Escape from Problems and Slavery in Egypt by Concentrating on Only Christ, the Passover Lamb (Numbers 9:1-23)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Escape from Problems and Slavery in Egypt by Concentrating on Only Christ, the Passover Lamb (Numbers 9:1-23)

Speaker Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

How can we escape from that? Everybody is different, however it’s important to help them to concentrate on the Word of God because right now, they’re suffering as they concentrate on something else.  

We will have a time to share the Word of God from Numbers 9.  In Numbers 9:1, the LORD spoke to Moses and gave him the command in Numbers 9:2, “Have the Israelites celebrate the Passover”. The appointed time to share the Passover was Numbers 9:3, “At the twilight of the 14th day of this month in according to its rules and regulations.”  God gave the Israelites the promise to celebrate the Passover every single year.  In other words, God gave the Israelites the Word to celebrate on the first month of every year on the 14th day, the event where they escaped from slavery from Egypt by applying the blood of the lamb. 

However, the people who came into contact with a dead body are ceremonially unclean. How could they, or people who journey from far away, celebrate the Passover?  God gave the command for the people who travel far must come back and celebrate the Passover within a month, and those who were ceremonially unclean must do the same, so that means every single Israelite, without fail, must observe this Passover.

Why do you think God is telling them to observe the Passover on the first month of the year, on the fourteenth day?  Beyond the Passover there are two other main feasts, the Pentecost and the Feast of the Ingathering. There are spiritual meanings behind these feasts, because the Old Testament is a shadow, a representation. The Passover represents Jesus Christ Who died on the cross, and the Pentecost represents the time when the Holy Spirit came upon the members of Mark’s upper room.  So, all the shadows depicted in the Old Testament became a reality in the New Testament as they were fulfilled, so that is why we were told to obey these feasts for eternity.

Why is it that the blood of the Passover Lamb is brought to the Israelites as liberation?  Even now, if it’s not for the blood of Jesus Christ, we could never escape.  So, when God tells us to observe the Passover for eternity, He means for us to observe it every day, every moment.  What happens if we do not?  Then we go back to our state in Egypt, in other words, you return to slaves to Egypt and Satan. That’s what happens when you don’t hold on.  “Oh, but I’m okay even if I don’t hold onto the Passover,” then you will hold onto yourself.  

What is the state of Egypt? It was the state where they completely lost hold of God’s word and they held onto themselves; they were trapped in their own thoughts, because Satan deceives us into making us think we are gods, so because of that, we work so diligently to gather up our own things, and we study very diligently because we have to save up, and we do all of that to elevate our own name and success.  We think life will work out, but one day, we are completely seized by Satan. Even though we try to do good things and hold onto some kind of religion or idol, the more we do that, the more we’re seized.

If you’re seized by Satan, you cannot escape. You cannot escape with your own mental state, so your mentality is seized. Even if you want to escape from depression, you cannot. Depression doesn’t come all of a sudden, but it is constantly continuing, and one day it seizes you.  You were constantly saying, “Me, me,” and one day, in the time schedule, you were seized by it, and if your thoughts and emotions are seized, then honestly, everything is seized, and that’s why your entire family falls into that state.  You were working, but you that is working itself is seized.  That’s why there’s suffering in our lives.

It is not only for yourself, but even if you don’t teach this to the next generation, that state gets passed onto them, and that’s what we’re liberated from whenever we hold onto and apply the blood of the Passover Lamb, but the members of the church keep misunderstanding, “I’ve already escaped, why do you keep repeating this?” You are not understanding, it is evidence they are still trapped.  The people who understand why we have to keep saying these words are in a state where they escaped.

If you keep asking, “Why do you have to repeat the same thing?” Then you are trapped, because you’re saying I don’t need the blood today, because you’re saying you don’t need Christ again today, you are saying you are going to live according to my thoughts and my mental strength. That is why you were enslaved by Egypt but you’re going back to that state.  That is why every single year, on the first month of the fourteenth day, you must observe the passover, and every single person without exception must observe it because even if one person misses out on the Passover it won’t work out.  Therefore, if you hold onto the covenant very haphazardly, you will be enslaved by the Satan of America.

