Have I Received the Filling of the Holy Spirit?

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Have I Received the Filling of the Holy Spirit?

The result of being filled with the Holy Spirit is that you will boldly testify and boast of Jesus Christ. 

Let us read Galatians 5:22-26.  Last week we received, “What is the filling of the Holy Spirit?” and this week, we are asking, “Have I received the filling of the Holy Spirit?”  Being filled with the Holy Spirit means being filled with Jesus Christ, being filled with God. If you’re not filled with the Holy Spirit, you’re filled with yourself, and the resulting life that follows is being lost in your problems, stuck in your fears and concerns.  There will be fear regarding your future.  Without a doubt, you’ll reach the limitations of your strength.  

Last week, we received that being filled with the Holy Spirit means being filled with the gospel.  It’s impossible to be filled with the Holy Spirit without understanding the gospel, because the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus.  Therefore, without the gospel, you cannot receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  As Apostle Paul carried out his ministry, the question he kept on asking is Are you reviving the filling of the Holy Spirit?

Introduction – Holy Spirit

Through the couple, Priscilla and Aquila, Apollo received the gospel and though he knew the gospel he said “I do not understand the gospel” and that’s why he had to receive the filling of the holy spirit.  The basis of the filling of the holy spirit is in Acts 2.

Acts 2

He asked, “Have you experienced the works of the filling of the holy spirit as in Acts 2?”  

God Prepared 

The Holy Spirit is something God prepared.  Simply put, the the greatest blessing for us is being filled with the Spirit of God. 

Filled with Faith 

And in other words, you can express that the filling of the Holy Spirit is being filled with faith.  The Holy Spirit is invisible but God promised to give it to us.  Then, this is not something we have to try hard for, but being filled with faith is being filled with the Holy Spirit.  That’s why many people misunderstand the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Some people talk about the filling of the holy spirit as having spiritual gifts, and if you don’t understand the filling of the holy spirit, it means nothing is taking place.  God is with us but if we are not filled with the. Holy Spirit then it means we are filled with ourselves, then the result is obvious. Without a doubt, you’ll have your limitations; without a doubt, your future life will be limited to the life of your family line.  It doesn’t matter how much you expect, you cannot gain more than yourself.  You cannot overcome the level of your parents.  Even though you may think you are, you cannot, and that’s why you must receive the filling of God.


Then what is the result of being filled with the Holy Spirit?  

1) Testify Jesus Christ, Boast 

The result of being filled with the Holy Spirit is that you will boldly testify of Jesus Christ and boast of Jesus Christ.  Try receiving the filling of the holy spirit.  You’ll say, “Wow, the gospel has finished every problem on the cross.”  What happens when that turns into faith? Then everything you see will be different.  

Peter and John who had received the filling of the Holy Spirit saw the crippled beggar in front of the Temple Gate called Beautiful. Before they received the filling of the holy spirit, they just saw him as another beggar, but after receiving the filling of the holy spirit, they saw how sad it was that this person had not revived the gospel, and they received the thought that this person needs the gospel.  That’s why they looked at him intently, meaning they saw he had no gospel.  

Because they saw he didn’t have the gospel, Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but silver and gold is not what you need.  What I have, that is, Jesus Christ, I give to you.”  This is a result of the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

2) Tribulations (2 Corinthians 4:7-10)

The second result of being filled with the Holy Spirit is that you overcome tribulations.  2 Corinthians 4:7-10 says we are okay even when pressed on all sides.  I am but a fragile jar of clay, but there is a great church within me, my value doesn’t come form myself but from the Lord, then what problem would be a problem?  Something is only a problem because you don’t have this and you’re looking it from your standards; you don’t have this, so you look at it as a crisis, but the greatest power is within me.  Because you believe it is within you, the problem is not a problem and a crisis is not a crisis.

In 2 Corinthians 4:10, it says, we are hunted down but never abandoned by God, we are knocked down but we are not destroyed, because God is within me, and that’s a confession of someone who has received the filling of the holy spirit.  If I’ve said this much, the smart people will reach this conclusion quickly, “I’ve always thought I’m lacking, I can’t do something, and that’s not true.  There is something that the Lord within me is doing through me,” and that’s how you change your direction and point of view, and you’ll begin to believe that.

