The Believer’s Point of View in Christ (Philippians 1:12-21)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Believer’s Point of View in Christ (Philippians 1:12-21)

Point of View (Eyes) (Philippians 1:12-21)

Let’s read Philippians 1:12-21.  In today’s healing evangelism school, we are going to learn about the Believer’s Point of View in Christ.  It is not just a point of view, but it is one that is within Christ.  These are not the eyes you gain by studying and knowing the world.  If you have these eyes, then you’re able to see how God is working.  But if you don’t have these eyes, then you’re seeing everything through a different point of view so you cannot see the works of God. However, if you’re able to have these eyes, then you’re able to know the invisible working and guidance of God.

Present Reality, Facts, Truth, Spiritual Facts

In fact, there will be suffering and anguish that happens to us in our field, and the present reality consists of facts; however, behind the facts, there is the Truth.  However, if you only look at the present reality and facts, you are just like an unbeliever.  Whenever there’s a human relationship, there is always a truth behind that, but even behind the truth, there are the spiritual facts, and these eyes must be opened.  If you have these eyes opened, you won’t be deceived.

God’s Plan

That is how you’ll be able to find God’s plan, and this is how we must train and practice.  If you cannot train and practice within this, you will only see what you can see and thus be deceived.  There’s no need for us to be deceived, because in reality, within all of this are hidden the blessings of God, so if you know and anticipate this, then God will absolutely show you His plan.

Past, Scars

We must have the eyes to see our past.  What happens if you don’t have the eyes to see your past?  There will absolutely be a reality and facts within your past, for example, let’s consider your scars. When you received those scars, there was absolutely a reality and fact at that time.  But if you look behind the scenes, there’s a hidden truth there, and furthermore, there are the spiritual facts, but because you don’t see this, you’re only stuck in your past scars, looking at the reality and facts.  

So even if you see from a little of the other person’s point of view, you won’t go as far as receiving scars, in other words, if you understand the truth that is behind the scenes about why someone said something to you, you wouldn’t be scarred by that, and if you go as far as knowing the spiritual facts, it won’t be a scar for you. You must be able to see your past properly.

Present, Future

That is how you’ll be able to see the present currently, and your present is related to the future; your past is connected to your present.  If you do not have the eyes to see the scars of your past, you’ll be seized by your present; it’s the same for the future ahead, so that’s why this is so important.  Christians must open these eyes. It’s the same within the church. Everything that takes place may be a fact but they are not the truth. There is a truth behind the facts, and even behind the truth, there is a spiritual background, the spiritual facts. 

You have to be able to see this to evangelize. Evangelism doesn’t just take place by asking someone, “Do you want to believe in Jesus?” You have to be able to solve these aspects for them, and you’ll be able to relay this to other people when you see these aspects within your own life. All the new believers you meet with are stuck within this, their scars.  All of them receive scars because they remain within the reality and the facts; they don’t go as far as seeing the truth.  

When kids are scarred by their parents, they only look at the reality and facts; they don’t know the truth of their parents’ hearts.  They only receive scars due to the words that were said or the actions that were taken.  However, behind the scenes, the underlying truth and reason is that the parents wanted to help their kids, and that’s why this is so important.  If you’re able to see the world with these eyes, you’ll be able to raise up and save many people.

1. Bible

There are a few examples in the Bible where you can see through the point of view of Christ.


In Exodus 14:10-14, it talks about the incident where the Israelites were surrounded with the Egyptian army behind them and the Red Sea before them. This was the fact and present reality.  Those who only saw the reality and the facts had no choice but to be resentful.  However, they would react differently if they were able to see the spiritual facts and God’s plan.


They would begin to pray, because it’s a definite fact that behind them, there was the Egyptian army and the Red Sea was before them, but there was God’s plan that God desired to give to them, but we see in the Bible that most people fall into resentment. At that point, Moses begins to pray, “See what the LORD will do for you today.  Stay and wait.”  That is the person who is able to bring about the answers and lead others.

