Do World Evangelism With the Covenant God Gave to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Do World Evangelism With the Covenant God Gave to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-4)

We will share the Word of God regarding Abram.  Prior to Abraham being called, the Bible records many things.  In Genesis 3, it talks about how God created Adam and Eve and how their son Cain was cursed because he failed in worship.  Cain killed his brother Abel and God gave Seth as Abel’s replacement. Time passed until it was the Age of Noah. And those times passed, if you see in Genesis 6, all the people who lost hold of the covenant died in the flood.

However, Noah was somebody who held onto God’s covenant.  Noah, who held onto God’s covenant, began to build the Ark.  In other words, he’s someone who staked his life on the Word of God’s covenant.  It’s the same today as it was back then, there are people who stake their lives on the covenant of God and there are others who listen to the word of the covenant but still stake their lives on the world, so God is telling us about these two paths.  Are you on the path of the covenant or the opposite path?  

If you’re not within the covenant, you’re automatically within the opposite path, then you cannot win over the disaster of the flood and you have no choice but to be taken in by the power of the Nephilim.  Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and Ham was cursed and the descendants of Ham were those who built the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.  You can see this in Genesis 11:10.  God had already made His decision, and I hope you will really confirm through the Word of God that the covenant you hold onto influences the future generations.

It says in Genesis 9:27, “May God extend Japheth’s territory and may Japheth live in the tent of Shem.”  The fact that Japheth lives in the tent of Shem means that Shem facilitates worship, the Tabernacle.  God has already determined the line of His covenant. The descendants of Ham were the people of the Canaanites and they already began in the curses.  These people became the ones to build the Tower of Babel.  

You can see the genealogy of Abraham in Genesis 11, and if you look at the lineage of Abraham’s father, it comes from the family line of Shem, in Genesis 11:10, in other words, the people of Abraham who will take on the Tabernacle of worship. Abraham wasn’t called from out of nowhere; it was already determined in the Age of Noah. God had already decided from long ages past to save us, but it’s simply that we’ve appeared in this age.  In the age of Noah, the people of Shem were selected by God, and that’s what God is like.  

You must understand evangelism very well.  God has already determined it, it is revealed in this age, but through whom is it revealed? That’s the question, whom do you think God will reveal this through?  It is revealed through the one who relay the accurate Word of God, and God will attach this work to those who reach the conclusion that it must be the gospel of God.  There are people in this age who have determined to reach salvation, so to whom and to which church will God attach these souls?

It is already determined: God attaches them to those who have the covenant, and God fulfills His work through the church who has the covenant.  The gospel is the gospel, but some people have a vague gospel and others have Inly Gospeland of course, they have a vague gospel because they believe in Jesus, but “only the gospel” is a different story.  Those who say “only the gospel” know the source of all problems.  Though there may be many different forms of problems, the one who knows the true problem will have the answer of only the gospel.

What is the real problem of this world?  It is the state of being separated from God.  So, don’t just talk about the nature of sin, but it’s a state where we are seized by Satan. What happens if we keep talking about the nature of sin?  All you say is me and sin, me and sin, there is no end to that; Satan is holding onto that, then you cannot fight the spiritual battle.  The Bible does talk about our sinful nature, but it also does talk about the work of Satan.

What happens if you keep talking about the sinful nature? You make the conclusion that you cannot do it, then what must you do?  Satan plays on this, then what happens if you know Satan? You’ll become active.  This is no longer just philosophy, but it’s realistic.  Then you’ll hold onto this very realistic gospel.  Satan and sin are always constantly together, and the fact that He came as the son of David, he came to destroy the authority of Satan.  The fact that Jesus came as the descendant of Abraham means that God will forgive our sins and free us.

The Jewish people were waiting for the descendant of David because they thought they had no sin, “If I have sin, I can just sacrifice a lamb,” they thought they had no sin, therefore, the Jewish people were not waiting for the descendant of Abraham, the young lamb who would atone all there sin. They looked for a conqueror, the son of David who would destroy their enemies. They had no choice but to fail.

The New Testament repeats, “The descendant of David,” and the reason they emphasize the son of David is because he had to come so they could conquer the rest of the world, but they didn’t see the Messiah who will die to atone for their sins, the descendant of Abraham.  No matter what, they were waiting for the Messiah Who would rule over them and help them to conquer over all of the rest of the world.  That thought itself is not aligned with God’s Word.

