What is the Filling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

What is the Filling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-8)

The title of today’s message is, What is the filling of the holy spirit?  The world today is a battle of power.  Before we talk about a physical strength, there is another kind of power struggle, it is a battle of concentration.  For kids who are able to study well, they are able to concentrate. People who must do very great things will overcome with the great strength of concentration, but what is the correct concentration?  Is “concentration” being able to concentrate with your mind?  That’s not how God created us.


In Genesis 1:27, we were created in God’s image, in other words, we were created to concentrate on God.  Concentration also means you’re looking upon something.  You always turn your interest towards people who have strength and power, so that’s why you rely on others because you think such people have strength.  Why do we keep on trying to make money?  Because we can live a powerful life if we have money, but money doesn’t come from out of nowhere.  In order for the money to come to me, I have to have the ability to make money. If you don’t have the abilities but you try to make quick money, you’re a conman.  There are still people who are under this misconception.

Where must I concentrate?  We were created as ones to concentrate on God.


In other words, we were created as ones to worship.  Worship is a time to concentrate on God; it is a time to look upon God.

Genesis 1:27 God’s image (Worship)

Genesis 1:28 Blessing, Rule, Subdue

In Genesis 1:28, God blesses us and from this concentration, we rule and subdue.  God created all the world for mankind, however, we are currently being conquered by creation.  We should be able to conquer all the money but instead, we’re kneeling before money, and the reason is because we’re not able to worship; in other words, we don’t have the strength because we are not concentrating and looking uponGod.

So, if the churches aren’t able to restore this, then in which direction will the world go? They will make people concentrate with something called transcendental meditation, so instead of concentrating on God, they will concentrate on themselves.  They awaken this great, unlimited, inner potential.  People are moving this field through transcendental meditation saying they can move everything through unlimited potential.  

Because this is not the proper concentration, our thoughts are always obsessed with something; we’ll be obsessed with our scars. We should be able to transcend and conquer over our scars, but because we can’t, we’re obsessed with them.  We must be able to overcome and transcend money, but we’re trapped by money instead.  We’re obsessed with our past circumstances, why? Because we’ve lost hold of the proper concentration.

If you’re constantly giving worship, you will always receive healing and conquering, and you will change this way without you even realizing it yourself.  Otherwise, you’re thinking that money has some kind of answers and you kneel before money, and you think something is found in success, so your life is dragged around by success.  But conquering and ruling is actually a blessing that follows when you’re concentrating on God, so honestly, success and money should follow you, and people should follow you, too, because that is the promise God gave us when we concentrate on God.

How can I study well?  I concentrate on God; if I don’t concentrate on God first, then later on, I’ll fall again.  How can I have a good business life? It’s by concentrating on God, if you don’t do that you’ll succeed and fall again.  

So, either we’re falling into a state of obsession or having a divided mind.  Kids aren’t able to concentrate on their studies, their thoughts are so divided, their mind is divided.  This is the problem of all mankind, especially in the current age in which we live.

This divided mind falls into addiction.  There are so many addictions around, even being a workaholic is a type of addiction; you can’t stay still unless you’re working.  “I have to do something.” There are some people who are addicted to studying, more so than addiction, it might be an obsession.  There was a time when I did Bible study in Koryo university who was addicted to studying.  Therefore, if we do not understand or receive the filling of the holy spirit, even if you go to church, you have no choice but to be a slave.

The Israelite people lost hold of true worship, so they became slaves to Egypt, and they were only liberated when they held onto the covenant of the blood of the Lamb.  Your scars will never be healed, the scars you received while you were young, you could never escape from those things with your own strength. It doesn’t matter how much you seek counseling, it might seem like it’s healing at first but later on it will not.  Only when you concentrate on Christ will the darkness flee.  

We said this last week but the scars you received when you’re young will carry out for the rest of your life. Kids will revive scars when they see parents fighting.  Even as the parents are arguing, the kids will feel anxious. It’s impossible for us to not have scars, however, we will be liberated from this when we’re able to concentrate on Christ.

Then, what is the filling of the Holy Spirit?  The Holy Spirit is one part of the triune God and he is also the spirit of the Father God.  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of our Father God as well as the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  If you believe in and accept Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes within you.  Because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God the Father and Jesus Christ, who is God, He reveals to you who Jesus is.  God the Father Who is seated in heaven goes into you with the Holy Spirit so you’re connected to all three.