1) Genesis 39:1-6, 19-23 Slave, Prison

Let’s look at the example of Joseph.  Joseph was taken as a slave, this was the reality and a fact.  The truth behind Joseph being taken as a slave was the hearts of his older brothers; however, within that background, there is absolutely a spiritual fact, and that’s God’s plan.  He went into prison, Potiphar’s wife lied, and that’s a fact.  But behind the scenes, it shows the truth that the woman was the criminal and hid herself. You must be able to see the spiritual fact.  It was the work of Satan to block the covenant, then what is God’s plan?  You must find that, the spiritual fact, then you’ll be able to have the eyes that nobody else has.  Otherwise, you have no choice but to struggle in your suffering and resentment.

3) Job 1:20-22

Shall we look at Job?  Job seemed like he was destroyed, all of his investments and savings were depleted, he was sick, his wife left, and his children were dead. He was completely destroyed, however, behind the scenes, there was the plan of God.  Even before that plan of God, it is the spiritual truth that Satan was trying to test Job.  Satan reported to God saying, “Job only serves you so well because you continue to bless him.  See if Job will continue to worship you if he takes away those blessings.”  There is absolutely a spiritual truth behind the scenes, however, there is absolutely God’s plan as well. It seems like suffering but it’s really not; it seems you have a problem but it’s really not.  But if you don’t know this, then no matter how much you go to church or how much you try to believe, you will be stuck in the things you see with your eyes.

2. Trouble – Fall

Why do people fall in times of trouble? When you face trouble, you will fall, but what is the reason for that?  It’s because we do not know the method of God.

1) Romans 8:28 All Things – Good

It’s because we don’t know Romans 8:28 that God causes everything to work together for the good. We must know God’s method very well.  Through this and that and everything that happens, God uses it all together to save people, which is His good purpose. If you don’t know this, you will fall.  You will fall within the reality and facts you see with your eyes.  

2) James 1:3 Faith – Testing, Perseverance

There is a result of all our tribulation, but we don’t know that result.  It says you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  It is through tribulations of God that your endurance grows, and this is God’s method.  

3) Disguise 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4

It’s because they don’t understand the reason God disguises His blessings.  It would be great if God showed us the blessings a bit more obviously, but He shows them in disguise.  He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others with the comfort God gives us. It is through our troubles that God comforts us, so that we can be raised up as people who comfort other people who face the same troubles.  People also fall in times of trouble because we’re unaware of the actual blessings that come after tribulation.  

4) Blessing Exodus 14:31 Faith

God doesn’t give you troubles without reason; without a doubt, there is a blessing.  In Exodus 14:31, ultimately it is so that we may believe in the LORD and the servant whom the LORD raised up, Moses.  

5) Test – Promises 1 Corinthians 10:13

They also fall because they don’t know the promises of God in times of temptation.  He says the temptations you face in your life are no different than the temptations others experience. He only gives us the temptations we can withstand, and when you are tempted, God will show you a way out so that you can endure. Therefore, trust in God. Don’t say that you’re facing a difficult situation, but instead, believe in God, so He can give you endurance.  It is so that we can receive the comfort of God and be those who comfort others.  

We shouldn’t live like unbelievers.  We tremble in our lives if we face a difficulty we see with our eyes, and if something doesn’t align with what I want, just a little bit, we say life is hard.  Ultimately, these people don’t believe in God.  Instead of having this kind of point of view, you have to be able to see God’s realistic working.

3. Tribulation – Thanksgiving (Blessings, Answers)

What must we do in times of tribulation? We must be thankful because God does not give us tribulation for no reason.  Without a doubt, within the problem is the blessing and answer from God, because God allows that, therefore there is nothing that harms a child of God. If I’m not a child of God, that’s a different story; however, for a child of God, because God allowed this, there is a blessing and answer within this. This is what we must have firmly, and this is why we wait and pray.  Then a person’s inner strength will, little by little, be raised up.

1) Philippians 4:6-7

Don’t be anxious because you will face present realities that make you anxious, but do not be anxious, Paul says, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, therefore there’s nothing to be anxious about, because without a doubt, within those situations is God’s plan.  

There are some people whose thoughts and hearts completely collapse whenever they face something that looks like a problem, and God will continue to give that person problems in order to make that person firm.  If you’re so weak and feeble, you can’t do world evangelization, so God will continue to give you problems to make you more firm until you receive the faith that, within this problem, there is a blessing and plan of God.  Not having problems is not God’s plan.  If you don’t have faith, then God has to give you problems to raise up your faith.  Until you’re able to change all your problems and circumstances to thanksgiving, believing that all of God’s plan and blessings are within this.  