David said, “I am blameless regarding the law, I have never broken the law,” then why would they wait for the Messiah?  They were waiting for the descendant of David, the king, they were waiting for the conquering King who would conquer the rest of the world.  So, they talked about the Messiah and they talked about the descendant of David, but it was completely not aligned with the Word of God.

God called Abraham within Shem’s lineage,  why must it be Abraham because God talked about the Tabernacle, the Tent of Shem.  God already determined the lineage that will carry out the worship of God.  So, beginning from Genesis 12, “Go from your country, your people, and your fathers household, and go to the land I will show you.”  There’s no content of giving the gospel here.  Gentiles like us cannot know very well, but these people knew exactly what the LORD was talking about because they heard it from their ancestors.  Galatians 3:8 says the gospel was relayed to Abraham, so even in the Old Testament,  they received salvation after having received the gospel.  Genesis doesn’t talk about giving the gospel, but the fact that God called him in itself means that God has called Abram out of sin, Satan, and hell.

Then God says, “Go to the land I will show you,” there is a new land. God called Abram and would show him the land.  God didn’t teach him from the beginning, God didn’t tell Abram where to go, why? Because he’s bound to go there, continuously following God’s Word.  Nowadays, we know it was the land of Canaan, but back then they didn’t know what land it was, and that’s why Abram didn’t know where he was going, because He doesn’t tell us accurately, but you follow in faith.

Then God said, “I will make you into a great nation.”  Through Abraham, the descendant of Noah, the descendant of Shem, he will make a great nation, “I will bless you and make your name great.” You want to exalt your name don’t you? but Genesis 6 and 11 talk about people who failed after trying to exalt their own name.  Genesis 3 also talks about people failing after trying to exalt themselves, trying to become like God themselves.  

The Bible tells us that they died because of their sin, following their greed and ambition. It’s not that they lacked this, it’s not because of what we eat even dogs and pigs eat, but it’s “how will I exalt my own name?” That’s the reason why everyone is destroyed.  If you’re separated from God, you always try to exalt your own name, you want to reveal your own entity, and that’s how everyone is destroyed. 

Genesis 6:4 says, “The sons of God married the daughters of men, and their children were heroes of old,” and these were the children they wanted. Why do you think the sons of God married the daughters of men?  “If I marry this kind of partner, then my child will be very successful and powerful,” that means they decided everything based on money, benefit, and education.  

“If I get married to this person, that’s a doctor’s household, then my child will become a doctor as well.” “This is a politician’s family, so if I marry this person then my children will become a politician too,” and that’s the heroes of old. Even now, if you have strength, you become a leader, and it’s about those who have this. That’s the reason they failed.  During the age of the Nephilim, they were not able to overcome the spiritual influence of the Nephilim.

In Genesis 11:4, it says, “Let us exalt our own name,” the goal and motive for which everyone lives their lives is for their own name and their own success. You can see the church is like that as well.  First and foremost, they may become big like the Tower of Babel, but time will tell, you can see how long they will continue. You will see how many of these people are really all-in for the gospel, only for the gospel.  When the wind blows strong, almost all of them will fall.

God doesn’t want people like that. Even though everyone has the same soul, they have souls but “Let us reveal God’s name,” so why is God giving this Word today?  God says, “I will bless you and make your name great,” God has to raise my name, and it means that if I’m separated from God and trying to exalt my own name I will fall, but most people live for that.  There are even unbelievers who say, “Even if I die, I will die exalting my name.”  “A tiger dies and leaves behind its pelt, I will leave behind my name.”  Some people kill tigers and have the belts at home. That’s the reason they’re destroyed, that’s the content of Genesis 6 and Genesis 11.

It appears again in Genesis 3, what does it mean that “You will be like God?” This is the kind of person I am, and it talks about this constantly in the New Testament, that greed is idolatry and it’s a channel for Satan , and you will fall because of your own greed. The fact that Abram was called out of that through the gospel, that is no ordinary faith.  You will only stop living for your own life when you feel like your completely satisfied with only the gospel.  Even if someone lives their life so diligently, if they are living for their own life, from God’s eyes, it is a sin.

Then, how must we live?  Now, we are living as weapons of righteousness for God, for the will of God.  Because people kept being destroyed because they lived for their own glory, God said “I will raise up Abraham’s name and I will make his name great.”  Then, so many people collapse because of this. “You will be a blessing,” he was already determined to be a blessing. It is not that you do this to be a blessing, you are already determined as a blessing. There’s no condition to receive blessings.  The moment I believed in Jesus Christ, it has been determined that I am a blessing. More accurately speaking,one who is the source of blessings is living within me, and through you, others will be blessed.

