The Work of God is to Believe that Everyone Needs Christ (John 6:29)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Work of God is to Believe that Everyone Needs Christ (John 6:29)

“They need me to pray for them in the name of Jesus Christ,” then that person will change and you will see them differently. This is the work of God.

The one who can adapt to all circumstances … is truly powerful, bur if you hold onto your own standards, it will be difficult. Where did you get your standards from? I don’t know, but you have to have God’s standards.  People just create their own structures to maintain their own convenience and comfort, but there are some things where your structures won’t do.  If the building catches on fire, can you say, “Let’s go down the stairs in an orderly fashion”? It’s not going to work, right?  If the building is on fire, you can’t say, “You have to wait until the adults go first,” so  no matter what situation you’re in, whoever can acknowledge and adapt to God’s absolute sovereignty will be victorious.  We have to have the frame of God’s Word and have the level of God.  The reason we study in the world is to have the knowledge to exist in the world, but with just this, you cannot win over the world.

In today’s Bible verse, the disciples ask Jesus, “What must we do to do the work God requires?”  Believing in Jesus Christ is the work of God, so if you don’t have faith, you have nothing.  If you don’t have faith, it doesn’t matter what you do; it’s all nothing. What happens if you do have faith? It all becomes the work of God.  There is a result that comes from the work of God, it comes from earth and heaven.  That is the one who is wise. If someone is not wise, they live according to the logic and structures of the world.   

For remnants, it shouldn’t matter whomever you meet.  If you are someone who runs away or avoids others, your life has already collapsed. Do not avoid any situation because God is already there. It doesn’t matter if you’re alone with no one else because there is a work that God is doing there.  That is the standard of the successful winner in the world.  Don’t listen to everyone else, if you listen to the world, you may seem to have victory but you will ultimately fail.  You should avoid people like this and that?  No, you should be okay with everybody, it doesn’t matter who you meet. They should all come to life if they meet you, and you must have this strength to survive and save others no matter where you go.  That’s the standard.

How is this possible?  All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ.  If you don’t, this can’t happen, but what does it mean to believe in Christ?

Sin – Disaster, Satan, Hell

Humans cannot solve the problem of disasters of sin that separate us from God, and that’s how Satan holds onto us so tightly.  People live in a hellish state before going to an eternal hell. 

Christ, Word

You have to acknowledge this within yourself, and if you acknowledge this in others as well, you will recognize there’s no other way to live except through Christ.  All the friends and coworkers you’ve made in school and your workplace have no choice but to be lost in sin and disasters. You may meet many people in a failed state or success state, but you must be able to see their spiritual state.  Without a doubt, they are held by the forces of darkness, and when they go to work, they face a hellish existence, but they package themselves.

What is packaging?  They don’t reveal their inner state; they cover themselves because they must show they are a nice person, they have to show themselves as charismatic to be acknowledged. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing; it’s better to package yourself than not, it’s better for a person to live with some level of good personality than a bad one, but the reason I use “package” is because we see a person is externally packaged, and from this person’s perspective, they package themselves to survive.

But you must see this person from the inside. What does this person need? They need Christ. You must believe this; this is the work of God.  But if you don’t see their inner state but only look at their external packaging, you will see how nice they are and you’ll try to distance yourself or get closer to them. What do you think will happen after that?  Later on, once their inner problems begin to expose themselves, you’ll distance yourself from them.

Your parents are the same, they married each other based on the external packaging, but inwardly they have their problems, then what do you do?  If you don’t recognize sin, Satan, and hell inside, you can’t understand each other, but understanding these three problems, you will understand that this person needs Christ; there’s no other answer to this other than Christ.  “They need me to pray for them in the name of Jesus Christ,” then that person will change and you will see them differently. This is the work of God.

Then everything you see in your life is good. Being able to understand everybody is the way of victory. However, if you don’t understand these invisible things, you cannot understand yourself.  We have been liberated because of Christ, so all this is irrelevant and we must follow Christ and the words of Christ. 

