The Seven Flows – Ten Mysteries, Five Prayer Points, Seven Keys

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Seven Flows – Ten Mysteries, Five Prayer Points, Seven Keys

If you don’t know the seven flows, you’ll do it with your own strength, you’ll get burnt out, and diseased, so you must know this.  What must you know?

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

The Triune God is my background, the Holy Spirit is with me, and God the Father and God the Son are on the Throne of Heaven.  The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus Christ, so the Holy Spirit is doing the work of God in me, and that’s my background, so the Throne of Heaven becomes my background.

Background, Blessing

That’s my blessing because everything is contained within this, but you’re asking for unnecessary, frivolous things. Jesus Christ Himself is the blessing.  Everything comes from the Triune God, and the Triune God moves the universe even now.  My life is controlled by the Triune God even now, so if you believe in Jesus Christ, all problems are finished as this is my background. If this isn’t your background, you’ll always be lacking.

Prayer – 237 (Word)

If you pray with this blessing and background, what kind of prayer?  You pray for missions and evangelism for 237 nations, that’s the promise of God’s Word


Then the light of God, transcending time and space, will shine in the 237 nations. That’s your prayer that you must enjoy.  Everything is contained within this, your studies and everything.  But if you don’t begin here, then everything is futile.  It doesn’t matter how diligently you work, you just do it yourself. The Lord is already moving diligently now; no need for you to work so hard. The Lord is working without even sleeping; what do you mean by “your diligence”?  God is working diligently; my diligence must align with God’s diligence.



Even now, God is fulfilling the ministry for salvation, and my diligence must align with that for proper diligence.  Even now, God is working with His Word.  How do you know your religion is right?  What is your basis for believing in God?  Where is God?  Where is the Throne?  If you just have these ambiguous, vague thoughts, the remnants will collapse. 

How do you know God is working?  Is it when you feel tingles?  Or if you get money?  What’s the basis for God’s work?  His Word.  You can’t be deceived. During worship, God works upon me with His Word, and when I pray for the field, God gives it to me through the word. There’s no other standard. God is His Word.  Something good happens?  Even good things happen to unbelievers.  Do not diminish God with demonic ideologies.  God gives bad things, too. It’s good from God’s perspective and it may seem bad from my perspective.  Don’t misunderstand God as a sort of demon.

He is working now through His Word, fulfilling His Word. He will answer you with His Word. The Holy Spirit reminds you and teaches you of His Word.  Not the words of the law, but the words of the gospel.  There’s no other standard.  It doesn’t matter. The Holy Spirit is alive, working in me and fulfills the Word, endlessly doing the work of salvation.

Prayer – Power

When I pray, God gives me the power through the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Anything else cannot be evidence nor the standard.  If you have anything outside of this as your standard, it’s not the truth, so you’re wrong. Your poverty is not the standard. Some people believe and get martyred.  If you believe in Jesus Christ and get fired from your company, does God not exist?  God’s Word is being fulfilled through me. Is the ministry of salvation taking place through me? Do I have the faith to believe the filling of the Holy Spirit happens every time I pray?

Everything else is pharisaical.  Everything else is the work of demons.  When I believed in Jesus, I got worse grades because I spent all my time evangelizing and didn’t have time to study.  I’m a student and had to take tests and read books, but instead I wanted to read the Bible and evangelize. I had no interest in my studies, so I couldn’t study, but is that not the work of God? It was the work of God.  Because, what’s the point of getting old and studying? You have to receive the Word of God so God guided me this way.

The evidence is that the Word of God was sweeter to me than honey, and I wanted to evangelize constantly, and strangely enough, whenever I received the Word of God, I received strength.  If I lost interest in studying, does that mean God doesn’t exist?  We keep trying to measure God with the wrong ruler, the wrong standard; it is not God’s word.

These are the three works the Triune God is doing even now.  Joseph had this as his background, and everywhere he went, there were blessings and evangelism took place.  There is one method that prevents us from continuing this.  He blocks money. If a person doesn’t have true faith in the Triune God, He cannot continue. From God’s perspective, He’s testing us, but from the devil’s perspective, he blocks money to prevent us from doing this.

Because we think God exists or not based on if we can eat and survive or not, but the remnants have this standard.  There are ten mysteries.

1. Independence

You can only do this if you have this strength and background. Do you think they could survive only because they had special training?  Even if you were a demon-catching marine, you would be seized by demons.  So, when you’re alone, you can be independent with this background and you shouldn’t just look at the facts.  All these things are taking place from a spiritual background. You must see the spiritual facts. 

Where did these things come from?  Is it coming from God or from demons? If you cannot decipher between the two, you’ll always make the wrong judgment because you’re trying to figure out what is what.  The answer is always on the opposite side.  We are anticipating this, but God always gave us the answer from the opposite place, and it’s because we’re physical.  God is giving me the answers from the opposite side of my physical self.

