. Imprint the Word

God is moving everything according to His Word. 

2. Root by Prayer

3. Nature by Evangelism

As this Word comes into you more and more this week, enjoying that is prayer and relaying that is evangelism. 


May you and I be victorious throughout the week.  Let us enjoy this through prayer.


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