Me, My Things, My Success

But because you don’t follow the words of Christ, you go back to your old state, your former self; you follow after your self-centeredness, centered on your thoughts. You begin to judge, based on your thoughts.  “This person is like this or that, this person helps me and is beneficial to me,” and you have no choice but to live for your success. True success follows you, but what is true success? You must organize and understand this first. 

You can’t just say “success” without knowing what it means.  What is it?  Being first place?  That’s worldly success, but can you be first in everything? There’s 237 nations in the world and there are hundreds of thousands of schools. What is first place? You’re saying confusing things, so you’re chasing after success without understanding what it is. Is making money equal to success?  That’s one way to express it, but what about the inner things? That’s why people package themselves.  There’s a success that follows after you take care of the inner things.  After you understand and save someone, there is a success that follows.


How do the heroes of the world live, like Napoleon? How did he live? How did he become a hero?  He killed a lot of people in war, and he’s only a hero in France because he fought for the land of France, but for all the countries that Napoleon conquered, they consider him as an enemy, not a hero.  People call him a hero when it pertains to their own things. 

Among all the navy military generals, there was a General Lee in Korea.  How is it that he had only 13 ships and took out hundreds of vessels?  The American Navy still studies his strategies.  Who is General Lee from the Japanese perspective? He’s not a hero; he’s an enemy, so what is a hero? You have to think about it.  You can only become a hero if you kill people for yourself. What is success? Is it about stepping on other people to raise yourself up? God never said that.

Saving everybody is success, which means you have incredible spiritual strength and skills and that’s why you have the strength to completely change the culture.  This is what the Bible says.  You must have spiritual strength to transcend yourself and save everyone. No matter who you are and who they are, you must have the thoughts to save them.

Without this, you will be competing, then you don’t know that you’re already down, because that’s not God’s work.  You think if you compete and win, you’ll be successful, and that’s how you become a loser at life. You must save people, you need to win by saving people.  Success should follow you after you save people, then what happens?  They will like you and you will be happy, too. This is what the Bible is saying, but if you live your walk of faith without this, things will be harder.

Do you understand your parents?  Some do and some don’t, but for those who don’t, they can’t understand the adults, then what will happen? You will have to run away and avoid them because it’s so difficult.  It’s not about my job, but it’s a problem because it’s so difficult. Working is so difficult but my coworkers make my life hard because, while they have the abilities, they’re psycho.  So you have to catch onto this and save them, but it’s difficult and you run away, so it’s not the job that’s difficult, but your social life is hard.  Your job and studies aren’t hard, but this is difficult because it’s not taking place.

What happens if you have this when you study? You will have true hope and strength to study. If you just tried to study it would be difficult, but where are you trying to study from? Your position will be different. If a person has a dream and hope, then these skills will be used to save people and it becomes very exciting. No matter who you meet, you can save them because you’re able to see their spiritual weakness and problems. 

Without seeing you, you judge them immediately, and that’s when your vessel of blessings breaks.  You all know the gospel, but it’s important to have the eyes of the gospel, to be established in the gospel. You have the gospel, but it’s important for you to see everyone through the eyes of the gospel.  If you have the gospel but don’t see everyone from the eyes of the gospel, the first thing is you will fall into legalism, so that is why you must be gospelized and live a gospel lifestyle.

You won’t have to win by competing; you transcend that and begin to study to save people, then God will work there because He has to save people.  So you have your spiritual skill, but this is how you continue with success.  You change the culture of the company, the culture of your college dorm, because nobody can understand everybody.

When two people are dating, they may first like each other because of how they look externally, but later on, it becomes, “How does this person support me?”  Sometimes people leave their inheritance to dogs, why? Because they like dogs more than humans. What is their standard for liking dogs more than humans?  “Everybody else betrays and curses me, but only my dog understands my emotions and love me unconditionally.” Dogs don’t betray people, right? Dogs don’t betray.