Every single day, all the time, we must begin with the blood of the Passover Lamb. If you ever say, “Okkay, I’ve had enough of this and I’ll try something else,” then that person will be seized.  At first, you might not feel it because you think that you can do it, and maybe works might take place, but one day, you’ll realize you’ve been seized, you’re so seized by your thoughts and your heart that you cannot escape, and afterward, their work will be destroyed and you will be seized. That’s why, every single year, without exception, every person must obey the Passover.

Always only Christ.  Always confirm this. If you don’t, you’ll return [to Egypt and slavery].  Look at what the Israelites did when they left Egypt, because they lost the Passover they kept on trying to go back to Egypt.  By the grace of God, they escaped from Egypt through the Passover lamb but they don’t know the meaning of why they need it.  So, they hear about it and understand the grace about it, but they never understand why they have to do this all day everyday so they have no choice but to go back to their old state.

EVery single day, always, as soon as you wake up, you must begin with this. That is the way to save myself.  Other people can only help physically. Perhaps they may be able to help you physically, however if they don’t hold onto the Passover they will be seized; that person will constantly be enslaved. You must keep the Passover without a single exception. Every single member of the church must be only Christ.  You must always remember that you’ve become a child of God through Jesus Christ, so that’s why even before you pray, you must know who you are.  

If you don’t know who you are, you will seek th8nga from your old Egypt state, then you’re going to pray for religion and idolatry, and you’re going to repeatedly do things you don’t have to do.  You’re going to continue living like this and then one day, you’ll be destroyed in the wilderness.  

For the people who have received salvation in Numbers 9:15, they talk centered on the Tabernacle, the place where God is with them, because God is with them through the Ark of the Covenant.  The Tabernacle moves. The Temple is fixed; the Church moves.  The Church Temple may be in a fixed location, but you are the Temple in the Church and you movearound, and that’s why the church gathers and scatters.  If you don’t understand this message today you will be destroyed in the field.

On the day of the Tabernacle, there was a cloud that covered the Tent of the Covenantal Law.  This cloud covered a cloud that looked like fire that gave warmth to the entire Israelites will be settled in over the tabernacle and tent of the Covenant Law until the morning.  Numbers 9:16 says at night, the cloud looked like fire, but during the day it looked like a cloud, because during the day, the desert is so hot and there was nothing above them to shade them from the sun, so that’s why God gave them a cloud above the Tabernacle.  That’s evidence that God is saying He will be with them.  At night, in order to keep them warm and to brighten up the area, He covered them with a cloud that looked like fire. 

The saved and liberated people of God live a life with God.  How is God with us in today’s age?  During this age, God was with them through worship and the Tabernacle.  It says in Exodus 3:18 that the LORD told Moses to request of the Pharaoh, “Let us take a three day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices.”  Why did they have Exodus? It is through worship that He is continuously confirming the relationship he has with the Israelites as him as their God and they as His people, so they live their entire lives where worship and the Tabernacle were always the center.

Whenever we worship, God gives us His Word and the Holy Spirit, therefore, when the pillar of cloud moves, it means the Word of God is moving and we follow, and if the pillar of cloud stops, then the word of God is stopping and we stop there, too.  This is our walk of faith.  [We go wherever God moves and guides us].  God gives us his word on Sunday, and go in the direction where the word is moving you in the field and that is why, 24 hours.  You take the Word God gave you on Sunday and take it into the field with God.

What happens if this doesn’t take place? You are moving without the pillar of cloud.  You should not fall behind nor go forward and if you do that, the sun will be scorching upon you so that’s why you say it’s difficult and full of suffering and you die.  You say studying and making a living is like death.  You’re not dying because it’s difficult; you’re dying because you lack the pillar of cloud.  If the pillar of comes upon you, it would be easy. And it would be easy if you went into 24 hour prayer with the Word of God; it’s only difficult if you live your life without that.  