He goes beyond to say, “Those who bless you, I will bless,” because people who are blessing me are blessing the Christ Who lives within me.  The standard of all of our faith is Jesus Christ, and the characteristic of those whose faith isn’t working out is because they have a standard that comes from themselves. “This is a big problem!”  That person is so centered on themselves.  But someone who is centered on Christ will speak differently, it’s not that this is a big problem, but what is God trying to do through this?  Their words will change. 

People who are not able to be like that always say, “I can’t do this because I’m lacking this, I’m having a difficult time because of that,” but people who are centered on Christ are different. Everything will be different, and it’s not because they say many words, and it’s not about how you interpret things, but based on what you are centred on, your confession, everything you see will be different.  

The reason people will be blessed through me is not because of me but because of Christ within me, otherwise that becomes a very arrogant gospel, they think they’re so great, “Wherever I go,” they become like the donkey Jesus Christ rode through Jerusalem while the people were fanning Jesus Christ, and the donkey thought they were praising him.  It’s easy for us to misunderstand even as the Lord is using us; later on, they think that people are praising them.  But because of the Christ within me, those who bless me will be blessed.

Because those who curse me are cursing Christ within me, they themselves will be cursed, so it’s not about me but it’s about Christ within me, and such people become very humble. But if the person says, “It’s about me,” then they are arrogant, they say “Tru cursing me, then you will be cursed!” That means they don’t know the devil.  People who are demon-possessed will kill people like that.  “Fine, I’m going to go to hell anyway. I will kill you” they will charge at you, knowing they’re already dead, but if a person has the gospel and enjoy the gospel, the forces of darkness will be broken down; their words will be different.

Our life is determined by words, and you communicate with others usings words. How can you live without words,prayer is words, praise is,  words conversing with people uses words, so what are the words you say?  Are you speaking your words based on Christ?  Then, nothing will be a problem because nothing can overcome Christ. 

All things of heaven and earth will bow their knees before Christ.  Matthew 28:18-20 says the one who has all authority in heavens and earth is with me for all eternity. It is not about my goodness, but it is the grace of God.  The One within me is unbeatable, though I am weak, the One within me is the True God. If I get a cold, then I get a  cold, but the One within me is unbeatable.

We have no choice but to be weak.  Our Assistant Pastor says there’s a deaconess in the hospital, and whenever we go visit her to give her the word and when we praise, she is filled with strength. What do you think that means?  It’s very strange, but if you don’t receive that blood transfusion, you’ll die.  But if you deliver the Word, their spirit comes to life. Their physical state is diseased, there’s nothing strange about it, but if the Word and praise God in them her shop spirit is revived. 

It doesn’t matter if she dies or not, that’s in God’s hands and is not for us to know. The only thing we think of is to save her spirit through the Word of God and praise.  She’s revived to the point where she doesn’t even know she’s sick, but the doctor’s diagnosis is that she would die without receiving the blood transfusion.  That’s the physical. Either way, a person’s spirit will come to life if they’re filled with the Word of God and praise because Christ is within them, and that’s the key.

But people who don’t know that will always try to heal that person through praise.  They will never come to life.  If someone has a mental problem and you try to heal that mental problem through praise, they will never come to life.  Through the word of God, through praise, and prayer you need to touch that person’s spirit.  If you’re doing all that to change the exterior form, how could you change that? Then you’ll just do it a few times and give up because they are not changing physically, why is that?  It’s because they don’t have a good base.  

It’s possible that very strange people come to church, and they don’t come for no reason.  For example, let’s say a homeless person has come into the church.  Let us say they came for the meal, but sometimes they come even if we don’t give them food. There are some people who live in tents outside our church, you shouldn’t just look at them that way. Their spirit is being touched by God, so they don’t come to church with no reason.

A church is not a place like you go to the mall, it’s impossible to come to church unless God touches us spiritually.  But let’s say someone who is so physically weird comes to the church, and people who are legalistic will say “Why are they coming to church?” They may not say that with their words, but they think that from the inside, and it’s because they do not see, “This person’s spirit is thirsty for God.” It doesn’t matter that they are homeless because the spirit inside of them is seeking God and God  brought them to this church.

If praise and the Word of God is fulfilled in your family, and especially your job, then that spiritual influence will spread around you.  The spiritual things must be secured first for the life movement to take place, but there are some people who always evangelize physically.  Before, someone told me that while they lived in Korea, they lived in an apartment complex that was also a church, and so they evangelized to a lot of people.  That’s not evangelism, they just go there because it’s close, they go to the church closest to the apartment they live in as if it’s a market and they came to America and said, “I can’t evangelize here,” they never understood evangelism to begin with.

