Seven Journeys – 20 Evangelism Strategies

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Seven Journeys – 20 Evangelism Strategies

Seven Journeys

The words are simple but there is so much content.  The basic foundation is based on God, the Triune God.  That must always be my background because my status is a child of God.  I believe in the Triune God, but that has to become my own.  Who doesn’t know that the Triune God exists?  You have to make this close, living relationship between you and the Triune God.

Word, Salvation, Power

God works through the Word and the Word comes upon me. God is alive, but it doesn’t mean anything unless the Word comes upon me.  God is doing the ministry of salvation now, and that must be connected to my life; otherwise it has no relationship with God.  God is working right now through the power of the Holy Spirit, then that power must realistically come upon me for me to be related to God. We must make it until this system becomes my own.

People need the Word, salvation, and power, and the Triune God is fulfilling this work even now without rest. That means, 24 hours, a day, God fulfills these three works within me, and what’s important is that I’m someone who goes into these three works.  That’s receiving God’s Word.  You are going into the ministry of salvation where you relay that Word, and for this purpose, you receive the power of prayer.

Thoughts, Success, Power ) Me

The heavens and earth must be connected.  If heaven is constantly working and is irrelevant to me, I have to live with my thoughts.  If salvation is irrelevant to me, I work towards success.  Without God’s power, I live with my power, and the common characteristic is “me,” so that’s why I’m stuck with myself.  That’s why “me,” am I someone going into the blessings of the throne of the Triune God?  Enjoy this through the Word, prayer, and evangelism.

10 Mysteries

The one who enjoys this goes into the 10 mysteries, and I’ve talked about all ten of these.

10 Foundations, 5 Assurances

You live with the 10 foundations and 5 assurances

9 Streams

You go into the 9 streams that change the flow of the field.

Five prayer points, Seven paths

There are five points of prayer and the seven paths to success that the Jewish people had. Remaining with this, you find all things in God’s time schedule.

5 Basics – Life

Today is the five basics.  When we evangelize, it’s not just evangelism.  You learned about evangelism that way so you can’t do it, and you learned one aspect of evangelism so your life isn’t about evangelizing.  You have to have the proper foundation, that is, life.

Me – Time, Place, Evangelism ) Darakbang

All of the aspects of my life must remain within the five basics.  Me, otherwise, I’m nothing. That’s my foundation.  I set a time and a place for evangelism and pray about this.  This is the person who has the answer of Christ


If I don’t have the answer of Christ, I see the answer incorrectly so I can’t help others with their problems either.  If you do have the answer of Christ, it means that you know the problems facing mankind are the three fundamental problems. 

Satan, Sin, hell

These are the fundamental problems of all mankind. You can touch people’s hearts with psychology but you cannot change people fundamentally.  So, it is the “me” who is able to touch fundamental things.  Even if it’s psychology, I can open a Darakbang where God sends people to me. Because I have this answer, God must relay this answer.

Why must I fix the time and location? Because, if I just choose whatever time and location I feel like for that day, then the people won’t be able to find it.  If you change your Darakbang time from Tuesday to Wednesday to Tuesday, then they can’t arrange their schedule and come. You have to fix your time and location but you change things according to what is convenient for you.  They think this meeting is Tuesdays, so they opened their schedule on Tuesdays and put their appointments on Wednesday, but you change it from Tuesday.  The time isn’t convenient for me, but it’s when people can come, so you fix it at that time.

If it’s just a meeting between one or two people, you don’t have to keep it fixed.  But think of yourself as a fortune teller: People will come and ask questions, but they can only come if they know when you’ll be there, so you fix the time. Think of yourself as a fortune teller.  Those who are curious about their fortunes will come to you.  If the location changes from one to another, people get confused. You have to fix it.  People who go back and forth with these times and locations won’t have things work out. McDonalds sets up their shift schedules for all their workers so the customers know when they can go.


We give the answer to people in our meetings.  There isn’t a single person who doesn’t meet people, but if you keep trying to go out, this won’t take place. God keeps connecting people to you during these meetings, but you only look at the physical things.  Then, your physical business might take place, but they can’t give the right answers, so you’ve been called as an ambassador of Christ.

Team Ministry

Originally speaking, team ministry was done through the Darakbang meetings you’ve had.  You take the content and relay this content to your team members.  But at the most basic level, everyone meets people with their lives, and you give the answer there. That’s team ministry, but there’s a team ministry evangelism that comes out during evangelism camps.  You’re taking someone who can open their own Darakbang, and you open up the doors for evangelism through that. That can be called a “commissioning evangelism” where you take someone and go to a place that doesn’t have a Darakbang, but they leave someone behind who can continue this Darakbang movement there.

