What Does the Holy Spirit Do for Us? (Galatians 5:16-18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

What Does the Holy Spirit Do for Us? (Galatians 5:16-18)

The word of today is healing evangelism school is what does the Holy Spirit do for us. The saved children of God need to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit very well. Because even now, God is working invincibly with the Holy Spirit. And if you don’t know what the Holy Spirit does, you have to keep on doing this by yourself. You trying to do something by yourself seems like diligence and good work, but that is the nature of not believing in God. 

The saved people of God, we receive full control by God and are guided by the filling of the Holy Spirit. And because the Holy Spirit is invisible to our eyes we need to know and believe to be led. Then things will naturally take place, and the reason it naturally takes place is because the Holy Spirit works through us. If you don’t know this, you will be working diligently but you will not be led by the Holy Spirit, then that is the non-believers nature. We must receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit well. 


1. Scar: God X

Before we receive the  guidance of the Holy Spirit there is something that disrupts this. What will disturb the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If we have our own scars we will not be able to receive the guidance of the holy Spirit. Because we have the scar we try to avoid being hurt.  Therefore, you must escape quickly through Jesus Christ to be with God again. 


It is a fact that you have a scar, but in reality, there is a truth behind the scenes.  But most people live for their own standards, so they look at the facts and get scarred.  There are some people who don’t have a lot of scars: the people who understand other people won’t have many scars, so the more you live your life centered on yourself, the more you’ll be full of scars. Because you’re the center of your own universe, you’re centered on your own life, so you’re full of scars.


And your present environment can be a scar as well, let’s say your environment changes and you don’t know how to adapt to it, so you receive scars from your environment. However, it’s through this that Satan completely controls this person.  Therefore, you can never solve your scars unless it is through the gospel. 

Jesus Christ -> Satan

Even if you solve the problem, you’ll receive scars again because you’re not dealing with it fundamentally with Jesus Christ.  If you try to solve it with psychology, you’ll receive more scars in the future because you don’t know the spiritual facts.  At first, it seems like you can solve something because you might understand the other person, and there’s things like that like “now, I understand the other person’s perspective so I can be free from my scars,” but it’s not like they are going to die today they have their future ahead of them, then they’ll receive scars again.

So, even though the Holy Spirit is with us, we are not able to be guided because of our scars.  We have to completely finish it with Jesus Christ.  It’s not your scars; it’s actually being seized by Satan.  You have to quickly go into the spiritual facts in order for you to overcome your scars.

1. Holy Spirit

Then, what is the work that the Holy Spirit does? For people who believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is with them. In the past, there was a life centered on myself, and that’s completely opposite from theHoly Spirit.  My thoughts, my head, humanism, you’re completely bound up in that, and you have no choice but to live that way because you didn’t have God. 

Self-Centered – Holy Spirit X, My Things, My Success

So you’re centered on “my things,” you think if you save enough, you’ll have enough, and “my success.”  A person like this has received the Holy Spirit, but will they receive guidance?  First, you must escape from these things. You can only go into the guidance of the Holy Spirit if you escape from these three things. It’s not that you’re denying yourself, but you’re denying a life centered on yourself, and that’s how you’ll go into the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then what does the Bible say about the Holy Spirit?

1) God’s Spirit (Genesis 1:2)

Before creation it was the Spirit of God that controlled all of the universe. The spirit of God was moving.  When God created mankind in Genesis 1:27, He created humans in the image of God, meaning He created humans in the image of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, that’s why he said “in our image” plural, because God is one God, but he expresses Himself in the plural form.  It means that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is One God, but they express themselves as “Our,” plura.

2) John 3:6, Baptism

It says,” You cannot enter the Kingdom of God unless you are made of water and spirit”

Someone asked me a question earlier. They said that they are studying and they said “You cannot be saved unless you receive baptism, but there’s no pastor there; it’s just a congregation members worshipping by themselves ” You can’t decipher that, so if you’re interested and dig whatever you want to find more, you’ll be spiritually targeted.  There are some denominations that emphasize that you cannot be saved unless you are born again in baptism, and furthermore, there are some denominations that emphasize you must be completely submerged into the water to be fully baptized.  