It doesn’t matter what problems you face; it doesn’t matter what confusion you face, because God has allowed this, then there is absolutely God’s plan and blessing. This is how you can do world evangelization.  It doesn’t matter how much you go to church; if you don’t have this point of view, then instead of doing America evangelization, you’ll be enslaved by America; ultimately  you’ll be enslaved by Satan.

2) 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in all circumstances because there’s God’s will within this.  This week, we received the Word about the Prayer that God Desires, because God’s will exists in every aspect of our lives, therefore be thankful for all things because within this is God’s will, and to pray without ceasing is because God’s plan is there. Be thankful in all circumstances because God has a will within this.  If you don’t know this, and you’re only looking at your present reality, there’s no reason to be thankful.

Pray without ceasing? That’s too hard!  Be thankful in all things? There’s nothing to be thankful for! But we are able to be joyful, to pray without ceasing, and to be thankful in all circumstances because there’s the will of God, and if you know God’s will, you have no choice but to be joyful in prayer and thankful.

3) Hebrews 13:15

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of the lips that confess His name.  We are constantly offering God a sacrifice of praise, not occasionally but always.  It is the fruit of the lips that confess His name.  Even when you face tribulation, let us give an offering of a sacrifice of praise to God.  Being able to thank God and praise God in the face of tribulation is the fruit of the lips that confess Christ’s name.

Conclusion – Don’t be Deceived, Problems, Tribulations

In conclusion, we must not be deceived.  Satan continuously deceives with the reality you see with your eyes, through problems and tribulations.  He’s going to deceive you with the facts of what the person said and through relationships, but there is a background upon which someone says those words, and behind that, there is the spiritual fact; the person may have been speaking out of their scars, so you must be able to decipher this well.  If you’re not able to do this, you will get sucked into this person who is being controlled by Satan.  

Word, 3 Curses, Power, Throne, Authority

Therefore, you must look for the plan of God within God’s Word because God always works with His Word.  Even now, the Triune God works through the Word, so you must find God’s Word. Even now, Jesus Christ is binding and destroying the forces of sin, Satan, and hell.  Even now, by the working of the Holy Spirit, we are receiving His power. Even now, the heavenly hosts of angels are fulfilling God’s Word from the throne of heaven and even now, the forces of darkness are being broken down. These are the absolute facts that never change; you must be very firm in this.

No matter what happens to you in reality, you must remain within the spiritual truth of the Triune God, the Throne of Heaven, and the forces of Satan being broken down. If something good happens, it’s not that good.  If something bad happens, it’s not that bad because even now, the Triune God is working with His Word, breaking down the curses with His power for all eternity.  Not just now, but for all the future, so there’s nothing so good or so bad; just be thankful always in the Triune God; be joyful because of that.  

Don’t be so discouraged because of people; you’re only discouraged because you listen to people, but these people themselves haven’t solved their fundamental problems, then how could you trust them? What happens when you trust in people?  I’m telling you to trust in God instead.  I’m not telling you to be distrustful or suspicious like enemies with everyone you meet. Trust God because people can always fall over as they’re caught up in tests.  Even if you say 99 good things to someone, they may collapse because one thing touches their scar.  

Knowing this, you must see everything through the facts, through the truth of the Word, and the truth of God’s promise because this is how God is working even now. I hope you will not lose hold of these blessings, then without a doubt, you will be victorious. We must have this believer’s point of view in Christ. If you have this point of view, the person will become a leader.

It did not matter how many strong leaders were gathered in Egypt; they couldn’t fight against one person, Joseph.  We don’t receive this point of view because we graduate from some great college, but these are the eyes we develop when we properly know God.  Who is the one who will lead America? The one who has these eyes must go into that position.  Therefore, help the remnants to open their eyes to go to the seat of the summit.  In the field you’re in, you must have these eyes open so you may raise up others and save them in your field.  That is God’s standard.  I hope you will enjoy this blessing.


God, we thank You.  We pray that You will open our eyes so the believers may see from the point of view within Christ.  Allow us to remain within the seat that saves ourselves and everyone else. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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