People who have cancer cannot work, then what should they do?  They must go into 24 hours with the Word God gave them. If they keep trying to fix their body, they are being deceived because Satan is seizing you spiritually through this cancer.  Moreso than dying from cancer, it is our thoughts and heart that are killing us.  If the cancer is here, we can simply say it’s here, but you’re so gripped by your fear of death, that you die prematurely. If a problem is there, that’s what it is, but the person themselves determine that it’s a big problem, and that’s how Satan seizes you.  

So, the problem is not really the problem; it is myself who is the real problem. I must not be seized by the devil. What’s important is that through this problem, you are able to discover the plan of God through prayer and the Word.  For people who have spiritual diseases, especially cancer, you must play the message 24 hours a day and concentrate on that. Does it mean you’re healed? That’s not something we would know, why would we be concerned with that? either way, you cannot fix yourselves.  The only thing you must do is not be deceived by Satan.  The work that I must do is to be with God. The pillar of cloud and of fire, 24 hours.

You are within this strength, and within this, you can eat better and exercise; it’s all within this.  Without a doubt, the devil exists but even if I say he exists, you’re going to say he doesn’t, but as evidence of that, when cancer comes you will be sexier by something else.  It’s because you don’t recognize or acknowledge that the devil is here. You know this logically it’s because you’re legalistic and it’s theoretical for you. You don’t acknowledge that he’s actually working; that’s why you’re seized by problems.  

The problem is’t the problem, being seized by Satan is the problem. Through your problem, God is giving you an answer through the Word and prayer. You must first save yourself, but if you lose hold of yourself, you’ll be seized through your problems. You must understand these words; if you do not, you will continue to suffer in your walk of faith.  Every year, you suffer.  If you face a problem, it’s going to be a problem, and if you don’t have any problems you will make more problems.  Satan will target that person 24 hours a day, so you have no choice but to suffer.

What about for people who have mental problems? It’s the same, it means we’re constantly being seized by something, so even if we seem fine on the outside, our thoughts are being seized by something else, and we are being dragged even in the present day by the scars in the past.  

How can we escape from that? It’s the same day, 24 hours, go into the Word of God.  Everybody is different, however it’s important to help them to concentrate on this because right now, they’re suffering because they’re concentrating on something else.  There was one friend from a Chinese household who would come to me every time he was afflicted.  When this boy was in elementary school, he was constantly mocked and bullied.  Back in the day, his father owned a Chinese restaurant, and the delivery box would be gray and metal so everyone would bully him saying, “Great backpack.” Honestly you can make a lot of money by owning a Chinese restaurant, but all the kids made fun of him “Hey, your dad has a metal backpack,” so you can imagine how much he was scarred.

But this boy was so gripped by that scar; he had a mental problem, and he was seized by all the times he was bullied in the past and called this metal backpack, so even though he’s living in the present day, he’s suffering because he is still seized by his past; he’s seized even recognizing he’s scarred.  HOwever, the scars you’ve received perhaps while you were in your mother’s womb, you don’t even recognize is but you’re still seized by it, so everyone is seized by something, whether they know it or not.  

Because we’re seized by a scar and we were hurt in a game where we weren’t even conscious of it because we have personalities even when we’re in our mother’s womb; we just don’t know it.  These people were all over, they’d succeed if they had the ability but they’re not able to solve this, so Satan is moving and seizing them, moment by moment.  One day, he will find you, and then you’ll play the tape with the messages, the audio tape, to listen to that.  Then after this man would listen for 30 minutes, he would be okay and go back home.  

Why is it okay if he listens to this message for 30 minutes? What’s the principle of that?  Satan was continuously seizing this person with their scars.  How could he escape? You can’t escape with your mental strength the devil is seizing  you, but as he keeps on listening to the word of God, he escapes without even realizing it, because the Holy Spirit works within the Word of God, and this continues to be repeated.  These are people with mental problems.  It doesn’t matter what the mental problem is, whether it’s mental disorder, anxiety attacks, and depression ;24 hours with the word of God. There is no healing beyond that.