2. Synergy

God desires to save everyone through synergy.  You must always think about this.  Is this decision something that will save everyone, or is it just something I want to do?  You’re going to make a judgment thinking it’s right, but God says it’s wrong because you have to decide based on what will save everyone. 

3. Opposite Side

4. Spiritual Facts

Yohan got hit by an African American and he passed out.  Then, what must we see through this circumstance?  The fact is that the kid was Asian, and this is happening in America, but we must see the spiritual facts.  People involved will say whether it’s good or bad, but we must see the spiritual fact. Why was there no choice but for this to happen?  You have to see the spiritual state of the attacker as well as the spiritual state of the victim.

Why did this kind of meeting happen?  Because this is our spiritual state.  You have to see this so you can pray. You can’t pray without reason.  You pray with the real reason, to break down the forces of darkness and for the working of the Holy Spirit to take place.  You must be spiritually revived through this incident.

The reason I keep talking about my daughter is because she’s the only person I see very often.  She’s being used by God, at first she didn’t like it because I was saying bad things about her, and she’s very similar to me, not my wife.  She bumped into something, and most people will get mad when they get hurt, but she said, “Why is this here?” This isn’t normal. I recognized that because I was also like that. 

Instead of being mad because I’m in pain, I’m mad because the object was here and it hurt me.  I told her, “A lot of difficult things will happen in your life, and people get in your way, but we’re not the way, life or truth.” She’s under a misconception that she’s her own way, truth, and life, so she’s suffering under this misconception.  I told her to avoid such things in the future to stop suffering. 

If she has this ideology, would she lose in a battle with someone else?  It doesn’t matter if someone is right or wrong, but she’ll say they’re wrong and plow over them. When such people, they say many things are wrong, “Why is this person blonde? I hate such people,” and they’re so afflicted they can’t pray.  If that person goes into a company, they’ll have a really aggressive boss, “Why is this boss getting in my way?  I came into this company because I liked it, but why is this person here that I have to work with them?” This isn’t an easy problem.

If you don’t change this thinking for them in advance, you can see the path of suffering they will take.  Other people might think she’s very active and strong, but from my perspective, as long as she thinks she’s the way, she’ll be broken over and over again, so she’ll keep confessing that things are hard, difficult, and cause pain. You have to understand these [ten mysteries], otherwise it’s a headache. I’m speaking from my life.

I’m explaining this to my daughter because of the 50 years I’ve lived, relaying this to the next generation.  Imagine how angry she’s getting, and if someone doesn’t do something for them, they get mad, “Why doesn’t food appear when I’m hungry? I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  So, if she thinks she’s God, that’s a demon, she’s the devil.  You have to see the spiritual facts to make the decision that saves everybody.

5. Crisis

No matter what people say, a crisis isn’t a crisis because your background is the background of heaven, but without knowing this, a crisis is a crisis.  COVID and your business must be opportunities, but without this background, you’ll think a crisis is a crisis. You have to make this into an opportunity to relay this church to many different places.  This is the greatest thing.  You make a website and send this to Africa. We have our English website, so they could translate it to Swahili so people can understand it in Africa.

6.  No Competition

We don’t have to compete, because we go to places nobody else wants to go, doing things nobody else wants to do, so why would I compete? There are so many jobs out there but nobody wants to go there.  Lately, kids don’t want to go to the small companies.  I was talking to a CEO of a small company and they interview young students.  CEOs have to devote a lot, but what do the kids say?  They keep trying to get something from the company so these kids don’t fit.  If you go to a big company, you can learn and see so many things, so it’s okay, but in a small company, few things are established so you have to devote a lot.

There aren’t many kids in Korea who do this and they don’t have jobs even though there are many positions, but they aren’t thinking about sacrificing.  If you go to a small company, it’s an opportunity to learn from the bottom up, and it’s the same in the church. “I don’t like a church plant because I’d have to devote a lot.”  It’s the Lord’s church and you’re blessed so much but you don’t think that way because you’re self-centered.  This must be the Christian mindset, so we’re overflowing with jobs. 

There are a lot of jobs. Try waitressing at a restaurant.  Even now, people are understaffed because the government is giving money, and kids aren’t working. That’s a dead person living for money, swept around by the power of the government.  That person can never do anything with the main part of their life.  If you’re not working because the government is giving you money, you’re a dead person. 

Kids should be going out and being waitresses and servers, but they’re not. You’ll get a lot of tips from your job, but that’s not just serving. You have to meet a lot of people to do that, so you’re learning from the bottom up.  Who knows when this restaurant will take off? You’ll only know everything if you start from the bottom.