In the Presbyterian church, you can be submerged or be sprinkled because the baptism is symbolic; the real baptism is the baptism by the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter how much you’re submerged or sprinkled if you don’t receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  It doesn’t mean we don’t receive baptism by water, even if we receive water baptism, if we are not baptized by the spirit that’s not salvation but these are the ways you’re tempted in your regional Bible studies in other places.  There’s no pastor there, and to me, it seems like they’re going to another denomination’s Bible study. If you get hooked in by them, you can’t escape because you won’t have the doctrine to escape.

I told them, “Be careful, because I think it’s from a particular denomination.  God raises the church, God raised the position of the pastor, the prophet, and the teacher, and if you reject that, you reject the church.  The Church is the body of Christ.  These are people who talk about Christ but reject the body, and those are dangerous people.  If they say, ‘We don’t have a pastor so let’s do things by ourselves,’ that’s extremely dangerous. It won’t take place amongst themselves, because someone will be stronger than the rest.” Know there are denominations like this in the field and when you meet someone, be able to guide them properly.

Depending on the circumstance, it’s sometimes impossible to receive water baptism. Let’s say you meet a person and you can never meet them again, but they can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit by receiving Christ.  And you might not be able to baptize them with water. Does that mean they’re not saved?  No, but there are a lot of different beliefs.  

When I went to UC Irvine for a long time, there was a group of students, and I think they’re an organization because they have the Greek letters Alpha and Omega on their chest.  So, they had these shirts and it was a big church in Orange County and there was a pastor in the baptist church and made his own church.  So, they emphasized John 2:2 about the baptism of John the Baptist, and he said “If you don’t receive baptism you are not saved” so they say that Presbyterians don’t have salvation and Calvin is a liar.”  The basis they used was the preaching of Peter in Acts 2.

This is how they will lure students in, and I began to speak to two of the students, and they pointed at me as if I were a heretic, and there were two students speaking to me. I was limited in language so I couldn’t respond to them so I became a heretic to them.  Lots of students flock to them, why? Because they look down on the general church.  For people with spiritual problems, as they criticize other denominations, they’ll love that kind of church, because people who have scars will get hooked onto negative speech. The reason the young people do that is because they’re criticizing the adult generation, and because of this, there are a lot of young people there, but the young people don’t have the ability to take in the entirety of life. You have to be a full adult to accept even young people. If someone is young, their specialty is criticizing and killing other people so that’s why they have quite a large, young congregation there. You must know properly of the Holy Spirit.

3) 1 Corinthians 3:16 

Whoever believes in Jesus Christ has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  If the Holy Spirit is within us, isn’t that everything? It’s not just that he is just in heaven, he is within us, your life is completely over, then, and the very fact that you don’t think your life is finished itself is disbelief.  If He is within me, in my heart and spirit, then He knows everything about me.  You need to have very factual, certain, and true assurance regarding this. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit went back and forth, but even still, David and Joshua, and He is completely taking responsibility and guiding my life.  You must remember this very well.  

4)  Ephesians 1:13 Marked

It says the Holy Spirit has identified and marked us as His own. Having believed in the gospel of salvation, you’re marked in hum with a seal and promised the holy spirit. The fact that you are marked means you’re not changed.  This fact does not change because you have been marked by the Holy Spirit, you cannot lose your salvation.  “I may be nothing special, but because I’m marked by the Holy Spirit, I’ve become someone great.  

5) 2 Corinthians 5:5

God has given us the Spirit as a deposit. You’re sitting down and listening now, but how much do you listen in order for the Holy Spirit to work ?  This is not your seat where you say, “I already know this,” but this seat is the seat where you’re wondering how you can relay this to other people, do you understand what I’m saying?  This is not about confirming the knowledge you already have, but you must relay this Word, this message to those around you, but this is a time for you to know whether you’re established in this yet.  For people with this kind of posture, then the Holy Spirit will heal them and work in them, without a doubt.