If you understand people and the world properly, you’ll understand why God gave you Jesus Christ. In other words, let’s say I’m dating someone and she dates me because I look good.  After awhile, my handsomeness goes away, but she likes how I comfort her.  Even her sister doesn’t call her, but I call her to make sure she’s eating well, and I always ask, “When are you going to leave work?” Even her family members don’t do that for her, but I do that, then she’s going to be pulled towards me because I understand her and treat her well.  Then she says, “I have to marry him.” 

If you only look at external things without the inner things, it’s a big problem.  When I call her, it’s because I’m pulled towards her that I call her, but when I live with her, I don’t have to call her anymore, and it’s exhausting to be nice to her.  Before, I had to act nice to live with her, but after that point, everything that comes out is the sin, Satan, and hell from within.  But because I don’t have the eyes of Christ, it’s so difficult. I can’t understand it, but it keeps coming out, so I don’t have the strength to endure.

If I have the eyes of Christ to see this, I could pray for her and everything I do would be the work of God, but ultimately it’s so hard, and I say, “No more, that’s enough; there’s a personality conflict, and we have different lifestyles.” That’s just an easy way to put it but in reality, it’s so difficult.  The family is a blessing and you’re able to see this inner thing most closely in the family. Without seeing these three things, you look at the external things. 

As you see the internal problems, you should be able to understand your family.  If you don’t understand this in others, it means you haven’t understood this in yourself. You’re seized by the devil, and you’re scarred by that, but you can’t escape.  You have to hold onto Jesus Christ and escape from that, but you cannot, and that’s why living life isn’t even life; but our wrath and anger pile up as we’re living in society.  You can buy a gun almost anywhere, “I don’t want to fail by myself, so let’s all fail together,” and people shoot others. That’s how people’s lives become.  They didn’t end up like this because they wanted it to be this way.

Christians have been given this incredible Word of Christ, but they don’t know the reason why they need Christ, so they’re in this state.  Look at Joseph, “I’m okay if I’m a slave or imprisoned because no matter where I go, I save,” but instead of doing that, you’re stressed out and have mental problems. You get depression in prison, then what are you going to do?  It’s a fine line, Christ, the solution to all problems. 

All your problems come from Satan, sin, and hell.  It means you don’t acknowledge God, and that’s sin. You have to acknowledge God; you don’t acknowledge God, though, and that’s why Satan gleefully takes hold of you even though you’re saved. If you don’t receive healing from your scars, you won’t acknowledge God; you’ll look at everything through your scars, and that’s the reason for failure. If you receive healing, you will be liberated. 

I have a lot of scars because my pride was so strong. If my pride is hurt, I don’t talk.  After we first started our church, there was a summer LA retreat.  Every teacher was chosen in LA and they had to devote to this retreat, but we didn’t have any teachers.  So, another church had to help our church, but they didn’t want to come, they said, “I don’t want to come because of this person,” and I said in my heart, “What a brat, I raised you, this is all you have to say to me?” She wasn’t avoiding me, but my pride was so hurt.

The person in charge of the retreat said, “She doesn’t want to go,” and my pride was hurt, “Don’t come,” because it hurt my pride. From that point, I sent four teachers, “You wait and see.”  Because I have that kind of personality, there may be some positives, but I have these scars without expressing anything outwardly. If your pride is hurt, just acknowledge it.  All I had to do is acknowledge before God that the teachers don’t want to come to church, and to find out why they don’t want to come, and renew myself, and all I had to do was hold onto the covenant to raise teachers to help LA as well, but I was centered on my pride.  Even now, Pastor Ahn says, “That was a blessing, wasn’t it?” Ultimately it was a blessing but it hurt my pride at the time.

Imagine how many scars a person like me has.  If you have scars, you don’t have freedom. If the topic of teachers comes up, what happens?  These are the things that are peeled away. You shouldn’t just listen. Joyce is falling asleep but you should still listen.  According to her personality, she falls asleep quietly, but she should still listen.  Everybody has these scars and you have to listen well.