There’s a lot of work out there, and there are ten mysteries and there’s ten foundations, there are five foundations and the nine streams. You always have to hold onto the 3-3-3 to change the stream, and it’s the same in the church. How do you change it into the stream God desires?  You’re not going to be beat down by other people if you do “above, below, and beside” correctly. You have to see the past, present, and future at the same time.

You have to see the spiritual past, present, and future of Mongolia to see accurately what will happen to them in the future. Without knowing this, you can’t do ministry.  Ministry isn’t random; it is a spiritual science.  You have to give the answer scientifically and accurately. If you don’t know their background at all, how will you give the Word they need?  Will you just speak vaguely to them? If your eye is hurt, but the doctor gives medication for your heart, that may take care of the symptoms but will it heal you?

There are many immigrants but you must give the Word that fits with them, and the fact that people came to America at first was because of faith, but now that America is so developed, they’re coming because it’s a great nation to eat and live.  So now, all the people so full of ambition and greed have gathered here.  These people come to church and have no choice but to fall into prosperity-based faith. The pastors know this and can’t talk about anything else; they have to adjust themselves to people otherwise the people will leave.

Later on, people regret it, “I did my pastoral ministry incorrectly,” because you can’t change what’s in progress.  If you have thousands of congregation members and you change the way you speak, they will all leave.  There’s a Love Church that did the first training among the congregation members, making them into workers, and the church in Gangnam was very well established.  Next to them, there was a Buddhist temple who asked, “Why are so many people going back and forth from this church?” So he researched the church’s discipleship training program so he could apply it to his temple as well, and that temple started to do very well.

Three years before the pastor passed away, he gave a message, “I have failed my pastoral ministry.  The fact that this Buddhist temple was able to follow what we did and succeed means I’ve failed, training everyone through humanism.  The Buddhist monk shouldn’t be able to mimic the filling of the Holy Spirit, but the fact that they were able to replicate this means that I’ve failed.

So, he was taking very wealthy women in the region of Gangnam and they brought more wealthy people, and that continued so he couldn’t change that stream.  Even the messages he gave were catered to elites who gathered because they wouldn’t like it when we talked about demons.  These people only felt comfortable when he bragged about his money and acted a little arrogantly, but he said he failed in the end.

Therefore, we must follow the stream of the Word and the working of the Holy Spirit and relay that to the next generation for this to continue.  If you’re just trying to gather people, there are many humanistic abilities, but that’s not it. What does God desire?  The next generation must be able to do the same thing biblically, and that’s how that church will have value.  Otherwise, they’ll have no value and have no choice but to close their doors and leave. Nine streams.

Five Principles of Prayer


The first is thanksgiving for salvation.  Even before you pray, you must have thanksgiving for salvation, received through Jesus Christ.


You have to go into the stream from the Word of the pulpit message.  As soon as you face a problem, you should think, “What is the message from this week’s pulpit?”  Stop trying to align yourself to a problem, but align the problem to the Word of God so God will take care of it.  Stop trying to determine things yourself, but what is the Word that God gave you? That kind of prayer means you’re following the stream of the Word of the pulpit message

Concentration (Strength)

You set a time to concentrate to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and the more you have this time, the faster you’re healed, the faster you can receive power.  The more you do not have this time, you’ll only be more busy and you’ll do things according to your abilities.  Even before you work or study, you need to have the strength that comes from this time of concentration.


Then, the healing that comes from the Word God gives you every day, because God gives it to you every day. Even now, God is giving His Word from the throne.  Every day, every time, what is the Word?  As soon as you face a problem, you’re not trying to solve it, but you’re observing in this incident.

Word (Balance)

You must be balanced, aligned with the Word.  It’s not about things working the way you want, but you align yourself to God’s Word, but because you don’t know what prayer is, you’re completely lost in religion.  They’re just holding onto their own desires like a nonbeliever.  It seems like this person prays a lot, but they’re praying like a Buddhist monk at a temple.  These are the five principles of prayer. I hope you will keep this in mind so you can organize what prayer is.

The Seven Paths to the Summit

Stream of the Gospel

Rabbis would imprint the history into the Jews. For us, we use the leaders in the Bible to see how they were within the flow of the gospel.

My 24 Hour Prayer

It means I’ve discovered things like my dream.  If you have a dream, then even if you’re not praying with the word, it’s always inside of you.  For me, even if I’m not praying or thinking about it, in my heart it’s always, “We must raise up disciples.” That’s always on my heart. Even for multiethnic disciples, that’s in my heart, and because it’s in the deepest part of my heart, I do this for 24 hours.  If you’re worried, you’ll worry for 24 hours.  You have the grace God has given to you.