6) Filling

The Holy Spirit fills all Christians who commit themselves to the Lord. What happens if you are filled with the Holy Spirit? You. receive complete power.  It doesn’t matter how weak you are; if you’re filled with the One Who has power, you become a powerful person.  

7) Understanding 1 Corinthians 2:11

The seventh thing the Holy Spirit does is He gives us understanding.  1 Corinthians 2:11 says “No one knows the work of the Holy Spirit  no one other than God,” because the Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Father God, it is through the Holy Spirit that we can know the works of God.  The evil spirit is the opposite of that, only disturbing the work of God, therefore dragging you towards hell and making you live in hell on earth.  Meditation is a good thing, and it would be good if it ended with that, but it doesn’t; it’s a way for evil spirits to enter into you.  

For humans, we are spiritual beings, so we’re either filled with the Holy Spirit or evil spirits, there’s no in between, for politics there may be in between however, in the spiritual world, there is no in-between.  You may be able to take a modern approach to everything else in life, but there’s no middle ground in the spiritual world. It’s either the Holy Spirit or the evil spirit, and it is with the Holy Spirit you are able to see the things of God; otherwise, how can we know?  

You cannot do the works of God through worldly studies; you cannot do great things, then. The things you study in the world will only help you live your physical life, but the Holy Spirit reveals the things of God to you.  The evil spirits will make you keep on falling into the evil work that Satan is doing.

1 Corinthians 2:10

The Holy Spirit shows us God’s deep secrets.  How can we know the deep things of God?  It means the Holy Spirit reveals it to us.  This is how you must study, this is how much you must work, and this is how you must do everything in life. If you’re not able to pray, it means you’ve lost hold of everything. Even if you pray, it means that you’re holding on to the physical things and lost hold of the spiritual and physical things.  You have to have the prayer that transcends yourself and sees God’s big plan. My interest may be in making money, but God’s interest is far greater, it is in the deep things.  My interest may be in escaping from my problems quickly, but God has hidden His great and deep things within the problem.

If there’s a mental problem in the family, we just see it as a mental problem, or let’s say someone has a terminal disease in the family, but within this, Christ has hidden very deep things, it is only possible to know with the Holy Spirit that’s why you must be a person of the Holy Spirit; you must not be a physical person.  The physical person will always be either about their own benefit or trembling in the midst of fear, and if someone offends them a little bit, they can’t stay still because they made a mistake against them. For people like this cannot know  the deep things of God.

Great individuals don’t react very much.  If they don’t have a lot of money, they say, “Okay, I don’t have a lot of money,” but if you’re oppressed, and worried because you don’t have any money, you cannot become a great individual, and if others get money, they get so hyper excited about that.  If your life fluctuates back and forth between good and bad, how can you do the great things of God?  That’s not a person of prayer.

Look at David, he was in a completely bleak circumstance, but his heart didn’t oscillate back and forth; he didn’t wander around the town, “I have this problem, please help me!” God has a plan for that, and that is the person of the Holy Spirit and the person of prayer.  If someone becomes the king, they’ll think their life is set, but they’re going to get flustered but it wasn’t like that; he found God’s plan within that, and that’s Temple Construction, why? Because it’s through the Temple that God is with them. That’s a person of prayer.

1 John 2:20

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. You know all of this, how? Because you’ve been anointed by the Holy Spirit you have received.  So, first of all, if you’re facing a problem, you shouldn’t look at it as a problem from your own knowledge. Of course you’re bound to shake because you’re facing something you never have before, but the Holy Spirit knows everything, so first of all, acknowledge that and then go into prayer.  Then, without a doubt, God will give His answer through His Word, and this is what this is talking about.  You can only pray if you know what the Holy Spirit does.