3)Fruits (Galatians 5:22-23) God-Love, joy, peace

If you receive the filling of the holy spirit, you’ll bear nine fruits in Galatians 5:22-23.  There are fruits you receive regarding God: love for God, joy regarding God, and peace regarding God.  These are the fruits of having a good relationship with God.  You keep wanting to love God, you’re constantly joyful because of God.  This is how a person changes when they receive the filling of the holy spirit.  

People- Patience 

How about your human relationships?  What happens if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit in regards to your human relationships?  You have the forbearance, to endure and have patience. People are impatient, so people yell at each other abruptly as they put their standards upon themselves and they cannot endure the other person.  Because they don’t have the filling of the holy spirit, they’re filled with themselves and live for their own standards, they cannot be patient.


We have forgiveness regarding others.  If you’re filled with the gospel, you can understand others and forgive them.  You can only forgive them because you understand their spiritual state.  If you’re not filled with the Holy Spirit, in other words, if you’re not filled with the gospel, you cannot understand and forgive others.

You always think good thoughts, goodness, otherwise you’re always thinking bad thoughts.  You always have these thoughts about other people, “What if this person does this to me?” You just have these thoughts by yourself, of fear, “What happens if something bad happens today?” You don’t have any good thoughts.  Instead of thinking, “Oh, what a blessing it was for me to meet this person,” you have other thoughts. You keep trying to kill others to gain something for yourself, and that’s your limitation.  


Goodness regarding people.  Then, do you think evangelism will take place or not?  Many people cannot be patient, “That person won’t receive the gospel,” and you just give up on them.  “I hate the way they act so I won’t give them the gospel,” that’s not filled with the Holy Spirit, you’re being filled with yourself and your own legalism.  If you’re filled with legalism then everywhere you go you will create conflict, division, and fighting, because you’re not filled with the gospel.

Self- Faithfulness 

You’ll also have these fruits regarding yourself, faithfulness.  A person should be faithful.  There are a lot of people who just go with the environment.  A lot of kids try to become soldiers, and I met them while I was in the military.  Why do they want to become soldiers?  Many of them say their fathers told them to go to the military “If you go into the military, they will pay for your education.”  So they say, “I will go into the military and then go to the medical school, because they will pay for my education.”  I told the pastor multiple times, if one of your children want to go to the military you have to say this, and he relayed my words exactly.  

“Tell them, it’s better not to be in the military because the military isn’t something you can use as a stepping stone to get to where you want to go.  If you don’t have true faithfulness regarding your nation, it’s better for you not to be in the military, why? Because the higher your position, the more you will crush those beneath you, because you think everyone is simply a stepping stone so you can go higher, and not fight for others.  You have no faithfulness, ‘They will give me American citizenship,’ but your going into slavery. You have to have the true motivation.”  As a soldier, of course I have to have faithfulness for my nation, because the military is for the country, and our faithfulness is faithfulness towards God.  If you say you have faithfulness towards God but not the country, that’s fake. 

I say this a lot because there are many people with many motives, and later on, they have their motives and also stars.  You don’t go there for no reason.  The reason they have stars is because they say this person is a true soldier.  The way that people look at other people is different, “This person really lives for the country,” and that means you live for those below you, and others will acknowledge people like that. If you believe in God, you will have faithfulness regarding God.  

How can you have faithfulness towards God?  You’ll see this based on your faithfulness towards the church.  I gave an example about the military students, but if you’re trying to accomplish your motives for yourself through the church, that is a big failure. We must help those who are struggling in church.  But if you’re always thinking about how you will receive help, your life is over; that’s what we call a slave.  If you think you have to receive help from America, your life is finished, but there are many people like that.  Faithfulness to God, faithfulness to church.  That person will naturally go and be faithful to their company and their country, it’s about being filled with the gospel.

It is the same for politicians. Politicians who utilize the country to gain their own fame and renown will be evident to people, but some politicians really live for the country, and that’s a necessary politician who can make people satisfied.  If a pastor is trying to use the church as a way to feed himself, the church is finished, but there are pastors like that. The pastor is supposed to be a servant of the Lord, and even if he dies, he must die for the mission of the Lord.  But already, if you’re shaking because of that and saying this or that, he’s already finished; it’s not just the pastor, but the entire church is finished, but the people of the church don’t know. They share the same spirit so they are swept along with them. 

It’s especially the characteristic of immigrants, they try to gain some sort of benefit by utilizing the country. That’s how they live the rest of their lives as a slave.  Their prayer topics are always about, “I hope my children will become like this or that,” they’re always slaves, but that’s not what Jesus taught us.  He said, “Throw everything away and follow me.”  Why are you trying to follow Jesus to gain something for yourself. Are you following Jesus to accomplish something on this earth?  That person’s fundamentals are off.

