Life in the Continuous Filling of the Holy Spirit, Part II (Ephesians 4:25-5:4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life in the Continuous Filling of the Holy Spirit, Part II (Ephesians 4:25-5:4)

Let us read Ephesians 4:25-5:4 responsively. This week continues from last week’s message, Life in the Continuous Filling of the Holy Spirit.  Why must we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit?  Because if you’re not receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit, you’re filled with yourself.  Is it possible to live by yourself?  That’s the first thing you must calculate.  If you’re enough, you don’t have to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, but if that’s not the case, you do need to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

Unbelievers think they themselves are enough, but if it’s not enough, they try to rely on the strength from religion, and the more they do that, the more they are seized by the devil.  How must you and I live our lives as Christians?  You are either filled with the Holy Spirit or filled with yourself.  Where did this thing called “myself” come from?  As soon as you’re born, that “you” comes from Original Sin, as you’re separated from God, and Satan. Then it is impossible to live with just this.That is the first thing you must think about so you know why you need the filling of the Holy Spirit.  


Authority { Power (Answer), Authority (Special Authority))

Then regarding the filling Holy Spirit connected from last week’s message. Authority is not with me, but it’s given to me by God from heaven, and within this authority, there is power.  That power is also from God.  That is our answer to prayer.  It is talking about the answers I don’t make for myself, but they are given to me from heaven.  The one who prays is able to receive power. There is also authority is a special power.  Both the power and authority are within the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Then, in order for us to receive the filling of the holy spirit, we must first discover Satan’s channels.

1. The way to find the channels of Satan (the devil, demons)

Where does Satan attack us?  This is what you must know very well about yourself.  We will look at the reference verses from Ephesians 4.  In Eph. 4:24, it says there is the old self vs. the new self.  

Old Self – Satan, New Self – Holy Spirit

The “old self” pertains to the person who used to live separated from God enslaved by Satan because of sin.  Now, we are talking about the new self that has been changed by Jesus Christ, so how must we live now?  From now on, are we going to live a life that is given to us by the devil or one that is given to us by the Holy Spirit?  These are the two lives we must distinguish.  

1) Do you lie habitually? (Ephesians 4:25)

In Eph 4:25, it says to put off falsehood.  There are people who always lie in front of other people in the past, especially children. Ever since they were children, they were always lying, and Satan is the father of lies. Why do people lie?  They lie because they think it will benefit themselves.  It’s the nature, the habit they have from their past life while they were seized by Satan.  Even after receiving salvation, they keep lying.  That’s Satan’s channel.

But if you see it, it’s actually the nature of the parent that causes the child to resemble.That parent also resembles the nature of their parent, so each family line has their channel from Satan.  There are some people who lie chronically, they will smile at their face and they will lie to you with no sense of conscience, but everybody knows, but they personally must think that others don’t recognize that they are lying.  That means that the channel of Satan that has been attacking them from generations to generations has not been healed yet.  It is still working now.  

Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, so how do we put off falsehood?  Fighting against the nature you had in the past of lying all the time becomes your spiritual battle. You have to know this.  If you don’t know this, then it’s been in your nature for so long that you’ll keep on lying.  Kids learn it exactly like this.  It is Satan’s channel that works upon your family line. They themselves are deceived by the lie that they believe they will benefit from lying.  Especially children and youth, it doesn’t seem like much to let it slip once or twice, but it becomes a habit.

2) Are you easily angered? (Ephesians 4:26)

The second, Ephesians 4:26, anger becomes a channel for Satan, and it’s possible for a person to become angry, but what happens if you let that ferment?  Satan will absolutely use it as a foothold.  There’s a family line that will always have this wrath or anger. These are aspects they have before they met Jesus Christ when they were sinners but this is even after believing in Jesus, it is a channel for Satan.  It’s possible for us to get angry, however, there are some people who really cross the line with it, and they’re always repeatedly getting angry and that is a channel for Satan.