1 John 2:27 Counterfeit

As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things, and that anointing is real not counterfeit just as it is taught to you, remain in him” What is the core of that?  Because the Holy Spirit is within me, He is teaching me.

What is the reaction of people with spiritual problems?  “I don’t have to listen to any sermons because there’s nothing I need to learn from people; I have the Holy Spirit. I can just read the Bible myself and the Holy Spirit will teach me.”  People like that will continuously go into failure in life because if you have a spiritual problem, you’ll sway to either extreme.  In reality, they haven’t seen the main essence of God’s Word, and the characteristic of these people is that they say the spirit is good but the flesh is bad.  That’s gnosticism.

Holy Spirit

It means they are rejecting the present reality.  They are rejecting the guidance and filling of the Holy Spirit between human relationships.  They say, “I don’t need people because I can just learn from the Holy Spirit through the bible ” and it’s hard.  It may seem so simple, but this is actually every part of your faith.  Do you think this person’s life and walk of faith will be normal? It can never be like that. 

“Then why do we need to go to school? The Holy Spirit teaches us everything.” They understand the Word in such an extreme way. It’s between everything, even between people the Holy Spirit will teach you; even in problems, the Holy Spirit will teach you.  The Holy Spirit works through people, the Bible, and every single experience; the Holy Spirit will teach you. Even as you look at your enemy, the Holy Spirit will allow you to understand something inside and through very renowned people, the Holy Spirit will teach you.

So, depending on how you interpret this, you’re able to see not only how they are living their walk of faith but their life in general.  If a new believer comes, it’s easy for them to think this way, so you have to lead them very well.  These are areas that are very easy to misunderstand, so you have to relay the Word of God very well for the works of God to keep happening through you.

In the Wednesday message, God told us to raise up the leaders so that God can pour His Spirit upon them so they may relay the Word of God properly.  That is the method with which God leads the Israelites forward.  Being here is not by force, but it is only the people who will receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit that are gathered. God has called you here to relay the word of God accurately in your fields.

Then first, you must receive the Word of God properly.  If I understand the Word of God improperly, this is the seat to receive God’s Word. Then first of all, if there is anyone in the church who is not receiving the word of God properly you can relay this Word to them and that is the work of healing.  God is pouring the Holy Spirit upon you because you have the position of relaying this accurate word to the propels in the field whether they’re unbelievers or religious people, or people outside of the Word of God.  It’s the same for Sunday. First and foremost, you receive the Word before God, and every week, there needs to be people to whom you want to relay this Word of God, and that’s how the working of the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

For new believers, there’s no one beside them, they have to raise themselves, but church officers are different: at the minimum, you must have a territory or region to which you must relay the Word of God.  Without a territory, it means you just are someone who eats and plays like me.  This means there must be people and targets of evangelism who are related to me, and that’s your sphere of influence.  

You must wonder, “What is my spiritual influence with which I pray and relay the Word of God?”  Some people have a walk of faith for 30-40 years and all they think about is themselves.  And that person cannot be raised well because they don’t know who God is, and that’s the reason the Israelites failed, why did the Israelites fail after thousands of years of teaching? It’s because all they know is themselves.  The reason why God called these people is to save other nations, but they don’t have this thought at all. 

The reason God has called you is because there are absolutely people who must receive the Gospel and word of God  through you. That might be your family or your job you’re working in, the very first field is the church.  You must receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit well in this way, then every week, the Word of God will be alive and the working of the Holy Spirit will be upon you. 

If this doesn’t take place, you’ll continue to receive the Word and your head will just get big, because God gives you the filling of the Holy Spirit and the direction of His word so that he will relay the word of God through you but you’re just blocking that.  Such people have very big heads. They might even have really good prayer topics because they are holding onto it so well but that’s how we become Pharisees.