Even if it seems like there is healing, it is not fundamentally healing so Satan will seize you again. You should ask them, it seems as if they’re getting healed but they’re not. Because fundamentally the devil flees.  It doesn’t matter if you receive a prayer or not.  It doesn’t matter if you have some kind of work take place; because fundamental healing hasn’t taken place, you cannot return, so your studies are not just studies; your job is not just a job; if you’re not able to heal the fundamental things you will always be seized.  

For the people who can listen to the Word of God, keep making them listen.  Some people escape from their thoughts by writing down the important Bible scriptures related to the gospel. Today, at this time, the time when you’re concentrating on the Word of God is the time you receive healing according to this gospel, but without even realizing it, as you concentrate on the message, you’re receiving healing by yourself; therefore, worship is a time of concentration. 

People with mental problems cannot be at peace for a moment, but during the time of worship, it is the working of the Holy Spirit they are able to sit still, and if they keep staying and listening, one day, they will be healed.  24 hours.  I’m not saying to do this for 24 hours without even eating?  I’m just saying what are your heart and mind on? If you’re not working, what must you do first? You must move with the pillar of cloud and fire. You must move with the Word of God with prayer, that’s how you will receive an answer within the work you are doing.

Even if they weren’t with the pillar in Egypt, they still worked well. Even if they were not with God they studied and worked well, but the inside was not healed or resolved, because they were so stuck on doing well, but would people who are doing well suffer in Egypt like that. Success is unnecessary if you’re going to die.  Eating and drinking is not important if you’re going to die.  It’s continuously repeating, that is why 24 hours 

You can’t not work and not study, you can’t just stop studying for a few years.   So, if you have a mental problem, it’s a great chance from God to concentrate. If you have cancer, you can’t work, so it’s a perfect opportunity to concentrate, so you should do this before you get cancer, because ultimately if this, passes over you’ll fall into disease 

Honestly it’s already here. It’s just that we can’t see it yet. If you’re separated from God, always in your worries and concerns, disease is already there.  That’s what it means.  Whenever the pillar of cloud and fire and the Tabernacle move, you’d go into it, so that means whenever the Word of God moves, you turn it into your prayer. This is very important.  Then as evidence that God is with you with the Word of God, without a doubt 25 hours.

THe way we think may be, “Are we good at our skill or not?” But that’s not our standard. His standard is, “Where did this come from?”  It must be the art, studies, or business that comes from within this spiritual thing.  That’s how you will not fall; That’s how you will take this into the cultural summit to save others.

But people look down on the Passover and because they looked down on the fundamental things even if they hold onto the word of God, it’s held legalistically.  Because they look down on the most fundamental gospel, they hold onto the word of God, they hold it physically expecting  prosperous blessings.  If they have a little bit more of a conscience, they’ll lose hold of the word entirely and they try experiencing this physically.  It must be the worship God gives you within the covenant of the Passover.  

Therefore, if you don’t understand “within this Gospel,” it means everything is unnecessary because you’ll always be repeating, and because you lose hold of the gospel, even if you go to church for a long time, nothing is solved. If you don’t understand the reason why you need the gospel of Jesus Christ, every single day, every single moment, then you’re holding onto the word of God legalistically.  The Jewish people and Pharisees followed and held onto the Word of God so well, but because they lost hold of the meaning of the Passover Lamb, they held onto the Word of God from a different state.  

Legalism, as you know, makes individuals suffer first because they keep judging people.  Because they have the law, they have no choice but to judge people, and it’s easy for the devil to attack people like that.  That is why everywhere they go, Satan works upon these people with division and conflicts.  The reason why churches are fighting and splitting up and the reason why church goers go into the world and cause fights is because they are weak in the gospel and cannot do missions or evangelism at all.  They have to take the gospel to the land of Cannan but they are not able to do it at all.  The reason is because they looked at everything regarding the law. So the don’t even care. They’re fighting within the Israelite community itself. 

