My Gospel: Connecting God’s Plan to My Life (Romans 16:25-27)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

My Gospel: Connecting God’s Plan to My Life (Romans 16:25-27)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Did you all have a good lunch?  Even if you don’t pray, you eat because you have a system for eating. It’s good if you make a habit of praying as well.  Should we try breathing for a long time?  Pull your butt to the front of the seat instead of leaning back; it’s better for your back that way.  Give strength to your belly so that your belly expands, because if you don’t do it right now, you will never do it.

Breathe in with your nose, and your belly should be pushed out, and hold it and breathe out through your mouth as your belly relaxes.  Again, focus the strength in your lower belly with your nose, take a long breath.  Go in until you can’t breathe in anymore. Think of your intestines sticking out, that’s how you exercise.  May you do this as you listen to the Word today. If it prevents you from concentrating, don’t do it, but try it to help you concentrate.

If there are any who get tired easily, try this a couple of times per day.  If any of you have mental problems, it’s better to do this a long time.  The more you find it difficult to concentrate on your studies, the more difficult it will be to do deep breathing.  People may not concentrate but become obsessed with different things, but with this, you will oxygenate your brain and gain power.  It also means you breathe out the carbon dioxide, so you breathe out all the toxins in your body.  There will be a very big difference in the brain and body of those who do this compared to those who don’t.  Today, I was a little tired, but I did deep breathing a few times and I feel better.  Continue to do deep breathing, or else you’ll be so sleepy and you’ll fall asleep.

My Gospel – Christ

Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Romans and concludes with these sentences.  “My gospel,” you all have to have your gospel.  The gospel becomes mine and is relayed to others as Christ.  “In accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ,” so my gospel is relayed by Jesus Christ.  The gospel is the gospel, but why is it my gospel?  Some people pick a fight, they have a mental problem instead of trying to receive grace, they fight.

My Field – Family   Jesus = Answer

My gospel means my field.  What is my field?  It is the field of my family, that Christ becomes the answer to me, my family, and my family line.  The gospel becomes my gospel when Jesus Christ becomes the answer to the fields of me, my family, and my family line. You know about Christ who died, resurrected, and is with you, but it must become “my gospel.” 

Spiritual State

What is the field of “me”? It is talking about my spiritual state.  What’s my spiritual state and the spiritual state of my family and family line?  Christ becoming the answer to these things is how it becomes the answer to my gospel.  How can you see your spiritual state?  How can you know the spiritual state of your family line?  Without that spiritual state, you may know “the gospel” but it’s not “my gospel.”

Sin (Curses and Disaster), Satan, Hell

My spiritual state is a state separated from God, a state of sin, curses and disasters, and that is the place where Satan is holding onto me.  This is my field. That is why we live a hellish life of suffering.  If you say Jesus Christ finished your problems of sin, hell, and Satan on the cross, that may just be a theoretical doctrine, and everyone who goes to church follows that logical doctrine, but what’s important is, what is the sin I’m stuck in? How do I not believe in God?  What are the areas seized by Satan for a long time?  How did I live a hellish life of suffering?  You have to be able to understand your state and field for Christ to be your answer.

Christ solved the problems of sin, Satan, and hell on the cross.  These problems can’t be solved by money, success, diligence, or dieting.  Without solving this, you remain in hell.  Many people went out for the holiday today, but even going on vacation, it’s hell.  Even if you take a plane or a car to get fresh air, your life doesn’t change; you live as a slave, so that’s why your confession of “my gospel” is so important. 


If you see the state of your parents, you can see your state, and that’s the state of your family line. It goes all the way to Adam, whose family line has flowed down all the way to me, but the way it’s revealed in every family is different; however, the fundamental state is the same.  We began from a state where we didn’t want to believe in God, and that’s been relayed through the family lines, and so the way we suffer under Satan are the same. 