You don’t just become a Pharisee out of nowhere.  We are saving this region, we are saving the 237 nations. It’s not just an abstract notion, but we are saving the regions where we live, and then the way you receive the Word of God will be different, and from that point on, the working of the Holy Spirit will be different, and for people like that, they will receive the fulfillment of God’s Word.

“Don’t I have to receive healing first?”  You’ll even receive the grace to heal others while you receive healing.  I hope the members of our church will not be like the Pharisees who we destroyed but instead have the posture that I am the Priesthood who will save this world in order for you to be connected with God.  That’s the mystery of all mysteries. The more selfish you are, the more you will be destroyed. Not only will you be destroyed, but God will destroy your family. That’s how the Pharisees lived, so not only were they destroyed, but the entire country was destroyed.

We are the ones who save, and the reason we become servants or slaves is to save them. A slave is someone who accepts another person completely, but if you don’t have the concept to save others, then you have to merely survive, then instead of being a person’s slave, you try to step on them because you have to survive. This is how crazy our life changes.

“I will be the one who saves,” then you will voluntarily make yourself a slave to others and you accept and adjust yourself to another person, 100%. You shouldn’t readjust yourself to them, you have to transcend them. If you want to live within the culture of America, you have to accept the culture of America. You have to know them first in order to communicate with people, and that’s how you will transcend their standards as well; that’s how you will save them. 

In the Lord

Paul says, “I have made myself a slave,” that’s the church, that’s you and I, in order to do that you need strength. It is within Christ, it is only within the Kingdom of God, God’s Word, only going into the working of the filling of the Holy Spirit will make this possible.  God gives us the Word so perfectly and tells us to save the world.  Who would be offended if you listen to them? You shouldn’t just play at their level, you are told to evangelize so you say, “oh I have to know the world to save them” so you go drinking and playing with them. You use evangelism just to have fun, and there are a lot of people manipulating. If you’re not able to transcend their person then you have to stop, because that’s the level of your influence, and that’s why you must receive strength. 

7) John 14:26-27

The Advocate will teach you and remind you of all things, so try praying and meditating, holding onto the Word of God. It’s such a joyous time because the Holy Spirit teaches you in every aspect of your life, but you do everything but pray, then what’s going to happen? You’ll live with your own brain and strong will, then how are you going to overcome the world so your life continues to repeat.  

8) Conviction

The Holy Spirit gives us conviction, of course He does.  We’re moved when we watch a good movie, but if you receive grace well, you’re so convicted. If you recognize the Word of God, you are so moved by it all your spiritual problems, your diseases, even physical and mental are healed on the spot.  Try receiving grace and be constantly moved by it, then without you even realizing it, you’re healed from your disease. Of course, we need this very good time, and worship is the greatest time for that. The Holy Spirit gives us strength to do God’s work.

9) Romans 8:26

The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us.  

10) Ephesians 1:13

He guides us to the end and takes responsibility for us.  That’s the one fact that Joseph had to win.  That is why He was described as one filled with the Spirit of God in Genesis 41:38 because in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit wasn’t always with them, the Holy Spirit continued to follow the one holding onto God’s covenant, and because we’ve held onto the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells within us, and now we’re going into the working and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

2. Things we must do 

The Holy Spirit does all these previous things for us and the thing we must do is completely entrust ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s control.

1) Acts 1:8

You completely give yourself up to the Holy Spirit. Your life isn’t working out anyway, but the more you hold onto it, it will only work according to your standards and level.  You don’t know what will happen to your level in the future, but you can see your future if you look at your ancestor’s lives, because if you live with your own standards, that’s the life you will live as well.  But what happens to your future when you completely entrust your life to the Holy Spirit?  It will happen according to the Bible, that’s why we must entrust our lives completely to the Holy Spirit every day.

Worship is a time to entrust your life to God, and if you’re worshipping with your family, that is giving your life completely up to God.  If you’re entrusting your life to God within your field of studies or profession, you’re asking God to work upon your job because the Holy Spirit promised to work upon us, what for? To be a witness until the ends of the earth.  What is my “end of the earth?” It is to the end of my life, as far as I can go, my whole life, then that’s it.  You entrust your life to that.  