Because they are following after the Word of God, after they lost hold of the meaning of the Passover Lamb they’re arguing over who’s right and who’s wrong.  If you lose hold of the covenant of Christ and you follow after the Word of God, then you’re always going to be following the prosperous blessings like, “What are we going to eat? What are we going to have?” That’s the churches of today, and the things that happened thousands of years ago, are taking place even now if you lose hold of the covenant of the Passover lamb, then the same thing repeats.  And you’re not even able to dream about missions and evangelism. You’re too busy judging people and unbelievers, you don’t have time to evangelize, because you’re looking at all the unbelievers through the eyes of the law, you don’t see them as salvation.  

Because you have such a strict law, you look at Shamans and Fortune Tellers as people who are cursed, so you avoid them who are cursed.  If you have this prosperity-based faith, that’s what you pray for, and it’s the same today.  The reason why the members of the Early Church and the members of the church are falling apart, is because God is telling them, observe the Passover. 

Why must it be only Christ?  Why must it be always Christ? If you don’t have that, you’ll have to return [to Egypt]; it’s not enough to just hear it “I am a child of God, there is nothing more I have to do to become a child of God,” but there are many new believers like that; you have to teach them correctly.  You tell them this, but they say, “I’ll try my best to be a child of God,” but you don’t have to try, why? This is the characteristic of an unbeliever who lives according to their diligence, and it’s the characteristic wh have another religion.  They’re so entrenched in the idea that I have to earn something and gain something with my own diligence so they cannot escape.

The fact that you’ve become children of God through Jesus Christ means that the status and authority of Christ is with you.  Then, why would a child of God tremble before a problem? There is a blessing and plan in that problem, but if you lose hold of that, you keep going back to your self-centered self-esteem, then Satan will touch your scar as he has been waiting for you.  As he waits for you, he will seize your thoughts, and if you’re seized by your thought,you’ll move according to that. That’s what he is telling us what to do. That’s why, every day Christ.  Enjoying the Word of God within your field is what we call prayer.

Then without you even realizing, you will be changed. Within that, the answer of God’s 25 hours will take place in you work, why?  Because we must conquer Canaan and do missions and evangelism. We conquered Canaan with this evidence. THat’s why in the Old Testament God keeps on telling us the Three Feasts and the Old Testament, and that’s why God never told the, to make houses but first the tabernacle.  You need to know how to prioritize what is truly important to receive answers.

The people in the Old Testament are people just like you and me, “Why do I have to build the Tabernacle?” We have to have a tent so we can wander around the wilderness so my family will live “why is the Tabernacle important?” That’s was for everybody to die. Because you have live within Gods answers but you’re saying you’re going to take care of yourself first then the curses and disasters do not depart. right.  

You need the Tabernacle in order to make sacrifices for your sins to be atoned, but if you don’t have that then you get colonized by Babylon, you try to build the Temple of Zerubbabel, but they keep failing.  There’s continuous disruption in the building of the temple when the NOrthern Israelites try to participate in the southernIsraelites temple but they say “you couldn’t participate because your blood has been mixed with Gentile women,” so God gives the Word through Haggai; “ gold and silver belong to God, they are not yours,” and the fact that God is moving the heavens and earth means God is doing it. You must have the Tabernacle for the Israelites to live.

Even after making the temple, it looks fine on the outside but they lost hold of the reason why they had to give sacrifices to it.  Look at Malachi.  For 400 years, they lost hold of the atonement of sins from the priests and the Word of God from the prophet, and the priest himself was corrupted. The temple existed but they lost hold of the meaning entirely and for 400 years, it was a desolate age.  After suffering so much, they were colonized by Rome and that’s why Christ came, so it is no longer about the temple. You are the temple; you are the Royal priesthood, and just as the priest did this in the temple you go out into the field and you do this with God. This is a constant in the New Testament in our life.

May you have this blessing. Even if you try really hard, it’s not going to take place. It’s not going to take place if you work diligently and hard; you have to quickly escape from you state of Egypt you have to quickly escape through CHrist, you have to quickly know the fact that you’re a child of God, and then pray the prayer with the covenant that God gives you such that God’s kingdom is established.