Or you meet a person and help them do their ministry. So you do evangelism in two fields, one where there is no movement, and another where we leave a person behind.  Usually, we connect with people with whom we’re already meeting. But Paul took his disciples and went into the empty fields and met Lydia, the prepared disciple, and he left Silas behind to fill up this empty place with a movement.

Family – Mission Home – Life – Healing, Disciple

Your family has a mission, so it becomes a mission home, so you realistically have healing in your life through the Word of God.  Through my daughter, her friends come into the house and I proclaim the gospel to them and raise them up as disciples.  Everyone has a family, so these are the very basic aspects of our lives that we use to do evangelism.  Everybody has a family, your daughters and sons have friends, you have birthday parties, you invite families over, this is the basis you use to evangelize.  You give them healing.

Specialized Church – Specialty

This is the foundation that gives the answer through my job.  If you don’t have the answer, you can’t evangelize.  It’s not something you can try with this method, our lives cannot escape from these basics.  But if you take out these basics and try to do evangelism elsewhere, it’s difficult and you can’t evangelize to begin with. You just memorize things to relay it to others, but it doesn’t take place in your life, and I’m pretty sure the mission home takes place the least because you can’t relay something to your kids that you cannot believe yourself. You meet so many people but it’s to fulfill your own physical motives.  Many people go through difficulties but you cannot give them the answer.

Regional Church – Region < Idol Worship, Religion; Economy

This pertains to the region.  It is for the evangelism of the region, because I’m living in a region, e.g. Koreatown or Downey.  Then God has a plan for the region where you live.  That’s why the regional church includes these different Darakbangs as well.  If you live in a region without understanding the idols and religion and how deeply they penetrate, you’re missing out on the blessings of the regional church. 

You can get a sense of this by looking at the economy.  Looking at how their homes are kept, you can sense what kind of idolatrous things they have inside or what kind of economic strata they live in; otherwise, how could you get to know these people?

Culture, Answer

What is the culture of this area?  If you know this, you can get a general feel of what kind of people live in this region, and that’s how you can get an answer that is right for that region.  If you give headache medication for a stomach pain, you’re just giving some medication inaccurately.

These are the five foundations, but if you leave this out and try to do one aspect of evangelism, that’s really hard; that’s not biblical evangelism, but that’s the evangelism you talk about for yourself. You hastily run out and relay the message, but your foundation is broken. You hastily have a meeting, but all your meetings in your everyday life are for different reasons, so evangelism is hard; you don’t know what’s going on in your region.


If you don’t understand what’s going on, it means you don’t understand the problems in your region. Because you don’t know the opponent, you can’t pray properly. If you look at the idols and religions, you can see their spiritual color.  They have churches. You don’t have to listen to the sermons in every church, you can look at the bulletin to get a gist of their messages, whether it’s legalism, mysticism, or prosperity-based. Then you’ll know, this is the state of the people who are in this region.

Idols.  There are some things you can see with your eyes, and there are others you cannot see.  I investigated how many meditation meetings we have in our mission homes.  There’s a temple in every region, but the strategy they use is similar to our mission home. They gather in people’s homes to do transcendental meditation.  So, the thing you see with your eyes may be the temple, but there are mission homes scattered throughout where people gather together to praise and pray.

I asked for a list of mission homes, and I got two lists. I went to one, and they do transcendental meditation when they gather.  There was a Caucasian man who received some kind of training in Asia. He had a prayer mat, teaching transcendental meditation, and after finishing, they had a forum.  When I listened to that forum, you’d laugh, but it’s real. “My life is so hard because of my coworker,” so they’re trying to overcome their difficulties through transcendental meditation.

I was laughing inside, and they’re all young people, and I was observing from afar.  There was a gathering of Caucasians and African Americans doing transcendental meditation.  The Latin Americans would go to Catholicism, but they would have these meetings and practicing transcendental meditation with a schedule, so I went to see what it was like. They do this on Monday evenings, but at other times, they have lectures.  There are many throughout LA, but they’re invisible to your eyes.

What do they do there? There’s a small Buddha and they pray, so in every house, there’s the works of the devil. You have to investigate this, if you want to see this, God has to open your eyes.  Evangelism doesn’t just happen. First and foremost, if you have a temple in LA, they are crafty.  It looks like they have pews but the content is Buddhism, and they teach Buddhism in a way that fits American culture.

These are taking place spiritually, unseen to our eyes with idols, but the results are visible.  People also have problems, and there are other religions as well.  First and foremost, I did some research in the area I live, that is, on Aardmore.  So you guys must investigate your own region where you live, then I think the eyes to see your region will be different.  I think I’ve researched every area within the boundaries where I do my ministry, and that’s how you do regional evangelism. 

If you don’t know your region and you talk vaguely about idols, that’s Bible study, not evangelism. You must know accurately, then the regional church conquers the region. These are the five foundations with which we evangelize, and this is our life. There is nothing that escapes our lives here, because either way, you have to go home at night. Even homeless people have their own regions.  Even homeless people have meetings, even homeless people must have their own answers.  Everyone has these things, even begging or finding food for themselves is their specialty, then you have to give influence to those who are scavenging for food.