It may appear different looking at the family lines and nations, but if you try to do missions without understanding the fundamental spiritual state, you can’t do missions.  Without understanding the state of your family line, you will be stuck in your scars.  To know the answer, you must know the problem correctly. For people who live their walk of faith a long time without having the proper sense of the problem, you need to see it clearly.  You know Jesus Christ, but Christ isn’t the answer to your field, then no matter how long you live your walk of faith, you can’t solve the problem because you don’t know what the problem is; you exist where the problem isn’t solved.

Scar – Ephesians 4:26-27 Wrath

But Paul saw how it was an answer to this.  After all those years of being a Pharisee, Christ becomes the true answer for the longstanding problems in my nation, family, and myself.  What does this all mean?  “Sin, Satan, separation” are abstract but you may know scars.  Why do you think it’s a scar?  It’s because you didn’t have God.  Why do you suffer from scars? You’re seized by Satan. See your scars through the three fundamental problems for Christ to be the solution.  Without this being resolved, Ephesians 4:26-27 says it turns into wrath.  It might not have been anything, but you explode and it’s a minefield.  You say something and someone explodes, but the scars come from this state of sin, the person is seized by Satan.

Sin, Satan

You say this should go away when you believe in Jesus Christ, but Christ must become your answer.  If your scars aren’t resolved, you will give the answer to them as well, in other words, the three spiritual problems are revealed specifically through my scars.  People who have scars go to church but Christ isn’t the answer for them.  Then when they go into the world, they get hurt from their scars so they avoid people; they’re being seized, dragged around by life, honestly. But they say they believe in Jesus, so when nonbelievers look at Christians, they look down on them.

Everybody has scars, whether you know it or not.  Even if you have a scar in your unconscious, it’s within you and you’re unaware. Even if nothing makes you depressed, you’re depressed.  There’s a difference between something depressing happens that makes you depressed, compared to something depressing happening.  People get scared, but there’s nothing to be afraid of.  Yet, panic and anxiety keep coming up. It’s all from this state, a state that is unconscious. 

However, you’re consciously aware of things, things you remember. You have those scars, too. Most scars you talk about are the scars you keep in your memory. When did it become a scar? Think about it carefully, why did it become a scar?  “That person gave me a scar,” but nobody told me to receive a scar.  How does it become a scar?  When Christ isn’t the answer.  I must look for God’s plan within that, but instead, it’s about my plans and emotions, so when people fail, they get scarred. 

Some people receive scars when they make a mistake, but all you have to do is find God’s plan and get up, but people are scarred.  They get scarred when people say something, so they can’t live with others, and it’s impossible to establish a community.  You go to church but you’re afraid you’ll become scarred again. You want to work in the church but you’re afraid because of your scars. You don’t want to get scarred again.

Are these thoughts correct?  Sure, but they’re honestly wrong; there is an answer, but people can’t find the answer so they’re wandering.  That is why you will only be liberated from your scars when Christ becomes the solution to your three fundamental problems. It’s not that you don’t know Christ, but Christ isn’t being applied in your field. Only once you begin to apply Christ in your field will you be liberated.

It’s the same for trauma.  What happens when you’re traumatized? There’s flashbacks and terror attacks.  Some people get into accidents on a freeway and can never get on the freeway again. Instead of being able to drive, they get panic attacks.  There’s no presence of God there.  Christ must become the solution in that aspect. You hold onto Christ, and you go out filled with Christ.  “That’s so difficult,” then will you live the rest of your life like this?  Because you got into an accident?  When did God tell you to do that?  God said to make disciples of all nations.  It didn’t say, “You get into an accident and you don’t have to worry about it.”

Some people are traumatized by plane crashes, and they see an airplane and are traumatized because of 9/11.  Then should we not get on planes? Is world evangelization a lie?  Then the Bible should say that people without trauma make disciples.  But don’t make any excuses, quickly escape. It doesn’t matter how many excuses you make; it will be used by Satan, you won’t be acknowledged.