By the grace of God, if you have the filling of the Holy Spirit then you will have true faithfulness. I can talk about this for hours, and this doesn’t come for no reason, you must receive the filling of the gospel, of faith, and of the Holy Spirit.

If there’s something I’m saying is wrong, then tell me, then you who are asking that question will fail, because successful people never ask questions like that. This is the principle of God.  Just ask unbelievers like Steve Jobs, whether he did everything that he did for his own fame.  He had a heart to serve the country and humanity, so he quit his Harvard education.  “Pastor, there’s not a lot of people with a heart like Steve Jobs, it’s only a few.”  It’s not just Steve Jobs, but even as a janitor, “Through my janitorial services.”

Even as a taxi driver, “My life used to be so good but now I’m a taxi driver,” that thought is already finishing your life. “If I don’t drive this taxi, who will?  I will serve every person who gets into my car to the best of my ability,” so your thoughts are important. “First and foremost, for each person who gets into my car, I will make this into the ride they will never forget ,” then you’ll have conversations with them, and your words will be different. 

Let’s say if you don’t have this motive and you have a poor-looking customer, you’ll judge them. That person’s life is already finished.  Your life isn’t finished because you’re a taxi driver; your thoughts have finished your life. The Lord is within us, and no matter what, we can save other people through our job.  That’s why I couldn’t do well in the army because I wasn’t filled with the Holy Spirit; my thoughts couldn’t change well.  That’s why I tell this to all my friends who go into the military, “If you don’t have faithfulness, don’t go; it will only make you suffer. The cooler your uniform is, the more rotten your inside will be.” People only look at the outside, “Your uniform is so cool!” But do you have any idea how much mental and suffering you have to endure to wear that uniform?  But people only look on the outside.  Faithfulness.


Gentleness is someone who is obedient to God’s Word.

Self control 

How else can you overcome addictions? You can only overcome by being filled with faith and the gospel. Some people have no self-control regarding food.  Their gluttony, their lust for food, and there are some people who have ambitions at their job, and other people have this craving for alcohol, and that’s lack of self-control. You must receive the filling of the holy spirit and the gospel.  They have no self-control regarding the internet.  It’s normal to have no self control, so you need the filling of the holy spirit.

Even if you want to follow God’s Word, you can’t, and that’s normal, because we want to do what we want to do.  “Where is God? I want to do what I want to do.”  Even if we go to church, “Oh I’m sure God is somewhere” and even though I listen to the Word of God, I’m not led by it.  If I receive the filling of the holy spirit, these are the three fruits that will bear in regards to myself. 

4) Conquer (Acts 1:8)

The fourth result and blessing that results of the filling of the Holy Spirit is you’re able to conquer the world.  

5) 2 Corinthians 3:18 glory 

The fifth result of being filled with the Holy Spirit is 2 Corinthians 3:18 where the glory comes to me as well, not only you return the glory to God, but you yourself receive the glory.  God told Abraham, “I will make your name great,” do you know why He said that?  Because in Genesis 11, there were people trying to exalt their own name, to part from God.  Genesis 6, the sons of God married the daughters of men because they were beautiful, and they were heroes of old, men of renown, but as God called Abraham “I will make your name great.” God has to make your name great.  As soon as people exalt themselves to make their name great, they will fall, so whether you’re within the church or outside the church, you keep living a life that does not have God, it is coming from the ignorance regarding God. “My people are dying for lack of knowledge.”

2.  Continuation

The second point is how can you continue receiving the filling of the Holy spirit, the important part is continuation, shall we read Ephesians 5:18? 

1) Ephesians 5:18

Being filled with the Holy Spirit means constantly praying for one another.  God gives us the filling of the Holy Spirit so we can pray, and you can only pray if you have faith, then you can pray for many other people. That’s the sign of the filling of the holy spirit.  So, people who do intercessory prayer are those who will have the continuation of the filling of the holy spirit.  

But some people don’t even pray for themselves and pray even less for others, “Because those people are irrelevant to me.”  They cannot receive the filling of the holy spirit and cannot have continuation.

2) Ephesians 6:18-20 

We just read Ephesians 6:20, and in Ephesians 5:18 is telling you how to receive the Holy Spirit 

3) Acts 17:11

The people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listening eagerly to Paul’s message, they searched the scripture day after day to see what Paul said was true, so having an open mind regarding the gospel and the Word of God and to seek it will result in the filling of the Holy Spirit because it is the fullness of the faith regarding God’s Word.  