You’re not praying to ask God to give me this to eat; it’s because you don’t know who you are. What is God’s will? God’s will is world evangelization and saving lives.  To get the daily bread is the daily Word; God gave us everything we need to pray for, but you’re praying foolishly, why is that?  He gave us everything; why do you pray foolishly? It’s because you don’t know who you are.  God told you that He knows everything you need already, but you don’t believe that. Then you’re exactly the same as the people in the Old Testament, who are traveling through the wilderness saying “Give me this and give me  that to eat ” 

What church must we be? What church does God desire? It’s according to His Word. If we go according to the Word God gave us, we will be the church that conquers Canaan, and we will be the church that is able to have this continuously take place through the next generation.  That is the reason God gives you the economy of light because that’s the economy that saves people.

If you’re making money to have a big house and to eat a lot of food; that’s the economy of darkness, but God has he has already prepared that for you.  You have to have the economy that saves people. Your offering and mine is the offering that saves people. That’s the reason we have an economy of light and it’s through my job that people are safe.  “Why are you talking about offering?” It means you haven’t understood; it means you’re seized by money.  If you do understand this, you will be strengthened, “This is the reason I have to work.”


May you enjoy this blessing. Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us today.

We worship like this, but you must be able to worship for 24 hours when you go home. Go into 24 hour prayer with the Word God gave you on Sunday and Wednesday.  Then I believe God will give you answers according to His time schedule and plan.  If your body is weak it doesn’t matter; it means there’s something important within that, and within that you’re revived, then one day, even the things you see with your eyes will be healed.

At this time, there are people in our church who are very weak and people are physically suffering.  Missionary Chang, and Senior Deaconess Han had surgery on Friday, and Assistant Pastor Bae, and you come out on Wednesday. I hope you stake your life and come out on Fridays.  There is nothing more we have to do other than to stake our lives in worship and to save lives.  If we keep arguing about our age, then God says, “Fine, I’ll treat you according to your age.” You stake your life on God and go all in, spiritually. That is the time schedule now.  

There are also young adults in the field who are contemplating suicide, so the field is so desperate for the gospel. People say they want to die, and it’s unimaginable but that’s what the field is. They say they want to die but they can’t because of their mothers, and our prayers have to go there. That is the current field of America.

Concentrate in Early Morning Prayer, so let us pray for the field within our church.  Because we’ve had coronavirus for more than a year, we’re seeing mental illness arise everywhere, and when we lose hold of worship, the spiritual problems that were quiet within us will make a fuss and arise. We’re supposed to be able to concentrate through the video but the environment isn’t conducive, so these problems are arising everywhere.  But it’s through your prayers that transcend time and space that God works.  That is your mission; there’s no need to go far, so that’s why we should pray for the church, because once these people are healed and saved, the doors of evangelism will open again.

There are new believers as well, they’re already seized by their spiritual background, so if you don’t keep doing this for them, they are going to revert.  Knowing that, we must continuously relay this to them so they are rooted down in that without reverting back.  If they don’t know the spiritual things, you’re going to ask, “Do I have to keep telling them the same things over and over again?” But if you do know the spiritual background, then it’s not that you’re saying the same things over again; there’s nothing else to talk about. Let us pray together.  

If you’re able to pray at this time, then God is going to send angels all over the world because your prayer is a blessing that breaks down Satan and the forces of darkness.  Jesus says, “My house is a house of prayer.” Why do we have to come to the church to pray even though we can pray at home? Because “My house is a house of prayer.” This church must gather the strength to save the 50 states of America and the world.  It’s important for you to pray on your own, however, you need to be able to gather together and gather the strength to pray for important things.  You have to understand what these words mean to understand what the Church is.  Let us pray at this time for Temple Construction, this region, and the 50 states.  Without a doubt, the disciples are prepared and without a doubt, these are people who will be raised through your prayers. Let us pray.  

Let us pray for the missions fields connected to the church. 


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