3) Do you habitually steal? (Eph 4:28)

There are people who steal, and these are words spoken to believers. Even before they were believers, they were stealing. Why did they steal? Because they thought stealing would be to their benefit; they don’t care about what’s yours or mine, but their parents were like that, too, and their parents were also like that, so they don’t care about yours or mine, everything is mine, and that spiritual state is relayed directly to the children.  

There is money gained fairly and unfairly, but they can’t distinguish between that. They spend the church money as if it is theirs, why is that?  That person will never receive money because Satan will seize them through money. God will not entrust money to that person because this person’s sense of money is that “everything is mine, everything is up to my will,” and such a person will always become more poor.

Ask if there is any rich person among thieves.  Everyone is poor because that’s not God’s way of working.  Instead, the Bible tells us to do good work with your hands to share something with those in need.  So, instead of trying to get handouts, do work so you can help other people.  Sometimes, we help those in developing nations because they’ve been entrenched in poverty for so long, and it is almost their habit to get handouts.  Don’t do that anymore, but because they don’t have that they steal and they lie because of that, too.  

Now, change yourself so you may be the one paying it forward, otherwise healing will never take place, because this is a channel for Satan.  Now, you work with your own hands. Now, you do the work so you can give offering to missions and evangelism and temple construction. But if you’re seized by the devil, you think your entire life is receiving handouts, that is being seized by Satan. You should go work, but you try not to? That’s being seized.

4) Do you speak corrupt talk or imagine obscenities? (Eph 4:29)

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths.  There are some foul words that are almost demon-possessed.  They harm others with foul words, so don’t let those words escape from your mouth.  But only what is helpful for building up others according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Birds of a feather flock together, so people with foul mouths will gather together because their spirits are similar and they will attract one another.

You must quickly change this so you can be one who saves others, because all of this is a channel for satan it will all collapse.  Even after receiving salvation the channels of Satan that was a habit in our past will continue to be a channel for Satan.  If you look at when men talk to each other, they speak foul words regarding females, and lately, if you speak very harassing, coarse words, you could get taken away for verbal sexual harassment.  

There was an age in the past where the men would go into a company and would verbally sexually harass females and the females would get so red and embarrassed, while the men laughed.  These thoughts, these very dirty thoughts come out as words, so whatever is on your heart every day will come out as words. If you’re always worried, you’ll speak words of worry, and if you’re always thinking dirty thoughts, your always going to be speaking dirty words.  

5) Do you abuse people or use violence? (Eph 4:31)

Get rid of all forms of malice, along with bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, where you criticize others.  That is a channel for the demons.  Abuse, fighting, and conflicts come from within these things.  The reason there is so much Asian hate right now is because they place the blame of Corona virus on Asia because it originated in China.  They only attack the very weak Asian people; they don’t attack Asians like me, because if they attacked someone like me, they would get beaten up.  So, they would explode all the wrath they had inside of them on these weak and vulnerable asians.  

What do you think will happen in the end times?  People are going to try to kill Christian believers, what are you going to do then? There are some people who don’t go to Early Morning Service because grandmas are getting beaten up. Where did this all come from? You have to conquer the darkness in prayer, don’t you think that’s right?  But you’re a Christian and you’re avoiding it?

How are you going to fight them, how will you fight  holding onto your non believer state?  Unbelievers have no choice but to be like that, but believers must be able to interpret this spiritually. “Oh, this is Satan, the devil, working through his channels of people, so you have to pray.  That is the difference between someone who has spiritual things vs. someone who doesn’t.  If somebody doesn’t have a car, I’m not telling you to walk on the street, because it’s dangerous. But if somebody does have a car, you should be giving them a ride to defeat the darkness in the region through prayer.

When the end times come, even worse things will happen, then will you run away, then? That’s not achurch; that’s a worldly occupation, that’s not a church.  You need to take the spiritual things and fight the spiritual battle. 

6) Is there anyone you can’t forgive? (Eph 5:32)

The Bible tell us to be kind and compassionate, to one another forgiving each other just as Christ forgave you. But what happens if you don’t forgive? Then GOd will not forgive you.  How much should we forgive? Until the very end, countless times, but there are some people who can’t really forgive, and that becomes becomes a channel for Satan and the basis of your forgiveness forgiveness is that the Lord then you can forgive them more easily.  This lock of forgiveness is a channel for demons. 