The people in Berea had a lot of focus on the truth. They were very conscious, so it wasn’t that they were very conscious, and when they revived the word of God, they thought logically, “Is this true?” and they thought deeply about it, so they searched the scriptures day after day.  That’s the mystery to be continuously filled with the Holy Spirit.  

4) Psalm 119:11, John 15:10

Psalm 119:11, “I have hidden Your Word in my heart so I might not sin against you,” and putting the rod of God into my heart is the continuation of the filling of the holy spirit, and John 14:21, Jesus says, “He who keeps my command and obeys the, is the one who loves me, and He who loves me will be loved by my Father and I will show My love to him, the ones who hold onto and follows the word of God.”

John 15:10 talks about the branch connected to the vine.  Being connected to the Word is the filling of the holy spirit.  There is no filling of the holy spirit without the Word of God; having continuation of the Holy Spirit means you’re continuously holding onto God’s Word.

5) Saddens (Ephesians 4:25-26) Anger, fighting 

Then the fifth point is what saddens the Holy Spirit? what concerns the Holy Spirit?  Ephesians 4:25-26 says that the Holy Spirit grieves whenever we are angry or quarreling. It concerns the Holy Spirit. We think as if the Holy Spirit is not there, even though He is.  Our anger comes from our scars.


If someone touches our scars, it makes us angry.  Therefore, it’s important for you to understand the scars of the people around you. Mostly, the same kinds of things will keep repeating. What makes that person mad? That person has a scar.  Then, until that person’s scars are resolved, you have to go into a place that does not touch that person’s scar.  But if you’re ignorant of this, you’ll keep touching that person’s scar, and then that person will explode on you.  It’s important for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit every day.

6)1 John 1:9

1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful to forgive us.”  Psalm 66:18, “If I had wicked and evil in my heart, then the LORD would not have listened.” If you always have a heart to do something against someone else, you cannot receive the filling of the holy spirit.  Some people are always so manipulative or trying to live their life easily, take easy ways out or trying to gain unfair advantages, why is that? They do this because they are weak, and it’s evidence they are weak, so they try to take the easy way out and to take advantage of what other people have done.  This person already revived the answer, they cannot receive the filling of the holy spirit. 

7) Romans 12:1-2

Romans 12:1-2 says to always give your life as a living sacrifice.  On Sunday, we receive the Word of God and worship Him, and every single day that week you have to give living worship.  So, Sunday isn’t our only day of worship. Every other day must be given as a living act of worship.  24 hours, you must give a worship where you’re with the Lord, then what happens?  Then you’ll bear the fruits of being filled with the Spirit of the Lord.

What happens if you’re filled with yourself? You’ll never be able to overcome your family line. It’s the truth that whatever the parent has will be given to their children, and it doesn’t matter how much you resolve to not do that. Nobody is born trying to live a life like their parents. We are born in a state where we have no choice but to live that way, then what about our parents? The parents never tried to give that, but it’s a stream that comes down the family line, and by going up the family line, it goes back to Adam and Eve.  Every family has different forms of these problems.

3.  Faith 

Keep in reference John 14:21, the truth is based on fact.

1) Fact

If something isn’t based on the Word of God, that’s not a walk for faith; that’s just your own ideology.  There are some people who go to church for a long time, but they don’t have the Word of God; they have their ideology.  People have ideologies, something that isn’t the Word of God, “You have to do this and that,” they have these ideologies, and with that ideology, they will fail, because your ideology cannot overcome disasters.  Only the Truth of God can overcome the devil, disasters, and to save me.  You must have your basis on the Word and this must be your nature.

When you face a problem, what does the Word of God say about this?  What is the Word God has given me through the pastor on Sunday?  This must be the foundation for the kids while they’re young, then no matter where they go, they will look for the invisible God.  What is the characteristic of people who can’t do this?  They are Stoney in their thoughts and these people talk a lot because they have to say a lot of their words.  These are people who think deeply, holding onto their own thoughts in their everyday lives.