It’s possible to be harassed while in school, but it’s not about enduring it, “They’re coming at me, even though I did nothing wrong!” How will you solve it?  Understand the other person, the bully grew up in an abusive household and they are also a victim, but that is relayed to me.  If you don’t understand this spiritually, it continues within you as hate, then you’ll be dragged around by Satan for life.

Quickly understand the spiritual things and God’s plan.  “God is showing me the spiritual field through this incident,” you didn’t know until now.  There are people who go on the internet and comment, “This celebrity harassed me in high school,” but it’s to their loss; it won’t solve anything. “I was born to an alcoholic, an abusive family, and my life is terrible.  My parents are mental and cannot take care of me.”  God wants you to understand this field. 

“I left you in this field so you can save the field in the future.”  It doesn’t matter how many times you say, “Why is this happening to me?” No one will recognize that; quickly find God’s plan.  “The reason God allowed me to remain in this field is to save those who are in this field.”  If you don’t receive that solution and you keep living your walk of faith, your mind is full of biblical knowledge and it’s all useless. Do you understand?

Spiritually, for Christ to be the answer, understand yourself and the other person spiritually, so you can pray and change the enemy into a friend.  It’s the same for everything: this is the greatest opportunity for you to see the spiritual things.  It may appear that other families don’t have problems, but your spiritual eyes are closed.  Every single person needs Christ, every single person is stuck in that spiritual state.  You become a person of blessing when you see someone through the Word of God, you bless them and pray for them. 

Long Ages Past – Hidden

This is the message about Jesus Christ that was hidden from long ages past. You can’t see it, it’s hidden. What does “long ages past” refer to?  100 years?  If you look at Ephesians 1:4, you’ll find the answer, that it’s specifically, “before creation.” What does “before creation” mean?  The mystery of Christ was hidden since the beginning of the world.  The gospel of Creation was hidden before the creation of the world, the mystery of Christ is then now revealed in Romans 16:26. 

You must absolutely be able to interpret the past, present, and future spiritually. The state is always “today,” there really isn’t a past, present, and future, but that’s a tool we use; but from God’s perspective, something that happened 6000 years ago is still today. We have a timeline but God is eternal, so it’s just today, and the way the Bible expresses this is a 1000 years is a day to God.  It doesn’t mean “long ages” is short for God; that’s how we understand it, but the salvation of Jesus Christ was God’s hidden plan since the beginning.  But if you don’t understand God’s plan, you’ll live a life on earth misaligned with God.   


Jesus Christ revealed the gospel in the flesh, so people believe and are saved.  How do you interpret this today?  My salvation was planned from long ages past, the reason I was born in this age was because we desire salvation for the age.  What about others? They will be saved through me.  This person has the solution from long ages past, then God allows me to meet this person so that the gospel may be proclaimed to save that person today.

If you don’t interpret every meeting from God’s perspective, you’ll miss out on God’s plan.  Are you listening?  Today, in this age, the gospel that was hidden is being revealed.  As you live in this age, there will be people who receive the gospel through you, and that is why God gives you the blessings of meeting.  But if you don’t interpret everything from the Bible, you’ll misinterpret it.  The fact that this person met me, perhaps God has a plan to save this person through me.  This thinking is aligned with God.

However, most people think with their experiences, “I don’t like that person, they have a standard or personality that doesn’t fit with me,” they interpret based on their standards, so God’s plan isn’t being fulfilled.  Every single meeting has a plan from God that was hidden from long ages past, but where’s our mistake? They don’t accept the gospel, so you keep talking from your own standards.

Let me tell you about how I was saved.  I lived as an unbeliever until I personally met Christ.  But even from my memory, many Christians were praying for me and telling me of Christ before I was a believer.  Once I was a kid and I was dragged off to Vacation Bible School because they said there would be snacks, and I’m sure the deaconess there was praying for me as well.  Many years later, in junior high, I went caroling with a church because they would give me crackers, and when we sang at my house, my parents cursed at me.  So, many people are disgusted when they go to church.  Our family was sleeping and we woke them up with Christmas carols, so they cursed at me and I was humiliated; my face was all red.  Then, don’t you think the people who caroled with me were praying for me? 