You have to listen to the Word and apply it well. If you receive the Word of God, you must apply it.  My know-how is saying, “Let’s forum now,” and I’m sure from my daughter’s perspective, she doesn’t like hearing it because she’s lacking, so her mom keeps telling her what to say.  But if you keep telling her what to say, then from my daughter’s perspective, she won’t know what to say.  “My mom doesn’t respect what I say,” so I relayed this to my mom, “Let us respect and save one another.”

Her mom said, “Until I’ve married you, you’ve always been like this,” but now is the time schedule. I’m a bit of a mental patient, and you might not see it, but everyone has this inside. You just don’t know it, but if the kids hear this, they will use words that don’t respect others.  But if I’m the one who saves others, you can save them physically as well, and you must be in this position.

Even in the church, remain in a position to save, so you must be revived first. It is your first priority to be revived through worship.  That’s how you can do the work of saving.  Saving the church, your family, and the world.  The studies you are doing must be used to save people, then do you know how exciting that is?  My small studies can heal diseased people that nobody can understand, then God is joyful within you and you’ll want to study because it doesn’t just end with studies but you’re doing the work to save people.

Among your friends, some people have very weird personalities because of this, there are dirty and foul people because of their spiritual problems. You may be fine, but what if that person texts or calls you? How do you react? You’d be shocked, wouldn’t you?  But this person is exploding like that because of these inner problems, then what do you have to do?  “This person is a mental patient. I thought they were okay at school but it turns out they’re a mental patient,” then what must you do? God is showing you to save them, “It doesn’t matter how this person acts towards me, I must save them,” then you pray to save them, but if this doesn’t take place, your relationship is broken.

A patient needs a doctor, if a person is healthy, they wouldn’t need a doctor; you need Christ because you’re diseased, and they need my prayer because they see I’m diseased.  You see that they’re diseased and scarred and they need your words.  Therefore, evangelism is all the people you meet for 24 hours, but without knowing this, you don’t know to whom you must evangelize and all the doors of evangelism are closed. But if you see the spiritual problems of Satan and hell, you can save people, like Joseph saving Potiphar and his wife and even Joseph’s brothers.

I’m sure Joseph prayed for his brothers, and that’s a winner.  What is a winner?  Is it to be the president? You are president for four years and then you run away.  Even this president will be president for four years and then run away.  Then, what is a winner?  The one who has Christ and saves others through Christ is the winner of the age, and every single thing you do will be the work of a successful victor. It’s very important. 

It was hardest for me to work because people are hard.  I didn’t understand my superiors, my peers, and my standards were all wrong, so not a single person matched with me, but I was so stuck in my standards that I pointed fingers at everyone and called them crazy.  But I was the crazy one, and everyone was crazy, so there was no answer.  You have no idea how important this is.

Therefore, how do we do the work that God desires?  Don’t do anything; believe the fact that I need Christ, that everyone needs Christ.  Believe the fact that America doesn’t need anything other than Christ, and we study and work for temple construction and proclaiming Christ.  Without this, temple construction is just a building that cannot save people and it doesn’t matter if it turns into a bar.  In Europe, the churches are turning into bars because they don’t save people, and it’s the same in America.  People don’t believe in Christ.

“But I do believe in Christ!” I’m talking about believing that you need Christ in every aspect of your life, then the darkness and disasters are broken and everywhere you go, the Kingdom of God is established and the throne and crown in heaven are awaiting you, and everything you fulfill on earth is continuously relayed.

What happens when you save someone? The person is saved, but if you kill others? You make enemies.  This is a worldly problem. It’s not for lack of scientific advances, and it’s not dependent on your knowledge, but everyone is lost without Christ, and that’s why Christ must be the main and everyone is established in Christ.  Then when you go to your job, your workplace is revived. 