If you see your friends, you can see their level without the Word of God.  If somebody is not similar, then you’ll meet them once and stop meeting them, they continuous friendship because they have similar thoughts, it’s always about eating and living, it’s about what will be beneficial to them, and that’s what they talk about when they meet because they’re aligned with each other.  It’s fascinating, even among pastors, I do this as well, but whenever we gather together, we should talk about the work of God, but we talk about how car prices going up, that’s all they talk about, and it doesn’t just come from out of nowhere. These are people who always place their thoughts and heart on that.  When you talk to other people, they talk about politics.  That person is not thinking about the rod of God, but they talk about politics, and people who are similar will meet with them and they always talk about that. I’m not saying they’re bad, but I’m asking, where am I always? 

Some other people are always worried, then they meet other people that are always worried, and they exchanged their worries together, and if one of the people are worried, then the worried people will not meet them because they won’t accept their heart.  You must have your basis on the truth. Your worries only hurt your own health.  If you keep going with your words, you cannot overcome the standard of your life now. It is a standard that cannot save others. You must always put your basis on the Word.

Even today, in this Word, what is God trying to tell me?  The characteristic of those who cannot do this is that they’ll just hear it as a sermon, but the people for whom this takes place, the common characteristic is, “What is God telling me thought this word right now?” And this determines whether the person’s future works out or not.  If God doesn’t speak directly to me, it’s just religion; God is just a theory, and God is just some logic they receive at church, the Word of God is irrelevant to my life.  You just have this knowledge and theory in your head, it’s a dead god, a theoretical god, it is not a living God, “What is God telling me right now?” Receive this every worship.

Even in the field, in the midst of problems and circumstances, what is God saying? That’s worship, that living God is 24 hours and eternal, and the basis is the Word.  We have faith based on the truth, then we have the joy from this.  That’s why our nature is important.  


The longer I live my walk of faith and do my ministry, people have faith that they will go to heaven after going to church for a long time, but most people are legalistic, and this is their nature.  They always try to criticize one another.  Those with a little better personality will judge others without saying anything. Even if they don’t go to church, they have their own legalism of judging others, they try to do something with their efforts and personality.

It is not the Word of God. “It’s not the Word God has given me, but it’s what I’ve done,” and that’s their nature. They don’t know this about themselves; this person doesn’t recognize they do this, because it’s their nature, but it divides people and causes conflict. Ultimately they have no fruits.  A while ago at the previous church, I was doing a regional church in Irvine and there was a senior deaconess who came to church with her son and daughter.  It was an environment where they uplifted the pastor as an evangelist, and the senior deaconess was so diligent, “I want to take an evangelism camp every day with my son and daughter,” and she came to the regional church. It was to the point where it was embarrassing to me because they had so much resolve and did evangelism camp everywhere. She has so much resolve. 

But when I gave the Word of God to her, she gave this confession to me later on, “Pastor, I keep giving the Word of God to people, but all my meetings end.”  “How do they end?” I asked.  “I myself just cut them down with my own words and they all leave.”  This is the background she grew up in. Her mother passed away early and she had a stepmom.  She had an inferiority complex because she couldn’t get into the university she wanted to go to.  She grew up with a stepmother and her biological father and she was so uncomfortable.

She also had stepsiblings, so imagine how much she tried to ignore it, but she felt it.  As she was talking about these things, she was filled with scars, and I heard news about her about a month ago. She was living with her son and her son told her to leave, so even her own son says, “I cannot live with you,” so she has to go back to Korea.  So even though she has a lot of passion, her scars aren’t being resolved, so it’s very unfortunate.

These spiritual problems are exploding through evangelism and she must be healed.  Evangelism is correct but she’s using that to kill people, she kills people through it with legalism and her scars aren’t being resolved. I think it’s still better than someone who doesn’t evangelize, because if there’s someone who points at her, they should be pointed at. She’s from another church but from a pastor’s perspective, if she was raised properly, she’d be a great worker.

Nature, it’s very important.  Our nature is already created.  How do I live every day?  Do I have a nature where I stand before God and I’m obedient to God’s Word every day? It determines today, how have I lived today?  That makes my nature. There’s no need for you to think of your future. If you look at how you live today, that determines your future.  Even if I’m lacking, if I stand before God’s Word and I stand before the gospel in faith then the nine fruits will fill my future.

So I heard this sad, unfortunate story.  From a pastor’s perspective, even though she’s from another church, I felt so bad for her. I hope you will continuously receive the filling of the holy spirit and the nine fruits regarding God, yourself, and relationships with people will continuously take place in your life.


God, we thank You. Please work upon us so we’re filled with faith and the gospel, so we can revive the filling of the Holy spirit in our lives every day.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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