There’s a difference between the Holy Spirit being within me and being filled with the Holy Spirit.  If you drink about half a glass of cola, there’s still half a glass remaining.  If you fill up the rest of the glass with water, what is that?  It’s not water or cola, but that’s how we live our walk of faith.  We’re not part of the world or the word so we’re just kind of a mixture. It seems that we are water that tastes like coke, we seem like we’re completely like the world, but sometimes we taste otherwise.  We become a mixture of the Holy Spirit or the world, so we’re not either. 

You can only be filled with water completely if you throw away the coke and fill yourself completely with water, just like you need to empty yourself completely to receive the Holy Spirit.  But if you’re doing everything, holding onto your own words and own thoughts, you become like a Pharisee, holding onto this mixture.  

The Holy Spirit is dwelling within us and guiding us that’s our walk of faith, the Lord is guiding us now, our lives are being led by the Holy Spirit.  Because He is with us even now, guiding us forward, when we pray, the Holy Spirit works and gives us answers.  

The Holy Spirit gives us things like joy and peace.  So for example, a person may seem like they are poor on the outside but on the inside they are filled with peace and joy.  We need our internal selves to be changed into peace and joy.  If you’re trying to receive peace and joy with external factors, you’ll always be a slave to your circumstances, so you’re always going to be obsessed with external factors and you’ll be chased around by them.

However, if you concentrate upon the Holy Spirit within you, you’ll experience the peace, joy and guidance that comes with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit also allows you to overcome your  weaknesses.  You move according to your thoughts, and you’re not able to overcome that.  If you keep having bad thoughts come up, you can’t overcome that. If your thoughts keep saying that you hate this person, you can’t change that; how would you change that?  It’s my heart and thoughts; how could I change that?  That is why when we receive the filling of the holy spirit and guidance of the Holy Spirit, you’re able to overcome yourself.  

This world is so complicated, there are many people who are living together, and when people go into the world they say it’s so difficult.  After people graduate from college, they go get a job and they’ve never one this before, so they say it’s so hard.  I don’t know how they’ve dreamt about the world before.  Because you want to make money of course you have to trade in your labor for it, and you can only make money if you sacrifice your labor either mentally or physically, and that’s why it’s so difficult, why?  It’s because the strength to overcome the world is within the filling of the holy spirit.  

How can we overcome the authority of Satan who is controlling this world?  It’s all within the filling of the holy spirit.  You can only overcome these things when God is within you, filling you.  So what exactly is the filling of the holy spirit?  We need to understand the Bible first.  

John 14:16 talks about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  As soon as I believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him, the Holy Spirit is with me, within me, and that is where your thoughts must begin. When you face a problem, your thoughts must begin from being with God.  For students, before dreaming about your future, you must begin your thoughts with being with God.  What happens if your thoughts do not begin from here?  Later on, you’ll go back into division, obsession, and addiction, and you’ll not be able to overcome your thoughts and the state of your heart; when you go into the world, you will fall over, and if you’re seized by Satan you can never escape.

Always begin from a point where the Holy Spirit is with me, within me, with me, and that’s the most important.  If you keep thinking you’re the master of your own life, then you’ll always talk about your own thoughts and you keep on trying to plan your own life.  But if you’re a saved child of God, then the Holy Spirit is absolutely with you.

This indwelling of the Holy Spirit pertains to the state of being saved.  If you believe in Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit dwells within you. What does it mean to believe in Jesus christ?  Every single human being is born in a state separated from God, they are born from their mother’s womb in that state, so they keep maturing in a state where they’re spiritually separated from God, therefore they’re being dragged around in a spiritual state where they’re being controlled by Satan. The way they’re controlled by Satan is that they are the center of their own lives; they are dragged around  by Satan into thinking that their lives belong to them.  We are dragged around and seized by Satan as we have the thought that “ I make my designs and I decide,” and we live a life we think we want, so Satan makes it so that we have no idea how he works upon us.

Believing in Jesus Christ means you’ve been liberated from that.  Jesus Christ has solved all the curses of Satan and hell and is with me now.  For those people who have salvation, the Holy Spirit is within them.  