Biblical evangelism implies we evangelize with our very life.  But the world is not making our life into an evangelism system, but its’ a system that is for yourself, so that’s why I wondered the level is colpasing.  You work for yourself fand make a family for yourself, that’s Genesis 6, and you research your region for yourself, then would you evangelize? You’re entering a system that has no choice but to not evangelize, and the more we talk about it, the more impossible it seems in real life.  But the start is, do I have the answer in Genesis 3:15?

There are meetings that give this answer.  There are many reasons why we must physically meet people, but this gives you the answer.  In your everyday life, you give answers to your children and heal them, but because you don’t have the answer, you have to nag every day.  “Act straight, study well”.  Those words might be correct but it’s not the answer, but you keep saying words that aren’t right, but imagine how much evangelism is possible through your kids?   But you call your children’s friends over and share the gospel and bring them into church, that’s the mission home. 

At your job, you have a specialized church. If you don’t have a job, just play, because you have to play well to be popular, but even to play well, you must give the answer.  Most people are the same because your job is the same, your emotions are the same. That’s why you give the answer.  Then, the region, you have the five basic foundations of evangelism, the five basics of your life, and then there are five basic trainings that enable you to listen to yourself.   

There’s team ministry and the mission home training which are specific, then the specialized church and regional church. We send you to receive camp trainings not to receive grace, but that you may experience the five basics of evangelism, in other words, to experience what has already been given, and when you come back, you do these things properly. Then there are the five futures and five schools, but we’ll talk about that later. 

When you evangelize, you must have the five basics of evangelism to be aligned with God. Doing all five of these together is what we call evangelism camp.  Then, the meetings will open doors or sometimes it will open a mission home or your job, or a region like this.  Either way, an evangelism camp is one where you do all five at once, and you don’t know which one will happen.  A camp touches all five of these aspects.  It means that once the camp is over, without a doubt, at least one must remain.  The person who leads the camp must know this very well and have a plan in the future to maintain that.

That’s the camp of Apostle Paul, he brought his disciples with him, and when he met Lydia, he raised the mission home first.  Lydia was a seller of purple cloth so she was able to do the specialized church, and because the regional church was open, the demon-possessed fortune teller was able to come.  Because she was able to use her specialized training to pull people into the specialized church, the regional church ultimately became the church.  In a place where there already is a church, keep the specialized church as a special place.

When we talk about the 20 basics of evangelism, there are the five basics, the five trainings, the five fields, and the five schools.  The five schools are used to raise up the evangelists, starting from evangelism schools to RTS and RU.  This is the content of evangelism within this.  There’s a children’s evangelism school, then it means you’re doing one of the basics from the evangelism training.  Right now, we have Remnant University, so many evangelists and pastors are sent to receive training.  It is not something someone can do alone, but many people must come and teach. You can do this online.

A professor in Ukraine opened up seminaries all over the world with 16 people, and this is the age we are in.  You must open your eyes to see the age.  Right now, it’s the “untapped age,” i.e. contactless, and Lois says she will come to the young adult evangelism school on Tuesdays and prayer summit school on Saturday.  You can also relay this as long as you have the answer.  Without meeting them directly, you can meet them online.  Then if they face a problem, you can give them the answer.

Then through the mission home, raise up and heal your children as evangelism disciples.  When you’re sent out to work, you’re sent as a specialized missionary.  That’s why I told Lois, “you’re going into this field and specialty. If you have a doctorate degree, you’ll be acknowledged as a specialist, so you must know the fundamental things, then you can use these five basics to save people fundamentally.”  She meets those at the hospital, so she can continue online.  “Perhaps it’s illegal for you to give the message in-person, but maybe you can do it online.” You must know this to apply it.

People come to church and stop. You have to give them the answer as you meet with them. If you’re not able to give the answer.  To listen to the message that I haven’t been able to listen to this week, that’s evangelism because they’re preparing for evangelism in the future and you will influence the children, but if you don’t know evangelism, your eyes are completely shut. I hope you will take these five foundations of evangelism and put them into practice in your life.

Next week we’ll go back into the 21 lifestyles.  We’ve talked about everything in the seven journeys, and the reason he is telling you to hold to the pulpit message is because it must be relayed according to the time schedule.  If the pulpit doesn’t do this, you’ll have to listen to the headquarters and just save yourself, so that’s why you must meet a good church.  How could Rev. Ryu say all of that? Because God raised up an evangelist and is giving God’s Word for the sake saving. It would be better for you to join a book club.


God, we thank You. Raise us up as evangelism disciples and missionaries. Allow us to remain within the training to raise other disciples. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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