Have you tried this?  You help someone and you’re happy. When a parent helps a child, they think, “How can I help my child?” and they’re happy. There is a joy in giving.  Instead of going to study, you think, “How can I use this to save America and the 237 nations?” That’s how you study and God gives you joy. Studies aren’t just studies, but they’re for saving people.  Your occupation isn’t just your job but you say, “Whom can I save today?”

The more evil they are, the more diseased they are.  Why do people have no choice but to be this way?  Pray for them and God will show you so you can see. They will say something to you or God will show you their past and because you understand that person, you feel bad for them, and no one else can save them except you.  That person will know spiritually if they treat you wickedly but you are nice to them; this is spiritually relayed. 

Even dogs know when you don’t like them.  Most dogs love me, but there is a psychotic dog in my neighborhood who barks at everyone. I think he was abused by his owner, but most dogs like me because I like dogs. Do you know how dogs know? They’re different from people.  We hear that dogs read people, so they know, “This person likes me.” So as soon as they see me, they lower their head and wag their tail. 

People know this, too. If I am in a spiritual position to save them, they will know spiritually.  If this person is weird and you’re avoiding them, they will know as you avoid them.  This person doesn’t have the answer but they try to live with spiritual problems, but if you pray for them, they will know.  That is how you save everyone you meet.  If you don’t understand this, how can you understand evangelism? You will never be able to.  If you treat people badly and try evangelizing, they will persecute you, “Just work properly.”

In the Korean military, there’s a chaplain who leads the service, but to limit suicides, they have multiple religions, and there was a docile person, some Buddhist and a Christian who came within a month of each other, but instead of praying and overcoming it, they couldn’t; they fought. The Christian kept disappearing somewhere, and I was worried for the Christian because he might commit suicide.  Now that I think about it, I wonder if he went to a quiet place to pray, but even his praying made people worry. 

When we were supposed to gather, he disappeared, and because he was so sensitive, I thought he would commit suicide, so instead of him evangelizing me, I was more concerned for him.  From my perspective, I thought Christians were weak and they should be strong like me. I had to always be nice to him so he wouldn’t commit suicide, but he hated talking, so how frustrating was it for me?  If he was a little more expressive, I would understand his thoughts, but he kept disappearing, and I was so concerned for him, but one day he talked to me.

Even his expression was blank and somber, he had his eyes closed, and he said, “Why don’t you try believing in Jesus?”  If I said I didn’t want to believe in Jesus, he would commit suicide, so I said something that wouldn’t shock him and make him kill himself, and I rejected him in a nice way so as to not scar him.  We were both in our 20s and I think he probably prayed for me, but at that time, he couldn’t evangelize to him; if anything, I had to evangelize to him because I had a stronger heart.  Do you understand what I’m saying?

No matter who you meet and what circumstance you’re in, you must overcome that and save them.  This isn’t something you can learn by going to Harvard; this is something that only comes when you believe in Jesus Christ, and that’s why Jesus Christ has overcome the world. He is victorious through the incident of the cross, and the Jewish people weren’t a problem.  He didn’t argue with people; sure, we need logic, but that’s not how we overcome.  We may be able to protect others with logic but we cannot save. 

Only Christ.  He is very wide, deep, and high.  Once Christ is constantly established in our lives, we can see other things, and this is the blessing we have.  In order for this to happen, you must apply the Word you received through meditation. It’s possible to discover this as you forum as well. Even today while having forum with my family, I realized we have to respect and save one another. This is how we save the remnants. We shouldn’t spoil them or they will ruin other people. This is the blessing upon you, and I hope you will discover it.

Especially if you have scars, may you challenge them in Christ so Christ is with you in that.  If you have aspects in which you are weak, receive strength to overcome that.  If you have somebody you can’t understand, ask God to show you their spiritual state. This is the work we must do now. If you’re eager regarding these studies, you’ll be taken in by people.  May you enjoy this blessing.


God we thank You. Allow us to see and believe that Christ is necessary in all aspects of life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.


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