The Holy Spirit is with us, and if the Holy Spirit is with you, it also includes the Holy Spirit filling you.  But this is where people misunderstand a lot, “oh, the Holy Spirit is with me and the Holy Spirit is God, so don’t you think He’s going to let me do whatever I want?” the Holy sPIrit is the spirit of Truth, and the Holy Spirit Never works unless it is according to God’s Word, so the Holy Spirit does’ it work according to your desires and your thoughts, but the Holy Spirit works according to the Word, so if f the Lord is with me, it means I must adjust to the Lord, and that not taking place is reflective of our walk of faith. 

Why does our walk of faith not work out even though I’ve gone to church for a long time?  It’s simple, it’s because we are not able to enjoy “with;” we only want God to adjust to us.  “Who are you?” It means you don’t know who you are, and it means you don’t know who God is.  You’re so stubborn so that’s how you pray as well, thinking that’s how you receive answers, but it’s not, it is because you’re beginning incorrectly and that’s why you’re not able to receive the filling of the holy spirit.  

Then second, it is important for us to have the correct understanding of the Filling of the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Christ.  It means we’re filled with Christ.  So, we can only receive the filling of the holy spirit if you’re sure, surely, and are filled with Christ.  Jesus Chrsit finished all problems of our lives on the cross in John 19:30. You need to know that to understand the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

If you don’t understand the filling of the Holy Spirit, then this person has no power.  So, they’re always being dragged around by money.  They’re being dragged around by people.  They’re always being swayed by their environment instead of being able to overcome it, because they don’t know who Jeuss Christ is.  Christ has finished all my life problems on the cross, but you don’t know that; you just know the cross, so that person doesn’t really know Christ.  They say, “It’s kind of seeming to be true but it kind of doesn’t,” then that person gets confused.  tHere are some people who say this, “You said that everything is finished but why do I still have problems” and that person will always be afflicted because they don’t know Christ; that person is always seized by the physical.  All the problems of your past, present,and future are solved.

He has solved the problem of our curses and sin, and we have been completely liberated from the authority of Satan, and God is with me even now. If the Lord within you doesn’t finish  everything, how are you going to live?  The LORD with Him is with me now, then doesn’t that mean that everything is finished?  If it is not finished do you have to keep suffering until it is finished for you, because it means you’re not satisfied with the Lord sitting with you, and that’s why you have no choice but to say “let’s go back to Egypt.” What is the filling of the holy spirit? It means you’re filled with Christ, the Gospel. Then, what does it mean to be filled with Christ? It means that all the problems of the past,present and future are solved. You need to have the correct start from here to receive the filling of the holy spirit.  

The Pharisees were oblivious to this; they thought they were fulfilling the will of God through their diligence and effort. They talked of Messiah yet he was not the savior of their , but he was someone who could help them conquer others.  They were under the misconception that the messiah was not the offering of Abraham that would save us all, but instead, they thought the messiah would be the son of David that would help them conquer the world. They are essentially saying they have no sin, because they weren’t able to discover that the offspring of Abraham had to die on the cross. They have the incorrect ideology of the Messiah, as someone who would conquer over others and conquer over the gentile regions. 

If you go to church with the incorrect idea of Christ, then you will always have incorrect results, and therefore, being filled with the Christ, with the Gospel, is the beginning of the filling of the Holy Spirit.  If you want to phrase this another way? It’s that I’ve been crucified on the cross and now Christ lives within me now.  What this means, for me to be crucified on the cross, it’s not talking about the self-sacrifice like Buddhist who goes into the mountains to kill their desire.  

Because of Confucianism, a lot of Koreans fall into that easily. Let’s say you get married but your husband dies early, so because of the Confucianism ideals they are not allowed to remarry so there are some people who just stab their own knee whenever they think of their own husbands, they think about what it means to kill themselves. Koreans actually do this very well, but that’s not what this means, it means that the “me” that lived without being centered on Christ, that is the me that is crucified on the cross, and now Christ is living with me as my Lord and Master.