7) Are you preoccupied with lustful thoughts? (Eph 5:3)

Ephesians 5:3 talks about lustful thoughts. It tells us to discard our lustful thoughts and your greed.  Your greed.  Lust and greed are similar, greed talks about our physical greed.  Because we don’t have God, we have no choice but to be greedy because we’re not satisfied, it doesn’t matter how successful you become you’ll never be satisfied because you have at his greed and you’re not satisfied with Christ alone.  But wIthin your greed comes sexual immorality.  

8) Are you often jealous, envious of others, or severely competitive? (Eph 5:3)

This also includes jealousy, envy, and a competitive nature.  These will all make it difficult for you, why is this?  All of this is because you don’t believe in God.  God has a plan specifically for me, but you don’t believe in that, so you get jealous of other people and get sick when others are doing well, you don’t believe in the things God has given you.  All the royalty in Korea was like this, everything we see in politics is about severe competition, they’re trying to gain their own power, but if I have my own mission and the work God want to do through me.then I don’t have to compete; it’s my own .  It’s exceedling greedy. 

9) Do you habitually gamble or drink? Are you extremely superstitious or greedy? (Eph. 5:3)

Gambling, superstition, drugs, alcohol, games, these are all Satan’s channels, and they all come from your greed.  So, you’re not satisfied, you always fall deeper into these things, these are idols and are channels for Satan to work upon you. It’s not about just you saying with your words that Jesus Christ is enough and finished everything, you have Christ and you say Christ is enough but all of these are channels of Satan, and this is what you must break down. You can only break it down when you know how Satan is attacking you your personal self and family line are connected in unity and if you break this channel within yourself you can help your children because they have the exact same thing but if you don’t know this, then your children wont know either, and that’s how it becomes a spiritual problem and channel in your entire family line. But if you know these facts, you can relay it to the rest of your family. This is very important, honestly, 

10) Are you cynical or negative? (Eph 5:4)

Nor should there be any obscenity, foolish talk, or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather, thanksgiving. In other words, no longer be so cynical or negative, but change your words into thanksgiving.  If there’s some people under the misconception that they’re smarter than others, they will criticize others, they have no thanksgiving, they always principle.

They always criticize other people behind their backs. We have to change that into thanksgiving, if you’re judging somebody else, that means they are doing something worth judging, but you have to change that into thanksgiving, thankfully you can see yourself by looking at that person.  You see that person doing something wrong, but you’re thankful to God because you realize you are doing the same thing wrong and that He revealed that side of yourself to do, and you pray for this person.  

These are the things you must change one by one within yourself otherwise, you say “Christ,” but it’s so vague. You have to have Christ pertaining to these things, but if you don’t know these channels you will always have these channels.  If you want to say other people’s money. If you’re chronically lying but you talk about Christ, you have to fight against lying. If you’re always critical you have to fight against that, some people have a nature like this, criticizing.  It’s  because they think they’re great. But it’s a channel for Satan, what is the treatment for this?

2. Treatment 

We have to heal these aspects.  

1) The above mental diseases afflict those who are under great pressure, such as adolescents and people with jobs and professions who are under a lot of stress

We have to cast out the demon, and in Mark 5:15, it says the reason Jesus Christ called us is to cast out demons.  You don’t just say, “Demons, begone!” you have to cast it out in the way that he works and you have to cast out the demons working in your family line and teach this to the new believers so then they fight.

Luke 10:19 says we have been given power to trample over snakes and scorpions and to have all the power of the enemy. You have to know this accurately in prefer fo crush them, Satan has a personality, just because you say Satan be gone doesn’t mean they’re overcome them. You have to see them accurately. You see that specifically and you utilize your authority to overcome them.  Matthew 16:19-20, whatever you bound on earth will be bound on heaven and whatever you loved on earth will be loved in heaven. And the gates of hades will not overcome you, and I’m telling you very surely, you must see this very accurately, if you don’t see them accurately the devil know you.