If there’s a lot of apartment complexes next to a church, and you just dragged them to the church, that’s not evangelism, because either way, they have to go somewhere. It’s not that they moved for the church; they came because it’s closer.  You have to know the spiritual meaning.

The life movement doesn’t just take place, without a doubt, the life movement takes place after the spiritual things have been set.  If you see this, then you shouldn’t look at people physically.  There’s some kind of thirsty spirit within.  John and Peter looked at the crippled beggar in front of the Temple Gate called Beautiful, and they saw him before as a hungry beggar and they may not have said this out loud, but they thought, “This life is so unfortunate,” but they saw him differently.

“This person needs to receive the gospel,” and this didn’t just happen from out of nowhere. It happened after the disciples prayed with one heart in Mark’s Upper Room, and they received the filling of the holy spirit and then this happened; that’s the church. Then, when they went into the field, they met the beggar. This is missions and evangelism.

Paul knew this so well, he went into the region of Philippi and it happened exactly like that, there was no way he evangelized randomly, he looked for all the churches existing because the first thing he had to do was pray to establish God’s kingdom in that region.  God has to fight the war ahead of you, and only then can you go and plant the banner.  But if you don’t do that and you charge rashly into evangelism, you’ll reach the conclusion that it’s not taking place.  

You think physically, “If I persuade this person,” but that’s not what it takes. Even when a parent tells a child to come to church, they never will because why should they?  There are some people who even say, “When I call them through kakao talk, they cry because they want to see my son,” and the parents’ heart is always so sorrowful, “I wish I could have done more,” and she says, “I would do anything for my son, but when my son asks if he can go to church, I won’t do that.”  “But I thought you would do everything for your son.  Why won’t you go to church with him?” “Not yet.”

It’s a spiritual thing.  “Maybe she’ll listen to me because she’s my parent”? That’s foolish, you don’t understand prayer and evangelism. It is spiritual, it is within Gods time schedule, if you know that then you wait, but what do you wait for? You wait while you pray. Once Gods’ time schedule comes, the answers follow.

What about my job? God moves my job for this.  He will move my physical business for the spiritual things, but if you don’t know that, how will you run your business? How will you study? You’re studying things irrelevant to God; you think diligence is everything.  There are 7 billion people in the world, how many are not diligent? It’s not that they lack diligence, but people work diligently but it still doesn’t work out.

If you have a spiritual problem, you might want to work but you cannot, and everyone goes to school when they’re born because they want to live their life diligently. There’s not a single person born wanting to fail in life, so you keep saying words that don’t fit.  After the spiritual things are set first, then the things you see with your eyes will take place, then your eyes will open widely to see the importance of worship. “I just came here to receive grace,” that’s not enough.  God transcends the levels of our personal grace and begins to work in our region, and that is why the members of the Mark’s Upper Room gather.  When they gathered, God gave them answers according to his time schedule.  

Your eyes must be opened to see the mysteries of the church and the field, for your walk of faith  to take place.  But Abram didn’t have a church; at that time, he communicated with God directly.  Whenever he prayed in front of Mount of Mamre, God gave him his word through prayer.  In Genesis 12:4, that Abraham left following God’s Word.

There’s no method. He heard about the land of Canaan but didn’t know where it was. We hear about the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached people groups, but don’t know where it is, we follow the word of God, and that’s why God continues to give us His word through worship.  Following the Word, answers follow; it’s not about doing whatever you want; it’s not about your diligence.  God has chosen us, He gives us His Word, and fulfills His Word.

Lot went with him. Abram brought his nephew Lot because his father died and he can’t just leave him, maybe that was 50% of his heart but the rest was because he didn’t have descendants of his own, and if he wanted to have his own herds and possessions, he needed his nephew Lot as a laborer, so he brought Lot.  Therefore, he is following the Word of God, but his faith isn’t secure yet.  

Later on, he goes into the land of Canaan following God’s word. He should have just stayed there, you have to stay there until God moves, but he was looking at the circumstances and went down to the place where they  made money, because he was still filled with his own thoughts and emotions. So he had no choice but to go to Egypt, and his wife almost died there. 

He had a husband sell his wife essentially and his words were right, “I have to server at least, and if my wife is taken, at least the covenant is relayed,” but later on, after time passes, he reaches a resolution in the covenant and separates from his nephew Lot. This is not talking about division between people, but “I will follow the covenant of God because my nephew kept saying different things.”  His nephew Lot was always talking about following the circumstances instead of God’s word so there were always conflict.  