If you go out into the field, you will find some very mystical denominations with spiritual gifts. For example, they say that if you’re not able to speak in tongues but now you can? That’s wrong; it may be true but it may not be true, the spiritual gifts aren’t the essence of the filling of the holy spirit.  Then there are some people who talk about the filling of the holy spirit and reject the gifts, so when they go into the field, they are blocking the gospel “Oh, that’s the work of the devil,” you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

What is a gift?  For example, the father’s children will give gifts to their fathers on Fathers’ Day.  A gift is like that, it’s not mandatory; it’s optional.  The gifts from our Father in heaven are typically extar and not necessary, but I’m saying it’s incorrect to associate the essence of the Holy Spirit with essence gifts.  Then there are other people who completely reject the spiritual gifts, “.Oh our church doesn’t speak tongues” that’s a way to block the gospel.  There are some people who have the gift of tongues, of prophecy, or the gifts of mediation, and I’m telling you this because there are some churches in the field that emphasize gifts so much, and they teach that you have to receive a gift to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. But why do they say that?  

It’s because they’re a reaction to another type of church that says, “We don’t need the Spirit; we just focus on the Word of God, and when you look at churches like that they are dull and don’t really pray, and the churches that emphasize the spiritual gifts would light up like a fire, they always have overnight services, and they’re exploding with gifts, but the people who reject the Holy Spirit and the spiritual gifts will only talk about the Word without prayer, and that’s how they turn into the Pharisees.

What am I saying today? I’m Saying that these spiritual gifts aren’t the essence it’s optional, and everybody does have a gift, this is what you need to know because when you go out into the field many people are afflicted they say, “I can’t speak tongues so I’ve never received the filling of the holy spirit.”  In order for you to receive the filling of the holy spirit, you must know your own limitations. I’m not talking about you, where everything just fails and you say, I’m so powerless.   

I’m saying like Paul, who had everything in the world but in the end, colleges he has nothing.  If you say you’re nothing only after you lost everything and falling into disease, that’s fine; even if the doctor says you’re homeless, You say nothing to eat, and “you say, “I have nothing,” that’s possible cause you may realistically have nothing but that’s not what the bible is talking about.  What’s important is, whether you have nothing or whether you have everything, You still acknowledge why you’re nothing. If you have a glass that’s full of coke, you have to acknowledge that coke is nothing to empty it but if you open it.  But if you say, “What’s wrong with this class being half-filled with Coke, your life becomes  nothing.  

You have to be able to reject yourself to the point where you are nothing in order to empty yourself and be filled with the Spirit.  If you still think thers’ s something to you, you’ll never receive the filling of the holy spirit, because you’re living a lie full of yourself; you end up receiving God’s grace.  

Paul confessed, “I am a sinner of all sinners.”  It doesn’t matter how much they succeed; they will never escape from the authority of satan,sin and hell.  You have to confirm that unless God protects and guides you have no choice to revert back to your Genesis 3, 6, and 11. If you don’t confirm this,then you’re only going to kneel before God When you think it will give you money and because you don’t know your essential and fundamental lacking, then as soon as you succeed a little or make a little money you’re going to reject God again; your walk of faith will never change because your always going to be relaying on yourself.  Then the representative case of this is the people who are holding onto their own dreams, goals, past experience, and ideology.

Then if they don’t let go of that they cannot hold onto God’s word, because we use everything we’ve learned, and they rely on that instead of holding onto the Word of God. they rely on the past experience and don’t pray then what will happen in the  future?  Continuous, repetitive things will happen, and despite that, if you still don’t realize it, this will carry on for generations, and that’s why when I talk about the filling of the Holy Spirit, it’s not nothing.  

May you receive this by the grace of God, “I am truly nothing.”  It’s not only you are nothing when you’ve got a disease or when you’ve lost everything, but even in your everyday life, when you think you’re fine, still acknowledge that you are nothing, and only then will you be used but if you don’t acknowledge you are nothing even after receiving success, then when you receive success, you will fall because you think you’re something, and Satan will immediately attack you. It’s the same principle with the church.  

If we look at Galatians 5:16-17, it says the flesh and the Spirit are in conflict with each other, therefore, will you move according to the Holy SPirit or move according to your desire?  If you do not follow the Holy Spirit and instead you follow your sinful nature, then the result will be in the later verses all the way to 19:20, that’s what happens when you follow your  physical desires.

But what happens if you follow the working of the Holy SPirit?  Then you bear the nine fruits of the Spirit, then the works of saving people will take place, and for people like this, even their studies and business will come to life because you’re in a conditinoto save; that’s how God works.  However, if you follow after your greed and desire, you might get what you want, but the result is death as in Galatians 5:19-21.