I didn’t go to church anymore because they promised food and I didn’t get any.  Another church from my neighborhood might have prayed for my family or maybe not, but when I went to college, I had a Christian friend who said I should believe in Christ, but he seemed very classy.  It was the first time  I met a classy Christian, because most Christians were from my neighborhood, but I realized Christians could be classy. 

I went to the military and there’s a leader for Christianity and Buddhism, but the Christian leader was praying for me, but would I believe? It wasn’t God’s timing.  But when I got a job and experiences and my best friend committed suicide, I went into religion, so I studied Buddhism and Christianity, meaning my time schedule had come. Up until that point, many people tried to evangelize to me, but it’s not that it wasn’t being fulfilled; it was just not God’s time schedule.

When one soul is saved, do you know how many prayers have been attached to that person?  There’s a plan of salvation for each person you pray for, but that person didn’t know, so they think they can’t be evangelized because no one is sharing the gospel.  That’s not according to God’s word. The fact that I’ve met someone means that God has a plan of salvation for them. It may take a long time, but they will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

I was 29 years old, but as a child I grew up in a nonbeliever family.  I didn’t live in that neighborhood with a church for no reason. I went because of my grandma, and ever since I was young, I followed one of my friends and go to Bible studies over the summer, so the fact that they promised food is the working of the Holy Spirit.  Later on, they told me to do caroling and skits, but I said, “Never.” I was so easily embarrassed and they wanted me to do skits?  No way.  But kids who did it in church were so good, how could they be so bold? That’s all I remember about church.

But in that entire journey, I think many people were praying for me because God allowed this journey to happen.  We pray for the region. Without a doubt, God has a plan for salvation here. You go into your jobs, but God is sending you there because He has a plan for your salvation.  It’s the same for your schools, that’s how you’re aligned with God’s Word, then there’s no reason to complain or grumble.

“God has a plan for salvation through me,” and what’s my mission? It is to pray, and if possible, I relay the gospel as well. If I can’t relay the gospel, then I won’t, but praying is enough. Among your friends, some are at the rock bottom and need the answer.  At that time, you relay the answer so that Christ is the answer to their field.  “Believe in Christ, come to church,” that’s not the answer. Interpret their answer in terms of sin, Satan, and hell so that this gospel becomes their gospel, but we don’t do that.

We relay a very weak Christ, a Christ Who isn’t an answer at all; we relay an optional Christ, so if people go to church, their problems aren’t solved so they say, “Forget about it.”  Someone touches their scar? They say, “Forget about it,” they have freedom and say, “I don’t like going to church. I have personal freedom; no one can tell me what to do.”  But it is revealed.

Why did God allow me to be born in this age at this time?  Because He has a plan for salvation here. When you study and work, this Word of God must be your setting in your field.  Why do I live in America, in Los Angeles?  You keep saying “I like it,” or “I don’t like it” based on your standards and experience.  “Why do I go to this school or this job?” It’s all about your standards. The fact that God has sent you there means there is a plan for salvation from God.

Romans 16:26 says, “Now made known through the prophetic writings,” referring through the Bible, “so that all Gentiles may come to repentance.” It’s not about Korean or Hispanic but it’s all people.  Your studies have to be connected to every nation. Everything is globalized, you’re doing your jobs online now.  Then, God has a plan for you, that through your job, you’ll make all nations obedient to God.

Your thoughts must be aligned with God.  If your thoughts aren’t connected to God, what will happen? As much as you’re disconnected from God, you will suffer.  People work diligently but it’s all in vain.  All nations coming to life.  “Oh, but I’m such a small sinner,” you’re misjudging yourself. It’s not about you, but it’s the Word of God that has come into you. It’s not about your circumstance; it is the Word of God within you that all nations can come to life hearing the gospel.