The one who has the covenant and the one who doesn’t have the covenant are bound to not fit.  That’s why you are not to be you kid with a non believer, because if you’re yoked together, it means you have to walk your life together.  Because that person’s decisions influence me, I have to go with them. It would be great if that person followed my influence and decisions, but that’s not what takes place, so that’s why he separates from his nephew Lot.

Why is it that he brought his nephew because he was a relative in the beginning and then sepa

rates from him afterwards. It’s not talking about your blood relative but God’s covenant.  There was a time when the Apostle Paul cast John Mark aside.  He was a good person but he was so humanistic. You know how people can be humanistic, “Oh, but still,” you need to follow the Word of God, it’s. Or something you should be dragged along with humanism.  That’s why he had to live as an unbeliever even with the Word of God. That’s why he fought so hard against Barnabas, because Barnabas was very humanistic.  The church needs people like that, too, but if it is with the ministry of God, it’s not enough to have a good heart.

That’s why when Paul said we cannot take John, Barambas said let’s take him, and with that, Paul and Barnabas split ways.  Paul didn’t do this because of his personality. They had to go into the evangelism field but Barnabas was blocking the way.  They split ways because Barnabas was not yet receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  The walk of faith is not humanistic, but I’m not telling you to throw away your humanism.  I’m saying that the standard is the word of God that transcends that.  If the Word of God moves, then the humanistic things will follow after.

Later on, Paul uses John Mark, it doesn’t mean that Paul discarded John Mark because he was a good person, he was simply waiting, and it’s the same for Abraham. You follow the word of God and make a resolution. Even before the time of Abrahma, God had already made this decision through Shem.  God had already determined through the descendant of Noah, Shem, that this tent of the covenant will follow through this family line. 

The Tower of Babel didn’t happen out of no where, but it was the Spirit state of the descendants of Ham, the people of Canaan, who had no choice but to do that.  And that’s how the people of Canaan came from the Tower of Babel along this family line.  Our faith is giving influence to many generations ahead, and that’s why we focus on the next generation. It’s not a problem that ends with me alone; you shouldn’t think about whether you have fruit or not.  Through me, the future generations will constantly have fruit, and what’s important is, what is my state now?  

We are living our walk of faith now with eternity ahead of us.  If you don’t acknowledge that eternity, then you’re not aligned with God, then everything becomes incorrect before God.  Because we’re trying to understand with a very finite time and space, we cannot understand God, but God has already selected me from eternity past, before the beginning of time.  It doesn’t matter if I do this or that, because God has selected me already, and I am a person of God who will live for God in eternity, praising God.

If you’re so worried about what’s going to happen today, what you did today, is because you’re looking at the past and what happens in between and you’re not looking at eternity. You have to look at it from the point of eternity. Today, this time is connected to eternity. This is not some abstract word.  It is connected to the future generations of tomorrow. I, living on this earth, must leave behind an eternal masterpiece.

On Sunday, I talked about the eternal masterpiece of the church being left behind but from a pastor’s perspective, the congregation might not feel good, but it doesn’t matter if they feel good or not; it must be the Word of God.  If you’re born, you must leave behind an eternal masterpiece. Even for me, it’s fine if I receive salvation, but I’m not even sure I received salvation? If you’re not connected to the eternal masterpiece of saving a single soul, then your life has failed.  

I live my life and work and study so diligently, but if my life is not connected to saving souls, you failed.  It doesn’t matter how nicely you live; you’re just living on your own, irrelevant to God. You live your life for something that will not remain after you die, and that’s such a foolish person.  Even if you’re doing something now, if it’s connected to the eternal things of saving souls then it is connected to the crown in heaven.  That is why Paul says, “I am racing for this eternal crown of righteousness.”  The people who were evangelized through Paul will remain in heaven forever.

The Temple Construction we devote for will remain until the day of Jesus’ second coming. It becomes a platform that will continuously save lives eternally. Other than that, what do you have that will remain? Do you think your house will remain? You will give it to your kid; that’s not what will remain. It’s going to be destroyed sometime. Why would you not live for something that is not eternal? It’s because you have the ideology of an unbeliever.  Why would you try to give it to your kid, not that we having anything to give. I don’t even have anything, but it’s an example.