You are seized in this aspect.  That’s when we finally fight against it with the name of Jesus without a doubt, we will win and evil will disappear gradually.  Otherwise if you don’t see this and you speak vaguely to the kids, you just lose.  What happens if a kid can keep on lying, what happens if you just keep letting kids keep steal, this is a channel for Satan, that is why God gave us Christ, so fight against it with Christ to say Christ is all finished but you are seized, but you’re just writing a fable, you’re just writing a novel by yourself. You’re just writing some script with Christ in it. 

If Christ has finished everything, you must know the problem you have. You have to the problem to finish it with an answer, but people are living such a vague walk of faith, and instead of trying to change yourself, you try to protect yourself and keep yourself the main, and you just talk about Jesus Chirst; you have no desire to change because you have been seized by the devil for so long , you have to see how Satan is destroying your family line so that you’ll want to change it, and it’s because of this that your life ultimately fails.  

Satan doesn’t leave you alone. If you say, “I don’t have thief you’re just blindly saying, “In the name of Jesus Chirst, be gone,” The devil knows you’re running away and saying Jesus Christ because you’re scared.  You have to look at your opponent directly and if you want to attack the spirit, you must know where he is to bind him.  If there’s any one person in the family that has the gospel, there’s a channel Satan is working in your family line through, you have to know that to fight. 

There’s another channel in the region and there’s a result when the channel of the family and region meet and collide.  You have to know specifically then bind it in the name of Jesus Christ yet you barely say Satan be gone. Satan Will say, “I know Paul and Jesus who are you?”specific to your company and region.  Know what it is and bind it, but if you have no idea what that is, you’ll be taken in by it.

2) Kingdom – Prayer

When you pray, the heavenly angels and host is mobilized, and that’s the work of God’s kingdom. Every time we pray in the name  of Jesus Christ the forces of darkness are broken down, and the fact you’re not praying means you’re giving it all up to the devil. If you pray true prayers, then no matter what, according to God’s time schedule, you will receive answers. It’s simply you’re praying unnecessary prayers. If you pray true prayers, then no matter what the answers to the prayer will come,  but we’re always under a misconception and being rude to God, “Why aren’t you giving be the answers according to when I want?” God is going to give you the answers according to his accurate time.

If there are elderly Americans beating up elderly people in our region, you have to pray about it. That is the work the church must do nonbelievers don’t know that, and that is why they call the police but that’s not going to solve the problem, this is simply a revealing of the channel of Satan that was always in that person. The channel of Satan that was always in the family line is now being revealed because of Asian hate, because of Chinese people. 

If there’s a school shooting in the area you’re living, what will you do? Are you always going to move around?  That’s a person who doesn’t know spiritual things. Your only answer is to leave this earth because as long as you live, the forces of darkness move transcending time and space and only break it if you have strength but why are you thinking thoughts like an unbeliever?  Do you think you can be a martyr, someone to die for the same of the gospel? If you say you’re going to die for the gospel you’re lying, because as soon as you face danger you have to run away, then how are you going to fight spiritual battles?

3) Holy Spirit, Immanuel

The Immanuel where God is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me, and this is how you will receive healing only by the Holy Spirit within me.  Romans 8:2 says “The law of sin and death has ended with the law of spirit and life.” It means the darkness is broken down by the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is within me the darkness is broken. 

3. Authority

And third, you must utilize your authority. 

1) Ignorant – Use 

But what happens if you’re ignorant that you have authority? If you don’t know you don’t have the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, then you’re going to be deceived. Surely it was given to me to use and if I don’t know I have it I will be attacked by the opponent.  The police force received the authority to carry weapons and to shoot criminals; if they didn’t have that, they would be attacked by criminals.  Therefore, you need to know the fact that if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Satan is broken down.  

Moreso than doing this in front of other people, when your personal worship use this authority to break down the darkness.  You’ll have to let every regional church you are part of know this in order for all the darkness in the region to be broken down, but most people don’t know this or don’t believe it.  Because they don’t know about the authority to break down the darkness, they say, “Can you please break down the darkness?” That’s not prayer, that’s not using authority.  