America contains all the nations, if you live in another nation, you may have to travel far; all nations are gathered in America but you can’t see this, so you work diligently by yourself and it’s not aligned with God, so it is suffering.  “Pastor, of course I have to work hard,” but working hard incorrectly is useless. If you work diligently, misaligned with God, it is unnecessary. So you will succeed diligently and then fall because of your scars.  This is the reality of the American field. 

All nations

Missions, evangelism, and world evangelization should make your heart race. Studying is hard, right?  Study holding onto world missions.  “Later on, my studies will be used as an instrument to save all nations,” then your heart will race. That’s the reason why God allowed me to study and send me on my job.  Do you know what will happen if this is not in your heart?

“How will I survive today and live in the future?” Such a life is full of worries, why? Because you’re not aligned with God.  It doesn’t matter how correct your thoughts are; if you’re not aligned, it is an incorrect correctness.  All nations are here, so that’s why God gave you the English language to communicate with all nations.  Without understanding this, you’ll brag in your brain with some other language.  You have to communicate.   Your dialect and accent don’t matter. 

Why put your value on unnecessary things?  The fact that God familiarized you with English is so that the gospel may be spread to all nations through you.  If you speak both English and Spanish, you can relay this to many people. Without the gospel identity, you are not aligned with God. 

Gospel – Obey

In the last part of Romans 16:26, “the obedience that comes through faith,” only the gospel can make you obedient.  Only the gospel, the Word, can make my life sturdy like a foundation. Your knowledge cannot make you stable; it’s simply just a tool God has given you for the gospel.  Only this gospel can make your life obedient.


Romans 16:27.  That, forever and ever, God will receive glory through only Jesus Christ.  These three verses talk from eternity past, the gospel was hidden but the mystery was revealed today, and God’s eternal glory pertains to all the saved who will praise God forever. Some will suffer eternally in hell; that’s why we must live for eternal things.  God’s plan is always interested in eternal things because God is eternal. We work for 100 years, and that’s man’s limitation.  For some who are more advanced, they live 100 years, but after that, they all fall.  America may last for 300 years but it will fall, but the plan of God is eternal.

What is eternal?  The plan for salvation, planned from long ages past, is eternal.  If you die right now, your soul will be separated from your body and ascend to heaven forever, and you’ll be in a place where you can praise God for eternity.  On this earth, in this age, we live our lives for the sake of saving things for the sake of the gospel.

Studies, Business Life

This must be used for eternal things, live to glorify God which is the salvation of souls. This is how you may succeed.  Success that isn’t able to do this means you will fail and your family will fail.  People may look at you and think you’re okay momentarily, but it’s temporary. This is eternal.  Think about it carefully, what is eternal? 

God, Angels, Demons, Spirits

God is eternal.  What else is eternal?  Angels of the Lord are eternal. Satan, as well as evil spirits and demons, are also eternal.  Also, the spirit of man is eternal. The soul never dies.  Through Jesus Christ, there’s this divide, then what must I do? It must be connected to the work of saving souls.  Don’t be deceived by people or your job don’t listen to the incorrect people.  God is blessing every single occupation to save people eternally.

All nations

I am living for the salvation of this person’s soul.  All the things your teachers say may be correct but they’re wrong when they do not pertain to eternity. Kids believe these words and concentrate and fail, even if their knowledge is correct, it’s not related to eternal things.  Anyone can go along the true path of success with the eternal things; everything else is wrong.

All the things you’re learning in school are unnecessary. They may be helpful for your physical job, but it’s unnecessary.  All the inspiration you received from the books you read are unnecessary. I’m not telling you to not read, but hold onto this. It doesn’t matter what the philosophers say.  After time passes, it’s not helpful. “But I held onto the Word of God, and the word of God saved me.”  Keep everything else as a reference so you can talk to people in the world, but it all passes away.  We are living for this, and that’s the church.  I hope you will enjoy this blessing.


Father God, we thank You. God, we pray You will bless the remnants to live for the eternal things.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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