The saved people of God can’t do whatever they want because the Holy Spirit is within me and never sleeps; the Holy Spirit will never let us go, so if we try to follow after our own greed and desires, the Holy Spirit will never lose to that, so things don’t work out according to our greed.  If you don’t move correctly, then Christians will become worse than nonbelievers; you’ll fail worse than when you were a non believer because at least when you were a non believer you were doing well, but now that you believe in Jesus Christ, it seems like you’re failing more? It’s because the Holy Spirit is within you and you can’t do whatever you want anymore; that’s why you must receive the guidance of the filling of the holy spirit.  

Why aren’t we able to receive the filling of the holy spirit, then?  First, it is because of our ignorance and disbelief regarding God’s Word, because the Holy Spirit is God and God is the Word, so if you don’t know the Word of God, it means you don’t know God, and if you don’t know God, you don’t know the spirit of God. So there’s no reason for you to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit but we don’t know why we need to get it, why? Because of my thoughts, you think you can or can’t do something, it’s all your thoughts like that but that’s all yourself.  Even if the HOly Spirit is with you, you think about whether you can or can’t do this, so you’re still living a life still by  yourself.

We are also not able to receive the filling of the holy spirit because we trust in our present surroundings,other people and we have anxiety and fear. The Holy Spirit is invisible to our eyes, but it’s possible for you to look at your circumstances and  lose hold of the Holy Spirit, and that’s what it means for you to constantly imprint yourself with the Word of God, because where are you imprinting things now in the world? 

“I’m always interested in things of the world,” you have the principle of the world where if someone does wrong to you then you have to seek revenge multiple-fold times, or you’re imprinted with things like, you have to step on people to climb up, and you’re imprinted in thinking you are a beggar and you’re nothing.  You’re always imprinted in things that aren’t the word, like, “if you can’t study better than these kids, then you’re nothing.”

And because you’re umlornted in this, when up you come across the field, that’s what is activated. But what happens if you’re imprinted in the Word of God? Then no matter what the circumstance or field says, the word of God will be revealed within you.  

The reason you’re not able to receive the filling of the holy spirit is because of your hidden sins, invisible to others’ eyes.  No one else knows of these sins, only our family may know, and you never reveal it outwardly. This is a channel for Satan, and this is why you can’t receive the Holy spirit.  Quickly lose hold of your weakness; you shouldn’t keep standing and say, “Oh, but I have to live and survive urgently,” then you don’t believe in God; you’re just covering it. So instead of going the correct path, you try to go an incorrect path as much as you can; you have to let go of it, if you don’t let go of it, then Satan will continuously hold onto you.

I’m not talking about this legalistically, I’m talking about blocking Satan’s channel.  Our thoughts that are a bit too far from the Word of God, it’s because we’re loving the world rather than loving true peace, true victory, and true hope. It is essentially love, an incorrect l 

If you love the people you see in the dramas more than you see Jesus, then that’s wrong. If you find the main character of your drama series more lovable than Jesus Christ, it’s not that things won’t take place, but it means you don’t know Jesus christ. If you love your child more than you love Jesus, I’m not saying you should definitely go through it’s because you don’t but you love your child more than Jesus? Is that wrong? It means you don’t know Jesus.  

So, what’s going to happen if you keep holding onto a love that is not for Jesus.  If you love and hold onto something that isn’t eternal, you will not have true peace or victory.  If it doesn’t matter how lovely a human being is; if you love them more then Jesus, I’m sure that’s not bad because it’s better then hating them, but that will never be able to withstand the attacks of Satan.  

Peopel who don’t believe or acknowledge Satan’sexistinee will live morally and ethically I’m sure, and they may think, Who cares if I love this person more than Jesus, is that really a big problem?  But in Exodus 20, God says, “do not make an idol for yourselves,” .a.. Jesus Christ died on the cross to save me and is with me now, but if you’re loving something else, that itself is the work of Satan. 

It’s also that you lack trust in God.  The more you do not believe in God, the more you’ll put your trust in something else.  So if you don’t believe in the Word of God, you’ll believe in people’s words, then you’ll shake in anxiety as you listen to the news, and people are going to a sway back in forth with things that are small.