My daughter asked, “How much stock do you have?” I asked, “What pastor has stocks?” She then says, “Go out and work,” because it’s expensive to buy a dog.  I said, “We don’t have enough money in our account to get a dog and she thinks we have a lot of money because I buy whatever she wants. If this is something that God thinks we need he will give us unlimited, so a pastor isn’t poor.  God doesn’t give it to us because we don’t need it.  Either way, we have the background of heaven, so if God signs a check in heaven and will give it to me on earth,” so she thinks I’m rich and have a lot of stocks. I have nothing in my bank account, it’s all in heaven, and if I need it, God will sign a check and give it to me.  That’s what I have to teach her.

But if you’re trying to gather up your savings and give it to your kid, who cares? It has nothing to do with eternity; you’re doing it all for the physical things.  Even in my family, we lived in America for about 15 years, and we’re slowly beginning to change the things in our house. In reality, we don’t really have to replace anything, but that’s the time schedule because these are all hand-me-down items. We just bought it but now that I look at it, I feel a little embarrassed.

In reality, we can still keep using it, but we throw it away and buy a new one and that’s how we lose money.  Who cares whether your shoe rack is made of wood or plastic? It’s just there, isn’t that right?  But that’s how we just spend money and throw it away, but that has nothing to do for God’s eternity.  We do these things for eternity.  That’s the grace God has given me.

For us, we think we have nothing and we just give it all to God.  My mom says she’s going to send me a couple thousand dollars from Korea but the bank won’t accept it because they think it is fraudulent money.  The bank blocks it because they think it’s some kind of illegal transaction where they are trying the thrash money from Korea to here, so it doesn’t matter what I get; whatever I get, I give it to God, and that’s how God will work however he needs to, and that’s the grace God has given to me, and that’s how my Teacher Missionary taught me, and I think that’s correct as well.

I went to Korea for ten years with just my body. The only thing I had when I went to Korea was a book to prepare for a test, and I came back after 10 years, and when I left, I had plenty of support to support my studies. If it is aligned with God, then God does it.  May you and I be the ones whose lives follow the word of God and the covenant.


God we thank You. We pray that our lives will be the lives that follow the covenant of God with the Word of God.  May You bless us so we may live for the goal of eternal salvation.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

Our prayer becomes the light of life.  Whenever we cry out our prayers, we throw out a lifeline.  Through my prayer, the salvation of souls in this region is determined.  If I say I don’t want to do it, God will move that lampstand to someone else, but God’s plan for salvation never changes.  Right now, at this time, if there’s anyone in your family line that has not received salvation, may you stake your life on giving the gospel to them. If there’s anyone like that in your region or company, I hope that, through prayer, you may throw them this lifeline.  I believe that through your prayer, the throne of heaven and the angels will move.  Let us pray together at this time. 

Let us pray for the region we are living in, for America. Let us pray together for the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached people groups. Let us pray together.  

Next week from July 14-16, there will be the Youth Retreat.  I believe that wherever people hold onto the covenant and gather, I believe that there will be the work of Mizpah and recreation. Right now, they just look like children, but later on, they will change into a vast, spiritual army, so let us pray for the Youth Retreat and the Sunday message.  

Tomorrow, at 11am, there’s a prayer school, and the system keeps falling down. If we destroy the system, then other people cannot come in Naysay is supposed to come in, but if you guys don’t keep it up, then people cannot join the system.  There’s also the Young Adult evangelism school at 3:30pm.  This wasn’t raised for no reason, if it’s just for you to receive grace, you can do that at the church.  It is a location that is created so that unbelievers or people from other churches or from different faiths can come. You just being there is missions and evangelism. If I’m not there, the system disappears. It’s the same for the church. It’s not good if the church disappears, so being here is missions and evangelism. That is the kind of mind that the leader must have. This is the difference between one who is a leader and one who is not, and the church officers must make the decision of a leader.

Today, it’s optional for you to come to worship or not, and though you may have just come to receive grace, if perhaps a non believer comes today, they can be connected, and that’s the blessing that the church officers receive in advance. Even among the remnants, there are leaders, so you must have that kind of mentality.  Followers say, “I can go or I don’t have to go,” they don’t have this kind of mindset, “it doesn’t matter if I go or not, it’s according to my convenience,” maybe later they will change, but with that it cannot continue.  So let us pray for the prayer school and the young adult evangelism school tomorrow.

There’s also the Saturday Mission school and Youth Evangelism Institute tomorrow tomorrow, because these systems are raised up now, one, two years later, unbeliever peoples of all nations can be connected, so let us pray together with intercessory prayer and pray for the missions fields as well.

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