Try having a time of meditation.  What happens if you don’t have a time of meditation? You’ll have many times of worry.  The more you have time to being filled with the Holy Spirit, the more your life will turn into conquering and God has given us all this incredible mystery but Satan is going to disrupt that. Satan will disrupt you with your thoughts, emotions, and habits, so that’s why you need to have the strength of the church and that is why you go into the system of the church, because you can’t do it on your own.

What does it mean if you can do it on your own? It means that person is already victorious in worship, their family, and their job.  There are some people who never exercise no matter how much you tell them to exercise, because they don’t have the system to do. They don’t have the habits in their life to enable them to do so, but there are some people who exercise when people tell them not to, because they have a habit and system to exercise. 

If you don’t understand that, there are some people who do drugs even if they don’t want to, it means that they are naturally in the habit and system in life to do drugs. It doesn’t become someone’s nature if they do drugs once; it becomes their nature as they do drugs and become rooted into it. It’s the same with everything, with exercise and with prayer as well. It must become systematized.  Until this becomes a system, you need time to become rooted.  Each person needs time before it becomes their system.

A person who fails is stuck in a lifestyle that leads to failure. It doesn’t come from out of nowhere; they were living a life bound for failure, then they fail.  If your child comes home with a bad report card, it means they are continuously living their life with habits that lead to  failure, and then they get their report card. Receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

2) Galatians 5:17

Then you will not follow the cravings of your flesh.  Everyone is bound to follow their sinful nature, so the Holy Spirit and the sinful nature are at war with each other, so it’s a spiritual battle to be filled with the Holy Spirit; otherwise, you’ll live a life dragged around by your nature, and that’s what causes your life to fail.

Before you’re victorious in battle, it’s a battle of whether you try this or not. Whether you fight this battle, that’s right now; when you go home, that’s the time. It’s not about doing something great, but it’s about spending this time in worship and prayer; that’s the battle we fight, and if you win over that, everything else follows.  It’s very important for you to develop this habit and system.

3) Abide

Always walk and abide with the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 18 says,” wherever two people gather sith the heart of Christ the Holy Spirit is there with them. Why does it talk about two to three people instead of one person?  When two or three gather with their hearts as one, praying to God, the Holy Spirit comes upon them, so you must have gatherings and meetings very well.  Whenever you get together, you talk badly about others, or you talk about the things of the world, so you have to excuse yourself from that. I’m not telling you to not talk about the things of the world, but I’m saying that this person is stuck in the world 24 hours a day. 

Because they’re stuck in the world, whenever you gather with them there are the words that come out, and when you meet with that person, there’s no working of the Holy Spirit there.  So you need to be with someone who talks about the Word of God and God’s work every time you get together with them.  You shouldn’t gather with someone just because you like eating and drinking with them. Is this a gathering where God is working or not? That’s important, especially in the church.

When you go out in the world, you go to people to change them, but if you don’t have the strength to do so don’t go in.  When you look from this perspective, the family is extremely blessed because when two people are gathered with one heart and prayer then the Holy Spirit works them.  In Matthew 18:20, it says when two or three gather in Jesus Christ’s name, it implies they gather with the motive of Christ.

If there’s just one another person who’s like me at my workplace, then everything is finished.  It doesn’t matter who says, “Jesus, Jesus,” because they may have different motives.  But that doesn’t matter at all to the Holy Spirit and that’s what it means for you to do Darakbang and regional church in your jobs, because God has called us to work there.  It’s the same in your family, so the family is the field in which you receive the most blessings because God is working there, and when you gather together in one heart to pray in this, God’s answer.

I hope you will know, enjoy, and tell it to others, and God will nurture them.


God, we thank You.  We believe that through the healing evangelism school, you will first heal us and then lead us to heal those in the field.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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