2) Misuse (Spiritual)

There also denominations misusing this authority. There are some people who emphasize too much about demons and don’t have the proper color of the gospel.  They misuse this, “This is the demon of the common cold,” “That is the demon for that,” or they use this in very unnecessary places.  

3) All Things (Philippians 3:21)

Philippians 3:21 says that all things must bow before Jesus Christ.  This isn’t telling you to tell everyone to kneel at the name of Jesus Christ, but without a doubt, that’s the work of the devil and a disease, but in the name of Jesus Christ, may the demon be cast out.  May the demon of unbelief within me be broken down.  If there’s a special demon-possessed or afflicted person in the church, pray for them and break it. If you can’t do it, you’ll be taken in by it.  

If things keep happening in your region, it’s a message from God. unbelievers don’t think anything of it as they pass by, but we believers must take it as the message.  These are just the things we see with our eyes, but there are so many instances taking place that are revealed in the news.

As you live in your regions, you must take responsibility there. That is why you’ve been commissioned as the watchman there.  Do you understand, the fact that you’re guarding over your region? You are the watchman there. It’s the same with the family and the same in the region you are living. You must always remain spiritually vigilant, guarding over your region.  


When I say “research your region,” it means to research the religions around there.  For you to research the religions that are working in your region these are the channels of Satan.  Especially religious people in your region, for example every religion has some position similar to pastor,elders,evangelist, these are the people spreading evil influence in your region. In order for you to fight the spiritual battle, you have to see how Satan is working. 


Then, what is the culture of this region?  For Koreans, there’s a certain thing called “immigrant culture,”  Most of them are people who’ve moved across the ocean to try to succeed here. THey’ve come here to succeed without even knowing what success is.  There’s the “immigrant culture” where they say I will work to the bone in order to provide better education for kids to succeed. You have to be able to see this properly to see Satan’s channel.

You can also know this if you look at the standards of this person’s economy and finances. If they’re super poor, you have to be able to see that and decide for it, and where do they spend most of their money? They spend a lot of their money on their children, because even if they don’t have anything to eat, they give it to their children because their children must succeed, but that’s completely lacking Christ, they are filled with their own greed and actually driving them towards destruction.  Most parents think if kids graduate college then their work is finished.  But you have to be able to see the religion, culture, and finances, and pray for that.  

Even within the church, they have religion without the gospel, they have a culture that’s just like unbelievers, you have to see this. That’s why they’re not able to see the region because they’re just like the region. You have to know this well and fight the spiritual battle in the region. Then there will be a time schedule where you are able to give the accurate answer with the Word of God.


So, in conclusion, there is a prayer I pray to God, you pray for the filling of the holy spirit, because God promised to give it to you, and that’s why we hold onto His Word and pray. The reason we pray holding onto God’s Word is because he will fulfill His Word. And now we can also utilize the authority of prayer. Let’s imagine there are dozens of criminals wandering the streets, shooting their guns, and causing a mess.  How will you control them?  

Everybody has to be attacked by them, but policemen have been given guns and authority to control these people.  These people have given the authority to contain their damage so they can no will no longer be  a threat. It’s the same for spiritual things. Christians have been given this authority, but if you don’t utilize that authority, your entire region will become a mess, and the strong man will completely destroy your family and the future generations, but if you don’t know that, then you have no choice but to be plowed by this this is the authority of prayer.  Receive the grace of spiritual strength during times of worship or personal prayer and break then down in prayer.

They circled the fortress of Jericho seven times, and the walls crumbled down.  You are not staying still; you’ve been given the job of the watchmen as your first priority , the reason you’re able to do the work of a watchmen is because you think that your worldly occupation is your first priority, then the first people afflicted by this damage are your kids and your children. You might think it’s okay but it will go to your children. God doesn’t tell us to do many things because we lack something. It is for our benefit, we are living here, it is for your family and children, it seems like you’re doing it for other people, but in reality, it’s for yourself.  


I hope that you will have a life of continuously enjoying the blessings of the filling of the holy spirit.  God we thank You.  We desire to remain within the blessings today, knowing the reason and prayer to enjoy the continuous filling of the Holy Spirit.


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