People are hearing news about this delta variant so they’re shaking in fear, but even after this, there will be many more variants. All we have to do is keep our mask son and follow the proper protocol, so if you’re trembling in fear because of something, it’s because you love yourself so much. 

Your body is actually an instrument of God, but instead you’re thinking that your body is for your own goals, pleasures and desires, so You’re afraid of getting COVID because if you get COVID, you can’t do whatever you want. If we get this new virus, then we can eat delicious food. Imagine how sad I would be because I die early because of it. Ultimately it means you don’t know why your body exists, which You don’t believe in God.  For people who do believe in God, they conclude, It’s okay if I live or die.  I’m not saying that a person’s life is valueless, but I’m saying that a persons body is used fast an instrument for God.

I’ll be used for God until I’ve done everything my instrument body is for. And it’s also because we are not obedient to Gods command of blessings, it means that we are disobedient to Gods command of world evangelism. Then what are we obedient too, we are obedient to the things Satan has made. You’re going to be obedient and be dragged according to the message of Genesis 11 of your success. We need to instead kneel down and follow after Jesus’ word of Matthew 28 to make disciples of all nations. But more so then that, I am obedient to somewhere else. 

These are the reasons why we are not able to revive the complete and perfect blessings God has prepared for us. We keep on asserting our thoughts saying that we’re right, for people like that they are always fighting, because they think their thoughts are right. That’s not the truth, you may be right in the circumstance but that’s not the truth. You need to hold onto the truth. That is how the rest of your life will be victorious, but you’ll change according to the circumstances, and it’s going to be different according to your nature, and again according to your age. And I see my daughter growing up and it’s different according to her age. 

In the past, she used to love having physical contact with me but now she hates it, and if I say to her, “why did you like it in the past but not anymore?” Then that’s not right; whether it’s in the past or today, she needs to hold onto the word of God; she was never my kid to begin with, she was just lended to me by God for a moment, so we need to raise her up according to God’s plan.  

But people hold onto things that aren’t the truth and make themselves shake with circumstantial things like “Oh, my daughters heart has gone cold on me” All kids will leave you,biblical, it says the son will leave his parents to go and live with his wife’s family, but there are some parents who say, I’m going to live with my kid for the rest of my life,’ and that’s the way to kill your kid.  

There’s a Korean celebrity about the same age I am, and even now, she lives with her in-laws, and the daughter loves living with her in-laws.  What do you think about the daughter then?  The daughter loves living with the significant other,  they are close but she has her own life, and maybe she’s living with her daughter because she’s not married yet.  

We also try to receive others’ compliments.  People longing for worldly approval will change according to the circumstance, and people will differently depending on the person say this before this person and that before that person because they stand before people entirely enslaved by people.


What do we have? It’s very important, what do you have?  There are some people who misunderstand and say, “I don’t have anything; I don’t have any money,” or they say, “I have a lot,” but that’s also a misunderstanding.  Depending on what you have, you’ll see, and it’s very important for you to see.  You can look at the same exact thing, but you can be wrong, because you will see according to what you have.

That is why your actions that follow will be different.  Peter and John were on their way to pray at the temple and saw the beger  living in front. How do you think they saw him before? He’s a begar and why did they see him like that?  Because you look at things depending on what you have, and in actuality, they would throw a little money and pass by, however, after John and Peter received the filling of the holy spirit , the thing they had and saw was different. “He looked directly at him,” you have to see the field properly. 

You have to be able to see the field properly, otherwise, you’re going to see differently and you’ll act incorrectly.  You can live your entire life as nothing before God because you saw and did incorrect things.  Evangelism isn’t difficult; you just have to see properly.  It’s different from what you saw before, THey saw the cripple beggar before  Temple Gate called beautiful very Sabbath, but when does evangelism take place?  When they see, they see something different, the crippled beggar is the same crippled beggar.

But they saw something before that. They saw the criplled beggar was bound by sin, curses, and satan because they themselves had something different.  That is why they confessed, “What I have, I give to you.” What does it mean? They are saying, “I have been liberated from sin, Satan, and curses, and I enjoy this to see the field” and that’s why they take action, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” it is the filling of the Holy Spirit and Peter and John were different having received it.  

We’re doing something even now, we make money and study, but you need to see straight. What do you have?  May this blessing be upon you.  God we thank You.  Allow us to enjoy and testify of the filling of the holy spirit.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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