There’s a dream within the covenant and vision, I have something within me that says, “It must be disciples.”  There are some people who are really excited for getting a good job or going to a good school, but they can’t be Jesus’ disciples.  The one who follows Jesus Christ, even though they are at a loss because of Jesus, is a disciple, isn’t that right?  Because in reality, moreso than being at a loss, you have a tremendous blessing of salvation, and they know that value.

But someone who doesn’t know the value of salvation will think they need some other benefit? That’s a crowd, not a disciple. The crowd can never save the world.  The crowds are just people swept aside by the atmosphere of the world.  That’s why we must find God’s prepared disciples, and God has put that dream within the deepest part of me. There’s something planted in your heart without you even being aware of it.

Some people have idols planted within them, and that’s 24 hours, a channel for Satan.  But some people have a 24 hour dream given to them by God, and that’s 24 hour prayer.  Because that’s rooted so deeply inside of them, all their unconscious decisions are made based on this. That’s what God has given to me. I have nothing else. No matter how much I think about it, it’s so deep within me and it’s something God has given me so long ago.

I believed in Jesus Christ, and a few years later, I went into training, and God rooted this deeply within me with His Word. Even when I was a nonbeliever, God imprinted these principles into me.  It is the 24 hours God has given to me.  If I can’t raise disciples, I have no choice but to fight. Do you know what happens if I don’t make a disciple? They will follow other things, “Pastor, your expression is so dirty.” What about you, you think you’re so clean?  If you wanted a clean pastor, raise up a celebrity and make them your idol.

“Pastor, you have so much knowledge and I don’t have that,” then you’re just going to follow after the things of the world.  Even now, if I were to get a degree, I could, but I purposely do not. We just, by ourselves, say that’s not it, because that would block this.  So, who cares about the knowledge from your schoolwork. It’s all whatever. You just have to follow the talent God has given you.

Acts 1:1, 3, 8

You find your identity within Acts 1:1, 3, 8. Only Jesus Christ, only the kingdom of God, and only the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Idol worship – Worship

Some people are worshiping online because that’s the age we are in, but online worship is not a surrogate replacement for church.  Disciples will gather, because in the end times, people will avoid gathering.  Then we don’t need a church temple in the end times?  We need a temple because we gather, and you need a house to gather there. If we don’t gather, we’ll talk about different things.  The forces of darkness are in this region.

Worship must be restored, and if you’re far away, maybe you can’t come, but God will give you the same blessing and grace because you can’t come. Let’s say you live out of state, then God will give you the same blessing from out there, but if you say, “I can give worship online,” but that’s wrong. The disciple must come to worship. 

The Jews spread all over the world as the diaspora brought all the money back to the temple of Jerusalem for worship to obey the Sabbath, and God gave this to them as a law, but this is honestly their method for living.




The work I am doing must be “only”.  Nobody else, but re-creation.  These are the seven paths to the summit.  The Jewish people made the summits making a different side out of a different path.   But for us, the imprint and flow of the gospel comes as a result of my 24 hours, the dream God has given to me.  Acts 1:1, 3, 8, the Triune God is my background. It’s not people. 

It doesn’t matter where you are, you should jump out and down like crickets.  None of you young adults could do this, even though I did this by God’s grace. My friend committed suicide, so I prayed.  There were many things I should have done very carefully about this.  But one day, as I saw the problems of the world, the carelessness disappeared because it would paralyze me.  After seeing my friend commit suicide, I quit my job; that’s not my usual personality, but I think God made me make that decision so God will work upon me until now. 

Then I went to study abroad, I received the gospel there, and if someone has never taked their live, They’re cautious because they don’t have faith.   I was completely empty-handed in Korea for 10 years, and my goal was to receive training.  Years and years passed, and it tooked me nine years and ten months, but without even realizing, I was changed as a person. Even now, it’s the same? 

If you stake your life, you can see what God is doing completely, but you’re not able to throw your life because you think your life will collapse.  If you’re holding onto something and ask, “Is it going to work?” But those who have staked their lives are not afraid at anything.  The skilled warrior against the one who staked their lives are different. If someone has devoted their entire lives to the Lord, nothing scares them because they’re afflicted too. 

You can only live if you die.  If you think you’re a beggar, simply become poor but you’re fighting to live instead of fighting to die.  Even just once, if you throw this to God to get this sense of bonus.  That’s why people who’ve hit rock bottom cannot go up. I had nothing that could be stolen away because I died.  I saw how God works.

Just like someone imprisoned with a death sentence will say, “I will kill as many people because I’m dead anyway.”  May you and I be the ones who revive. Nothing could be this precious.  Even your life itself, give it to God and live in the filling of the Holy Spirit.  You have to give it all up to God with the Holy Spirit filling this.  Then filled with the Holy Spirit, the world cannot handle you.


God we thank You. May we remain within the seven journeys and have victory. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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